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All Alien

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Adolf Hitler wrote in his book "Mein Kampf" how the races of humanity have evolved and changed through the centuries, in contrast to the Jew who has neither changed in character or agenda, despite the extreme amount of attacks, pogroms, expulsions and other calamities that have befell that race.

In addition to this, no other race on this earth is a race within all other races, at the soul, and the alien DNA.

I'm sure some of you here have studied entomology (science of insects), Hymenoptera (social insects such as ants), along with ornithology (science of birds), and more sheds a lot of light on the Jewish problem.

A cuckoo bird will take over the nest of another bird; pushing out the eggs of the other bird and laying her own for the owner of the nest to feed and raise. A parasitic bird.

Ants are highly organized and some species take over the colonies of other ants which they use for slave labor.

These are just a very small example of what is in nature here on planet earth.

It's a vast universe out there. How about a species of souls that are parasitic, that prey upon other souls, destroy their civilizations and take over their planet, turning it into a globe for slave labor?

The Jews have had a strong hold on NASA, limiting access to many scholars, and others who have an interest in life outside of this planet.

The unsuspecting populace is cut off spiritually, dumbed down and enslaved. Certain races are targeted and systematically bred to be the perfect slaves. Disposable human beings. The migrant situation is a paradise for the Jews. Endless slave labor for the majority; disposable human beings, worked to death, sex slaves, body organs removed and sold on the red market, snuff films and everything else. Most of this goes unnoticed. Migrants just disappear and no one inquires.

Most don't know their rights. Many are literally chained to their work stations in sweat shops, slave factories, working 12+ hour days. Bathroom breaks are frowned upon. Few if any of these people complain. They make thousands of dollars an hour for these Jewish masters, and are lucky if they can even get a lousy meal out of it. This is the reality. They are systematically worked to death and disposed of. Goyim "cattle."

The Jewish controlled systems also use migrations to destabilise and undermine the cultures of the host countries, raise the crime rate to destroy law and order, so the entire host country falls to their agenda of communism (they have near total control of the legal and court systems, the government and all other key positions). This is why the Jewish media keeps pushing the immigration issue. The Jewish controlled media exploits the ignorance of the populace, plays upon misplaced sympathy and drives public opinion.

As for the immigration issue, many in the host countries, who are citizens, who have lived there all of their lives, not just in the US, but in Europe are homeless and living under bridges, in tents and on the street. As we know, for centuries, Jews have taken over and owned most of the properties. It has been so bad over the centuries, that Gentile kings, after expelling all the Jews from certain countries, gave all of the Jewish owned properties back to the people. The Jewish monopoly on ownership of housing and properties causes the homeless situation.

In communist countries, citizens were put on a waiting list for a lousy apartment larger than one room and waited years and years.

Programs like Christiaity and Islam facilitate the takeover. All alien.

In closing, I want to add, the level of intelligence of even Christian scholars who have attended seminary schools, degrees and so forth is shit for brains. Total shit.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Adolf Hitler wrote in his book "Mein Kampf" how the races of humanity have evolved and changed through the centuries, in contrast to the Jew who has neither changed in character or agenda, despite the extreme amount of attacks, pogroms, expulsions and other calamities that have befell that race.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Christianity and Islam, Judaism serve as openings for Whites, Asians and Blacks to gain mental retardation. It is like a Trojan horse.
It was the other day when I was considering starting a thread about Star Trek. Don't worry - this is not off-topic. Regarding the likeness of what HPS Maxine has said with lower Animals, it is extremely easy to see the jew all over Star Trek, in many ways. (The creator is a now-dead jew who had a "vision" for the future. It also admitted the Vulcan ears were made to look "like Satan".)

Do you want to be rich and wealthy, cheating people, etc.? Be a Ferengi.
Are you evil and forceful, dictatorial, and conquering? Be a Cardassian.
Are you an honourable warrior, where honour is everything (including only when it suits you and is arbitrary), and you're always drunk, and you exaggerate your exploits? Be a Klingon.
Are you a zidiot who doesn't want to think for yourself, while you worship things that don't care about you because "it doesn't work like that, eeeee"? Be a Bajoran.
Are you a moralistic crybaby-type, who thinks pieces of paper with words on them, and words, and deep, emotional speeches, and morals will win over thine enemies? Be the Starfleet portion of the Federation.
Are you emotionless and purely logic-loving (despite supressing your emotions), while also being cold, calculating, and arrogant? Be a Vulcan.
Are you a Borg-type non-individual without culture, identity, and individuality? Be a Borg.

How many of these things are jewish? (I also suspect that because the fans loved the honour and glory-ness of the warrior Klingons, along with their religion following "the greatest warrior" Kayless, that the jew decided to create christian-Bajor and their religion, which also includes being raped by the Devil for 50 years in "the occupation".)

Plus the jew's obvious hatred for ancient Pagan symbols/Gods/Goddesses/culture/etc.

If you want to waste 500-1000 hours (at a guess), then after watching Futurama for some clues, as I mentioned before, watch Star Trek (and see its shittily-made, contrived, jew-moralistic scripts, which you might notice the first time around, which also includes stupid ideas for what aliens might look like, and includes all alien species being able to speak jewmerican (except when it suits them, of course!! ^^)).
I was just reading a comparison of the communists to warblers, this is a really powerful message to get out to people. Everybody knows at this point that bringing in the refugees is simply dangerous terrorism and will cause problems. That's step one, we need everyone to know that it's not a joke and everybody coming from every direction will be the victim of Jews if we allow them to dictate our society.

