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Words fail me here. Thank you Great One and thank you Commander for this.

Sungio13 said:
Meditating on a name can be done by vibrating it as you would with a mantra or rune. It's to be felt in your soul first and then introspection occurs afterwards. You can think over how the vibration feels to you, what thoughts come to your head. What is the meaning of your feelings coming from vibrating the name.

The same type of focus can be done on a number. You start by focusing only on the number, (you can visualize it too), and feel the energy that comes from 'breathing in' that specific number. And then again, introspection on what the energy itself can mean or represent.

The symbol also is both feeling and visualization. Example being Satan's sigil, not only can it be felt upon visualizing and 'breathing it in,' the shape of the sigil itself has meaning, with a major concept of his sigil representing the union of the masculine and feminine energy. So for symbols, the shape of it would also have to be considered as your breathing in its energy.

So overall, meditating on yourself means to totally tune in to how you "feel" after performing the ritual.

To help you further, work on the Energy Meditation:

Nero said:
TruthSeekerXX said:
At the end of the demon ritual it says to meditate on the sigil and receive the energy from them. I've done a ritual before, but I didn't know how to meditate on a sigil and receive the enrgies and when I tried, I didn't feel any.
How do you meditate on the sigils to receive energies? Is there a specific way? Do I have to wait longer?
Also what does it mean by meditating on myself? Does that mean void meditation?

Try to focus on the energy that's entering your body. If you don't feel anything, it's okay, over time you will start feeling something. Use your imagination in this case and visualize lots of golden like and positive energy entering your body

Are you two trying to tell me I've been using the sigil magick on God/ess rituals incorrectly?

I'm supposed to visualize white-gold or golden light enter me with the sigil visualized in the center of my body as best as I can and "breath" in the God's signature?

Isn't this disrespectful to the entity and draining their energy? Or am I being incorrect?
TruthSeekerXX said:
At the end of the demon ritual it says to meditate on the sigil and receive the energy from them. I've done a ritual before, but I didn't know how to meditate on a sigil and receive the enrgies and when I tried, I didn't feel any.
How do you meditate on the sigils to receive energies? Is there a specific way? Do I have to wait longer?
Also what does it mean by meditating on myself? Does that mean void meditation?
What I do is just kinda stare at the sigil without thinking and relax.
IMO feeling the energy of the gods from their sigils is "intermediate" unless your lucky enough to have been quite powerful in a previous lifetime, it can take some time before it happens, I couldn't do it very well for a really long time and then one day I prayed to my GD for help in establishing a connection with the gods I "intuited" I should open my 8th chakra (the gold one above the head) and that seems to have seriously helped since then I have had no problem at all.
Remember you're a Satanist, one of the big benefits is that you dont need to do it alone, ask for help and guidance from satan or your GD (you dont need their name just ask for your GD) in my experience prayers regarding education and guidance are very swiftly and effectively answered.

ALSO DO YOUR RTR'S! I have found my spiritual progress has skyrocketed since I have endeavored to do at least one per day.
Gear88 said:

Are you two trying to tell me I've been using the sigil magick on God/ess rituals incorrectly?

I'm supposed to visualize white-gold or golden light enter me with the sigil visualized in the center of my body as best as I can and "breath" in the God's signature?

Isn't this disrespectful to the entity and draining their energy? Or am I being incorrect?

So this is specifically for the final step of the ritual:

"Final Step:

After you are done with this, you can meditate on Amon Ra’s Sigil in the Joy of Satan or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and receive energy from the Demon Amon Ra.

It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Everyone knows Amon Ra, one of the most famous Egyptian Gods, who have received the highest respect, reverence and love in Ancient Egyptian History. Of course, this extended everywhere. One of the most major thefts of the enemy is concerning Amon Ra and other Egyptian Gods, who for all intents remain extremely loved and famous to this day by all of mankind.

Thanks to all of you who understand the efforts going in all of this. There is a lot of back-end work with every Ritual, so it is accurate and spiritual to the very last letter.

Thanks to everyone who keeps making the dream of the Joy of Satan into a reality through help, time, expertise, spiritually and most importantly materially. The Gods will be the first to assist you for caring about their Eternal Home.

