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Advanced Kundalini Stages in Progress

Do you feel better?

Well, Congratulations on exposing yourself even further as an infiltrator. It is quite easy to see that when pushed into a corner you lash out like a child. You have shown that you are emotionally incapable of handling the stress caused by infiltrating this group, as well as falsifying the truth.

I must point out, that a common tactic used to "save-face" is to say something along the lines of: "If you Could talk to the Gods you would know I am telling the Truth –but I bet you can't" or in this case "if you had any measure of advancement you could astral project and meet her in person then you'd actually know the 1st thing about her so until then junior get your head out your ass." It is a last ditch effort to try and make those without the ability in question take the side of the infiltrator. – Do not fall for this.

Now, if you and your friend held the abilities that you claim to have, you would firstly: *not* react like a little child, and secondly: you would not try and settle this on the Group and show yourself up for an infiltrator. *Remember that those who are without ability will always try and cast doubt on another person's ability.*

I have said all that needs to be said; your actions have exposed your true intentions and weather you will be brought to justice now or later is out of my hands. - With regards to this issue I have fulfilled my Responsibility to Father Satan and the Gods as well as my Brother and Sisters here on this Group.

** - And as a note: I am not and nor have I ever claimed to be Father Satan, but I carry His mark. I act in accordance with His Will! And that is all that needs to be said. - **

So again to all the **TRULY** Dedicated Warriors Of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods Of Duat May You Always Keep Strong In Father Satan. And May Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

Another one is to pose as false authority and subvert with false information.

From: Cam Kuzik <spudkuzik@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 4:11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

  A great battle technique is to encourage disorder in the enemy camp.
We must stay united and strong!
From: nick <iamcool1232003@ yahoo.com
To: JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 2:50:47 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

why all the arguing amongst ourselves we are all trying to learn and grow i am still new and learning as much as i can but we should not be fighting each other use that energy to curse the xian fucks who want us to do exactly what your doing i dont know if she has achieved godhood like i said i am new and learning as much as i can but i do know we all go about things in different ways and we learn through our religion that anything is possible with knowledge

Hail Satan
--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_ 666@... wrote:

oh fuck the both of you're the most arrogant pieces of horse shit that's ever been my disple asure to smell. how the fuck would you assholes know. why in the fuck can't she have attained it guess what douche bag what makes you so fuck'n smart. U must be Satan Himself I bet. No? Thought not so how bout you stop acting like it and realize u don't know a damn thing. Better question, have YOU reached godhood? Bet you haven't so here's some advice for you. stfu about shit you don't know if you had any measure of advancement you could astral project and meet her in person then you'd actually know the 1st thing about her so until then junior get your head out your ass. bet you got something to say to me now well guess what don't give a shit but I won't have you saying a god damn word against someone who's worked so much longer and harder than you ever have or will

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message----- -
From: Moon Gazer <sonofenki88@ ...
To: <JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010 8:17:43 PM GMT-0600
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

Well said. Question everything; I don't think a Satanist who had obtained
Godhead would actually be sitting at their computer emailing us anyway. And
they certainly wouldn't be here in physical form, after death. They wouldn't
be reincarnated again, what would be the point? Wow, your right let's really
investigate anything we are told.


From: JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com]
On Behalf Of Vovim Baghie
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:14 PM
To: JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

This has gone on for quite long-enough.


"acnientsoulm8" You most certainly have NOT reached Godhead nor has your
Kundalini Serpent ascended. It is blatantly clear that you have absolutely
no Idea what you are talking about. Straight away it is easy to tell that
you luring people and that you are a plain-and-simple infiltrator.

Your circular speech shows that what you are talking about are not
experiences of your own, you are simply taking readily available knowledge
on the Kundalini Serpent and Godhead and severely twisting them whilst at
the same time trying to discredit the TRUE experiences of others, and also
trying to impart false knowledge.

For instance, this "list": [which is utterly ridiculous and shows beyond a
shadow of a doubt that you are clueless with regards to this subject and
that you are an infiltrator]

***1. You have to have all of the elements including vital power in all of
major and minor chakras..and you must have a balance. 2. Follow the jos
magnum opus meditation process for circulation of the magnum
opus energy and the circulation of the secretions from
the sacral and pineal chakras. 3. Have demons help you keep your chakras
open throughout the process when you
are circulating. ....circulate, circulate, circulate and program the energy
cleanse your chakras and the elements that are
also in the chakras.... this is the painful part by the way...you must keep
doing this until its pretty much effortless when you are circulating. ..then
can make the elixer.. 4. Combine the two secretions and circulate it...and
continue to circulate it until you feel the elixer run smooth like a hot
going through all of your chakras and up your spine.. 5. When Satan gives
the okay or the demon in charge of watching over you as you are doing this
gives the okay..only then is the ACTUAL serpent READY TO EXIT..and then let
your crown chakra be WIDE OPEN and allow the ACTUAL SERPENT EXIT OUT OF THE
CROWN CHAKRA...you will feel it actually leave your body along with its
energy because you will have the sensation of your chakras cooling down as
it exits and you will feel the sixth chakra be closed off when it does...Yes
i am aware of the physical serpent not being an energy...my mortal serpent
DID IN FACT EXIT in which it returned during my death transformed before I
came back to earth as an immortal serpent..

