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Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now in Spiritual Satanism there is mention of entities and aliens. We have said the Truth about these topics. Yet, because of the nature of these topics and utter misunderstandings of spirituality, many people take these too far, making themselves insane.

Saying the Truth on the topic was imperative, and it was shared so it is known. Yet, alongside this Truth, we also provided all the necessary context information; which if you do not take seriously, you are losing the point of knowing these in the first place.

HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

In the same way one is afraid of a certain form of bug, and if one dwells on them all day, they "see them everywhere" and eventually you develop paranoia or schizophrenia thinking every little sound is a texas size cockroach, those who do not control their mind will create monsters in their head due to fear of the unknown.

No, it is not Greys and Reptilians that you are not succeeding at everything or maybe you have some anxiety; the chances are cataclysmically low it is the case. If that were the case, the Spiritual Protection methods will alleviate all these problems.

It's because you have emotional issues to address and a lot of growth. Normal and good, we all have. The grown Spiritual Satanist is not intimidated by these "beings", because the Gods are more powerful. By more powerful I mean they run the universe; these other entities are simply bandits going around and harassing anyone who is falling to their level. They hold no power over anything else.

Instead of dwelling on the jews, the enemy, and a victim hood mentality, focus on the Gods and put your mental energy on them instead. Sanity, safety, peace and solace.

As I said a million times also in RTR and related warfare schedules: Attack and PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. When the schedule is over, treat these ghouls as if they do not exist. Keep your life good and your energy clean; no focus on bullshit. Same rule even more strict applies to anything "alien origin" of the enemy. It's truly quite distant from humanity and nothing for the Spiritual Satanist, new or advanced, to warrant your attention. You must not give your attention to them.

The more people focus on nonsense, the more you give certain nonsense power. Your mind could get in tune with these, and when one is in tune with negativity, this negativity grows in power. Eventually, an unstable mind is the cause of one's undoing. One dwells on it too much and then they start making up unnatural and unrelated causes as causes for "problems". That goes too far after a point, and one can actually cause a strong intonation with these negative entities, which will torment you, because you are being foolish and you do not tune to the Gods instead.

Actual people who have mental illnesses have these illnesses aggravated by these also, and these are also the most vocal ones. They become extremely confused like crackheads in New York city, who say that an alien came and implanted a device into their head that made them want to do crack. In reality, they wanted to do the crack, and that is mental illness that expresses itself via responsibility shifting to "aliens".

Go to NYC and ask the local crackhead and you will soon know that Reptilians were in his backyard and chasing him with blue sirens. It was actually the cops because they were speeding but sure as fuck these were put there by the Global Illuminati Conspiracy to stop them from speeding; because they were planning to open a rift via speeding and they would enter in another dimension after their brain implanted device would activate.

Over the years I have also seen that many so called "Open minded spiritualists" are in many cases unfortunately suffering from powerful mental illnesses, aggravated by false knowledge and false focus. Others who want to mentally destroy them, tell them to focus on these hostile entities, do Rituals to "connect" them to them, and overall they infest their minds and tell them all sorts of nonsense, so they lose grip with reality altogether. That's how they destroy people.

Then every fat crazy person was "Definitely abducted" because they are so hot that the aliens wanted to have sex with them in a bar somewhere between the Moon and Mars. This was also another method so that the UFOlogists and many others lose total credibility.

I am not saying that poor humans have not been victimized in the past; but I am saying that only in 20% of cases this was true. People also have no clue about dimensions and spirituality, so they can see a dream and think it was "real". Or they can hallucinate and say they were picked up by the KFC pickup truck so Aliens can play Tic-Tac-Toe on their bodies.

20% cases are fully real. But I would like to not open this topic up here to not derail the thread. We can leave this for another related sermon on the topic.

Needless to say, all of these should be discarded as a point of focus in Spiritual Satanism. Yes, we know these exist; yes, there are endless documents that prove their existence. Yes, we know what they want to do. Yes, they pose a "danger". But in all these, nothing truly matters: The Gods are superior and they have it all under control. It is not Joe from NYC the crackhead that will solve this issue, it is our Gods who are on part with these entities.

Modern humans are also very stupid, in that they think they are all sorts of things or tasked with all sorts of things. The NYC crackhead also thinks they themselves are the cause of the movement of the planet; that if they stop doing crack, the planet itself is going to fall down. That's because this is connected to their alien implanted device, which if they remove, Uranus will explode and we will all be toast.

None of that nonsense and schizophrenic stuff exists in the Ancient Religions of the World. Yes, the Egyptians did portray many of these foul entities on their inscriptions and so have many others. But these were inscriptions down in some alley, among the worthless things. The things of worth where one must dwell, are the supernal and all-powerful Gods of Orion, Duat, Tuatha De Danaan, Olympus, Mount Adi - or many according to mythologies. The Ones from Aldebarran, Sirius, Orion.

Still, even these Gods won't invite you to a sci-fi nonsense trip which is supposed to satisfy foolishness, but rather point you to be grounded and spiritual in a healthy manner, at the same time. The point of your spiritual evolution does not revolve around creating large delusions, but banishing these and doing your work in accordance to the levels of reality. Anything else past a point is only sensationalism and wasting your own time.

