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About Your First Saturn Return [Updated - How To Manage This And The Good News]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=362173 time=1654314604 user_id=21286]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you recommend, or have tried, raising energies such as Sun energy, in the form of a Square (even a mediocre sign) or through a regular working, as a means of countering such as transit?

To me, I believe even a small amount of time, like 20 minutes, spent raising energy to directly transmute the transit, would go a long way toward reducing unnecessary stress. Beyond the timeframe of one square, I imagine someone could continue a working for even a very long time throughout this transit, or others.

My question is whether you believe this is worth it or not? I seem to believe it is, but have no direct experience. Yet, you list other activities like keeping clean and empowered, which act indirectly to Saturn, so why not direct action?

Thanks for your sermon.

Yes, you can of course do any of the following to help out the Saturn Transit manifest better: Sun Square, Jupiter Square, Cleaning or any meditation that deals with mitigating energies. This is mostly work that affects the energy. The real solution to experience this in the best way, is to actually have rectified as much as possible before this, to have cleaned the soul. And even then, workings to help around with this transit are necessary. Then, we also have the patience and necessary life assessments one might have to make for this energy to be expressed correctly.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=362239 time=1654337739 user_id=57]
In addition to HP Cobra's advice, many people actually have a very positive Saturn return: getting married, finishing higher education, having their first child, buying their first home, and so on.

One woman I knew, did 3 things within a 10 month period of her Saturn return: got married, bought first house, had a baby.

Yes, thank you for this, I should have been more specific. In certain occasions, Saturn can come to bring things to a closure, ie, closure of the previous aspect of life, and waking up or coming into terms with a new life with new possibilities. A change of lifepath and added responsibilities for this lifepath might as well emerge, and it might not be "negative", yet, it can all be based on a deep inner and outer change.

Demonic said:
Can a really strong AOP completely negate all Saturn transit and its return?
Building this up for many years won’t it completely negate saturn’s effects?

It will help tremendously, but it will not negate the, let's say, "disciplinary" aspect of Saturn. You will experience way less negativity especially compared to what certain people might. The AOP is helpful against ALL negative forces, including what could be considered negative from this transit.

promitheusS88 said:
It's happening now that I'm turning 30... it brought some negative issues to the surface again but in general I don't see anything terribly bad as I would expect. Maybe it's the factor that I've done a lot of works like Munka, runes, magic squares etc... i personally believe that also the RtR's can help with negative transits cause they clean the soul from the jewish curses. On the contrary, I have stability and financial success. I hope I don't get a slap on the wrist later on, but even if I do, I'm ready to deal with it.

Yes, most definitely the Saturn Return can cause this, PROVIDED, one has toiled and built a foundation before. If this is not present, Saturn can come here and push someone to make this happen or to come face to face with the issue. The more one is accepting, the better, and it can also have a propelling effect for those who have sat themselves down and worked hard for an outcome in life.

Your mentality is very correct and Saturn respects a correct mentality.

Sunny said:
Can Saturn square for spiritual purposes help with this situation?

We have had a long conversation with HPS Maxine on this. Certain people, when they do the Saturn Square, they have very good effects in their life, improved structure, and they can use this beneficially. Others however, might experience a temporary increase of negativity.

If the Square of Saturn is to be used, it's to be used with a very positive and proper affirmation, and everyone has to try it and see how it goes. We have had mixed input from users of the Saturn Square, simply because of how most people "deal" with Saturn based on their nature. In no case we had "very bad" things however, and in more cases, we had very good outcomes, mostly however of a steady and slow manifestation such as grounding or a more concrete outlook of life.

Yagami Light said:

I do believe that other people have it so much worse, and I guess I was spoiled and never learned to walk on my two feet. So, an incident that may seem gigantic and torture for me, it may be insignificant for others. Everyone faces their Saturn return differently.

It is true that Saturn makes a person mature into an adult. To those of us who are in denial and don't want to fight, we're just gonna have a hard time facing life.

Absolutely. This is a very correct approach with this.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is the kind of orb one should take for this transit? Close like 2-3 degrees? or wider?

2-3 degrees is the orb where this will be felt the tightest, but the large orb is 7 degrees. When above 3 degrees, the effects will be subtler.

NigredoMax said:
Thank you very much for the information HP!
Does someone having their natal Saturn retrograde affect that persons Saturn return in any major way? Not necessarily in a positive or negative way but for how the energies manifest themselves?

Hail Satan!

Saturn as retrograde can have a sense of inner structure or a private inner structure, that might come in clashes with the external environment during this transit. But to know exactly how this might play out, you have to watch for the patterns of your life [ie, were you about to get married or get a job abroad, for example?] and to also look at the native house of your Natal Chart and where Saturn is seated.

Wotanwarrior said:
I remember that I started as a Satanist just after I passed my first Saturn Return at exactly that age, it was the worst time of my life, I left the gym and started to hang out with bad people and to drink alcohol, when before I always hated alcohol and the night culture of the pubs and I had never drank, I felt empty and without any goal in my life.

Larissa666 said:
I had one in February last year. Am I the only one here who went through their first Saturn return? I can’t be…

Yes, Saturn can really have effects like this. As thus, the post for people who are about to undergo this. If it's behind you, that's very good news.

Edward Lonsa said:

The worst thing is if our illusions, for example, inadequate career expectations and blaming ourselves for not making a career, or similar inadequate expectations in other areas, resonate with the illusions of the crowd and the people with whom we are karmically bound. For example, when parents push a child (and he pushes himself, because "it's cool") in a direction that is not appropriate for him, and when the illusion is shattered by the reality that " it might be cool" but it is still not appropriate for him, the false dreams of all involved crumble with the corresponding consequences. But it rests on nothing but the cretinism of all those involved, who, without understanding the subject, have gone there and imagined things about it that are not in it.

All of your reply is really in depth and very much on the point. Yes, Saturn can come as a little "Grim Reaper" that forces assessments in life. If one for example had audacious dreams about their next years [that they never followed through with] or they never had anything, Saturn can come and put all of this to the challenge, forcing people to finally make a proper adjustment so they can progress in life in a more "realistic" fashion.

[Below the Original Post]

Since many of you are a younger generation of SS, those of you around 27-30, might experience within the next years your first Saturn Return. Effects might be already a little felt for some.

