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Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census

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Soy nueva en el satanismo y despues de lo que lei (espero haber entendido mal)
Nosotros.. odiamos a los negros y deseamos que la raza aria prebalesca??
Si es asi, esta mal que no opine como ustedes??
Realmente por lo que siempre he odiado a los cristianos es por sus tonterias de clasificar entre heterosexuales y homosexuales.. y realmente me alegra que aqui en el satanismo ya no sea asi.
Pero no estoy de acuerdo en la discriminacion de raza...

eso va en contra de mi dios satanas?
Ors666 said:
In terms of race mixing, I suppose we would also be allowed to get into relationships with other races, but reproduction would be either forbidden or limited. When I say limited, something of the sort of, you would be on a waiting list and after X amounts of Whites and X amounts of Blacks are born, those in a relationship with another race would be allowed to procreate X amount of kids, but that latter part was just an idea of mine.
Race mixing is strictly forbidden, even if for pleasure. Sex creates spiritual links between those involved, whether or not procreation takes place. In the long term both parties would suffer in such a relationship, it is not natural and against nature, and of course against Satanism.

Shael said:
Bigot Boy said:
HP Cobra said he estimates 92% of greys are evil trash, and 8% have avoided the taint of the Reptilians, including the grey/human hybrid God Lucifuge.
It was actually just 3%, so it's even less.

From a post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

"Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer."
Ah, thank you for the correction.
Coraxo said:
FancyMancy said:
Maybe the HPs and HPSs and other members are wrong for saying "There's safety in numbers" when trying to egg us on to do the rituals. Maybe I am wrong for saying we need higher numbers of White Babies so that we have a larger base to ensure our safety. As Spiritual Satanists who have Satan and Guardian Daemons and Daemonesses, plus other Daemons and Daemonesses, on our side, plus with our own abilities, I think it certainly is possible. Saying "free will outweighs saving the White Race" - but maybe not in those exact words nor in that exact order - I think is disgusting; and it shows me the lack of faith in ourselves, our Gods and Goddesses, and our Race; and it also shows me uncaring and apathy.

Free will doesn't mean jack shit when you're dead, nor is there really any free will in times of war. War is about fighting and surviving, and we white people are doing neither. This toxic mentality even extends to us white SS.
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.
Dahaarkan said:
It's like now we are ignoring how many whites are actively a part of jewish programs designed to destroy the white race. Does having lots of children matter if they grow up to be race mixers and blm terrorists.

It's disappointing to see that 2000+ years into this people still can't see 5 meters in front of them and understand they must stop fighting the symptoms and focus on the true cancer that is the jews. Until the jews are fully exposed and their influence removed, tiny band-aid solutions are pointless.

I say it again the low birth rates are a symptom of poverty, and poverty is a jewish creation. How about give people the means to raise children and then you can demand that they have children. Children being brought up in poverty just opens them to communist ideals and other terrible things.

So many white people are struggling in extreme poverty. I wouldn't want to have a child just to watch them starve and suffer as well as ruin my own life. And I don't blame anybody for not wanting the same. Who are you to demand this kind of sacrifice from anyone.

It's always the same with this kind of conversation. It's always the stupid goyim's fault, the conversation is never about the jews. It's those stupid lazy whites that don't have children. Never mind the fact that most struggle just to feed themselves let alone a child on top of their expenses.

But I guess they are all just lazy and weak, said by a guy probably living with his parents and with 0 kids.
What are you going to do about the jews. What is your plan ?
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
Whites need to have White Babies. I recall a member saying that they wish to not have Children because this World is too shit to raise Children. That is defeatist and weak. I think it is justified to censure that member for their decision, regardless of where they live. Not to mention it has been said I think by HPS Maxine that homosexuals will need - be obligated - to procreate. That is not a "sacrifice" in the slightest. In fact, it is not only obligatory but it is also an honour and a privilege to help the White Race survive.

I've said this in the past and I'll say it again people not having children is a symptom of poverty. People who are meant to have and raise children will naturally want to have and raise children. The issue that we face now is they cannot afford it.

Breeding like farm animals is fixing the problem by creating another problem. If we start having lots of children before we are even able to feed and raise them properly we have the same issue blacks have which is most of them are raised in poverty and terrible conditions, creating terrible individuals that destroy their race and civilization from within.

This is something that is not addressed enough even in "wealthy" countries a majority of people are not financially capable of having more than two children and many can't afford to raise even one. I wholeheartedly believe that eliminating poverty fixes many of the big issues we have.

If non-white countries weren't such poor shitholes, and if people had the financial means, I think most would be inclined to live in countries that belong to their race. It's also important to dismantle welfare programs that are rigged for non-whites and incentivize these people to have lots of kids.

Just having every white person breed is putting a band aid on the problem and solves nothing. You have to tear out the jewish cancer that is the real root of the problem.

this. if you cant feed em dont breed em. On top of that, especially if one is SS finding a suitable partner can be troublesome as far as one who aligns with your beliefs and values. As a result of family life being degraded and the way most christtards look at the dynamics between men and women, coupled with the majior wedge that has been driven between the sexes its really not that simple. I dont remember but i believe i mentioned once that i also dont want children. you know what, i love children and traditional family roles are great. but not everyone is meant to have children. sometimes i feel bad about it especially when i think of the white race but if i cannot be a suitable parent it is selfish to the child to bring them into the world. people call it selfish to not have children yet there are many parents who have children for selfish reasons and the kids turn out like shit. the divorce rates in the united states are over 50 percent. i also really dont relish the idea of a husband up and leaving me with said kids just because hes bored with me or finds someone more attractive., and my femininity has always been extremely insecure. which ive been really trying to work on. i had a relationship recently with someone for 9 years...it didnt work out...so glad we never had kids. the consequences that come with being a single parent are very limiting. aside from the above i just dont want to take any chances. ive got enough work on looking out if im going to be safe come retirement time and having time for my spiritual advancement, along with outside work life. when one has kids they take priority and it changes everything. children need the best they can get early on to become the best they can be..any white child should have that. (any gentile child really) when that happens you have to have the ability to adapt to it. if the circumstances were different perhaps my stance would be as well.
What some people are forgetting is it's a free will vs being a slave kind of thing. Those that got Chipped against us and pure trash. They just do and are what their masters say to be. Grey Human hybrid it actually depends on what DNA we are talking about. The slave greys were mixed with reptilian DNA somewhat. We all know what even a little of that does so even without a chip that would be bad.

Those that didn't get the chip or become slaves the 3 percent are mostly on our side because they saw first hand what the enemy did.

Also 3 percent is a huge number compared to earth and they still lost. Maybe 0.3 percent on earth are fully on our side if that and fighting the enemy. This just goes to show without the Gods we would be totally fucked.
Ors666 said:
Even animals get affected. Bugs lose their natural patterns and soils start degenerating and becoming less fertile. The entire eco system basically starts dying out.



