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Ageing is Reversible - at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Study shows changes to gene activity that occur with age can be turned back.


Photo by Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images.

Research suggests it is possible to slow or even reverse aging, at least in mice, by undoing changes in gene activity—the same kinds of changes that are caused by decades of life in humans.

By tweaking genes that turn adult cells back into embryoniclike ones, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies reversed the aging of mouse and human cells in vitro, extended the life of a mouse with an accelerated-aging condition and successfully promoted recovery from an injury in a middle-aged mouse, according to a 2016 study published in Cell.

The study adds weight to the scientific argument that aging is largely a process of so-called epigenetic changes, alterations that make genes more active or less so. Over the course of life cell-activity regulators get added to or removed from genes. In humans those changes can be caused by smoking, pollution or other environmental factors—which dial the genes’ activities up or down. As these changes accumulate, our muscles weaken, our minds slow down and we become more vulnerable to diseases.

The study suggests the possibility of reversing at least some of these changes, a process researchers think they may eventually get to work in living humans. “Aging is something plastic that we can manipulate,” says Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, the study’s senior author and an expert in gene expression at Salk. In their study Belmonte and his colleagues rejuvenated cells by turning on, for a short period of time, four genes that have the capacity to convert adult cells back into an embryoniclike state.

In living mice they activated the four genes (known as “Yamanaka factors,” for researcher Shinya Yamanaka, the Nobelist who discovered their combined potential in 2006). This approach rejuvenated damaged muscles and the pancreas in a middle-aged mouse, and extended by 30 percent the life span of a mouse with a genetic mutation responsible for Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, which causes rapid aging in children.

Because the Yamanaka factors reverse changes made to gene regulators, some scientists see the study as further evidence that aging is driven by epigenetic changes. “I do think that epigenetic reprogramming is the ultimate way to reverse aging,” says David Sinclair, a Harvard University geneticist and anti-aging researcher who was not involved in the study but is doing similar work. “My lab has a lot of evidence that the primary driver of what we call the hallmarks of aging is the epigenetic change.” Sinclair says his lab is preparing a paper explaining what causes these changes as we age.

The Salk study was conducted on middle-aged mice. But in theory, reprogramming epigenetics should work on mice and people at any age, says first author Alejandro Ocampo, adding that even cells from human centenarians could eventually be rejuvenated. He and Belmonte say they think they can improve the efficiency and results of the technique with more research—and that they can undo the epigenetic changes responsible for aging by using easier-to-handle chemicals instead of the Yamanaka factors, hopefully moving toward the possibility of treatment for people.

Matt Kaeberlein, a molecular biologist at the University of Washington who studies aging but was not part of the work, says other researchers have found that the Yamanaka factors can rejuvenate cells—so in some ways this study is not surprising. But Kaeberlein says no one else had yet shown that the factors can treat age-related diseases in an animal by making the same changes. “That’s the wow factor,” he explains.

Kaeberlein says the study suggests it may be possible not just to slow aging but to actually reverse it. “That’s really exciting—that means that even in elderly people it may be possible to restore youthful function,” he says. Plus, it is easier to imagine a treatment that makes changes to the epigenome than to consider going into every cell and changing its genes. He also notes that the results of the new study are very similar to those seen when senescent cells—those that have lost function due to aging—are removed from an organism. It is not yet clear, he says, whether “this is another way to shut down or maybe reprogram senescent cells.”

Manuel Serrano, an expert on senescence at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center in Madrid, was not associated with the new research but says he is impressed with the study and its results. “I fully agree with the conclusions. This work indicates that epigenetic shift is in part responsible for aging, and reprogramming can correct these epigenetics errors,” he wrote in an e-mail. “This will be the basis for future exciting developments.”