Alright, some aliens are trying to stop humanity from advancing, big deal. Did you do your meditations today or you will whine about bug headed fucks from another dimension that you spilled your milk again, like a baby that pretends they do not go to bed because of boogeyman? Is it so necessary to focus on the boogeyman or to go to bed? If you went to bed you would understand boogeyman is not actually threatening you. And that there is no point to dwell on boogeyman, because you are not sleeping as a result.

These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.
4. Cases of enemy spiritualists who are at the risk of total ruin through proxies like "New Age" etc, which leave open gateways for these vile entities to attack them. Those also under the enemy programs which forbid spirituality, but they "try it anyway", can have terrible experiences through this. Many "New Agers" have been "abductees" and have had their lives ruined by these - they were dumb enough to worship them, they hide behind the "Angelic Identities" of the Jews. Getting screwed is something they specialize.

Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.

Your job as a Spiritual Satanist is not to create ideals like Joe the NYC Crackhead, your job is to remain healthy, sensible, away from nonsense, and use the Truth in a constructive manner; to grow spiritually, to foster trust with the Gods, to believe in your own power, and to be under a protected environment until you grow to be invulnerable. One cannot be harmed by these entities; one has to be aware, but one does not have to actively worry about it. If one is under psychic attack, one has to pray to the Gods and it will go away almost at an instant.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Then every fat crazy person was "Definitely abducted" because they are so hot that the aliens wanted to have sex with them in a bar somewhere between the Moon and Mars. This was also another method so that the UFOlogists and many others lose total credibility.
I know this is a serious topic, but this made me laugh so hard, I nearly spat out my fruit juice!
Thank you HP HoodedCobra for bringing in some extra joy to Joy of Satan!
Now in Spiritual Satanism there is mention of entities and aliens. We have said the Truth about these topics. Yet, because of the nature of these topics and utter misunderstandings of spirituality, many people take these too far, making themselves insane.

Saying the Truth on the topic was imperative, and it was shared so it is known. Yet, alongside this Truth, we also provided all the necessary context information; which if you do not take seriously, you are losing the point of knowing these in the first place.

HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

In the same way one is afraid of a certain form of bug, and if one dwells on them all day, they "see them everywhere" and eventually you develop paranoia or schizophrenia thinking every little sound is a texas size cockroach, those who do not control their mind will create monsters in their head due to fear of the unknown.

No, it is not Greys and Reptilians that you are not succeeding at everything or maybe you have some anxiety; the chances are cataclysmically low it is the case. If that were the case, the Spiritual Protection methods will alleviate all these problems.

It's because you have emotional issues to address and a lot of growth. Normal and good, we all have. The grown Spiritual Satanist is not intimidated by these "beings", because the Gods are more powerful. By more powerful I mean they run the universe; these other entities are simply bandits going around and harassing anyone who is falling to their level. They hold no power over anything else.

Instead of dwelling on the jews, the enemy, and a victim hood mentality, focus on the Gods and put your mental energy on them instead. Sanity, safety, peace and solace.

As I said a million times also in RTR and related warfare schedules: Attack and PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. When the schedule is over, treat these ghouls as if they do not exist. Keep your life good and your energy clean; no focus on bullshit. Same rule even more strict applies to anything "alien origin" of the enemy. It's truly quite distant from humanity and nothing for the Spiritual Satanist, new or advanced, to warrant your attention. You must not give your attention to them.

The more people focus on nonsense, the more you give certain nonsense power. Your mind could get in tune with these, and when one is in tune with negativity, this negativity grows in power. Eventually, an unstable mind is the cause of one's undoing. One dwells on it too much and then they start making up unnatural and unrelated causes as causes for "problems". That goes too far after a point, and one can actually cause a strong intonation with these negative entities, which will torment you, because you are being foolish and you do not tune to the Gods instead.

Actual people who have mental illnesses have these illnesses aggravated by these also, and these are also the most vocal ones. They become extremely confused like crackheads in New York city, who say that an alien came and implanted a device into their head that made them want to do crack. In reality, they wanted to do the crack, and that is mental illness that expresses itself via responsibility shifting to "aliens".

Go to NYC and ask the local crackhead and you will soon know that Reptilians were in his backyard and chasing him with blue sirens. It was actually the cops because they were speeding but sure as fuck these were put there by the Global Illuminati Conspiracy to stop them from speeding; because they were planning to open a rift via speeding and they would enter in another dimension after their brain implanted device would activate.

Over the years I have also seen that many so called "Open minded spiritualists" are in many cases unfortunately suffering from powerful mental illnesses, aggravated by false knowledge and false focus. Others who want to mentally destroy them, tell them to focus on these hostile entities, do Rituals to "connect" them to them, and overall they infest their minds and tell them all sorts of nonsense, so they lose grip with reality altogether. That's how they destroy people.

Then every fat crazy person was "Definitely abducted" because they are so hot that the aliens wanted to have sex with them in a bar somewhere between the Moon and Mars. This was also another method so that the UFOlogists and many others lose total credibility.