Oh and another thing is that you have to be willing to die so
that the elixer can take over and that your silver cord will
be cut permenately so that way when you do come back you will
be immortal and you will notice a difference when you come back..
The elixer will be on auto pilot in circulation then and you will
no longer have to circulate..you can concentrate on the after magnum opus
transformation process from then on... ***

Well, you obviously have not experienced any what you just typed. You claim
that this is all that is necessary to reach "Godhood"? No, Seeing as how you
completely failed to mention one of the most imperative workings within the
Magnum Opus **[And by this, I mean It is knowledge that you cannot simply
Google search for, which is why you have no idea of it's existence]** You
failed, quite severely in-fact. "Putrefaction of the Chakra's" is what you
clearly have no knowledge of.

Also, the three steps of the Magnum Opus that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Has given to us are NOT the ONLY STEPS! There are many other steps, which
must be accompanied with the three steps that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
has given us. [Father Satan, The Gods or you Kundalini Serpent can tell
you\show you these steps]

And probably your biggest failure at falsifying the truth is you complete
lack of understanding with Regards to the Kundalini Serpent! The Kundalini
Serpent is a Real and Separate entity that resides within you. The Kundalini
Serpent has a MIND of its own and a WILL of its own. The Kundalini Serpent
is the Part of Father Satan that is within Our Souls. It IS IMMORTAL* That
fact that you go on the most confusing explanation about mortal and immortal
serpents shows your lack of understanding and shows that you made this up,
and when hard-pressed you will make up any bullshit*

Now, with the Rising of the Kundalini, The Actual Kundalini Serpent will not
RISE-OUT of the Crown Chakra. There are many reasons for this, But I will
give the most logic reason, The Kundalini is a Separate Being With Separate
Mind And Will, It is When The Kundalini Rises that it can truly connect with
you in order to **TEACH** you - you do not simple get knowledge, yes some
knowledge may be unlocked that you already had, but there are no freebies in
Spiritual Satanism. You must earn knowledge*
With that in mind, how would your Kundalini Serpent be able to connect
deeply with you, and merge its thoughts with yours if it has exited your
Crown Charka? It is the equivalent of having a heart outside of your body.

And, Before you even attempt to use that ridiculous line: ""As i have stated
there are many paths to godhood/magnum opus and we all must
figure out our own path to it..its an individual thing cause we are all
and we have different souls...so you cannot say that
there is only one way to godhood/magnum opus because there isn't...that is
makes magnum opus so fascinating and also so extremely difficult too...:)""

No, Our Soul's Characteristics may be different, but the design and make-up
of our Soul's are NOT! We were all created on this Earth in This Universe
Our Souls Are not Different, only the Characteristics within them are. And
no, there are not many different paths to the Magnum Opus, there is a set
path, laid before us by Father Satan and the Gods, and that set-path [In
other words, the things that you must do to attain Godhead] hold true to us

And finally that fact that you actually claim to have Reached Godhead shows
how much of a delusional liar you are. Also, you clearly inter-mix Godhead
and the Rising of The Kundalini. They are separate, one begins the Path and
the other is the Path.

Now, there are many things you have done to expose yourself and every truly
Dedicated Spiritual Satanist here immediately saw through your bullshit when
you first posted, because their intuition made them cautions and weary. And
it is that that intuition which is connected with Father Satan and the Gods
and is therefore connected with their Kundalini Serpent.

Now, as far as you "bender_dragon666" you claim to be "an Expert n this" and
you claim to have "Got her through the Magnum Opus" and you claim "somehow i
know all about magnum opus dnt no how rlly" - Well, that is such a crock of
shit, To actually type that and think that people will believe you is
*unbelievable. If you truly believe what you have typed here then you are
very ill.

** - And as a note, no enemy entity will claim to be Father Satan nor will
they Claim to be one of The Gods. They are far too afraid of the
consequences. What they will do however is use subterfuge, as well as
evasive questioning to make you believe that they are one of the Gods. The
Easiest way to tell is to ask their name, if they do not give it to you,
regardless of how convincing they are, banish them in the Name of Father
Satan. Because Simply the Name of our Almighty Father is enough to drive any
enemy Nordic, reptilian or even hive of grey's away! - **

Remember everyone [Who is not an infiltrator like the pair just mentioned]
we are fighting In a War, and the Enemy will always use Infiltration and
Propaganda to move people away from the Truth! Never accept anything at face
value, question it, rip it apart until you are completely satisfied that it
is to be taken as fact!

We are Warriors! Fighting in HIS Army, Fighting for HIS victory, do not let
these people infiltrate Our Groups, Our Havens, our HOME!! They belong to
us, the Truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of
Duat! Never just accept! Always question!