In terms of race mixing, I suppose we would also be allowed to get into relationships with other races, but reproduction would be either forbidden or limited. When I say limited, something of the sort of, you would be on a waiting list and after X amounts of Whites and X amounts of Blacks are born, those in a relationship with another race would be allowed to procreate X amount of kids, but that latter part was just an idea of mine.
We need pure-Race Children. Any mixing goes towards one Race. Blacks mixing with Asians or Whites = Black Children; Asians mixing with Whites = Asian Children. The Black genes are dominant over Asian genes, and Asian genes are dominant over White genes. If you want your Race to go extinct, then go and out-breed yourself, line and Race, but don't expect any sympathy, praise, reward, etc., for that.
Jack said:
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.

And he's off, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations Jack, you've just admitted you're part of the borg. How? You say free will doesn't exist, which makes you part of a borg. A hivemind. In other words, you've just discredited nearly every teaching on this forum which is reliant on free will.
Coraxo said:
FancyMancy said:
I know (some) Whites have become lazy and careless. Apparently, I am wrong for saying Whites should be kicked up their arses to get moving and working properly. A lot of Whites have been drinking of the poisoned well, and that means that those of us who either did drink of it and were cured & healed, or have not drank of it at all, are in the wrong because we have/are learning and trying to have, clear minds. :roll: We're "wrong" for being clear-minded and level-headed - or learning to do that, going in that direction - while those who walk with a severe limp, disabled, retarded, spasticated (as medical terms) are the holy ones (holey - with holes in their "souls", that is) and revered as superhumans. Because Michael Jordan can walk upstairs in the air while slam-dunking a basketball, that means that he is subhuman, lower, shitter than these disabled, incapable ones. There is a paralympics. Is there going to be a comalympics or a late-stage-of-[insert deadly, debilitating illness/disease here]-lympics one day? Maybe there should be an o-limp-ics...

The "we should have more babies" argument is the type of argument where both sides are technically correct. Yes we (white people, not just SS) should have as many white babies as possible, but it's also true that kids are a huge responsibility and deserve a decent life and that the parents should think really hard before committing to having babies.
That's why I said it should be micromanaged, and that SSs - White SSs specifically - have greater abilities with the use of Magick - Runes, Words of Power, visualisation, etc. - to create proper and viable circumstances, which non-SSs don't have. Was it HPS Maxine who said she needed some money and told Satan or a God or Goddess she was working with, and she just happened to find the exact amount she needed - or was that just a bullshit christian story and a lie of faith and belief in mystical beings, to get us to believe the hype that Spiritual Satanism is actually real and true?

Non-SSs, or at least a lot of them, feel lost in the World - feel lost to the World in which they live, but we are supposed to be able to do much better. A working for simply 40 days engraves things into the Soul; 80 days, 120 days might be required. That is a lot less time than 12-16 years of raising a Child who is helpless and relies on you; during the earlier years, depending on the Child say from 4 upwards, they can be taught to be Magickians, and by the time they are 20-25, they'd be much more further along than we were, with a proper job and either by that time or very soon having a partner and maybe Children of their own - and with the "safety in numbers", with the total being greater than the sum of their parts, it seems like it would work. To attract money and the ideal partner/s would not take 50 years, or at least that's what we've been led to believe about how amazing Spiritual Satanism is. Not to mention, that the example of 20-25 years is supposed to be when Satan and some Gods and Goddesses are to return, so then once They do... dynamic shift would happen so much more and bigger and better and quicker or at least more efficiently.

We can all agree that quality is great than quantity, but this equation doesn't nullify quantity's value, especially when we're facing seriously facing extinction.
Consider this - it might be interesting to know what the very first-ever video recording (which still survives - and I don't mean to use that word in terms of the White Race surviving) was. It's like 2 seconds long. In one sense, that is beyond iconic. Those 2 seconds are far superior than all of Hollywood, Dollywood, Bollywood, Shoddywood and other Shitarseywood put together - and more so now, especially with reboot shit.

I just don't see how it's bad to encourage white people, and especially white SS who have more means and knowledge to raise good children, to have more kids.
Neither can I understand that. It seems choice out-trumps survival; but consider what "choice" means - one meaning is to mean of high quality. We can choose to not increase high quality society, and societies.

Dahaarkan said:
Presuming you are replying to me, rather than Coraxo...

It's like now we are ignoring how many whites are actively a part of jewish programs designed to destroy the white race. Does having lots of children matter if they grow up to be race mixers and blm terrorists.
So all of these "RtR Winzzzz!" threads are all false? The jew egregore is - as we have been led to believe, possibly lied to - becoming less and less; Satan has - allegedly - won already. Every so often we hear some j/news and the HPs say "Now is not the time to slack; we must press harder!", but choosing to not have White Babies is slacking off, instead of pressing harder.

SSs are greater in the sense that we have abilities. Yes, there are a lot of degenerates around, but believe it or don't, some non-SSs also do have abilites. We have to be a 5th column in this World - our own fucking World, we have to infiltrate. How retarded is that? We probably will - undoubtedly - win others along the journey to join the Cause, and undoubtedly win some enemies of our own Race along the way, as well, who shill, knowingly or unknowingly, for the jew, but if Magick and the RtRs and Race-Awakening Ritual are all as super-dooper-ly powerful as we've be saying, then things will get - or already have got - better. If we put things up into the Astral - the RtRs and rituals and our own personal meditations - then we have to do the actual Physical things to help 'bring it down' into Physicality. If we do a money working for a year (10 * 40 days) to be richer than all those on the Forbes rich lists (which excludes the rothschilds, etc., of course), but we sleep in bed for 50 years, we'll never make it onto the Forbes rich lists; we have to go out and do. Contrary to popular beli-- sorry, delusion - knowledge does not = power. Knowledge + action = power. I had this in a picture I created before, with the SS symbol as the = sign, but going vertically, but it was not appreciated.

It's disappointing to see that 2000+ years into this people still can't see 5 meters in front of them and understand they must stop fighting the symptoms and focus on the true cancer that is the jews.
If we have small numbers, how can we fight? While 300 might have been a film, there is a critical mass (number) we need to have to be able to make a stand. Maybe we should not bother sharing our links with people and on comments sections and other websites. Maybe we have enough already that we can be 300 versus 6 million and nearly 8 billion. Similar to my reply in another thread regarding copper, silver and gold coins - I thought we needed more.

Until the jews are fully exposed and their influence removed, tiny band-aid solutions are pointless.
So you be the 1 single only person to do the rituals, then. If you are 1 person, and the jew is reciting its anti-Human stuff all the time, would you win? Why else should more numbers do the rituals? Why else should more numbers of Whites exist? You can save the Planet - not just Whites - all on your own.

I say it again the low birth rates are a symptom of poverty, and poverty is a jewish creation. How about give people the means to raise children and then you can demand that they have children.
Do you want me to do money workings for you, as well? People do their own work.

Children being brought up in poverty just opens them to communist ideals and other terrible things.
Spiritual Satanists are not communist, and Spiritual Satanists' Children would be brought up as Spiritual Satanists and National Socialists. More than likely, Satan and each SS's Guardian Daemons/Daemonesses would make sure that SS Souls are borne into these SSs' Children's Bodies. There wouldn't be any jew borne into a pregnant SS.