I am not saying that poor humans have not been victimized in the past; but I am saying that only in 20% of cases this was true. People also have no clue about dimensions and spirituality, so they can see a dream and think it was "real". Or they can hallucinate and say they were picked up by the KFC pickup truck so Aliens can play Tic-Tac-Toe on their bodies.

20% cases are fully real. But I would like to not open this topic up here to not derail the thread. We can leave this for another related sermon on the topic.

Needless to say, all of these should be discarded as a point of focus in Spiritual Satanism. Yes, we know these exist; yes, there are endless documents that prove their existence. Yes, we know what they want to do. Yes, they pose a "danger". But in all these, nothing truly matters: The Gods are superior and they have it all under control. It is not Joe from NYC the crackhead that will solve this issue, it is our Gods who are on part with these entities.

Modern humans are also very stupid, in that they think they are all sorts of things or tasked with all sorts of things. The NYC crackhead also thinks they themselves are the cause of the movement of the planet; that if they stop doing crack, the planet itself is going to fall down. That's because this is connected to their alien implanted device, which if they remove, Uranus will explode and we will all be toast.

None of that nonsense and schizophrenic stuff exists in the Ancient Religions of the World. Yes, the Egyptians did portray many of these foul entities on their inscriptions and so have many others. But these were inscriptions down in some alley, among the worthless things. The things of worth where one must dwell, are the supernal and all-powerful Gods of Orion, Duat, Tuatha De Danaan, Olympus, Mount Adi - or many according to mythologies. The Ones from Aldebarran, Sirius, Orion.

Still, even these Gods won't invite you to a sci-fi nonsense trip which is supposed to satisfy foolishness, but rather point you to be grounded and spiritual in a healthy manner, at the same time. The point of your spiritual evolution does not revolve around creating large delusions, but banishing these and doing your work in accordance to the levels of reality. Anything else past a point is only sensationalism and wasting your own time.

Alright, some aliens are trying to stop humanity from advancing, big deal. Did you do your meditations today or you will whine about bug headed fucks from another dimension that you spilled your milk again, like a baby that pretends they do not go to bed because of boogeyman? Is it so necessary to focus on the boogeyman or to go to bed? If you went to bed you would understand boogeyman is not actually threatening you. And that there is no point to dwell on boogeyman, because you are not sleeping as a result.

These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.
4. Cases of enemy spiritualists who are at the risk of total ruin through proxies like "New Age" etc, which leave open gateways for these vile entities to attack them. Those also under the enemy programs which forbid spirituality, but they "try it anyway", can have terrible experiences through this. Many "New Agers" have been "abductees" and have had their lives ruined by these - they were dumb enough to worship them, they hide behind the "Angelic Identities" of the Jews. Getting screwed is something they specialize.

Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.

Your job as a Spiritual Satanist is not to create ideals like Joe the NYC Crackhead, your job is to remain healthy, sensible, away from nonsense, and use the Truth in a constructive manner; to grow spiritually, to foster trust with the Gods, to believe in your own power, and to be under a protected environment until you grow to be invulnerable. One cannot be harmed by these entities; one has to be aware, but one does not have to actively worry about it. If one is under psychic attack, one has to pray to the Gods and it will go away almost at an instant.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Interesting post
I used to be a nursing assistant caring for the dying and others. What HP Cobra is saying is right: just don't give them the light of day.

There have been many times when I saw things, or a resident's family saw something, and they asked me why I wasn't scared. I simply say I have my gods and I ignore them.

I was simply too dam busy
There is talk among Christian ''prophets'' that the 'Fallen Angels', Nephilim will return from beneath the earth, and star gates will open and the alien spaceships will come from,,, ( not sure where ),,,, Second Heaven ??? Astral Realm ? Maybe. They say that the world governments are being controlled by them NOW, including Biden, Obama ( the antichrist ? ), Putin, Xi Jinping, etc. These 'Fallen Angels', will appear as ''angels of light'' and deceive the world,,, ( it's all in the bible. .. Sort of )... These Christians are so determined to give Satan, the Demons, Aliens, Fallen Angels,, Nephilim, etc. a bad behavior score sheet. And as we know from history, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims have been and are the real problem. ""What the Jews are and do, they accuse Satan and the Demons.''' '''Jews accuse others of what they, themselves are and do'''. HPS Maxine Dietrich quote. My personal experience,, christians preach against a sin the most,, then,, commit the sin , over and over.,,,, '"Because Hell IS repetition. Born in Sin,,, come on in... Hssssssssssss'''''. ( Andre Linoge quote from the Stephen King movie, Storm of The Century. ). Just adding a little humor. These christians keep saying the ''Aliens, Greys'' will soon show themselves openly as they see no more need to hide. Also a ''3 days of dariness'' coming where evil creatures will eat and devour anyone caught outside of their homes. And the Nephilim will return to earth ''in the flesh''' ( ??? ) and devour humans. They say it is the Human looking ones in Government and military that are the most dangerous. I might take my chances with the Fallen Angels, if they return. If they see me as someone they want to interact with, of course. Also,, the CHRISTIAN RAPTURE ??? """Beam me up Scotty'''. Is Star Trek a 'predictive programming' show.?
One of the most clarifying sermons ever, in my opinion. People need to have a better understanding and view of how things are in order to stop meddling in the lower levels. Things are already hard enough as they, last thing we need is to dwell on fake problems the kikes would like us to waste time on.
High Priest Hooded Cobra, this is a great article. I don't think of those aliens after doing any ritual or work. Because I have already fulfilled my duty and it would be a waste of time to deal with the aftermath since it is not my responsibility. Now I'm happy to see that I did something right. Thank you for this article, High Priest Hooded Cobra.
Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
Alright then, I have questions for you:

Will the Gods attract these solitary occultism to themselves and to the truth if they know that these occultism are genuine in wanting to be powerful and advanced? Because for me, I had to specifically try to contact a Demon from the Goetia before being led here, so I had to go to them first. How does the dynamic work?