The enemy has made their underhanded tactics well know to us many times,
this is no different to the many people claiming absolute power or claiming
to be Gods themselves. Learn to trust Your Satanic Intuition; do not fall
for such bullshit.

And so I say to all the *TRULY* Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the
Mighty Gods of Duat, May You Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And May
Father Satans' Divine Light Guide you eternally!

Always Keep Strong In Father Satan.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

http://www.ageofsat <http://www.ageofsat an.co.cc/ an.co.cc/
http://www.warriors <http://www.warriors ofenki.co. uk/ ofenki.co.uk/
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Take NOTHING for granted or at face value no matter who says it. If you can't find a satisfactory answer through a reasonable amount of research and meditation, take the matter up with your guardian demon. He/she will help you reach an understanding.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Another one is to pose as false authority and subvert with false information.

From: Cam Kuzik <spudkuzik@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 4:11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

A great battle technique is to encourage disorder in the enemy camp.

We must stay united and strong!

Hmmmm,I agree with you actually.
Not that I doubt him, but the way he reacted was unecessary and can make one frown upon.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Vovim Baghie" <vovimbaghie@... wrote:

Do you feel better?

Well, Congratulations on exposing yourself even further as an infiltrator. It is quite easy to see that when pushed into a corner you lash out like a child. You have shown that you are emotionally incapable of handling the stress caused by infiltrating this group, as well as falsifying the truth.

I must point out, that a common tactic used to "save-face" is to say something along the lines of: "If you Could talk to the Gods you would know I am telling the Truth –but I bet you can't" or in this case "if you had any measure of advancement you could astral project and meet her in person then you'd actually know the 1st thing about her so until then junior get your head out your ass." It is a last ditch effort to try and make those without the ability in question take the side of the infiltrator. – Do not fall for this.

Now, if you and your friend held the abilities that you claim to have, you would firstly: *not* react like a little child, and secondly: you would not try and settle this on the Group and show yourself up for an infiltrator. *Remember that those who are without ability will always try and cast doubt on another person's ability.*

I have said all that needs to be said; your actions have exposed your true intentions and weather you will be brought to justice now or later is out of my hands. - With regards to this issue I have fulfilled my Responsibility to Father Satan and the Gods as well as my Brother and Sisters here on this Group.

** - And as a note: I am not and nor have I ever claimed to be Father Satan, but I carry His mark. I act in accordance with His Will! And that is all that needs to be said. - **

So again to all the **TRULY** Dedicated Warriors Of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods Of Duat May You Always Keep Strong In Father Satan. And May Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

Calm down brothers and sisters.
Let's discuss and communicate properly.
To Maintain our powerfull Satanic-Unity is important.
We are children of Father Satan so let's respect each other.

Theres no need to cuss excessively, thats not how discussions should go.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@... wrote:

oh fuck the both of you're the most arrogant pieces of horse shit that's ever been my disple asure to smell. how the fuck would you assholes know. why in the fuck can't she have attained it guess what douche bag what makes you so fuck'n smart. U must be Satan Himself I bet. No? Thought not so how bout you stop acting like it and realize u don't know a damn thing. Better question, have YOU reached godhood? Bet you haven't so here's some advice for you. stfu about shit you don't know if you had any measure of advancement you could astral project and meet her in person then you'd actually know the 1st thing about her so until then junior get your head out your ass. bet you got something to say to me now well guess what don't give a shit but I won't have you saying a god damn word against someone who's worked so much longer and harder than you ever have or will

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: Moon Gazer <sonofenki88@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010 8:17:43 PM GMT-0600
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

Well said. Question everything; I don't think a Satanist who had obtained
Godhead would actually be sitting at their computer emailing us anyway. And
they certainly wouldn't be here in physical form, after death. They wouldn't
be reincarnated again, what would be the point? Wow, your right let's really
investigate anything we are told.


From: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] [mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]]
On Behalf Of Vovim Baghie
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:14 PM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

This has gone on for quite long-enough.


"acnientsoulm8" You most certainly have NOT reached Godhead nor has your
Kundalini Serpent ascended. It is blatantly clear that you have absolutely
no Idea what you are talking about. Straight away it is easy to tell that
you luring people and that you are a plain-and-simple infiltrator.

Your circular speech shows that what you are talking about are not
experiences of your own, you are simply taking readily available knowledge
on the Kundalini Serpent and Godhead and severely twisting them whilst at
the same time trying to discredit the TRUE experiences of others, and also
trying to impart false knowledge.

