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Amazon Wildfires

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This is enraging and deplorable. It appears that the enemy, who actually hates Bolsonaro a great deal, and does the usual destruction of the planet for infinite amounts of time, is now burning the Amazon Jungle in alarming rates in retaliation to Bolsonaro, who is frequently called "The Brazillian Trump".

Other cases are claiming that this was done BY Bolsonaro, in order to create newfound space for more cattle farms, and one would assume, casinos for fat jews or something. We gotta feed the 20 billion slaves we will have on this planet, and for this, we have to burn all meaningful life such as the Amazon alive. The humanist gang doesn't care for the Amazon either.

I'd like conversation or input in the comments, as Jew-NN and the related news articles do not give a clear view, but just accuse whomever they want to accuse. My personal opinion is that this is NOT Bolsonaro, but the usual jews parading behind NGO's, carrying the typical work of damnation for quick bucks as it is the case with Black Lives Matter or the Migrant Selling NGO's, only, this time it's the naturalist destroyer [and frequently Communist] NGO's playing this game.

Regardless of who is causing this, this act is an abomination. These things do not cost only for Brazil, they cost for the whole planet that we live on. Our quality of air, water and life, is struggling as it is, and to cope with the emergence of future problems. 3 million animal species, and one million people that live in the Amazon, are getting basically holocausted for more fat jew casinos, for future cattle farms to feed the unprecedented and uncontrollable amount of births taking place.

What is definitely a certainty, is that these fires were not lighted as a coincidence. These are clearly man made. Humanity has become a big and disgusting virus on the face of this planet, and this is escalating. Uncontrollable pollution, destroying the flora and fauna, all forms of other life. Extincting them forever, to make another smartphone that has a pre-determined 1 or 2 years of lifespan, thanks to jews and their model of disgusting production of goods.

Then people question why we need Paganism, Eugenics, and to turn this world around before it is too late. Nobody sane, under no circumstance, would go there to light a fire that will cost the life of the planet, for a couple bucks. Because rest reassured this is Brazil and it's probably some real dirt poor people doing it, it didn't cost much.

People don't quite get it. Replicating at uncontrollable rates, ruining one's home planet, creating an artificial tech dystopia, supporting reptiles in human form, destroying the environment upon which one lives for consumerism, and believing in jewish egregores, do not in particular turn out to be good for any species. This ends only in slaves and wastelands.

We are now witnessing one of the most major crimes we have done against our planet. This is extremely saddening.

Nowhere in the bible, or in any notion of Abrahamism, there is respect or understanding about nature. Nature is looked upon only as something entirely worthless, to be trampled and destroyed, while the planet itself is believed to be a heap of random trash that goes around as a flat structure on the universe, somewhere in a hebrew bearded man's armpit or something. Anything natural on the other hand is looked upon as vile, disgusting and unclean.

This general mentality of ruining civilization, and everything in it, for one's transient life, is the "Great Work" of the cancer of Jewish religions. A people without spirituality, become a nihilistic people, a grossly materialistic people, and violent and evil people, living as worms while alive, and dying towards a stupid form of death. So one does YOLO and burn Amazon for like 50 bucks in Brazil, and calls it a day, so some stereotypical hooknose somewhere can build a new Casino or something.

For those that do not know, Amazon is really a crucial place for the ecosystem of the whole planet. If the Amazon is ruined, this is affecting directly the whole planet. For years and years there has been consistent pressure to shrink, burn, and generally destroy the Amazon jungle completely, so that people like the ones who own the shop Amazon can own a second pair of golden flip flops.

When these types of fires emerge, it is rarely normal. These people who do these things are gangs, and in Brazil, it is not difficult to find downtrodden people and give them some shekels to do such devastation that literally may ruin our planet in the long run.

And by long run, we don't mean a very long run, but a couple decades at best. If the Amazon goes, one fifth of the planet will be affected, as the production of oxygen in the Amazon accounts something of one sixth of the total oxygen production of the planet, the estimates go.


Brazil's Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate, research center says


(CNN)Fires are raging at a record rate in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and scientists warn that it could strike a devastating blow to the fight against climate change.

