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America, China, spiritual castes


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2020
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.


This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Here we go again with the Sewer Rat shit.

I stand behind everything that I've said in those two posts. Because if you read those posts you'd know that I didn't just say that spiritual knowledge should be in the hands of a special few.

I was comparing it to the paramilitary or the Military which has a metric system. The Mithraic Religion during Roman times, The SS in Nazi Germany and the Yeshiva Priests in Israel currently follow this system of increasing Spiritual Knowledge access. Infact all Pagan systems in the history of humanity had a metric system organization. And no one can argue this.

I was saying that hypothetically if it was a military it would be like that. And if it was the military, people would be reprimanded for being wasteful.

And the Communist China post is self explanatory. Everywhere US goes to overthrow Governments for Democracy they end up killing Millions of people including Babies ,Little Girls ,children.

And all of the Areas that they've toppled have more extremist elements now due to them overthrowing their governments.

My point is something that the United States Constitution is based on - non intervention in Foreign Affairs. If the United States tries to forcefully overthrow China, there's going to be a bloodbath of unending proportions of both Whites ,Chinese and other Nationalities.

When Governments are corrupt and Genocidal ,they are overthrown by their own people. That's my point.

If the CCP decides to invade America with its military then a war will be fought out of necessity.

If an army shows up on your doorstep and starts attacking you then are you supposed to just stand down and allow it to happen just because it's a jewish plan orchestrated by Israel? Fighting is what the jews want, but the jews would love it even more if America just got steamrolled without even fighting back.

You clearly don't know what a preemptive strike is, nor do you place any value on countermeasures. We have foot soldiers already in our land ready to strike us when the time is right.

China cannot sustain its growing population, and they need to expand their territory. They are planning to take over Australia and America. Given this, why should we respect their internal affairs when they secretly scheme to genocide White people in our nations, and replace the demographic with Chinese? I'd rather endure your prophetic bloodbath than see the completion of their communist battle plans with my dying breath.

Honestly, I think you just hate America and want to see it destroyed. Everything you blame on America has been done as well by other countries that are controlled by jews. Peoples of other continents love to mock America and Americans and blame America for everything while pretending that their own shit doesn't stink. No nation is squeaky clean and innocent.

America has something that these other nations don't have. A constitution that wards off the true nature of the jews and prevents them from doing things openly. A system that might be imperfect, but is still effective in safeguarding human life and prosperity from jewish harm. What other nation can claim this? The Founding Fathers fought and risked their lives in rebellion for this while everyone else was conquered and piss scared to even dream of rebellion, so much so that the loyalists literally fought against their American brethren during the revolutionary war because they didn't want to be bad goyim associated with the American rebels. The loyalists were cowards and traitors who sucked jewish dick, and they fled to Canada after we won the war.

The American pioneering spirit is a treasure to the world, and we brought the world further out of the dark ages of ignorance, cruelty, and hopelessness. All we hear for it these days is shit like "Americans are stupid for not banning guns."

Oh and by the way. I read that rant of yours about Pagan societies and all. You're lying about it now. You did say that spiritual knowledge should be kept by an elite and only given to people who suck their dick for long enough to get a few breadcrumbs. Spiritual knowledge is our birthright as Gentiles. It belongs to all of us. The civilians were doing magick long ago, and you want to deprive them of this like the great fool that you are. We humans are the offspring of Gods, it is in our genetic blueprint to become Gods, and people like you will not deprive us of our fucking birthright. Society decays when we don't have this knowledge. You did your neat little rabbi trick of saying that knowledge and free thought for civilians is bad, and that spiritual knowledge is dangerous for them - but you twisted this around to blur the lines and make it confusing. You deliberately conflated knowledge with spiritual knowledge. How could true spiritual knowledge ever be harmful to Gentiles? It couldn't. When people are filled with spiritual knowledge, and not corruptions and watered down incomplete notions - they naturally become elevated. Or else are you going to actually try to claim that anyone who has ever come to the JoS and absorbed the knowledge of the websites has ever been worse off for it? You're going to actually claim that it is better for society if the masses are ignorant? Why not just burn down the Library of Alexandria which ALL Gentiles had access to, while you're at it. Foolishness...
jrvan said:
China cannot sustain its growing population, and they need to expand their territory. They are planning to take over Australia and America.
Dude have you even seen how big Chyna is on a map. They also have tons of “ghost cities”. They will never run out of space for their population and human overpopulation is a JWO myth.
jrvan said:
Oh and by the way. I read that rant of yours about Pagan societies and all. You're lying about it now. You did say that spiritual knowledge should be kept by an elite and only given to people who suck their dick for long enough to get a few breadcrumbs. Spiritual knowledge is our birthright as Gentiles. It belongs to all of us. The civilians were doing magick long ago, and you want to deprive them of this like the great fool that you are. We humans are the offspring of Gods, it is in our genetic blueprint to become Gods, and people like you will not deprive us of our fucking birthright. Society decays when we don't have this knowledge. You did your neat little rabbi trick of saying that knowledge and free thought for civilians is bad, and that spiritual knowledge is dangerous for them - but you twisted this around to blur the lines and make it confusing. You deliberately conflated knowledge with spiritual knowledge. How could true spiritual knowledge ever be harmful to Gentiles? It couldn't. When people are filled with spiritual knowledge, and not corruptions and watered down incomplete notions - they naturally become elevated. Or else are you going to actually try to claim that anyone who has ever come to the JoS and absorbed the knowledge of the websites has ever been worse off for it? You're going to actually claim that it is better for society if the masses are ignorant? Why not just burn down the Library of Alexandria which ALL Gentiles had access to, while you're at it. Foolishness...
This is incorrect.

In our current climate you can not reveal every single detail to every single one since our enemy could use it against you. Therefore there has to be layers and some things would be revealed as one advances in the path. You use vulgar term for this, but really it is about advancement aka "need to know". Likewise, if you work with your GD for personal working for solving something you do not flaunt it to everyone, unless it is okay to share with others. It is not always the case, situations differ.

What is public on JoS and on these forums is basic stuff to get yourself started and once you advance you will learn more.

The notion that all people are noble in heart and would not work against us or our teachings would not apply to this age we are living so take it into account.
Henu the Great said:
jrvan said:
Oh and by the way. I read that rant of yours about Pagan societies and all. You're lying about it now. You did say that spiritual knowledge should be kept by an elite and only given to people who suck their dick for long enough to get a few breadcrumbs. Spiritual knowledge is our birthright as Gentiles. It belongs to all of us. The civilians were doing magick long ago, and you want to deprive them of this like the great fool that you are. We humans are the offspring of Gods, it is in our genetic blueprint to become Gods, and people like you will not deprive us of our fucking birthright. Society decays when we don't have this knowledge. You did your neat little rabbi trick of saying that knowledge and free thought for civilians is bad, and that spiritual knowledge is dangerous for them - but you twisted this around to blur the lines and make it confusing. You deliberately conflated knowledge with spiritual knowledge. How could true spiritual knowledge ever be harmful to Gentiles? It couldn't. When people are filled with spiritual knowledge, and not corruptions and watered down incomplete notions - they naturally become elevated. Or else are you going to actually try to claim that anyone who has ever come to the JoS and absorbed the knowledge of the websites has ever been worse off for it? You're going to actually claim that it is better for society if the masses are ignorant? Why not just burn down the Library of Alexandria which ALL Gentiles had access to, while you're at it. Foolishness...
This is incorrect.

In our current climate you can not reveal every single detail to every single one since our enemy could use it against you. Therefore there has to be layers and some things would be revealed as one advances in the path. You use vulgar term for this, but really it is about advancement aka "need to know". Likewise, if you work with your GD for personal working for solving something you do not flaunt it to everyone, unless it is okay to share with others. It is not always the case, situations differ.

What is public on JoS and on these forums is basic stuff to get yourself started and once you advance you will learn more.

The notion that all people are noble in heart and would not work against us or our teachings would not apply to this age we are living so take it into account.

It's about availability. People who aren't inclined and/or don't have the level of consciousness for it yet simply won't find it. We were forced to hide knowledge out of necessity by encrypting it, but if we didn't have to do that then obviously it would be written about openly in books.

It kind of sounds like you're talking more about battle plans which are secret for good reason. But spiritual knowledge truly is our birthright as Gentiles, and anyone who is ready for it should be able to access it without going through gatekeepers and having to "prove themselves worthy" like Jack said. And no, world breaking knowledge shouldn't be shared, of course not.

I also don't understand how the knowledge of the JoS and the forums is basic. Maybe you and I have a different idea of what basic implies.

Forgive the vulgarities. I just really love Jack and want him to live in a field of posies.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
China cannot sustain its growing population, and they need to expand their territory. They are planning to take over Australia and America.
Dude have you even seen how big Chyna is on a map. They also have tons of “ghost cities”. They will never run out of space for their population and human overpopulation is a JWO myth.

Even if that is the case, it doesn't mean they can sustain themselves. The quality of their environment is also a problem for them.

STanBlank said:
Expand territory? Are you kidding me 🤣, they even have to think about invading Taiwan for a long time, it is impossible to invade the United States
They are about to collapse from within, overpopulation and aging will destroy communism

I believe that type of thinking is very naive. Their infiltration is already a looming threat.

The threat you mentioned which hangs over their own heads is exactly the problem for us. Necessity is a dangerous animal.
jrvan said:
It's about availability. People who aren't inclined and/or don't have the level of consciousness for it yet simply won't find it. We were forced to hide knowledge out of necessity by encrypting it, but if we didn't have to do that then obviously it would be written about openly in books.

