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About Weed and Smoking

Lunar Dance 666 said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
HP Cobra, I would greatly appreciate it if there was a way we could discuss this further, possibly privately? My experiences with SS, the Gods, and cannabis directly contradict most of the claims here...I dont want to cause an uproar or divide the group. I havent seen the same results as you have about this, and more study is needed on my end for obvious reasons. My GDs, and I'm certain its them, have never expressed a concern about this on our multiple convos about exactly this. I only see that talk here. I'm sincerely confused. However I do not deny the negative effects it can have, just isnt always the case.

Like I said, I could really use some guidance on this one. I didnt even start smoking cannabis until after I dedicated. Was always told it was a responsibility thing, was provided evidence of our Gods cultivating it, and told not overindulge as it is medicine, not to be abused. There are documented instances where our ancestors used it during funeral ceremonies for its memory effects, but I cant verify the source.

Obviously inhaling plant (or any) material into your lungs will be bad for them. Smoke is no different.

I am the most confused I have been for a minute, and I do not like it one bit. Bring the knowledge.

How did you come to these conclusions?
What sources did you read? Or did you just go and tried to astral hear first thing ever?

No one here advocates or tells you to do drugs use and it is also discouraged on the website. There is no way that you would have thought of doing so if you stuck with the website.
Joyofsatan.org / satanisgod.org / evilgoy.com

Drugs, in my opinion, are used to alleviate conditions wether it be temporary or permanently.
If you're in pain and the doctor prescribes opiods to counteract that pain it's waaaay extreme. Oh but! You can also apply for a marijuana license as a "natural" alternative and by golly you'll be so fried you won't even notice the pain was there until it comes back. Now there are definitly many variables, The pain is from a bad car accident, Neck/Back usually, fucks people up quite a bit, but certaintly you would have to eventually pick yourself back up to heal yourself and not come to depend on drugs to alleviate it forever. I believe the body can heal itself to an extent, but it also needs time, professionals involved, and your own invested time into helping your back come back to baseline. A lot of people live in pain everyday, but they pop their alleve/tylenols and never think once of doing anything for themselves and just walk on a crutch forever.
You certaintly cannot depend on Marijuana to get that Higher High in meditations, yoga. That's why I laughed when I had gotten a massage, "Oh you can get drunk faster!". It's just doesn't feel right to depend on a plant as as the sermon stated, who wants to shit their pants taking DMT (spirit molecule lol). Marijuana can impair you cognitively over prolonged uses, there is no safe way to dose.
They've done experiments on rats and shows many such issues. I myself have done cannabis as an adolescent, I used to take it just to feel something different, listen to music, chill, and masturbate. I then had a panic attack out of nowhere and I feel like I have never felt the same since then and it has been 8 years or so. Anecdotal evidence isn't one-size fits all, but I had smoked every week or so for about 3 months. I had a hard time focusing and ending up dropping out of college and playing video games all day mainly addicted to online multiplayer games at the time.
I know the reply is about me, but I try to give insight into issues from my perspective and my experiences to make them more realistic. Marijuana may seem like a nice treat after a good RTR to get a better high or after a good yoga session, my belief would be the high is good enough as is and the sermon and many related posts by the HPs speak enough for itself, I just wanted to chip in, but take a look at the people who rely on weed, that is the future if you don't discpline yourself now and abstain and focus on pleasures you're able to obtain yourself through your own efforts and let your body naturally reward you with dopamine, seratonin the feel good chemicals and constantly do good stuff for people/yourself is my advice.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
I realize my stance on this is different than that of the clergy. By no means am I advocating general use of this substance or any other. I was simply told by the Gods, Nepthys namely, after confirming it was sincerely them, that this practice of cannabis use for funerary services was indeed not typical and has to do with deep seeded psychological trauma, and healing it. It is/was temporary medicine. It is indeed not for all and that is why I stated things the way I did in my original post about it.

I am not advocating the use of cannabis to the rest of my SS family. Make this clear.
I do not deny its negative qualities and side effects.

If you all would please take a moment to look through my posts, you will see I posted some months ago admitting I have an issue with cannabis. I am not so stupid to believe I have some higher Intel than HP Cobra. I am surely not deluded. I am simply stating my limited understandings in hopes of getting more information about it out there to those who are less aware.

Stop insulting your family members who are trying to help. I am trying to help my fellow SS who struggle alongside me with addictions, who fear the ostricisation you are supplying by wording your replies so hastily. I do not fear this. Have some tact, please. We are a family, we should support each others betterment, not dash their will with insults. We are better than this.

We need this information and we need each side presented to know the facts in entirety. If you cannot add something beneficial and logical (non emotional responses) to this I would ask that you please refrain from reply towards me. I am not interested in small talk here, only fact based answers. We need to heal. Hp Cobra has giving others like me, this supposedly wretched pothead, such an avenue and I will not sit idly by to allow it to be sullied with these responses just because someone had an opposing view and had the balls to speak up respectfully.

( I am sorry for any inconvenience, High Priest HoodedCobra. I reiterate my intentions are solely to help. These are my people, too.)
But the godz told me itz goood, how dare u say itz bad.
Yes you are a pothead, and also a very deluded one, just like all potheads, nothing new here. Maybe you are a god too?
Kinda late to the party lol but I totally agree with this, I have seen people’s opinions change due to being really deluded and being easily brainwashed whilst being stoned like I know this one guy who was really into Nazis at one point and now he’s just spouting nonsense on having a higher self while smoking pot, communism and on the enemy. Ugh I really hate this guy, bad vibes.

I must admit I used to be a pot smoker as well since the majority of my family are into it which led me astray when I first dedicated a few years back. It was a major mistake on my part and if I haven’t gone down that path I may have been just a bit more advanced. I was deluded into thinking “Oh weed is helpful” but over time hopefully any SS will end up seeing that this is actually ruining the shit out of you if they don’t see it now.