You must know, that this is a violent transitory aspect, which, no matter what you have succeeded at, it will come to test it all. It's not a very positive time for a person. Certain other aspects and transits can help you, but this one is still a very tough one.

One must keep in mind, that no matter what they see, they have around as much time as their first Return. This transit can make you feel as you have been useless, done nothing, or all things in your life have been mistakes, bringing with it a lot of other negative events. The house in which Saturn is seated in your Natal Chart, can be indicative on what this is going to hit mostly.

Many people due to lack of life experience, or not understanding how life works, are very quick to judge themselves harshly and negatively. You'll go through hard times in life, that is life.

There are also many people who just run from what is perceived as "negative" or "trying". This aspect will hit hardest on these people, and from there on, it depends on how these people will go about managing this.

One more category of people is those who keep trying to do the best and planning out for the future. Generally, this transit comes to make you look back and front in the same time: What you have done, what you could have done better, and what you can do better off in the future in your life.

This, again, depends strongly on the houses in which the transit is taking place into, but this can also be an overall theme in your life during this transit. The more spiritual work one has done, and the wiser one is, these outflows of Saturn can be mitigated to some extent.

Emotional pain, garbage, misfortune, or all sorts of other negativity might be consistent with this transit, and look like it is taking too much on you, same as external events. It's very rare that one experiences this transit without a lot of opposition, so feeling like you are being opposed by the world or very negative, is also likely to happen.

For these transits, one must definitely keep meditating. Accepting Saturn's lessons [not destruction, the LESSONS], can be crucial. For example, Saturn might make you depressed over certain things that you can fix, and you must look behind the causes of said negativity or opposition to try to address it, where this is possible. This transit needs to be made a lesson out of.

In regards to how to manage this, one should keep their soul clean [cleaning etc], control the mind [void meditation is crucial at all points in life] and doing what is necessitated of them from their meditation program, which is in accordance to advancement. It's also always good to not allow your energies to drop [ie, to keep constant on meditation] as Saturn can have an effect of being more difficult to control when things are out of order or when you are a bit down.

Lastly, no matter what, one must know: IT WILL PASS! If you are of the category that experienced this in an easy way, that is a very good indicator you have been managing life properly, but still, this aspect will enforce re-assessments.

One must also bear closely at heart, that the Gods are going to be with you and support you, and that you are not alone in this situation. Additionally, a transit that negative won't occur for at least 7 or 14 years, and the second return will take approximately anywhere from 27 to 30 years. In other words, you have little to worry about after this first transit where Saturn is concerned, and the good times are going to be ahead after this very negative transit leaves you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The negativity can be greatly dampened with putting eggs in the basket of the 8 fold path and being serious with it. This transit is not the worst thing I've expierenced so far, quite the opposite actually since I am "forced" to put my life on a track where it should be rather than where I "want" it to be. "Want" as the old self is slowly ceasing to be as the new me emerges. This is lots of hard work, but it pays off in ways I can not even think yet. I just know that when things have settled I have much more to offer for the communities that I am part of.

This is some of what I have gathered so far.
I still have 4-6 years until then. Can a Saturn transit be completely sublimated if you are bolstered spiritually by 28-30?

Also, off topic, is it true that the age of 33 is a sacred age and typically when one has the best chance at reaching spiritual heights?
I have looked at the Saturn return as essentially the time, (the transit that is from the lat 20's to early 30s) where one actually grows up to be an adult for real. Major life changing events or decisions often take place in this transit for better or worse that will either have the individual stagnate or move forward in life. I not only experienced major positive changes and direction in life during my Saturn return such as breaking away from a toxic relationship and dedicating to Satan, but in the late stage Saturn also went retrograde, where I experienced the worse identity crisis in my life that lasted for a while and also manifested a negative situation with my Saturn's house placement, which also turned out to be for a purpose.

Saturn not only makes you grow up by learning cold hard truths, and giving you the endurance to take on life's challenges but it can also kick you down during this transit if you are not prepared. You will most likely especially as an SS come out of it better and more mature with some hard knocks behind you at best, or if you are unprepared to handle what comes your way you will stagnate and miss the lessons that come at worst.

Saturn will be in Pisces soon which counts for much of our family here. You may learn the hard way that it is time also to stop letting others walk over you and how life can come back to bite you if you don't learn to say no when appropriate and set proper boundaries. Combine this with your house Saturn is in and you will see where issues may crop up at this time and what you can learn from it, as well how this affects other aspects of your life in relation to aspects to the other planets there may be.
well this just SCARED the shit out of me reading this cause I'm 27 and I already deal with constant anxiety almost all the time so reading this and lately I've been feeling anxiety alot at times to the point thoughts of suicide come up ( which is not an option) and my roommate here is also 27 and he got beat up by someone the other day and he won't tell me why or who but he's been acting very strange and not himself lately and now reading this it all makes sense now
I'll be clinging to the gods like crazy during these times cause all the Christians here have been all acting a little strange now that I think about it wow.. I'm at a loss for words
... ..let's all get through this crazy shit together HAIL SATAN!
I feel like Im going to be very nervous around my first return bc of my saturn placement and the number of planets that will be in conjunction and/or being in the same area as my saturn. Still getting my reading done to see what it could all mean and what to watch out for.
For those with a first house placed natal Saturn, how will things be different from a normal Saturn return?
I had some transits including a Pluto transit that made me feel that way, maybe not as severely as a Saturn return; These were days of regrets, crying, but they forced me to face what I needed to fix in my life. If I look back, It was probably the best thing that could have happened to me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Since many of you are a younger generation of SS, those of you around 27-30, might experience within the next years your first Saturn Return. Effects might be already a little felt for some.

You must know, that this is a violent transitory aspect, which, no matter what you have succeeded at, it will come to test it all. It's not a very positive time for a person. Certain other aspects and transits can help you, but this one is still a very tough one.

One must keep in mind, that no matter what they see, they have around as much time as their first Return. This transit can make you feel as you have been useless, done nothing, or all things in your life have been mistakes, bringing with it a lot of other negative events. The house in which Saturn is seated in your Natal Chart, can be indicative on what this is going to hit mostly.

Many people due to lack of life experience, or not understanding how life works, are very quick to judge themselves harshly and negatively. You'll go through hard times in life, that is life.

There are also many people who just run from what is perceived as "negative" or "trying". This aspect will hit hardest on these people, and from there on, it depends on how these people will go about managing this.

