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Anaretic Degree

Powstanie Pogańskie

Active member
Jun 30, 2018
Hello, all. I was wondering if anyone has any information regarding anaretic degrees - the 29-0 degree in a sign. I've encountered conflicting information about it supposedly being weaker, being stronger, blending in traits from the next sign over, being prominent in some way, and so on. I know from Azazel's Astrology that it can be indicative of endings in predictive astrology, but am nevertheless still curious about it. I imagine that, much like you do in other situations, one needs to blend the traits of the planet and sign together to get a complete picture.

For the sake of using an example should that make it easier to explain, here's a chart where Mercury and Uranus form a very tight trine aspect with an orb of 0°07’. Both are on anaretic degrees and are strong in their home signs.


Many thanks in advance; hail Satan!
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.
Lydia said:
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.

That makes sense, thank you. So in the case of the above chart, Mercury and Uranus forming a nigh-exact trine on the 29th degrees of Gemini and Aquarius would emphasize Mercury and Uranus traits like particularly high intelligence, talent in communicating and scientific ability, skill with electronics and such?

As an addendum to that, does "Lilith" factor much into one's chart? I don't understand much about that, and noticed by coincidence that this particular chart has Lilith at 29 degrees Virgo.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Lydia said:
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.

That makes sense, thank you. So in the case of the above chart, Mercury and Uranus forming a nigh-exact trine on the 29th degrees of Gemini and Aquarius would emphasize Mercury and Uranus traits like particularly high intelligence, talent in communicating and scientific ability, skill with electronics and such?

As an addendum to that, does "Lilith" factor much into one's chart? I don't understand much about that, and noticed by coincidence that this particular chart has Lilith at 29 degrees Virgo.
Yes it would.

As for Lilith, tbh I have not had much time to look into it, I like to go by charts of people I personally know and how it factors into their lives/personalities and just haven't gotten around to looking into it. Perhaps someone else here has some input about it :)
Lydia said:
As for Lilith, tbh I have not had much time to look into it, I like to go by charts of people I personally know and how it factors into their lives/personalities and just haven't gotten around to looking into it. Perhaps someone else here has some input about it :)

A lot of what I do find about Lilith from outside sources of information tend to define it in terms of the xian view of who Lilith is, which I'm naturally inclined to dismiss. I get the vibe that its influence is minor similar to Chiron, but that's about as far as I've gotten so far. I try to follow a similar method for verifying information, which I've done with some success in regards to elements of synastry.

On that somewhat related note, would you be able to recommend books/sources that contain more info on synastry, particularly planets in a partner's Houses? I find myself fascinated by a dude with whom my chart ruler is conjunct his chart ruler, while he has both his Saturn and Jupiter in my 1st House. Another dude I came across, both of our Jupiters are in each other's 1st Houses, and said Jupiters also form relatively tight aspects to each other's Venuses. I've been on a big synastry kick for a solid minute as of late.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
A lot of what I do find about Lilith from outside sources of information tend to define it in terms of the xian view of who Lilith is, which I'm naturally inclined to dismiss. I get the vibe that its influence is minor similar to Chiron, but that's about as far as I've gotten so far. I try to follow a similar method for verifying information, which I've done with some success in regards to elements of synastry.

On that somewhat related note, would you be able to recommend books/sources that contain more info on synastry, particularly planets in a partner's Houses? I find myself fascinated by a dude with whom my chart ruler is conjunct his chart ruler, while he has both his Saturn and Jupiter in my 1st House. Another dude I came across, both of our Jupiters are in each other's 1st Houses, and said Jupiters also form relatively tight aspects to each other's Venuses. I've been on a big synastry kick for a solid minute as of late.
That's also why I dismissed anything I've read about Lilith. Sometimes you find gems online and in books about astrology, many times not.

As for synastry, I haven't found many resources. I go by email conversations I've had with other experienced SS astrologers, and years of comparing charts between people I know, seeing how things play out.

(I love you picture signature btw, final rtr printer go brrrr :lol:)
Lydia said:
That's also why I dismissed anything I've read about Lilith. Sometimes you find gems online and in books about astrology, many times not.

As for synastry, I haven't found many resources. I go by email conversations I've had with other experienced SS astrologers, and years of comparing charts between people I know, seeing how things play out.

(I love you picture signature btw, final rtr printer go brrrr :lol:)

That's definitely true; I still use this book that I bought awhile ago to try and supplement my astrology studying, but I have to be careful with what I glean from it. Not only is it the same book that states that the 4th House is the father and the 10th House is the mother, but I discovered recently that it gives outright wrong information regarding certain exaltations, like that Mercury is exalted in Virgo when it in fact rules it, and that Neptune is exalted in Leo/fall in Aquarius instead of Cancer/Capricorn. These are tidbits of information I wouldn't be able to really counter if it wasn't for Azazel's Astrology and my experiences reading other people's charts.

There's this blogspot here that I've used before for synastry info, and while I can't attest to its accuracy completely, I did find some information that accurately described my relations with people close to me. Personal experience has worked wonders in validating information that I otherwise can't verify.

Also, thank you, haha. :D I figured I'd hold onto it for as long as the meme still feels semi-relevant. I've found some contenders for a new sig once it feels time to change things up.
Lydia said:
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.

I have Mercury at 29 degrees.
slyscorpion said:
Lydia said:
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.

I have Mercury at 29 degrees.

