Well-known member
Haha I do not know if I understand the whole topic or not (but I guess it isnt about understanding or not), but your words somehow fill me with joy
thanks for your hard work!
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!
Hoodedcobra666 said:T.A.O.L. said:A mousemat I had said 'The human brain is more complex than an actual computer' (or something along that line).
Even the comparing of a human brain to a computer is just not fitting the deal. But since our measure of 'power' is just the ability to autistically compute things, this has been steamlined by jews that we are just intelligent borgs. Maybe because this is how they feel about themselves.
Hoodedcobra666 said:Many people do not accept themselves on a fundamental level and always wish they were someone or something else. Of course, since these problems are embed deeply into a soul or mentality, many people when they come to spirituality, they transfer this problem. Even worse, many people do not seek to solve this problem.
This can start from many factors including harsh parents who want their kids to be 'something else'. This can get into someone's mind. Also, friends, society etc, these can wage war on someone simply because they are 'different'. There is not much acceptance for differences almost anywhere anymore in any real level.
Aside this, many take the word 'change' in a negative fashion and try to enforce themselves to 'change', based on some random generated criteria. I have also noticed these people who are too stuck on 'changing', they have been programmed by some source to assume that the 'perfect' is something specific, yet they ignore this fact. They believe they 'change' because it's free will, but they essentially do not really shed their skin and change, but they try to terraform themselves into something else. This rarely works. These people find out and get pissed off, and can go as far as to blame spirituality, or they continue the same cycle of futility.
This is sort of like how many people do not like how they 'feel' and just keep shoving pills down their throat, but never really pay too much attention or try to get to the bottom of the situation.
The Kundalini Serpent requires self acceptance, and many also neglect this very fact. As thus they remain without progression in the Serpent. This is a very basic thing. Anyone who experiences this will know this, you're going nowhere if you do not self accept.
If one does not accept themselves, and improve their individual self and soul, there is no actual spiritual progress. To make matters worse, people can build power with spirituality, and misuse it on already negative preconceptions and faults, and fatten these faults very much, until they are eventually consumed from these.
Essentially what results from the above is these people who can change, or rather, change coats, they never get really satisfied with what they are, nor at ease with themselves and their own individuality. For example, gifts can be lost or remain underworked and overlooked, simply to look into specific standards. I do not know how many times emotional people complain about their emotional nature, and they wish they were less emotional. So instead of like, cleaning their own water, they just try to drain their own water and passion, and become like a walking drone, because 'All the cool people are not emotional, I saw this in an anime'.
Every passion or even every fault one has, this can be turned into something positive. People however don't like to pay attention to this as this is more uphill and requires self acceptance to do. So what is attempted is a total overhaul of their personality, which many find also impossible to do, and this is for a reason, that nature demands beings have an individual self.
The other thing is being a copycat. You do not need to write like 'me', be like 'him/her', or do things 'like this guy does it'. All you need to do is find your own pace and learn from others, and develop your own self. The less you are at war with yourself, the less friction you will have in life in general. Forcing "change" on people and on one's self never really has the desired results. No positive advancement will come from giving in to fears, insecurities, and 'needs to change' when these needs come from self guilt or all sorts of other mental issues, self inflicted most of the time. This will not advance anyone, but the more they feed into these things, the more dependent they will become.
Another presupposition I have seen is how many people assume they need to have 'all the skills' there are. Imagine an animal that has all the traits of other animals. This would be an abomination. "Completing" ones self isn't about having 'everything' perfect about you, but finding your personal perfection on what you are on an individual level. There is also not enough time in existence to develop 'everything', and nature by dictate doesn't want everything to be the same.
An example here for example is anxiety. Many people try to get rid of anxiety. However, in some cases, your anxiety can alter you to danger. If one is on drugs and not feeling it, they may not feel this necessary anxiety, and get destroyed because of this. The anxiety of a situation can show you that you need to advance and make some necessary advancing for example. The same goes for guilt and other emotions that people do not 'like to feel'.
Confidence can also be wrong, sometimes, way worse than lack of confidence. While the person that is healthily and balanced in their confidence will have the ability to understand mistakes, the person who has done years of workings for 'confidence' can work to their death without even understanding this is the case. One can be a bag of shit and never really understand what is going on. Here we have a curse.
There are many such aspects in natal charts who appear positive, but they are curses unto the individual. There are people who are so bombastic that they are unable to understand any fault. People see an opposition or a square in a natal chart and automatically assume this is for the worst. One example here is the Neptune aspecting Uranus. While this can make for a lack of focus of mind in some cases, it can also give a great imagination, which, if one did not have this aspect, may not possess. Neptune is also opposing Mercury which many people call a bad aspect, but actually, it can create musical genius, or genius of other kinds, such as imagination that is vibrant, alive, and key to magick.