The fires are burning at the highest rate since the country's space research center, the National Institute for Space Research (known by the abbreviation INPE), began tracking them in 2013, the center said Tuesday.
There have been 72,843 fires in Brazil this year, with more than half in the Amazon region, INPE said. That's more than an 80% increase compared with the same period last year.

The Amazon is often referred to as the planet's lungs, producing 20% of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere.
It is considered vital in slowing global warming, and it is home to uncountable species of fauna and flora. Roughly half the size of the United States, it is the largest rainforest on the planet.

Just a little alert to the world: the sky randomly turned dark today in São Paulo, and meteorologists believe it's smoke from the fires burning *thousands* of kilometers away, in Rondônia or Paraguay. Imagine how much has to be burning to create that much smoke(!). SOS pic.twitter.com/P1DrCzQO6x
— Shannon Sims (@shannongsims) August 20, 2019

Dramatic images and videos on social media show giant plumes of smoke rising from the greenery and lines of fire leaving blackened waste in their wake.

The smoke has reached all the way to Sao Paulo, more than 1,700 miles away. Images from the city show the sky pitch-black in the middle of the afternoon, the sun blanketed by smoke and ash.

The European Union's satellite program, Copernicus, released a map showing smoke from the fires spreading all along Brazil to the east Atlantic coast. The smoke has covered nearly half of the country and is even spilling over into neighboring Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.

From the other side of Earth, here's the latest on the Amazonia fires

Produced by @CopernicusEU's atmosphere monitoring service, it shows the smoke reaching the Atlantic coast and São Paulo

DATA HERE▶️https://t.co/Q6qzFdPfIT pic.twitter.com/aJKU2YwRpJ
— WMO | OMM (@WMO) August 20, 2019

The Amazon River stretches across several of these South American countries, but the majority -- more than two-thirds -- of the rainforest lies in Brazil.

According to INPE, more than 1½ soccer fields of Amazon rainforest are being destroyed every minute of every day.
People worldwide are sharing their horror on social media. Fans of the K-Pop band BTS, who call themselves the Army, are even rallying on Twitter to spread word of the fires, with tens of thousands of people tweeting the hashtag #ArmyHelpThePlanet.

Activists blame Brazil's president

Environmental groups have long been campaigning to save the Amazon, blaming Brazil's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, for the endangerment of the vital rainforest. They accuse him of relaxing environmental controls in the country and encouraging deforestation.

Bolsonaro's environmental policies have been controversial from the start. A former army captain, he made campaign promises to restore the economy by exploring the Amazon's economic potential.

Just weeks ago, the director of INPE was fired after a spat with the president; the director had defended satellite data that showed deforestation was 88% higher in June than a year earlier, and Bolsonaro called the findings "lies."
Bolsonaro also criticized the agency's deforestation warnings as harmful for trade negotiations, according to the Agencia Brasil news agency.

Bolsonaro's pro-business stance may have emboldened loggers, farmers and miners to seize control of a growing area of Amazon land, Carlos Rittl, executive secretary of the environmental nonprofit organization Observatorio do Clima (Climate Observatory), told CNN en Español last month.

Budget cuts and federal interference are making it even easier for people to exploit the rainforest. Brazil's environmental enforcement agency has seen its budget cut by $23 million, and official data sent to CNN by Observatorio do Clima shows the enforcement agency's operations have gone down since Bolsonaro was sworn in.

On Wednesday, Bolsonaro said that the recent wave of fires in the Amazon may have been caused by nongovernmental organizations in order to draw international criticism to his government.

"Crime exists, and we need to make sure that this type of crime does not increase. We took money away from the NGOs," he said.

"They are now feeling the pinch from the lack of funding. So, maybe the NGO types are conducting these criminal acts in order to generate negative attention against me and against the Brazilian government. This is the war we are facing."