Meanwhile my Mercury is at 0 degrees, and I definitely feel its influence in that manner. Fortuitously I don't have it in one of Mercury's unfavorable signs.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
slyscorpion said:
Lydia said:
In a natal chart, planets on 0 degrees are a pure expression of the energy of the planet in sign. Planets at 29 are a mastery of the energy of the planet, and indicates talent of something ruled by that planet.

Strong and prominent in some way, yes.

I have Mercury at 29 degrees.

Meanwhile my Mercury is at 0 degrees, and I definitely feel its influence in that manner. Fortuitously I don't have it in one of Mercury's unfavorable signs.

I don’t know I would have to think in my case what this might mean. I am pretty creative with writing and poetry people say but other than that not a lot. I don’t want to say what sign it’s in along with degree but it’s not in home or exalted but not really in a bad sign for it either I don’t think.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Lydia said:
That's also why I dismissed anything I've read about Lilith. Sometimes you find gems online and in books about astrology, many times not.

As for synastry, I haven't found many resources. I go by email conversations I've had with other experienced SS astrologers, and years of comparing charts between people I know, seeing how things play out.

(I love you picture signature btw, final rtr printer go brrrr :lol:)

That's definitely true; I still use this book that I bought awhile ago to try and supplement my astrology studying, but I have to be careful with what I glean from it. Not only is it the same book that states that the 4th House is the father and the 10th House is the mother, but I discovered recently that it gives outright wrong information regarding certain exaltations, like that Mercury is exalted in Virgo when it in fact rules it, and that Neptune is exalted in Leo/fall in Aquarius instead of Cancer/Capricorn. These are tidbits of information I wouldn't be able to really counter if it wasn't for Azazel's Astrology and my experiences reading other people's charts.

There's this blogspot here that I've used before for synastry info, and while I can't attest to its accuracy completely, I did find some information that accurately described my relations with people close to me. Personal experience has worked wonders in validating information that I otherwise can't verify.

Also, thank you, haha. :D I figured I'd hold onto it for as long as the meme still feels semi-relevant. I've found some contenders for a new sig once it feels time to change things up.

Lilith I believe definitely relates with the Moon in some way for 2 reasons. One that its calculated by the Moon if I remember right, and two because the lexis I see around it all of the time relates to Cancerian or Lunar kind of an understanding, it's of the female essence of the soul for sure. The Moon is most significant in the emotions, whereas Neptune and Pluto are weird and extreme, so I would follow down that as a line of trying to understand what it means. Like the Moon it could be 'clingy' and indicate ties into things as well.

I've heard it said here before about the late degrees having some crossover into the following sign, but the early degrees do not have any influence of the previous sign. Regarding the 'purity' and 'immastery" of early degrees which I have seen, it would make sense that the late degrees could cross over and blend with other influences.

I think that Mercury and Uranus aspect is a very nice aspect to have. Mercury is in the 3rd decan of Gemini which is of Uranus/Aquarius (Mercury's exalted tone) and Uranus is in the 3rd decan of Aquarius which is of Venus/Libra and relates to Satan's waterbearer mythology and his planets of Venus and Uranus. It involves all the Air tones when looking at the decans. Both planets but particularly Mercury I think function well in later degrees because they are not emotional planets which would benefit from pure expression. They are material and deferential, so they benefit from the quality of further detachment by a late degree. I have seen early Mercury people in Aquarius and so on concerned with the most phatic of things and tending to ill discipline and forgetfulness.
13th_Wolf said:
Lilith I believe definitely relates with the Moon in some way for 2 reasons. One that its calculated by the Moon if I remember right, and two because the lexis I see around it all of the time relates to Cancerian or Lunar kind of an understanding, it's of the female essence of the soul for sure. The Moon is most significant in the emotions, whereas Neptune and Pluto are weird and extreme, so I would follow down that as a line of trying to understand what it means. Like the Moon it could be 'clingy' and indicate ties into things as well.

I do believe it's indeed calculated from the Moon, and then there's the fact that one of Lilith's domains as a Goddess is women, which the Moon also rules. I just don't know exactly what its purpose as an astrological point is and how significant a role it plays in a person's chart. It's likely something that I'll end up asking one of the astrology-teaching Gods directly since most information out there comes from outside sources, thus lessening the reliability of such information.

I've heard it said here before about the late degrees having some crossover into the following sign, but the early degrees do not have any influence of the previous sign. Regarding the 'purity' and 'immastery" of early degrees which I have seen, it would make sense that the late degrees could cross over and blend with other influences.

That's something that would puzzle me, though; what would make it so that late degrees could blend in traits from the following sign, but not early degrees with the preceding sign?

I think that Mercury and Uranus aspect is a very nice aspect to have. Mercury is in the 3rd decan of Gemini which is of Uranus/Aquarius (Mercury's exalted tone) and Uranus is in the 3rd decan of Aquarius which is of Venus/Libra and relates to Satan's waterbearer mythology and his planets of Venus and Uranus. It involves all the Air tones when looking at the decans. Both planets but particularly Mercury I think function well in later degrees because they are not emotional planets which would benefit from pure expression. They are material and deferential, so they benefit from the quality of further detachment by a late degree. I have seen early Mercury people in Aquarius and so on concerned with the most phatic of things and tending to ill discipline and forgetfulness.

Mercury-Uranus aspects are arguably my favorite; I found this particular chart by using an ephemeris. This one stood out by virtue of Mercury and Uranus being in their home signs, on the anaretic degree, forming an exact trine, and Mercury is in its natural house. Uranus is off by being in the 12th, but at least in this chart, Aquarius natally rules the 12th. Then there's boons like chart ruler Mars strong in Aries and in the 1st House - off-setting Saturn in Aries - Venus strong in Taurus albeit forming a slight conjunction with Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the 5th House, indicating creative and artistic ability - and Jupiter is on the 12th degree of Leo at that, which is ostensibly a degree of beauty. I'm unfamiliar still with decans so I can't chime in on that subject, but by and large this chart fascinates the hell out of me.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
That's something that would puzzle me, though; what would make it so that late degrees could blend in traits from the following sign, but not early degrees with the preceding sign?

Following Lydia's wording and understanding that the early degrees are "pure" and that the later degrees are "masterful" would imply the later degrees are "impure" and open to diluting influences of other sign's energies. The closest other sign is the sign following on from it, so I guess that would be the first diluting influence to bear in mind lol. The second would be the nature of the 3rd decan, so in the case of our Mercury 29' Gemini guy here, his Mercury would be of a Cancer influence and relate to the full description of that sign in some way; also relating to the understanding of the description of Mercury in Aquarius as the 3rd decan of Gemini (20'-30' here 29') is the Aquarius decan so this would be a primary rule for any diluting influence on the later degree planets. The 3rd decan and the following sign.

Other diluting influences would be fixed stars over the planets which are a diluting influence in themselves even if they are in the 1st decan. Your guy has Polaris over Mercury on top of his brainsy trine, which is a serious indicator there. Polaris according to https://astrologyking.com/fixed-stars/ adds a Saturnian and Venusian influence to his Mercury which incorporates alternate energetic understandings making his Mercury adhere to the JoS description of Mercury in Capricorn and Mercury in Libra/Taurus respectively in some metaphysical way.
The only case of a fixed star that doesn't detract from the nature of the sign its in one bit is Mirach, in 0' Taurus which has a Taurus type Venusian influence anyway reinforcing Taurus indications and description. When it moves out of Taurus in far far away times, it will likely become a diluting fixed star unless the star itself changes in someway which is likely.
13th_Wolf said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
That's something that would puzzle me, though; what would make it so that late degrees could blend in traits from the following sign, but not early degrees with the preceding sign?

Following Lydia's wording and understanding that the early degrees are "pure" and that the later degrees are "masterful" would imply the later degrees are "impure" and open to diluting influences of other sign's energies. The closest other sign is the sign following on from it, so I guess that would be the first diluting influence to bear in mind lol. The second would be the nature of the 3rd decan, so in the case of our Mercury 29' Gemini guy here, his Mercury would be of a Cancer influence and relate to the full description of that sign in some way; also relating to the understanding of the description of Mercury in Aquarius as the 3rd decan of Gemini (20'-30' here 29') is the Aquarius decan so this would be a primary rule for any diluting influence on the later degree planets. The 3rd decan and the following sign.

Do you have some resources available about decans? I'm still pretty unfamiliar with those and am uncertain as to how they function exactly. Consequently, when I read the term "masterful," that gives me the impression that the planet's traits in that sign are particularly pronounced, which is why the blending of influences from the following sign puzzles me. My novice ass would look at a Mercury placed 29 degrees into Gemini and get the immediate impression that Mercury-in-Gemini traits are more prominent in that individual's personality.

A positive takeaway from that, though, would be a lending of some Water influence to a chart that is otherwise bereft of Water. The only other sources of Watery influence would be the Moon in a House ruled by a Water sign, and Uranus on the 29th degree of Aquarius and in the 12th House.

Other diluting influences would be fixed stars over the planets which are a diluting influence in themselves even if they are in the 1st decan. Your guy has Polaris over Mercury on top of his brainsy trine, which is a serious indicator there. Polaris according to https://astrologyking.com/fixed-stars/ adds a Saturnian and Venusian influence to his Mercury which incorporates alternate energetic understandings making his Mercury adhere to the JoS description of Mercury in Capricorn and Mercury in Libra/Taurus respectively in some metaphysical way.
The only case of a fixed star that doesn't detract from the nature of the sign its in one bit is Mirach, in 0' Taurus which has a Taurus type Venusian influence anyway reinforcing Taurus indications and description. When it moves out of Taurus in far far away times, it will likely become a diluting fixed star unless the star itself changes in someway which is likely.

That's interesting to consider, though I could see it being difficult trying to pinpoint the Saturnian/Venusian influences bestowed specifically by Polaris on this individual's Mercury; not only because this chart is from 2086 so we'd have to wait over half a century to encounter someone with this natal chart, but also because this fellow's Mercury is sextile both Saturn and Venus as a result of their mild conjunction - a rather unfortunate aspect in my mind, but at least it's a rather distant conjunction and hampered by Saturn being weak in Aries and Venus being happy in Taurus.

Just for the fuck of it, I went and got a more detailed version of the chart for viewing:

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
13th_Wolf said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
That's something that would puzzle me, though; what would make it so that late degrees could blend in traits from the following sign, but not early degrees with the preceding sign?

Following Lydia's wording and understanding that the early degrees are "pure" and that the later degrees are "masterful" would imply the later degrees are "impure" and open to diluting influences of other sign's energies. The closest other sign is the sign following on from it, so I guess that would be the first diluting influence to bear in mind lol. The second would be the nature of the 3rd decan, so in the case of our Mercury 29' Gemini guy here, his Mercury would be of a Cancer influence and relate to the full description of that sign in some way; also relating to the understanding of the description of Mercury in Aquarius as the 3rd decan of Gemini (20'-30' here 29') is the Aquarius decan so this would be a primary rule for any diluting influence on the later degree planets. The 3rd decan and the following sign.

Do you have some resources available about decans? I'm still pretty unfamiliar with those and am uncertain as to how they function exactly. Consequently, when I read the term "masterful," that gives me the impression that the planet's traits in that sign are particularly pronounced, which is why the blending of influences from the following sign puzzles me. My novice ass would look at a Mercury placed 29 degrees into Gemini and get the immediate impression that Mercury-in-Gemini traits are more prominent in that individual's personality.

A positive takeaway from that, though, would be a lending of some Water influence to a chart that is otherwise bereft of Water. The only other sources of Watery influence would be the Moon in a House ruled by a Water sign, and Uranus on the 29th degree of Aquarius and in the 12th House.

Other diluting influences would be fixed stars over the planets which are a diluting influence in themselves even if they are in the 1st decan. Your guy has Polaris over Mercury on top of his brainsy trine, which is a serious indicator there. Polaris according to https://astrologyking.com/fixed-stars/ adds a Saturnian and Venusian influence to his Mercury which incorporates alternate energetic understandings making his Mercury adhere to the JoS description of Mercury in Capricorn and Mercury in Libra/Taurus respectively in some metaphysical way.
The only case of a fixed star that doesn't detract from the nature of the sign its in one bit is Mirach, in 0' Taurus which has a Taurus type Venusian influence anyway reinforcing Taurus indications and description. When it moves out of Taurus in far far away times, it will likely become a diluting fixed star unless the star itself changes in someway which is likely.

That's interesting to consider, though I could see it being difficult trying to pinpoint the Saturnian/Venusian influences bestowed specifically by Polaris on this individual's Mercury; not only because this chart is from 2086 so we'd have to wait over half a century to encounter someone with this natal chart, but also because this fellow's Mercury is sextile both Saturn and Venus as a result of their mild conjunction - a rather unfortunate aspect in my mind, but at least it's a rather distant conjunction and hampered by Saturn being weak in Aries and Venus being happy in Taurus.

Just for the fuck of it, I went and got a more detailed version of the chart for viewing:


I don't have any resources, or any of my own just yet- lol. How I learnt the decan system was from Aldrick's videos on it years ago where he ran through that if you take a cardinal sign for example like Aries, you have to go through its other elemental signs in the order of: Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable So the second decan of Aries would be the Leo decan (the Sun) as the second, and the third decan of Aries would be the Jupiter decan. The first decan of Aries is Cardinal as Aries is cardinal, the second decan is fixed and the third decan is mutable of the fire signs, which is Leo then Sagittarius.

When you are in a mutable sign for example, you would follow the pattern Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable, therefore the second decan of Gemini (Mutable sign) is a Cardinal decan, Venus in Gemini's case.
It loops back round but always follows that pattern, take a sign and note the 2 other signs of its element, and follow the pattern of Cardinal - Fixed - Mutable, when you do this and meditate on the knowledge, you'll notice there's a much deeper and esoteric meaning in all of the signs and that the different spectrums/decans of them inflect upon planets in different ways. I figure Numerology is a big part of Astrology which I realised from following this pattern.

Taurus = fixed

1st decan of Taurus = fixed decan which is Venus

2nd decan of Taurus = mutable decan which is Mercury (Virgo)

3rd decan of Taurus = cardinal decan which is Saturn (Capricorn)

In following this pattern with the other signs I discovered that there could be points of extra "Tertiary" detriment and also points of extra "Tertiary" home and exaltation. Its a science of subtleties.
The example you have here of Mercury in the 3rd Decan of Gemini is one position for Mercury where following such a rule, Mercury is in an incredibly strong position (on top of being involved with Uranus itself, in your guys case) where Mercury is also exalted by the Aquarius Decan. Mercury in its home sign Gemini is also incredibly strong, therefore, if its in the Aquarius decan of Gemini, surely it would be even more benefic from this.
The other best spot for Mercury following the rule would be the 2nd Decan of Aquarius, which is the Gemini decan in Aquarius' case

(following the rule: Aquarius= fixed therefore 1st decan= fixed , 2nd decan = mutable which is Gemini)

Another example is the Sun, which has "Tertiary" exaltation spots in the 2nd decan of Aries and the 3rd Decan of its own sign, Leo. If you look at the planetary rulerships in Azazel's astrology, the Sun is exalted in Aries. If the Sun is in its home sign of Leo in the Aries Decan, this should be indicative of something benefic?

In my own experience people with the Sun and so forth in the 3rd decan of signs but particularly Leo, seem to be people who inherited wealth off their family in some way like their father. 29 degrees of Leo is the fixed star Regulus, which is what the king of France during the French Revolution had over his Sun. Another example is Kurt Cobain's daughter who has her Sun in this decan, who inherited a lot of wealth but no one really knows about her, she is not in the limelight unless something gets mentioned about her father (which is similar to the king of France's situation, he was just sort of ignored during the revolution which was mainly about what his other family members before him caused and were involved with)

The Sun is supposed to be strong and expressive, definitely a planet which benefits from purity- early degrees. But its own third decan which has this tertiary effect of granting people born with it Solar fortunes, it also seems to make these people live under the shadow of their parental figures in some way, and tend to being out of the way. The Sun is very strange in this spot. For the 2nd decan of Aries it would appear to function better there, you have people like Marlon Brando who was one of the greatest known actors in the world, he had his Sun 14' of Aries. The reason I think Mercury is good in the 3rd decan of this diluted type of strangeness that it seems to have in these signs, is why I think that the Sun works in the 1st decan whereas Mercury is overstimulated by the 1st decan. Mercury can work with the details, not the purity of things, its a Mutable planet which means its "weak" in the sense it focuses on details, not total, "pure" stuff. Planets of Cardinal signs for that reason, make more sense they are benefited when in an earlier degree.

According to this whole idea above, Saturn in the 3rd Decan of Aquarius should be pretty bad or interesting/weird, and Saturn in the 2nd decan of Libra should be pretty fucked too. I wanna see if you can figure out why, lol. There's one other exalted planet decan combination aside of Mercury's, Sun's and Saturn's which I'll be impressed if you realise ;)

In regards to your wondering about the Saturnian/Venusian influence over Mercury here, I wrote in response to Shael's post why a Mercury/Venus/Saturn stellium in the person in question is a benefic and naturalised type of a stellium:


I think Saturn and Venus work well together, considering that both planets are dual rulers (Well Saturn has a co-ruled sign not dual but ygm) of both Earth and Air signs. Mercury is also the exact same, hence why I think these planets work well together. In a fire sign that type of a stellium would be really odd, and in the case of your guy here the connection these three planets make comes from signs where they work, whereas Saturn is causing problems from being in the Jupiter Decan of Aries where it's probably confused. As opposed to say if his Saturn was in 29' of Capricorn inconjunct his stuff, and naturalised, which would ground his intuition from Mercury/Uranus into reality properly. The 3rd degree of Capricorn is the Virgo decan (which is Mercury) which in of itself, would indicate a benefic quality for intelligence if combined with Mercury/Uranus in this arrangement. Saturn in the 29' loses its purity as a Cardinal malefic planet which means although this person wouldn't suffer as much as it being all random in Aries, they would have to watch out for becoming too comfortable or underestimating things in any way. Saturn in Aries affecting the Trine, does this but its more confusing than naturalising. Either way Saturn aside of the sign its in, works when involved with Venus and Mercury if the person has a strong enough willpower to overcome this Aries Saturn, it can always be beneficial by rooting their Mercury's intellect into reality. The problem with something like Mercury/Jupiter aspects is that it creates know-it-alls like me lol, whereas Mercury/Saturn binds Mercury to reality which means their intelligence is earned through experience which is way stronger for the Mind imo. Venus/Jupiter is also malefic in that it influences people to materialism and lack of fidelity in relationships, troubles with finances from gambling, overestimation and whatnot unless it is sublimated. Saturn/Venus instead influences one to control over their material, Earth spheres and they take all relationships and friendships more seriously which is how it should be in certain cases. Venus and Mercury are Air and Earth intertwined. When you put them with something like Mars or Jupiter, or Gods forbid it, Neptune, Mercury becomes all emotional which detracts from its function of being the detached planet of non emotion. Mercury belongs in the later decans and stuff like Mars or the Moon belongs in the earlier decans if the chart is a "naturalised energy" type of chart.

P.S you're not a novice, you're humility. You shouldn't underestimate yourself, I'm a know-it-all ass that doesn't work as hard as I should lol. You may well lap me entirely in Astrology :geek:
13th_Wolf said:
I don't have any resources, or any of my own just yet- lol. How I learnt the decan system was from Aldrick's videos on it years ago where he ran through that if you take a cardinal sign for example like Aries, you have to go through its other elemental signs in the order of: Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable So the second decan of Aries would be the Leo decan (the Sun) as the second, and the third decan of Aries would be the Jupiter decan. The first decan of Aries is Cardinal as Aries is cardinal, the second decan is fixed and the third decan is mutable of the fire signs, which is Leo then Sagittarius.

Good ol' Aldrick; it's a shame those videos got taken down if I recall correctly, I would've liked to see them. Gonna ping Aldrick in the event he still has those videos up somewhere.

Aldrick said:

The Sun is supposed to be strong and expressive, definitely a planet which benefits from purity- early degrees. But its own third decan which has this tertiary effect of granting people born with it Solar fortunes, it also seems to make these people live under the shadow of their parental figures in some way, and tend to being out of the way. The Sun is very strange in this spot. For the 2nd decan of Aries it would appear to function better there, you have people like Marlon Brando who was one of the greatest known actors in the world, he had his Sun 14' of Aries. The reason I think Mercury is good in the 3rd decan of this diluted type of strangeness that it seems to have in these signs, is why I think that the Sun works in the 1st decan whereas Mercury is overstimulated by the 1st decan. Mercury can work with the details, not the purity of things, its a Mutable planet which means its "weak" in the sense it focuses on details, not total, "pure" stuff. Planets of Cardinal signs for that reason, make more sense they are benefited when in an earlier degree.

I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps if it's indeed true that later degrees can blend in traits from the following sign, then the 3rd decan of Leo is getting some Virgo influence - a sign which doesn't really crave limelight and tends to work better behind the scenes. In Marlon Brando's case, in addition to having a strong sign-decan combination, it looks like his Sun was tightly conjunct a prominent star:

ALPHERATZ - [Sirrah] [14 Degrees Aries]
Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honors. The personality often has strong motivation, willfulness and the ability to take action. Those with this placement often come before the public and are popular with the masses. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships.