In regards to advancement I could hardly feel my energy anymore when I tried to feel my chakras; they just felt so drained, it was becoming frustrating, also my creativity dropped that I couldn’t draw as much as I wanted to. Back then the main reason why I was so into it is because I was afraid to feel pain, afraid of my depression that if I didn’t have this drug I probably would end up killing myself. I thought I was healing myself with this drug but NO, if anything I was running away from problems and not dealing with it. Fear gets in the way of advancement. I feel as though for any SS who is into weed needs to do freeing the soul workings or target whatever that is making them cling onto it because many people do have a reason for smoking especially if they become addicted. The frustration was getting to me that I wasn’t using my full potential which motivated me, also I challenged myself to see how long I could go without it but I had faced withdrawals like bad anxiety so you must have a strong will power to quit if you are actually willing to that is. Smoking weed is not good, its addictive and you get attacked. Sometimes truth hurts but it does hinder advancement and is self-destructive yet it will take some time before actually getting off of it if any SS is having this problem so don’t feel bad if you can’t just cold turkey it when you begin workings. Also I should add I’m pretty sure the Gods helped me see that weed was ruining me and once I decided to finally quit they helped me along the way ^^
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
...told by the Gods, Nepthys namely, after confirming it was sincerely them, that this practice of cannabis use for funerary services was indeed not typical and has to do with deep seeded psychological trauma, and healing it. It is/was temporary medicine. It is indeed not for all and that is why I stated things the way I did in my original post about it.

I am not advocating the use of cannabis to the rest of my SS family. Make this clear.
I do not deny its negative qualities and side effects.

I am not so stupid to believe I have some higher Intel than HP Cobra. I am surely not deluded. I am simply stating my limited understandings in hopes of getting more information about it out there to those who are less aware.

Stop insulting your family members who are trying to help. I am trying to help my fellow SS who struggle alongside me with addictions, who fear the ostricisation you are supplying by wording your replies so hastily. I do not fear this. Have some tact, please. We are a family, we should support each others betterment, not dash their will with insults. We are better than this.

Emboldened print was meant for you, Aquarius. Never did I claim it was good, only that my particular experience didn't match the information being provided. Please go back and reread since you incorrectly assumed, yet again.

We as SS are expected and encouraged to bring questions like this to the attention of the clergy, or do you just want some unchecked cult mentality to ruin our credibility? Because that's what you get when we don't do our job as SS and question everything. We are not just another cult so stop treating a lack of information as wrong information until you can be certain. We have yet to hear from HP's on the matter, more research is needed and there is hardly the time in their schedules for even smaller things.

Every person's path to Godhead looks different and you have NO right to judge the rest of us just because you are perceived to be doing "better". I'm sure you have your own hangups, but nobody is insulting you on them for the world to see. Your opinions of me and my credibility matter not. I feel like I've told you this before.
I suggest you find more meaningful tasks to occupy your time, because I will be much too busy bettering myself to listen to your assumptive bullshit, Aquarius.
If you've no new information to contribute, you are of no real help here.

Here's some stuff I gathered on ancient pagan cannabis use. Towards my reply, I welcome logic based discussion and correction ONLY:


"...Hindus associate cannabis with the god Shiva, who is believed to have given the drug to humanity as a sign of gratitude.6 It was first mentioned in The Vedas, a scared Hindu text, as far back as 14000 BC. Cannabis was named a sacred plant and considered a source of happiness, joy, and freedom and a means to relieve anxiety. The drug is often consumed as a drink or mixed with nuts, spices, milk, or yogurt.14" quoted from the site https://www.recovery.org/addiction/religions/

FullWiki Link: http://www.thefullwiki.org/Spiritual_use_of_cannabis

https://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/drugs-ancient-cultures-history-drug-use-and-effects-006051 This one lists other substances used in our ancient cultures, as well.

Ebers Papyrus, longest and oldest medical text (speculation is this text was a copied version of the original, written by Thoth in the first dynasty) https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ebers_Papyrus

https://www.lamota.org/en/blog/cannabis-satanic-medicine/ (heavy xian, anti-satanic language warning, site is cannabis sales related but divulges some interesting history)

All I can see is another pothead trying to claim his favourite drug is ok to smoke. Nothing more. SS is not a mere title but is defined by your values and beliefs. Shill for weed? I will not respect you.
Here you are advocating for using a harmful drug while claiming that is not what your doing. How can we believe anything your personally claiming when you are now being dishonest in this debate to push drugs. You have shown your agenda is to push weed and use appeal to authority to do such. Every person trying to promote drugs will claim this is not what they are doing to attempt to disarm peoples critical judgement to make it easier push drug use.

The last decent spiritual paths and teachers in Hinduism don't use or promote drugs. They have stated this is a corruption that came in later on. These pot head yogis in India don't go anywhere and most end up with physical problems and psychological problems some of them go totally crazy from the drugs. The real spiritual masters in Hinduism have warned that drugs create major disturbances in the different levels of the soul and make it impossible to advance. Which is why the enemy promotes drugs to the New Agers from the Hippy movement to the current.

Who really knows about ancient Egypt the enemy has destroyed their civilization and they control the archeology departments which they promote all kinds of lies to use as back masking to dove tail with the lies they tell today.

Once again your appealing to authority does not work. If people find information thousands of years later that people smoked meth in America does that make it a smart thing to do.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
I am not advocating the use of cannabis to the rest of my SS family. Make this clear.

Emboldened print was meant for you, Aquarius. Never did I claim it was good, only that my particular experience didn't match the information being provided. Please go back and reread since you incorrectly assumed, yet again.

We as SS are expected and encouraged to bring questions like this to the attention of the clergy, or do you just want some unchecked cult mentality to ruin our credibility? Because that's what you get when we don't do our job as SS and question everything. We are not just another cult so stop treating a lack of information as wrong information until you can be certain. We have yet to hear from HP's on the matter, more research is needed and there is hardly the time in their schedules for even smaller things.

Every person's path to Godhead looks different and you have NO right to judge the rest of us just because you are perceived to be doing "better". I'm sure you have your own hangups, but nobody is insulting you on them for the world to see. Your opinions of me and my credibility matter not. I feel like I've told you this before.
I suggest you find more meaningful tasks to occupy your time, because I will be much too busy bettering myself to listen to your assumptive bullshit, Aquarius.
If you've no new information to contribute, you are of no real help here.

Here's some stuff I gathered on ancient pagan cannabis use. Towards my reply, I welcome logic based discussion and correction ONLY:


"...Hindus associate cannabis with the god Shiva, who is believed to have given the drug to humanity as a sign of gratitude.6 It was first mentioned in The Vedas, a scared Hindu text, as far back as 14000 BC. Cannabis was named a sacred plant and considered a source of happiness, joy, and freedom and a means to relieve anxiety. The drug is often consumed as a drink or mixed with nuts, spices, milk, or yogurt.14" quoted from the site https://www.recovery.org/addiction/religions/

FullWiki Link: http://www.thefullwiki.org/Spiritual_use_of_cannabis

https://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/drugs-ancient-cultures-history-drug-use-and-effects-006051 This one lists other substances used in our ancient cultures, as well.