Two New Rituals are also upcoming. I have been inexorably busy and I will get back to e-mails and everything ASAP since this is now done.

May Lord Amon Ra bestow upon all of us His blessings, wisdom and power.

May all of you who do this receive these blessings.

May Father Satan and our Gods bless us eternally.



Below, are the links to the Ritual. The first link is the new interface of JoS Rituals, the second is the old interface. We will go according to choice.

Plain Page Format: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/AmonRa_Power_Ritual.html
New Page Format: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/amonra-power-ritual

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.

This ritual blessed me with a lot of mental clarity as if I had been normalized for a day at the same time it made the enemy pretty mad I never knew there would come a time I'd face up with a reptilian(90% I bet it is, the attack felt like trying to rip me out of my body)/some unrecognizable scary powerful enemy entity trying to jack me up while I was trying to sleep by getting me into a stupid sleep paralysis situation/couldn't even breathe for a while and the fucker finally ran as soon as I kept torching my entire room with blue fires and visualizations of blue fire demonic sigils all across my room for a few minutes.

Good gods of Orion, what's just so crazy big about just an ordinary Spiritual Satanist like me getting better or connecting with a specific god(this happened two times, one back in 2021 and now)? I'm not even that useful or some prized thing, I'm not some special mcguffin so I don't get why one of the mastermind enemy races would finally lose it like that just because I did this ritual. I just want to become a better person than the piece of shit I was before. I thought encountering those scaly fuckers meant a death sentence for me, so much for all the power gloating of those reptile bastards.

Thank you for the ritual and the schedule for tomorrow HP.
a very enjoyable experience, indeed it has been, a connection with AMON-RE-PTAH has definitely been established, albeit AMON alone, still feels slightly "Weak", from my perspective...he probably makes the greatest positive difference when combined with other divine entities...as opposed to the solar manifestations such as RE/ RE-HORAKTY and WepWaWet-RE which are already quite powerful on their own ^

a matter of triads, infact i am thinking about experimenting in regards to connecting amun with other combos and see what happens(Amun-Min is one combo that already officially exists, it could be transformed into a triad easily)...with that said, there's no doubt that AMON-RE-PTAH is a very very powerful one... when you vibrate RE(deep guttural R) , you start to heavily charge the body, and then with PTAH, you release said energy, almost like there is an "explosion" of life, or renewal of life, infact ,overall it seems to have an healing effect ^

RE-PTAH without Amun,on the other hand, feels slightly weaker, so AMUN clearly does have an effect, albeit i don't feel that much, initially when vibrating his name,like there's some sort of delayed effect, or "hidden" energy that makes it's effect mainly when combined with the one from other deities ^

anyway, with all that said, there's no doubt that from time to time i will engage in such a beneficial ritual again,even if not it's scheduled indeed,
It has been many times that you have written RE, and never RA.

And He is a very powerful Ancient God, He does not need to be combined with other entities as you say ("he probably makes the greatest positive difference when combined with other divine entities").
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476024 time=1701877197 user_id=57]
It has been many times that you have written RE, and never RA.

well, RE is one of the ways it can be spelled,and it's just my personal favourite , RA is fine too obviously and i do sometimes vibrate that aswell, got no issues in regards to said variation of the name ^


and in regards to AMON , there's no doubt that it's a powerful god, but it seems to work best in those kinds of Triads or combos like AMON-RA,at least ,that's how it feels to me , i might be still wrong or mislead in some way obviously...the whole topic is quite complex anyway as shown by this article which seems to be well made...honestly, i'm still trying to figure it out,in regards to all this ^ :
Hail eternally Lord Amon Ra who has given so many blessings!
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476024 time=1701877197 user_id=57]
It has been many times that you have written RE, and never RA.

well, RE is one of the ways it can be spelled,and it's just my personal favourite , RA is fine too obviously and i do sometimes vibrate that aswell, got no issues in regards to said variation of the name ^


and in regards to AMON , there's no doubt that it's a powerful god, but it seems to work best in those kinds of Triads or combos like AMON-RA,at least ,that's how it feels to me , i might be still wrong or mislead in some way obviously...the whole topic is quite complex anyway as shown by this article which seems to be well made...honestly, i'm still trying to figure it out,in regards to all this ^ :

Lol, who are you referring to as "it"? Leave every falsehood. Regard the Gods. Be True the Path and all won't doubt the light. Go back, drop your arrogance and be humble in the knowledge given.