The study also showed how fine the line can be between benefit and harm. When the researchers treated mice continually, some developed tumors and died within a week. When the scientists cut the treatment to two days out of seven, however, the mice benefited significantly. Sinclair says this should be taken as a note of caution by anyone trying to increase the human life span. “We’ve all been playing with fire,” he says, adding that this fine line will make it challenging to get a drug approved by regulatory agencies. “This is going to be what we spend the next 10 years figuring out: how to reprogram cells to be young again without taking it too far so they become tumors.”

Both Sinclair and Kaeberlein say they wish Belmonte’s lab had shown that a normal mouse could live longer after the gene tinkering—instead of just reversing an aging-related illness.

Belmonte, like some other anti-aging researchers, says his initial goal is to increase the “health span”—the number of years that someone remains healthy. Extending life span, the number of years someone remains alive, will likely take longer to achieve. Most major killers, including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s, are diseases of aging that become far more common past middle age. “This is not just a matter of how many years we can live but how well we can live the rest of our life,” Ocampo says.

Belmonte says his team is also trying to determine if aging is a process that occurs simultaneously throughout the body. Or, as he puts it, “Is there some tissue that regulates aging—and when that goes bad, the entire organism goes bad?” He says they currently think the brain’s hypothalamus—known as the seat of control for hormones, body temperature, mood, hunger and circadian rhythms—may also act as a regulator of aging.

Other approaches that have been discovered to have anti-aging benefits in animals include calorie restriction, the drug rapamycin and parabiosis—the practice of giving old mice a blood supply from younger ones. The fact that these diverse strategies all seem to work suggests there may be more than one way to age, and that multiple complementary therapies may be needed to significantly extend longevity, Kaeberlein says.

Some compounds such as resveratrol, a substance found in red wine that seems to have anti-aging properties in high concentrations, appear to delay epigenetic change and protect against damage from epigenetic deterioration, Sinclair says. These approaches can reverse some aspects of aging, such as muscle degeneration—but aging returns when the treatment stops, he adds. With an approach like the one Belmonte lays out in the new study, theoretically “you could have one treatment and go back 10 or 20 years,” he says. If aging starts to catch up to you again, you simply get another treatment.

“This work is the first glimmer that we could live for centuries,” Sinclair says, adding that he would happily do so himself: “Forty-seven years went by pretty quickly.”

Karen Weintraub is a freelance health and science journalist who writes regularly for the New York Times, STAT and USA Today, among others.


The mice got tumours and died because the experiment was pushed too far too quickly, and of course because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of things. Things take time and cannot be rushed. Let the bodies adapt to the changes, then try it again later, a bit more, and carefully.

The reason you have to get the treatment again is because they are trying to undo things a which have happened and they are not going far enough with it - and with the frailties of old age, they can't go very far with it. Prevention is cheaper and better then the cure, and not just in terms of money, but also in time and wasted effort and other things; do exercises, yoga and meditations, along with eating a healthy, balanced diet, and keeping your Mind healthy when young, and things will be easier and better when old. All of those years of neglect build up, and those anti-ageing creams and things just polish the skin of the apple, and the treatments go just a bit under the apple skin, rather than getting to the core of the problem and making it all healthy. Treatments are nonsense. Instead, solutions should be done, and better yet - preventions should have been done.
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
Yeah, I can remember realising that fit and healthy people - athletes, for example - can just drop dead, despite being fit and healthy. There may be other things contributing to it, but it shows that the fat, smelly, lazy individuals who have high cholesterol and heart illnesses, etc., "don't need" to exercise and stay healthy, because the healthy ones just die (also). There is probably something in the unhealthy foods which is kept secret. It also shows that healthy and unhealthy people are missing Spiritual input.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
I always thought that if scientists would invent something to reverse age It would come with some side-effects, spirituality is the only way to do it right, at best with science you can make your life a bit longer.

I'm sure some other species like the Reptilians used science to make their life longer but they are not immortals like our God's, they can still die even if their life is much longer than any human here on earth.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
Yeah, I can remember realising that fit and healthy people - athletes, for example - can just drop dead, despite being fit and healthy. There may be other things contributing to it, but it shows that the fat, smelly, lazy individuals who have high cholesterol and heart illnesses, etc., "don't need" to exercise and stay healthy, because the healthy ones just die (also). There is probably something in the unhealthy foods which is kept secret. It also shows that healthy and unhealthy people are missing Spiritual input.