Emotional pain, garbage, misfortune, or all sorts of other negativity might be consistent with this transit, and look like it is taking too much on you, same as external events. It's very rare that one experiences this transit without a lot of opposition, so feeling like you are being opposed by the world or very negative, is also likely to happen.

For these transits, one must definitely keep meditating. Accepting Saturn's lessons [not destruction, the LESSONS], can be crucial. For example, Saturn might make you depressed over certain things that you can fix, and you must look behind the causes of said negativity or opposition to try to address it, where this is possible. This transit needs to be made a lesson out of.

One must also bear closely at heart, that the Gods are going to be with you and support you, and that you are not alone in this situation. Additionally, a transit that negative won't occur for at least 7 or 14 years, and the second return will take approximately anywhere from 27 to 30 years. In other words, you have little to worry about after this first transit where Saturn is concerned, and the good times are going to be ahead after this very negative transit leaves you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this information High Priest. I might have already faced this. Considering the fact that this year has been the most difficult for me and I have Considered to have learnt and advanced the most through pain and hardship.

How do I learn more about the Saturn Transit? What do I do? I am actually alittle bit scared because I feel like i was to almost die in this period. I really do need to know more about the Saturn Transit.

You mean this Transit is happening/ or has happened? Or will happen? And it lasts for years or months or days?

I am sorry for the many questions, I am curious by nature hence the name; I am NOT lazy just Very very Curious and so if you guide me to the right information/Link, will be glad to learn more on this.
sailhatan88 said:
well this just SCARED the shit out of me reading this cause I'm 27 and I already deal with constant anxiety almost all the time so reading this and lately I've been feeling anxiety alot at times to the point thoughts of suicide come up ( which is not an option) and my roommate here is also 27 and he got beat up by someone the other day and he won't tell me why or who but he's been acting very strange and not himself lately and now reading this it all makes sense now
I'll be clinging to the gods like crazy during these times cause all the Christians here have been all acting a little strange now that I think about it wow.. I'm at a loss for words
... ..let's all get through this crazy shit together HAIL SATAN!

This should do anything BUT scare you, as it is telling you what to prepare for and what to expect.
Saturn as we speak is about to go retrograde. Doing any necessary workings namely probably the proper planetary squares can also help offset nasty Saturn transits. I suggest everyone look at the house and planet(s) Saturn retro will hit as far as their own charts.
Does this include people outside of that age range i have made a pretty bad decisions lately lost a lot of friends over it and now have experienced what you are talking about playing a lot of crap over in my head from the past mostly kind of helps me to move in a better way though has made me take up a lot of changes in my life for better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you recommend, or have tried, raising energies such as Sun energy, in the form of a Square (even a mediocre sign) or through a regular working, as a means of countering such as transit?

To me, I believe even a small amount of time, like 20 minutes, spent raising energy to directly transmute the transit, would go a long way toward reducing unnecessary stress. Beyond the timeframe of one square, I imagine someone could continue a working for even a very long time throughout this transit, or others.

My question is whether you believe this is worth it or not? I seem to believe it is, but have no direct experience. Yet, you list other activities like keeping clean and empowered, which act indirectly to Saturn, so why not direct action?

Thanks for your sermon.
tabby said:
For those with a first house placed natal Saturn, how will things be different from a normal Saturn return?

This would make Saturn the person's cor-uler and so any feelings of inadequacy or depreciation can be much more pronounced as well as phobias and irrational fears especially if there are aspects to the moon or Neptune with 12th house placements.

Accidents or other significantly dangerous things may take place if the opportunity presents itself. People with a first house Saturn having the transitory Saturn hit will probably experience feeling like their lives are falling apart more pronounced than others.

This however does not have to be the case if one knows how to offset this and takes necessary steps. Enemy attacks may also present themselves as the enemy looks for weakness.

With that being said, Increase aura of protection also around this time and cleaning on top of any other workings done to offset negative manifestations. If it becomes unbearable at any time reach out to Satan or your Guardian for help.

When Saturn retrograded back in my natal sign in 2020 there would be times I was literally curled up in a ball in tears, looking at my Guardian's sigil, sometimes for 20 to 30 mins. It helped calm my mind and bite through the chaos and I got signs often of reassurance.
If I didn't know better not to worry, I'd almost be seeing this warning of violent Saturn coming in a few years for me. I had two very violent dreams last night which were a lot more visceral than normal. Usually I have a lot of fun in dreams where I can simulate combat, but these felt very real like life and death.

The first involved being ambushed with family by some spear welding maniac, it was like a completely different era, the buildings looked so old and in the middle of such a beautiful forest like I'd never seen before. It was weirdly exhilarating how raw it felt when I had to fight back and drove a stick through their head, but feeling of the adrenaline wearing off just woke me up, until I could sleep again only for the second dream with a much more violent ending as I was attacked and choked out by two people, and what looked like my head taken off by the second guy while the first had me pinned. I couldn't really get that image or feeling of my own head being disconnected while it was lifted up, for a while until I started the day tired after waking up from that.

I don't think dreams like this have any real meaning, but this reminded me of it, felt like I should just get it out of my head.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=362173 time=1654314604 user_id=21286]

Can a really strong AOP completely negate all Saturn transit and its return?

I have many years till Saturn return, and i m spending 30 minutes each day for AOP and will continue to do that as far as i can see in future.

Building this up for many years won’t it completely negate saturn’s effects?
Can Saturn square for spiritual purposes help with this situation?
For me personally and other people I know, during the Saturn return we all felt like we wanted to do more and were dissatisfied with our current situation, but obstacles kept happening, preventing us from acting.

I personally, during and after my Saturn return, I've started to question what's the purpose of my existence. As things got so hard, instead of trying to find a reason to live and fight for, and keep trying, I just wanted/want to stop fighting alltogether, but I know that death wouldn't solve anything.

It could be Saturn's fault, it could be some hormonal imbalance I'm not aware of that's making me see everything so negatively etc.

I do believe that other people have it so much worse, and I guess I was spoiled and never learned to walk on my two feet. So, an incident that may seem gigantic and torture for me, it may be insignificant for others. Everyone faces their Saturn return differently.

It is true that Saturn makes a person mature into an adult. To those of us who are in denial and don't want to fight, we're just gonna have a hard time facing life.
If someone is below 27 years old, they won't be affected much? Or does it depend on ones natal chart and spiritual progress and workings?
A little confused here.
In addition to HP Cobra's advice, many people actually have a very positive Saturn return: getting married, finishing higher education, having their first child, buying their first home, and so on.