So many white people are struggling in extreme poverty. I wouldn't want to have a child just to watch them starve and suffer as well as ruin my own life. And I don't blame anybody for not wanting the same. Who are you to demand this kind of sacrifice from anyone.
I am but 1 individual, which I said already, and I cannot change the World on my own, as I said already. I am not demanding. As for poverty - then SSs don't have reasons to live as poverty wage slaves. 40 days is not a long time.

It's always the same with this kind of conversation. It's always the stupid goyim's fault, the conversation is never about the jews.
Is that so? Well, if I sound like I am blaming the Goyim, then let us forget about doing the RtRs, the RA ritual, the money workings and other personal workings - and the Physical counterparts to these things. Instead, let's go to the jew and pleed it for money, then, so that we can feed our Children - or so that we can have Children to feed. If RtR is against the jew, then personal money working is also against the jew.

It's those stupid lazy whites that don't have children. Never mind the fact that most struggle just to feed themselves let alone a child on top of their expenses.
I wonder how you afford a phone or computer and Internet connection.

But I guess they are all just lazy and weak, said by a guy probably living with his parents and with 0 kids.
"Probably"? You want us to not have White Children to help save the White Race because we're too poor, and ignore the fact that we can do money workings to make us not-poor, so that - in your opinion - we can then have White Children. Let's not do the money workings or anything. If it seems like I am demanding - and how can I? - then try and think that I have no power to force the White Race to have Babies all on my own. Maybe consider it encouragement. Maybe see some of my posts, such as j/news threads, where I have added sad articles which can - I hope and intend - stir SSs to use such things as cathartics, to pump their hearts into action.

Jack said:
Coraxo said:
FancyMancy said:
Maybe the HPs and HPSs and other members are wrong for saying "There's safety in numbers" when trying to egg us on to do the rituals. Maybe I am wrong for saying we need higher numbers of White Babies so that we have a larger base to ensure our safety. As Spiritual Satanists who have Satan and Guardian Daemons and Daemonesses, plus other Daemons and Daemonesses, on our side, plus with our own abilities, I think it certainly is possible. Saying "free will outweighs saving the White Race" - but maybe not in those exact words nor in that exact order - I think is disgusting; and it shows me the lack of faith in ourselves, our Gods and Goddesses, and our Race; and it also shows me uncaring and apathy.

Free will doesn't mean jack shit when you're dead, nor is there really any free will in times of war. War is about fighting and surviving, and we white people are doing neither. This toxic mentality even extends to us white SS.
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.
As I said recently, even if one knows something is nonsense logically and consciously, it still buries within the unconscious mind and it would still affect them subliminally. The only true free will and thought and action that anyone has is if they are the one who is in charge, the one in the golden throne themselves - there is always hierarchy, but we can't all be on top, can we?

Shadowcat said:
if the circumstances were different perhaps my stance would be as well.
I thought as a Spiritual Satanist, you could work towards changing the circumstances... I don't know any problems or anything about you, of course, though. I'm not asking you to tell me; I'm just asking what excuses, really, do we have? I know it can be difficult, but I think facing extinction is rather important to prevent.

slyscorpion said:
This just goes to show without the Gods we would be totally fucked.
So we don't need more White Children, then, because we have the "safety in numbers" from the numbers of Gods and Goddesses, but They won't return because we did not win, or win enough. The Planet will be enslaved, and our Souls will reincarnate into White Bodies on other Planets, while the enslaved Blacks and Asians here are doomed into reincarnating back into their own respective Races here on Jail-cum-Slave Planet until they are consumed as a 5-course Michelin-star-of-david meal by the reptillians. Maybe that is the punishment Satan might have said to be in another World; saying if anyone struggles for Him He'd reward them in another World; maybe it's the same, but in reverse, as punishment, as well.

Maybe in 20-25 years, in the Child example, for when Satan and some Gods and Goddesses are to return, maybe we don't want a lot more White Children and SSs, because if we did, we'd have to share the elite-ness with them. Maybe that's it. While quality being better than quantity tends to be an adage or a tenet, when an Animal species is nearing extinction, they're bred to survive. Why not have someone higher up the food chain than us help us to survive? Because it's our own job? Perhaps. We might help nearly-extinct species/sub-species of Animal to survive, but the message I've been getting is that we shouldn't help ourselves because of reasons and excuses, while as SSs, we have abilities to overcome crap, odds and things, and improve circumstances. Maybe I should use the COVID19 slogans, like "Save Your Race; Protect Your Prospects; Ensure Your Survival", then add under it that picture of a snake "don't tread one me" but change it to have a dead White Baby laying facing away from the camera view, with graves with White names, and enslaved non-Whites behind him/her, and add a relevant few words, there, as well, such as, "Why did you hate me?" or better yet "Why did you kill me?". Graphic.

Many hands make light work, but fewer hands make Whites extinct, and makes the light not work in the World, because it would be - as Goebbels said, a dull [dim, dark] and primitive state, were the jew to win. Maybe the future communist-slave historians will curse us in our graves, as Franklin said. Oops. Maybe we should not have White Children and increase our numbers.

I think in any future reply I make here, I'd just be repeating myself on a thread named Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census.
Shael said:
FancyMancy said:
Perhaps I didn't explain it correctly.
You explained it very clearly, and there were no misunderstandings about your post when I wrote my message.

You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives. You need to take a moment and detach yourself from the normies you live around. Don't equate people here with the same stupidity that those normies may have.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision. If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids. In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.

Whites if possible should have as many kids as they can support or tolerate.

If, for some reason, a white on our side doesn't want kids for any reason then they have to be completely committed to the cause. It should then be that satanic white's duty to fight with the same ferocity to save our planet that our enemy instills. If not exceed the pressure of the enemy.

Our enemies are numerous and wake up every day with new innovations on how to destroy whites. If it is not possible for a white to have kids, then it is that white's duty to match that ferocity spiritually and physically.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.

And he's off, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations Jack, you've just admitted you're part of the borg. How? You say free will doesn't exist, which makes you part of a borg. A hivemind. In other words, you've just discredited nearly every teaching on this forum which is reliant on free will.
I certainly do not have complete free will but im 98% there. You have to develop free will with void meditation and deeper forms of void meditations. The vast majority of humanity do not go that far and its extremely solipsistic to assume that you do. Humans are run entirely on tribalistic, social phenomenon which is emotional in nature. The CIA and all the other reserachers on psychological phenomenon already have an extremely well laid out plan to control an entire populace. What do you think that KGB Agent called Yuri Benzemov was talking about . Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .I try to be idealistic but since i've been on the forum, if i think about it i've seen only 5-6 people displaying free will and thought excluding the HPs. Just because your not part of the abrahamic borg, doesn't mean you have free will.
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing

People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.

Then how come robots aren't considered to have free will? They're not under the influence of planetary placements because quite frankly they don't even have consciousness. To not have free will is to be a mindless automaton, and therefore become very predictable. Predictable as in "You know what I'll be doing 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds after this reply gets approved"

Your explanation of a lack of freewill sounds like an episode of Futurama...because it is.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing

People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.
Exactly, very well said.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.