It kind of sounds like you're talking more about battle plans which are secret for good reason. But spiritual knowledge truly is our birthright as Gentiles, and anyone who is ready for it should be able to access it without going through gatekeepers and having to "prove themselves worthy" like Jack said. And no, world breaking knowledge shouldn't be shared, of course not.

I also don't understand how the knowledge of the JoS and the forums is basic. Maybe you and I have a different idea of what basic implies.

Keep advancing and you'll come to understand what Henu wrote.

Relative to the average minds and people, the JoS is of exceptional advancement, but even then, a lot of things cannot be shared publicly that are known to some people.

You learn from the Gods after a certain point on subjects that are beyond what can be shared publicly, or on any specifics that you need to make certain attainments on the path to the Magnum Opus.

In that sense what is publicly available on the JoS and forum can be considered basic relative to the whole.

Hail Satan!
jrvan said:
It's about availability. People who aren't inclined and/or don't have the level of consciousness for it yet simply won't find it. We were forced to hide knowledge out of necessity by encrypting it, but if we didn't have to do that then obviously it would be written about openly in books.
The neccesities are already available. Those who are open for it can access it and grow with it.

It kind of sounds like you're talking more about battle plans which are secret for good reason. But spiritual knowledge truly is our birthright as Gentiles, and anyone who is ready for it should be able to access it without going through gatekeepers and having to "prove themselves worthy" like Jack said. And no, world breaking knowledge shouldn't be shared, of course not.
I am referring to both spiritual warfare and other things. Layers to all of it.

I also don't understand how the knowledge of the JoS and the forums is basic. Maybe you and I have a different idea of what basic implies.
Basic, in other words simpler things that are not very complex at surface and will be the starting point for spiritual advancement.
Henu the Great said:
jrvan said:
Oh and by the way. I read that rant of yours about Pagan societies and all. You're lying about it now. You did say that spiritual knowledge should be kept by an elite and only given to people who suck their dick for long enough to get a few breadcrumbs. Spiritual knowledge is our birthright as Gentiles. It belongs to all of us. The civilians were doing magick long ago, and you want to deprive them of this like the great fool that you are. We humans are the offspring of Gods, it is in our genetic blueprint to become Gods, and people like you will not deprive us of our fucking birthright. Society decays when we don't have this knowledge. You did your neat little rabbi trick of saying that knowledge and free thought for civilians is bad, and that spiritual knowledge is dangerous for them - but you twisted this around to blur the lines and make it confusing. You deliberately conflated knowledge with spiritual knowledge. How could true spiritual knowledge ever be harmful to Gentiles? It couldn't. When people are filled with spiritual knowledge, and not corruptions and watered down incomplete notions - they naturally become elevated. Or else are you going to actually try to claim that anyone who has ever come to the JoS and absorbed the knowledge of the websites has ever been worse off for it? You're going to actually claim that it is better for society if the masses are ignorant? Why not just burn down the Library of Alexandria which ALL Gentiles had access to, while you're at it. Foolishness...
This is incorrect.

In our current climate you can not reveal every single detail to every single one since our enemy could use it against you. Therefore there has to be layers and some things would be revealed as one advances in the path. You use vulgar term for this, but really it is about advancement aka "need to know". Likewise, if you work with your GD for personal working for solving something you do not flaunt it to everyone, unless it is okay to share with others. It is not always the case, situations differ.

What is public on JoS and on these forums is basic stuff to get yourself started and once you advance you will learn more.

The notion that all people are noble in heart and would not work against us or our teachings would not apply to this age we are living so take it into account.

It is not our decision to make. Satan alone decides which knowledge stays in the hands of a few and what is revealed to the masses. I'm not saying one should spread secrets whispered to them by daemons, but taking that which Satan gives freely to the masses, and intends for us to spread, and restricting it in some way, in any way. Is not opposition to me or my views but to Satan.

Satan decides who can and cannot receive His knowledge. What He gives out freely and intends to be given to the masses, we do not have the right to restrict in any capacity, as doing so is not only sacrilege but extreme treason. Imagine if HC now decides new members only have access to the basic meditations section, and then to gain access to the rest of the meditation sections he puts up arbitrary bullshit requirements, or straight up tells you that you must pay him for the privilege to access this knowledge, which Satan gives out freely.

You would all make a line to shoot him in the back of the head, if Satan didn't fry his soul first. But when jack proposes it you people tolerate such horrendous treasonous statements simply because he's edgy and you got used to his bs. Well I'm still not comfortable reading such disturbing thoughts.
Dahaarkan said:
It is not our decision to make. Satan alone decides which knowledge stays in the hands of a few and what is revealed to the masses. I'm not saying one should spread secrets whispered to them by daemons, but taking that which Satan gives freely to the masses, and intends for us to spread, and restricting it in some way, in any way. Is not opposition to me or my views but to Satan.

Satan decides who can and cannot receive His knowledge. What He gives out freely and intends to be given to the masses, we do not have the right to restrict in any capacity, as doing so is not only sacrilege but extreme treason. Imagine if HC now decides new members only have access to the basic meditations section, and then to gain access to the rest of the meditation sections he puts up arbitrary bullshit requirements, or straight up tells you that you must pay him for the privilege to access this knowledge, which Satan gives out freely.

You would all make a line to shoot him in the back of the head, if Satan didn't fry his soul first. But when jack proposes it you people tolerate such horrendous treasonous statements simply because he's edgy and you got used to his bs. Well I'm still not comfortable reading such disturbing thoughts.

You are letting your own personal dislike of Jack cloud your judgement of him. You also misunderstand his words.

Unless I simply haven't read it, I haven't noticed Jack saying spiritual information must be restricted and shouldn't be known to the masses.

He said the things he did to explain how it has been in the past to give context, not that he believes what the JoS provides shouldn't be free for all people to read. That is how I understood his words.

He is right on some level as well that much of this, even the basic information on the JoS is simply too much for the average person, which is just not on the level to accept and benefit from the JoS's teachings.

In the past a lot of spiritual information was hidden for that reason that the average person would only abuse it and defame the practice, as well as to protect things from corruption and to keeping it out of the enemy hands.

Now in the modern age with the Internet, a lot more can be revealed and shown to the public, through the Joy of Satan, and true spirituality is able to be revived in this age due to the freedom of information the Internet provides, as well as the fact the JoS is able to maintain an independent and practically anonymous organization online to curate the teachings in order to prevent it from being corrupted while giving it out to the public (hence why the JoS is free and doesn't charge for anything we provide).

Of course, that is according to Satan's will. All of this is.

Same for any hidden knowledge one may be given by a GD during your practice. One only receives what is to remain hidden, if one is known to be able to keep to themselves what is meant to be kept to oneself.

That too is according to Satan's will.

The example you give is irrelevant, as that cannot ever happen since Satan does have full control over this distribution of knowledge and the progression of knowledge as known and provided by the JoS.

Only people who Satan himself chooses and accepts will be placed in positions of power to govern the sites or distribution of knowledge, etc. If one does not qualify, they will never be in this position.

The whole argument you make on this is completely irrelevant, as all the JoS is to be put in place according to Satan's will, and no one else can interfere on that top level whatsoever. What the HP's do is also done in accordance with and through confirmation with the Gods. It is a joint effort in that regard.

Things are shared because Satan wants it to be shared, and things are kept hidden for the same reason.

Only people who are able to work alongside the Gods in accordance with Satan's will are able to find themselves doing that kind of work these days, such as that Satan's will for the JoS is never crossed as the JoS is very important to Him and integral to the future of our world.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
You are letting your own personal dislike of Jack cloud your judgement of him. You also misunderstand his words.

I am not completely disregarding this. There is the possibility I am not seeing things perfectly clearly. Although I sense malice from this person. I see it in how he approaches others, especially new, confused or inexperienced members.

You never know what someone is really like until they have some kind of power over you. And what does jack do besides downplay and bark insults at anybody he thinks has less understanding than himself. I shudder at the thought of a person like this holding any kind of power over anyone. Not that I have actual concern, there is a line of people waiting to kill him, and others have even cursed him before. He creates enemies everywhere with his behavior, and I have no doubts he's just going to end up in an alleyway somewhere with a gunshot in the back of his head.

But I digress, please give me your opinion on this bit.


"Spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely to lower beings, and it isn't even now. The majority of humanity is composed of lowly useless beings who need leaders and edicts to follow. Individualism is for leaders who give out these edicts. You can't allow freedom for everyone and not have society totally collapse like it already has. The obvious answer is authoritarian and dictatorship, the election of a supreme leader and a hierarchical group structure which concentrates knowledge.

Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future.

Your insolence and lack of understanding of how this world works is shaped by living in a liberal democracy. Most people are incapable of realizing what they should do and they need leaders to follow. Freedom and liberalism has totally failed which should be apparent by looking at ancient and modern history. We need a hierarchical structure where power is concentrated and you can't access more knowledge unless you prove yourself."

Am I misunderstanding this, or is jack saying, in plain english, that spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely?

And that freedom is not something that people should have?

I do not wish to debate this topic forever. I've stated my suspicions and made my case as to why jack does not belong here. Maybe I am clouded by a personal dislike of this person, maybe not. I will not sit here for a month complaining endlessly, I've made my case and I have nothing else to say. If you feel that I'm misunderstanding what's being said, by all means show me where I've made a mistake.
VoiceofEnki said:

You have to be careful when reading Jack's messages. They are very persuasive because he says a lot of true and agreeable things, but he mixes in significant subliminal bullshit along with it.