Of course, people do not see the other side of the coin. Everything has two sides, and there is nothing good, evil, or uncool. It's all how the person uses these to advance. There are top musicians who have Mercury Neptune.
One may also aspire to become 'like' someone, but notice here there is something self revealed. This is 'like' someone. One cannot become someone else, they can only become 'like' someone else. Nor one can escape their own karmic fate, but one can advance it. Humanity has lost track of this very truth and as large it's depressed because people are constantly forced to be 'something else'. I have noticed the same thing people do with plastic surgery after plastic surgery (without thinking), happening also by some "Satanists" (not from here but generally in the craft) who pathologically try to get in contact with the Gods, and constantly invoke them to attain x quality. This essentially wears off, if it even works.
What one needs to do to really change is at first, practice self acceptance, self forgiveness even. This is when the lower chakras can open to facilitate higher and true change.
You're really cool when you're like yourself and original, but aim to improve. Being an imposter of a 'leader', of an 'artist', of a 'scientist', of a 'cook', or of an 'athelete' is just a joke. Satan, the Gods, and also the Serpent, really want us to
Ol argedco luciftias said:The body and soul are the same thing, they're each half of the person. What you do to one is done to both.
A sick weak body can't hold a strong soul, and a sick weak soul can't sustain a healthy body. When you improve either one, it raises the ability of both sides at the same time. An improving soul clears out problems from the body and makes it healthier, an improving body clears out blockages from the soul and make it stronger. They are the same thing. There isn't anyway to separate the two. I spent years working on improving my soul, and it made me physically so much more attractive that I honestly can barely see the resemblance between myself now and 3 or 4 years ago. And I didn't even really try, all the changes were subtle and instinctual automatically made by my soul without needing to think about it. Little bits of goodness adding up over time. And the reverse is true too, someone with a really bad unhealthy body has a soul that is the same way, when they fix all their health problems and get the body working correctly, there's a huge jump in power of the soul too. This is why even non-satanists often get addicted to exercising, their addicted to the rush of spiritual improvement of a strengthening soul. What you do to one part of yourself, either goodly or badly, you do to both. Anybody who is making serious jumps in improvement surely experiences that the body and soul take turns improving together. When one gets stronger, it frees the other to also get stronger. They are the same thing.
I guess there's some people who haven't yet improved either one enough yet to see how they are linked. Maybe they are already too perfect to make any more changes. Like the physical body never goes through any changes at all during the whole life, your body at 1 year and 100 years are identical, but when you reincarnate you can order a new set of bigger arms or something... :roll: It's not like life is a continuous process where every moment there's changes in progress getting either better or worse... Like how Israel imports millions of illegally harvested human organs every year, do whatever you want to your poisoned body and soul, just order new parts when decades of bad habits start to catch up with you. That's ok I'm going to spend my whole life tarding out with all unhealthy toxic habits and drugs and refusing to improve because, after all, I'm just a plastic cover. I'll just order a bigger soul battery or an upgraded personality from Satan next time I reincarnate and everything will be fine.
Your body is your soul and your soul is your body, there's not really room for debate here. In a random combination of genes from just two people, there are hundreds of trillions of different possible combinations and variables. Add in the fact that there could be a mutation or change of location in any of these genes and there are really an infinite number of different options for how the child turns out. So WHY did your body, out of hundreds of trillions of different possible "people" it could have formed into, form into you specifically? Because your soul is the blueprint for the genes to align to during this formation. The DNA and the soul are exactly identical. In my family, there was huge genetic potential for me to develop several specific physical traits to the level that it should have been "certain" that I would probably have them, but I guess no one told me that because I don't have any of them. Instead I look about perfectly identical to how I did in my last several "lifetimes", totally independent from (and seemingly against) statistical genetic probability.
They're have been either questions or statements, or both, about computers surpassing brains one day. What I didn't realise when I used to hear/read/whatever those is that that is the jew's faecal wet dream about the microchip, which would fry anyone's brains who had it.Hoodedcobra666 said:T.A.O.L. said:A mousemat I had said 'The human brain is more complex than an actual computer' (or something along that line).
Even the comparing of a human brain to a computer is just not fitting the deal. But since our measure of 'power' is just the ability to autistically compute things, this has been steamlined by jews that we are just intelligent borgs. Maybe because this is how they feel about themselves.
"Evolving into a state of pure energy", "shedding the shell" is just the jew microchipping someone into its matrix of fantasy and delusion; the person's Body becomes a vegetable, while "their" Mind and Soul are damned, controlled by the microchip. A pre-grey or a grey-like state. Good luck to them!Stormblood said:I'd say to everyone who thinks the soul is more important than the body: good luck advancing without a body.