2. Secondly, I don't quite agree with the fact that the enemy can't do ANYTHING to us at all.... simply because I have had two or three experiences where I have met them first hand. The first one, was when I was doing RTR, I saw a faint shadow swoosh past me very fast, and I immediately started to get heavily nauseous. So much so that I had to walk around, drink some water, go to the bathroom, and then resume the RTR.

Another time, In the middle of the night while I was asleep, for very brief moments I was awake in the astral plane involuntarily, and I saw this smiling Nordic man with white robes and a bright light behind him try to embrace me. This didn't happen again and I actually wasn't scared. But the next day I felt immense sensitivity on my skin, all heated and red.
I have read similar things on here, and can say that it is usually an evil entity that tries to force an experience on you for no reason, not the good kind.

The last instance, was that I was sent a near-death threat by some religious zealots who were supported by the government and had all the means and the evidence that I was a Satanist, and who had the means to jail me, but it was just a big scare and didn't come to pass, albeit it did leave a bad mental scarring and paranoia on me.

So, were these alien attacks? Did the Gods protect me? From these three experiences that I have had, I would say that unfortunately, alien enemies can possibly cause these things, unless you have a very bad karmic event, and the Gods would try to soften its blow for you so that you can survive from it and heal easier ( which is my second theory on the last experience. )
Thank you for another very interesting message. They are already trying to push us into many possibilities, once claiming that they do not exist, but we are only looking for them. You have no right to look for them yourself, we will give you the message. I would like to thank you for this information. I see them (sick people) every day. I see them many times when I close my eyes, but at the very thought of 'show yourself, come on, let's see if you're so brave', they disappear immediately. Cowards like Jews, etc. Time for a new schedule to destroy them.
When you are new, and learn of these bastards, you first think "of course, they are the cause of all my problems."

At the later point, (if you have been working on yourself) you realize "it was me, most of it was/is me".

Now, I am not saying they never try to mess with you, sometimes they do, especially when they see you progressing (they hate that).

But if you don't let them, pretty much all they can do is seethe.

Know thyself.

Thank you for this sermon, HP.
I see this as a reminder; a year ago, it would take just one attack for me to be left with doubt for weeks. Now, the attacks are many more, but they have no effect on my soul. I see them as tests of my faith.
Now in Spiritual Satanism there is mention of entities and aliens. We have said the Truth about these topics. Yet, because of the nature of these topics and utter misunderstandings of spirituality, many people take these too far, making themselves insane.

Saying the Truth on the topic was imperative, and it was shared so it is known. Yet, alongside this Truth, we also provided all the necessary context information; which if you do not take seriously, you are losing the point of knowing these in the first place.

HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

In the same way one is afraid of a certain form of bug, and if one dwells on them all day, they "see them everywhere" and eventually you develop paranoia or schizophrenia thinking every little sound is a texas size cockroach, those who do not control their mind will create monsters in their head due to fear of the unknown.

No, it is not Greys and Reptilians that you are not succeeding at everything or maybe you have some anxiety; the chances are cataclysmically low it is the case. If that were the case, the Spiritual Protection methods will alleviate all these problems.

It's because you have emotional issues to address and a lot of growth. Normal and good, we all have. The grown Spiritual Satanist is not intimidated by these "beings", because the Gods are more powerful. By more powerful I mean they run the universe; these other entities are simply bandits going around and harassing anyone who is falling to their level. They hold no power over anything else.

Instead of dwelling on the jews, the enemy, and a victim hood mentality, focus on the Gods and put your mental energy on them instead. Sanity, safety, peace and solace.

As I said a million times also in RTR and related warfare schedules: Attack and PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. When the schedule is over, treat these ghouls as if they do not exist. Keep your life good and your energy clean; no focus on bullshit. Same rule even more strict applies to anything "alien origin" of the enemy. It's truly quite distant from humanity and nothing for the Spiritual Satanist, new or advanced, to warrant your attention. You must not give your attention to them.

The more people focus on nonsense, the more you give certain nonsense power. Your mind could get in tune with these, and when one is in tune with negativity, this negativity grows in power. Eventually, an unstable mind is the cause of one's undoing. One dwells on it too much and then they start making up unnatural and unrelated causes as causes for "problems". That goes too far after a point, and one can actually cause a strong intonation with these negative entities, which will torment you, because you are being foolish and you do not tune to the Gods instead.

