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America, China, spiritual castes

Stormblood said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=344087 time=1649780317 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
I must admit that trolling people in videogames was often more fun than the game itself. For example in cod I would go to teammates who had carepackages and while they would wait for them in an angle I would block their way until someone killed us both, you have no idea how much trolling made me laugh :lol:

Oh man, don't get me started on that... Trolling is too much fun. Your example reminds me of when I played Battlefield 4 on the Xbox at a friend's house. At the time, you couldn't kick people from a game. I would spam the A button on the helicopter spawn so I would spawn into the pilot seat, right when the helicopter spawned.

Then a bunch of people from my team would pile in as well. I would then take off and fly off the map, suiciding myself and my teammates. Then, I would repeat the process by spamming A from the spawn menu, ensuring I got the helicopter pilot seat again. Repeat nonstop lol.


Another story is from the game Squad. I don't know if you have played it, but it is a realistic, team-based shooter. I would play with my friend and we would be walking with our squad to the next objective. He and I would then pick a random direction and start shooting at it, acting like we saw enemies. We would pick machinegunner roles, or otherwise, shoot our guns frantically, making it sound like sudden chaos.

It's the type of game where doing that thing confuses the heck out of everyone. It would also give away our position and waste a bunch of ammo. The funniest part is when the squad leader realizes that there are two bumbling retards in his squad and gives up on performing well in the battle.

We would also shoot at our teammates from a distance, forcing them to run for cover, then waste their time trying to figure out what happened.

In a MMORPG I used to play 7 years ago (Grand Fantasia), there would often be players in a healer class that named their character "HealYourself" and similar. Some of them would even refuse healing others in dungeons and group stuff lol

I know that this is a 3-page long thread with a lot of issues in it, I don't have enough time to read through it all (I've been really busy this week), but I somehow saw this. Thanks for the laughs, guys! I literally laughed out loud reading this. I used to game with some people who were also trolls, and I once tolled them because they were trolling everyone else. Life was simpler back then, lol.
Jack said:

Yeah. You wrote a lot. But none of it really addressed what you're being accused of here, you have a pattern of derailing topics into the political. The only actual statement you made is that you meant only advanced knowledge should be hidden. If you had meant only very advanced spiritual knowledge should be kept from the public, you would have said that explicitly. You also explicitly said that you don't want people from outside to have access to the knowledge we have here. So that's bs.

You can do whatever you want to books written by jews and those without. But you do not manipulate, hide, alter or misuse Satan's sacred knowledge in any way. This is treason.

No government can presume to assume Satan's role in deciding which of His knowledge is handed out to the masses and what is kept hidden. As Satan does not permit the worshiping of other gods likewise he does not permit His knowledge being bastardized and used as a tool of control for individuals to play god.

All you have to do is admit you made a mistake.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=344312 time=1649843269 user_id=57]
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=343394 time=1649592121 user_id=57]
(Btw, somewhat related, is it weird that I have a man for my profile picture?

Subtle promotion of transsexualism :lol:

Oh no! :lol: I might have to change it then :lol:

tabby said:
haha me being me, no, I don't think it's weird. It's depicting a Tarot card, and I agree, I think it suits you.

It's normal that people want profile pictures that relate to them in some way. Some people do so in the form of depicting a person of the same gender as themselves for the profile, and others will use what they like that they are simply drawn to. So it makes sense, with that kind of mindset, that someone would accidentally call you "brother", especially if they're unaware of the energies behind the profile.

Though that is funny that someone called you "brother" just for having a male depicted in your profile :lol:
Lol. I'm just so drawn to the tarot, and it doesn't even occur to me that people might think there's something more to it than just being a picture. HP Cobra did have a statue of Astarte as his profile for a while, anyway.

I guess everyone has their ways of thinking. :)

That’s true. That was a beautiful picture, I kinda miss seeing it on his profile.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
There is a difference between having a discussion over a disagreement with someone ... and .. not being able to bring the discussion to a fruitful conclusion.
In which case, anger and hate continue to excist and can drive a family apart to never be in touch with them again.

It cannot be so that one side has to do all the work to keep a relationship like that going or to keep it on an acceptable level.
I agree that there is a difference. Sometimes coexistence between some individuals is not plausible in the short to medium term, maybe not even in long term. All very situational and changes can happen.

In regards to your previous staement; If you have to hide in a closet because of a disagreement or disagreements then that is your loss. There is life outside of disagreements.
Fuchs said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Henu the Great said:
I only meant this in this context in our community here, not outside and certainly not on broader perspective in societies. It just rubbed me the wrong way when LunarDance666 said the following:
As if you are not able to take care of your own interactions.