For instance, this "list": [which is utterly ridiculous and shows beyond a
shadow of a doubt that you are clueless with regards to this subject and
that you are an infiltrator]

***1. You have to have all of the elements including vital power in all of
major and minor chakras..and you must have a balance. 2. Follow the jos
magnum opus meditation process for circulation of the magnum
opus energy and the circulation of the secretions from
the sacral and pineal chakras. 3. Have demons help you keep your chakras
open throughout the process when you
are circulating.....circulate, circulate, circulate and program the energy
cleanse your chakras and the elements that are
also in the chakras.... this is the painful part by the way...you must keep
doing this until its pretty much effortless when you are circulating...then
can make the elixer.. 4. Combine the two secretions and circulate it...and
continue to circulate it until you feel the elixer run smooth like a hot
going through all of your chakras and up your spine.. 5. When Satan gives
the okay or the demon in charge of watching over you as you are doing this
gives the okay..only then is the ACTUAL serpent READY TO EXIT..and then let
your crown chakra be WIDE OPEN and allow the ACTUAL SERPENT EXIT OUT OF THE
CROWN CHAKRA...you will feel it actually leave your body along with its
energy because you will have the sensation of your chakras cooling down as
it exits and you will feel the sixth chakra be closed off when it does...Yes
i am aware of the physical serpent not being an energy...my mortal serpent
DID IN FACT EXIT in which it returned during my death transformed before I
came back to earth as an immortal serpent..

Oh and another thing is that you have to be willing to die so
that the elixer can take over and that your silver cord will
be cut permenately so that way when you do come back you will
be immortal and you will notice a difference when you come back..
The elixer will be on auto pilot in circulation then and you will
no longer have to circulate..you can concentrate on the after magnum opus
transformation process from then on... ***

Well, you obviously have not experienced any what you just typed. You claim
that this is all that is necessary to reach "Godhood"? No, Seeing as how you
completely failed to mention one of the most imperative workings within the
Magnum Opus **[And by this, I mean It is knowledge that you cannot simply
Google search for, which is why you have no idea of it's existence]** You
failed, quite severely in-fact. "Putrefaction of the Chakra's" is what you
clearly have no knowledge of.

Also, the three steps of the Magnum Opus that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Has given to us are NOT the ONLY STEPS! There are many other steps, which
must be accompanied with the three steps that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
has given us. [Father Satan, The Gods or you Kundalini Serpent can tell
you\show you these steps]

And probably your biggest failure at falsifying the truth is you complete
lack of understanding with Regards to the Kundalini Serpent! The Kundalini
Serpent is a Real and Separate entity that resides within you. The Kundalini
Serpent has a MIND of its own and a WILL of its own. The Kundalini Serpent
is the Part of Father Satan that is within Our Souls. It IS IMMORTAL* That
fact that you go on the most confusing explanation about mortal and immortal
serpents shows your lack of understanding and shows that you made this up,
and when hard-pressed you will make up any bullshit*

Now, with the Rising of the Kundalini, The Actual Kundalini Serpent will not
RISE-OUT of the Crown Chakra. There are many reasons for this, But I will
give the most logic reason, The Kundalini is a Separate Being With Separate
Mind And Will, It is When The Kundalini Rises that it can truly connect with
you in order to **TEACH** you - you do not simple get knowledge, yes some
knowledge may be unlocked that you already had, but there are no freebies in
Spiritual Satanism. You must earn knowledge*
With that in mind, how would your Kundalini Serpent be able to connect
deeply with you, and merge its thoughts with yours if it has exited your
Crown Charka? It is the equivalent of having a heart outside of your body.

And, Before you even attempt to use that ridiculous line: ""As i have stated
there are many paths to godhood/magnum opus and we all must
figure out our own path to it..its an individual thing cause we are all
and we have different souls...so you cannot say that
there is only one way to godhood/magnum opus because there isn't...that is
makes magnum opus so fascinating and also so extremely difficult too...:)""

No, Our Soul's Characteristics may be different, but the design and make-up
of our Soul's are NOT! We were all created on this Earth in This Universe
Our Souls Are not Different, only the Characteristics within them are. And
no, there are not many different paths to the Magnum Opus, there is a set
path, laid before us by Father Satan and the Gods, and that set-path [In
other words, the things that you must do to attain Godhead] hold true to us

And finally that fact that you actually claim to have Reached Godhead shows
how much of a delusional liar you are. Also, you clearly inter-mix Godhead
and the Rising of The Kundalini. They are separate, one begins the Path and
the other is the Path.

Now, there are many things you have done to expose yourself and every truly
Dedicated Spiritual Satanist here immediately saw through your bullshit when
you first posted, because their intuition made them cautions and weary. And
it is that that intuition which is connected with Father Satan and the Gods
and is therefore connected with their Kundalini Serpent.

Now, as far as you "bender_dragon666" you claim to be "an Expert n this" and
you claim to have "Got her through the Magnum Opus" and you claim "somehow i
know all about magnum opus dnt no how rlly" - Well, that is such a crock of
shit, To actually type that and think that people will believe you is
*unbelievable. If you truly believe what you have typed here then you are
very ill.