In July, Greenpeace called Bolsonaro and his government a "threat to the climate equilibrium" and warned that in the long run, his policies would bear a "heavy cost" for the Brazilian economy.
Environmental activists and organizations like the World Wildlife Fund warn that if the Amazon reaches a point of no return, the rainforest could become a dry savannah, no longer habitable for much of its wildlife. If this happens, instead of being a source of oxygen, it could start emitting carbon -- the major driver of climate change.
The fact is we could feed the world using stacked green houses out on the oceans that grow food all year long. The enemy wants the removing forests and the soil just to trash the earth and create large desert regions. If they get the smart cities they will be surrounded by deserts to make escape impossible. Its about control. The Church removed the major forests to plant slave plantations over them.
IMO the Amazon is just burning for reptilians, literally. Reptilians are said to actually have a commonality in the genus with the nature reptiles of our earth, and the commonality that higher temperatures are better for them, they would have a great time in an extremely hot planet, and destroying the Amazon is a perfect way to do this. It produces 1/5th of the world's oxygen supply. If it's gone our temperature will more than likely rise, our air quality will decrease by a huge amount.

Global warming from my own research on the subject is just half a truth. However it's obvious that the type of production we follow with CO2 emission needed to be balanced out by MORE FUCKING FORESTS and MORE GREENERY. This is just preschooler knowledge.

Instead, we REDUCE GREENERY and INCREASE PRODUCTION, we will just fuck up ourselves to the point of not return.

Were this planet ruled by HUMANOIDS and not JEW REPTILES, it would be fucking sensible to uhm, DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO TO NOT EXTINCT OURSELVES, MAYBE.

I have written before that the Reptiles are probably artificially trying to heat the planet for their chosen slave race [they are far more capable to take the heat] and for themselves, because it appears they have a bad time in cold weather. While I don't believe in the theory of Global warming, there is half a truth in that our climate is being manipulated.

Like alright about the more plain side of it, but seriously, we as a planet do not even follow simple logic anymore.
The enemy was pulling this stunt last year in California I did the article on this and such. People caught on camera helicopters flying over head shooting some type of heat beam into cars and blowing them up.
This happened after Bolsonaro told Angela Merkel and Norway's companies to fuck off and reforest their own naturaly trashed forests and mind their own business after they told they would cut out financial support to "help Amazon". Right after that, this Norwegian company was caught illegaly dumping all their residual trash in Amazon for years.
This is all too much convenient to believe Bolsonaro would be behind this and risk his own term.
Egon said:
This happened after Bolsonaro told Angela Merkel and Norway's companies to fuck off and reforest their own naturaly trashed forests and mind their own business after they told they would cut out financial support to "help Amazon". Right after that, this Norwegian company was caught illegaly dumping all their residual trash in Amazon for years.
This is all too much convenient to believe Bolsonaro would be behind this and risk his own term.

He looks like a sensible and mentally stable man to me, he wouldn't do that. No fucking way. It's just that the enemy finds it convenient to blame him, because he is a Nationalist at least tries who gave a fighting spirit back to Brazil after a long time of it being hopeless.

Truly convenient to blame him, but this is just a huge atrocity that they are doing.
The surveillence agencies are very busy looking at random people who say mean stuff online, it's too hard to use a fucking Satellite and use the x100 zoom that they have to actually look into the Amazon Jungle and see what the fuck is going with like humungous enterprizes that burn, poison, and destroy whole segments of it for years and years.

Like we can use Google Earth and literally see fucking rooftops clearly, Google can see if someone is drinking soda or coca cola on the rooftop, but hey, let us not forget, all the surveillence means are for evil goyim who say mean shit online and hurt jewish feelings. That's the important things.

But watch the Amazon so that criminal enterprizes are shut down from poisoning the lungs of the planet? Boi plz we can't do that. Oy vey goyim.
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is we could feed the world using stacked green houses out on the oceans that grow food all year long.

Although, in the deserts, we could plant solar panel farms and have greenhouses in them, and with that, we could also charge up decent batteries and undercut the jewnergy con-panies...buuuut I'm expecting that desert-sun climates would be too hot for solar panels, etc.
I live in South America and this is all over the news. The press, news channel, etc are all saying the fire was started on purpose to make room for more tree processing plants - to "make" more "clear" terrain - this is the general consensus here. They also throw Global warming/Climate change in the mix. We all know this is fuckin bullshit, one more for more stupid and regulations, instead of removing real problem that is general garbage and waste.