Jack said:
The false pretense of free thought and exchange of ideas is what allowed the Jews to take over the world. Until then peasants were kept in line, they never thought they could be equal to the aristocrats.

Its mind boggling to claim knowledge accomplishes anything when it's clear that knowledge is only useful as a control tool.

Knowledge is only useful when political elites use it to control the civilization or Spiritual elites use it to control the political elites.

It's just childish fantasy when people claim liberalism and free thought have any use. Its only useful in the hands of elites. The masses of people remain subject to their base desires and knowledge is used to move the masses in directions that the elite want. The masses remain ,NPCs with or without knowledge. It doesn't matter.

Securing knowledge and disseminating it in a controlled way makes one work for it. You work for that which you don't have.

The total failure of every western country which removed the gentile aristocracy for the false pretense of the right to free knowledge ,which led to other rights such as voting etc shows that this system has absolutely failed and doesn't work. Liberating the common masses of people just made them chase irrelevant and damaging things in life and do absolutely nothing with their lives,made them fight each other and kill each other. This happened in civilizations where jews didn't exist in antiquity.

The only way that knowledge works is to give it to Divinely Ordained individuals who can judge other individuals as worthy of accepting that same knowledge or not.

Contrast the quotes above with Maxine's quotes below:
tabby said:
"Unlike most religions, Spiritual Satanism encourages one to question everything. Being one's personal best and exceeding limitations are the essence of Spiritual Satanism and this begins with using one's brains to their maximum potential."


"There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism. We strongly encourage our people to interact one on one with Satan. The ministry is here for guidance and support only. One's relationship with Satan is between that individual and Satan. We take the stance of "responsibility to the responsible." We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and do everything we can to make all knowledge available to EVERYONE- not just a select few who are a self-appointed "elite" as with other religions. Satan encourages self-study, learning, direct experience."


"Many people disregard so-called" "occult" power, they do not take it seriously or are otherwise completely ignorant concerning it. The truth is, occult power has been in the hands of a few for centuries. Christianity has been their tool for removing this knowledge from the populace.
Following the removal of knowledge, a fictitious past was invented to keep people from knowing the truth. People who do not understand or are unfamiliar with these skills are at the mercy of those who have them and who are adept at using them. Thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt, this power was well known and most of the populace knew how to use it. With the arrival of Judeo/Christianity and Islam, knowledge was systematically destroyed wherever it was found."

jrvan said:

Those are good points. Jack is wrong on those notions, he often sees things in a very rigid and shallow manner, which is his weakness.

I do not believe that makes him an enemy however, which is how he is often treated by others for making statements that are untrue.

I will try to make some time to more carefully read a few of Jacks recent posts, perhaps I undermined the level of contradiction some of his posts have compared to the SS ideal, since I haven't read every single post on these discussions you have had.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
But I digress, please give me your opinion on this bit.


"Spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely to lower beings, and it isn't even now. The majority of humanity is composed of lowly useless beings who need leaders and edicts to follow. Individualism is for leaders who give out these edicts. You can't allow freedom for everyone and not have society totally collapse like it already has. The obvious answer is authoritarian and dictatorship, the election of a supreme leader and a hierarchical group structure which concentrates knowledge.

Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future.

Your insolence and lack of understanding of how this world works is shaped by living in a liberal democracy. Most people are incapable of realizing what they should do and they need leaders to follow. Freedom and liberalism has totally failed which should be apparent by looking at ancient and modern history. We need a hierarchical structure where power is concentrated and you can't access more knowledge unless you prove yourself."

Am I misunderstanding this, or is jack saying, in plain english, that spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely?

And that freedom is not something that people should have?

I do not wish to debate this topic forever. I've stated my suspicions and made my case as to why jack does not belong here. Maybe I am clouded by a personal dislike of this person, maybe not. I will not sit here for a month complaining endlessly, I've made my case and I have nothing else to say. If you feel that I'm misunderstanding what's being said, by all means show me where I've made a mistake.

I understand why you'd strongly disagree with what Jack says there.

On some level, Jack's assessment is correct though, however his rigid and purely authoritarian views are too shallow and that is where the fault lies.

This part for example is completely true:

"Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future."

It is part of the reason the JoS is small, and why the enemy holds so much power. The way Jack condemns the common folk's ability to act without authoritarian leadership is not the right way to explain this though.

HP HoodedCobra has gone more in depth about this in his recent topic about the andrapoda.

To restrict knowledge purely because one believes the common folk cannot use it and therefore doesn't deserve it, is not correct.

It does indeed sound like Jack is suggesting this, which if he means it in the literal sense, would simply be outright wrong.

Knowledge in the western world has always been free until the enemy came along. It is meant to be free. Letting it be free helps uplift the quality of the common folk and makes it easier to reach societal standards where the andrapoda disappears entirely, leaving only the human level of existence as the lowest rung, which would be a major improvement over the world we live in today.

The ordinary human level person is also much more capable and reasonable than what Jack proposes. Jack comes from a culture where those notions he shared are ingrained within him his whole life, and where a strict caste system exists.

This is not the way of life in a Spiritual Satanic society, however he is also right that the pure mindless and false freedom people in the west have been living in is not the way forward either as it opens society up to degeneration like never seen before.

However, strict authoritarian enforcement is not necessary to reverse this. It happens with the uplifting of the societal and racial consciousness as we are doing now, and will fix itself when enough work has been done by people of higher levels of understanding.

This might take a long time, but it could also happen rapidly as the enemy power structure crumbles.

Too much freedom also leads to issues. As the common folk doesn't know how to live on the higher standard, they can find themselves turn to degenerate things as these are available and the state does nothing to restrict these sorts of harmful influences.

This is where Jack comes from when he says the common folk shouldn't have freedom, and I can understand where he is coming from with that suggestion, as the effects of limitless (false)freedom are very noticeable with all the degenerate influences upon western society.

However, as I will explain in more detail down below, restricting freedoms through authoritarian means is not the appropriate answer to solve this.

It would merely only serve as a poor band aid solution instead of solve the underlying issue which is the low level of consciousness the common folk is on to succumb to such degeneration. Jack appears to have failed to see that, due to his shallow understanding of this himself.

Some form of authoritarianism isn't problematic, and when handled by highly advanced and capable souls, it is greatly beneficial to society.

Certainly a dictatorship of sorts, with an absolute ruler, is better than a democracy, so long the said ruler is an enlightened being with great capabilities and understanding, advanced on all levels and capable of leadership.

NS Germany is the greatest example of that in recent times. The important thing to see there is, the people were strongly encouraged to do beneficial things for the society, and to incentivize people to do things which the leadership knew is for their benefit, the state rewarded the citizens which served to encourage them.

The state also didn't directly restrict the citizens freedom, instead they condemned strongly things which they know are harmful to the society, and because the NS leadership was loved by the vast majority of citizens, all elements which they condemned reduced overtime due to the citizens upholding the ideals of the state willingly since they trusted and believed in the state and its leadership.

For any embedded harmful elements, the NS investigated them and found enough dirt to condemn them as criminal and totally hazardous to the society and was thus able to justify the forced removal of these things to the citizens.

Due to the trust and love the majority of citizens had for the NS leadership (born from how much benefit the NS gave to the German citizens, from merit the NS held in the eyes of the citizens), the NS leadership sometimes even had to quell the impulsive reaction against harmful elements by the citizens instead to allow all things to happen at the appropriate time and keep public order under control.

You can see how the NS was able to exercise immense control without requiring much use of direct authoritarian power at all, simply by elevating and enlightening the societal and racial consciousness of the citizens (through education, transparency and communication), which made a great many things simply fall into place once this was established.

Jack's idea that direct and forceful authoritarian control is required to accomplish the elevation of the state is simply untrue and not the SS way to go about this.

The SS way is for the ideology to show such merit that the vast majority of common folk will willingly put their whole heart and soul towards it, and won't need any authoritarian hand to forcefully put them on the right path.

Just like how Satan showed me the merit of SS, and I willingly joined and out my heart and soul into this, the common folk can come to see the merit that enlightened ways of governance hold just the same when the racial consciousness of the various races detaches from the enemy jewtrix. This happens over time with the work that we do.

Satan never used any authoritarian means to get his people, people simply came to Him because they saw how awesome He is and practically begged willingly to learn from Him.

That is true authority, which can be gained when one is of appropriate advancement and consciousness. Our Führer, Adolf Hitler had the German citizens do the same for him after the citizens saw the greatness in him.

It makes the whole idea of authoritarianism that Jack proposes obsolete.

Hail Satan!
Question the next?

I have been watching Jack for a long time and I can see that he is not developing as a human being, at least not applying the knowledge of Joy of Satan that the priesthood first of all offers to all of us.
Most of all he doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand the knowledge of ,and is willing to go to any length to discuss his views which are not his idea at all,but Jewish programming.

The most obvious example of this is the tranny theme, for example!

But a comparison of the writing of Jack posted by JRVAN and the writing of High Priestess Maxine makes it obvious that Jack is not only not Satanic in what he does, but he mixes ultra nonsense with the truth.
That is why his writings are so disturbing.

He is always trying to argue "scientific facts", "scientifically backed up", and so on.
These are all very good things, but what he fails to consider is that along with this, the enemy is pouring into people's heads his pseudo-scientific explanations, which are really just Hebrew lies.

He doesn't realize it, when he should just investigate, or ask Satan questions to see if it is really as he was told.
A dozen of methods to communicate with our father Satan!

Why is it that Jack is always running some Jewish ideology or acting like one?

The questions arise as to why this is so, but we have to take things into account before we say anything about it.