Actual people who have mental illnesses have these illnesses aggravated by these also, and these are also the most vocal ones. They become extremely confused like crackheads in New York city, who say that an alien came and implanted a device into their head that made them want to do crack. In reality, they wanted to do the crack, and that is mental illness that expresses itself via responsibility shifting to "aliens".

Go to NYC and ask the local crackhead and you will soon know that Reptilians were in his backyard and chasing him with blue sirens. It was actually the cops because they were speeding but sure as fuck these were put there by the Global Illuminati Conspiracy to stop them from speeding; because they were planning to open a rift via speeding and they would enter in another dimension after their brain implanted device would activate.

Over the years I have also seen that many so called "Open minded spiritualists" are in many cases unfortunately suffering from powerful mental illnesses, aggravated by false knowledge and false focus. Others who want to mentally destroy them, tell them to focus on these hostile entities, do Rituals to "connect" them to them, and overall they infest their minds and tell them all sorts of nonsense, so they lose grip with reality altogether. That's how they destroy people.

Then every fat crazy person was "Definitely abducted" because they are so hot that the aliens wanted to have sex with them in a bar somewhere between the Moon and Mars. This was also another method so that the UFOlogists and many others lose total credibility.

I am not saying that poor humans have not been victimized in the past; but I am saying that only in 20% of cases this was true. People also have no clue about dimensions and spirituality, so they can see a dream and think it was "real". Or they can hallucinate and say they were picked up by the KFC pickup truck so Aliens can play Tic-Tac-Toe on their bodies.

20% cases are fully real. But I would like to not open this topic up here to not derail the thread. We can leave this for another related sermon on the topic.

Needless to say, all of these should be discarded as a point of focus in Spiritual Satanism. Yes, we know these exist; yes, there are endless documents that prove their existence. Yes, we know what they want to do. Yes, they pose a "danger". But in all these, nothing truly matters: The Gods are superior and they have it all under control. It is not Joe from NYC the crackhead that will solve this issue, it is our Gods who are on part with these entities.

Modern humans are also very stupid, in that they think they are all sorts of things or tasked with all sorts of things. The NYC crackhead also thinks they themselves are the cause of the movement of the planet; that if they stop doing crack, the planet itself is going to fall down. That's because this is connected to their alien implanted device, which if they remove, Uranus will explode and we will all be toast.

None of that nonsense and schizophrenic stuff exists in the Ancient Religions of the World. Yes, the Egyptians did portray many of these foul entities on their inscriptions and so have many others. But these were inscriptions down in some alley, among the worthless things. The things of worth where one must dwell, are the supernal and all-powerful Gods of Orion, Duat, Tuatha De Danaan, Olympus, Mount Adi - or many according to mythologies. The Ones from Aldebarran, Sirius, Orion.

Still, even these Gods won't invite you to a sci-fi nonsense trip which is supposed to satisfy foolishness, but rather point you to be grounded and spiritual in a healthy manner, at the same time. The point of your spiritual evolution does not revolve around creating large delusions, but banishing these and doing your work in accordance to the levels of reality. Anything else past a point is only sensationalism and wasting your own time.

Alright, some aliens are trying to stop humanity from advancing, big deal. Did you do your meditations today or you will whine about bug headed fucks from another dimension that you spilled your milk again, like a baby that pretends they do not go to bed because of boogeyman? Is it so necessary to focus on the boogeyman or to go to bed? If you went to bed you would understand boogeyman is not actually threatening you. And that there is no point to dwell on boogeyman, because you are not sleeping as a result.

These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.
4. Cases of enemy spiritualists who are at the risk of total ruin through proxies like "New Age" etc, which leave open gateways for these vile entities to attack them. Those also under the enemy programs which forbid spirituality, but they "try it anyway", can have terrible experiences through this. Many "New Agers" have been "abductees" and have had their lives ruined by these - they were dumb enough to worship them, they hide behind the "Angelic Identities" of the Jews. Getting screwed is something they specialize.

Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.

Your job as a Spiritual Satanist is not to create ideals like Joe the NYC Crackhead, your job is to remain healthy, sensible, away from nonsense, and use the Truth in a constructive manner; to grow spiritually, to foster trust with the Gods, to believe in your own power, and to be under a protected environment until you grow to be invulnerable. One cannot be harmed by these entities; one has to be aware, but one does not have to actively worry about it. If one is under psychic attack, one has to pray to the Gods and it will go away almost at an instant.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HPS Cobra for this sermon. Hatred for the enemy is right and must also be a stimulus but it must not become an obsession to the point of believing oneself invincible.

It would be like going to war naked without weapons against a well-equipped army. You would die before you set foot on the ground.

The only help we have to give is with the RTRs and moving forward.

We grow in the soul, in empowerment, we live a healthy life, with the right values and by training the body.

This is our role.