** - And as a note, no enemy entity will claim to be Father Satan nor will
they Claim to be one of The Gods. They are far too afraid of the
consequences. What they will do however is use subterfuge, as well as
evasive questioning to make you believe that they are one of the Gods. The
Easiest way to tell is to ask their name, if they do not give it to you,
regardless of how convincing they are, banish them in the Name of Father
Satan. Because Simply the Name of our Almighty Father is enough to drive any
enemy Nordic, reptilian or even hive of grey's away! - **

Remember everyone [Who is not an infiltrator like the pair just mentioned]
we are fighting In a War, and the Enemy will always use Infiltration and
Propaganda to move people away from the Truth! Never accept anything at face
value, question it, rip it apart until you are completely satisfied that it
is to be taken as fact!

We are Warriors! Fighting in HIS Army, Fighting for HIS victory, do not let
these people infiltrate Our Groups, Our Havens, our HOME!! They belong to
us, the Truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of
Duat! Never just accept! Always question!

The enemy has made their underhanded tactics well know to us many times,
this is no different to the many people claiming absolute power or claiming
to be Gods themselves. Learn to trust Your Satanic Intuition; do not fall
for such bullshit.

And so I say to all the *TRULY* Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the
Mighty Gods of Duat, May You Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And May
Father Satans' Divine Light Guide you eternally!

Always Keep Strong In Father Satan.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

http://www.ageofsat <http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc/ an.co.cc/
http://www.warriors <http://www.warriorsofenki.co.uk/ ofenki.co.uk/
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:
Take NOTHING for granted or at face value no matter who says it. If you can't find a satisfactory answer through a reasonable amount of research and meditation, take the matter up with your guardian demon. He/she will help you reach an understanding.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

"Another one is to pose as false authority and subvert with false information."
That's actually a good one. How do people know that HP don't lie out of their ass? Oh....and that lovely donation box on the front page.
From: Cam Kuzik <spudkuzik@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 4:11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

A great battle technique is to encourage disorder in the enemy camp.

We must stay united and strong!

Another one is to pose as false authority and subvert with false information.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chalchiuhnenetzin" <jaguarcat2002@... wrote:
Take NOTHING for granted or at face value no matter who says it. If you can't find a satisfactory answer through a reasonable amount of research and meditation, take the matter up with your guardian demon. He/she will help you reach an understanding.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Another one is to pose as false authority and subvert with false information.

From: Cam Kuzik <spudkuzik@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 4:11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]

A great battle technique is to encourage disorder in the enemy camp.

We must stay united and strong!

There are no mediators in Satanism, We all follow a path yet we take different routes.
OPINIONS VARY! I am not going to argue with any of you
on any of this...its pointless and a waste of my time
and energy....I am all for ENKI FOREVER! HE'S AWESOME!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Vovim Baghie" <vovimbaghie@... wrote:

This has gone on for quite long-enough.


"acnientsoulm8" You most certainly have NOT reached Godhead nor has your Kundalini Serpent ascended. It is blatantly clear that you have absolutely no Idea what you are talking about. Straight away it is easy to tell that you luring people and that you are a plain-and-simple infiltrator.

Your circular speech shows that what you are talking about are not experiences of your own, you are simply taking readily available knowledge on the Kundalini Serpent and Godhead and severely twisting them whilst at the same time trying to discredit the TRUE experiences of others, and also trying to impart false knowledge.

For instance, this "list": [which is utterly ridiculous and shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are clueless with regards to this subject and that you are an infiltrator]

***1. You have to have all of the elements including vital power in all of your
major and minor chakras..and you must have a balance. 2. Follow the jos magnum opus meditation process for circulation of the magnum
opus energy and the circulation of the secretions from
the sacral and pineal chakras. 3. Have demons help you keep your chakras open throughout the process when you
are circulating.....circulate, circulate, circulate and program the energy to
cleanse your chakras and the elements that are
also in the chakras.... this is the painful part by the way...you must keep
doing this until its pretty much effortless when you are circulating...then you
can make the elixer.. 4. Combine the two secretions and circulate it...and continue to circulate it until you feel the elixer run smooth like a hot magnum
going through all of your chakras and up your spine.. 5. When Satan gives the okay or the demon in charge of watching over you as you are doing this gives the okay..only then is the ACTUAL serpent READY TO EXIT..and then let your crown chakra be WIDE OPEN and allow the ACTUAL SERPENT EXIT OUT OF THE CROWN CHAKRA...you will feel it actually leave your body along with its energy because you will have the sensation of your chakras cooling down as it exits and you will feel the sixth chakra be closed off when it does...Yes i am aware of the physical serpent not being an energy...my mortal serpent DID IN FACT EXIT in which it returned during my death transformed before I came back to earth as an immortal serpent..

Oh and another thing is that you have to be willing to die so
that the elixer can take over and that your silver cord will
be cut permenately so that way when you do come back you will
be immortal and you will notice a difference when you come back..
The elixer will be on auto pilot in circulation then and you will
no longer have to circulate..you can concentrate on the after magnum opus
transformation process from then on... ***

Well, you obviously have not experienced any what you just typed. You claim that this is all that is necessary to reach "Godhood"? No, Seeing as how you completely failed to mention one of the most imperative workings within the Magnum Opus **[And by this, I mean It is knowledge that you cannot simply Google search for, which is why you have no idea of it's existence]** You failed, quite severely in-fact. "Putrefaction of the Chakra's" is what you clearly have no knowledge of.