In any case, Jack, if you don't want your life to end in tragedy, you have to understand things.
It's not a threat, but I understand you now that you, like everybody else, have to take care of yourself and take into account what your own psychology is and what the enemy programming is.

I'm just saying:
These behaviors are not conscious, they are subconscious!
It is not yet free from hostile programming.

You'd do well to start working with Father Satan!
He can only truly help you!
Believe me! It is the best way!

The other one!
Whatever the Jos clergy have said on any subject, they have always given us the truth,

We Satanists represent the truth!
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:

Those are good points. Jack is wrong on those notions, he often sees things in a very rigid and shallow manner, which is his weakness.

I do not believe that makes him an enemy however, which is how he is often treated by others for making statements that are untrue.

I will try to make some time to more carefully read a few of Jacks recent posts, perhaps I undermined the level of contradiction some of his posts have compared to the SS ideal, since I haven't read every single post on these discussions you have had.

Hail Satan!

Thank you. Your balance is greatly appreciated.

VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:
But I digress, please give me your opinion on this bit.


"Spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely to lower beings, and it isn't even now. The majority of humanity is composed of lowly useless beings who need leaders and edicts to follow. Individualism is for leaders who give out these edicts. You can't allow freedom for everyone and not have society totally collapse like it already has. The obvious answer is authoritarian and dictatorship, the election of a supreme leader and a hierarchical group structure which concentrates knowledge.

Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future.

Your insolence and lack of understanding of how this world works is shaped by living in a liberal democracy. Most people are incapable of realizing what they should do and they need leaders to follow. Freedom and liberalism has totally failed which should be apparent by looking at ancient and modern history. We need a hierarchical structure where power is concentrated and you can't access more knowledge unless you prove yourself."

Am I misunderstanding this, or is jack saying, in plain english, that spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely?

And that freedom is not something that people should have?

I do not wish to debate this topic forever. I've stated my suspicions and made my case as to why jack does not belong here. Maybe I am clouded by a personal dislike of this person, maybe not. I will not sit here for a month complaining endlessly, I've made my case and I have nothing else to say. If you feel that I'm misunderstanding what's being said, by all means show me where I've made a mistake.

I understand why you'd strongly disagree with what Jack says there.

On some level, Jack's assessment is correct though, however his rigid and purely authoritarian views are too shallow and that is where the fault lies.

This part for example is completely true:

"Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future."

It is part of the reason the JoS is small, and why the enemy holds so much power. The way Jack condemns the common folk's ability to act without authoritarian leadership is not the right way to explain this though.

HP HoodedCobra has gone more in depth about this in his recent topic about the andrapoda.

To restrict knowledge purely because one believes the common folk cannot use it and therefore doesn't deserve it, is not correct.

It does indeed sound like Jack is suggesting this, which if he means it in the literal sense, would simply be outright wrong.

Knowledge in the western world has always been free until the enemy came along. It is meant to be free. Letting it be free helps uplift the quality of the common folk and makes it easier to reach societal standards where the andrapoda disappears entirely, leaving only the human level of existence as the lowest rung, which would be a major improvement over the world we live in today.

The ordinary human level person is also much more capable and reasonable than what Jack proposes. Jack comes from a culture where those notions he shared are ingrained within him his whole life, and where a strict caste system exists.

This is not the way of life in a Spiritual Satanic society, however he is also right that the pure mindless and false freedom people in the west have been living in is not the way forward either as it opens society up to degeneration like never seen before.

However, strict authoritarian enforcement is not necessary to reverse this. It happens with the uplifting of the societal and racial consciousness as we are doing now, and will fix itself when enough work has been done by people of higher levels of understanding.

This might take a long time, but it could also happen rapidly as the enemy power structure crumbles.

Too much freedom also leads to issues. As the common folk doesn't know how to live on the higher standard, they can find themselves turn to degenerate things as these are available and the state does nothing to restrict these sorts of harmful influences.

This is where Jack comes from when he says the common folk shouldn't have freedom, and I can understand where he is coming from with that suggestion, as the effects of limitless (false)freedom are very noticeable with all the degenerate influences upon western society.

However, as I will explain in more detail down below, restricting freedoms through authoritarian means is not the appropriate answer to solve this.

It would merely only serve as a poor band aid solution instead of solve the underlying issue which is the low level of consciousness the common folk is on to succumb to such degeneration. Jack appears to have failed to see that, due to his shallow understanding of this himself.

Some form of authoritarianism isn't problematic, and when handled by highly advanced and capable souls, it is greatly beneficial to society.

Certainly a dictatorship of sorts, with an absolute ruler, is better than a democracy, so long the said ruler is an enlightened being with great capabilities and understanding, advanced on all levels and capable of leadership.

NS Germany is the greatest example of that in recent times. The important thing to see there is, the people were strongly encouraged to do beneficial things for the society, and to incentivize people to do things which the leadership knew is for their benefit, the state rewarded the citizens which served to encourage them.

The state also didn't directly restrict the citizens freedom, instead they condemned strongly things which they know are harmful to the society, and because the NS leadership was loved by the vast majority of citizens, all elements which they condemned reduced overtime due to the citizens upholding the ideals of the state willingly since they trusted and believed in the state and its leadership.

For any embedded harmful elements, the NS investigated them and found enough dirt to condemn them as criminal and totally hazardous to the society and was thus able to justify the forced removal of these things to the citizens.

Due to the trust and love the majority of citizens had for the NS leadership (born from how much benefit the NS gave to the German citizens, from merit the NS held in the eyes of the citizens), the NS leadership sometimes even had to quell the impulsive reaction against harmful elements by the citizens instead to allow all things to happen at the appropriate time and keep public order under control.

You can see how the NS was able to exercise immense control without requiring much use of direct authoritarian power at all, simply by elevating and enlightening the societal and racial consciousness of the citizens (through education, transparency and communication), which made a great many things simply fall into place once this was established.

Jack's idea that direct and forceful authoritarian control is required to accomplish the elevation of the state is simply untrue and not the SS way to go about this.

The SS way is for the ideology to show such merit that the vast majority of common folk will willingly put their whole heart and soul towards it, and won't need any authoritarian hand to forcefully put them on the right path.

Just like how Satan showed me the merit of SS, and I willingly joined and out my heart and soul into this, the common folk can come to see the merit that enlightened ways of governance hold just the same when the racial consciousness of the various races detaches from the enemy jewtrix. This happens over time with the work that we do.

Satan never used any authoritarian means to get his people, people simply came to Him because they saw how awesome He is and practically begged willingly to learn from Him.

That is true authority, which can be gained when one is of appropriate advancement and consciousness. Our Führer, Adolf Hitler had the German citizens do the same for him after the citizens saw the greatness in him.

It makes the whole idea of authoritarianism that Jack proposes obsolete.

Hail Satan!

Exactly. That was perfectly worded. As Maxine said, Satan stands for the common folk. He would never say something like "the common folk are not capable of free thought" because they obviously have the capability. He designed them with that capability, and our religion insists upon free thought.

I really, really hate to give any more benefit of the doubt to Jack whatsoever at this point after all of his abuse, propaganda against me, and outright lies... but in the interest of understanding and brainstorming explanations here: I think a lot of people are ignorant of the difference between the words "ability" and "capability." Ability has to do with what you have right now, and capability has to do with potential.

Even using the word "ability" in the context that he did would still be damning in my opinion, even if slightly less so. Humans all have the ability of free thought - it's just that many don't use it. Blaming and condemning the citizens for being victims of jewish curses is very much in the wrong direction.

I also don't like how he singles out America while refusing to be balanced by pointing out the flaws of other countries too. If I talked shit about India then he wouldn't be having it. I'm not so overly patriotic as to be deeply affected by this, but it does give me the impression of someone who has been trained to hate America like a lot of overseas people have been. I personally am suspicious of this, and it makes me nervous when I read his comments as if he's energetically targeting America for destruction in his mind. It's like... I live here, and I would like to not see Gentile nations being the target of talks of destruction on the forums. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth... I don't like the feeling it gives me when he talks about these things. And like Dahaarkan said, he has the opposite stance when talking about Communist China which is just really strange. He brought this suspicion upon himself all on his own. We're not deluded crazy people who have Jack Derangement Syndrome - people hate him and distrust him for a good reason. He is a disharmonious element to the community here, and he refuses to get along with people and let them be. When called out for his abuse of members, he gaslights them and claims that he is trying to help them.

