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Amazon Wildfires

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I also was wondering on Bolsonaro, its said he is a homophobe. Is he like persecuting gays or something?
That one about hating women is the weirdest accusation. He was the only one who came up with a law project for chemical castration of rapists, and a law to make it easier for women to get a tubal ligation surgery if they wanted, since there are many restrictions for female birth control in Brazil. He got pissed with this weird Barbara Spectre-like whore who was defending some rapists because they were not in legal age for punishment.

As for hating gays, they take some clips from Bolsonaro of like 20 years ago when it was common belief that "homosexuality is an illness" or things that everyone told the same way and took as common sense back then. So every granny in South America should be accused of homophobia as well. He openly complimented the most proeminent homosexual figure in Brazil before his death, Clodovil, like saying the politicial class needed more people as sincere as him. He was an anti-LGBT homosexual who got killed. Bolsonaro also believes most gay people would rather vote for him.

The result of all this and our Rituals was a mass change of thinking regarding homosexuals and bringing many gay people to Nationalism.

This "walking anus" leftist guy is some hardcore supporter of Israel.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is we could feed the world using stacked green houses out on the oceans that grow food all year long.

Although, in the deserts, we could plant solar panel farms and have greenhouses in them, and with that, we could also charge up decent batteries and undercut the jewnergy con-panies...buuuut I'm expecting that desert-sun climates would be too hot for solar panels, etc.

Werent solar panels developed in very sunny places?
I think if I remember correctly I watched a video some years ago about a solar power plant which was either near the dead sea or it ran a farm for salt production..
I haven't found out their origins, but there is so much sun energy in...well...sunny places which is going to deliberate waste.
txg said:
we have been deforesting the amazon for decades..its pathetic that people claim to care now.
"We"? I haven't, thank you.

Shael said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Werent solar panels developed in very sunny places?
I think if I remember correctly I watched a video some years ago about a solar power plant which was either near the dead sea or it ran a farm for salt production..
I don't know if the argument is valid, but I remember it was said that solar panels "cant be built" in most desert areas simply because the panels would get so insanely hot that some kind of parts of them would end up breaking/melting. Atleast if I remember correctly.
There's no such thing as water cooling nor using the electric gathered to power a cooling system such as a cool-wind mini-farm or individual fan-type efforts, or a fridge. They can't trace tubes or pipes which go from the fridge over certain parts to lift off the heat from parts of the panels, which go back into the fridge or other fridges to go back round again. /sarcastic They could do research and development to learn which other materials can be used in hotter temperatures which work well. These are just off the top of my head without figuring out the correct method or methods of doing it properly. There is not any fucking exjewses.
Co2.... burned, I haven't found the 2019 chart even though it has video, but it's far below the 2004 peak.


Fire outbreaks


Ps.: “stylecohin” It's full of leftist thinking…
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
but the fact they do this ecological disaster now to me means that he is actually trying so they do this crime in order to ruin his reputation forever as a president.
I believe that destroying probably the most important forest on earth has far more deeper goals than just destroying Boisonaro's reputation. He will definitely have anyway to act in this and do all his best to restore the Amazon. The thing is, wildfire also took place in Siberia and Greece, so they may look for destroying the environment to create the right conditions for reptilians to come here on earth after the global government would be established.

What I'm thinking at also is that the reptilians created the jews to reflect as much as possible the human traits. If extreme pollution and other environmental major issues will destroy us, they should also destroy them, which obviously they don't want. Or maybe they do it to the extent of making the planet habitable for reptilians.

Regarding what Egon said, I don't say that the respective company from Norway created the fire, but they are definitely suspect. Basically we have
1. Create the problem - burn the most important source of oxygen on earth
2. Come with the solution - Macron and Merkel urged a G7 debate on what should be done about this. The decision would definitely be something benefic for the jewish establishment

Who knows what they will decide. Maybe they will push for EU or UN to get ownership of Amazon and then further turn it into a trash hole. The thing is the brazilian government own Amazon so they should act on this, not the jews from EU like Macron and Merkel because they have nothing to do with this unless they have something to win. Apparently also Boisonaro declared that Macron is involving in this for "political gain", which cannot be definitely excluded.

