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"Am I jewish?" an Enemy Attack?

[email protected]

New member
Apr 17, 2013
I have this "am I jewish" worry a lot, so I decided to make a topic about it, I hope it gets approved so we all could talk about it. To be honest, I haven't really seen Father Satan, or any of the gods yet, nor heard them. I do have a weak pineal gland though, Its been over a month now that ive been working furiously on my Pineal gland and 6th chakra. I do kinda 'feel' my pineal gland every now and then, but I don't think my 6th chakra is open yet. When I focus on my pineal gland, I feel a very faint 'pressure' there. It feels like its coming from behind my eyes, a very tiny bit above them, and a little towards the back of my head, rather than in the middle.The reason this whole "am I jewish" thing came up is because I haven't had any contact with demons yet. and I admit that I haven't worked on my other chakras, other than my third eye, 6th, and crown. It feels like I'm being ignored because I haven't had any encounters with demons yet. and its totally my fault too. I don't really know how to do a regular summoning ritual, I don't care how embarrassing it sounds (can someone post a link on how to). Even if I did summon a demon, I wouldn't know what to say or how to act. and I guess this is the reason why, too. I don't think I'm all that ready.I don't know if I have jewish blood in me or not, I don't know very much at all about my family history, my great grandfather on my dad's side was a German.That's pretty much all I know.and seeing the way I look at the world and life itself, its very unlikely that I have jewish blood. I feel a strange empathy and simpathy for people and animals in the world that are suffering. When I was young, about 15 or so I tried Christianity, but as we all know, the fake 'jesus' character hates your guts. So that failed. Then I turned to the Norse Paganism religion, with Odin, Thor, etc. after about 2 years of that, I then got into Wicca, then I noticed I was strangely drawn to witchcraft, magick, the occult, etc. After a while of that, I finally got into Satanism. Now I didn't know a damn thing about Satanism back then, I was into the 'Christian version' of Satanism I guess you could call it, the kind that believes Satan and demons are evil. I cant remember how I came across the JoS site. I was searching for information about Satan one night, ready to "sell my soul" then I found the Joy of Satan. I'm so happy I did. Its really changed my life and I love reading about Father Satan, and reading the high priests sermons about him.But I cant stand not being able to see or hear him or his demons, it makes me worried about the whole "Am I jewish" thing. and that they're ignoring me because of it. But again, the way I see the world and life, I truly don't think I am. I have Mercury&Saturn in conjuction in my birth chart, so im a pessimist and always think the worst, plus it effects my speech a little. I get locked up in conversations sometimes and cant think of anything to say. Like in this topic, I'm not really good at explaining things and can go off-topic a lot. I guess its because I'm just not open enough yet, and it makes me worried. I do see signs while I'm on the internet from Father Satan. I see the number 666 a lot, and youtube videos titled: "Satan Loves You".Has anyone else had the "am I jewish" worry? Ive been a JoS member for a few years now and I believe if I did have jewish blood in me, then Father Satan or any of the gods would have destroyed me by now. I feel a very loving connection to Satan and the gods, not a day goes by that I don't think about them. Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this "am I jewish" problem. Is it some kind of psychic attack?I read somewhere in the groups that its a common attack against SS.

I have never seen Satan or Demons too. Well, maybe I seen a Demon once in my mind when I did the dedication ritual, I saw an animal and turned out it was my GD. I've summoned a demon and asking for a help to return my lost pet (it's a snake btw so it can't just magically showed up, it loves to hide), several days after that, I saw my snake through meditation, I told the snake to come home, 2 days after that , my doorbell rang and someone asking if the snake they found was mine. I was very happy, I gather another offerings for the Demon.I never saw Satan but I know his presence, once I was very sad(I've been through this before I was a Satanist) I was depressed in fact, I cried and almost everyday, I felt so down, everything is dark and falling apart. I just wrote something in my notebook, I asked for freedom, I don't want to feel this way anymore I wanna be happy. Then I meditate, I saw Shiva in my meditation and magically my pain go away. Like magically vanished, just like that. It was the very first time in my life my spiritual life felt so real, I get what I asked. I felt that I was loved.
It can be because you're not sensitive enough to really feel their presence. You can also begin with being aware of yourself, your thoughts, your activity. Try writting your thoughts or anything in a book. It probably helps in self understanding, it works for me.Keep meditating and good luck! :)