It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him. It's like they are blind to all the problems he causes with other members, as if he has hypnotized them. Meanwhile, I get blamed for a lot of the shit that Jack himself does which I don't do. Like how many times have people accused me now of starting fights. People should review my post history to check that claim of theirs, and find out just how often I START drama. Most of the time I am just defending myself against being heckled, and clearing up misunderstandings about what I have said after people claim I said something which I didn't, and misquote me, and start this propaganda about me, and seed these memes about me which later spread - and just so much bullshit that it's hard to keep track of. It's unbelievable the amount of abuse I receive while Jack walks away squeaky clean while being defended and beloved and borderline worshiped by the people who are seemingly blind to what he's doing. I just don't understand it. How can they not see how manipulative, cunning, and deceitful Jack is? Oh well. They're making a bad choice by following him and allowing him to have a cult of personality. He doesn't care about any of them, and if they tested my theory by criticizing him for once instead of glorifying him and singing his praises then they would see a different side of him. He doesn't tolerate people calling him out, even when he attacked them first. He talks about how he loves and craves accountability, but he doesn't take any of his own unless he is forced to. That is not an honest man.
Henu the Great said:
jrvan said:
Oh and by the way. I read that rant of yours about Pagan societies and all. You're lying about it now. You did say that spiritual knowledge should be kept by an elite and only given to people who suck their dick for long enough to get a few breadcrumbs. Spiritual knowledge is our birthright as Gentiles. It belongs to all of us. The civilians were doing magick long ago, and you want to deprive them of this like the great fool that you are. We humans are the offspring of Gods, it is in our genetic blueprint to become Gods, and people like you will not deprive us of our fucking birthright. Society decays when we don't have this knowledge. You did your neat little rabbi trick of saying that knowledge and free thought for civilians is bad, and that spiritual knowledge is dangerous for them - but you twisted this around to blur the lines and make it confusing. You deliberately conflated knowledge with spiritual knowledge. How could true spiritual knowledge ever be harmful to Gentiles? It couldn't. When people are filled with spiritual knowledge, and not corruptions and watered down incomplete notions - they naturally become elevated. Or else are you going to actually try to claim that anyone who has ever come to the JoS and absorbed the knowledge of the websites has ever been worse off for it? You're going to actually claim that it is better for society if the masses are ignorant? Why not just burn down the Library of Alexandria which ALL Gentiles had access to, while you're at it. Foolishness...
This is incorrect.

In our current climate you can not reveal every single detail to every single one since our enemy could use it against you. Therefore there has to be layers and some things would be revealed as one advances in the path. You use vulgar term for this, but really it is about advancement aka "need to know". Likewise, if you work with your GD for personal working for solving something you do not flaunt it to everyone, unless it is okay to share with others. It is not always the case, situations differ.

What is public on JoS and on these forums is basic stuff to get yourself started and once you advance you will learn more.

The notion that all people are noble in heart and would not work against us or our teachings would not apply to this age we are living so take it into account.

Very true, and some things have to come directly from the Demons.
Good comment.
VoiceofEnki said:

I like your comment, and I have nothing to add here for it, I just want to ask a question because I'm curious.

Would it be fair or unfair to say that if a person has grown up a certain way with certain teachings because it is their cultures teachings, but this hinders them or serves to be detrimental in ways, that they should try to learn a different set of teachings that would be of more benefit to themselves? Especially if one is seeking leadership positions as this would affect others.
Dahaarkan said:
VoiceofEnki said:
You are letting your own personal dislike of Jack cloud your judgement of him. You also misunderstand his words.

I am not completely disregarding this. There is the possibility I am not seeing things perfectly clearly. Although I sense malice from this person. I see it in how he approaches others, especially new, confused or inexperienced members.

You never know what someone is really like until they have some kind of power over you. And what does jack do besides downplay and bark insults at anybody he thinks has less understanding than himself. I shudder at the thought of a person like this holding any kind of power over anyone. Not that I have actual concern, there is a line of people waiting to kill him, and others have even cursed him before. He creates enemies everywhere with his behavior, and I have no doubts he's just going to end up in an alleyway somewhere with a gunshot in the back of his head.

But I digress, please give me your opinion on this bit.


"Spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely to lower beings, and it isn't even now. The majority of humanity is composed of lowly useless beings who need leaders and edicts to follow. Individualism is for leaders who give out these edicts. You can't allow freedom for everyone and not have society totally collapse like it already has. The obvious answer is authoritarian and dictatorship, the election of a supreme leader and a hierarchical group structure which concentrates knowledge.

Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future.

Your insolence and lack of understanding of how this world works is shaped by living in a liberal democracy. Most people are incapable of realizing what they should do and they need leaders to follow. Freedom and liberalism has totally failed which should be apparent by looking at ancient and modern history. We need a hierarchical structure where power is concentrated and you can't access more knowledge unless you prove yourself."

Am I misunderstanding this, or is jack saying, in plain english, that spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely?

And that freedom is not something that people should have?

I do not wish to debate this topic forever. I've stated my suspicions and made my case as to why jack does not belong here. Maybe I am clouded by a personal dislike of this person, maybe not. I will not sit here for a month complaining endlessly, I've made my case and I have nothing else to say. If you feel that I'm misunderstanding what's being said, by all means show me where I've made a mistake.

Hail Borther!

A few days ago Jack replyed to a topic to me in a nice and understanding way.

I do not think he is evil, we are all individuals here and alot of our views on the world don't match.

I am in favour for the knowledge to be readily avaliable for people but the majority will not know what to do with that knowledge and worst case scenario alot of people would destroy themselves by doing advanced stuff that they are not ready for, perhaps leadership is needed here.

We are here to advance and partake in a war to free humanity. What will happen with the knowledge is for the Gods to decide. They brought us here and they will bring others here also.

What you guys are arguing about is far into the future(in my opinion) 50-100 years from now, and till then the Gods will be here.

The energy of the Wolrd became very hatefull these days and it is easy to fall prey to it. I got reminded of this by brother NakedPluto a few days back.

I know its easier said then done, especially when you were attacked for writing some posts, but perhaps we should lay this to rest atleast till this dark filth passes.

I wish you what you wish for yourself brother!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
VoiceofEnki said:

To illustrate my point of view, I've had many discussions with jack, and I understand the kind of person he is. And I've read his desires and opinions over the years.

Jack has a desire for political power and this is not an issue.

But then consider also:

- His indifference towards the inhumane treatment of gentiles under regimes such as the CCP.

- His insane philosophy that spiritual knowledge should not be spread and shared, and should instead become a means of control.

- His stubborn, dictating nature, and the firm belief that he knows better than everyone, and does not tolerate anybody who disagrees.

- His constant praising and dreaming of harsh, highly militarized dictatorship government models that control people's lives down to a personal, even sexual level.

Read through jack's inner desires and mentality and you'll find he's just another Stalin in the making. I CANNOT tolerate this in any way. I hate jack with every inch of my being, he embodies and embraces everything I despise.

This is the first time in all my time here that I've accused someone of treason. And it goes beyond just words on posts. Jack's entire being is in opposition to us and the world we wish to create as is revealed when he shares his inner thoughts and desires. His thoughts, dreams and ambitions are in opposition to Satan's vision. None of us want to live in a dictatorship where all spiritual knowledge is held by the government and we are all at the complete mercy of a single person.

We are all working towards liberating ourselves from the above and jack simply wishes to re-create it with him on top. Satan's knowledge is a means of liberation, but he wishes to re-purpose it as a means of control.

At least that's how I see things. It's not my decision to make whether he stays or goes so I'm not going to obsess over this, and removing him from the forums would be a minor convenience, as in the end, those who oppose Satan's designs will sorely regret it.

If I am correct in my assessment of this soul, he will die screaming in the coming winds of change. I just hope I can be there to hear it. To me he's already irredeemable, but well, not my decision to make. So I leave it at that.

I've taken your advice to heart, and I'm not going to continue discussing this topic. Take care.
jrvan said:
It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him.

A CCP style dictatorship is, believe it or not, attractive to lots of people as it provides (apparent) safety and most importantly, takes away all responsibilities.
Jack being an authoritarian is seen as a savior by weak people, which is why they defend him.
It all has to do with a lack of personal power.
Which is the reason why Jack wants to keep the power out of people's hands because once people become powerful, they'd stop worshiping him.

I think that this going on subconsciously. People are not even aware of it.

The solution is to simply keep on empowering people. Fighting Jack with logic is pointless. He's on a quest for maximum power over others and he'll stop at nothing to get it. If you want to stop being attacked by him, you'll have to resort to underhanded means that involve character assassination. A bully only stops when the bullying becomes very costly.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
jrvan said:
It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him.

A CCP style dictatorship is, believe it or not, attractive to lots of people as it provides (apparent) safety and most importantly, takes away all responsibilities.
Jack being an authoritarian is seen as a savior by weak people, which is why they defend him.
It all has to do with a lack of personal power.
Which is the reason why Jack wants to keep the power out of people's hands because once people become powerful, they'd stop worshiping him.

I think that this going on subconsciously. People are not even aware of it.

The solution is to simply keep on empowering people. Fighting Jack with logic is pointless. He's on a quest for maximum power over others and he'll stop at nothing to get it. If you want to stop being attacked by him, you'll have to resort to underhanded means that involve character assassination. A bully only stops when the bullying becomes very costly.

I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
jrvan said:
It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him.

A CCP style dictatorship is, believe it or not, attractive to lots of people as it provides (apparent) safety and most importantly, takes away all responsibilities.
Jack being an authoritarian is seen as a savior by weak people, which is why they defend him.
It all has to do with a lack of personal power.
Which is the reason why Jack wants to keep the power out of people's hands because once people become powerful, they'd stop worshiping him.

I think that this going on subconsciously. People are not even aware of it.

The solution is to simply keep on empowering people. Fighting Jack with logic is pointless. He's on a quest for maximum power over others and he'll stop at nothing to get it. If you want to stop being attacked by him, you'll have to resort to underhanded means that involve character assassination. A bully only stops when the bullying becomes very costly.

I think you hit the nail on the head.
Dahaarkan said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
jrvan said:
It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him.

A CCP style dictatorship is, believe it or not, attractive to lots of people as it provides (apparent) safety and most importantly, takes away all responsibilities.
Jack being an authoritarian is seen as a savior by weak people, which is why they defend him.
It all has to do with a lack of personal power.
Which is the reason why Jack wants to keep the power out of people's hands because once people become powerful, they'd stop worshiping him.

I think that this going on subconsciously. People are not even aware of it.

The solution is to simply keep on empowering people. Fighting Jack with logic is pointless. He's on a quest for maximum power over others and he'll stop at nothing to get it. If you want to stop being attacked by him, you'll have to resort to underhanded means that involve character assassination. A bully only stops when the bullying becomes very costly.