They never proposed anything concerning the Siberian or the greek fires because those forests do not have the huge importance of Amazon. In Siberia Putin ordered the army to intervene and stop the fire without EU sticking their nose there. They must have an interest on Amazon.
I'd like to add something about it as a brazilian user of the forum.

Bolsonaro has many weird circumstances surrounding him:
1. He supports infantile job;
2. Affirms that the number of children parents have is inversely proportional to the cultural level of the parents: but when asked what was his condition, seeing he has 5 children, he said he is an exception;
3. He said, lately, that to preserve environment one needs to defecate every other day;
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.
5. In his campaigns debate against other candidates he wasn't able to develop any theme properly; coincidentally after that, he was stabbed in the the belly and got hospitalized during all the political debates for candidacy.
6. His political phrase is "Brazil above all, God above every one". Many christians (many!) are his supporters.
7. His political gesture is always a hand simbolizing a gun; he does that gesture for everything! One of his political promises was involving easy liberation of guns.
8. One of his official flights was caught with 39kg of cocaine - alledgedly a fail happened (search for more).
9. He tried to eliminate the Ministry of Environment, saying it would be better if there was only one ministry related to that: the agricultural. But he couldn't eliminate it somehow. Also, he nominated a woman as Ministry of Agriculture that has liberated a record number of agrotoxics - still counting.
10. He prays for God everytime.
11. One private relationship of his son was related to the assassination of a woman deputy whose protection was specifically the LGBT+ rights. She was, somehow, getting closer to a line of mafia as in finding out something important - then killed. Nobody knows who ordered her death; but the killers were found - and these were related to Bolsonaro's son, these killers also lived in the same townhouse as Bolsonaro's family before.
12. As someone stated before, he doesn't seem to care for making Brazil a better place. He delivers everything for his ministries. But his ministries are not doing great things neither. One of them is a crazy woman called Damares, ministry of family, who says "pink is for girls and blue is for boys" and that "Frozen" is a movie about lesbianism, in a mocking way.
13. Before elections, Bolsonaro said he would support the killing of native land occupiers, even if a few innocents were killed in the process - saying it was "ok".
14. Also, Bolsonaro uses his twitter in a very adolescent way, showing he is not a capable person for his position. Once he asked "What is golden shower?". For many of his supporters it's humorous. But for the others, it sounds he's not taking anything seriously.

It's a very delicate situation. In my opinion he is not a sensible man. When I read this thread, I confess I was a little shocked, but then I thought "It's ok, we cannot know it all, specially based on what we hear or see on the news". Even being brazilian, I'm confused. I do not support him, but I do not support his opposers as well. I was wondering if some guidances could be asked somehow in the astral dimension related to everything we are living now. Who to trust? It's maddening.

I appologize, though, if I insulted someone with this post, but am very glad the Amazon was brought up in the forum!
the saddest thing is that most of the people don't give a shit about this because they have smartphones,computers,and pizza. They think they're good.
Don't worry people, (((they))) will provide you with oxygen in their smart cities if something bad happens in the future. Please register at the nearest chip implanting station to receive your clean water and oxygen tank.
How to put out the fires:
at oil wells in irag, they have fired bombs at a certain height above the fire, thereby removing the oxygen from the fire and extinguishing the fires.

i don't know if this technique would make sense for forest fires, but i thought better to share my thoughts.
Sometimes I wish the ******* did happen. With the Amazon getting depleted, we're fucked. :cry: We really need to plant trees. Lydia's idea is brilliant. It doesn't matter if it's a few acres of land or hectares, it's extremely important.
ahana666 said:
the saddest thing is that most of the people don't give a shit about this because they have smartphones,computers,and pizza. They think they're good.
The only people that can do something about this are the brazilian natives. They can protest in huge numbers and push the government to do something about this. All the other people can only complain on the internet but this won't change anything. Is down to the brazilian government to investigate the fire, who done and how to restore the forest.
Lydia said:
This is terrible news. If I had the money, I would start buying land in various places and planting trees like crazy, and then doing workings to make them grow fast and healthy. It would still take a while, but at least it's something.

There is one website that I donated to once and that was for reforestation of some desert place in afrika..

That aside.

Depending on your living place it may be possible to go ask them if you can take care of the green places that are still left on the outsides of the roads.