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On Monday, September 4, 2017, 7:48 PM, thesatanictruth666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  I have this "am I jewish" worry a lot, so I decided to make a topic about it, I hope it gets approved so we all could talk about it. To be honest, I haven't really seen Father Satan, or any of the gods yet, nor heard them. I do have a weak pineal gland though, Its been over a month now that ive been working furiously on my Pineal gland and 6th chakra. I do kinda 'feel' my pineal gland every now and then, but I don't think my 6th chakra is open yet. When I focus on my pineal gland, I feel a very faint 'pressure' there. It feels like its coming from behind my eyes, a very tiny bit above them, and a little towards the back of my head, rather than in the middle.The reason this whole "am I jewish" thing came up is because I haven't had any contact with demons yet. and I admit that I haven't worked on my other chakras, other than my third eye, 6th, and crown. It feels like I'm being ignored because I haven't had any encounters with demons yet. and its totally my fault too. I don't really know how to do a regular summoning ritual, I don't care how embarrassing it sounds (can someone post a link on how to). Even if I did summon a demon, I wouldn't know what to say or how to act. and I guess this is the reason why, too. I don't think I'm all that ready.I don't know if I have jewish blood in me or not, I don't know very much at all about my family history, my great grandfather on my dad's side was a German.That's pretty much all I know.and seeing the way I look at the world and life itself, its very unlikely that I have jewish blood. I feel a strange empathy and simpathy for people and animals in the world that are suffering. When I was young, about 15 or so I tried Christianity, but as we all know, the fake 'jesus' character hates your guts. So that failed. Then I turned to the Norse Paganism religion, with Odin, Thor, etc. after about 2 years of that, I then got into Wicca, then I noticed I was strangely drawn to witchcraft, magick, the occult, etc. After a while of that, I finally got into Satanism. Now I didn't know a damn thing about Satanism back then, I was into the 'Christian version' of Satanism I guess you could call it, the kind that believes Satan and demons are evil. I cant remember how I came across the JoS site. I was searching for information about Satan one night, ready to "sell my soul" then I found the Joy of Satan. I'm so happy I did. Its really changed my life and I love reading about Father Satan, and reading the high priests sermons about him.But I cant stand not being able to see or hear him or his demons, it makes me worried about the whole "Am I jewish" thing. and that they're ignoring me because of it. But again, the way I see the world and life, I truly don't think I am. I have Mercury&Saturn in conjuction in my birth chart, so im a pessimist and always think the worst, plus it effects my speech a little. I get locked up in conversations sometimes and cant think of anything to say. Like in this topic, I'm not really good at explaining things and can go off-topic a lot. I guess its because I'm just not open enough yet, and it makes me worried. I do see signs while I'm on the internet from Father Satan. I see the number 666 a lot, and youtube videos titled: "Satan Loves You".Has anyone else had the "am I jewish" worry? Ive been a JoS member for a few years now and I believe if I did have jewish blood in me, then Father Satan or any of the gods would have destroyed me by now. I feel a very loving connection to Satan and the gods, not a day goes by that I don't think about them. Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this "am I jewish" problem. Is it some kind of psychic attack?I read somewhere in the groups that its a common attack against SS.

This has indeed been discussed and the search engine will bring you to those topics. I, too have been going over those topics in the last day or two because my mother has decided to do a DNA test and can't keep quiet about a thing. I'm just scared, what if there's a spec of it? Then there's those studies out that say women can carry dna from the men they sleep with. Seriously, look it up. Well, the whole reason mom is getting an ancestry test is because her husband is too. The reason he is, is because he wants to know if he is jewish. He found a surname with Stein in it in his family tree is why. I think some gentiles can have this, although I'm uncertain. He certainly doesn't look or act jewish. But what if he is? I've been super aggravated that they're doing this. She even gave me one, but I think I will just sell it. I've been with Satan for years and have done every group ritual with no ill effects. I'm told that wouldn't be possible. Yet here I am still scared. I know it 's silly. Where I went wrong is not working on my astral senses.  I haven't worked on astral senses a lot nor developed strong relationships with any of the gods, and if a had, I wouldn't have to worry. Learn from my mistake. 
I'll make this short. Provided what you wrote is true and sincere, I can guarantee you that you are not jewish. I had those attacks, too. A lot. And I have been told the exact same thing - 'If you worry about being a jew, it means that you aren' t one'. I know from experience that, back when I was told this, it was not enough to reassure me. But by now I have no doubt in my mind that I am a gentile. And looking back at it now, I'm surprised of how obvious it was that I'm not a jew.It's the exact same for you! So don't make the same mistake I made, and instead actually trust this statement. You are NOT a jew. If the thought creeps up in your mind again, brush it away. Even if it doesn't feel right, even if you are hit with some sort of ultra-convincing thing that makes you go back to doubting your gentile-ness, just IGNORE IT. Do void meditation daily to get better at controling thoughts, if you are bad at it. 
And if you still have unease/doubts, just do a ton of RTRs. Doing RTRs is the number 1 thing that a jew would never want to do. 