It's a very good ritual!
I completed it strictly on schedule!
Manofsatan said:
Lol, who are you referring to as "it"?

excuse me,unfortunately i did not get exactly what you meant here...what are you referencing specifically, and what's the exact issue with that? ^

i'm willing to listen...i'm indeed humble when necessary,especially in regards to knowledge, which is one of my weaknesses indeed, i don't hide that...with that said sometimes,there are situations where you gotta strongly believe in yourself, no matter what, especially when dealing with black-hat/grey-hat entities and other nefarious manifestations...an absolute necessity, for overall protection and effectiveness...absolutely justified in those cases, indeed ^

and speaking of knowledge again, if you have an issue with the article i posted, there's no doubt that the high priest/high priestess that has designed the ritual, absolutely knows what they are doing, since it definitely works , but there isn't much information about each divine manifestations you can think of on the JOS sites, and therefore it's a bit of a necessity to look outside from here sometimes, and indeed, not everything that is said outside the JOS is necessarily a falsehood, many truthful things in regards to various deities can be found elsewhere, albeit, you won't find certain truths and knowledge that are only promoted by the JOS , and that's what makes the JOY OF SATAN unique and with A LOT of potential ^
...or actually, even more precisely,a F***TON OF POTENTIAL!!!...sorry for the wording, but i think it was necessary to convey the power of all this...and indeed, i always felt that since the very beginning, i do strongly believe in the JOS and it'll remain that way ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476024 time=1701877197 user_id=57]
It has been many times that you have written RE, and never RA.

well, RE is one of the ways it can be spelled,and it's just my personal favourite , RA is fine too obviously and i do sometimes vibrate that aswell, got no issues in regards to said variation of the name ^


and in regards to AMON , there's no doubt that it's a powerful god, but it seems to work best in those kinds of Triads or combos like AMON-RA,at least ,that's how it feels to me , i might be still wrong or mislead in some way obviously...the whole topic is quite complex anyway as shown by this article which seems to be well made...honestly, i'm still trying to figure it out,in regards to all this ^ :

Just be aware, although research outside the JoS can be beneficial and lead to new information, much of it is corrupted due to spiritual ignorance from the researchers, researchers unaware of jewish tampering, or jews outright lying and calling it trustworthy research. Either way, it's best to read through the JoS first and to solidify it as your central base of knowledge so you can do outside research with the proverbial 'Satanic Eye', which can only be effectively developed through two inseparable means: 1) an unshakeable understanding of what our High Priests and High Priestess's have confirmed, written on in the JoS and in the forums, and (more importantly) 2) spiritual advancement via meditation. It heightens your intuition and (via cleaning) weeds out the dross to allow your soul to pick up on truths that would otherwise be missed or muddied by conflicting energies, clouding your intuition.

As an example, in Azazel's Ritual, it is said:
"In Egypt, you are the Hidden Sun of Re"

Names and Titles seem to be interchangeable when it comes to the Gods, or more specifically, in how they relate to Humanity. Such as how Baal in Baalzebul is a title. Or technically is, to my understanding (I won't profess myself as an expert, but there is nuance to be acknowledged.)

"Enlil was the original "Bel" which later evolved into "Baal." "Baal" means "Lord," "Master" "Baal the Prince." Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East."

Azazel, too, is a "title", whilst also serving as a name.

"The real name of Azazel is Apollo, the most famous and beloved Ancient Greek God.

-so did of course Apollo get slandered to no end by the enemy. Azazel was renamed to a title, and still, the Hebrews to this day hold the most special hatred and resentment for him.

The Name "Azazel" that the enemy has been calling this God, is based on two separate words. It is merely a title, and not the actual Name of the Deity. These were Azaz and EL. Numerous blasphemous interpretations have been written about this Name as with any other Name of the Gods by the enemy, yet their meaning remains clear even in present day Arabic of Middle Eastern languages.