Not every local govern thingy would handle all of it themselves.
However, if you want to plant trees you do need to take into account that you'll have to take all the lower branches off.. and if one rots and thus it needs to be taken down it can be very costly. Especially if they are very tall.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote:
Regardless of who is causing this, this act is an abomination.


I'm dropping also this here. "In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 400 million dead bees were found - with beekeepers in four states reporting the mass deaths."

Could we do something more besides the fRTR to help the situation?
Sad about the bees though :(
Also yes this quote fucked up sorry I cant be bothered to check who commented about the bees.
Don't buy bullshit from the Jewish media.

Everything is fine here, and much worse problems have happened in the Amazon jungle before for years.
So you're either trolling or you genuinely believes and parrots the Jewish media narrative's idiocy, point by point, that they repeat ad nauseum everyday even outside of Brazil such as in Portugal's TV and CNN. We don't believe TV here you should have some common sense.

7. His political gesture is always a hand simbolizing a gun; he does that gesture for everything! One of his political promises was involving easy liberation of guns.
That's awesome! We as Satanists like the Founding Fathers support gun ownership for the common citizen. It's an Satanic American principle. No guns for people = Communism. Everything Bolsonaro and his supporters told about gun ownership is correct and we must defend it for both America, Brazil and to liberate guns for Europeans in this critic situation.

Nikolas. said:
1. He supports infantile job;
Damn teach children the value of work. He almost got that from Mein Kampf unconsciously, what a bad goy don't he knows work is a punishment and is durty slavery for the goyim.

4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.
They claim our 6 year old children need to learn where to stick their fingers to make the boy's dick and anal sex... That's so progressive and will teach kids how not to hate. No thanks, as a bisexual I'm disgusted of that gay kike kit and I'd never want children to have that.

9. He tried to eliminate the Ministry of Environment
He merged both Ministries in order to save financial resources so much these ministries were much like tax grabbing mafias only and never actually care about the enviroment. The Amazon was already being destroyed and that so called Ministry of Environment was a part of the problem and a money grabbing machine.

11. One private relationship of his son was related to the assassination of a woman deputy whose protection was specifically the LGBT+ rights.
That conspiracy theory was stupid and debunked. The media made a disproportional fuss for that communist woman's death in conparison for the investigation about the atempt of murder for a candidate to presidency. Now his sons are to blame lol. They don't care about her, a Black female cop was murdered and none of those so called "minority" supporters gave a damn.

12. Same as 9. Less ministries, less waste of money. Even if they were doing nothing, which is not true, it's being more positive than the amount of money waste before.
That phrase about pink and blue clothes was hilarious it made a lot of idiots triggered for absoluteely no reason like the vice President about the Indigenous and Negro races' atributes. I hope they offend even more libtards.

13. Before elections, Bolsonaro said he would support the killing of native land occupiers
"I bet he would kill 60 billion indigenous like HITLER would do, OY VEY!" He was specific about this terrorist Communist organization called MST and the like that target land owners. Everything he said is higly distorted no different to what they do to every enemy of the Jews even if he kissed their ass with words.

His twitters are funny and he was specifically pointing out some degeneracy in multi-color marxist Carnival parades. That Carnival shit is something as disgusting as LGBT parades or worse.

2, 3, 8 and others are pure stupid media propaganda, you sure are well informed. All this BS only proves Bolsonaro is doing a great job with actions rather than his words.
The effects of his xtian faith was already mentioned and it's not relevant for the discussion.
Egon said:
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.

They claim Our 6 year old children need to learn where to stick their fingers to make the boy's dick and anal sex... That's so progressive and will teach kids how not to hate. No thanks, as a bisexual I'm disgusted of that gay kike kit and I'd never want children to have that.

Thanks, this is great to make one puke.

Seriously, some people need to be prepared. These things will not last forever. People will soon start pyres and put the "Progressives" into them, and use the pitchforks of "Progression".

Fathers have their children stolen so that the state does illicit "gender re-assesment surgery" on them. As if a 5 year old can reason. Children have a malleable brain, they can believe they are unicorns. But lo and behold kike pedos and psychopathic people want to "Progressively educate them".