One woman I knew, did 3 things within a 10 month period of her Saturn return: got married, bought first house, had a baby.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is the kind of orb one should take for this transit? Close like 2-3 degrees? or wider?
I had one in February last year. Am I the only one here who went through their first Saturn return? I can’t be…
Thank you very much for the information HP!
Does someone having their natal Saturn retrograde affect that persons Saturn return in any major way? Not necessarily in a positive or negative way but for how the energies manifest themselves?

Hail Satan!
It's happening now that I'm turning 30... it brought some negative issues to the surface again but in general I don't see anything terribly bad as I would expect. Maybe it's the factor that I've done a lot of works like Munka, runes, magic squares etc... i personally believe that also the RtR's can help with negative transits cause they clean the soul from the jewish curses. On the contrary, I have stability and financial success. I hope I don't get a slap on the wrist later on, but even if I do, I'm ready to deal with it.
We must unite and fight, all together, against monster Yahweh, and his archons, genocidal chosenites and their shabbos goyim slaves.
I remember that I started as a Satanist just after I passed my first Saturn Return at exactly that age, it was the worst time of my life, I left the gym and started to hang out with bad people and to drink alcohol, when before I always hated alcohol and the night culture of the pubs and I had never drank, I felt empty and without any goal in my life.
I would like to comment on something that many people fail to grasp in the whole story of all sorts of Saturn transits and "hard times", as it is subtle and one must be able to spot.

Reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which I highly recommend to everyone to read after years and decades of daily power meditations and yoga practice, I realize how much the Watcher shapes this world, and how much the whole world is an illusion, but not in the sense that it doesn't exist, but that it is born by illusion. That is, born of the quantum state, born of our mind, of the very process of Observation. And it would be all right if it were born only by our pure Satanic mind, but we live not detached from our species, race, planet, etc., which is what gives birth to samsara.

I don't want to talk here about my own experience with various transits of Saturn through natal planets, nor do I recommend it to anyone, as an experienced astrologer can reconstruct a chart and get the person based on such info. I will only cite some subtle point from my experience of transiting Saturn to an important chart point. Again, it is quite useless to give details here, since everyone has them different anyway, the point is that this transit filled with power a mass of illusions and inadequate expectations of oneself, what one's earthly self should or should not be (from the perspective of the last idiot), generated above all by an extreme lack of understanding of oneself and ignorance of one's own nature.

In Saturn moments, the problems that come out are not those that we are obligated to experience, but often those that we are not in any way karmically obligated to experience, but are generated by our own imagination, such as unjust and inadequate expectations or demands on ourselves. Very often one expects to be astonishingly successful in a profession which is not suited to them or in a relationship which is obviously not suited to them. And the transit of such a planet can give this expectation a power that can only increase the illusion and imagined grief of the mismatch between the illusion and the reality. Saturn tends to push one against reality - everyone on the English forum has already said that. But what is left out a bit, in my opinion, is that if one refuses to let go of one's false attachments, this transit can fill these attachments with power, which then flows back into the path that one has chosen for oneself.

The worst thing is if our illusions, for example, inadequate career expectations and blaming ourselves for not making a career, or similar inadequate expectations in other areas, resonate with the illusions of the crowd and the people with whom we are karmically bound. For example, when parents push a child (and he pushes himself, because "it's cool") in a direction that is not appropriate for him, and when the illusion is shattered by the reality that " it might be cool" but it is still not appropriate for him, the false dreams of all involved crumble with the corresponding consequences. But it rests on nothing but the cretinism of all those involved, who, without understanding the subject, have gone there and imagined things about it that are not in it.

This is a very good example, for it is characteristic of the average idiot to judge things before he knows anything about them, filling himself with more and more cognitive distortions, and whole false worlds created in his head. And this false world is projected into the REAL world, and this is what is scary. Man begins to act as if he were living in his world of illusions and dreams, and once in the real world, he instinctively tries to adjust it to them, creating them, although he DOES NOT have to create them and go through all their known consequences - "known," since the quality of these expectations is loosy to say the least. Your expectations are what you eat, watch, read, and perceive in all sorts of ways. Look at what children are "fed" every day.

In this example, the child did not have to go through all the heartache of not conforming to some, to put it mildly, underdeveloped, mediocre and infantile "image" that he made up for himself based on who knows what. He came up with all his own "cools" and "greats" etc. He comes from a completely different unknowable world of his own Soul through many reincarnations, and this true world has nothing in common with the limited ego, made of dung, which he created for himself during his little time in this jewtrix. Even 100 years is not long enough for a capsule slave to get anything worthwhile out of his mind. It's a great opportunity to reflect on how we create expectations, egos (i.e., our image of who we are and what we really want) and all ideas about the world in general.

With the decline of enlightenment, people's "egos" and expectations are becoming more and more primitive, flat, vulgar, just look at what young generations are trying to look like. People are paying with their lives and health for what is literally built on complete crap. The latter is precisely the worst part, when our cretinous illusions can resonate with the same and worse in other, even bigger cretins whose cretinism is already a danger to society. And that's when the Observer effects the observed, when the Observer changes reality. This happens when many energies from many different directions are grasped and become enough powerful to be realized in an event.

But this event was NOT meant to happen. Saturn itself has nothing to do with a particular cesspool in a particular head, but it can give it power. So many precisely undesirable things happen because of the condensation of the wrong way of thought of many people. For example, the pisslamic crowd. Its power can theoretically disintegrate someone, even if they do not share pisslam themselves. But a person of faith has a much better chance of getting caught up in it, because he communicates in pisslamic communities, he opens up and trusts them, since he does not initially think of himself as something deeply separate from them, and does not intentionally try to fence himself off from them in any way. This is only one reason in a million that lies on the very surface of his mind.

To return to my example, after a couple of years of Saturn hitting an important point, I could not understand how I could even care about things of zero or negative importance that under any other circumstance I would not even notice. We have to concentrate on the important and meaningful things and constantly bring our consciousness back to them, which is what the Void Meditation teaches us. It was pure cognitive distortion: I put together things that were in no way connected in reality, instead they were connected in a false world that I thought was real, but which was not. And all that I experienced was generated only by the laws of this very false world, and had absolutely nothing to do with my development or with my situation at the time. And it could only have been made worse by other inhabitants of a similar false reality (because there are whole groups of people who populate similar false realities, which do not make the last any less false, but can ruin lives quite badly by the attempts of these sleepwalkers to implement their laws).

The saddest outcome and the real hellfire as it was symbolically called in Ancient texts is when these somnambulists are so oblivious to the fact that they live in a dream that they fanatically put into practice all the madness that the enemy creates in their imaginary worlds. The enemy long ago learned to take advantage of this property of the human psyche, and these people literally sleepwalk, destroying everything in their path.

This is where all the concepts of maya, samsara (dream world), Bardo, etc. come from, the point of which is to remind man that everything he creates and experiences in his mind is only his own creations and illusions, mistakes, cognitive distortions, and that all our spiritual practice is aimed at purifying the mind so that it can perceive reality in its true forms. Because going astray creates the most terrible of illusions - that the latter is reality itself, as a result of which one is trapped within its boundaries. So this Saturn transit has the power to saturate these so-called boundaries, for Saturn loves boundaries, and it is important to detach from them during this period.

Lastly, I can't not mention how it has been perverted by the jews. Our imagination is not evil, as the witch hunt portrays it. Nor is everything that goes on in it. On the contrary, it is the most important source of knowledge of the world, the discovery of its higher laws, it drives geniuses and builds civilizations. It is the Satanic part in us, and like everything the jews lack and envy, they try to pervert it and make it serve their end. Just as the mind of a savage gives birth to cannibalism, the mind purified and freed from the shackles of false notions gives birth to cosmic empires. Imagination is Satan's greatest gift, and its deliberate abuse is the greatest crime.
Shadowcat said:
sailhatan88 said:
well this just SCARED the shit out of me reading this cause I'm 27 and I already deal with constant anxiety almost all the time so reading this and lately I've been feeling anxiety alot at times to the point thoughts of suicide come up ( which is not an option) and my roommate here is also 27 and he got beat up by someone the other day and he won't tell me why or who but he's been acting very strange and not himself lately and now reading this it all makes sense now
I'll be clinging to the gods like crazy during these times cause all the Christians here have been all acting a little strange now that I think about it wow.. I'm at a loss for words
... ..let's all get through this crazy shit together HAIL SATAN!

This should do anything BUT scare you, as it is telling you what to prepare for and what to expect.
Saturn as we speak is about to go retrograde. Doing any necessary workings namely probably the proper planetary squares can also help offset nasty Saturn transits. I suggest everyone look at the house and planet(s) Saturn retro will hit as far as their own charts.

Yea.... I hope your right that some how I get through all of this and I come out
A more mature mentally stronger person. That'd be great thanks for the uplifting words I really needed to read that
Well this makes total sense. I've been wondering why particular emotional pain I can usually easily get over normally is sticking around for some reason. I have also been thinking about my future a fair bit but I think that co-incides with my career change.
Going into my second month with the cleansing and meditation, I have stumbled across past emotions, from my childhood and early teens. And I even get angry because of the situation of each problem. And how i used to be like compaired to the life i am living now. Having a whole new perspective and everything that I have been through! If I would have handled things a lot better as a kid? And wondering what I could have been like as a teenager! If things were a little smoother? I have experienced a lot of emotional pain in this. In the last 3 days into this. I also know that writing down the situation along with meditation! :) makes it a lot easier to cope with and making it easier for me to map out the problems
CandiceLee1313 said:
Going into my second month with the cleansing and meditation, I have stumbled across past emotions, from my childhood and early teens. And I even get angry because of the situation of each problem. And how i used to be like compaired to the life i am living now. Having a whole new perspective and everything that I have been through! If I would have handled things a lot better as a kid? And wondering what I could have been like as a teenager! If things were a little smoother? I have experienced a lot of emotional pain in this. In the last 3 days into this. I also know that writing down the situation along with meditation! :) makes it a lot easier to cope with and making it easier for me to map out the problems

Beautiful. That is the point of meditation. Keep going at it.
Yea I think I freaked out a little to much about this when I first read this
I believe my first Saturn experience was when my whole life got changed in a negative way resulting in me almost losing my life and imay never be the same as I used to be so that's why I when I think of Saturn I think of death and doom and especially VIOLENCE cause thats all i experienced my first time, but after reading all the other opinions on here I see how Saturn can scare someone to change there life for the better and I seriously i did not think Saturn could ever be anything positive for someone's life.... the gods have got me through some of the worse things that could possibly happen to someone
So I believe I'll be fine I just misinterpreted the topic when i first read it
Sunny said:
Can Saturn square for spiritual purposes help with this situation?

I am thinking of doing one myself. I am wondering if it helps also with deep cleaning as far as related to karma and other hang up issues. There is a lot i want to bring to the surface and deal with. I also want to strengthen the positive aspects of my Saturn
Edward Lonsa said:
I would like to comment on something that many people fail to grasp in the whole story of all sorts of Saturn transits and "hard times", as it is subtle and one must be able to spot.

Reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which I highly recommend to everyone to read after years and decades of daily power meditations and yoga practice, I realize how much the Watcher shapes this world, and how much the whole world is an illusion, but not in the sense that it doesn't exist, but that it is born by illusion. That is, born of the quantum state, born of our mind, of the very process of Observation. And it would be all right if it were born only by our pure Satanic mind, but we live not detached from our species, race, planet, etc., which is what gives birth to samsara.

I don't want to talk here about my own experience with various transits of Saturn through natal planets, nor do I recommend it to anyone, as an experienced astrologer can reconstruct a chart and get the person based on such info. I will only cite some subtle point from my experience of transiting Saturn to an important chart point. Again, it is quite useless to give details here, since everyone has them different anyway, the point is that this transit filled with power a mass of illusions and inadequate expectations of oneself, what one's earthly self should or should not be (from the perspective of the last idiot), generated above all by an extreme lack of understanding of oneself and ignorance of one's own nature.

In Saturn moments, the problems that come out are not those that we are obligated to experience, but often those that we are not in any way karmically obligated to experience, but are generated by our own imagination, such as unjust and inadequate expectations or demands on ourselves. Very often one expects to be astonishingly successful in a profession which is not suited to them or in a relationship which is obviously not suited to them. And the transit of such a planet can give this expectation a power that can only increase the illusion and imagined grief of the mismatch between the illusion and the reality. Saturn tends to push one against reality - everyone on the English forum has already said that. But what is left out a bit, in my opinion, is that if one refuses to let go of one's false attachments, this transit can fill these attachments with power, which then flows back into the path that one has chosen for oneself.