The word “Azaz” relates to meanings about “power” or “extreme power”. The word "EL" simply means "God", but commonly translates to "Light". However, God here is a code-word for the spiritual light. These two words put together, are to signify Azazel's extreme power and spiritual brilliance; his power of the Light. Further revealed is the power and high rank of Azazel, as many of the enemy texts do refer to him as the "Leader of the Hosts of Evil", ie, the Gods. His position of high importance, like in the Pagan Pantheon, is openly recognized by the enemy too. Azazel’s Name in the enemy literature, is also described as “Azael”, meaning “He who God Strengthens”. This is a code word again for the light. He is also “condemned” and attacked for giving the “Secrets of the Heavens” to mankind, or spiritual knowledge."

Then you have Amon Ra's ritual, where it is revealed that among his NAMES and TITLES are: Zeus Amun, and Amun Ra Ptah

Again, Zeus is Baalzebul (refer to link above) and Ptah is Satan:
-The Egyptians, do also explicitly mention that the Greek God "Hephaistos" was the Creator of Mankind, who fashioned mankind, known to them as Ptah.
-In Plato's works, the name Hephaistos is analyzed as the "most skilled in the knowledge or the embodiment of the light" [Cratylus], a God of the Light and Architecture but also science, and Ptah is also the "Fashioner" in the same sense. Later on, we had Jewish nonsense telling us that "Lucifer" was an evil creature with horns that is the ultimate evil that everyone must hate. Hephaistos is credited with the creation of the material body of humanity, with the soul having another underlying allegory for it, with Satan [in the Hephaistos aspect] acting as the life giver and body giver of humanity.
-Hephaistos was written to have literally hand-crafted the first human beings on earth, and has been documented of literally descending here. The same story is overlapped in the history of Enki and other mythologies, all of which speak of those who descended on Earth to create mankind. The allusion here to the modern "Lucifer" and lord of the "Light" should be evident.

So here we see Amon Ra, who "stands on Beelzebul’s Right side and Lucifer’s Left side", shares TITLES with them...but is NOT them.

This is the kind of information only the Joy of Satan can clarify about our real life, living Gods overseeing us, humanity and the Earth from Orion as we speak. Other researchers couldn't hope to attain these understandings on their own in their wettest dreams, which is why it's important to ground yourself in the truths provided here first.
Yes, we can see that HP HC had studied "outside sources" in order to put the above together, but the way he cleans out the falsehoods and stitches together the truths is one of many reasons why HPS Maxine entrusted him with the Joy of Satan.

...Now, I say all of that to make the following short point: If Hp HoodedCobra or Hps Lydia haven't referred to Amon Ra as Amon Re...then based on the above, I think Re is a title for Azazel, and thus, not Amon Ra. HP HC had designed a whole ritual of which he spent only the Gods know how much time and effort to make sure its "accurate and spiritual to the very last letter"...and at no point, used Re instead of Ra. So, yeah.

If your drawn to the title/name Re, try reading up on Azazel Apollo or do his ritual to connect with him, if you haven't.
In addition to Sinner13's reply to you, it is very rude to refer to a God as an "it". And they are not "manifestations". Please deprogram yourself and understand that our Gods are actual Gods, not whatever it is you think they are.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476272 time=1702019585 user_id=57]
it is very rude to refer to a God as an "it". And they are not "manifestations". Please deprogram yourself and understand that our Gods are actual Gods, not whatever it is you think they are.
sorry, but all of you have also to keep in mind that english is not my first language, so that might lead to misunderstandings sometimes...i thought "manifestation"(of the god) could be a potential alternative word to use for the more direct "god/demon/divine entity" which is what i use 99% of time... just thought recently of trying to add more variety, but hey, if said word appears to not be correct,then i stop using it immediately,no harm done indeed^

and i'll keep that in mind in regards to "it" too ^

honestly, aside from those small unconveniences, i do consider myself deprogrammed, otherwise i wouldn't have such strong attachment to many gods and other divine entities, aside from the one of which i am bearing the name ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Lol, who are you referring to as "it"?