Athletes often use performance enhancing substances which may be the reason for that..
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
Yeah, I can remember realising that fit and healthy people - athletes, for example - can just drop dead, despite being fit and healthy. There may be other things contributing to it, but it shows that the fat, smelly, lazy individuals who have high cholesterol and heart illnesses, etc., "don't need" to exercise and stay healthy, because the healthy ones just die (also). There is probably something in the unhealthy foods which is kept secret. It also shows that healthy and unhealthy people are missing Spiritual input.
True, and also there’s much other factors. Spiritual heals, yes, but it does take time. And even despite spiritual practices it’s common for us to have illnesses and ailments from time to time.

I exercise 5-6 days a week and eat very very healthily. Back in March I was going through personal things that had me sooo stressed for such a long time, that I actually had a heart attack. If it wasn’t for my spiritual and other practices it could of been fatal. So at least it served me, but I was very much in shock it happened given my lifestyle.

I was soo stressed for months. Like nearly puking all day from anxiety and just falling apart and it just caught up.
What's the purpose of living forever while being dead inside?
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
I always thought that if scientists would invent something to reverse age It would come with some side-effects, spirituality is the only way to do it right, at best with science you can make your life a bit longer.

I'm sure some other species like the Reptilians used science to make their life longer but they are not immortals like our God's, they can still die even if their life is much longer than any human here on earth.

Even if its possible to make people scientificly "immortal" would it even be appropiate to do so to weedtards and other filth?
Nice post Fancy. i found this article awhile back as well, looks like the same onehttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/aging-is-reversible-at-least-in-human-cells-and-live-mice/
the others i gathered talked about the lengthening of telomeres in cells as a way to prolong life but the catch is it often leads to cancer...maybe this is where the spiritual part comes in between? perhaps i'm wrong. :? but these i also found good to read.

as for other links i wanted to post that some how just "conveniently" wouldn't load
they contained awesome information explaining scientific links between "junk" DNA and clairvoyiance and how it actually serves a higher puropse, telapathy ect, and scientific studies done on how DNA responds to vibrations and affirmations and why they really work.
I wrote about this before the telomerase is has been shown to be activated which prevents and reverses aging in the human body with Kundalini Yoga such as the SaTaNaMa mantra. The human being is built for immortality but the gene that causes the release of telomerase within all the cells has to be switched on. The fact its there states it all.
How old was hitler when he finnished the magnum opus??? Knowing that he is 135 years old by now.
You touched up on David Sinclair for a bit. It wasn't just the use of resveratrol that he claims reverses aging. He claims that if you combine Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) with Resveratrol, it helps increase NAD+ levels, which decrease as we age, which then activates sirtuins (one of the family of seven proteins which play a critical role in cellular health). Here is a way to put it in laymen's terms:
"Sirtuins can only function in the presence of NAD+, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme found in all living cells. NAD+ is vital to cellular metabolism and hundreds of other biological processes. If sirtuins are a company’s CEO, then NAD+ is the money that pays the salary of the CEO and employees, all while keeping the lights on and the office space rent paid. A company, and the body, can’t function without it. But levels of NAD+ decline with age, limiting the function of sirtuins with age as well. Like all things in the human body, it’s not that simple. Sirtuins manage everything that happens in your cells."
(from https://www.elysiumhealth.com/en-us/knowledge/science-101/why-sirtuins-are-important-for-aging )

David Sinclair has been on NMN and Resveratrol, and he claims his genetic markers for aging when down from being biologically in his late 50's (he is on paper 50 years old today) to his early 30's in just three months. Sinclair's team did a trial on old mice using the NMN substance on them by adding it to their drinking water, and it reversed muscle physiology to where the team couldn't tell the difference between the old mice and the younger ones. (Source https://www.afr.com/life-and-luxury/arts-and-culture/david-sinclairs-beginners-guide-to-antiageing-20170418-gvmp24 )

I figured as a Satanist, I can combine spirituality with our current scientific knowledge, and athlete level exercises, and I've been on the supplements for about a month now. I'm on paper 26 years old, but will get my DNA re-sequenced after maybe a year on the supplements, and I will tell you guys my own personal findings. Who knows, maybe it's not gonna give me baby skin, but my scientific curiosity forces me to try.