Hail Satan
When we flood the whole place with angry immigrants the ones who suffer are actually the Native Americans in reservations, hard working people with disabilities, and in general anyone with the social status of those they artificially insert into our society. Anybody who looks or acts like a refugee or a minority is thought to be faking it whereas they treat the refugees like they are the only true human beings. And it all comes from trust of this alien race who is trying to take over our society and tell us all what to think and how to act.
HP Maxine thank you for this blunt sermon. 2 questions come to my mind.

You know, just as well as anyone that we have lost planet(s?),in our solar system, due to nefarious means. Either being completely destroyed or made uninhabitable for intelligent life. I'm not too worried about this SHTF scenario, but they do say history repeats itself. Even though we try to break that cycle, are we concerned at all about this?

Secondly, this statement; "In addition to this, no other race on this earth is a race within all other races, at the soul, and the alien DNA."

A profound statement in such few words. Are we saying jews infest the racial trees when they crossbreed?

Thank you in advance Maxine.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
A cuckoo bird will take over the nest of another bird; pushing out the eggs of the other bird and laying her own for the owner of the nest to feed and raise. A parasitic bird.

Just a few hours ago, I randomly started thinking about the cuckoo bird and how similar it is to the jews.

I think this new RTR also restores our inherent connection as satanists, by removing all those bullshit curses.

I love it ^^
If you look at Islam and Christianity it is irrelevant junk which is purposefully designed to bog down Gentiles thinking so that the Jews can gain a position from where to gain money and power from.
FancyMancy said:
It was the other day when I was considering starting a thread about Star Trek. Don't worry - this is not off-topic. Regarding the likeness of what HPS Maxine has said with lower Animals, it is extremely easy to see the jew all over Star Trek, in many ways. (The creator is a now-dead jew who had a "vision" for the future. It also admitted the Vulcan ears were made to look "like Satan".)

Do you want to be rich and wealthy, cheating people, etc.? Be a Ferengi.
Are you evil and forceful, dictatorial, and conquering? Be a Cardassian.
Are you an honourable warrior, where honour is everything (including only when it suits you and is arbitrary), and you're always drunk, and you exaggerate your exploits? Be a Klingon.
Are you a zidiot who doesn't want to think for yourself, while you worship things that don't care about you because "it doesn't work like that, eeeee"? Be a Bajoran.
Are you a moralistic crybaby-type, who thinks pieces of paper with words on them, and words, and deep, emotional speeches, and morals will win over thine enemies? Be the Starfleet portion of the Federation.
Are you emotionless and purely logic-loving (despite supressing your emotions), while also being cold, calculating, and arrogant? Be a Vulcan.
Are you a Borg-type non-individual without culture, identity, and individuality? Be a Borg.

How many of these things are jewish? (I also suspect that because the fans loved the honour and glory-ness of the warrior Klingons, along with their religion following "the greatest warrior" Kayless, that the jew decided to create christian-Bajor and their religion, which also includes being raped by the Devil for 50 years in "the occupation".)

Plus the jew's obvious hatred for ancient Pagan symbols/Gods/Goddesses/culture/etc.

If you want to waste 500-1000 hours (at a guess), then after watching Futurama for some clues, as I mentioned before, watch Star Trek (and see its shittily-made, contrived, jew-moralistic scripts, which you might notice the first time around, which also includes stupid ideas for what aliens might look like, and includes all alien species being able to speak jewmerican (except when it suits them, of course!! ^^)).

Futurama, I watched that crap as well. xD I hate all these jewmerican cartoons now. They were on TV all the time during my teenage years and of course it was considerd cool to watch all the garbage at my school. TeleviZION could be such a great technology if it wasn't used in such malicious ways. Ever wonderd why the TV screen is a black cube and placed like an altar in every house?

It's hard to say which of the mainstream sci-fi franchises is the most jewish. Star Wars with its jewish princess Leia and messiah Luke Kikewalker and Anakin who was born of a virgin is definetely worth a mention. In "Phantom Menace" they had some caricature of a space jew though with a big ass nose. But the most jewish thing I think was (((Star Gate SG1))) where they traveld through that Star Gate (which actually comes from Paganism and the ancient mystery schools) to wage war against some parasitic race of vermin that live inside a human host and out of pure coincidence those evil vermin all are named after and based upon Gods from various branches of Paganism. Of course the christian Americans win over the "evil space Gods". Also all the aliens speak jewmerican in this shit show.

Those sci-fi stories were meant to normalize what we experience now during the mass migrations. I've read two comics of Enki Bilal, a Serbian sci-fi novelist who lives in France. His works show Euope full of corrupted autocratic leaders and aliens are everywhere, race-mixing with the earthlings and bringing civil war. Futuristic technology exists but verything is polluted and rotten. These comics are from the 1980s and the predictions in them are terribly accurate. The Egyptian Gods also come as aliens but they are actually shown in a rather positive way, despite their arrogance over humans. In these comics, humankind has been lowerd so much that any arrogance of the Gods would be justified. I don't think that Enki Bilal is a yid. He's named after Enki after all. He tried to warn us. His works are not famous enough to be predictive programming.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