You DEFINITELY need a drag queen dancing with a thong in front of a 3 year old, after all, that is PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION. PROGRESSIVE TWERKING for 5 year olds in parades is also PROGRESSIVE and NON HOMOPHOBIC and therefore good.

Has anyone asked themselves seriously by using their brain, and logically answered to themselves, that this extensive circus of the destruction of young innocents, whom does it benefit? A crazy bunch of shitheads that believe that this humiliation and brainwashing kids so grossly, how does that PROGRESS US?

"And then, for absolutely no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power".
Using a little common sense and a 100 level Biology course, one will remember that carbon is the basis of all life. Carbon dioxide is the very food of plant life. The carbon cycle is how the planet breathes and eats. The climate hysterics will tell you carbon is bad, but they are trying to kill the earth altogether by strangling and starving it to death. Their planet killing politics are no different. The truth is that we have a very dangerous carbon dearth, a lack of carbon in the atmosphere. Hot house growers BUY carbon dioxide gas to pump into their greenhouses because there isn't enough carbon in the air to have healthy plants grow abundantly. A carbon tax and enforcement scheme for such a life essential would be draconian indeed, but that's where we are headed.

Where did all the carbon go?

It was used by life itself to make the shells of billions of tons of cretaceous sea creatures that formed the massive chalk and limestone deposits that lie buried in the earth. That carbon was once in the air. As a result, the earth and everything in it is doomed because the very element of life itself is locked away, inaccessible.

But a curious thing happened.

Satan made man to save the earth.

The only creature to ever walk the earth that is capable of returning the earth's carbon back to the life upon its crust, is man.

We were given intelligence and bodies that were sensitive to the climate, so nature devised a unique, smart, shivering creature to act to save every living thing on the planet. We were designed for it. In fact, the carbon released since the Industrial Age has reversed the decline of the earth's carbon (over the last some 40 million years) and bought the entire earth a couple of million years of life Without this we were facing imminent destruction by geologic time standards and there was no sign of pulling out of the sharp nosedive.

Granted, our big brains have added a slew of other "advanced" methods besides plain combustion that are very toxic. No sane creature toxifies its environment. We need to fulfill our role with the intelligence Satan gave us and do this properly. We must do this right. One way is industrial extraction of carbon dioxide from limestone.

That said, this fire in Brazil is a disaster. It is too easy to burn and too scant of a carbon layer. Not to mention that the layer of life on the planet is what we're releasing carbon FOR in the first place and why doing it cleanly is vitally important. Carbon in rocks and minerals needs to be freed if we are all to eat and breathe freely. Cleanly. Healthfully.

I for one am grateful for such a definitive purpose as has humanity for the future of our beautiful planet and all the life upon it! This was an epiphany for me, personally, and made me realize how deadly the politics of climate change really are..

Look up "Carbon Dearth" and study Patrick Moore, the Greenpeace founder's work if you are interested in the truth beyond political expediency.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe we will do a working by tommorow.
Please, let's.
If we are going to do a working for nature wouldn't the Ideal day be around 30 of August.In the greek calendar it is marked as a special day for removing health issues (wanning) and as a day to increase health (waxing) due to moon and another four planets will be in Virgo.Also Virgo is an earth sign so this should be beneficial for this purpose!
Astralnaut said:
I propose a ritual be done to stop this. We can use the Isa rune to bind the fire itself, the Sig/Tyr rune to stimulate governments across the world to intervene and help since Brazil is unable to do this all on their own.

I propose we people, by the billions, destroy all governments and oil corporations in the world.
Why they are destroying forests?
every living thing on Earth is carbon based....trees, plants, animals and humans..... Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons 666.
I am watching the news too and when I saw how big area in fire is actually I freaked out. It seems like they goal is to burn everything down, in maps it can be seen that it's planned to start as much as fires as possible.

There are some fires that are started in other parts of the world. Those forests are soooooo fucking important to the world. Amazon is changing and shaping our climate, it's huge part of our climate because it's producing a lot of humidity and it's cooling down that part of the planet. Burn it whole down and whole world climate will change, most likely new deserts will be created there. It's really bad what is happening there, it might affect everyone in every fucking way, maybe also they want to create better conditions for some plagues in the future.

There are people who already are trying to get as much people as possible to save situation. Lot of popular and influential people are already planning to plant trees again and to save what can be saved.