Ebers Papyrus, longest and oldest medical text (speculation is this text was a copied version of the original, written by Thoth in the first dynasty) https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ebers_Papyrus

https://www.lamota.org/en/blog/cannabis-satanic-medicine/ (heavy xian, anti-satanic language warning, site is cannabis sales related but divulges some interesting history)

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
...told by the Gods, Nepthys namely, after confirming it was sincerely them, that this practice of cannabis use for funerary services was indeed not typical and has to do with deep seeded psychological trauma, and healing it. It is/was temporary medicine. It is indeed not for all and that is why I stated things the way I did in my original post about it.

I am not advocating the use of cannabis to the rest of my SS family. Make this clear.
I do not deny its negative qualities and side effects.

I am not so stupid to believe I have some higher Intel than HP Cobra. I am surely not deluded. I am simply stating my limited understandings in hopes of getting more information about it out there to those who are less aware.

Stop insulting your family members who are trying to help. I am trying to help my fellow SS who struggle alongside me with addictions, who fear the ostricisation you are supplying by wording your replies so hastily. I do not fear this. Have some tact, please. We are a family, we should support each others betterment, not dash their will with insults. We are better than this.

Emboldened print was meant for you, Aquarius. Never did I claim it was good, only that my particular experience didn't match the information being provided. Please go back and reread since you incorrectly assumed, yet again.

We as SS are expected and encouraged to bring questions like this to the attention of the clergy, or do you just want some unchecked cult mentality to ruin our credibility? Because that's what you get when we don't do our job as SS and question everything. We are not just another cult so stop treating a lack of information as wrong information until you can be certain. We have yet to hear from HP's on the matter, more research is needed and there is hardly the time in their schedules for even smaller things.

Every person's path to Godhead looks different and you have NO right to judge the rest of us just because you are perceived to be doing "better". I'm sure you have your own hangups, but nobody is insulting you on them for the world to see. Your opinions of me and my credibility matter not. I feel like I've told you this before.
I suggest you find more meaningful tasks to occupy your time, because I will be much too busy bettering myself to listen to your assumptive bullshit, Aquarius.
If you've no new information to contribute, you are of no real help here.

Here's some stuff I gathered on ancient pagan cannabis use. Towards my reply, I welcome logic based discussion and correction ONLY:


"...Hindus associate cannabis with the god Shiva, who is believed to have given the drug to humanity as a sign of gratitude.6 It was first mentioned in The Vedas, a scared Hindu text, as far back as 14000 BC. Cannabis was named a sacred plant and considered a source of happiness, joy, and freedom and a means to relieve anxiety. The drug is often consumed as a drink or mixed with nuts, spices, milk, or yogurt.14" quoted from the site https://www.recovery.org/addiction/religions/

FullWiki Link: http://www.thefullwiki.org/Spiritual_use_of_cannabis

https://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/drugs-ancient-cultures-history-drug-use-and-effects-006051 This one lists other substances used in our ancient cultures, as well.

Ebers Papyrus, longest and oldest medical text (speculation is this text was a copied version of the original, written by Thoth in the first dynasty) https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ebers_Papyrus

https://www.lamota.org/en/blog/cannabis-satanic-medicine/ (heavy xian, anti-satanic language warning, site is cannabis sales related but divulges some interesting history)


Surely that is corruptions operated by the Jewsuits. The Gods do not advocate the use of drugs. You should the sermons about telepathic communication and interference.
Indeed! I used to be a pothead , I literally cannot smoke it anymore as it gives me panic attacks , I am a recovering drug addict as well , and drugs are just the worse , they will destroy your mind body and soul. They shove booze and pot and pharmas down society's throat like tic tacs and tell you to go buy TV dinners and mindlessly watch the news and obey all the subliminal bull shit that the fucking jews no doubt put on there.. I feel for me as I have an addictive personality should refrain from drugs totally .. *** . But I still say zero drugs is best as they impede upon spiritual perfection and if you want to reach the Godhead should be avoided as much as possible! If anyone is having problems with addiction you probably know by now that our Lord Satan and his Demons are trying to help you get clean , do yourself a favor and take the help because they will cause you to be incarcerated sometimes if your getting really bad , just to spare your life , as they did with me , and now I am doing better then I ever thought I could... Very thankful I am!
The fact you "asked for guidance" and you got a reply that is essentially obvious that you received because of personal bias over the subject of weed does not make it a reply to credit or pin on Nepthys.

She may have led you to the correct path of stopping, but the by stops and the excuses are your personal making.

The whole "I know drugs are bad but I do them and promote them cause I cannot live without them" is just a problem some people have. It's called addiction.

One does not need ascribe their own weaknesses to the Gods, as they do not promote any of this.

I can only imagine a severe Pothead condition where a line of "cut it off gradually" is the case. But it makes no sense for pot. It would make sense of psychiatric and other medication, but about pot, it is just emotional semantics.

This just goes on to prove how addicted people are on these things and how much these insanities have hijacked human life, to the point people babble about them.
I did not approve your comment because I believed it was reading, but because I truly believed it was really wrong, and I saw meaningful replies from others to address and combat this situation. This is because quite some people do the same thing with themselves and this is doing them BAD.

Other similar comments however were not approved they are rather gone.

"Weed was used in painting". Well, asbestos was used in building houses and make them firm. Are you going to cover yourself in asbestos now? Will eating Asbestos make you more "stable"? These are the arguments that weedtards pose. Maybe Weed is good for toilet paper, does that make it so important?

This just goes to show how much poor reasoning people exercise for their decisions.

The whole "I do not recommend it but here it is", is just bullshit.

"I don't recommend getting overweight, but if you eat everyday at MacDonald's you'll feel amazing bro, cloud nine, plus ___xGod____ told me, that eating everyday at MacDonalds can actually be a thing, and I'm doing it, and I feel great, and I sit at around half a ton now. I don't recommend it!".
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
SS is not a mere title but is defined by your values and beliefs...

Btw, we are both aquarians. This isnt how we act, Are you afraid to learn something here? Afraid of change to the status quo? How very un-aquarian.