Hail Satan
I started doing frtr very early, (I don't have acute psychic abilities) that's probably why I never suffered.
I didn't even do AoP, just frtrs, back when we had the one with the "Rosary".
Anyway, nothing happened to me and I'm very skeptical about attacks.
Since I joined Satanism I've never thought about or been afraid of spirits or anything like that, I've never seen anything strange or "macabre", my vision has been completely cleared.
When I started meditating and clearing my aura by following the program, I started thinking about cats, sometimes I imagine caressing cats or we playing with them, I don't understand people who are thinking about suicide or something negative, when you can think about cats or dream of being friends with other Satanists.
Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.
totally true.. when tuning in with Satan and our Gods it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Nothing in the Entire Universe can hurt us!
and no matter what you see or happens it's nothing more than a hologram show to distract you.
HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

One cannot be harmed by these entities; one has to be aware, but one does not have to actively worry about it. If one is under psychic attack, one has to pray to the Gods and it will go away almost at an instant.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest, I thought a long time ago that one has to grow stronger to protect themselves either by Aura or banishment of such entities from ones house and to not rely on the Gods too much as they want us to be able to take care of such things ourselves, but now I read this and I am wondering that no matter your advancement, if you haven't reached the Magnum Opus yet you should rely on the Gods on such things??

I'm just a little confused is all.

This is a great sermon nonetheless!

Hall Satan!
i remember how maxine was attached a link somewhere in the liberary of a site she found about aliens while she was conducting a research before she knew who satan was, and i already seen so many members who been fooled to think that there were actual facts like "hostile enemy nordics" and "humans made to dig silver and gold". thats also saying alot about the topic you made recently about not spreading confusion.
They say that the world governments are being controlled by them NOW, including Biden, Obama ( the antichrist ? ), Putin, Xi Jinping, etc.
Hitler is the Antichrist.
and i already seen so many members who been fooled to think that there were actual facts like "hostile enemy nordics" and "humans made to dig silver and gold". thats also saying alot about the topic you made recently about not spreading confusion.
These examples still exist in the JoS sites, though they are from the very early days when HPS Maxine was still discovering new information. These need to be edited at some point:
Thank you for another very interesting message. They are already trying to push us into many possibilities, once claiming that they do not exist, but we are only looking for them. You have no right to look for them yourself, we will give you the message. I would like to thank you for this information. I see them (sick people) every day. I see them many times when I close my eyes, but at the very thought of 'show yourself, come on, let's see if you're so brave', they disappear immediately. Cowards like Jews, etc. Time for a new schedule to destroy them.

Absolutely. Yes, they will bring you here to help you and protect you, and so that you gain accurate information and assistance. This has happened in many cases. First, people can just be interested in a God, or be members of the LHP. Then, if the Gods see they are serious and want to truly advance [and not do gimmicks for self satisfaction and fail at best], they bring them here for their actual growth.

You should ignore these hostile entities. Stay around and learn. This is a very higher up environment where many of your perils from the previous aspect of your journey will vanish.

i remember how maxine was attached a link somewhere in the liberary of a site she found about aliens while she was conducting a research before she knew who satan was, and i already seen so many members who been fooled to think that there were actual facts like "hostile enemy nordics" and "humans made to dig silver and gold". thats also saying alot about the topic you made recently about not spreading confusion.

We have to thank the Jews like Zecharia Stichin who mistranslated the tablets of the Sumerians and made all of that nonsense up also in the UFOlogy work. For decades their works dominated that field with a lot of confusion.

The texts Zecharia Stichin butchered about Enki are all allegorical spiritual texts that do contain proof of the visitation of the Gods on Earth. Other than that, he mistranslated a lot to make a quick buck. He was not a spiritualist he was a profiteering UFOlogist.

No, the Gods did not come here for any "Gold mining operation". They did not use monkey slaves to do this. There is endless Gold in asteroids and they can generate any amount of molecular gold they want via advanced technology. As I explained, their mission here was to seed spirituality and evolve our species.

High Priest, I thought a long time ago that one has to grow stronger to protect themselves either by Aura or banishment of such entities from ones house and to not rely on the Gods too much as they want us to be able to take care of such things ourselves, but now I read this and I am wondering that no matter your advancement, if you haven't reached the Magnum Opus yet you should rely on the Gods on such things??

I'm just a little confused is all.

This is a great sermon nonetheless!

Hall Satan!

Of course you can use these procedures this is what they are for. You can do this on your own; if you find a wall you cannot surpass, then you call the Gods.

I started doing frtr very early, (I don't have acute psychic abilities) that's probably why I never suffered.
I didn't even do AoP, just frtrs, back when we had the one with the "Rosary".
Anyway, nothing happened to me and I'm very skeptical about attacks.
Since I joined Satanism I've never thought about or been afraid of spirits or anything like that, I've never seen anything strange or "macabre", my vision has been completely cleared.

Correct, and the best route to go is to NEVER have to suffer. Those who think they are very tough because they get many attacks, it means that either they are not getting any [confusing the symptoms] or there are other ongoing leaks [non cleaned aura, disorientation of the mind, focusing on the enemy etc].

2. Secondly, I don't quite agree with the fact that the enemy can't do ANYTHING to us at all.... simply because I have had two or three experiences where I have met them first hand. The first one, was when I was doing RTR, I saw a faint shadow swoosh past me very fast, and I immediately started to get heavily nauseous. So much so that I had to walk around, drink some water, go to the bathroom, and then resume the RTR.

Up to now your experiences were as I explained in the categories which are affected and therefore you can become overpowered by these. That is not the case for those who are in accordance to the path. Many others as I wrote have had disasters from them. That is however not of concern to those who understand what I relate to this topic.