I tell you this IS an enemy act, no more no less.
A fire thoughforrm or elemental can burn things down when uncontrolled or left wherever, or demanded. Which means for those advance spiritual satanist, burning something or warming something up would be easy and pretty simple. which means those advanced members can group together themselves and change like the temperature over an area for a period of time or forever. I also watched a videos saying some small organism on top of the ocean itself is responsible for the majority of oxygen on the planet. that videos was years ago but still.

creating biomes would be unneeded after generations of meditation. this fire though is extremely crazy. the multitudes of species on the planet which fills with joy and wonder extinct is extremely horrible on every level. National Geographic would run out of video and previous documentaries would be inert.

doing something for the environment whether it be THE Amazon, or any other is simply starting a working or a group working to handle and come above from the problem. Simple affirmations works over a period of time. Also working magic ensures no "end game". No three fold law of return and other bull.

An example would be looking at your environment or setting and doing a simple working for its maintenance and security. which could be done in numerous ways. thinking positively about this would be extremely beneficial. you could visualize all the tree huggers enraged and commited to do something about this themselves. rallying petitions and removal of any obstacles for them or in general.

Also the making of life and all is energy. all elements including oxygen arrangements is as such according to what it is. if you could heat up water as in pyrokinesis or something around there. then a working feeding the earth oxygen is purely simple.
Not mentioning the innocents indians lives that kikes have killed in the Amazon for centuries now....
Νίκος said:
Very beautiful and informative sermon High priest.Thank you for this!!!!
How is the burning of and the holocausting of millions of species beautiful, it's absolutely horrifying if I lived in Brazil I would be pushed to the extreme stopping these fires no matter what. But in 1000s of miles away. I hope for people to wake up.

It's hard to decide who is the culprate. What you wrote about the Brazilian trump guy if he is telling advisors that its lies then immediately firing them if this is documented 100% proof then he definitely is playing a giant role. Its fucking sick. And needs to stop the people in Brazil and in the world need to finally wake up and put a few bullets through the eyes of these fucking traitors of the planet traitors of human life. How are people going to feel in 20 years when their kids can't breathe because the world's air is so shit with no oxygen.
Νίκος said:
Very beautiful and informative sermon High priest.Thank you for this!!!!
Is nothing beautiful in this, wtf, is horrible news.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are now witnessing one of the most major crimes we have done against our planet. This is extremely saddening.
I wouldn't say "we" have done, that would imply to equalize the jews with the human beings.

What needs to be done is clear, Amazon must be protected by law, except for the people living there, nobody should be allowed to be even close to that area. Also it needs to be air protected to avoid air strikes. In this time it needs to be quickly reforested, replacing the affected soil with new soil brought from somewhere else and plant new trees. Tropical soil can be found also in other areas in the world like in the african rainforests. The major problem with this is it takes entire decades to grow back and restore these trees. The brazilian government would be able to deal with this if the Jew Word Order won't stay in their way. This can be restored.
It only makes sense they would blame whomever they can and why not a Nationalist they dont want in position. They are censoring the fuck out of this because this is first time I've heard about this. And trying to find information is wow. But after reading comments and reading into more I think it's all lies, like why the fuck you love your people but your going to destroy them nah. This is almost 100% gang and jewish related. Makes sense with Merkel and Norway comment Egon made, I'll e researching this more when I get home, because I'm working right now but wtf, if this shit really goes down and all of Amazon disappear we will be fucked. No amount of reforestation will be fast enough to fix that, not including the millions of lost extinct innocent animals fauna and other wildlife. Nothing pisses me.off more that the destruction of our planet and people..
FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is we could feed the world using stacked green houses out on the oceans that grow food all year long.

Although, in the deserts, we could plant solar panel farms and have greenhouses in them, and with that, we could also charge up decent batteries and undercut the jewnergy con-panies...buuuut I'm expecting that desert-sun climates would be too hot for solar panels, etc.