Another thing I'd like to add, is that AGAIN, I never claimed weed was good. Stop putting your ugly words in my sober mouth.

This line about the status quo I have heard it before, how great that many of us have destroyed Status Quo's like Hitler, so now we can live in places outnumbered by foreigners 9 to 1. But at least we destroyed the Status Quo. Keep in mind, I am replying on this as usual.

Dotards somehow believe they are against the status quo and they are going into the "revolution" by doing drugs that fry them and make them mentally disabled. They are so "Free" that when and if their weed goes, they cannot even go to the bathroom. They are so revolutionary, that they follow verbatim the plan laid down by the CIA in the 70's to drug people to shit, for mass social experimentation and control.

This is not called going against the status quo. Almost everyone one knows in some places does drugs and smokes the blunt. This is the status quo, to do drugs. And it has been so for many decades now and even before.

This is called making yourself a perfect victim and guinea pig for those in power, by your own money, will and admission.
Sextilius Lux Ludo said:
Indeed! I used to be a pothead , I literally cannot smoke it anymore as it gives me panic attacks , I am a recovering drug addict as well , and drugs are just the worse , they will destroy your mind body and soul. They shove booze and pot and pharmas down society's throat like tic tacs and tell you to go buy TV dinners and mindlessly watch the news and obey all the subliminal bull shit that the fucking jews no doubt put on there.. I feel for me as I have an addictive personality should refrain from drugs totally .. *** . But I still say zero drugs is best as they impede upon spiritual perfection and if you want to reach the Godhead should be avoided as much as possible! If anyone is having problems with addiction you probably know by now that our Lord Satan and his Demons are trying to help you get clean , do yourself a favor and take the help because they will cause you to be incarcerated sometimes if your getting really bad , just to spare your life , as they did with me , and now I am doing better then I ever thought I could... Very thankful I am!

You know by putting your finger on the stove it's going to burn, you have burned it, but you occasionally like to redo it. The details of which I removed from the post as it's silly.

But thank the Gods for saving your hand right...so you can put your finger and burn it again? Do not re-engage in these destructive loops mate.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The fact you "asked for guidance" and you got a reply that is essentially obvious that you received because of personal bias over the subject of weed does not make it a reply to credit or pin on Nepthys.

She may have led you to the correct path of stopping, but the by stops and the excuses are your personal making.

The whole "I know drugs are bad but I do them and promote them cause I cannot live without them" is just a problem some people have. It's called addiction.

One does not need ascribe their own weaknesses to the Gods, as they do not promote any of this.

I can only imagine a severe Pothead condition where a line of "cut it off gradually" is the case. But it makes no sense for pot. It would make sense of psychiatric and other medication, but about pot, it is just emotional semantics.

This just goes on to prove how addicted people are on these things and how much these insanities have hijacked human life, to the point people babble about them.

Ever since I read the sermon, I have quit kratom and have been clean for 5 days.
Kratom is a new drug that can possibly gain traction as well as the natural pain reliever, but it's a mimicker of a opiods at higher doses as it is an alkaloid, and due to it being new in the western part of the world, it's being advocated as safe in moderate doses.
I am thankful kratom was there for me during my years as a workslave to relieve the empty existence of the 40 hour week, but at the same time very regretful as those should have been the times to focus on RTRs, getting out of that slave existence. I traded my motivation for a leaf that also has debilitating side-effects as it puts a strain on the liver and kidneys. Dosages may very, but extreme cases "High-dose kratom users in Thailand have also demonstrated long-term side effects, including hyperpigmentation of the skin and possible psychosis." People also have noted that their hair starts thinning, etc. I am very glad I never had any bad side-effects as I was blessed with a strong body, but as I have come off it, I have only had mild symptons like feeling a flu coming on etc.
Drugs in this time are more of a distraction and a pacifier when we need that psychological energy to advance spiritually, this pain we know that can't go away until we fix the root cause of it all, rather than a band-aid fix for the now a more permanent solution to come. That's why I'm also attempting and will try to permamently limit my times spent playing video games going out more as it has cost me many opportunities throughout my life, but there is still time left. For these gamers out there, I'm not denouncing that games are inherently bad, but the time spent on them could be used for better purposes, but realitistically people hold these vices and until they admit they have a problem and seek to distance themselves away from it, they will be clamped down and unable to move until they do.
DezFranky said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The fact you "asked for guidance" and you got a reply that is essentially obvious that you received because of personal bias over the subject of weed does not make it a reply to credit or pin on Nepthys.

She may have led you to the correct path of stopping, but the by stops and the excuses are your personal making.

The whole "I know drugs are bad but I do them and promote them cause I cannot live without them" is just a problem some people have. It's called addiction.

One does not need ascribe their own weaknesses to the Gods, as they do not promote any of this.

I can only imagine a severe Pothead condition where a line of "cut it off gradually" is the case. But it makes no sense for pot. It would make sense of psychiatric and other medication, but about pot, it is just emotional semantics.

This just goes on to prove how addicted people are on these things and how much these insanities have hijacked human life, to the point people babble about them.

Ever since I read the sermon, I have quit kratom and have been clean for 5 days.
Kratom is a new drug that can possibly gain traction as well as the natural pain reliever, but it's a mimicker of a opiods at higher doses as it is an alkaloid, and due to it being new in the western part of the world, it's being advocated as safe in moderate doses.

My congratulations Brother, keep it up.

Well, 40 hour weekends may look like a lot, but others easily do 50 hours a week all the way up to 70 and 80 in some cases. For many a 40 hour weekend is just a dream, in many places of the world is 50 or 60 hours. They do no drugs. Stay stable in diet, meditation, and progress steadily [set up time daily for it, and stay at it] and you will not need anything. At worse case scenario, you can use Caffeine as a worse case scenario. If you do not drink 5 mugs a day, your system will respond to just one of it when you need it. Tea is a replacement, also.

I have done 60 hour weekends and more without any help, sometimes, even more hours. I am not saying you will not struggle, because you will.

You can do it, too, without any stimulants. But what is totally required is a good diet for you and certainly meditation, that is steadily advancing, and Yoga.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Btw, we are both aquarians. This isnt how we act, Are you afraid to learn something here? Afraid of change to the status quo? How very un-aquarian.

Another thing I'd like to add, is that AGAIN, I never claimed weed was good. Stop putting your ugly words in my sober mouth.