It becomes controllable when you get stronger. Your own soul becomes your growing focus rather than someone else's. Other people's souls are only shadows but yours is a spotlight. Your soul is the most influential one. It's the other people who are out-shined by you, not the other way around. You'll still have this same feeling and connection to people as before; feeling their emotions and knowing their thoughts and influences, but at your higher energy level it doesn't do anything to you. The feeling is even stronger that you can feel and see exactly the energies and motivations that everyone around you has, even that they have subconsciously. Feel the directions that their souls are trying to take in terms of how it would connect or influence you, but they are too weak to actually do anything to affect you. And I don't mean that this makes you become bolder or louder in how you behave, you can stay the quietest and calmest person, it's just that the power of your soul is no longer overtaken or overshined by anyone else's.T.A.O.L. said:Now I am sure this has can be a good thing, but, on my own, I wonder, what would I be like if I was alone and didn't have these outside influences all the time?
It seems quite easy to pick up on the less positive things around me, and my day just doesn't go like I want it to half of the time. I suspect it has to do with those that surround me, so I was wondering, how can I stick to myself, without being so influenced by other things from other people?
I figured maybe someone here has a tip for me?
Ol argedco luciftias said:The strength of your soul and personality comes from sunlight. When your sun is strong, you shine the brightest. Look in your Natal Chart at both the sign and the house that your sun is in, and the sign and house of any other planets that might be close to it, and read here what that means. This describes the main personality energies that increasing your sun power would have, but you should look at all of your planets like this to get a bigger picture. The main effect is more self-confidence and self-power.T.A.O.L. said:Now I am sure this has can be a good thing, but, on my own, I wonder, what would I be like if I was alone and didn't have these outside influences all the time?
It seems quite easy to pick up on the less positive things around me, and my day just doesn't go like I want it to half of the time. I suspect it has to do with those that surround me, so I was wondering, how can I stick to myself, without being so influenced by other things from other people?
I figured maybe someone here has a tip for me?
T.A.O.L. said:I know I probably won't get a reply on this but there is something I've been wondering about.
They say from people whom are empathic or highly sensitive how they take on other peoples emotions and such as their own and the mainstream idea goes that one has to shield themselves from them or block the ability to do so.
Now of course this is unnatural.
But it is not entirely what I wanted to write/ask about.
There have been times where I took on the rythm of other people and it seems I still do, but the clearest example I can think of is when I was in a dancing class and I had to partner up with someone. It was like despite it was not my rythm or speed, it was theirs, and for some reason I just went along and could keep up from the moment the music started.
Now I am sure this has can be a good thing, but, on my own, I wonder, what would I be like if I was alone and didn't have these outside influences all the time?
It seems quite easy to pick up on the less positive things around me, and my day just doesn't go like I want it to half of the time. I suspect it has to do with those that surround me, so I was wondering, how can I stick to myself, without being so influenced by other things from other people?
I figured maybe someone here has a tip for me?
Those religions have been corrupted by the enemy, all of them were not like that before.Thoughtcriminal said:The title attracted me, because to me this is exactly what Satanism is about - accepting yourself, instead of destroying your Ego!
I read texts about a lot of different religions and was quite shocked to find out, that even religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Gnosticism and even Alchemy are probably s toxic as Xianity and it's derivates. Why? Because ALL f them demand
a) the eradication of your Ego and
b) the connection to an alien force!
This is the common denominator and the core of all of them.
I don't want to offend anybody, but according to my view, the play with Chi, Prana, Kundalini etc. serves to eradicate the Ego.
All Religions seem to be control-tools of Yaldabaoth/the Archons - except Satanism!
But I'm still searching and learning, so I may be awfully wrong, but I'm very sceptic also whenitcomes to the far-eastern religons!
Save your Ego!
Heil Satan!
Thoughtcriminal said:Thank you!
I'm still wondering, whether the Kundalini is friend or foe!
After intense Qi Gong training and getting a hot spine I got sick and had health trouble for months!
Until now I also never read a report from (of) someone who has risen the Kundalini successful and got BENEFITS from it, but, instead, there are many self-help articles out there dealing with how to "live with (the problems caused by) Kundalini" and "meditate on, it will get better (someday... in the future...). Do you see what I mean?
I am experienced enough to know that the Kundalini energy is tremendous, but I still don't know if you 'sell (eradicate) your soul' to hostile forces by harnessing this power.
In the Dao, Qi/Chi is said to have an intelligence - it knows where to go and what do do. Now, when I do the math, I come to: Energy + Intelligence = Entity! And Entities may have agendas with us, right? What agendas, I ask... Am I too sceptical?
But, nevertheless, I honestly wish your Qi rituals proceed save and successful! (and may them crush the J.!)
Heil Satan!
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan