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An overview of the Dogons and Black awakening


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
The Dogon people are the last group within the black race to hold on to the Egyptian culture bestowed to us by our ancient and original gods. In analyzing this, we see the remains of a beautiful satanic culture based on understanding the soul, the gods and the world around us. Unfortunately a portion of the Dogon population practice Islam and Christianity, the filthy and destructive programs that are connected to the enemy agenda.

The Dogon cosmology and creation story, deities, language, symbolism, culture and civic inclinations are all similar to ancient Egypt. The priesthood also is connected.

As was mentioned before, Nommo in Dogon beliefs is the creator god associated with primordial waters.The name Nommo means water essentially. Nommo is similar to Nammu, another primordial "water" being representing the feminine and creatio in Sumerian lore. The primordial water theme is ever present in all gentile spiritual narratives, allegories and symbolism such as Oannes, Dagon and Mami Wata and other mermaid like beings. This is the Shakti force.

Curiously, the Dogon cosmology and symbolism ties in and is interconnected with scientific concept and astronomical occurrences as documented in many books and articles on these people. I recommend Laird Scranton's works.

Our Egyptian gods gave this knowledge to the gentile races and you can see this in deeper Africa with the Dogons, the Yoruba and in certain areas in South Africa. There was a Pyramidal structure found in South Africa aligned with the pyramid of Giza, as documented in the book " Temples of the African gods."

Its no wonder many black people feel connected to the Egyptian gods and Kemetic culture. I remember before coming to spiritual satanism, when I was deeply into general paganism, I chose to immerse myself in Egyptian mythology and then I started to feel attracted to that pantheon of gods and my overall spiritual self. Shortly after, I was directed to the JoyofSatan.

We can catapult the satanic movement by waking up the black race a much as we can about the truth of Christianity. The black race, like all races, are being used. You see this in the church and it is sickening that black people are feeding into the negative vortex of Jewish biblical curses and damnation. Observe how black people in the churches start to dance(blacks are highly expressive) and open up themselves to being taken advantage of spiritual--all while their psychic energies are being absorbed, and not to mention their money being milked from them. Im sure we've seen this too many times. And still, the black community is not improving. It never does.

As black satanists, we need to work diligently to awaken members of our race to this lie. Our RTR will help break the spell of Xianity thus making it easier for us to get our message through and wake up our people. I also know that our black brethren who are already partial to Kemetic culture, Hoodoo, Voodoo/Vodun, Orisha worship and the like, will also join our community and rank in the future as Satan and the gods have domain and influence over these.

Something that is very pressing is highlighting the difference between white gentiles and the Jewish enemy. Many times over, I note that this is one of the biggest problems. The Jewish enemy needs to be identified and singled out as the only threat to our race. Black people look at Jews and all they see is a white person. I encourage you all to study and learn how to identify and teach others these differences. The black race will be held behind if they do not understand this. The Jews, their propaganda and media control has drummed into our minds that the white race is the enemy of all non white races and will always work to enslave and hold us back.

Our black brethren are looking for answers. In order to help their minds and souls, we must bring them back to the beauty and sanctity of father Satan and restore order and balance.
Black people look at Jews and all they see is a white person

I've heard many times that "The White Man controls the world". Black people have completely bought into the Jewish narrative that jews are "white".
hierophant2411 said:
Black people look at Jews and all they see is a white person

I've heard many times that "The White Man controls the world". Black people have completely bought into the Jewish narrative that jews are "white".

Very correct. I will be putting together a little guide and compilation of scientific articles and such for all of us to study so that we are able to effectively teach and communicate on these differences. Its important for blacks to know who the enemy is, but not just from hearsay.
Most Blacks believes tht Jesus is white but Jesus is jew,most blacks believe tht th white man wrote th bible.In Zimbabwe every street corner u find a church and industries are turned into churches.We blacks we are a lot race in this world because of Christianity,Returning our true culture will bring black race again.Hail satan
Most Blacks believes tht Jesus is white but Jesus is jew,most blacks believe tht th white man wrote th bible.In Zimbabwe every street corner u find a church and industries are turned into churches.We blacks we are a lot race in this world because of Christianity,Returning our true culture will bring black race again.Hail satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