Just figured I'd give my two cents in. HAIL SATAN!!
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
Yeah, I can remember realising that fit and healthy people - athletes, for example - can just drop dead, despite being fit and healthy. There may be other things contributing to it, but it shows that the fat, smelly, lazy individuals who have high cholesterol and heart illnesses, etc., "don't need" to exercise and stay healthy, because the healthy ones just die (also). There is probably something in the unhealthy foods which is kept secret. It also shows that healthy and unhealthy people are missing Spiritual input.

In the foods kept secret? Lol.

Monosodium Glutamare
High fructose Corn Syrup

Just too name a few. Exercise will do nothing, its all about food that goes in. They eat bacon everyday and chug it down with a 24 oz soda. Hmmm I wonder why he looks like hes gonna die. Must be Genetics. Maybe the Russians posioned him.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
I always thought that if scientists would invent something to reverse age It would come with some side-effects, spirituality is the only way to do it right, at best with science you can make your life a bit longer.

I'm sure some other species like the Reptilians used science to make their life longer but they are not immortals like our God's, they can still die even if their life is much longer than any human here on earth.
First we must become immortal spiritually and then physically. We can modify our DNA not to age at all but we will die from other factors. And especially from higher things like the astral, for example.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
This was originally posted on the old forum, related topic:

Nice. This one I posted here is from 2016 originally, in fact, but it just came up recently on that site and I saw it only today.

Shadowcat said:


other links i wanted to post that some how just "conveniently" wouldn't load
Yeah, the one I posted is off Scientific American, published with permission, so it probably is the same one.

You could post the links anyway. If they are safe links, then it would be OK.

HP Mageson666 said:
I wrote about this before the telomerase is has been shown to be activated which prevents and reverses aging in the human body with Kundalini Yoga such as the SaTaNaMa mantra. The human being is built for immortality but the gene that causes the release of telomerase within all the cells has to be switched on. The fact its there states it all.
Exactly, very much so.

Invictus said:
That sounds good. If it is safe to do, then I would encourage it.
Aldrick Strickland said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
Yeah, I can remember realising that fit and healthy people - athletes, for example - can just drop dead, despite being fit and healthy. There may be other things contributing to it, but it shows that the fat, smelly, lazy individuals who have high cholesterol and heart illnesses, etc., "don't need" to exercise and stay healthy, because the healthy ones just die (also). There is probably something in the unhealthy foods which is kept secret. It also shows that healthy and unhealthy people are missing Spiritual input.

In the foods kept secret? Lol.

Monosodium Glutamare
High fructose Corn Syrup

Just too name a few. Exercise will do nothing, its all about food that goes in. They eat bacon everyday and chug it down with a 24 oz soda. Hmmm I wonder why he looks like hes gonna die. Must be Genetics. Maybe the Russians posioned him.

You forgot KFC'S secret formula... Its literally the reason why i suffered from leaky gut in the past :lol:
HP Mageson666 said:
I wrote about this before the telomerase is has been shown to be activated which prevents and reverses aging in the human body with Kundalini Yoga such as the SaTaNaMa mantra. The human being is built for immortality but the gene that causes the release of telomerase within all the cells has to be switched on. The fact its there states it all.

Definately will look that one up :cool:
A lot of athletes die from the effects of the sports enhancing drugs they have to take and the amount of training they do puts oxidative stress on the bodies cell structure which when this gets to a point causes all kinds of health problems. Its not normal to exercise to that level its too much stress on the body.
Larissa666 said:
What's the purpose of living forever while being dead inside?