Also, the three steps of the Magnum Opus that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Has given to us are NOT the ONLY STEPS! There are many other steps, which must be accompanied with the three steps that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has given us. [Father Satan, The Gods or you Kundalini Serpent can tell you\show you these steps]

And probably your biggest failure at falsifying the truth is you complete lack of understanding with Regards to the Kundalini Serpent! The Kundalini Serpent is a Real and Separate entity that resides within you. The Kundalini Serpent has a MIND of its own and a WILL of its own. The Kundalini Serpent is the Part of Father Satan that is within Our Souls. It IS IMMORTAL* That fact that you go on the most confusing explanation about mortal and immortal serpents shows your lack of understanding and shows that you made this up, and when hard-pressed you will make up any bullshit*

Now, with the Rising of the Kundalini, The Actual Kundalini Serpent will not RISE-OUT of the Crown Chakra. There are many reasons for this, But I will give the most logic reason, The Kundalini is a Separate Being With Separate Mind And Will, It is When The Kundalini Rises that it can truly connect with you in order to **TEACH** you – you do not simple get knowledge, yes some knowledge may be unlocked that you already had, but there are no freebies in Spiritual Satanism. You must earn knowledge*
With that in mind, how would your Kundalini Serpent be able to connect deeply with you, and merge its thoughts with yours if it has exited your Crown Charka? It is the equivalent of having a heart outside of your body.

And, Before you even attempt to use that ridiculous line: ""As i have stated there are many paths to godhood/magnum opus and we all must
figure out our own path to it..its an individual thing cause we are all unique
and we have different souls...so you cannot say that
there is only one way to godhood/magnum opus because there isn't...that is what
makes magnum opus so fascinating and also so extremely difficult too...:)""

No, Our Soul's Characteristics may be different, but the design and make-up of our Soul's are NOT! We were all created on this Earth in This Universe Our Souls Are not Different, only the Characteristics within them are. And no, there are not many different paths to the Magnum Opus, there is a set path, laid before us by Father Satan and the Gods, and that set-path [In other words, the things that you must do to attain Godhead] hold true to us all.

And finally that fact that you actually claim to have Reached Godhead shows how much of a delusional liar you are. Also, you clearly inter-mix Godhead and the Rising of The Kundalini. They are separate, one begins the Path and the other is the Path.

Now, there are many things you have done to expose yourself and every truly Dedicated Spiritual Satanist here immediately saw through your bullshit when you first posted, because their intuition made them cautions and weary. And it is that that intuition which is connected with Father Satan and the Gods and is therefore connected with their Kundalini Serpent.

Now, as far as you "bender_dragon666" you claim to be "an Expert n this" and you claim to have "Got her through the Magnum Opus" and you claim "somehow i know all about magnum opus dnt no how rlly" - Well, that is such a crock of shit, To actually type that and think that people will believe you is *unbelievable. If you truly believe what you have typed here then you are very ill.

** – And as a note, no enemy entity will claim to be Father Satan nor will they Claim to be one of The Gods. They are far too afraid of the consequences. What they will do however is use subterfuge, as well as evasive questioning to make you believe that they are one of the Gods. The Easiest way to tell is to ask their name, if they do not give it to you, regardless of how convincing they are, banish them in the Name of Father Satan. Because Simply the Name of our Almighty Father is enough to drive any enemy Nordic, reptilian or even hive of grey's away! - **

Remember everyone [Who is not an infiltrator like the pair just mentioned] we are fighting In a War, and the Enemy will always use Infiltration and Propaganda to move people away from the Truth! Never accept anything at face value, question it, rip it apart until you are completely satisfied that it is to be taken as fact!

We are Warriors! Fighting in HIS Army, Fighting for HIS victory, do not let these people infiltrate Our Groups, Our Havens, our HOME!! They belong to us, the Truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat! Never just accept! Always question!

The enemy has made their underhanded tactics well know to us many times, this is no different to the many people claiming absolute power or claiming to be Gods themselves. Learn to trust Your Satanic Intuition; do not fall for such bullshit.

And so I say to all the *TRULY* Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, May You Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And May Father Satans' Divine Light Guide you eternally!

Always Keep Strong In Father Satan.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

Honestly how many of you besides soul have done the magnum opus?

And this in fighting has to stop Father would not like this one bit. All of you accusing and shutting each other down the moment you hear something you feel you can discredit. You might as well still be xtian. The way you attacked soul. Its utterly disgraceful because instead of embracing souls experience you all just tried to pick it apart but not once have I seen one of you provide proof for where soul is wrong. And if soul was truly an infiltrator would soul be praising enki really? Hell a lot of you think balancing your soul is godhead. Shit get your facts right before you say anything please and don't in fight that just shows ignorance.