The worst thing is if our illusions, for example, inadequate career expectations and blaming ourselves for not making a career, or similar inadequate expectations in other areas, resonate with the illusions of the crowd and the people with whom we are karmically bound. For example, when parents push a child (and he pushes himself, because "it's cool") in a direction that is not appropriate for him, and when the illusion is shattered by the reality that " it might be cool" but it is still not appropriate for him, the false dreams of all involved crumble with the corresponding consequences. But it rests on nothing but the cretinism of all those involved, who, without understanding the subject, have gone there and imagined things about it that are not in it.

This is a very good example, for it is characteristic of the average idiot to judge things before he knows anything about them, filling himself with more and more cognitive distortions, and whole false worlds created in his head. And this false world is projected into the REAL world, and this is what is scary. Man begins to act as if he were living in his world of illusions and dreams, and once in the real world, he instinctively tries to adjust it to them, creating them, although he DOES NOT have to create them and go through all their known consequences - "known," since the quality of these expectations is loosy to say the least. Your expectations are what you eat, watch, read, and perceive in all sorts of ways. Look at what children are "fed" every day.

In this example, the child did not have to go through all the heartache of not conforming to some, to put it mildly, underdeveloped, mediocre and infantile "image" that he made up for himself based on who knows what. He came up with all his own "cools" and "greats" etc. He comes from a completely different unknowable world of his own Soul through many reincarnations, and this true world has nothing in common with the limited ego, made of dung, which he created for himself during his little time in this jewtrix. Even 100 years is not long enough for a capsule slave to get anything worthwhile out of his mind. It's a great opportunity to reflect on how we create expectations, egos (i.e., our image of who we are and what we really want) and all ideas about the world in general.

With the decline of enlightenment, people's "egos" and expectations are becoming more and more primitive, flat, vulgar, just look at what young generations are trying to look like. People are paying with their lives and health for what is literally built on complete crap. The latter is precisely the worst part, when our cretinous illusions can resonate with the same and worse in other, even bigger cretins whose cretinism is already a danger to society. And that's when the Observer effects the observed, when the Observer changes reality. This happens when many energies from many different directions are grasped and become enough powerful to be realized in an event.

But this event was NOT meant to happen. Saturn itself has nothing to do with a particular cesspool in a particular head, but it can give it power. So many precisely undesirable things happen because of the condensation of the wrong way of thought of many people. For example, the pisslamic crowd. Its power can theoretically disintegrate someone, even if they do not share pisslam themselves. But a person of faith has a much better chance of getting caught up in it, because he communicates in pisslamic communities, he opens up and trusts them, since he does not initially think of himself as something deeply separate from them, and does not intentionally try to fence himself off from them in any way. This is only one reason in a million that lies on the very surface of his mind.

To return to my example, after a couple of years of Saturn hitting an important point, I could not understand how I could even care about things of zero or negative importance that under any other circumstance I would not even notice. We have to concentrate on the important and meaningful things and constantly bring our consciousness back to them, which is what the Void Meditation teaches us. It was pure cognitive distortion: I put together things that were in no way connected in reality, instead they were connected in a false world that I thought was real, but which was not. And all that I experienced was generated only by the laws of this very false world, and had absolutely nothing to do with my development or with my situation at the time. And it could only have been made worse by other inhabitants of a similar false reality (because there are whole groups of people who populate similar false realities, which do not make the last any less false, but can ruin lives quite badly by the attempts of these sleepwalkers to implement their laws).

The saddest outcome and the real hellfire as it was symbolically called in Ancient texts is when these somnambulists are so oblivious to the fact that they live in a dream that they fanatically put into practice all the madness that the enemy creates in their imaginary worlds. The enemy long ago learned to take advantage of this property of the human psyche, and these people literally sleepwalk, destroying everything in their path.

This is where all the concepts of maya, samsara (dream world), Bardo, etc. come from, the point of which is to remind man that everything he creates and experiences in his mind is only his own creations and illusions, mistakes, cognitive distortions, and that all our spiritual practice is aimed at purifying the mind so that it can perceive reality in its true forms. Because going astray creates the most terrible of illusions - that the latter is reality itself, as a result of which one is trapped within its boundaries. So this Saturn transit has the power to saturate these so-called boundaries, for Saturn loves boundaries, and it is important to detach from them during this period.

Lastly, I can't not mention how it has been perverted by the jews. Our imagination is not evil, as the witch hunt portrays it. Nor is everything that goes on in it. On the contrary, it is the most important source of knowledge of the world, the discovery of its higher laws, it drives geniuses and builds civilizations. It is the Satanic part in us, and like everything the jews lack and envy, they try to pervert it and make it serve their end. Just as the mind of a savage gives birth to cannibalism, the mind purified and freed from the shackles of false notions gives birth to cosmic empires. Imagination is Satan's greatest gift, and its deliberate abuse is the greatest crime.

Reading this helped me wake up even more. Thank you!
Hi Guys,
I have felt emotional pain regarding my past memories.I felt worthless whole of my teenage years.Does this mean I was going through a Saturn return at that point of time?I have Saturn positioned in the 7th house due to which I had poor communication skills with people.All the emotional pain has resurfaced after starting meditation 2 months back.

Let's say that I have reached the age of 30 this year , after dedicating in 2016 my whole infrastructure changed , almost all of the people I knew I have discarded them , it's better and I am in more control . It did piss me off sometimes , started drinking strongly for some years , but every day I gained more knowledge until in 2020 I decided to reduce the smoking and the drinking , a process I thought painful but it was more irritating than painful . By now I can say that I don't smoke and avoid drinking . I knew years ago that I was heading to a slow cold turkey , the drinking and smoking was also connected to a social element . I know that the only way for me is by staying isolated and to start working on the satanic workings , I can only describe the feeling as the most clear of all of them , I don't just ,,know'' , I understand in me , in myself , that this is the way forward , because I can take it . Don't know for sure if this was a 6 years Saturn process in discarding all the toxic people around me and the toxins in me , but I feel liberated . I feel darkness in the year 2022 , the first half, the way the world is now in this stage , it should have been better , but I get that it is all part of the plan , I admit that it got to me , for a while in march and april I felt only hate and rage for humanity ,wanted everyone to feel pain , to go down . It went away slowly after Beltane . It is how I expected , the inevitable up and down . I need to master this inevitability , to not get taken by it . Meditation is key .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I need your help. I'm in a bad situation, I can't explain the whole situation right here because I don't want the enemy to know about this but something happened and right now I'm not in my house and I can't do my full meditation program or a spell to fix this situation. It's definitely my fault because I should have seen that something like this could have happened but for various reasons I did not do the right thing, It probably has to do with Saturn too because it is sexting with a major planet in my chart that has to do with this situation and even Pluto. I don't know a lot about astrology but I can see these aspects. Now I did clean a lot but I have to say my protection was not the best, this situation is complicated and something I have before I even was a SS, it has to do with my father.