I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

I completely feel you on this. It's infuriating.

And then we're the ones who get gaslighted and called crazy. How many times does history have to repeat itself before people start realizing who the real good guys and bad guys are?

People need to pay attention to not only words, but actions too. Even if Jack is saying all the right things in their minds (while they gloss over the sneaky hidden subliminal crap), his actions are telling a different story and revealing who he really is and the truth of his character. It's like people just conveniently forget all the bad stuff he has done, and how many people he has driven away by bullying them. He goes very far to make this place NOT feel like home for people. And yet everyone keeps making excuses for him. He's the archetypal eternally loved toxic narcissist. The day people finally stop feeding his narcissistic self image, he will cease to be. He only continues to survive because people keep defending him, making excuses for him, and holding him back up when he is primed to fall.

Oh well. I know the truth of things. And the truth of this world right now is that people get exactly what they ask for, and very rarely what they deserve. People deserve better than jack, but jack is what they want so jack is what they get.
Dahaarkan said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
jrvan said:
It's really strange how far so many people go to defend him.

A CCP style dictatorship is, believe it or not, attractive to lots of people as it provides (apparent) safety and most importantly, takes away all responsibilities.
Jack being an authoritarian is seen as a savior by weak people, which is why they defend him.
It all has to do with a lack of personal power.
Which is the reason why Jack wants to keep the power out of people's hands because once people become powerful, they'd stop worshiping him.

I think that this going on subconsciously. People are not even aware of it.

The solution is to simply keep on empowering people. Fighting Jack with logic is pointless. He's on a quest for maximum power over others and he'll stop at nothing to get it. If you want to stop being attacked by him, you'll have to resort to underhanded means that involve character assassination. A bully only stops when the bullying becomes very costly.

I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.
There also comes the topic of questions. People need to feel safe enough to be able to be here on the forums to ask for help with things they can't just ask withouts about. If one is acting as a dictator, using people's struggles and issues they share to gain help against them, treating them as military soldiers and driving them to stay away from the forums if they're "too weak"... well, new people especially are not going to be inclined to share anything that could be used against them to shame them, nor will they be inclined to become an advanced SS if they receive no encouragement to advance higher than the dictator.

It limits people's growth, and leaves a bad taste. JoS is meant to expand and it must in order to save as many as possible. Not everyone can toughen their backs against a dictator's whip and refuse to get out of their way. I don't find it ok that people's hearts have to turn to stone and remain isolated just to exist in a place of Satan. If sustaining one's own power level over others is more important than the proper growth and advancement of our people, then this person is to be unheard.

This isn't xtanity, nor a corrupted schooling system, where one must be wealthy or a priest to be taught anything decent. If the common folk have no knowledge or must "prove" themselves to get it, there are no people.
tabby said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

Satan withholds information from you until you are prepared to apply it and give meaning to it. This character wishes to withhold knowledge that is not his to withhold in the first place, and worse yet does it as a means of controlling you. Very important differences you're ignoring here.

Jack is neither Satan nor working directly with Satan. So by what right does he presume to restrict knowledge that is not his to restrict in the first place.

He wishes to take that which Satan gives you freely, snatch it from your hands and place restrictions upon it so that he may control you. Satan pours His knowledge unto the gentile people, then this guy takes it from your hands and restricts it to an elite class he will create around himself to maintain power.

A true leader inspires devotion to himself and his vision naturally. Fake leaders, tyrants and psychopaths resort to such tactics to control the masses, as power does not befit them and they know it.

If jack is a genuine Satanist, of this I have severe doubts and would have banned him years ago, this is the best thing that's happened to him. He is getting a taste of his own medicine. He likes to vilify, mock and criticize other members and try to set others on them, has a history of doing this.

He is also having his own philosophy and principles which he loves to enforce on others, now applied to and targeting him. He is constantly preaching about how one should be blunt and harsh and it is easy to say these things when it's not your name being spoken.

The reality when he is having his own principles applied to himself, he can't take it and runs away as he has. So maybe it finally gets through his thick skull that his philosophy is stupid and doesn't help anybody.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

We know what you're saying here. There is a lot of knowledge that many people aren't ready for, and aren't meant to hold. A good example/analogy would be matters of national security or war plans which would be a liability for the citizens to know about.

What Henu refers to as "the basics" is the birthright of all Gentiles, and that's why it is readily available on the JoS just as it should be. Even then, not everyone is going to seek out this knowledge because they're not ready to learn it - but it's still there freely accessible to everyone. Jack gives the impression that people shouldn't even be taught the basic mechanics of reality, light, and the soul so they can do something as simple as clean their aura so they can practice spiritual hygiene. We're all supposed to be the spiritually unwashed masses, apparently. At that rate, he may as well ban public education too.

He said - and I quote - ALL knowledge is useless except for the purpose of controlling the population. That was what he said with strong conviction. Are people not right to be alarmed by something like that?

Aside from that, I agree with your assessment that Jack is an emotionally crippled manchild who can't even be bothered to do workings to bring out his childhood trauma to deal with, or even meditate on his childhood in the first place. That's the not-so-nice way of putting it. I don't believe any of us would even have a problem with him if he didn't take out his problems on other forum members and harass us. He crusaded first. He disrupts the harmony of the forums, hijacks and derails threads for pointless reasons, and pisses people off every chance he gets just to get a reaction out of them for his own satisfaction. He behaves exactly like a troll.

Jack has been given more free passes, gotten away with more things, and had more excuses made for him than anyone else. Almost anyone else would have been banned long ago for even a fraction of the stuff that he has pulled overall. I honestly don't know how he keeps getting away with it. People still keep defending him and making excuses for him, and it's like nobody even notices or cares about the toxic crap he does on the forums. How many good, honest people have been driven away from the forums because of him? How is he THAT valuable? I don't get it. Is he really worth more than all of the people we could have here in our ranks contributing to the forums? He makes a joke out of these forums and what we stand for. It's just a playground to him that he wants to shit all over. He doesn't care about anyone, anyone at all - not truly. He just pretends to for his vanity. He's a heartless bastard. Not only that, but he commits the worst sin of all every single day - stupidity. I can't stand how dense, thickheaded, and absolutely clueless he is. He's a stupid attention whore who needs to wake up and get his damn priorities straight. And fix his emotions already. If his Indian traditions are that corrupted and toxic then he needs to revisit them and analyze it with a clear mind, and discard what doesn't work. Many of us worked our way out of xian teachings and conditioning, but he can't manage to sort out and see through the corruption in his own religion and traditions?

Until he gets in touch with his heart and works through his repressed emotions, he's going to keep being toxic and dragging people down with him. He wants to be a leader? Well then he should lift people up instead of dragging them down. He sucks, and I hope he never has a position of leadership in society with the way he is now.

I've tried the diplomacy thing with him already. Many times in fact. I've tried so hard to make peace with him, and I've extended olive branch after olive branch. He won't have it. He's only interested in getting back at me and pushing me down beneath him - that's ALL he cares about. Just his stupid worthless pride and ego. That's more important to him than all of us and Father Satan's forums. He does not care.

He started this war against me and others. He caused all of this infighting. He should own up to it, and just let it go already. I've wanted to be done with it for so long now, and just exist peacefully on the forums. I don't even expect an apology. I just want him to stop causing problems. If he can't do that then he deserves to be banned in my opinion. Believe me, I would love it if he made a turn around and became a better, more harmonious influence on the forums and got along with people here. However, after a point, he's just not worth the effort in trying to salvage his potential. He strikes me as the type that would cringe at the idea of being harmonious and treating us all as family because that's just not edgy enough for him. He doesn't have it in him. He thinks he's better than everyone, and won't respect anyone he looks down his nose at - which is everyone. His "Brahmin" status has absolutely gone to his head.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

Blitz, at this point I do not think he'd even listen to those that mean well and approach him in a different manner.
Jack has been here for 3 years at least, constantly posting this kind of stuff.

And I wonder, if you were to meet someone like him on the street, not knowing if the person is an SS or not, would you take him in and take care of him? Be his bestie for years and years to come?
Knowing that his views never change, and that they are abusive?

I'd think twice about that.

To be fair, if I kept every person that acted like that in my life I'd have admitted myself to an asylum.

Relationships with people are a two way street. If one way is blocked, the other is just giving themselves till there's nothing left. Same with arguments (idk why I said that in this way though, rereading it).

People have tried blitz, also just giving normal examples and stuff. It hasn't changed.

I understand that many of us are putting themselves first right now, and that is necessary in the current world, till we reach a point where we can share what we know to help others. If you put your entire energy towards 'helping' another, you're not making sure you yourself are taken care of.

And these arguments that have been happening, have happened for a good reason.
I haven't said much because I didn't want to spend any more energy on it than that I already have over the years.
It takes a woman to teach what a woman is like. But someone that has already entirely closed his heart and mind to teachings like that.. it's a lost cause.
Like Belle and the Beast. Except the Beast stays a Beast, because the Beast in Belle at least shows something human to him.

Blitz if you want to baby and nurture jack into a proper satanist, be my guest.
But none of us are going to do that after seeing him in this exact way without any (proper) progress for years and years on end. Actually in fact, he only grew more radical it seems.

Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)

Oh ye also on a side note: for so far I am aware, you are only allowed to marry within your caste in India.
In Hitlers time the distinct groups were abolished which allowed rise to the common man to educate himself and get into a better position than that he or she was born within.
This improved standards overall. And made sure the best of the best ended up where they needed to be instead of what was only passed on by the parents to the children.

