So you're either trolling or you genuinely believes and parrots the Jewish media narrative's idiocy, point by point, that they repeat ad nauseum everyday even outside of Brazil such as in Portugal's TV and CNN. We don't believe TV here you should have some common sense.
7. His political gesture is always a hand simbolizing a gun; he does that gesture for everything! One of his political promises was involving easy liberation of guns.
That's awesome! We as Satanists like the Founding Fathers support gun ownership for the common citizen. It's an Satanic American principle. No guns for people = Communism. Everything Bolsonaro and his supporters told about gun ownership is correct and we must defend it for both America, Brazil and to liberate guns for Europeans in this critic situation.
Nikolas. said:
1. He supports infantile job;
Damn teach children the value of work. He almost got that from Mein Kampf unconsciously, what a bad goy don't he knows work is a punishment and is durty slavery for the goyim.
4. Also said that would rather beat his son if he was gay. He was against something called "gay kit" as a his for deputy position - it was a material that would be dedicated to fight homophobia. He was actively against the kit.
They claim our 6 year old children need to learn where to stick their fingers to make the boy's dick and anal sex... That's so progressive and will teach kids how not to hate. No thanks, as a bisexual I'm disgusted of that gay kike kit and I'd never want children to have that.
9. He tried to eliminate the Ministry of Environment
He merged both Ministries in order to save financial resources so much these ministries were much like tax grabbing mafias only and never actually care about the enviroment. The Amazon was already being destroyed and that so called Ministry of Environment was a part of the problem and a money grabbing machine.
11. One private relationship of his son was related to the assassination of a woman deputy whose protection was specifically the LGBT+ rights.
That conspiracy theory was stupid and debunked. The media made a disproportional fuss for that communist woman's death in conparison for the investigation about the atempt of murder for a candidate to presidency. Now his sons are to blame lol. They don't care about her, a Black female cop was murdered and none of those so called "minority" supporters gave a damn.
12. Same as 9. Less ministries, less waste of money. Even if they were doing nothing, which is not true, it's being more positive than the amount of money waste before.
That phrase about pink and blue clothes was hilarious it made a lot of idiots triggered for absoluteely no reason like the vice President about the Indigenous and Negro races' atributes. I hope they offend even more libtards.
13. Before elections, Bolsonaro said he would support the killing of native land occupiers
"I bet he would kill 60 billion indigenous like HITLER would do, OY VEY!" He was specific about this terrorist Communist organization called MST and the like that target land owners. Everything he said is higly distorted no different to what they do to every enemy of the Jews even if he kissed their ass with words.
His twitters are funny and he was specifically pointing out some degeneracy in multi-color marxist Carnival parades. That Carnival shit is something as disgusting as LGBT parades or worse.
2, 3, 8 and others are pure stupid media propaganda, you sure are well informed. All this BS only proves Bolsonaro is doing a great job with actions rather than his words.
The effects of his xtian faith was already mentioned and it's not relevant for the discussion.