I am starting to think that maybe we will really need some rituals to do to save our planet in similar situations tho Gods will decide on this. From time to time to do some of those rituals....

20 years aren't much but, in just few months sometimes such a damage can be done that we will hardly repair later. Jews are getting desperate, I'm not suprised they are trying to act in such an insane manner. We will also have to take action later and to try to be in more important and influential positions, tho now it's still really dangerous, I know. The best for us now is to do RTR's in safety of our homes and to be in secrecy. I would like later to try to part of some actions to save our planet and to do some other things. Hopefully soon it will be safer to do similar things.

And I am not a fan of daydreaming of the apocalypse. We should put or energy on more positive things but apparently Jews are pushing us all hard in some dangerous directions. Sigh..
Cathy said:
Astralnaut said:
I propose a ritual be done to stop this. We can use the Isa rune to bind the fire itself, the Sig/Tyr rune to stimulate governments across the world to intervene and help since Brazil is unable to do this all on their own.

I propose we people, by the billions, destroy all governments and oil corporations in the world.

Yes, and this is why we don't exactly work by propositions.
Nikolas. said:
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.

As if anything coming from the JewLBT is in anyway healthy for sexuality and sexual expression of any kind. You should read HP Jake Carlson's sermons if you can't understand on your own JewLBT organisations are completely kiked, communist to the core.
Egon said:
So you're either trolling or you genuinely believes and parrots the Jewish media narrative's idiocy, point by point, that they repeat...
It's nice to have your opinions on that. I apologize if I seemed some sort of upset to you, seeing your response sounded so closed in itself, one-sided. I do believe in some points you brought as being plausible. I sense, though, there won't be space for you to discuss it any further - am I wrong? I also sense you assumed I'm inclined towards communism - do you think so for everyone that is contrary to your beliefs? You too are based on what media brings to you, because the research you do is based on what's is delivered by it - only to try and tell what others think is actually a lie. Now what to conclude? Only with astral help one would begin to separate things better. That's why I'm here like all os us, or many.
Nikolas. said:
...Only with astral help one would begin to separate things better. That's why I'm here like all os us, or many.
It's called Communism when it is Communism, such as that anti-NS, anti-Satanic gun control stance in your message. Don't make an ass out of yourself shifting the table of what's been told because I pointed out your word-by-word repetition of some very poor thought TV campaign style of slander against a Gentile politician the Jewish media despises.

A very suspect first post with plenty of propaganda then a very sugar coated appeal to how I responded to it hmm... It's not worth any further discussion.
Stormblood said:
Nikolas. said:
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.

As if anything coming from the JewLBT is in anyway healthy for sexuality and sexual expression of any kind. You should read HP Jake Carlson's sermons if you can't understand on your own JewLBT organisations are completely kiked, communist to the core.

Stormblood, by sharing your opinion, it took me to the Third Sex 666 e-book and I found it really interesting, thanks to you!

However, Like HP Jake Carlson said himself: "One thing I do know is that like most humans, many Demons/esses have feelings for both genders. Most humans don't know this about themselves because they repress their sexuality, due to Christian indoctrination." Based on that, one could say that Bolsonaro didn't want to go against what you called JewLGT because he felt like promoting freedom of sexuality in the way JC stated (as in most humans repressing their bisexuality) - but in the way he, the president himself, stated:

[Unfortunately the fragments above are from the so-called Jew Media]

"I'd be incapable of loving a homosexual son... I'd rather see my son dead by an accident than see him with a mustachy guy around. For me he would be dead indeed."
- for a playboy interview.
"These gays and lesbians want us to swallow their promiscuity as an example of behaviour."
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNJKJLCPrT4
"When the child starts to behave like that, a bit afeminated, he'd get his ass kicked and would change his behaviour!"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZtaYvzzeTQ
"If a homosexual couple becomes my neighbours, it would devalue my property."
- http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/bolsonaro-prefiro-filho-morto-em-acidente-a-um-homossexual,cf89cc00a90ea310VgnCLD200000bbcceb0aRCRD.html

In the prejudiced way.

As one can see, Bolsonaro's not a reflection of HP Jake Carlson's opinions on the theme.
I reaffirm that Bolsonaro doesn't sound like a sensible man to me, but that doesn't mean I support his opposers whatsoever.

Thanks for sharing your opinion anyway; great finding.
Nikolas. said:
Stormblood said:
Nikolas. said:
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.

As if anything coming from the JewLBT is in anyway healthy for sexuality and sexual expression of any kind. You should read HP Jake Carlson's sermons if you can't understand on your own JewLBT organisations are completely kiked, communist to the core.

Stormblood, by sharing your opinion, it took me to the Third Sex 666 e-book and I found it really interesting, thanks to you!

Great! I'm glad it helped. Keep reading and you'll start understanding many things.
I saw something with the name of avg or avn (all capital letters) building on a place that is supposed to reduce CO2 emission.

I think that the 'low amount of CO2 is bad for plants' is BS.
Even if the earth would be entirely forested, the plants would be having less CO2 available than that they'd have now.
The CO2 levels in air is at about 80% or more whilst oxygen is only at about 13 or 14% ...

Also I tried to look it up, but then I found this website. It does not answer what I was trying to look up, but if you put it in the translator you get an entire list of things that they want to do.

One sentence says they want to bring CO2 emission to 0% by 2050 - in other words, catch away as much CO2 as is brought into the air.
HauptSturm said:
Is this fake news?

The Amazon is getting toasted every year for at least 20 or 30 years. But only now they have put this up in popular consciousness.

Doesn't matter if it happens every year, it's a living danger. This is not "Fake News", it's kike news. Fake news means that something is not happening and it's like literally an act. This is oversized news with political purpose, but the problem itself is real.

They just kike people and never made a big fuss for years as their jews were torching the Amazon easily, until a Nationalist politician was head of Brazil. But this spiel they started now is exposing them for being environmental criminals.

Still, the problem itself is a cancer that persists, and eats the planet. Every year they rape the amazon with deforestation, fires, etc etc. Something had to be done to slow that shit down.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The CO2 levels in air is at about 80% or more whilst oxygen is only at about 13 or 14% ...

Not true, CO2 levels in "air" are around 400-450 parts per million. Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) The 1% left is "greenhouse" gases like water vapor, methane, CO2, etc.
V12-POWER said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The CO2 levels in air is at about 80% or more whilst oxygen is only at about 13 or 14% ...

Not true, CO2 levels in "air" are around 400-450 parts per million. Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) The 1% left is "greenhouse" gases like water vapor, methane, CO2, etc.

Oh my bad. I misremembered that then xD its been about 10 years ago when I had that class.

I just looked up the molecular weight of Oxygen and CO2 - according to jewgle oxygen is 15,999 u and CO2 is 12,0107 u .. now what is ozone?
Uf I am cringing at the complete incorrectness of the information there. According to 'jewgle' a molecule is a single atom, not a chain of atoms linked together which if you have had any SCIENCE lessons, would be a molecule. So O2 would be ~32u

Carbon-Dioxide would then be: C + O + O = 12,01 + 16 + 16 = 44,01 u

Periodic table - on the left top corner is the amount of protons in the core, on the right thin lines next to it is the weight of the atom, then in big letters the code for the atom and underneath its name)

Now, when it comes to gasses with the example of why does something float or sink, we were talking about the viscosity (may be wrong term) or the heaviness of the element and how close it ties together, which had to do with the weight of the atom or molecule.
What they explained was that when something is lighter than the environment it is in, it would float (they also took a helium balloon as example here) - because Helium is lighter than oxygen, so the oxygen would push the balloon up, as it is basic gravity.
Which would mean, applying this to carbondioxide, that the levels of CO2 would be much higher on the place that we walk than high up in the sky where in some pictures they claim the CO2 is causing the climate change greenhouse effect..

I think we should keep it simple. We have more roads and stones on the earth now than ever before due to the amount of people we have on the planet. Those stones get hot when they're in the sun, and in some places they are taking down the trees and other greenery too in living places (not talking about burning the Amazon in this case) - and those stones are known to store the heat and take quite some time to cool down again after the sun has left them, basicly working as heaters.