Indeed none but to satisfy eternal nihilism, people run from death as if they were alive, but many are internally dead.

Many of these constant attempts to "stay alive" are just out of nihilism from NPC's and not actual ways to reach something meaningful and/or advance in some way, as in spiritually or out of genuine interest about life.
This would make the world into shit, these people would be like trapped ghosts into nightmare land after a point. It's half good thing, in an enemy world that people die currently as at least this gives the opportunity of a good reset through reincarnation, after which one has a second chance with a more clean slate mind.

Like the only way to wipe out Islam is not by giving health and longevity, but through death, and forced reincarnation. This is the truth. One can only imagine what some powers + these ideologies would do to the world.

That aside, I doubt this would ever be to happen, but these people may actually be experimented upon on the beginning stages. And like die or become zombies from it.

We won't really reach immortality that is global and without implications, and with wisdom, without spiritual practice involved. The only point to live eternally is to have spirituality to couple it with, and a meaningful world.

Otherwise living eternally in some type of communist world, or live eternally like a grey, can also be a form of torture, more than a form of ascent. I recall a movie about this sort of thing, which was really disgusting, from the 70's or so, but I don't remember the title as I watched this like 2 years ago.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Science will eventually come with good ways but without a spiritual background in this people will suffer and die like the mice here, due to the fact this process has to be done on a wholesome level, which also includes the spiritual level.
I always thought that if scientists would invent something to reverse age It would come with some side-effects, spirituality is the only way to do it right, at best with science you can make your life a bit longer.

I'm sure some other species like the Reptilians used science to make their life longer but they are not immortals like our God's, they can still die even if their life is much longer than any human here on earth.

Even if its possible to make people scientificly "immortal" would it even be appropiate to do so to weedtards and other filth?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Otherwise living eternally in some type of communist world, or live eternally like a grey, can also be a form of torture, more than a form of ascent.
The actual meaning of a fate worse than death, and not "burning in hell for all eternity". Well, that would be a living hell.
The fact is the universe has away of balancing things out natural immortality or increased life spans that come with practice of the spiritual teachings create an expanded consciousness and higher awareness and a virtue based human. I wonder what just giving people some drug would accomplish as most very old people have not psychologically evolved past their late teens in their mind due to lack of spiritual practice. The only temporary advantage would be for higher skilled people working on important information and projects in different sectors.
HP Mageson666 said:
I wrote about this before the telomerase is has been shown to be activated which prevents and reverses aging in the human body with Kundalini Yoga such as the SaTaNaMa mantra. The human being is built for immortality but the gene that causes the release of telomerase within all the cells has to be switched on. The fact its there states it all.
The satanama mantra def creates some kind of awesome change in mind and body I use this with satanas aswel Hp how does the pineal gland tie into everything
I suspect consistent real consistent work on the pineal gland and chakras can aid in this aswel with doing other spiritual and physical practices
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Forced reincarnation????
And what if someone denies reincarnation and wants to stay on the astral plane forever?

Yes, by nature, it is forced. This happens naturally and its not about semantics or the illusion of choice. Our Gods can keep someone on the so called astral for a given time, but that's it.

The point is to improve the earth and our species.
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Forced reincarnation????
And what if someone denies reincarnation and wants to stay on the astral plane forever?
That's nonsense. You'd dissipate on the Astral plane, and if you are that stubborn then the Gods and Goddesses might allow you to remain on there and dissipate at your own will, but They know the reality of things so you would still reincarnate so as to make things better, regardless. Not to mention being on the Astral plane is terribly boring and you can't eat or drink or do much at all - consider those lost Souls who wonder around places aimlessly, in stories. Plus you don't have a choice whether to reincarnate or not, plus if you were powerful enough to actually be able to decide, and powerful enough to understand such things, then you'd be powerful enough to understand and choose to reincarnate and not be stubborn, be ignorant, nor be an idiot. There really isn't a choice in reincarnation. It is just a Natural occurrence.