In the end, these will be less and less until they are none. That means one is advancing.

What you refer to is slight psychic attack. Those very close to the Gods and fortified, cannot get affected by these. That's why one has to advance spiritually and not fool around. Yes, it can get dangerous for the categories I listed, and especially those with over-reactive or too open minds that are out of control.
These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.

completely agreed , the only very serious attack i have received from em' is in that initial period when i did a ton of RTR's for the first time, and i wasn't even dedicated to the JOS and SATAN In the first place... i was only bearing the name of ANUBIS and was already feeling some connection with the gods of KEMET, But no more than that... no dedication, no aura of protection etc...

since then, i have never had again the serious symptoms i have been subjected to on that particular day for a few hours, where i can 100% confirm that it wasn't a product of imagination... i simply wasn't focusing mentally on enemy aliens or the possibility of being attacked... i have definitely been surprised by that and the symptoms, but still, i recovered very quickly, fortunately ☥
Thank you, High Priest.

I am very grateful for everything Father Satan and the Gods do to help us, and to protect us. I'm fortunate to say, that apart from some negative thoughts now and then, and objects falling down twice in the period of months, I haven't really encountered anything I think I could classify as an attack.

The only thing that bothers me, is not potentially being able to tell the difference between messages or influences from the Gods, and such from enemy entities trying to deceive me (e.g., giving something up I used to love, and whether it was because it was unhealthy for me all along, or just the enemy trying to make me miserable and confused).

Anyway, thanks again for the great Sermon. I remember being in a book store, and I picked up a book on the "Annunaki", and it had that same old story of us supposedly being created to mine for gold and then to be "disposed of" afterwards, etc... The moment I looked inside, I heard a voice saying "don't believe it".
I can testify to this, despite being an extreme case and having a large number of curses and bonds on my soul which caused a lot of connections to surface when removing them, the enemy was never able to reach me and apart from some common psychic attacks nothing else ever happened.
I have always felt the Gods at my side and when I have to continue removing curses I always receive instructions on how to do it with the RTRs and the rituals of the Demons.
totally true.. when tuning in with Satan and our Gods it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Nothing in the Entire Universe can hurt us!
and no matter what you see or happens it's nothing more than a hologram show to distract you.
totally true.. when tuning in with Satan and our Gods it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Nothing in the Entire Universe can hurt us!
and no matter what you see or happens it's nothing more than a hologram show to distract you.
So what we see are hologram/projection?
Can the enemy make you believe in delusions? I received some messages which Im not sure are true...

Yes, big time. They can drive people all the way to insane, especially if they have no clue, or their imagination goes too far and combines with the errant information.

They specialize in turning people totally insane and disabled mentally. So be aware of this and make sure to take spiritual communication with a lot of grounding and go gradually there.
Thank u HP, joe the crackhead we can all become if we choose to don't take responsibility for our actions.

A new legend has been born, Joe the Crackhead and many others. Jokes aside, we must seek to never be like Joe.
Now in Spiritual Satanism there is mention of entities and aliens. We have said the Truth about these topics. Yet, because of the nature of these topics and utter misunderstandings of spirituality, many people take these too far, making themselves insane.

Saying the Truth on the topic was imperative, and it was shared so it is known. Yet, alongside this Truth, we also provided all the necessary context information; which if you do not take seriously, you are losing the point of knowing these in the first place.

HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

In the same way one is afraid of a certain form of bug, and if one dwells on them all day, they "see them everywhere" and eventually you develop paranoia or schizophrenia thinking every little sound is a texas size cockroach, those who do not control their mind will create monsters in their head due to fear of the unknown.

No, it is not Greys and Reptilians that you are not succeeding at everything or maybe you have some anxiety; the chances are cataclysmically low it is the case. If that were the case, the Spiritual Protection methods will alleviate all these problems.

It's because you have emotional issues to address and a lot of growth. Normal and good, we all have. The grown Spiritual Satanist is not intimidated by these "beings", because the Gods are more powerful. By more powerful I mean they run the universe; these other entities are simply bandits going around and harassing anyone who is falling to their level. They hold no power over anything else.

Instead of dwelling on the jews, the enemy, and a victim hood mentality, focus on the Gods and put your mental energy on them instead. Sanity, safety, peace and solace.

As I said a million times also in RTR and related warfare schedules: Attack and PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND. When the schedule is over, treat these ghouls as if they do not exist. Keep your life good and your energy clean; no focus on bullshit. Same rule even more strict applies to anything "alien origin" of the enemy. It's truly quite distant from humanity and nothing for the Spiritual Satanist, new or advanced, to warrant your attention. You must not give your attention to them.

The more people focus on nonsense, the more you give certain nonsense power. Your mind could get in tune with these, and when one is in tune with negativity, this negativity grows in power. Eventually, an unstable mind is the cause of one's undoing. One dwells on it too much and then they start making up unnatural and unrelated causes as causes for "problems". That goes too far after a point, and one can actually cause a strong intonation with these negative entities, which will torment you, because you are being foolish and you do not tune to the Gods instead.