Aquarius is a fixed sign. Once an opinion it's formed it will not change easily. Aquarian people have their own strong opinion that will be defended even aggressively, especially when they concern the betterment of mankind like in this occurrence. But this is general Aquarius. You clearly know little about astrology. There are a bunch of factors to consider when making such assessments. Pretending you're the same as Aquarius is self-delusion, as no birth chart is the same. Beside quitting drugs, you should carefully study JoS's astrology section, mate.

I hope the involvement of the clergy in the discussion triggered something in your brain and you're starting to grow up and reconsider your words and action.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The fact you "asked for guidance" and you got a reply that is essentially obvious that you received because of personal bias over the subject of weed does not make it a reply to credit or pin on Nepthys.

She may have led you to the correct path of stopping, but the by stops and the excuses are your personal making.

The whole "I know drugs are bad but I do them and promote them cause I cannot live without them" is just a problem some people have. It's called addiction.

One does not need ascribe their own weaknesses to the Gods, as they do not promote any of this.

I can only imagine a severe Pothead condition where a line of "cut it off gradually" is the case. But it makes no sense for pot. It would make sense of psychiatric and other medication, but about pot, it is just emotional semantics.

This just goes on to prove how addicted people are on these things and how much these insanities have hijacked human life, to the point people babble about them.

You're not telling me anything I haven't already known and accepted. I never said this was Nepthys's doing, nor that she ever suggested I do it. I was aware at the time there were other, better options (sobriety). My actions are my own. She supplied the information I asked for, and cautioned me. I am fully aware my situation is my own doing, HP, so why am I being perceived as promoting this when I'm literally just trying to get some solid information going? Because I credited Nepthys for her knowledge on herbs and our old customs? She never once told me to smoke weed. She told me it used to be used for those things. That is literally all she told me.Things get outdated, I know that, so I offered my sources but I see none from anyone else. I got what I could find, and I never expected anyone to agree with me. We have sources for everything here, except for this right now. There is very little on the main page as well. How can I trust Aquarius's "advice" when this is not the only time he has taken antagonistic stances like this towards me? I asked him for sources too but he just wants to continue to judge me. He, you, and others assume I promote this practice, which I honestly DO NOT. Such dialogue needs to stop. I fully accept I have a problem here, I never once denied the addiction. I'm seeking understanding and as I have stated each and every time... I just wanted some textual evidence, so I can SEE it.

I just thought since everyone has such a strong stance on it, there'd be no issue finding the evidence to show me and any others why this plant has no purpose in SS when hemp was documented in medicinal (and textile) use back then.

I'm sorry but I really don't feel the need to be right about this. I don't get why I'm being presumed upon, either.

Make no mistake, I am only happy and proud for my brothers and sisters who are moving away from this. I understand there are different ways in going about this.

There are definitely other things equally dangerous, addicting, and bad.

You can truly use google and find a lot of conflicting research, but so far looking around and looking at the users go, the manifestation is all the same. People live in different continents, cultures, etc, and people who do a lot of pot tend to be a duplicate of one another, with the whole package of pot use and everything else. This in itself is alarming, and obvious.

The argument of "SOURCE IT FOR ME", you can source it by going beneath every bridge. Here are a few of the hundreds of sources which are always called lies by pot people. For most people how weed lifestyle ends is they start literally worshipping the plant itself, all the life becomes based around the plant.





6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For most people how weed lifestyle ends is they start literally worshipping the plant itself, all the life becomes based around the plant.






Thank you, Commander. I didn't know which ones were trustworthy sources as, of course, I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm nuts for thinking anything bad about pot. These links are mostly for my partner (biggest obstacle right now, they're unwilling to even discuss this), a little less for me, but still a major help. You know I've been wanting to quit this shit for a few solid months now. Living situation is rather difficult but not impossible. I'm incredibly thankful you took the time to write up the sermon and all your responses. You've never led us astray before so I don't see why that would start now.

The enemy likes to use our tragedies against us, to no one's surprise. They will absolutely take any ground they find and run with it to destroy us. They do not care. They used my dead fucking mother-in-law in all this, even went so far as to make sure the herb grinder she had bought me for the holidays had a major satanic symbol on it. Then made sure I received it even though she had passed away before Yule even came around. I chose the path of escapism instead of the path of progress, and in a situation like that, it's very easy for the weakened and uninformed to do. Nobody enjoys hurting, and that's where a lot of addictions seem to stem from. People just wanting to not be in pain anymore. It does not excuse anyone, however, from taking charge of our own lives or from the consequences of our actions.

I can't imagine a timeline where I EVER go to worship a fucking plant over Satan. An impossible decision.

Do you have suggestions on any next steps? Additionally, do I just throw away the grinder? It depicts an unbound baphomet, and I think the art is removable from the grinder itself via adhesive backing. It seems almost disrespectful to just toss it in the trash. I would want to keep the baphomet piece only, if salvageable.

Personally, I believe if the grinder will reignite your addiction, it is best to just toss it. Weed can be a hard one to break, because it is more socially acceptable to smoke many times a day, however that does not make it impossible. Obviously you know of the greater journey ahead of you, therefore you have ample justification. Now all you need is to channel your willpower into breaking the initial urges.

You should toss everything you can use to smoke, and ask your partner to not smoke around you, if they can help it. With 3 days of abstinence, you will feel fine without it. With 7, you will likely not even give it a thought. Good luck, you will do great.
Drugs are for mugs anyone that recommends them for our folk are totally out of order.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
[...]Nepthys had said roughly the same as well, more stressing the importance of keeping it controlled with her assistance in dosage and frequency.
You are essentially saying here that a Goddess is promoting smoking weed, along with your first post, and then you double-talk and say that you are not promoting weed, yet while also posting links that promote weed.

Weed messes with the brain, as you are clearly demonstrating. You keep looping around, promoting, yet claiming you are not promoting. Stating that a Goddess teaches you about weed and how much to smoke, is in itself promoting weed and claiming that a Goddess also promotes smoking it, despite of later saying that you (and She) are not promoting it. It is still promoting the smoking of weed.

Also, whatever beef you have with Aquarius, at least he is always concise, to-the-point, and 100% straightforward, he never double-talks.
Good morning...