It allowed for development of potential. Not for stagnation within restricted areas.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
Dahaarkan said:
I am not a particularly patriotic person, or have a very strong bond with my own people. But even my blood boils when I hear ambitions of enslaving my people under some fucked up spiritual dictatorship where the masses are kept spiritually ignorant and decaying. And having the audacity to attribute this to Satan or Satanism...

And then having "Satanists" defend this...bruh. I'll admit, I'm quite mad. The thought of my people and my children being kept in a state of spiritual decay just so this guy can play god. Bruh.

There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

I was personally speaking in general about knowledge and spirituality. Not sensitive information, or information people are not ready for (which if they knew at their current level would do more harm to them or others than good). Although I'm not sure if you're addressing me or not specifically since you're quoting me but are elaborating further to what others have mentioned.

I desire to share my personal thoughts though as someone who's been on the unpleasant receiving end of Jack's behavior.
If Jack's problem with emotional trauma and Capricorn energy was all there was to it, it would be one thing. But it can be observed that there are more than just these issues going on, otherwise I think this would have been dealt with a long time ago with consistent meditation and magick on his part. Since these problems of his still exist continually without much if any improvement, then personally, that doesn't sound like there has been a good use of time well spent over his years of supposed meditation and advancement.

As far as I can tell, the problem with Jack can be summed up in three things: 1) abuse, narcissism, aggression, manipulation tactics (involving gas lighting and shaming, and lording himself over others, etc), and overly controlling behavior, especially towards other SS. 2) Spreading of inaccurate information and doomsday propaganda, and insisting people obey this. 3) Teachings and messages that clash and contradict that of Satanism, which is pushed onto others.

I'm not convinced that it's ok for someone to be here as long as Jack has, and still behave like this after all the help, advice, public reactions, and warnings he's received, and "apparent" level of meditation and spiritual knowledge he claims to have. If he truly is as advanced and knowledgeable as he claims, he does not appear to apply this effectively, and uses this to manipulate people to accept his abusive treatments and inaccurate Satanic information. We are asked to "just ignore" this and focus on ourselves. We're told we're just "too sensitive and weak, and should just meditate because we understand nothing". What does this solve, other than to emotionally oppress people? I don't see how this can be ignored, and sure, older members have the ability to ignore this and be less affected, but what of new people and those who have not yet mastered void meditation? If one wants to remain a loud voice and personality that actively affects others (and desires to affect others), they need to take responsibility, but that does not happen with Jack. He will stand hard by his views even if they are false and contradict Satanism, and not show any genuine regret for his treatment of people. He has only apologized at least once that I'm aware of (not even to the people he hurt), and that was because he was warned of a ban which scared him into laying low for a time.

The teachings he's received from his culture and family are heavily ingrained into him, and despite these contradicting and clashing with the teachings of Satanism, he will not let them go or grow beyond them, and attempts to push these teachings into the forums and on others.

New people are easily swallowed by such manipulation and abuse, and the last thing I would hope most would not want to see, is new people being pushed under the weight of such things and led wrong. Those like myself and jrvan have barely kept our heads above the water dealing with him. There have been times I wanted to stay away from JoS because of Jack and others who have been "unwelcoming", it's taken long and hard work to simply feel safe on the forums here. I probably would have already remained in the shadows ages ago, if I hadn't been encouraged that I had any place here, and decided that my advancement and the advancement of my family was more important than letting my life be dictated by manipulative people who just want me to be silent against their abuse.

Diplomacy doesn't work with people who have no interest in being united or family. He will not co-exist with those who are not like him or conform to the teachings he was brought up with. This wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, however, he pushes this on others and shames them for being unlike himself. Politeness and civility, offering a helping hand to his "problems", is exploited and nothing changes except his manipulation tactics and games. Those who defend themselves against his abuse are gas lighted and made to feel ashamed for doing so. Anything of value these people try to add here is derailed by him (usually in the form of shaming and passive aggression and deliberate side talking) unless it is "approved" by him. The targets are flamed and get their words twisted on them through manipulation tactics to smear their image. Any chance to show growth is interfered with by him.

I personally hold no trust in the proclaimed progress Jack appears to be making. His energy is unsettling to me and has been before any personal problems started with him. It's not showing improvement either.

Sooner or later, as people continue to advance and grow, all the negativity that has been brewing from the actions of this person is going to leak out. It came out back last mid-year when he received a warning of a ban by the HP. Now it is leaking out again after recent (continued) behavior. Here at least it's not interfering with the productivity of other threads, and people can have a voice about this. Whenever anyone tries to express how they feel and think because of Jack's actions towards them and such, they are silenced in one way or another. All this is a reaction to something gone on too long and left unchecked. Suppressed anger is needing to be heard here, and it will continue like this until something gives out or changes. I don't know how this can come out cleanly or pleasantly though.

This is what I've experienced and observed. I can only hope something beneficial will come of it by expressing it.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
There is no good reason to keep the common folk without spirituality and knowledge. That is how we have a loss of the quality of life of a nation, while the 1% reap the benefits to themselves.

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

Blitz, at this point I do not think he'd even listen to those that mean well and approach him in a different manner.
Jack has been here for 3 years at least, constantly posting this kind of stuff.

And I wonder, if you were to meet someone like him on the street, not knowing if the person is an SS or not, would you take him in and take care of him? Be his bestie for years and years to come?
Knowing that his views never change, and that they are abusive?

I'd think twice about that.

To be fair, if I kept every person that acted like that in my life I'd have admitted myself to an asylum.

Relationships with people are a two way street. If one way is blocked, the other is just giving themselves till there's nothing left. Same with arguments (idk why I said that in this way though, rereading it).

People have tried blitz, also just giving normal examples and stuff. It hasn't changed.

I understand that many of us are putting themselves first right now, and that is necessary in the current world, till we reach a point where we can share what we know to help others. If you put your entire energy towards 'helping' another, you're not making sure you yourself are taken care of.

And these arguments that have been happening, have happened for a good reason.
I haven't said much because I didn't want to spend any more energy on it than that I already have over the years.
It takes a woman to teach what a woman is like. But someone that has already entirely closed his heart and mind to teachings like that.. it's a lost cause.
Like Belle and the Beast. Except the Beast stays a Beast, because the Beast in Belle at least shows something human to him.

Blitz if you want to baby and nurture jack into a proper satanist, be my guest.
But none of us are going to do that after seeing him in this exact way without any (proper) progress for years and years on end. Actually in fact, he only grew more radical it seems.

Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)

Oh ye also on a side note: for so far I am aware, you are only allowed to marry within your caste in India.
In Hitlers time the distinct groups were abolished which allowed rise to the common man to educate himself and get into a better position than that he or she was born within.
This improved standards overall. And made sure the best of the best ended up where they needed to be instead of what was only passed on by the parents to the children.

It allowed for development of potential. Not for stagnation within restricted areas.

I'm glad you mentioned the thing with women + Jack, I was kinda afraid to bring that up...

It still stings whenever I think about what happened to the sewing thread. There's a wonderful and scarring example. To be frank, we still can't safely and freely talk about anything to do with emotions, the feminine and women, or men expressing femininity without Jack and "traditionalist" males in the forums attempting to butcher the discussion in some way.
tabby said:
It still stings whenever I think about what happened to the sewing thread. There's a wonderful and scarring example. To be frank, we still can't safely and freely talk about anything to do with emotions, the feminine and women, or men expressing femininity without Jack and "traditionalist" males in the forums attempting to butcher the discussion in some way.

Agreed. Any such post will turn into a mess of a thread.

(Btw, somewhat related, is it weird that I have a man for my profile picture? The Hermit card just has such a beautiful message and relates to me so well. Someone referred to me as "brother" twice in another post, lol. Maybe I'll find the same card in another deck with a woman.)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=343394 time=1649592121 user_id=57]
tabby said:
It still stings whenever I think about what happened to the sewing thread. There's a wonderful and scarring example. To be frank, we still can't safely and freely talk about anything to do with emotions, the feminine and women, or men expressing femininity without Jack and "traditionalist" males in the forums attempting to butcher the discussion in some way.

Agreed. Any such post will turn into a mess of a thread.

(Btw, somewhat related, is it weird that I have a man for my profile picture? The Hermit card just has such a beautiful message and relates to me so well. Someone referred to me as "brother" twice in another post, lol. Maybe I'll find the same card in another deck with a woman.)

Nah.. I remember my old account. Everyone thought I was a guy. Lol.
It might confuse things further however.. And that person might have used a translator so the translation might have been incorrect.

Even in video games loads of boys/men pick girly avatars.. Because they tend to look better. And this was over 10 years ago that I heard that. It still happens.
You cannot rely on ones avatar to see if someone is a girl or a boy / a woman or a man.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343277 time=1649557368 user_id=21286]

Living with Jews, we have become scared of authority, and rightfully so. Yet there are positives to having a successful leader working with you, with the Gods as the prime example of that. Does it bother anyone that Satan withholds certain facts or spiritual knowledge from us? Does it bother you that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra have withheld certain knowledge?

We know Satan is actually acting with our best interests at heart. In this way, his restraint was done to create a positive environment for growth. This same growth is what would lead us to become capable of having such knowledge, in the end.

Just as Jack's emotions have been damaged by past trauma, so have some people's views of society been damaged as well. There is a positive and negative expression for everything. As SS, we focus on advancing the positives. This requires us to be open-minded to everything, which is not easy.