And he's off, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations Jack, you've just admitted you're part of the borg. How? You say free will doesn't exist, which makes you part of a borg. A hivemind. In other words, you've just discredited nearly every teaching on this forum which is reliant on free will.
Shadow tell me where your free will is when you are always kept back from your own negative thoughts about yourself? We do have free will in a sense, but we don't in another sense, true free will comes from spiritual elevation, when you will rise the kundalini and obtain a super consciousness, you think someone with a risen kundalini has negative thoughts about themselves and can''t do correct life decisions?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.

Then how come robots aren't considered to have free will? They're not under the influence of planetary placements because quite frankly they don't even have consciousness. To not have free will is to be a mindless automaton, and therefore become very predictable. Predictable as in "You know what I'll be doing 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds after this reply gets approved"

Your explanation of a lack of freewill sounds like an episode of Futurama...because it is.
Strawman, irrelevant to the argument. Robots do not have free will because they do not have self consciousness,you answered yourself there.
Ors666 said:

StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
FancyMancy said:
Perhaps I didn't explain it correctly.
You explained it very clearly, and there were no misunderstandings about your post when I wrote my message.

You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives. You need to take a moment and detach yourself from the normies you live around. Don't equate people here with the same stupidity that those normies may have.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision. If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids. In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.

Whites if possible should have as many kids as they can support or tolerate.

If, for some reason, a white on our side doesn't want kids for any reason then they have to be completely committed to the cause. It should then be that satanic white's duty to fight with the same ferocity to save our planet that our enemy instills. If not exceed the pressure of the enemy.

Our enemies are numerous and wake up every day with new innovations on how to destroy whites. If it is not possible for a white to have kids, then it is that white's duty to match that ferocity spiritually and physically.
A pack, a pride, a group of any particular Animal who is threatened by enemies won't just laze about. All those who are able will fight for the survival of their group. Maybe an enemy bird comes into a bird's nest and tries stealing the eggs or young baby birds - will the parents/group who look after that nest and those eggs/birds just sit back and say "The enemy is too big; I refuse to help"? No wonder Nietzsche said, "Even now, too, man is more ape than any ape".

ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing
I think this is not quite your point, but I'll still say it anyway.
Well, there is Void Meditation, and other meditations to defend oneself in some ways, but then there are more things - and some of these things, done more - which are needed so that we can then become less and less susceptible to brainwashing. The Mind has many 'levels' and 'degrees' and 'amounts', etc., of consciousness. Depending which 'level', 'degree', 'amount' we are in at present, will depend on what, and how much, stuff influences us. Like I said here,

When I was a christian, in all moods and levels of consciousness, I used to praise the jew-on-a-stick a lot, all the time, in more or less everything I did - eating, before sleeping, waking up, watching TV or film, being guilty while/after masturbating, seeing something nice or cool, playing games, listening to music, etc., etc., etc. All of these are different moods and levels of consciousness. In some games, I could become so engrossed in them that I could lose myself in them, but I'd still be praising the kike-on-a-cross. A time after I left that evil, and after I had dedicated here, I noticed it still trying to happen a bit. It didn't happen a lot of the time, but if I was gaming, for example, being lost and engrossed in it, the thought came out of nowhere. Cleaning out the crap and bad energies and things must go in all moods and levels of consciousness. Like the never-ending machines seen in a dimention on the Astral realm.

I also realised one quite recently, as well. I thought I got rid of them all, but a small thing I say sometimes about when I like something or enjoy something, I said randomly, out of the blue. It's something I hadn't said in ages, but then I said it recently, my immediate, knee-jerk response to saying that was to praise jewsus straight after. I nearly did, but I managed to catch it in time. Like I said - I thought I got rid of all of them, but then there is that one. I still don't think I have quite got rid of that yet, but most of the jewsus-praisings-in-everything-I-was-ever-doing are gone.

My point is that while we might Void-out things (and this can also be done without Void meditation, but that makes it harder), there are still deeper levels of conscience, more subtle-ness - and some of these are parallels, I think I have also noticed. i.e. While we might think, "Now, this Void has managed to clean-up this level of my thoughts", we might not realise that, as I have noticed, there, on this same level, is/might be something 'over there'; hence why I use the term "degrees", as well - on different 'levels', I have found, there are still different 'degrees' within these 'levels'. (Maybe it is our perspective - panoramic, 360-degrees of perspective on/in each 'level'.) On the top-most 'level' of our current progress and abilities, one might agree, it is smaller - like a pyramid point. The reason it is 'smaller' is because we have just reached there and we haven't done much there yet; and any enemy influences and crap energies haven't done much to hinder us yet. So while we reach that height, the usual low or lower-level/low or lower-vibration crap of existence, doesn't go up to the point (nearly literal point); the lower vibrations of existence, on the lower 'levels'/dimensions, only mess-up the lower-ness, the base, the grounding foundations. Once we reach higher vibrations/'levels'/dimensions, the base should be, before that time, more clean and protected, so the lower-ness, in terms of vibrational existence and also in terms of brainwashing in our Minds, would be protected. A lot of people don't think in deeper and higher terms/thoughts/consciousness, so they also are able to be influenced easier; they stay blinkered in their current height or depth, their current 'leve' of thinking and consciousness, so anything outside of this can influence them.

It is still possible to be influenced/brainwashed if one has free will and choice, but each time we have a defence post an enemy comes; then we have a couple of guards at the post, more enemies come; then we have a few more guards, then more enemies come; ... then we have a castle, and a large batallion comes; then we have higher walls; then the enemy brings ladders; then we build traps, then the enemy builds counter-traps; then we upgrade to a citadel, then the enemy employs counter-citadel measures... Each amount, level, ability, degree, thing can be overcome if we allow it to be. As said - Satan could be not-the-most-powerful; there could exist a being, or beings, much more powerful than He; and also as said - there is no such thing as "absolute power". Some of those 'without' might be able to think for themselves, but that all depends on their Soul, their upbringing and influences/environment, past-life things, Astrology, etc.

Ors666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
You explained it very clearly, and there were no misunderstandings about your post when I wrote my message.

You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives. You need to take a moment and detach yourself from the normies you live around. Don't equate people here with the same stupidity that those normies may have.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision. If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids. In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.

Whites if possible should have as many kids as they can support or tolerate.

If, for some reason, a white on our side doesn't want kids for any reason then they have to be completely committed to the cause. It should then be that satanic white's duty to fight with the same ferocity to save our planet that our enemy instills. If not exceed the pressure of the enemy.