Good luck out there.
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On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 19:27, thesatanictruth666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I have this "am I jewish" worry a lot, so I decided to make a topic about it, I hope it gets approved so we all could talk about it. To be honest, I haven't really seen Father Satan, or any of the gods yet, nor heard them. I do have a weak pineal gland though, Its been over a month now that ive been working furiously on my Pineal gland and 6th chakra. I do kinda 'feel' my pineal gland every now and then, but I don't think my 6th chakra is open yet. When I focus on my pineal gland, I feel a very faint 'pressure' there. It feels like its coming from behind my eyes, a very tiny bit above them, and a little towards the back of my head, rather than in the middle.The reason this whole "am I jewish" thing came up is because I haven't had any contact with demons yet. and I admit that I haven't worked on my other chakras, other than my third eye, 6th, and crown. It feels like I'm being ignored because I haven't had any encounters with demons yet. and its totally my fault too. I don't really know how to do a regular summoning ritual, I don't care how embarrassing it sounds (can someone post a link on how to). Even if I did summon a demon, I wouldn't know what to say or how to act. and I guess this is the reason why, too. I don't think I'm all that ready.I don't know if I have jewish blood in me or not, I don't know very much at all about my family history, my great grandfather on my dad's side was a German.That's pretty much all I know.and seeing the way I look at the world and life itself, its very unlikely that I have jewish blood. I feel a strange empathy and simpathy for people and animals in the world that are suffering. When I was young, about 15 or so I tried Christianity, but as we all know, the fake 'jesus' character hates your guts. So that failed. Then I turned to the Norse Paganism religion, with Odin, Thor, etc. after about 2 years of that, I then got into Wicca, then I noticed I was strangely drawn to witchcraft, magick, the occult, etc. After a while of that, I finally got into Satanism. Now I didn't know a damn thing about Satanism back then, I was into the 'Christian version' of Satanism I guess you could call it, the kind that believes Satan and demons are evil. I cant remember how I came across the JoS site. I was searching for information about Satan one night, ready to "sell my soul" then I found the Joy of Satan. I'm so happy I did. Its really changed my life and I love reading about Father Satan, and reading the high priests sermons about him.But I cant stand not being able to see or hear him or his demons, it makes me worried about the whole "Am I jewish" thing. and that they're ignoring me because of it. But again, the way I see the world and life, I truly don't think I am. I have Mercury&Saturn in conjuction in my birth chart, so im a pessimist and always think the worst, plus it effects my speech a little. I get locked up in conversations sometimes and cant think of anything to say. Like in this topic, I'm not really good at explaining things and can go off-topic a lot. I guess its because I'm just not open enough yet, and it makes me worried. I do see signs while I'm on the internet from Father Satan. I see the number 666 a lot, and youtube videos titled: "Satan Loves You".Has anyone else had the "am I jewish" worry? Ive been a JoS member for a few years now and I believe if I did have jewish blood in me, then Father Satan or any of the gods would have destroyed me by now. I feel a very loving connection to Satan and the gods, not a day goes by that I don't think about them. Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this "am I jewish" problem. Is it some kind of psychic attack?I read somewhere in the groups that its a common attack against SS.
This is a very common form of attack. I also got hit really hard with this after Dedicating. It drove me almost mad, till I could hardly stand to be in my own skin, sleepless nights, a lot of freaking out and so on. I've since learned I'm 100% Aryan, which was an incredible relief. My GD's had been trying to reassure me for some time but I wasn't listening, so caught up in this fear. LOL.
It's true though, if you are really worried and upset you might carry that taint, it shows you aren't, because they simply wouldn't care. A jew knows its a jew. They are Alien to us. They are not us. They don't care, like us.                                                                                  
Are you cleaning your chakras/aura?
Are you doing yoga?

Not doing either of those things is detrimental to spiritual advancement.
Hmm I have contact with the demons quite frequently one told me I was perfect before makes me feel a lot more comfortable I have come in contact with agares and some who I don't know but I know they were demons I have heard such things as don't stop meaning the rtrs and I don't feel cursed after doing the rtrs my dad told me there's a goldstein in our family he's obviously all for being semetic later on he said he was lying then he said that...his sister was told a bed time story when she was little about their great great grandmother being jewish it freaks me out it really does but I know the gods would not contact me if I was jewish ....you couldn't make it progressing being as one of them ..isn't that true? Need someone to reassure this to me too!!!!
I experienced this crap as well, and when it was finally broken (literally by looking into the mirror one day, lol) precicely after that came a phase of a completely unbased, unnatural seeming phobia to anything satanic-related (where before that, I never felt so "at home" anywhere spiritually).
The most noteworthy thing imo is, that you will never find the "Am i jewish" worry among White Nationalists or other jew wise communities, whereas alot of Satanists seem to experience it, so it clearly must be a spiritual attack/mechanism rather than a psychological one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