My questions are these, even if I can't vibrate right now, can I do a lot of kundalini yoga for example to compensate? Or vibrate the mantra's mentally for empowering my chakras and for protection/cleaning?

Another question, I asked a demon to help me with this situation, I did the ritual in Jos but I could not use candles, I just copied the sigil and did the ritual and asked for what I wanted, I even said I will give her something if it helps (100 satanas for 7 days), now my astral senses are not fully open, I only felt the energy. I understand a Demon could be busy or it may take more time to fix the situation (I asked for protection against my father and to end ***** now we are more protected than before because we are somewhere else but the second part still has not happened) what do you think about this? Do you think the Demon is just busy or there may be other reasons or maybe I did something wrong?

PLEASE, answer me, I need it. I understand now that I should have done something before because now I'm lost... I definitely will do much more protection from now on. I'm writing this here because it feels like a Saturn return.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I need your help. I'm in a bad situation, I can't explain the whole situation right here because I don't want the enemy to know about this but something happened and right now I'm not in my house and I can't do my full meditation program or a spell to fix this situation. It's definitely my fault because I should have seen that something like this could have happened but for various reasons I did not do the right thing, It probably has to do with Saturn too because it is sexting with a major planet in my chart that has to do with this situation and even Pluto. I don't know a lot about astrology but I can see these aspects. Now I did clean a lot but I have to say my protection was not the best, this situation is complicated and something I have before I even was a SS, it has to do with my father.

Sounds like a fated event correlated to Saturn for sure. Saturn in general can bring issues with parents, but also certain authorities in one's life.

luis said:
My questions are these, even if I can't vibrate right now, can I do a lot of kundalini yoga for example to compensate? Or vibrate the mantra's mentally for empowering my chakras and for protection/cleaning?

Yes, but this cannot be forever, as the stimulation needs to be talked too into vibration. But you CAN, if you are under pressed circumstances, do only Hatha, Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga to stay energetic and strong during this you have to go through.

luis said:
Another question, I asked a demon to help me with this situation, I did the ritual in Jos but I could not use candles, I just copied the sigil and did the ritual and asked for what I wanted, I even said I will give her something if it helps (100 satanas for 7 days), now my astral senses are not fully open, I only felt the energy. I understand a Demon could be busy or it may take more time to fix the situation (I asked for protection against my father and to end *********** now we are more protected than before because we are somewhere else but the second part still has not happened) what do you think about this? Do you think the Demon is just busy or there may be other reasons or maybe I did something wrong?

The Demon will guide you out of this situation, but you need to follow their "advice", as in the correct thoughts and that type of thing. They will always help you. Being moved away is definitely a sign of help, especially if it happened immediately. Keep an open mind, and if you are being threatened in a very serious manner, might as well call the police even or whatever other measures you might have to take.

luis said:
PLEASE, answer me, I need it. I understand now that I should have done something before because now I'm lost... I definitely will do much more protection from now on. I'm writing this here because it feels like a Saturn return.

Yes, letting down one's protection is catastrophic. It must not be allowed to happen. I wish you luck and hope I hear a good update from you soon. Stay strong.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Additional information and FAQ

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=362173 time=1654314604 user_id=21286]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Would you recommend, or have tried, raising energies such as Sun energy, in the form of a Square (even a mediocre sign) or through a regular working, as a means of countering such as transit?

To me, I believe even a small amount of time, like 20 minutes, spent raising energy to directly transmute the transit, would go a long way toward reducing unnecessary stress. Beyond the timeframe of one square, I imagine someone could continue a working for even a very long time throughout this transit, or others.

My question is whether you believe this is worth it or not? I seem to believe it is, but have no direct experience. Yet, you list other activities like keeping clean and empowered, which act indirectly to Saturn, so why not direct action?

Thanks for your sermon.

Yes, you can of course do any of the following to help out the Saturn Transit manifest better: Sun Square, Jupiter Square, Cleaning or any meditation that deals with mitigating energies. This is mostly work that affects the energy. The real solution to experience this in the best way, is to actually have rectified as much as possible before this, to have cleaned the soul. And even then, workings to help around with this transit are necessary. Then, we also have the patience and necessary life assessments one might have to make for this energy to be expressed correctly.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=362239 time=1654337739 user_id=57]
In addition to HP Cobra's advice, many people actually have a very positive Saturn return: getting married, finishing higher education, having their first child, buying their first home, and so on.

One woman I knew, did 3 things within a 10 month period of her Saturn return: got married, bought first house, had a baby.

Yes, thank you for this, I should have been more specific. In certain occasions, Saturn can come to bring things to a closure, ie, closure of the previous aspect of life, and waking up or coming into terms with a new life with new possibilities. A change of lifepath and added responsibilities for this lifepath might as well emerge, and it might not be "negative", yet, it can all be based on a deep inner and outer change.

Demonic said:
Can a really strong AOP completely negate all Saturn transit and its return?
Building this up for many years won’t it completely negate saturn’s effects?

It will help tremendously, but it will not negate the, let's say, "disciplinary" aspect of Saturn. You will experience way less negativity especially compared to what certain people might. The AOP is helpful against ALL negative forces, including what could be considered negative from this transit.

promitheusS88 said:
It's happening now that I'm turning 30... it brought some negative issues to the surface again but in general I don't see anything terribly bad as I would expect. Maybe it's the factor that I've done a lot of works like Munka, runes, magic squares etc... i personally believe that also the RtR's can help with negative transits cause they clean the soul from the jewish curses. On the contrary, I have stability and financial success. I hope I don't get a slap on the wrist later on, but even if I do, I'm ready to deal with it.