Actual people who have mental illnesses have these illnesses aggravated by these also, and these are also the most vocal ones. They become extremely confused like crackheads in New York city, who say that an alien came and implanted a device into their head that made them want to do crack. In reality, they wanted to do the crack, and that is mental illness that expresses itself via responsibility shifting to "aliens".

Go to NYC and ask the local crackhead and you will soon know that Reptilians were in his backyard and chasing him with blue sirens. It was actually the cops because they were speeding but sure as fuck these were put there by the Global Illuminati Conspiracy to stop them from speeding; because they were planning to open a rift via speeding and they would enter in another dimension after their brain implanted device would activate.

Over the years I have also seen that many so called "Open minded spiritualists" are in many cases unfortunately suffering from powerful mental illnesses, aggravated by false knowledge and false focus. Others who want to mentally destroy them, tell them to focus on these hostile entities, do Rituals to "connect" them to them, and overall they infest their minds and tell them all sorts of nonsense, so they lose grip with reality altogether. That's how they destroy people.

Then every fat crazy person was "Definitely abducted" because they are so hot that the aliens wanted to have sex with them in a bar somewhere between the Moon and Mars. This was also another method so that the UFOlogists and many others lose total credibility.

I am not saying that poor humans have not been victimized in the past; but I am saying that only in 20% of cases this was true. People also have no clue about dimensions and spirituality, so they can see a dream and think it was "real". Or they can hallucinate and say they were picked up by the KFC pickup truck so Aliens can play Tic-Tac-Toe on their bodies.

20% cases are fully real. But I would like to not open this topic up here to not derail the thread. We can leave this for another related sermon on the topic.

Needless to say, all of these should be discarded as a point of focus in Spiritual Satanism. Yes, we know these exist; yes, there are endless documents that prove their existence. Yes, we know what they want to do. Yes, they pose a "danger". But in all these, nothing truly matters: The Gods are superior and they have it all under control. It is not Joe from NYC the crackhead that will solve this issue, it is our Gods who are on part with these entities.

Modern humans are also very stupid, in that they think they are all sorts of things or tasked with all sorts of things. The NYC crackhead also thinks they themselves are the cause of the movement of the planet; that if they stop doing crack, the planet itself is going to fall down. That's because this is connected to their alien implanted device, which if they remove, Uranus will explode and we will all be toast.

None of that nonsense and schizophrenic stuff exists in the Ancient Religions of the World. Yes, the Egyptians did portray many of these foul entities on their inscriptions and so have many others. But these were inscriptions down in some alley, among the worthless things. The things of worth where one must dwell, are the supernal and all-powerful Gods of Orion, Duat, Tuatha De Danaan, Olympus, Mount Adi - or many according to mythologies. The Ones from Aldebarran, Sirius, Orion.

Still, even these Gods won't invite you to a sci-fi nonsense trip which is supposed to satisfy foolishness, but rather point you to be grounded and spiritual in a healthy manner, at the same time. The point of your spiritual evolution does not revolve around creating large delusions, but banishing these and doing your work in accordance to the levels of reality. Anything else past a point is only sensationalism and wasting your own time.

Alright, some aliens are trying to stop humanity from advancing, big deal. Did you do your meditations today or you will whine about bug headed fucks from another dimension that you spilled your milk again, like a baby that pretends they do not go to bed because of boogeyman? Is it so necessary to focus on the boogeyman or to go to bed? If you went to bed you would understand boogeyman is not actually threatening you. And that there is no point to dwell on boogeyman, because you are not sleeping as a result.

These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.
4. Cases of enemy spiritualists who are at the risk of total ruin through proxies like "New Age" etc, which leave open gateways for these vile entities to attack them. Those also under the enemy programs which forbid spirituality, but they "try it anyway", can have terrible experiences through this. Many "New Agers" have been "abductees" and have had their lives ruined by these - they were dumb enough to worship them, they hide behind the "Angelic Identities" of the Jews. Getting screwed is something they specialize.

Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.

Your job as a Spiritual Satanist is not to create ideals like Joe the NYC Crackhead, your job is to remain healthy, sensible, away from nonsense, and use the Truth in a constructive manner; to grow spiritually, to foster trust with the Gods, to believe in your own power, and to be under a protected environment until you grow to be invulnerable. One cannot be harmed by these entities; one has to be aware, but one does not have to actively worry about it. If one is under psychic attack, one has to pray to the Gods and it will go away almost at an instant.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan thank you for this sermon. Imagine if people would just do that; focus on the Gods, peace and happiness, then our world would bet a great place. This will happen with us. We will grow a better future.
Hail Satan thank you for this sermon. Imagine if people would just do that; focus on the Gods, peace and happiness, then our world would bet a great place. This will happen with us. We will grow a better future.
The JOS site is focused on seeing through the lies of the alien Jews though, and black magic, and rituals to weaken the alien Jews. This is how we bring back balance, and peace, and happiness.
I whole heartedly agree. It’s the balance; our family will restore this in the world. Once I joined and started learning I was so pissed at the Jews and all the lies the spew. On the other hand I was ecstatic when I met my guardian. I love doing the rituals, I always feel better afterwards. I love this place and family. Also thank you for some added clarity, I appreciate it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