HAIL SATAN!!!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryFrom: "ancientsoulm8" <mysweettot@... Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 02:38:32 -0000To: <[email protected]Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Godhood by Kundalini [Stop Lying To The Group]
OPINIONS VARY! I am not going to argue with any of you
on any of this...its pointless and a waste of my time
and energy....I am all for ENKI FOREVER! HE'S AWESOME!


--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "Vovim Baghie" <vovimbaghie@ ... wrote:

This has gone on for quite long-enough.


"acnientsoulm8" You most certainly have NOT reached Godhead nor has your Kundalini Serpent ascended. It is blatantly clear that you have absolutely no Idea what you are talking about. Straight away it is easy to tell that you luring people and that you are a plain-and-simple infiltrator.

Your circular speech shows that what you are talking about are not experiences of your own, you are simply taking readily available knowledge on the Kundalini Serpent and Godhead and severely twisting them whilst at the same time trying to discredit the TRUE experiences of others, and also trying to impart false knowledge.

For instance, this "list": [which is utterly ridiculous and shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are clueless with regards to this subject and that you are an infiltrator]

***1. You have to have all of the elements including vital power in all of your
major and minor chakras..and you must have a balance. 2. Follow the jos magnum opus meditation process for circulation of the magnum
opus energy and the circulation of the secretions from
the sacral and pineal chakras. 3. Have demons help you keep your chakras open throughout the process when you
are circulating. ....circulate, circulate, circulate and program the energy to
cleanse your chakras and the elements that are
also in the chakras.... this is the painful part by the way...you must keep
doing this until its pretty much effortless when you are circulating. ..then you
can make the elixer.. 4. Combine the two secretions and circulate it...and continue to circulate it until you feel the elixer run smooth like a hot magnum
going through all of your chakras and up your spine.. 5. When Satan gives the okay or the demon in charge of watching over you as you are doing this gives the okay..only then is the ACTUAL serpent READY TO EXIT..and then let your crown chakra be WIDE OPEN and allow the ACTUAL SERPENT EXIT OUT OF THE CROWN CHAKRA...you will feel it actually leave your body along with its energy because you will have the sensation of your chakras cooling down as it exits and you will feel the sixth chakra be closed off when it does...Yes i am aware of the physical serpent not being an energy...my mortal serpent DID IN FACT EXIT in which it returned during my death transformed before I came back to earth as an immortal serpent..

Oh and another thing is that you have to be willing to die so
that the elixer can take over and that your silver cord will
be cut permenately so that way when you do come back you will
be immortal and you will notice a difference when you come back..
The elixer will be on auto pilot in circulation then and you will
no longer have to circulate..you can concentrate on the after magnum opus
transformation process from then on... ***

Well, you obviously have not experienced any what you just typed. You claim that this is all that is necessary to reach "Godhood"? No, Seeing as how you completely failed to mention one of the most imperative workings within the Magnum Opus **[And by this, I mean It is knowledge that you cannot simply Google search for, which is why you have no idea of it's existence]** You failed, quite severely in-fact. "Putrefaction of the Chakra's" is what you clearly have no knowledge of.

Also, the three steps of the Magnum Opus that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Has given to us are NOT the ONLY STEPS! There are many other steps, which must be accompanied with the three steps that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has given us. [Father Satan, The Gods or you Kundalini Serpent can tell you\show you these steps]

And probably your biggest failure at falsifying the truth is you complete lack of understanding with Regards to the Kundalini Serpent! The Kundalini Serpent is a Real and Separate entity that resides within you. The Kundalini Serpent has a MIND of its own and a WILL of its own. The Kundalini Serpent is the Part of Father Satan that is within Our Souls. It IS IMMORTAL* That fact that you go on the most confusing explanation about mortal and immortal serpents shows your lack of understanding and shows that you made this up, and when hard-pressed you will make up any bullshit*

Now, with the Rising of the Kundalini, The Actual Kundalini Serpent will not RISE-OUT of the Crown Chakra. There are many reasons for this, But I will give the most logic reason, The Kundalini is a Separate Being With Separate Mind And Will, It is When The Kundalini Rises that it can truly connect with you in order to **TEACH** you – you do not simple get knowledge, yes some knowledge may be unlocked that you already had, but there are no freebies in Spiritual Satanism. You must earn knowledge*
With that in mind, how would your Kundalini Serpent be able to connect deeply with you, and merge its thoughts with yours if it has exited your Crown Charka? It is the equivalent of having a heart outside of your body.

And, Before you even attempt to use that ridiculous line: ""As i have stated there are many paths to godhood/magnum opus and we all must
figure out our own path to it..its an individual thing cause we are all unique
and we have different souls...so you cannot say that
there is only one way to godhood/magnum opus because there isn't...that is what
makes magnum opus so fascinating and also so extremely difficult too...:)""

No, Our Soul's Characteristics may be different, but the design and make-up of our Soul's are NOT! We were all created on this Earth in This Universe Our Souls Are not Different, only the Characteristics within them are. And no, there are not many different paths to the Magnum Opus, there is a set path, laid before us by Father Satan and the Gods, and that set-path [In other words, the things that you must do to attain Godhead] hold true to us all.