excuse me,unfortunately i did not get exactly what you meant here...what are you referencing specifically, and what's the exact issue with that? ^

i'm willing to listen...i'm indeed humble when necessary,especially in regards to knowledge, which is one of my weaknesses indeed, i don't hide that...with that said sometimes,there are situations where you gotta strongly believe in yourself, no matter what, especially when dealing with black-hat/grey-hat entities and other nefarious manifestations...an absolute necessity, for overall protection and effectiveness...absolutely justified in those cases, indeed ^

and speaking of knowledge again, if you have an issue with the article i posted, there's no doubt that the high priest/high priestess that has designed the ritual, absolutely knows what they are doing, since it definitely works , but there isn't much information about each divine manifestations you can think of on the JOS sites, and therefore it's a bit of a necessity to look outside from here sometimes, and indeed, not everything that is said outside the JOS is necessarily a falsehood, many truthful things in regards to various deities can be found elsewhere, albeit, you won't find certain truths and knowledge that are only promoted by the JOS , and that's what makes the JOY OF SATAN unique and with A LOT of potential ^
...or actually, even more precisely,a F***TON OF POTENTIAL!!!...sorry for the wording, but i think it was necessary to convey the power of all this...and indeed, i always felt that since the very beginning, i do strongly believe in the JOS and it'll remain that way ^

Our God's are truth, life and beyond everything. Don't be an impostor. Don't play here. You can refer to your dog as "it" or your job. Or your life.
Learn wisdom and drop that blind pride.
Gear88 said:
I don't think anyone asked this question. Although now that I think about it I think HP.Cobra on one of the God rituals did state this happens. I'm just double confirming in case I hallucinated the answer.

But do the Goddess/God rituals do they allow the being of higher power to have more influence on Earth and manipulate the enemy more.

Are we "downloading" Amon Ra's psionic presence unto the planet?

I know we are blessing ourselves much like the RTR help us get out of negativity. But does the specific God/Goddess and Gods that harness Amon Ra in mythology like Ra-Ptah, Satan+Ra including the entities that work with the specific God like his spirit legions and extra-terrestrial assisting mini-Gods like the Gargoyles or Pazuzu's bird people or the rock people like Legend of Zelda, gorgon people like Bes?(I'm not saying Bes is made of rock just looks a lot like Legend of Zelda species in the game).

Do they gain more influence on Earth and feel things better to better manipulate reality and bring about doom and gloom on the enemy and restore our Paganicity?

Maybe, I guess legions under them do benefit too
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

first I want to thank you for this great ritual to Lord Amun!

In ancient egypt there was a Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. I heard about him, and ancient egypt, frequently when I was a child. His name kelt ringing in my mind recently.
So his name is: Tut-Ankh-Amun.

Tut in common translations means „Image“.. However:
He noted that Akhenaten used tit as a word for 'image', not tut. Fecht translated the verb tut as "To be perfect/complete". Using Aten as the subject, Fecht's full translation was "One-perfect-of-life-is-Aten".
This was from Wikipedia about King Tutankhamun.

So tut probably means that someone is perfect, or reached the magnum opus. Which is perfectly fitting for a Pharaoh that is depicted in pure Gold, with a cobra hood of enlightenment and the risen serpent.

Tut: Perfection/Magnum Opus
Ankh: Life force / Bioelectricity
Amun: Lord Amun Ra

So is it to assume that
Tut-Ankh-Amun, means that this Pharaoh, reached the Magnum Opus through the guidance and assistance of Lord Amun Ra?

So this name „TutAnkhAmun“, probably means that Amun Ra brings the life force and leads to perfection of the soul & body?
I will definitely keep doing the ritual for now :)
Manofsatan said:
Our God's are truth, life and beyond everything. Don't be an impostor. Don't play here. You can refer to your dog as "it" or your job. Or your life.
Learn wisdom and drop that blind pride.
listen...honestly, gods ain't like those SJW specimens that gets triggered over simple pronouns... especially in cases like this where it wasn't done on purpose to offend ^

in the grand scheme of things, do you really think they got angry over that,over this lil' insignificant post made by myself? it would be absolutely delusional to actually believe that ^

only a psycho like (((YHWH))) or other inferior abrahimic thoughtforms Would get triggered over such trivial stuff ^

even in regards to myself ,somebody could call me with whatever pronoun they might have in mind, i simply don't care, they are free to do whatever trollin' they want,if they really wish to engage in that... it's all i fine, i am a male, and that's all i need to know... myself and the gods knows the truth, that's what truly matters ^