Our enemies are numerous and wake up every day with new innovations on how to destroy whites. If it is not possible for a white to have kids, then it is that white's duty to match that ferocity spiritually and physically.
The enemy is here temporarily, Satan has the true power over our planet and the enemy knows that. Being a God also means relying on yourself, hence why we are here working ourselves.
Yes, but National Socialism is like the example of Animals I gave in packs, prides, groups above. We are to help the community, the civilisation, the Race and Humanity as a whole, then the galaxy and the entire Universe - in (why not!) different 'levels', 'degrees' and 'amounts', again. SS and NS go hand-in-hand or hand-in-glove.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing

People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others.
I think we need to specify how much free will. In general terms, replies can be generalised, but if 100% free will - then I still don't think that exists. Like I said - the only true free will a person has is if they are the highest authourity; there is always hierarchy, rules, laws, conditions, etc. We can't all be on top, can we? Perhaps, things would rotate to give us all the opportunity to be on top, but then, with new Babies being born all the time, it would become more and more increasingly longer before each person has their chance; and with the politics, policies, etc., of things, it just would become way too much. way too messy, and things just wouldn't work; so only if we work to become top can we be (on) top. If I have good or evil autonomy, will others accept that?! No - even if I have genuinely-good automony, others (surely) would be at the very least very cautious of me and my actions, beliefs, intentions, etc. It really is contextual - if we have free will, then we could go against Satan, but then He would make sure that we would be punished; hence, no free will - or no absolute, 100% (or 666%!) free will. It depends. Just like there is no such thing as "absolute power", I don't think (so far) that there are any absolutes in life. The jew has jewed our thinking, that a jew false-god is absolute. I don't think everything is absolute automatically - we make things absolute. We were born once upon a Physical time and Spiritual time. We can only make us absolute by becoming immortal - but then, if it bleeds, it can be destroyed (or if it bleeds, we can kill it).

Take the Human Body, for example - all bits and pieces are required for each to function, and further, the Soul and Mind need to be healthy and strong, as well. If one part of us 'decided' to overpower the rest, say the heart and lungs decided to take-in and pump too much oxygen, causing hyperoxia, then things would not be good. Yes - there needs to be balance, and so there needs to be balance in society, civilisation, etc., as well - "free will" is an absolute term. Dare I say "equal opportunity" instead?! Again - that term is also an absolute. A Baby cannot take Satan's place. We're like those 2-D plastic picture puzzle games, where you have squares and a picture and you have to shuffle the tiles one-by-one to make it work properly so we can see the picture. We all 'have to', or perhaps we have to, work together, with each other. 100% free will doesn't exist; if one steps out of line, then... If one decides to go help the jew, because muh free will, then... If one White SS decides to not have White Babies to help save the White Race while it is facing extinction, then... "What? You said I have free will. I still love you and things, but I just wanted to help the jew for this reason and that excuse. I still support your Cause, though." Yep!

Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.
Automonic freedom to do as one wishes - either (whatever we choose to define as) "good" or "bad"? Of course not. Some would take, and I expect have taken, this too literally. I do think, quite strongly - I feel - that it is important to try not to use absolutes in things. "We have freedom! Satan stands for freedom! I will go and do X and yay!" Yeah. That's going to happen...

ShadowTheRaven said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.

Then how come robots aren't considered to have free will? They're not under the influence of planetary placements because quite frankly they don't even have consciousness. To not have free will is to be a mindless automaton, and therefore become very predictable. Predictable as in "You know what I'll be doing 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds after this reply gets approved"
One might say that there is pseudoautonomy - or pseudo-free-will. It all depends. I don't think there is anything - anything - which is absolute. The closest we can have and do is to increase 'absolutality'. Even in the Gods and Goddesses' cases. They have civilisations, structure, power, influence, authourity, opinions, agreed-upon behaviours/actions, etc., etc., etc. These did not exist there prior to Them forming them. (Some)Rules and laws, are not found in Nature. Absolute-ality is (dare I say, more in the hopes of stirring some thought and a reaction) a social construct!. If not social, then authouritative - good or evil authouritative, but I meant Those with Power and Authourity, as opposed to Draconian dictatorship. We have to keep doing to make. In this sense 'absolute-ality' sort-of exists, not as an absolute, but a continual work in progress, endlessly, forever, eternally. Perhaps this is also what Hitler meant by "the eternal struggle". One might say that me saying that "I am going to do it forever" is an absolute. Yes. That is context. However - even if so, there is still the minutest possibility of an iota of a chance that something, or some things, could happen to undermine that eventaually.

Even if this pseudoabsoluteality is not 100% precisely, but something more like 99.9999 recurring percent, there is still that smallest bit of possibility things could be undone. I think, as I said, we only have pseudo-absolute-ality. We just have to keep going and going and never stopping - but in a different way (I hope I am not being too nonsense here), with one God's/Goddess's 99.9999recurring%, and another God's/Goddess's 99.9999recurring%, these overlap, and Their respective ever-increasing, ever-continual work and advancement just builds it all up stronger. Like bricks in a building, overlapping and becoming taller and stronger. Eventually, as is experienced, things stop seeming to work - the too-great a height of the building would be a problem with winds, planes, spaceships, comets/meteors - we then learn to have stronger things on top of it, better materials and structures, other meditations/higher numbers of vibrations, etc.

Aquarius said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
It is a lie created by Philosophers that Humans have free will. Infact the majority of Humans most certainly do not have free will because they are not cognizant of their unconscious thought patterns and feelings. Neither do they have free thought. They make up mental abstractions and align themselves with an idea when they accept it emotionally not logically. Hitler says the same thing about Propaganda in mein kampf. When you have Jews and people having free Choice, you already have seen the results in America and other nations. Nice Democracy or Should I say,Jewmocracy.

And he's off, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations Jack, you've just admitted you're part of the borg. How? You say free will doesn't exist, which makes you part of a borg. A hivemind. In other words, you've just discredited nearly every teaching on this forum which is reliant on free will.
Shadow tell me where your free will is when you are always kept back from your own negative thoughts about yourself? We do have free will in a sense, but we don't in another sense, true free will comes from spiritual elevation, when you will rise the kundalini and obtain a super consciousness, you think someone with a risen kundalini has negative thoughts about themselves and can''t do correct life decisions?
Again - I ask "Whence cometh rights"? How far does I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own Nature go before it turns into but he who opposes me will regret it sorely? If I am of Satan and help, support and include myself in His Cause and His Side, then how much, if at all, can I go to my own Planet, build-up my own civilisation to build spaceships, go to another galaxy and conquer the reptillians' galaxy and claim it as my own, then in good or evil ways do my own things in my own galaxy - and decide and define what is "good" and what is "evil" either in my own area or in everywhere? As long as I don't do things against Satan/His Side/His People (who, therefore are my people), I can do whatever the fuck I want, good or evil, in my own realm and domain? (Are we "allowed" our own domain? I recall (although inaccurately, as per the sheer numbers) the amounts of legions of Spiritual entities the Gods and Goddesses have under them. If they've been around, say Azazel, for 60 thousand (Earth) years+, how come they don't have many, many more than that?)

Is the dedication a contract?! Are we under obligations?! Because of the importance of how things are, I would say that yes, we are for now - but since the Universe is a very big place and a very eternal existence, we would be under this contract and these obligations forever. We don't just join the Army to lol about. We join so that we can go and do the jew's dirty laundry and kill other Goyim for teh l0lz of the jew, whether we know and realise that or not. That's an obligation. When an enemy bird comes and attacks our nest, eggs and birdlings, we shouldn't just sit back and enjoy it for teh l0lz bcs reaz0ns. If Satan has won already, then we can all stop fighting. Oh, no. I didn't just say that! :roll:
Robots dont have free will cuz they are robots that do only exactly as they are programmed. Literally. If anything isnt defined within their programming they cannot act it out or will receive an error.

Normally I don't bother replying/reading your posts because it honestly makes my mind do laps with how much extra fluff you write. I'm going to do my best but if I misunderstood what you wrote please tell me.