I recall a while back probably during the Prophp forums. That some people can't be "saved" in other words their soul is so infested with enemy crap the Gods don't help them out.

is that a factual statement or is it that the Gods are so advanced they can assist the brainwashed soul back into Gentile religion?(I do recall reading that Satan in particular is so advanced he can really grip the spiritual grime and try and help but some people are beyond help)

It also goes into such factors of even doing meditation can't save the person.

So how accurate is this statement I wrote above from what I recall reading? Are some people "beyond" help?
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm against this if it means harming animals.
I am against this whole immortality crap, because I do not want the jewish „elite“ to be immortal
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm against this if it means harming animals.
I am against this whole immortality crap, because I do not want the jewish „elite“ to be immortal
Lol, it can't be. The reptilians create a jew on X Planet and Y Planet and Zed Planet... and doesn't make it immortal, and on Earth and doesn't make it immortal (why not call a grey or thoughtform to get the blueprints from another Planet where the jew there has achieved immortality?!), yet the jew is fapping with faeces about being immortal here, despite the jew knowing it is going to be destroyed by either its overlords or by Satan. That is one panicky, frantic faeces-fap the jew is having!

The Magnum Opus and stages of immortality are not shared in detail on the JoS site deliberately, and the jew doesn't have a proper soul nor chakras so as to be able to be immortal, yet it thinks it can be immortal through Science. Hmmm... The jew has had centuries to do that, yet it decided money and materialistic faeces was more important, despite knowing that it wouldn't last for long. That was important and made the jew impotent. The materialistic, impotent jew is retarded. It damned itself. Good-- no; bad riddance to it.
txg said:
why would you take an anti aging serum if youre 26? are you braindead...how much youth are you going to restore?

its not like you can de age back before puberty
I just wish I knew what happened if you put 10-years-younger-cream on a Baby...
FancyMancy said:
txg said:
why would you take an anti aging serum if youre 26? are you braindead...how much youth are you going to restore?

its not like you can de age back before puberty
I just wish I knew what happened if you put 10-years-younger-cream on a Baby...

Put it on a kike baby, so they're wiped out of material existence.
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
txg said:
why would you take an anti aging serum if youre 26? are you braindead...how much youth are you going to restore?

its not like you can de age back before puberty
I just wish I knew what happened if you put 10-years-younger-cream on a Baby...

Put it on a kike baby, so they're wiped out of material existence.
I will reply to this honestly once I am appointed Berserker (check my posts for the full title)! :twisted:
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
txg said:
why would you take an anti aging serum if youre 26? are you braindead...how much youth are you going to restore?

its not like you can de age back before puberty
I just wish I knew what happened if you put 10-years-younger-cream on a Baby...

Put it on a kike baby, so they're wiped out of material existence.
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm against this if it means harming animals.
I am against this whole immortality crap, because I do not want the jewish „elite“ to be immortal
I am actually so surprised noone actually corrected your concern they have missing chakras they can't be immortal. :lol:
satanichonor said:
NinRick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm against this if it means harming animals.
I am against this whole immortality crap, because I do not want the jewish „elite“ to be immortal
I am actually so surprised noone actually corrected your concern they have missing chakras they can't be immortal. :lol:

Because they don't really have missing chakra. Basics of jewish kabbalah show it.
Stormblood said:
satanichonor said:
NinRick said:
I am against this whole immortality crap, because I do not want the jewish „elite“ to be immortal
I am actually so surprised noone actually corrected your concern they have missing chakras they can't be immortal. :lol:

Because they don't really have missing chakra. Basics of jewish kabbalah show it.
They have the bacic 7 chakras but some have different functions than ours. I doubt they can become immortals through their spirituality (as far as i know they don't even try, the only thing they try to do is to become "one" with the thoughtform they created), maybe through science they can extend their lifetime but that is it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