Yes, most definitely the Saturn Return can cause this, PROVIDED, one has toiled and built a foundation before. If this is not present, Saturn can come here and push someone to make this happen or to come face to face with the issue. The more one is accepting, the better, and it can also have a propelling effect for those who have sat themselves down and worked hard for an outcome in life.

Your mentality is very correct and Saturn respects a correct mentality.

Sunny said:
Can Saturn square for spiritual purposes help with this situation?

We have had a long conversation with HPS Maxine on this. Certain people, when they do the Saturn Square, they have very good effects in their life, improved structure, and they can use this beneficially. Others however, might experience a temporary increase of negativity.

If the Square of Saturn is to be used, it's to be used with a very positive and proper affirmation, and everyone has to try it and see how it goes. We have had mixed input from users of the Saturn Square, simply because of how most people "deal" with Saturn based on their nature. In no case we had "very bad" things however, and in more cases, we had very good outcomes, mostly however of a steady and slow manifestation such as grounding or a more concrete outlook of life.

Yagami Light said:

I do believe that other people have it so much worse, and I guess I was spoiled and never learned to walk on my two feet. So, an incident that may seem gigantic and torture for me, it may be insignificant for others. Everyone faces their Saturn return differently.

It is true that Saturn makes a person mature into an adult. To those of us who are in denial and don't want to fight, we're just gonna have a hard time facing life.

Absolutely. This is a very correct approach with this.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is the kind of orb one should take for this transit? Close like 2-3 degrees? or wider?

2-3 degrees is the orb where this will be felt the tightest, but the large orb is 7 degrees. When above 3 degrees, the effects will be subtler.

NigredoMax said:
Thank you very much for the information HP!
Does someone having their natal Saturn retrograde affect that persons Saturn return in any major way? Not necessarily in a positive or negative way but for how the energies manifest themselves?

Hail Satan!

Saturn as retrograde can have a sense of inner structure or a private inner structure, that might come in clashes with the external environment during this transit. But to know exactly how this might play out, you have to watch for the patterns of your life [ie, were you about to get married or get a job abroad, for example?] and to also look at the native house of your Natal Chart and where Saturn is seated.

Wotanwarrior said:
I remember that I started as a Satanist just after I passed my first Saturn Return at exactly that age, it was the worst time of my life, I left the gym and started to hang out with bad people and to drink alcohol, when before I always hated alcohol and the night culture of the pubs and I had never drank, I felt empty and without any goal in my life.

Larissa666 said:
I had one in February last year. Am I the only one here who went through their first Saturn return? I can’t be…

Yes, Saturn can really have effects like this. As thus, the post for people who are about to undergo this. If it's behind you, that's very good news.

Edward Lonsa said:

The worst thing is if our illusions, for example, inadequate career expectations and blaming ourselves for not making a career, or similar inadequate expectations in other areas, resonate with the illusions of the crowd and the people with whom we are karmically bound. For example, when parents push a child (and he pushes himself, because "it's cool") in a direction that is not appropriate for him, and when the illusion is shattered by the reality that " it might be cool" but it is still not appropriate for him, the false dreams of all involved crumble with the corresponding consequences. But it rests on nothing but the cretinism of all those involved, who, without understanding the subject, have gone there and imagined things about it that are not in it.

All of your reply is really in depth and very much on the point. Yes, Saturn can come as a little "Grim Reaper" that forces assessments in life. If one for example had audacious dreams about their next years [that they never followed through with] or they never had anything, Saturn can come and put all of this to the challenge, forcing people to finally make a proper adjustment so they can progress in life in a more "realistic" fashion.

[Below the Original Post]

Since many of you are a younger generation of SS, those of you around 27-30, might experience within the next years your first Saturn Return. Effects might be already a little felt for some.

You must know, that this is a violent transitory aspect, which, no matter what you have succeeded at, it will come to test it all. It's not a very positive time for a person. Certain other aspects and transits can help you, but this one is still a very tough one.

One must keep in mind, that no matter what they see, they have around as much time as their first Return. This transit can make you feel as you have been useless, done nothing, or all things in your life have been mistakes, bringing with it a lot of other negative events. The house in which Saturn is seated in your Natal Chart, can be indicative on what this is going to hit mostly.

Many people due to lack of life experience, or not understanding how life works, are very quick to judge themselves harshly and negatively. You'll go through hard times in life, that is life.

There are also many people who just run from what is perceived as "negative" or "trying". This aspect will hit hardest on these people, and from there on, it depends on how these people will go about managing this.

One more category of people is those who keep trying to do the best and planning out for the future. Generally, this transit comes to make you look back and front in the same time: What you have done, what you could have done better, and what you can do better off in the future in your life.

This, again, depends strongly on the houses in which the transit is taking place into, but this can also be an overall theme in your life during this transit. The more spiritual work one has done, and the wiser one is, these outflows of Saturn can be mitigated to some extent.

Emotional pain, garbage, misfortune, or all sorts of other negativity might be consistent with this transit, and look like it is taking too much on you, same as external events. It's very rare that one experiences this transit without a lot of opposition, so feeling like you are being opposed by the world or very negative, is also likely to happen.

For these transits, one must definitely keep meditating. Accepting Saturn's lessons [not destruction, the LESSONS], can be crucial. For example, Saturn might make you depressed over certain things that you can fix, and you must look behind the causes of said negativity or opposition to try to address it, where this is possible. This transit needs to be made a lesson out of.

In regards to how to manage this, one should keep their soul clean [cleaning etc], control the mind [void meditation is crucial at all points in life] and doing what is necessitated of them from their meditation program, which is in accordance to advancement. It's also always good to not allow your energies to drop [ie, to keep constant on meditation] as Saturn can have an effect of being more difficult to control when things are out of order or when you are a bit down.

Lastly, no matter what, one must know: IT WILL PASS! If you are of the category that experienced this in an easy way, that is a very good indicator you have been managing life properly, but still, this aspect will enforce re-assessments.

One must also bear closely at heart, that the Gods are going to be with you and support you, and that you are not alone in this situation. Additionally, a transit that negative won't occur for at least 7 or 14 years, and the second return will take approximately anywhere from 27 to 30 years. In other words, you have little to worry about after this first transit where Saturn is concerned, and the good times are going to be ahead after this very negative transit leaves you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for this section.

Does food addiction since childhood have something to do with saturn karma or some other kind of karma?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