Definitely a favorable spot for the Sun, all things considered.

According to this whole idea above, Saturn in the 3rd Decan of Aquarius should be pretty bad or interesting/weird, and Saturn in the 2nd decan of Libra should be pretty fucked too. I wanna see if you can figure out why, lol.

Based on the decan pattern that's been established, it's looking like the 3rd decan of Saturn-co-ruled Aquarius corresponds with Saturn's exalted sign of Libra, whereas, in turn, the Saturn-exalted sign of Libra's 2nd decan corresponds to Aquarius, thus Saturn itself is all around happy to be in those two specific decans in these signs - even if the person who has such a placement might not care for it.

There's one other exalted planet decan combination aside of Mercury's, Sun's and Saturn's which I'll be impressed if you realise ;)

I put on my big brain cap for this one, and I'm gonna take a stab at it and say it's Jupiter and Neptune in the 2nd decan of Pisces, and by extension, the 3rd decan of Cancer. With Neptune and Jupiter ruling and co-ruling Pisces respectively, and both planets being exalted in Cancer, they'd enjoy being in the 2nd decan of mutable Pisces (Mutable-Cardinal-Fixed) as it corresponds to cardinal Cancer. Then there's Cancer, where the 3rd decan will correspond to the mutable sign of that particular element - in this case, Pisces.

For the briefest of moments, my mind fluttered over to my beloved Mars, but I quickly realized that with Mars' ruling, co-ruling and exalted signs all being in different elements, that this wouldn't work.

I'm still wrapping my head around how exactly the decans influence a planet when it comes to our charts, but this is certainly putting things into focus, especially since my watery Venus is in a Scorpio decan - that accounts for so damn much.

In regards to your wondering about the Saturnian/Venusian influence over Mercury here, I wrote in response to Shael's post why a Mercury/Venus/Saturn stellium in the person in question is a benefic and naturalised type of a stellium:


I think Saturn and Venus work well together, considering that both planets are dual rulers (Well Saturn has a co-ruled sign not dual but ygm) of both Earth and Air signs. Mercury is also the exact same, hence why I think these planets work well together. In a fire sign that type of a stellium would be really odd, and in the case of your guy here the connection these three planets make comes from signs where they work, whereas Saturn is causing problems from being in the Jupiter Decan of Aries where it's probably confused. As opposed to say if his Saturn was in 29' of Capricorn inconjunct his stuff, and naturalised, which would ground his intuition from Mercury/Uranus into reality properly.

It could possibly be a better position though than the 1st decan, since then Saturn is weakened in Aries and in the Aries decan, as opposed to being in the Sagittarius decan where Saturn just feels aight. Plus there's that potential influence from Taurus, which I've read on other sites isn't necessarily the worst sign for Saturn itself to sit in since it's an Earth sign. Plus, for me, even though cardinal signs are different from fixed and mutable signs, I get this vibe from Capricorn that it's more "fixed-ey" in nature compared to the traits of the other signs.

At the same time, though, this could be bias on the part of my own chart as my Jupiter is not only in Capricorn, but forms a fairly tight aspect to my co-ruling Saturn, so those two planets are already doing a bit of a dance together on my end.

The 3rd degree of Capricorn is the Virgo decan (which is Mercury) which in of itself, would indicate a benefic quality for intelligence if combined with Mercury/Uranus in this arrangement. Saturn in the 29' loses its purity as a Cardinal malefic planet which means although this person wouldn't suffer as much as it being all random in Aries, they would have to watch out for becoming too comfortable or underestimating things in any way. Saturn in Aries affecting the Trine, does this but its more confusing than naturalising. Either way Saturn aside of the sign its in, works when involved with Venus and Mercury if the person has a strong enough willpower to overcome this Aries Saturn, it can always be beneficial by rooting their Mercury's intellect into reality. The problem with something like Mercury/Jupiter aspects is that it creates know-it-alls like me lol, whereas Mercury/Saturn binds Mercury to reality which means their intelligence is earned through experience which is way stronger for the Mind imo. Venus/Jupiter is also malefic in that it influences people to materialism and lack of fidelity in relationships, troubles with finances from gambling, overestimation and whatnot unless it is sublimated. Saturn/Venus instead influences one to control over their material, Earth spheres and they take all relationships and friendships more seriously which is how it should be in certain cases. Venus and Mercury are Air and Earth intertwined. When you put them with something like Mars or Jupiter, or Gods forbid it, Neptune, Mercury becomes all emotional which detracts from its function of being the detached planet of non emotion. Mercury belongs in the later decans and stuff like Mars or the Moon belongs in the earlier decans if the chart is a "naturalised energy" type of chart.

Funnily enough, by virtue of my Jupiter and Saturn forming a tight aspect, both of these planets also form an aspect to my Mercury, albeit not as strong. I feel like the traits of Mercury/Saturn are more pronounced in my personality, but elements of both of these aspects are there. Simultaneously, an aspect is formed between my Mercury and my damnably prominent Neptune; sublimation is my only course of action for dealing with that planet's bullshit and how it manifests within me.