There have been situations before, outside of where Jack lashed out on the women specific topics.

Boys, men, guys, whatever the term you'd want to use, coming to ask for relationship advice, saying negative things about women, and even promoting or telling others to read x book by x person.
This was from before the woman specific topics though.

No one said or tried to engage in saying that 'perhaps this is not the way to interact with a woman' but they either said nothing, or only affirmed the issue, from what I could see.

Only some of the books that were mentioned people reacted to and said that they were written by jewish authors or that the practicion of it was 'jewish'.

Mageson was still a HP back then. I don't know if members were genuinely banned over trying to speak out over this. Or over sharing their different views.
But it has been uncomfortable since then.

I've been looking at my brothers in Satan not as healthy balanced individuals or working towards that, but as too far below on the ladder that I would rather not engage with any of them on a personal level at all.
Some individuals have shown to be different over time and as thus my view has changed a little.

Henu, you may think it rubbed you the wrong way, but this has been an issue that has been ongoing for years on end. It might not always have been obvious though...

Also some HPs have adressed certain things over time on the forums regarding this in a sermon or two - I am unsure of who it was specificly, out of the top of my head, so I won't name any.. - and I think that that was a good thing.

You've been around for some time, so I think you might know what I am speaking of.

I didn´t read all off Jacks posts, I just wanted to mention he did grow up in a country were most wimmen marry and don´t have to work any more. Out off this context many from his statements can be seen in a different light.

Males and females should be able to coock.
If we look at Ukraine wimmen and children are allowed to flee, men are forced to fight against the intruders. In this context there is no equality and no one would argue wimmen should also be forced to fight. There should be a balance within ones relationship, the tasks should be chared depending on living/work responsabilitys.
Jack said:
The Deranged books of Jews were BANNED and Gentiles were encouraged to build families ,take pride in their culture and tradition and work hard for their betterment.


Pictured - Nazis Banning and Burning the Degenerate Knowledge of Jewish,Liberal and Communist books

Can we agree that actively preventing someone from getting to a book is the equivalent of burning it?
If we can agree on that, then it follows that actively preventing people from getting Satanic knowledge is the equivalent of burning Satanic books.
You can't equate Satanic books to Jewish books.
Just because burning Jewish books is ok, doesn't mean that burning Satanic books is ok and by extension, actively preventing people from getting Satanic knowledge.
I'm not saying that one should be pushing Satanic knowledge onto people, but if someone makes Satanic knowledge available, then it should remain available and third parties should not try to destroy it.
In my opinion, people that are ready for the knowledge will look for it and if Satan finds them worthy, he'll guide the person to the right place.

You say that knowledge should be hidden from the masses but how do you determine who is part of the mass and who is not? You can say that the solution is to make people prove to you that they are worthy, but how does one do that? Who decides what the standard of worthy is going to be? Is it going to be a fixed test or a moving target where people have to jump through hoops for years pleasing some higher being so that the higher being may throw them some scraps?

Although some things may sound easy on the surface, when it comes to the how, the execution, they can quickly become complicated or even impossible. I think this is one major point of disagreement that is not spoken. You are ideological while jrvan is more pragmatic. Things that seem nice and fair on the ideological can become repugnant and extremely unfair in the execution.
Henu the Great said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
In my opinion, people that are ready for the knowledge will look for it and if Satan finds them worthy, he'll guide the person to the right place.
I am leaning to this being an actual fact.

Tomorrow is your second anniversary since you joined. Are you going to celebrate?
You have a crazy posting rate, almost 6 posts per day, even higher than HPHC. Congrats. :cool:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Henu the Great said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
In my opinion, people that are ready for the knowledge will look for it and if Satan finds them worthy, he'll guide the person to the right place.
I am leaning to this being an actual fact.

Tomorrow is your second anniversary since you joined. Are you going to celebrate?
You have a crazy posting rate, almost 6 posts per day, even higher than HPHC. Congrats. :cool:

Well, not really. I am going to have an usual day, maybe add more yoga than normally and do a few curse israels and that's that. Next weekend I plan to do a long outdoor ride, that could be my celebration.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
From my POV, your post is gaslighting.

Very useful response from somebody who has only been here for like half a year.

I have been here since the time this forum was first created. I have read nearly every comment that has ever been written in English language. And I have watched how everybody has interacted with each other for all of these years.

This is what my perspective is based on. And as someone who has only been here for a few months, basically the entire situation that is being discussed happened before you were here.

Ol, you just let yourself get gaslit by someone falsely and uselessly accusing you of gaslighting.

I notice you let yourself fall into the pace of others quite easily. Not everything deserves your time to write a response.