And finally that fact that you actually claim to have Reached Godhead shows how much of a delusional liar you are. Also, you clearly inter-mix Godhead and the Rising of The Kundalini. They are separate, one begins the Path and the other is the Path.

Now, there are many things you have done to expose yourself and every truly Dedicated Spiritual Satanist here immediately saw through your bullshit when you first posted, because their intuition made them cautions and weary. And it is that that intuition which is connected with Father Satan and the Gods and is therefore connected with their Kundalini Serpent.

Now, as far as you "bender_dragon666" you claim to be "an Expert n this" and you claim to have "Got her through the Magnum Opus" and you claim "somehow i know all about magnum opus dnt no how rlly" - Well, that is such a crock of shit, To actually type that and think that people will believe you is *unbelievable. If you truly believe what you have typed here then you are very ill.

** – And as a note, no enemy entity will claim to be Father Satan nor will they Claim to be one of The Gods. They are far too afraid of the consequences. What they will do however is use subterfuge, as well as evasive questioning to make you believe that they are one of the Gods. The Easiest way to tell is to ask their name, if they do not give it to you, regardless of how convincing they are, banish them in the Name of Father Satan. Because Simply the Name of our Almighty Father is enough to drive any enemy Nordic, reptilian or even hive of grey's away! - **

Remember everyone [Who is not an infiltrator like the pair just mentioned] we are fighting In a War, and the Enemy will always use Infiltration and Propaganda to move people away from the Truth! Never accept anything at face value, question it, rip it apart until you are completely satisfied that it is to be taken as fact!

We are Warriors! Fighting in HIS Army, Fighting for HIS victory, do not let these people infiltrate Our Groups, Our Havens, our HOME!! They belong to us, the Truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat! Never just accept! Always question!

The enemy has made their underhanded tactics well know to us many times, this is no different to the many people claiming absolute power or claiming to be Gods themselves. Learn to trust Your Satanic Intuition; do not fall for such bullshit.

And so I say to all the *TRULY* Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, May You Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And May Father Satans' Divine Light Guide you eternally!

Always Keep Strong In Father Satan.


Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama!
Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!

http://www.ageofsat an.co.cc/
http://www.warriors ofenki.co. uk/
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nielsreeslev" <nielsreeslev@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ancientsoulm8" <mysweettot@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "nielsreeslev" <nielsreeslev@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dumatereli" <dumatereli@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

trust ancientsoulm8 I got her through magnum opus, she did the work but i answered alla her questions. somehow im an expert on it

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: ancientsoulm8 <mysweettot@
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010 1:42:25 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Advanced Kundalini Stages in Progress

There are many paths to magnum opus so we must all find our
own path to achieving it..its an individual process..
what works for one may not work for all...:) good luck


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lightofthedawn69" <lightofthedawn69@ wrote:

see now your the kind of person ppl in this group should be listening to if you keep this up you can teach this whole group a thing or two
such progress is the mark of a true wise one in the making or at least ace of the arts

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "fukndetermined" <fukndetermined@ wrote:

I have been intensely working with kundalini energy for a very long time now. My nervous system has adapted or transformed in a way i haven't heard about. During my kundalini training my ida and pingala nerves were really stimulated. These nerves began getting stronger and stronger until my energy pathways changed. They may have united, i am unsure still but when i stimulate my pineal gland or my sacral (Male Elixer Meditation) the excreted energy flows along the spine instead of flowing everywhere. For example when i stimulate the pineal gland, instead of the energy rising to the top of my head, it rides down my spine from my 6th chakra. This may indicate real spiritual progress towards perfection. In magnum opus you directly take the elixer energies and circulate them into the chakras, but from my kundalini experience when you hit an advanced point in Kundalini, secreted elixer energies automatically and directly flow through the chakras on its own. I can say this is a fast and intense path to godhood.

This is an explanation of one stage of kundalini i reached. There are many stages and changes i have experienced but this is something i had never heard of anyone reaching or explaining.


The closest I would say i've reached to Godhood is one I am nearlly godlike when it comes to telepathy doesnt work on this planet for some reason as far as chatting with other entities I've chatted with The Gods a bit though havent of late. two I feel I have achieved my ascent somewhat in this life as I have been guaranteed a spot on Duat already have apartment their i visit sometimes .

I don't know if I understood correctly, but are you saying that telepathy doesn't work on this planet? Then what is the use of this?


Telepathy WORKS! Don't ever think that it doesn't...because i use
it all the time!!! If you don't have telepathy it just means that
you need to open up all of your points that are behind your ears.
these are minor chakras that help with your clairaudiance..then you
have to empower them so that you can recieve telepathic messages..

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
You are most welcome...I am always here to help...:)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