Another thing I consider a lot is how a chart can influence synastry, so even though Venus/Jupiter does have that potentially malefic effect, there is the plus that a tight, Venus/Jupiter aspect makes it more likely that a person will form aspects to one's Venus and Jupiter alike. I have a friend whose Venus and Saturn form an exact opposition, and whilst they've had a great many partners, it has invariably not worked out thus far. Their current relationship has lasted the longest - and much to their detriment and my chagrin, I strongly believe this current person to be Jewish. Bums me out.

P.S you're not a novice, you're humility. You shouldn't underestimate yourself, I'm a know-it-all ass that doesn't work as hard as I should lol. You may well lap me entirely in Astrology :geek:

Thank you, friend.~ Though I'd be hard-pressed to claim that I lap you in astrology, I think the depth of your posts proves that well enough. Similarly, I don't work as hard as I should and I beat myself up for it routinely. This has had a positive effect in getting me off my ass to actually do shit, but it also comes with the tendency to sell myself short. I hold myself to obscenely high standards that I don't really hold others to, and in truth I feel rather comfortable with these standards; I just need to learn not to put myself down when I fail to personally resolve all of the world's issues without a single error and no help whatsoever. It's likely not much surprise that I have a particularly prominent, co-ruling, retrograde Saturn.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
13th_Wolf said:
I don't have any resources, or any of my own just yet- lol. How I learnt the decan system was from Aldrick's videos on it years ago where he ran through that if you take a cardinal sign for example like Aries, you have to go through its other elemental signs in the order of: Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable So the second decan of Aries would be the Leo decan (the Sun) as the second, and the third decan of Aries would be the Jupiter decan. The first decan of Aries is Cardinal as Aries is cardinal, the second decan is fixed and the third decan is mutable of the fire signs, which is Leo then Sagittarius.

Good ol' Aldrick; it's a shame those videos got taken down if I recall correctly, I would've liked to see them. Gonna ping Aldrick in the event he still has those videos up somewhere.

Aldrick said:

The Sun is supposed to be strong and expressive, definitely a planet which benefits from purity- early degrees. But its own third decan which has this tertiary effect of granting people born with it Solar fortunes, it also seems to make these people live under the shadow of their parental figures in some way, and tend to being out of the way. The Sun is very strange in this spot. For the 2nd decan of Aries it would appear to function better there, you have people like Marlon Brando who was one of the greatest known actors in the world, he had his Sun 14' of Aries. The reason I think Mercury is good in the 3rd decan of this diluted type of strangeness that it seems to have in these signs, is why I think that the Sun works in the 1st decan whereas Mercury is overstimulated by the 1st decan. Mercury can work with the details, not the purity of things, its a Mutable planet which means its "weak" in the sense it focuses on details, not total, "pure" stuff. Planets of Cardinal signs for that reason, make more sense they are benefited when in an earlier degree.

I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps if it's indeed true that later degrees can blend in traits from the following sign, then the 3rd decan of Leo is getting some Virgo influence - a sign which doesn't really crave limelight and tends to work better behind the scenes. In Marlon Brando's case, in addition to having a strong sign-decan combination, it looks like his Sun was tightly conjunct a prominent star:

ALPHERATZ - [Sirrah] [14 Degrees Aries]
Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honors. The personality often has strong motivation, willfulness and the ability to take action. Those with this placement often come before the public and are popular with the masses. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships.

Definitely a favorable spot for the Sun, all things considered.

According to this whole idea above, Saturn in the 3rd Decan of Aquarius should be pretty bad or interesting/weird, and Saturn in the 2nd decan of Libra should be pretty fucked too. I wanna see if you can figure out why, lol.

Based on the decan pattern that's been established, it's looking like the 3rd decan of Saturn-co-ruled Aquarius corresponds with Saturn's exalted sign of Libra, whereas, in turn, the Saturn-exalted sign of Libra's 2nd decan corresponds to Aquarius, thus Saturn itself is all around happy to be in those two specific decans in these signs - even if the person who has such a placement might not care for it.

There's one other exalted planet decan combination aside of Mercury's, Sun's and Saturn's which I'll be impressed if you realise ;)

I put on my big brain cap for this one, and I'm gonna take a stab at it and say it's Jupiter and Neptune in the 2nd decan of Pisces, and by extension, the 3rd decan of Cancer. With Neptune and Jupiter ruling and co-ruling Pisces respectively, and both planets being exalted in Cancer, they'd enjoy being in the 2nd decan of mutable Pisces (Mutable-Cardinal-Fixed) as it corresponds to cardinal Cancer. Then there's Cancer, where the 3rd decan will correspond to the mutable sign of that particular element - in this case, Pisces.

For the briefest of moments, my mind fluttered over to my beloved Mars, but I quickly realized that with Mars' ruling, co-ruling and exalted signs all being in different elements, that this wouldn't work.

I'm still wrapping my head around how exactly the decans influence a planet when it comes to our charts, but this is certainly putting things into focus, especially since my watery Venus is in a Scorpio decan - that accounts for so damn much.

In regards to your wondering about the Saturnian/Venusian influence over Mercury here, I wrote in response to Shael's post why a Mercury/Venus/Saturn stellium in the person in question is a benefic and naturalised type of a stellium:


I think Saturn and Venus work well together, considering that both planets are dual rulers (Well Saturn has a co-ruled sign not dual but ygm) of both Earth and Air signs. Mercury is also the exact same, hence why I think these planets work well together. In a fire sign that type of a stellium would be really odd, and in the case of your guy here the connection these three planets make comes from signs where they work, whereas Saturn is causing problems from being in the Jupiter Decan of Aries where it's probably confused. As opposed to say if his Saturn was in 29' of Capricorn inconjunct his stuff, and naturalised, which would ground his intuition from Mercury/Uranus into reality properly.