And as far as Jack goes, yes he has problems relative to Capricorn energy. I don't think this warrants some sort of big crusade against him, however. That is on him, and his own advancement, to sort that out. I think it is fine to clean up any messes he makes, and point that out to him, but I don't think it is fine for everyone to gang up and try to metaphorically strangle him.

Ironically, it is the voices that he needs to hear the most that he will end up blocking out, as a means of self-preservation.
Remember, Libra is how diplomacy happens, done by making any message sound sweet to one's ears, not harsh.

Blitz, at this point I do not think he'd even listen to those that mean well and approach him in a different manner.
Jack has been here for 3 years at least, constantly posting this kind of stuff.

And I wonder, if you were to meet someone like him on the street, not knowing if the person is an SS or not, would you take him in and take care of him? Be his bestie for years and years to come?
Knowing that his views never change, and that they are abusive?

I'd think twice about that.

To be fair, if I kept every person that acted like that in my life I'd have admitted myself to an asylum.

Relationships with people are a two way street. If one way is blocked, the other is just giving themselves till there's nothing left. Same with arguments (idk why I said that in this way though, rereading it).

People have tried blitz, also just giving normal examples and stuff. It hasn't changed.

I understand that many of us are putting themselves first right now, and that is necessary in the current world, till we reach a point where we can share what we know to help others. If you put your entire energy towards 'helping' another, you're not making sure you yourself are taken care of.

And these arguments that have been happening, have happened for a good reason.
I haven't said much because I didn't want to spend any more energy on it than that I already have over the years.
It takes a woman to teach what a woman is like. But someone that has already entirely closed his heart and mind to teachings like that.. it's a lost cause.
Like Belle and the Beast. Except the Beast stays a Beast, because the Beast in Belle at least shows something human to him.

Blitz if you want to baby and nurture jack into a proper satanist, be my guest.
But none of us are going to do that after seeing him in this exact way without any (proper) progress for years and years on end. Actually in fact, he only grew more radical it seems.

Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)

Oh ye also on a side note: for so far I am aware, you are only allowed to marry within your caste in India.
In Hitlers time the distinct groups were abolished which allowed rise to the common man to educate himself and get into a better position than that he or she was born within.
This improved standards overall. And made sure the best of the best ended up where they needed to be instead of what was only passed on by the parents to the children.

It allowed for development of potential. Not for stagnation within restricted areas.

I'm glad you mentioned the thing with women + Jack, I was kinda afraid to bring that up...

It still stings whenever I think about what happened to the sewing thread. There's a wonderful and scarring example. To be frank, we still can't safely and freely talk about anything to do with emotions, the feminine and women, or men expressing femininity without Jack and "traditionalist" males in the forums attempting to butcher the discussion in some way.

I know and it was hard to bring up anything else since this was absolutely the most apparant/obvious.

I was even wondering if it should be considered to be taken into account, and if it was going too far out/away from the comment at hand that I replied to, but yes it should be mentioned.
Even though it may come across to some that we 'whine' about it.

But examples like this are the exact reason women learn self defense and take up arms. Guys like that are completely unreliable.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=343394 time=1649592121 user_id=57]
tabby said:
It still stings whenever I think about what happened to the sewing thread. There's a wonderful and scarring example. To be frank, we still can't safely and freely talk about anything to do with emotions, the feminine and women, or men expressing femininity without Jack and "traditionalist" males in the forums attempting to butcher the discussion in some way.

Agreed. Any such post will turn into a mess of a thread.

(Btw, somewhat related, is it weird that I have a man for my profile picture? The Hermit card just has such a beautiful message and relates to me so well. Someone referred to me as "brother" twice in another post, lol. Maybe I'll find the same card in another deck with a woman.)

haha me being me, no, I don't think it's weird. It's depicting a Tarot card, and I agree, I think it suits you.

It's normal that people want profile pictures that relate to them in some way. Some people do so in the form of depicting a person of the same gender as themselves for the profile, and others will use what they like that they are simply drawn to. So it makes sense, with that kind of mindset, that someone would accidentally call you "brother", especially if they're unaware of the energies behind the profile.

Though that is funny that someone called you "brother" just for having a male depicted in your profile :lol:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)
This is internet, and anyone can say or do anything at any given moment. This is reality.

Aside from that, if a person does not respect your set boundaries (you should strictly tell them they are out of line and what they are doing is inappropriate for the situation and the correct way would be to do x instead) then you can simply ignore them. There is also ignore feature on the forum so you can hide all the messages of a member. We are all responsible for our own interactions with each other and no one should put the blame for failed interaction on someone else.

What jrvan has accomplished is inflaming the situation more. Both sides took a stance and kept hammering their way of thinking to each other. Needless to say that is a fruitless approach. You guys need to learn to disagree. Not everyone should think and do things the same way all the time and despite this we can co-exist.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)
This is internet, and anyone can say or do anything at any given moment. This is reality.

Aside from that, if a person does not respect your set boundaries (you should strictly tell them they are out of line and what they are doing is inappropriate for the situation and the correct way would be to do x instead) then you can simply ignore them. There is also ignore feature on the forum so you can hide all the messages of a member. We are all responsible for our own interactions with each other and no one should put the blame for failed interaction on someone else.

What jrvan has accomplished is inflaming the situation more. Both sides took a stance and kept hammering their way of thinking to each other. Needless to say that is a fruitless approach. You guys need to learn to disagree. Not everyone should think and do things the same way all the time and despite this we can co-exist.

Henu, I firmly believe in not turning the other cheek.

In the situations that excisted, saying nothing back when you were being attacked, is exactly that.

I hope it can come to a proper conclusion, but this nonsense has been going on for too long.
I am also unsure of whether or not you are actively taking sides right now.

Ill leave this where it is at now. I wasn't quoting you in the first place anyway.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also where were you 'men' when he blasted out on all those womens topics? Saying we belong in the kitchen (figuratively speaking) and all that crap ?
Especially on the topics that were actually positive for us!
None of you so called 'men' jumped in saying the opposite. They were only womens' voices! (That is till jrvan joined the forums.)
This is internet, and anyone can say or do anything at any given moment. This is reality.

Aside from that, if a person does not respect your set boundaries (you should strictly tell them they are out of line and what they are doing is inappropriate for the situation and the correct way would be to do x instead) then you can simply ignore them. There is also ignore feature on the forum so you can hide all the messages of a member. We are all responsible for our own interactions with each other and no one should put the blame for failed interaction on someone else.

What jrvan has accomplished is inflaming the situation more. Both sides took a stance and kept hammering their way of thinking to each other. Needless to say that is a fruitless approach. You guys need to learn to disagree. Not everyone should think and do things the same way all the time and despite this we can co-exist.

Just because you can't perceive the fruits for yourself doesn't mean that something was fruitless.

Also, aren't you doing the same thing here? You're trying to push your own method of dealing with problems and problematic people while assuming that everyone deals with problems in the same exact way, and that everyone is supposed to deal with problems in the same exact way. Your way of dealing with problems isn't going to be the same as everyone else. Have you taken astrology into account?

Also, speaking of interpersonal relations, if you have tried everything you can think of to get someone to understand you and make peace with them even though they keep attacking and harassing you, and it can't be said that the blame is on yourself for the failed interaction - then logically it must be the fault of the other person for the failed interaction because they are causing it to fail. It makes no sense what you say. "No one should put the blame for failed interaction on someone else." That means NO ONE, ever. Think about the implications of what you are saying here.

For example, should we never blame the jews or the xians for failed interaction? Is it not their fault that a conversation with them never goes anywhere, even though they keep invading our space and attacking us? Should we just move over for them and go somewhere else while forfeiting our territory? What about when we run out of places to run away to because they keep invading us? Let's just not fight back, you're totally right. Let's just ignore people because that always worked out so well for us. You lose the space that you don't defend, and that applies to our precious forums here too. If you let idiots turn it into shit then you're going to be on the outside with nothing left while wishing you had done something to protect what we all built. You don't let the loud voices of idiots drown out the truth. Idiots and liars always shout the loudest, and that's why they always get the spotlight - because they drown out the truth and people who speak it because truthful people don't like to be loud. You don't get anywhere by being quiet, and you don't convince many people by being quiet either. Why? Because hardly anyone can hear you. Truth speakers need to start making a louder fuss because they always lose against lies by being quiet. By trying to be "above" the idiots and liars, they necessarily lose the crowd because the crowd can't hear them. And then they wonder why they lost control of their own society and world that they built. Maybe because they didn't defend it? Well at least they were above it all, right? At least they were too good for it, right?

This is why I'm skeptical of VoE's comment that we should just remain silent because the Truth speaks for itself. Yes, the Truth speaks for itself, but only to those who can see it and hear it, and are willing to listen to it. If you shoot down the people who give a voice to the truth in favor of those who speak lies, and you tolerate those lies on a forum of truth, then you're going to be very sorry and full of regret when it's too late to defend it anymore. We are in a cosmic battle between truth and lies, and that applies everywhere including these forums here. If you don't defend this place and maintain its integrity then you're going to lose it. If you ignore lies and don't even try to defeat them (including within ourselves) then lies will overtake you.

Whether it's truth or lies, the loudest voices will always have the ears of the crowd. That's why jewish feminists yell at crowds with a megaphone. No one ever has the bright idea of going there with their own megaphone to debate the filthy jewesses and steal the crowd. The truth needs a platform, and this is it. These forums and the JoS are all we have. If you lose it because you want to "live and let live" or whatever then it's your own fault. If it transforms into a place of lies then it's your fault, not mine. Because at least I fought for it. What did way too many other people fight for? They fought to defend Jack and his ego. Because apparently Jack's ego is more important than Truth and Father Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
