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Night Wish

New member
Sep 22, 2024
Hi brothers and sisters! I am Night Wish. I am still new here, as I joined this website about a year or so ago (or less, I can't remember an exact date), and this is my very first question I am about to post. So, this question just now came to mind when I thought of a recent psychic experience with Father last night. This experience was sad but sincere (I'll share this a little later below), and this experience gave me an idea to potentially write a book about past (and future) experiences with him. The point of this potential future book would not only be to share my personal experiences to other Satanists out there, but it would also include reminders as well as what I learned from them too. Do you think this would be a wise idea, to write a book about this and publish it one day, or is it recommended that I keep these experiences between my brothers, sisters, and I within the JOS website? I am open to any and all sorts of advice, and I love to hear your feedback!

For those who are curious about my first psychic experience with Father Satan, you can read below, but you are not required to do so. Also, please be mindful that I do write a LOT, as I love to write:

-- Yesterday evening, before sundown, it was still Imbolc (I think, as I read that Imbolc was from the 1st of February until sundown on the 2nd this year, but please feel free to inform me if this was inaccurate), and I had a reminder set on my digital calender to write a prayer to Father Satan during this time. Yesterday was very busy, and instead of writing Satan a prayer during my spare time, I decided to workout. While I understand that exercise is very important for both the body and soul, I also know that keeping promises for our gods of worship is extremely important, as this proves how reliable and loyal we are, as for anyone else in the material world too.

Later that evening yesterday, before sundown, I felt three gentle finger taps on my right arm within a short time span. When I looked and saw there was nothing there each time, I knew it had to of been Father Satan trying to receive my attention. My intuition kicked in on the first tap. However, despite my intuition, I did not exactly know what Satan was trying to tell me (as I am still a novice witch, and I have much to learn), and this was during the point I had totally forgot to fulfill my promise. Another thing I experienced yesterday, is that soon after I climbed into bed, and was still awake for sometime, I felt as if I was forgetting something. Abruptly, I heard ringing in my right ear (I read somewhere that this is sometimes a spiritual indication that a message from a deity is on it's way), and though I do not have a condition called Tinnitus, my intuition kicked into high gear to listen. Suddenly, I began to feel deep sorrowful emotions run through me, and I didn't just feel them within my mind, but I felt them within my heart (though, the throat chakra ACTUALLY rules emotions among other aspects, as you feel emotions within your throat more than anywhere else, metaphorically, my "heart felt heavy," in a sense). I did not know why exactly I felt the way I did at first, considering I haven't been depressed for quite a long time, but after a minute of processing, I knew that Father Satan was, within that moment, communicating with me. He was doing this by connecting his inner thoughts and feelings to both my mind and body! As intriguing as this was (as this was my first experience with direct communication with him), I felt terrible after realizing that I did not yet fulfill my promise! After saying psychically "I'm sorry" and "I love you, Satan," to him with deep regret, I felt my sorrows vanish, as I felt his forgiveness deep within, but I still felt bad, in a way. On the other hand, today is a new day as of now, and this does NOT stop me from making it up to him. Thus, I will write and recite my prayer that I owe Father today, and I am going to try harder to stick with my plans I have for the rest of the Wheel of the Year!
The point of this potential future book would not only be to share my personal experiences to other Satanists out there, but it would also include reminders as well as what I learned from them too.
Welcome! 🙂

It's great that you caught the writing virus. And I'm sure you'll use this Satanic gift to the best of your abilities.

Now it's my turn to write a lot. 😅

Satan states in the Al Jilwah:
those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises.

Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.

If Satan shares with you some knowledge that other people might not feel ready to receive, and you write it down in your book, exactly as you experienced it, they might not understand it through Satanic eyes. And they will twist it so that it fits their mold (based on their xian life). And jews will jump like fleas, ready to attack.

Sometimes it's best to disguise the truth within a story. Imagine how George Orwell's life would've ended if he would've written The Animal Farm based on the real people he had in mind... We probably wouldn't have heard of the guy.
As a result, ignorant people think "we have a wonderful story about animals! How cute!"
Those who can read between the lines see the big picture.

Basically, you have 2 options:
You can write an entire fiction story by creating a fictional character who would fight the forces of Evil. (I know it's cliché, but that's how stories work.) However, the bad guy doesn't necessarily need to have a big kike-ish nose.
In other words: the Satanic message you're trying to convey stays, but the experiences (aka the action, the scenes, etc.) are made up for the story.
This would imply that you are 100% confident about your writing style/voice, etc. and that you feel comfortable receiving criticism from your readers.

Or... You can relate your experiences in a diary privately, keep it for a couple of years and see for yourself if you wish to publish it, maybe on this forum, anonymously.
Hi there!

Thanks for the advice! Its a good thing I asked, because I was not quite 100% sure about this. You are right though, about what you said regarding Father Satan stating within the Al-Jil, "Those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises," and "Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it, for ye do not know what those who are without may do." I will definitely say that I agree with this, as I wouldn't want the enemy using what I experience from Father against me, others, or Satanism as a whole. Actually, come to think of it, I did read these quotes in one of the sections in Ancient Forums (if I remember right, as I forget a LOT, lol). Still, it is a good thing I asked this question, as if I didn't, I would have likely put us all in potential danger (whoops) because I forgot to use my prior knowledge.

Also, you mentioned about creating a fictional story. That actually sounds better (and safer) than what I originally thought about doing. I just might actually do that, if not make a 3D animation also (I am actually in to 3D character creation and animation, though, I am still learning how to use the program called Blender, I heard that you could create all sorts of animations through this program, including mlMinecraft animations)! As of now though, I think I might need to figure out what would be involved within the story as well as some workarounds too, if it was something I wanted to publish (be it animation or book), but I am usually good at coming with ideas! Again thanks so much for the advice. 😊

Lastly, you also said about keeping my personal experiences private. I am not sure if you by any chance read my personal experience with Father, but was it a mistake to type that here? I am still learning as of now about some of the rules on this site, and I want to do my best to follow them and to the best of my ability.

That actually sounds better (and safer) than what I originally thought about doing. I just might actually do that, if not make a 3D animation
As long as the enemy is around, it's the safest thing.
3D animation sounds good too, especially if you're familiar with this world.
Don't hesitate to take your time with this, and figure out which way is best for you to express your creativity.
Little seeds need water and time to grow.
You can still jot down some ideas of how you want to structure your story and what needs to happen, etc.

was it a mistake to type that here? I am still learning as of now about some of the rules on this site, and I want to do my best to follow them and to the best of my ability.
Not necessarily. It's positive to share some experiences. What I meant is that some experiences are very private, and in such scenario, it's best to think twice. If you have doubts, you can always ask Father Satan for advice.

Again thanks so much for the advice.
You're welcome 🙂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