I can imagine that this ^ would actually contribute to the temperatures rising.
Egon said:
It's called Communism when it is Communism, such as that anti-NS, anti-Satanic gun control stance in your message. Don't make an ass out of yourself shifting the table of what's been told because I pointed out your word-by-word repetition of some very poor thought TV campaign style of slander against a Gentile politician the Jewish media despises.
Gun control comes after gun creation - who created it and with which intent? You support gun ownership for the common citizen: when one goes against that what would some, like you yourself, think of one? Communist. But you didn't put in that line of one-sided thought of yours that some are not against the common citizen gun ownership only, but the feeding of the whole belic industry. Wanting it to stop is not communist, it's utopic. Yes, I'm not a communist, rather an utopic believer, even if too late, that things like the belic industry will end.

Egon said:
Everything Bolsonaro and his supporters told about gun ownership is correct and we must defend it for both America, Brazil and to liberate guns for Europeans in this critic situation.
So instead of being so sure of what a leader figure is representing to be good or not, reconsider what one means
with "No Gun" support; reconsider that it's the very own existence of gun that one might want to be stopped. It doesn't make an ass of oneself one that thinks a president who supports gun is actually not sensible. You think I don't want common citizens to have guns? Very wrong! There is not only your angle of a story. You presumed what I believed in without asking.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
...high up in the sky where in some pictures they claim the CO2 is causing the climate change greenhouse effect..

I think we should keep it simple. We have more roads and stones on the earth now than ever before due to the amount of people we have on the planet. Those stones get hot when they're in the sun, and in some places they are taking down the trees and other greenery too in living places (not talking about burning the Amazon in this case) - and those stones are known to store the heat and take quite some time to cool down again after the sun has left them, basicly working as heaters.

I can imagine that this ^ would actually contribute to the temperatures rising.

No. There really is no appreciable global warming when realistic scales are used, let alone from "excess" carbon dioxide. The climate is quite stable.


This data is independently verifiable at NASA's GISS (Goddard's Institute for Space Studies).
Could it be that only now things are in evidence because jews are losing people's minds? And that before, while Amazon was being massively destroyed, they ommitted it and instead published only things that were apparently healthy for the forest? If that's the case, then they are now using that to undermine Bolsonaro's figure.

The president approval by brazilian people was very huge (including many christians), even under detrimental circumstances spread by jew media. However, he nominated ministries that couldn't barely create a proper plan, as in vague plans for education - could these nominations have been forced against his will? I confess I consider you, mainly HPs, to be very sensible people, and I resonate with, appreciate and respect every topic you worked on Hitler's legacy and on Third Sex.

I'd like to mention specially
Egon said:
and apologize if I seemed ignorant - which I might be in many ways yet.

Honestly, I never liked our previous presidents, Lula, included - and he's very jewish like, physically. Like many other rich and influential brazilian figures like Silvio Santos, one of its biggest media owners. So, I was only in shock to see so many declarations from Bolsonaro that doesn't seem to fit in some/many ways with what Hitler would say. But I might also lower my head to accept he might be what Brazil can get at the moment as a better-than-nothing figure. Which is great, no doubt. Unfortunately, no Hitler, instead a joker - would that be any good against jew sober acts of evilness?
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Well yeah, the earth does absorbs and emits heat, but roads even with their high heat reflection are meaningless.

Global warming is based on the theory that CO2 creates sort of a wall that traps heat in, thats where the name "greenhouse" comes from. The idiots and jews behind global warming, however, forget that a greenhouse has an actual physical barrier and is completely closed. There isn't enough CO2 to form even a thin layer, because parts per million measures molecules, not weight or size. I have always doubted global warming, ever since I studied thermodynamics, but it violates other physical aspects too.

This book https://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.1161.pdf completely trashes Global warming with actual facts and information. At this point, anyone claiming that manmade CO2 is the cause of warming, should read it.

I and some others were discussing this with a guy on a motorsport forum. He was commited against anyone who wanted noisy and powerful internal combustion engines (In motorsports) to stay - this is 80% of that forum. After pages of trying to make this guy use his brain, he admitted he was a vegan and was living "THE LIFE" Nobody took this guy seriously afterwards, its hilarious but I see this trend in real life too. Global warmists are almost always tied to communism.
V12-POWER said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Well yeah, the earth does absorbs and emits heat, but roads even with their high heat reflection are meaningless.