Werent solar panels developed in very sunny places?
I think if I remember correctly I watched a video some years ago about a solar power plant which was either near the dead sea or it ran a farm for salt production..
Regards to Bolsonaro, he was blamed of the death of native southamericans when he taked the presidency, and he has declared himself like "pro-israel" so, i don't know but i think that he is not a good person, and he is just creating an image of himself being attacked by others in order to be a "victim" of the "evil and unconscious" ones. I don't trust in him.
And thanks for the post Mr. HP.
Theli said:
Regards to Bolsonaro, he was blamed of the death of native southamericans when he taked the presidency, and he has declared himself like "pro-israel" so, i don't know but i think that he is not a good person, and he is just creating an image of himself being attacked by others in order to be a "victim" of the "evil and unconscious" ones. I don't trust in him.
And thanks for the post Mr. HP.
Bolsonaro, like Trump have been bound by Kabbalist Jews to serve Israel, just as the Jews used their alphabet and religious cults to bind and control King Cyrus, and the leaders of every other Gentile nation they have infiltrated past or present. The more we do the Final RTR the more this control slips and the more actions world leaders will take that runs counter to the Jewish agenda, as their bindings on world leaders are related to the vav letter and upheld and empowered by the others.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The surveillence agencies are very busy looking at random people who say mean stuff online, it's too hard to use a fucking Satellite and use the x100 zoom that they have to actually look into the Amazon Jungle and see what the fuck is going with like humungous enterprizes that burn, poison, and destroy whole segments of it for years and years.

Like we can use Google Earth and literally see fucking rooftops clearly, Google can see if someone is drinking soda or coca cola on the rooftop, but hey, let us not forget, all the surveillence means are for evil goyim who say mean shit online and hurt jewish feelings. That's the important things.

But watch the Amazon so that criminal enterprizes are shut down from poisoning the lungs of the planet? Boi plz we can't do that. Oy vey goyim.

I imagine that such visual proof did exist at one point, but managed to (((kill itself))) after being left unattended in its jail cell.

I can't really put a finger on the exact, literal culprit(s) behind the actual initiating of the fires, but I do suspect if we were able to identify such people, they'd serve as decent enough proxies to keep most people's focus away from the Jewish fellow/company who incidentally supplied or otherwise helped them in some way before this egregious mess began.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Regardless of who is causing this, this act is an abomination.

I'm dropping also this here. "In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 400 million dead bees were found - with beekeepers in four states reporting the mass deaths."

Could we do something more besides the fRTR to help the situation?
Goddamn is this atrocious, and you know what sucks, is we can do nothing about this. I can do a million rtrs right now and the fire still burns. I can be angry, but it still burns. Our planet, in a huge way is being destroyed by this and for absolutely nothing, but as Cobra said, for the most meaningless bullshit. Just for control.

Real fucked up news.
Thank you for making a sermon about this, I've made a handful of posts about the Amazon problem before, and now, this is the worst issue yet. They are most certainly man made, and I'll show everyone why.


Natural wildfires do not behave this way. Natural wildfires spread in large swathes and patches as they grow bigger. Looking at this map, you'll see the issue very very clearly. These fires were all started individually, separate from one another. There is no single fire that has grown in size, its dozens if not hundreds of individually started fires, something that simply does not happen naturally.

Furthermore, as if the loss of flora and fauna is not tragic enough, the Amazon to this day has numbers of tribespeople, contacted and uncontacted both, that live in the rainforest, and have lived there for thousands of years now. If the fires do not kill these people, herding them towards population centers with fire and flame is going to kill them just as readily as they are not protected from modern diseases.

It's worth noting that the Jew has always made use of tribes people in dark and sinister ways, and I'll explain how in multiple steps.

1) The Amazon itself is destroyed and the size of the rainforest grows smaller.
2) Tribes find themselves displaced and find themselves joining poorly developed urban population centers.
3) Those that do not fall to sickness experience the worst forms of urban poverty imaginable, stuck in ghettos without any ability to climb out of it, as often they do not necessarily speak the same language as the urban population they've joined.
4) Many turn to drugs, and easily exploited young women are quickly sold into prostitution and other Jewish run criminal syndicates.
5) The Churches as always benefit from a sudden influx of people as their so called "charity" is given in one hand, and with a bible in the other. Thus forcing people into lifelong dependency on whatever pitiful scraps they offer as a completely bewildered people are emotionally manipulated into abandoning their ancient cultural beliefs with the promise of a "salvation" in the next life due to their crushing and morbid poverty in this one.