It could possibly be a better position though than the 1st decan, since then Saturn is weakened in Aries and in the Aries decan, as opposed to being in the Sagittarius decan where Saturn just feels aight. Plus there's that potential influence from Taurus, which I've read on other sites isn't necessarily the worst sign for Saturn itself to sit in since it's an Earth sign. Plus, for me, even though cardinal signs are different from fixed and mutable signs, I get this vibe from Capricorn that it's more "fixed-ey" in nature compared to the traits of the other signs.

At the same time, though, this could be bias on the part of my own chart as my Jupiter is not only in Capricorn, but forms a fairly tight aspect to my co-ruling Saturn, so those two planets are already doing a bit of a dance together on my end.

The 3rd degree of Capricorn is the Virgo decan (which is Mercury) which in of itself, would indicate a benefic quality for intelligence if combined with Mercury/Uranus in this arrangement. Saturn in the 29' loses its purity as a Cardinal malefic planet which means although this person wouldn't suffer as much as it being all random in Aries, they would have to watch out for becoming too comfortable or underestimating things in any way. Saturn in Aries affecting the Trine, does this but its more confusing than naturalising. Either way Saturn aside of the sign its in, works when involved with Venus and Mercury if the person has a strong enough willpower to overcome this Aries Saturn, it can always be beneficial by rooting their Mercury's intellect into reality. The problem with something like Mercury/Jupiter aspects is that it creates know-it-alls like me lol, whereas Mercury/Saturn binds Mercury to reality which means their intelligence is earned through experience which is way stronger for the Mind imo. Venus/Jupiter is also malefic in that it influences people to materialism and lack of fidelity in relationships, troubles with finances from gambling, overestimation and whatnot unless it is sublimated. Saturn/Venus instead influences one to control over their material, Earth spheres and they take all relationships and friendships more seriously which is how it should be in certain cases. Venus and Mercury are Air and Earth intertwined. When you put them with something like Mars or Jupiter, or Gods forbid it, Neptune, Mercury becomes all emotional which detracts from its function of being the detached planet of non emotion. Mercury belongs in the later decans and stuff like Mars or the Moon belongs in the earlier decans if the chart is a "naturalised energy" type of chart.

Funnily enough, by virtue of my Jupiter and Saturn forming a tight aspect, both of these planets also form an aspect to my Mercury, albeit not as strong. I feel like the traits of Mercury/Saturn are more pronounced in my personality, but elements of both of these aspects are there. Simultaneously, an aspect is formed between my Mercury and my damnably prominent Neptune; sublimation is my only course of action for dealing with that planet's bullshit and how it manifests within me.

Another thing I consider a lot is how a chart can influence synastry, so even though Venus/Jupiter does have that potentially malefic effect, there is the plus that a tight, Venus/Jupiter aspect makes it more likely that a person will form aspects to one's Venus and Jupiter alike. I have a friend whose Venus and Saturn form an exact opposition, and whilst they've had a great many partners, it has invariably not worked out thus far. Their current relationship has lasted the longest - and much to their detriment and my chagrin, I strongly believe this current person to be Jewish. Bums me out.

P.S you're not a novice, you're humility. You shouldn't underestimate yourself, I'm a know-it-all ass that doesn't work as hard as I should lol. You may well lap me entirely in Astrology :geek:

Thank you, friend.~ Though I'd be hard-pressed to claim that I lap you in astrology, I think the depth of your posts proves that well enough. Similarly, I don't work as hard as I should and I beat myself up for it routinely. This has had a positive effect in getting me off my ass to actually do shit, but it also comes with the tendency to sell myself short. I hold myself to obscenely high standards that I don't really hold others to, and in truth I feel rather comfortable with these standards; I just need to learn not to put myself down when I fail to personally resolve all of the world's issues without a single error and no help whatsoever. It's likely not much surprise that I have a particularly prominent, co-ruling, retrograde Saturn.

Someone sent me the vids, but they had viruses on them. So I didnt download them onto my computer. I want to just make new ones, but I cant get set up in a spot with privacy.
Aldrick said:
Someone sent me the vids, but they had viruses on them. So I didnt download them onto my computer. I want to just make new ones, but I cant get set up in a spot with privacy.

Boo. I'm sure this goes without saying, but you should definitely announce these new videos on the forums when you're able to make them; SS videos are a nice reprieve from YouTube's usual bullshit.

Did you actually speak in the videos? I have a distinct memory of a male voice discussing JoS meditations or something related; I just figured at the time it was one of the clergy members but now I'm thinking it may have been one of your videos.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Aldrick said:
Someone sent me the vids, but they had viruses on them. So I didnt download them onto my computer. I want to just make new ones, but I cant get set up in a spot with privacy.

Boo. I'm sure this goes without saying, but you should definitely announce these new videos on the forums when you're able to make them; SS videos are a nice reprieve from YouTube's usual bullshit.

Did you actually speak in the videos? I have a distinct memory of a male voice discussing JoS meditations or something related; I just figured at the time it was one of the clergy members but now I'm thinking it may have been one of your videos.

Yes they were audios.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