I am satanist from an arab Country that is totaly ruled by jewish family and i seek help and guidance from the priesthood of the joy of satan Anyway in around 2017 i started to understand many things deeply and started having many dreams and thoughts that told me to join the militiry so i could do a *** in my country and then i and these Toughts became stronger these days the quastion here is should i listen to these thoughts??? Or its just a nothing but a illusion؟؟؟

Whoever i also really really need answers to my quastions please...

I was born in ** which mean that my Zodiac sign is leo And my real name in arabic consists of four letters and 4 is the number of satan (i am not idioit to say my real name here ofcourse) does this mean anything???

I also meditate but not that much all i do is 5 rounds of breathing exercise in the morning and 5 rounds in before i go to sleep... I am very bad at visualization i cant visualize anything but i am good at body language and giving speeches is this a good thing ???

And the last whenever i met people in the streets or in grocery store i get Weird gazes and people feel Uncomfortable and scared in my presence but sometimes i really realize that they become friendly and they hold the door for me even tho i am too young to be treated by such a respect am i doing something wrong here???

I know that the admin may not allow my comment to be here but please at least let the priests see it so they could guide me and help me in my life journey please at least contact with me through the email

Thank you

Hail satan!!!
Lydia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
lex said:
Anyone’s free to do what they want but no one is free of the consequences :geek: the kids I grew up with who were raised in heavy religious families all grew up to be addicted to heroin ect without any real education to pursuade their drug choices and only “fear of hell/god” to try and hold them back. Having children now I’ve always vowed to properly educate them on drug use versus fear mongering.

Education goes a better way than fear morgering and trying to suppress children or be extremely dogmatic. This is because this makes them curious.

Show them when they are ready the pics of the toothless meth-heads and explain them that it should better not be them, and explain to them why the situation happened, and school them right.

Forcing it on them can have the reverse effect. How many people I have seen tell their children "DONT DO DRUGS" and keep it at that, and so many of these become coke and weed fiends because they have no clue anything else is bad but the fear mongering.

I agree. As a child, one of my older relatives told me about his past drug experiments, so I never felt the "taboo" thrill of it, and never did drugs. I felt no need to experiment for myself to see what they do. I also read some biographies when I was 12 or so of rock stars and read all the gory details and how they ruined their lives and music careers from drugs. So I was well-educated about drugs, and stayed far away from them.

Sometimes you don't smoke anything but just being around someone who just lit one and you accidentally standing in the smoke could make you high too.

One time I went home from a freelance job and I smelled something and I felt very sleepy soon after. So I got home, laid down, fell asleep and I don't even remember cycling home. But I did feel like I wanted to take something sedative afterwards :s

With the fact that they want to make pot/weed increasingly more potent.. just getting high off a whiff of something is going to be dangerous in the way that you could potentially get high/stoned yourself without smoking it.

There was this person on my education that bought hemp from a coffeeshop to use in baking.. even the air that came off that made me nauseous (gave me a headache or something too) but we all had a lunch together that day. Of course I refused to eat whatever they cooked, I also had my own lunch with me, fortunately.

There should just be a law with a simple saying that hallocinogenic drugs should be illegal unless they are prescribed by a medical professional..
Rather than having this problem with banning stuff like that because the chemical compound is a tad bit different than i.e. traditional mdma / xtc and thus they're 'legal' ? It shouldn't matter, all mindaltering substances should be banned.
And no I didn't mean to include alcohol in that too but I guess if you drink a lot of that it could be counted as one..
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
I am a female, Aquarius. With a vagina and all that jazz. Paperwork matches, too.

How many more stupid assumptions are you going to make about me before you realize you're completely wrong?
And because of this I should not call you out for promoting drus use as good?
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
I am a female, Aquarius. With a vagina and all that jazz. Paperwork matches, too.

How many more stupid assumptions are you going to make about me before you realize you're completely wrong?
And because of this I should not call you out for promoting drug use as good?

Never once did I say it was good nor did I ever promote it to our people.
All I was looking for was links to proof and instead of being helpful you just wanted to point out how I am wrong. I'm well aware of that fact. I dont think my measly 3 years experience as an SS is somehow more accurate or reliable than the collective experience of us all. I'm the only one who came forward to debate both sides. I wanted a true, fact-based debate for me and any other skeptics. Everyone else had mostly emotional responses with no textual evidence from what I could see. Thankfully HP Cobra knew where to find them, because I sure as Hell didnt, and no one else came forward.

People using weed dont care for the counter opinions. The culture is of pacifism and inaction, at best they'll agree just to get you to stop talking. Then its ten joints to the face for "muh anxiety". Facts work better, hard evidence, clinical studies, brain scans. Talk is cheap, fact is fact. Stoners dont have good attention spans anyways, and will 100% forget talk. Too busy thinking about weed.

I just don't see how it helps anyone to be so rude towards a struggling family member. In my experience with other addicts, this is taking a step backwards.
You can call me out if you want but it won't make much of a difference at this point. I understand better than you assume I do.

I have an honest question. Have you ever had to break such an unhealthy habit? It is hard enough without your peers judging at every response, but if you want to help us, you could start with changing your approach to the situation. You seem have a strong personality and that often translates wrong with addicts. It did with me. I know you are trying to help and I thank you for that.

Also, the Aquarius sign comment was an attempt at comedy. My bad. I know it doesn't work like that as most of my immediate family are Aquarians.

Now, let's move on.
You claim you have been here for 3 years, there have been numerous posts about drugs not being good and posts directed specifically on weed, on the old forum there were like 2 posts by HP’s that were about weed and how bad it is, yet you never seen any of those? What HP HoodedCobra had to do to find those studies was to google “negative effects of weed” and look at a couple results on google.
And yes, I have broken the weed and cigarette habit too, I smoked it for like 2 years in my early teens, I Quit months after becoming an SS and the difference it made was giant, now I look back at my old self and I thank the Gods because without them I would most likely be a degenerate who says stuff like “but it’s natural!”. Now I hate drugs with passion and those who sponsorize it too.
ArabKnight said:
Good morning...

I am satanist from an arab Country that is totaly ruled by jewish family and i seek help and guidance from the priesthood of the joy of satan Anyway in around 2017 i started to understand many things deeply and started having many dreams and thoughts that told me to join the militiry so i could do a *** in my country and then i and these Toughts became stronger these days the quastion here is should i listen to these thoughts??? Or its just a nothing but a illusion؟؟؟

Whoever i also really really need answers to my quastions please...