This is without of course noting the few natives who try to stay in the Amazon regardless. You'd think they'd be safe, but they're not. And this is something that nobody hears about either. It has become common place now for shady (((corporations))) to hire private military groups (which are meant to be illegal, mind you) and mercenaries to hunt and kill whatever remaining tribes people exist. Many illegal logging companies are now escorted by armed mercs. They'll push into protected areas (yes, even UNESCO world heritage sites, proving how useless and powerless such groups are in reality) and simply murder whoever is within and begin mass logging. The government will then simply write it off as "self defense" as the tribespeople die defending whatevers left of their home. Many members in the Brazillian government, regardless of whatever figurehead is in power, are bought and paid for already by rich corporate interest groups. And its only gotten worse now that China has gotten involved too, as if it wasn't bad enough.

Apologies for the long post, this information felt worth sharing in full.
I’m fighting in life, always, we all are as warriors. Attack’s happen, yeah yeah yeah. Sometimes at night when I get sad, I think, maybe the morning air will make me feel better. And when I wake up, I go outside and breathe in the fresh air and I do fell better. I guess, and I don’t know how, I’ll have to let that go. The fresh air, my old friend, is for sale. To the fuckin scum.

And rtrs won’t put out that fire, but I’m doing them anyway, cause if I can’t put out that fire I’m gonna keep another one going. And the rtr will do just that. And it’s going to do far more damage than that amazon fire can do. Satan said delight in what you destroy. That’s good. Cause these rtrs are real delightful with these new inspirations. Mmm, mmm, mmmm
If this hasn't been mentioned yet, it's also a coincidence that these wildfires started after the Amazon tribe won a lawsuit against a big oil company.

It's messed up how there was a legal dispute in the first place and it seams they didn't even need a lawyer to win it because of all the factors that supports them, it just a matter of common sense and humanity that I doubt any judge could get away with bribes no matter how big. But of course the pockets of some degenerates can be filled with a snap of a finger and they'd already have their Molotovs thrown out of their ass.

I could imagine the Amazon tribe being like:


SATchives and Alchemist7 the world beautiful where going for the way HP priest explain the whole situation so it was very easy to be understood!
Also if you want to get angry with someone become angry with kikes that started the fire not with me.
What should I have said:Hp priest so disgusting sermon ,I hated every last bit of it that I read thise I want to start vomiting.
This is terrible news. If I had the money, I would start buying land in various places and planting trees like crazy, and then doing workings to make them grow fast and healthy. It would still take a while, but at least it's something.
Some experts say the Amazon is already gone now, and have been for a while. This because of shitbags that destroys the Amazon. Large parts are already chopped down, as a result the Amazon will dry out until there is only desert left. It is just a matter of time.

Those who take down the Amazon gets away with it too as there is little control that guards the Amazon. The focus is on entirely other factures.

Also Amazon tribes just won against a big oil company, saving millions of Acres of rainforest...and now this? Pretty damn convenient.

The Amazon provides 20% of the worlds oxygen. And the trees absorb CO2 for photosynthesis to create oxygen and ultimately store 86 billion tons of CO2 every year. The Amazon produces up to 75% of its own rainwater and the Amazon River and tributaries account for 20% of Earths flowing freshwater. This also provides water & hydropower to millions of poeple living outside of the Amazon. And the Amazon even affects rainfall in central America and the Western U.S. 40% of prescription drugs come from plants and plant extracts, by far most of them from the rainforest. This includes advanced cancer-fightings meds like vincristine!