When I refer to control from those outside of ourselves I mean it literally. Whether it be from subconscious programming taken up from our environment, planetary placements that could make someone a pessimist, or propaganda are all things that affect our decision making/ ability to make choices. We do not have "free will" in the sense that our choices we make are biased in certain ways that aren't due to our own actual consciousness. Certainly we have "free will" in that a potard can choose to smoke pot regardless of how much they are told how bad it is for them. But what value is there in making that choice? None. So then what is true free will? It stems from knowledge and heightened consciousness. On the road to Godhood one must cleanse themselves of dross. This is the outside influence that affects us. The past life karma, the current life planetary placements, the habits we gain growing up, etc etc are all part of this dross. Because to access the true self, one needs to rid the superficial self. This true self is the soul itself. This self is what i refer to when I say someone earns free will. Because this is you without the outside influence. This is the self obtained in the process to reach Godhood.

Outside control that overpowers you already means you have no free will. Its something you earn which means its also something you can lose whether it be temporary or permanent. This has nothing to do with hierarchy are societal structure. And I don't speak about morals nor biological functions either. If one chooses to serve another it means they knowingly accept and act in accordance with their own will to serve the will of another. If one wants to act in harmony with another that is also free will. If one chooses to act against ones people that too is also free will. Free will though in its truest sense cannot be accessed by those that are ignorant or those that are deceived. This is why people with real free will cannot be brainwashed. Brainwashing requires deception and manipulation but one that is knowledgeable and has spiritual advancement are harder to be deceived. Free will is an individuals consciousness and understanding of ones own choices and the repercussions/consequence both positive or negative of said choices that they themselves choose to make. Free will are the choices one makes.

One example is the jews. They constantly curse and destroy our people and homes. Do they have free will? It is in their soul to destroy us even if it means their own destruction whether it be from us and our gods or their own creators. The jews that know they will be destroyed regardless continue to curse us regardless. Its hardwired into them. They have no free will because even if they are aware of it they absolutely cannot make any choices aside from what they are programmed to do. They have "free will" in the sense they can choose to eat or sleep or whatever else but they dont have real free will because if they did then maybe the would realize that they should just surrender and hope for a quick and painless end.

If someone tell you to do something and you do it does that mean you have no freewill? If you choose to follow whatever idea that pops in your head regardless of what it is does that mean you have free will? Free will requires consciousness or at the very least requires some semblance of knowledge and self control. Neither a wild beast nor a robot have free will because they are slave to their own instinct/programming. The difference in free will between a potard and a God is that one makes choices while stoned out of its gourd while the other understands and knows exactly how and why they made a choice and where it will lead.

One last note. Nature and Universal laws are absolutes that we use as guideposts to understand how things work and based our advancement around. Any concept whether it be magic, morality, values, or free will must have nature as its foundation. This means our definitions of concepts must be based off of how nature works and not our preconceptions of how they work. If something doesn't make sense or if something is put into question first look at nature and whether or not it synchronizes and works in harmony with nature. Then look at how much you know. If knowledge is missing then ones understanding will be lacking in parts or may be entirely off.
FancyMancy said:
Ors666 said:

StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
You explained it very clearly, and there were no misunderstandings about your post when I wrote my message.

You are taking things into ridiculous extremes, and present it here in a way that directly offends and alienates entire groups of people for no reason other than you being paranoid and feeling the need to be imposing on other people's lives. You need to take a moment and detach yourself from the normies you live around. Don't equate people here with the same stupidity that those normies may have.

The statement of "we need more white children in order to support our race" is NOT synonymous with "every white person on the planet should be forced or severely socially pressured into having children, regardless of what they want".

For example, if that person you referenced wants to not have kids until the world is in a situation that's better for raising a child, then this is a completely normal and respectable decision. If a gay person wants to stick with their partner and not find a man/woman/sperm-donation in order to raise a kid, then that also is a very normal decision. In fact, most likely a very high percentage of third-sex people would never want to find a partner they are not attracted to for the sole purpose of bearing children.

There are tons more examples, and even in the case of a straight white couple that is financially well off, it still wouldn't be right to attempt to force them into having kids. In 90% of cases, after an environment is created where they can raise kids comfortably, they will end up wanting to have children by themselves anyways.

Whites if possible should have as many kids as they can support or tolerate.

If, for some reason, a white on our side doesn't want kids for any reason then they have to be completely committed to the cause. It should then be that satanic white's duty to fight with the same ferocity to save our planet that our enemy instills. If not exceed the pressure of the enemy.

Our enemies are numerous and wake up every day with new innovations on how to destroy whites. If it is not possible for a white to have kids, then it is that white's duty to match that ferocity spiritually and physically.
A pack, a pride, a group of any particular Animal who is threatened by enemies won't just laze about. All those who are able will fight for the survival of their group. Maybe an enemy bird comes into a bird's nest and tries stealing the eggs or young baby birds - will the parents/group who look after that nest and those eggs/birds just sit back and say "The enemy is too big; I refuse to help"? No wonder Nietzsche said, "Even now, too, man is more ape than any ape".

ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Do you think humans are displaying self suicidal behavior since thousands of years because they have free will ?? Free will and free thought both are earned,not inherent in humans. And by humans, i mean normal humans who are completely behest on their automatic thought patterns .

I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing
I think this is not quite your point, but I'll still say it anyway.
Well, there is Void Meditation, and other meditations to defend oneself in some ways, but then there are more things - and some of these things, done more - which are needed so that we can then become less and less susceptible to brainwashing. The Mind has many 'levels' and 'degrees' and 'amounts', etc., of consciousness. Depending which 'level', 'degree', 'amount' we are in at present, will depend on what, and how much, stuff influences us. Like I said here,

When I was a christian, in all moods and levels of consciousness, I used to praise the jew-on-a-stick a lot, all the time, in more or less everything I did - eating, before sleeping, waking up, watching TV or film, being guilty while/after masturbating, seeing something nice or cool, playing games, listening to music, etc., etc., etc. All of these are different moods and levels of consciousness. In some games, I could become so engrossed in them that I could lose myself in them, but I'd still be praising the kike-on-a-cross. A time after I left that evil, and after I had dedicated here, I noticed it still trying to happen a bit. It didn't happen a lot of the time, but if I was gaming, for example, being lost and engrossed in it, the thought came out of nowhere. Cleaning out the crap and bad energies and things must go in all moods and levels of consciousness. Like the never-ending machines seen in a dimention on the Astral realm.

I also realised one quite recently, as well. I thought I got rid of them all, but a small thing I say sometimes about when I like something or enjoy something, I said randomly, out of the blue. It's something I hadn't said in ages, but then I said it recently, my immediate, knee-jerk response to saying that was to praise jewsus straight after. I nearly did, but I managed to catch it in time. Like I said - I thought I got rid of all of them, but then there is that one. I still don't think I have quite got rid of that yet, but most of the jewsus-praisings-in-everything-I-was-ever-doing are gone.