I was born in ** which mean that my Zodiac sign is leo And my real name in arabic consists of four letters and 4 is the number of satan (i am not idioit to say my real name here ofcourse) does this mean anything???

I also meditate but not that much all i do is 5 rounds of breathing exercise in the morning and 5 rounds in before i go to sleep... I am very bad at visualization i cant visualize anything but i am good at body language and giving speeches is this a good thing ???

And the last whenever i met people in the streets or in grocery store i get Weird gazes and people feel Uncomfortable and scared in my presence but sometimes i really realize that they become friendly and they hold the door for me even tho i am too young to be treated by such a respect am i doing something wrong here???

I know that the admin may not allow my comment to be here but please at least let the priests see it so they could guide me and help me in my life journey please at least contact with me through the email

Thank you

Hail satan!!!

Mate please be sensible, meditate, study, and become a strong and a good man. And just stay safe.

You live in an Arabic country and many people will not only not understand you but can even kill you if they find out about your allegience to your ancestral Gods, so think sensibly. Do not do anything stupid.
Weed now and then helps me pop my sutures and stretch sinew very nicely and it is highly relieving. I have scoliosis, mild tmj and the optical stigma risk called strabismus. I’ve been operated on 6 times. I mix it with natural minerals and other herbs for cramping. If I do it more than once in a while then I get anxious. Weed prevents a theta state and can, of course, cause schizoaffective and psychotic manic issues. It definitely has its place, but I chose not to really fuck with it. SIEG HEIL
I remember how I was basically "social outcast" in high school because I didn't "chill" with rest of the "cool kids" after school. I still remember one day how every single one of my classmates went to the city park to get stoned because they were all "cool" except for me.

I shit you not, the retarded social worker woman at the school was calling my parents home and said that they're concerned about me being loner and not talking with other kids. I mean dude tell me what would your opinion of me be if you saw me with hanging out with bunch of junkies? Probably very low.
BlackJackal said:
I remember how I was basically "social outcast" in high school because I didn't "chill" with rest of the "cool kids" after school. I still remember one day how every single one of my classmates went to the city park to get stoned because they were all "cool" except for me.

I shit you not, the retarded social worker woman at the school was calling my parents home and said that they're concerned about me being loner and not talking with other kids. I mean dude tell me what would your opinion of me be if you saw me with hanging out with bunch of junkies? Probably very low.

"Plz lets call his mum, cuz, u know, he ain't doin any meth at 12 years old, homeboi is loner, rly strange. Social pplz are doing endless drugz and they shit themselves in the park like n0rmie-nal individuals. PFFT, p00r boi being alone."

Mate please be sensible, meditate, study, and become a strong and a good man. And just stay safe.

You live in an Arabic country and many people will not only not understand you but can even kill you if they find out about your allegience to your ancestral Gods, so think sensibly. Do not do anything stupid.[/quote]

Thank you very much for the response..

And if i did it or someone other than me did it it will totaly change not only the islamic world and the middle east but the whole world Considering the regional status and weight of my country..

If somone with pure heart take leadership in my country he could use islam As a political card against israel by gathering an anti zionist-islamic army from muslim powers like pakistan iran and sudan and Indonesia and Malaysia and even he could get the help of russia and china and other communist powers in his side because you know money is a god and usa could not put sanctions on my country in such a case because we could simply Prevent the export of oil to them... All these things togther will destroy the Deal of the Century..

In few words it will be the main goal for israel and usa to To bring down this regime when Istablished
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Never once did I say it was good nor did I ever promote it to our people.
All I was looking for was links to proof and instead of being helpful you just wanted to point out how I am wrong. I'm well aware of that fact. I dont think my measly 3 years experience as an SS is somehow more accurate or reliable than the collective experience of us all. I'm the only one who came forward to debate both sides. I wanted a true, fact-based debate for me and any other skeptics. Everyone else had mostly emotional responses with no textual evidence from what I could see. Thankfully HP Cobra knew where to find them, because I sure as Hell didnt, and no one else came forward.

Many of us gave real-life experiences and observances, which is valuable in every case and shows proof. How can you just dismiss this and instead want "textual evidence"?

Also, you still don't seem to understand that debating both sides, is a form of promoting the other side. You seem to be bragging about "being the only one who came forward to debate both sides", yet can't understand that there was no need to debate... for example, should we debate both sides of christianity? :roll:

You are so tied into weed, even when claiming to "not be promoting it" you are still open to the usual enemy agenda and saying the exact same things all potheads say, but you can't seem to understand it. And no my reply here is not what you think as an "emotional response", how I am thinking/writing is clear and obvious about how you are thinking, fully based on being tied into weed. No emotions from me, just tired of the same pothead talk that all potheads say, demanding "textual evidence" while ignoring real-life observances and cause-and-effect.

The wise person observes life and nature, and learns from it.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Thankfully HP Cobra knew where to find them, because I sure as Hell didnt, and no one else came forward.
I think all HP Cobra did was use an internet search engine, how could you not know how to do that?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember how I was basically "social outcast" in high school because I didn't "chill" with rest of the "cool kids" after school. I still remember one day how every single one of my classmates went to the city park to get stoned because they were all "cool" except for me.

I shit you not, the retarded social worker woman at the school was calling my parents home and said that they're concerned about me being loner and not talking with other kids. I mean dude tell me what would your opinion of me be if you saw me with hanging out with bunch of junkies? Probably very low.

"Plz lets call his mum, cuz, u know, he ain't doin any meth at 12 years old, homeboi is loner, rly strange. Social pplz are doing endless drugz and they shit themselves in the park like n0rmie-nal individuals. PFFT, p00r boi being alone."
I mean same... It's really hard for me to make friends when they do stupid things. Fuck i remember that many in my school where just idiots. I got lucky the last years but not enough to make long lasting friends. It's really hard to not be alone when you are around certain people's...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember how I was basically "social outcast" in high school because I didn't "chill" with rest of the "cool kids" after school. I still remember one day how every single one of my classmates went to the city park to get stoned because they were all "cool" except for me.

I shit you not, the retarded social worker woman at the school was calling my parents home and said that they're concerned about me being loner and not talking with other kids. I mean dude tell me what would your opinion of me be if you saw me with hanging out with bunch of junkies? Probably very low.

"Plz lets call his mum, cuz, u know, he ain't doin any meth at 12 years old, homeboi is loner, rly strange. Social pplz are doing endless drugz and they shit themselves in the park like n0rmie-nal individuals. PFFT, p00r boi being alone."