Just imagine what happens when it's gone..
I propose a ritual be done to stop this. We can use the Isa rune to bind the fire itself, the Sig/Tyr rune to stimulate governments across the world to intervene and help since Brazil is unable to do this all on their own.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Werent solar panels developed in very sunny places?
I think if I remember correctly I watched a video some years ago about a solar power plant which was either near the dead sea or it ran a farm for salt production..
I don't know if the argument is valid, but I remember it was said that solar panels "cant be built" in most desert areas simply because the panels would get so insanely hot that some kind of parts of them would end up breaking/melting. Atleast if I remember correctly.
Amazon fires turn political as Bolsonaro calls out Macron

Macron Urges G7 Members To Put Amazon Fires At Top Of Agenda

France's Macron calls Amazon rainforest fires an 'international crisis'

Amazon fires: Brazil’s Bolsonaro warns ‘meddler’ Macron to ‘keep your nose out’

Amazon fires turn political as Bolsonaro calls out Macron

Amazon rainforest fires: Macron calls for 'international crisis' to lead G7 discussions

Amazon rainforest fires: global leaders urged to divert Brazil from 'suicide' path

As Amazon burns, Brazil's Bolsonaro tells rest of world not to interfere

Brazil says it is target of smear campaign over role in Amazon fires

With Amazon Ablaze, Brazil Faces Global Backlash: ‘Lungs of the Earth Are in Flames’

See also -
Theli said:
Regards to Bolsonaro, he was blamed of the death of native southamericans when he taked the presidency, and he has declared himself like "pro-israel" so, i don't know but i think that he is not a good person, and he is just creating an image of himself being attacked by others in order to be a "victim" of the "evil and unconscious" ones. I don't trust in him.
And thanks for the post Mr. HP.
Bolsonaro is a racist and homophobic guy, a horrible guy, and he only brings benefits to rich people and low class people get fucked.
Oh woah, why i didnt saw this on news i wonder.............
Still.... this is disgusting to hear...
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Regardless of who is causing this, this act is an abomination.

I'm dropping also this here. "In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 400 million dead bees were found - with beekeepers in four states reporting the mass deaths."

Could we do something more besides the fRTR to help the situation?

The RTR is reversing the enemt system. We need a full system reversal to be able to do anything. Even if one tries to pluck one hole another one opens up.

The thing is the enemy is just ruining the environment SO badly. This is a major reason why they need to get going ASAP and replaced with sensible leadership.
All the replies were really enlightening. The situation clearly goes deep.

I also was wondering on Bolsonaro, its said he is a homophobe. Is he like persecuting gays or something? I do not believe so. So how is he a homophobe? I watched an interview and he made a slur, but so far I know, he is not after anyone. It looked like he was just pissed off and threw a slur.

They also did the usual parading of him as a misogynist because of another interview etc. But I do not seen much proof.

He may also have tried to be friendly with jews and all that stuff but the jews do not give a fuck. They consider him a Nationalist and therefore he has to be defamed and go regardless. They could have lit the Amazon on their earlier traitor nutcase of Brazil, but the fact they do this ecological disaster now to me means that he is actually trying so they do this crime in order to ruin his reputation forever as a president. "NATIONALISM = BAD = LOOK AMAZON FIRE" and other simple memetics.

He appears to be a sensible down to earth man, not necessarily to be trusted, but he seems to be a bit more decent or capable of reason than the shitfest the last presidency was doing on Brazil. They just thieved the people dry the last term.

Lydia said:
This is terrible news. If I had the money, I would start buying land in various places and planting trees like crazy, and then doing workings to make them grow fast and healthy. It would still take a while, but at least it's something.

I think protective workings would also be needed given what uncivilised beasts we're dealing with
Bolsonaro is in a real difficult position right now. Because if the US and the related G7 does intervene, who knows what this may trigger later. Plus they may demand rights in Amazon or who knows what.

On the other hand if he does not accept international help, this is also REAL bad, as the fires seem to be growing.

Maybe we will do a working by tommorow. I will be watching the news closely. Also the journalists are fucking busy playing politics on the news rather than reporting the ACTUAL situation so we have a clear view. Carelessly jewish of them.
txg said:
we have been deforesting the amazon for decades..its pathetic that people claim to care now.

Deforestation is one thing as it controlled. Fire on the other hand can be totally beyond control.

Not that deforestation is better, but it is controlled and monitored in most cases. Fires are not monitored nor they can be controlled.

At least at some point the topic was brought into light. May be only to smear Bolsonaro, but again, it is at least in the public consciousness now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe we will do a working by tommorow.
We probably should if the situation doesn't improve. This looks pretty bad.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for any updates from you regarding a group working like this, brother.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