My point is that while we might Void-out things (and this can also be done without Void meditation, but that makes it harder), there are still deeper levels of conscience, more subtle-ness - and some of these are parallels, I think I have also noticed. i.e. While we might think, "Now, this Void has managed to clean-up this level of my thoughts", we might not realise that, as I have noticed, there, on this same level, is/might be something 'over there'; hence why I use the term "degrees", as well - on different 'levels', I have found, there are still different 'degrees' within these 'levels'. (Maybe it is our perspective - panoramic, 360-degrees of perspective on/in each 'level'.) On the top-most 'level' of our current progress and abilities, one might agree, it is smaller - like a pyramid point. The reason it is 'smaller' is because we have just reached there and we haven't done much there yet; and any enemy influences and crap energies haven't done much to hinder us yet. So while we reach that height, the usual low or lower-level/low or lower-vibration crap of existence, doesn't go up to the point (nearly literal point); the lower vibrations of existence, on the lower 'levels'/dimensions, only mess-up the lower-ness, the base, the grounding foundations. Once we reach higher vibrations/'levels'/dimensions, the base should be, before that time, more clean and protected, so the lower-ness, in terms of vibrational existence and also in terms of brainwashing in our Minds, would be protected. A lot of people don't think in deeper and higher terms/thoughts/consciousness, so they also are able to be influenced easier; they stay blinkered in their current height or depth, their current 'leve' of thinking and consciousness, so anything outside of this can influence them.

It is still possible to be influenced/brainwashed if one has free will and choice, but each time we have a defence post an enemy comes; then we have a couple of guards at the post, more enemies come; then we have a few more guards, then more enemies come; ... then we have a castle, and a large batallion comes; then we have higher walls; then the enemy brings ladders; then we build traps, then the enemy builds counter-traps; then we upgrade to a citadel, then the enemy employs counter-citadel measures... Each amount, level, ability, degree, thing can be overcome if we allow it to be. As said - Satan could be not-the-most-powerful; there could exist a being, or beings, much more powerful than He; and also as said - there is no such thing as "absolute power". Some of those 'without' might be able to think for themselves, but that all depends on their Soul, their upbringing and influences/environment, past-life things, Astrology, etc.

Ors666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Whites if possible should have as many kids as they can support or tolerate.

If, for some reason, a white on our side doesn't want kids for any reason then they have to be completely committed to the cause. It should then be that satanic white's duty to fight with the same ferocity to save our planet that our enemy instills. If not exceed the pressure of the enemy.

Our enemies are numerous and wake up every day with new innovations on how to destroy whites. If it is not possible for a white to have kids, then it is that white's duty to match that ferocity spiritually and physically.
The enemy is here temporarily, Satan has the true power over our planet and the enemy knows that. Being a God also means relying on yourself, hence why we are here working ourselves.
Yes, but National Socialism is like the example of Animals I gave in packs, prides, groups above. We are to help the community, the civilisation, the Race and Humanity as a whole, then the galaxy and the entire Universe - in (why not!) different 'levels', 'degrees' and 'amounts', again. SS and NS go hand-in-hand or hand-in-glove.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I think you're forgetting that people who have free will are still susceptible to brainwashing. If I tell someone to kill themselves, and go on a self-deprecating streak of addiction and degeneracy, are they going to do as I command? No they aren't, so they have to be controlled through subconscious means. I.e brainwashing

People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others.
I think we need to specify how much free will. In general terms, replies can be generalised, but if 100% free will - then I still don't think that exists. Like I said - the only true free will a person has is if they are the highest authourity; there is always hierarchy, rules, laws, conditions, etc. We can't all be on top, can we? Perhaps, things would rotate to give us all the opportunity to be on top, but then, with new Babies being born all the time, it would become more and more increasingly longer before each person has their chance; and with the politics, policies, etc., of things, it just would become way too much. way too messy, and things just wouldn't work; so only if we work to become top can we be (on) top. If I have good or evil autonomy, will others accept that?! No - even if I have genuinely-good automony, others (surely) would be at the very least very cautious of me and my actions, beliefs, intentions, etc. It really is contextual - if we have free will, then we could go against Satan, but then He would make sure that we would be punished; hence, no free will - or no absolute, 100% (or 666%!) free will. It depends. Just like there is no such thing as "absolute power", I don't think (so far) that there are any absolutes in life. The jew has jewed our thinking, that a jew false-god is absolute. I don't think everything is absolute automatically - we make things absolute. We were born once upon a Physical time and Spiritual time. We can only make us absolute by becoming immortal - but then, if it bleeds, it can be destroyed (or if it bleeds, we can kill it).

Take the Human Body, for example - all bits and pieces are required for each to function, and further, the Soul and Mind need to be healthy and strong, as well. If one part of us 'decided' to overpower the rest, say the heart and lungs decided to take-in and pump too much oxygen, causing hyperoxia, then things would not be good. Yes - there needs to be balance, and so there needs to be balance in society, civilisation, etc., as well - "free will" is an absolute term. Dare I say "equal opportunity" instead?! Again - that term is also an absolute. A Baby cannot take Satan's place. We're like those 2-D plastic picture puzzle games, where you have squares and a picture and you have to shuffle the tiles one-by-one to make it work properly so we can see the picture. We all 'have to', or perhaps we have to, work together, with each other. 100% free will doesn't exist; if one steps out of line, then... If one decides to go help the jew, because muh free will, then... If one White SS decides to not have White Babies to help save the White Race while it is facing extinction, then... "What? You said I have free will. I still love you and things, but I just wanted to help the jew for this reason and that excuse. I still support your Cause, though." Yep!

Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.
Automonic freedom to do as one wishes - either (whatever we choose to define as) "good" or "bad"? Of course not. Some would take, and I expect have taken, this too literally. I do think, quite strongly - I feel - that it is important to try not to use absolutes in things. "We have freedom! Satan stands for freedom! I will go and do X and yay!" Yeah. That's going to happen...

ShadowTheRaven said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
People with free will are not susceptible to brain washing. To have free will is to be outside the control of others. Jack is right in this sense in that people aren't born with free will. One is still under the influence of karma via planetary placements, karma inherited from ones parents, and racial karma. To obtain free will one must cleanse themselves of dross and raise ones consciousness through spiritual discipline and acquisition of knowledge. The normal person is part of the borg or rather part of the jewish spell. On top of that one is under the influence of nature's laws. Through ignorance one remains chained. Through knowledge one learns how to achieve freedom. Through spiritual discipline one takes the steps towards freedom. With the Gods one truly obtains freedom. True freedom is not inherent, it is earned.

Then how come robots aren't considered to have free will? They're not under the influence of planetary placements because quite frankly they don't even have consciousness. To not have free will is to be a mindless automaton, and therefore become very predictable. Predictable as in "You know what I'll be doing 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds after this reply gets approved"
One might say that there is pseudoautonomy - or pseudo-free-will. It all depends. I don't think there is anything - anything - which is absolute. The closest we can have and do is to increase 'absolutality'. Even in the Gods and Goddesses' cases. They have civilisations, structure, power, influence, authourity, opinions, agreed-upon behaviours/actions, etc., etc., etc. These did not exist there prior to Them forming them. (Some)Rules and laws, are not found in Nature. Absolute-ality is (dare I say, more in the hopes of stirring some thought and a reaction) a social construct!. If not social, then authouritative - good or evil authouritative, but I meant Those with Power and Authourity, as opposed to Draconian dictatorship. We have to keep doing to make. In this sense 'absolute-ality' sort-of exists, not as an absolute, but a continual work in progress, endlessly, forever, eternally. Perhaps this is also what Hitler meant by "the eternal struggle". One might say that me saying that "I am going to do it forever" is an absolute. Yes. That is context. However - even if so, there is still the minutest possibility of an iota of a chance that something, or some things, could happen to undermine that eventaually.