Global warming is based on the theory that CO2 creates sort of a wall that traps heat in, thats where the name "greenhouse" comes from. The idiots and jews behind global warming, however, forget that a greenhouse has an actual physical barrier and is completely closed. There isn't enough CO2 to form even a thin layer, because parts per million measures molecules, not weight or size. I have always doubted global warming, ever since I studied thermodynamics, but it violates other physical aspects too.

This book https://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.1161.pdf completely trashes Global warming with actual facts and information. At this point, anyone claiming that manmade CO2 is the cause of warming, should read it.

I and some others were discussing this with a guy on a motorsport forum. He was commited against anyone who wanted noisy and powerful internal combustion engines (In motorsports) to stay - this is 80% of that forum. After pages of trying to make this guy use his brain, he admitted he was a vegan and was living "THE LIFE" Nobody took this guy seriously afterwards, its hilarious but I see this trend in real life too. Global warmists are almost always tied to communism.

Man I've heard stories how everything in my country will be under water 20 years ago. Fast forward to current time and water levels are still the same while people still scream that ocean levels are rising. :roll:
BlackJackal said:
V12-POWER said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Well yeah, the earth does absorbs and emits heat, but roads even with their high heat reflection are meaningless.

Global warming is based on the theory that CO2 creates sort of a wall that traps heat in, thats where the name "greenhouse" comes from. The idiots and jews behind global warming, however, forget that a greenhouse has an actual physical barrier and is completely closed. There isn't enough CO2 to form even a thin layer, because parts per million measures molecules, not weight or size. I have always doubted global warming, ever since I studied thermodynamics, but it violates other physical aspects too.

This book https://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.1161.pdf completely trashes Global warming with actual facts and information. At this point, anyone claiming that manmade CO2 is the cause of warming, should read it.

I and some others were discussing this with a guy on a motorsport forum. He was commited against anyone who wanted noisy and powerful internal combustion engines (In motorsports) to stay - this is 80% of that forum. After pages of trying to make this guy use his brain, he admitted he was a vegan and was living "THE LIFE" Nobody took this guy seriously afterwards, its hilarious but I see this trend in real life too. Global warmists are almost always tied to communism.

Man I've heard stories how everything in my country will be under water 20 years ago. Fast forward to current time and water levels are still the same while people still scream that ocean levels are rising. :roll:

Time to become a refugee and get everything for free, the great times will come for everyone. We will show in Germany's door and be like "GIBS ME DAT NOW CUZ IM HUMAN". I will demand mansions and everything else myself. If people ask why, I'll say CUZ IM HUMAN AND CUZ GLOBAL WARMING AND COLONIALISM.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
V12-POWER said:
Well yeah, the earth does absorbs and emits heat, but roads even with their high heat reflection are meaningless.

Global warming is based on the theory that CO2 creates sort of a wall that traps heat in, thats where the name "greenhouse" comes from. The idiots and jews behind global warming, however, forget that a greenhouse has an actual physical barrier and is completely closed. There isn't enough CO2 to form even a thin layer, because parts per million measures molecules, not weight or size. I have always doubted global warming, ever since I studied thermodynamics, but it violates other physical aspects too.

This book https://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.1161.pdf completely trashes Global warming with actual facts and information. At this point, anyone claiming that manmade CO2 is the cause of warming, should read it.

I and some others were discussing this with a guy on a motorsport forum. He was commited against anyone who wanted noisy and powerful internal combustion engines (In motorsports) to stay - this is 80% of that forum. After pages of trying to make this guy use his brain, he admitted he was a vegan and was living "THE LIFE" Nobody took this guy seriously afterwards, its hilarious but I see this trend in real life too. Global warmists are almost always tied to communism.

Man I've heard stories how everything in my country will be under water 20 years ago. Fast forward to current time and water levels are still the same while people still scream that ocean levels are rising. :roll:

Time to become a refugee and get everything for free, the great times will come for everyone. We will show in Germany's door and be like "GIBS ME DAT NOW CUZ IM HUMAN". I will demand mansions and everything else myself. If people ask why, I'll say CUZ IM HUMAN AND CUZ GLOBAL WARMING AND COLONIALISM.

The burning of Amazon rainforest is to save us from global warming because it produces most CO2; our goyim brains just can't comprehend that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