with all that said, i do kind of agree, i should have followed ANPU's advice in regards to learning a lil' more before talking, albeit at this point it's a lil' late, so i admit my previous mistake.. But... to call me an "impostor" over said lil' mistake, it's definitely exxagerated... fortunately,still, you did not manage to trigger me...it's not an easy task indeed ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Our God's are truth, life and beyond everything. Don't be an impostor. Don't play here. You can refer to your dog as "it" or your job. Or your life.
Learn wisdom and drop that blind pride.
listen...honestly, gods ain't like those SJW specimens that gets triggered over simple pronouns... especially in cases like this where it wasn't done on purpose to offend ^

in the grand scheme of things, do you really think they got angry over that,over this lil' insignificant post made by myself? it would be absolutely delusional to actually believe that ^

only a psycho like (((YHWH))) or other inferior abrahimic thoughtforms Would get triggered over such trivial stuff ^

even in regards to myself ,somebody could call me with whatever pronoun they might have in mind, i simply don't care, they are free to do whatever trollin' they want,if they really wish to engage in that... it's all i fine, i am a male, and that's all i need to know... myself and the gods knows the truth, that's what truly matters ^

with all that said, i do kind of agree, i should have followed ANPU's advice in regards to learning a lil' more before talking, albeit at this point it's a lil' late, so i admit my previous mistake.. But... to call me an "impostor" over said lil' mistake, it's definitely exxagerated... fortunately,still, you did not manage to trigger me...it's not an easy task indeed ^

I apologize if I offended you.
Manofsatan said:
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Lol, who are you referring to as "it"?

excuse me,unfortunately i did not get exactly what you meant here...what are you referencing specifically, and what's the exact issue with that? ^

i'm willing to listen...i'm indeed humble when necessary,especially in regards to knowledge, which is one of my weaknesses indeed, i don't hide that...with that said sometimes,there are situations where you gotta strongly believe in yourself, no matter what, especially when dealing with black-hat/grey-hat entities and other nefarious manifestations...an absolute necessity, for overall protection and effectiveness...absolutely justified in those cases, indeed ^

and speaking of knowledge again, if you have an issue with the article i posted, there's no doubt that the high priest/high priestess that has designed the ritual, absolutely knows what they are doing, since it definitely works , but there isn't much information about each divine manifestations you can think of on the JOS sites, and therefore it's a bit of a necessity to look outside from here sometimes, and indeed, not everything that is said outside the JOS is necessarily a falsehood, many truthful things in regards to various deities can be found elsewhere, albeit, you won't find certain truths and knowledge that are only promoted by the JOS , and that's what makes the JOY OF SATAN unique and with A LOT of potential ^
...or actually, even more precisely,a F***TON OF POTENTIAL!!!...sorry for the wording, but i think it was necessary to convey the power of all this...and indeed, i always felt that since the very beginning, i do strongly believe in the JOS and it'll remain that way ^

Our God's are truth, life and beyond everything. Don't be an impostor. Don't play here. You can refer to your dog as "it" or your job. Or your life.
Learn wisdom and drop that blind pride.

I don't think he meant to be insulting in any way..

It's obvious his native language isn't english and from his messages he doesn't mean any ill harm, there is no reason to jump the gun and make all these strong accusitions and being insulting, he is a new member and he will learn. I don't see any blind pride in his sayings and we should be more positive on new members here rather than bashing on them
Manofsatan said:
I apologize if I offended you.
Don't you worry, no Harm done ^
Umun said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Though He is not my beloved Guardian, I have always felt indescribably great, instinctive adoration for our glorious Sun God. I am positively exuberant to be blessing Him. This is gonna be a good mini-schedule!

Hail Father Satan and Hail all His Sons!

Greetings Brother,

I apologize for using this way but I lost your address and am unable to contact you otherwise. If you don't mind, there's a few things I'd like to discuss.

In the light of Marduk may we all grow to be worthy of being part of this great house.



Salutations, my Brother,

The recent part of this loss of contact may be "on you", but I actually take the lion's share of the "blame", as a figure of speech.