Even if this pseudoabsoluteality is not 100% precisely, but something more like 99.9999 recurring percent, there is still that smallest bit of possibility things could be undone. I think, as I said, we only have pseudo-absolute-ality. We just have to keep going and going and never stopping - but in a different way (I hope I am not being too nonsense here), with one God's/Goddess's 99.9999recurring%, and another God's/Goddess's 99.9999recurring%, these overlap, and Their respective ever-increasing, ever-continual work and advancement just builds it all up stronger. Like bricks in a building, overlapping and becoming taller and stronger. Eventually, as is experienced, things stop seeming to work - the too-great a height of the building would be a problem with winds, planes, spaceships, comets/meteors - we then learn to have stronger things on top of it, better materials and structures, other meditations/higher numbers of vibrations, etc.

Aquarius said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
And he's off, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations Jack, you've just admitted you're part of the borg. How? You say free will doesn't exist, which makes you part of a borg. A hivemind. In other words, you've just discredited nearly every teaching on this forum which is reliant on free will.
Shadow tell me where your free will is when you are always kept back from your own negative thoughts about yourself? We do have free will in a sense, but we don't in another sense, true free will comes from spiritual elevation, when you will rise the kundalini and obtain a super consciousness, you think someone with a risen kundalini has negative thoughts about themselves and can''t do correct life decisions?
Again - I ask "Whence cometh rights"? How far does I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own Nature go before it turns into but he who opposes me will regret it sorely? If I am of Satan and help, support and include myself in His Cause and His Side, then how much, if at all, can I go to my own Planet, build-up my own civilisation to build spaceships, go to another galaxy and conquer the reptillians' galaxy and claim it as my own, then in good or evil ways do my own things in my own galaxy - and decide and define what is "good" and what is "evil" either in my own area or in everywhere? As long as I don't do things against Satan/His Side/His People (who, therefore are my people), I can do whatever the fuck I want, good or evil, in my own realm and domain? (Are we "allowed" our own domain? I recall (although inaccurately, as per the sheer numbers) the amounts of legions of Spiritual entities the Gods and Goddesses have under them. If they've been around, say Azazel, for 60 thousand (Earth) years+, how come they don't have many, many more than that?)

Is the dedication a contract?! Are we under obligations?! Because of the importance of how things are, I would say that yes, we are for now - but since the Universe is a very big place and a very eternal existence, we would be under this contract and these obligations forever. We don't just join the Army to lol about. We join so that we can go and do the jew's dirty laundry and kill other Goyim for teh l0lz of the jew, whether we know and realise that or not. That's an obligation. When an enemy bird comes and attacks our nest, eggs and birdlings, we shouldn't just sit back and enjoy it for teh l0lz bcs reaz0ns. If Satan has won already, then we can all stop fighting. Oh, no. I didn't just say that! :roll:
Trance meditation is the answer. You can go into trance and search for all the subliminal programming that you have. Or you can reverse engineer your thoughts and actions to what programming they fit into,if any. The point is if you are aware of the programming you can remove it or continue with it, but you are now consciously aware of it. That is what free will constitutes of - conscious decision making, not unconsciously being driven by forces which are out of your control. You can also use necronomicon rune #47 in trance to know everything about yourself.
Groups of Animals are not lazy; they defend their own. Whites need White Babies to ensure the continued existence of the White Race, and the safety, security and the abundant, thriving empowerment, advancement and resourcefulness of the Human Races. End of story.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
Normally I don't bother replying/reading your posts because it honestly makes my mind do laps with how much extra fluff you write.
Yeah, maybe I should stop replying and talking nonsense.
Jack said:
Trance meditation is the answer. You can go into trance and search for all the subliminal programming that you have. Or you can reverse engineer your thoughts and actions to what programming they fit into,if any. The point is if you are aware of the programming you can remove it or continue with it, but you are now consciously aware of it. That is what free will constitutes of - conscious decision making, not unconsciously being driven by forces which are out of your control. You can also use necronomicon rune #47 in trance to know everything about yourself.
I am not familiar with the Necronomicon Runes. I searched for Necronomicon, but I didn't find anything about the Runes, only Chakra meditations. Does JoS have it, or is it from external sources?
Shael said:
Bigot Boy said:
HP Cobra said he estimates 92% of greys are evil trash, and 8% have avoided the taint of the Reptilians, including the grey/human hybrid God Lucifuge.
It was actually just 3%, so it's even less.

From a post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

"Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer."

Shael, do you remember what sources say that Jews are part reptilian? I have a friend who's wanting impirical evidence.
Kundalini666 said:
Shael said:
Bigot Boy said:
HP Cobra said he estimates 92% of greys are evil trash, and 8% have avoided the taint of the Reptilians, including the grey/human hybrid God Lucifuge.
It was actually just 3%, so it's even less.

From a post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

"Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer."

Shael, do you remember what sources say that Jews are part reptilian? I have a friend who's wanting impirical evidence.
jews are prone to Harlequin-type ichthyosis and as you may see the baby jew is basically a reptilian offspring.
jews are prone to palmed feet, like reptilians have.
jews have the cohen gene that makes them different from non-jews.
There's also the video where rabbi laitman says that jews are a race that comes from other planets to invade us, you're gonna have to search for it.
Jack said:
What are you going to do about the jews. What is your plan ?

What you daft cunts need to understand is that the jew is a disease that adapts. For over 2000 years people have been treating the symptoms and the end result is always the same the jew adapts to circumstances and continues to decay civilization and seize more and more control.

The only times we really make any progress is when the masses become aware of the jews and their crimes.

And so the plan is simple we continue to do as we have been rightfully instructed and do the RTR and do what we can to expose them to as many people as possible. And direct the gentile people's hate and anger towards their real enemy.

Forcing people to have lots of kids they can't afford to raise is just creating more damaged and weak souls that just get claimed into enemy programs.
Aquarius said:
Kundalini666 said:
Shael said:
It was actually just 3%, so it's even less.

From a post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

"Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer."

Shael, do you remember what sources say that Jews are part reptilian? I have a friend who's wanting impirical evidence.
jews are prone to Harlequin-type ichthyosis and as you may see the baby jew is basically a reptilian offspring.
jews are prone to palmed feet, like reptilians have.
jews have the cohen gene that makes them different from non-jews.
There's also the video where rabbi laitman says that jews are a race that comes from other planets to invade us, you're gonna have to search for it.

I've done some research on the Cohen gene. I've read lots of articles on it. I've never come across one yet that says that its reptilian, though. The Kohenim only make up a certain percentage of the Jews who, supposedly, came from Aaron (of course, Aaron never existed). I'm mostly wondering where Cobra read that the Cohen is reptilian.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