Like I said in my post about letting truth speak for itself, it is fine to let the people passing wind through their mouth stammer to themselves, as the wind will pass harmlessly on its own if one distances themselves from it.

Often times if it isn't some serious advocation of falsehood which requires necessary refutation and correction it is more fruitful to pay it no heed whatsoever.

Personally I also have room to grow on that.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol, you just let yourself get gaslit by someone falsely and uselessly accusing you of gaslighting.

You don't know what gaslight means. If this was true, then I would have started to believe a lie or at least I would be confused and not know what the truth is anymore. And this did not happen.

All that happened is I showed that a clown is a clown.

Also interesting to remember that this is kind of an unusual word, and the people who most often use this word are the communist/leftist jews on twitter. I don't see other groups where this word is so common.
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
From my POV, your post is gaslighting.

Very useful response from somebody who has only been here for like half a year.

I have been here since the time this forum was first created. I have read nearly every comment that has ever been written in English language. And I have watched how everybody has interacted with each other for all of these years.

This is what my perspective is based on. And as someone who has only been here for a few months, basically the entire situation that is being discussed happened before you were here.

Ol, you just let yourself get gaslit by someone falsely and uselessly accusing you of gaslighting.

I notice you let yourself fall into the pace of others quite easily. Not everything deserves your time to write a response.

Like I said in my post about letting truth speak for itself, it is fine to let the people passing wind through their mouth stammer to themselves, as the wind will pass harmlessly on its own if one distances themselves from it.

Often times if it isn't some serious advocation of falsehood which requires necessary refutation and correction it is more fruitful to pay it no heed whatsoever.

Personally I also have room to grow on that.

Hail Satan!

Do you want me to defend my position of why I saw it as gaslighting or do you want me to follow your advice and not fall into the pace of others? Are you even deserving of my time to write you a response?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol, you just let yourself get gaslit by someone falsely and uselessly accusing you of gaslighting.

You don't know what gaslight means. If this was true, then I would have started to believe a lie or at least I would be confused and not know what the truth is anymore. And this did not happen.

All that happened is I showed that a clown is a clown.

Also interesting to remember that this is kind of an unusual word, and the people who most often use this word are the communist/leftist jews on twitter. I don't see other groups where this word is so common.

All he did was share his point of view though. That's what POV is an abbreviation for - point of view.

Just like from my point of view, you and VoE are hypocrites who do exactly what you accuse others of, and you both are hilariously showcasing this for everyone to see. That's how I see things. I know you didn't ask, but you're welcome.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Ol, you just let yourself get gaslit by someone falsely and uselessly accusing you of gaslighting.

You don't know what gaslight means. If this was true, then I would have started to believe a lie or at least I would be confused and not know what the truth is anymore. And this did not happen.

All that happened is I showed that a clown is a clown.

Also interesting to remember that this is kind of an unusual word, and the people who most often use this word are the communist/leftist jews on twitter. I don't see other groups where this word is so common.

Guys, AAA said "in my POV". He didn't state it matter-of-factly. Rather than politely correct him, you had a go at him instead.

From google:

"Gaslighting happens when an abuser tries to control a victim by twisting their sense of reality. An example of gaslighting would be a partner doing something abusive and then denying it happened. Gaslighters may also convince their victims that they're mentally unfit or too sensitive."
The more people know the more they seek Satan.

The more people seek Satan the more spiritual knowledge will be chared from the gods.

The goal is to bring this planet to a higher vibrational level, every person counts, so the gods can visit us once again. In a safe environment for them. To bring us joy and enlightment.

There is no danger from others if you live just and fair. The gods punish one if they curse thear brothers and sisters in Satan.

There is no need for spiritual castes as ones rank is determinated by once real power/service to the gods.
tabby said:
Guys, AAA said "in my POV". He didn't state it matter-of-factly. Rather than politely correct him, you had a go at him instead.

From google:

"Gaslighting happens when an abuser tries to control a victim by twisting their sense of reality. An example of gaslighting would be a partner doing something abusive and then denying it happened. Gaslighters may also convince their victims that they're mentally unfit or too sensitive."

I think gaslighting is also about minimising, not just denying.

Most heterosexual men do this to each other, in the attempt to suppress feelings and any perceived femininity. Another example is saying that someone is being too dramatic in response to something that happened.

In many ways, LGBT members do that too all the time, but according to the definition you gave. Especially in the dating world.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You don't know what gaslight means. If this was true, then I would have started to believe a lie or at least I would be confused and not know what the truth is anymore. And this did not happen.

You are right, I did indeed misinterpret the word.

Apologies for saying something unnecessary.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