I have been dealing with personal affairs that demanded an incredible amount of my attention and thought-span for a long time, and so have been unable to devote any proper attention or even mental energy to "luxury" (but still extremely important in my mind, just not pertaining to actual survival) affairs or projects. As thus, after our last correspondence, I have failed to get back to you in a timely manner and after that, both the reasons I have mentioned as well as the shame and contrition from how long I took to respond to you and still have not done so compounded, making me even more unable to act! Think of it as procrastinating more and more because you've already procrastinated so much and now don't know where to start. You did tell me a lot of things that I felt were worthy of separate responses on multiple different aspects, after all. And I'm someone who elects not to say or do something if I can't do it to utter completion. Which is a personal failing sometimes, I know.

So, I offer you my sincerest apologies if I have made you have any doubts about the things we have discussed. It wasn't you, it was me. And thank you for being the one to reach out to me even though it's largely my fault our contact fell off.
I shall try and write to you tonight or tomorrow if I can't manage to today. I'll mail you on the same E-mail address if yours hasn't changed.

I wish you salubrious growth and empowerment in all your affairs, and I hope you have been excellent.

Hail Father Satan.
Umun said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Though He is not my beloved Guardian, I have always felt indescribably great, instinctive adoration for our glorious Sun God. I am positively exuberant to be blessing Him. This is gonna be a good mini-schedule!

Hail Father Satan and Hail all His Sons!

Greetings Brother,

I apologize for using this way but I lost your address and am unable to contact you otherwise. If you don't mind, there's a few things I'd like to discuss.

In the light of Marduk may we all grow to be worthy of being part of this great house.




I write to you in more shame. For a couple of weeks now, I've been having major trouble retrieving my e-mails on Protonmail mobile and on my laptop, the site plain doesn't load. I tried uninstalling and installing the app and no go. As for the computer version, I don't know what's wrong. And it's only for that site too.

I got a mobile notification that you wrote to me, so I assume it did retrieve the e-mails at some point but I can't for the life of me open up my mails. I have no idea what's going on.

I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I've yet to be able towrite back to HP Cobra, even.

Also, just to make sure you get this on whichever account you're on...

Shemsu said:
OuroborphicMystery said:

I write to you in more shame. For a couple of weeks now, I've been having major trouble retrieving my e-mails on Protonmail mobile and on my laptop, the site plain doesn't load. I tried uninstalling and installing the app and no go. As for the computer version, I don't know what's wrong. And it's only for that site too.

I got a mobile notification that you wrote to me, so I assume it did retrieve the e-mails at some point but I can't for the life of me open up my mails. I have no idea what's going on.

I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I've yet to be able towrite back to HP Cobra, even.

Also, just to make sure you get this on whichever account you're on...

Shemsu said:
Try deleting browser cookies for that site, if that does not help, all of the cookies. If that does not help, all of the data. Try private browsing mode as that is a separate session that does not include data from your usual browsing. Then try on someone else's device so that the problem is indeed isolated to your device. You could also try different browsers altogether, and delete unnecessary data from your laptop with software such as CCleaner, or similar.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Umun said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Though He is not my beloved Guardian, I have always felt indescribably great, instinctive adoration for our glorious Sun God. I am positively exuberant to be blessing Him. This is gonna be a good mini-schedule!

Hail Father Satan and Hail all His Sons!

Greetings Brother,

I apologize for using this way but I lost your address and am unable to contact you otherwise. If you don't mind, there's a few things I'd like to discuss.

In the light of Marduk may we all grow to be worthy of being part of this great house.




I write to you in more shame. For a couple of weeks now, I've been having major trouble retrieving my e-mails on Protonmail mobile and on my laptop, the site plain doesn't load. I tried uninstalling and installing the app and no go. As for the computer version, I don't know what's wrong. And it's only for that site too.

I got a mobile notification that you wrote to me, so I assume it did retrieve the e-mails at some point but I can't for the life of me open up my mails. I have no idea what's going on.

I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I've yet to be able towrite back to HP Cobra, even.

Also, just to make sure you get this on whichever account you're on...

Shemsu said:

No need to be so hard on yourself, these things do happen. I'm just relieved to know that you're ok. Try with what Henu advised or if all fails just open a new email account.

I'll be here when you sort it out. I'm not using the previous account even though now it's possible to regain access, it just feels right like this. There's a lot to catch up on but don't worry, it's all good.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