She was probably some NUUU ager feminist because she had red painted hair that was almost completely shaved and gave me bullshit because I wore black clothes. She said that black isn't really a color, that colors we have show us how we feel, blabla... I was just staring at her and thinking to myself how stupid she is lol. Now that I think about it, I shouldve replied to her if I should wore one of those clothes that have all colors on them while listening to one of the Snoop Dogg weed songs.
E-cigs are ten times more unhealthy than regular cigarettes. The main component of the evaporate is glycerol and the rest is synthetical fragrance. Both is absorbed by the lungs and can be very harmful. Glycerol is a type of alcohol, it naturally occurs in fat (triglycerides) but it's not very good for you in its pure form. It's also used as a laundry detergent. The fragrance is even worse, containing a myriad of toxins that don't have to be specified by the manufacturer and additionally it fucks with our sense of taste, can irritate nerves and brain areas.

Smoking real plants however is something natural that our ancestors have done. The smoke gives a stimulus to the lungs which encourages them, to build up a protective layer of mucus. That mucus layer protects from a lot of toxins like street dust or whatever they spray on us in their chemtrails. It should make you think that France and Japan, the countries with the biggest percentage of smokers in the populace, are also the countries with the fewest lung cancer deaths. generally these two nations seem to be very healthy and cancer free, especially Japan and in spite of Fukushima or France's bunch of nuclear power plants. Perhaps the radon therapy of old times wasn't just hogwash but our modern hysteria is. Meanwhile in the USA where smokers are generally looked at as subhumans, we see more people biting the dust from "cancer" than anywhere else. Also USA = motherland of chemtrails. Some people like the Khoi-San of southern Africa smoke all their medical herbs because they don't have any water for making tea since they live in a dusty desert. Smoking relieves stress which is the number one killer in our modern society.

Some traditional European smoking plants other than hemp:
- coltsfoot (tussilago); the leafs are collected in late summer and fall, fermented, dried and smoked against diseases of the lungs and throat, has soothing effects on cough
- hawk's herb (hieracium); same procedure as with coltsfoot, only that the leafs are much smaller; improves eyesight and has slight psychoactive properties
- elder (sambucus); leafs can be fermented or smoked like that, calming effect, sacred plant to the great Goddess
- ... there are more but those are the three most important. I think saponaria is smoked for enhancing dreams. At least the Africans use a type of saponaria for that purpose.

What is very popular in Germany are hookahs, we call them Shisha. You know, those middle eastern water pipes. They run on tobacco that is soaked in glycerol and fragrance and is heated by charcoal. The hookahs look kinda cool but I hate this just as much as e-cigs. It's just as poisonous, doesn't have the benefits of real smkoing and it's a foreign takeover of our land and culture. Like we have almost no authentic German food left while every village has a (((döner kebab))), there's also a hookah-bar everywhere for the mudslimes and mudsharks to get their nicotine flash. In the past our ancestors used to have beautiful pipes with creative designs. They had smoking clubs, like todays hookah-bars but without the white genocide.

This is what people should be smoking with:





Ancient pipes from burial mounds in America:
The following is my own experience...

I have had my fair share of struggles with weed. Having friends and family members all addicted to it. Yes I say ADDICTED, as they do it everyday. In my experience it’s more than just an addiction, it becomes a habit and can merge into the fabric of what makes the person function, and it’s also a deathly trap.

I can even confirm it relates to past lives of dependancy. With meditation my intuition and perception bas advanced to the point I have deeper understanding of things and past lives. If it were just a couple of my friends addicted to it I would say okay maybe it’s just this life but no, in my case I have everyone in my circle(people I cut ties with recently), friends I grew up with AND two siblings heavily addicted to it, at the point of no return.

With one of my brothers this addiction extended to alcohol addiction. These are not mere coincidences in any way and something that upon looking deeper, without Satan I was in for a life of turmoil and fuckery with a whole lot of pain, which had even started unfolding before my eyes. And it seems those around me, family and former friends all had and still have some kind of mental expectancy that I should have ended up a bum. But when they hear me talk and see that my former empty cup has been filled and I’m lively, happy and really vibrant they are confused. Almost in shock, subconscious that I “broke free”.

Now my efforts to stop fate, weed and addiction have been fruitful to a large extent, but it seems weed had always been a major obstacle, an emotional one, and a perfect outlet for escapism. To keep the story short I’ve taken steps to permanently remove this from my life and would urge anyone else to do the same!!!

I can’t hit the rewind button, as I’ve smoked in the past even when it seemed totally ILLOGICAL. I’ve shed tears have asked Satan to help me and I’ve been patient. Even after moving from it all the problem still followed and people that stepped in my life were also smokers(co-workers). It was always the same ordeal I was doing good at meditation, something leads to another and I smoke, with a judgement now weakened and holes in the aura formed(I CAN CONFIRM THIS HAPPENS), I would fall deeper into it(for a whole week or two). Shortly after I come back to my senses and stop altogether. Have a good run of meditation sober for two months at a time with a resilience. But the problem lingers and it was only a matter of time, which I actually feel.

Almost like my brain and subconscious mind was so used to this habit on a deeper level, like I was acting from a place of comfort. And as far as I know this was based on past lives and the energy set in motion based on this, not a coincidence that everyone around me promoted it and were the perfect outlets for me to get back into it(friends, co-workers, siblings), even now it’s still the case.
As a continuation to my previous post.

It seems that we are really working as a unit, part of the same vortex in sense that on many occasions I was going through something or a transition or struggle and a post on the forums were directly related to that. Synchronicity.

This current working I am doing, has helped me a lot and I just past the 40 days. But I’ll keep going. I’ll add even more to make sure it’s behind my fully. This working has even extended to eating healthier and being more conscious of what I eat and really ditching out whatever junk I was passively eating. I’ve now become an active eater.

Please whoever is reading this and thinking that they will do a freeing the soul working later or a weed counter working later don’t you’ll regret it in your journey to become a god. Be honest with yourself. And remove this bad habit and addiction ASAP. It will prevent you from reaching your goals as you’ll be constantly in a state of procrastination and waiting in a way. Not to mention destroying your motivation. I had the same attitude I’ve done different workings and with not being patient or honest have put it off. I will tell you, weed has made me skip RTR’s(I consider an abomination), meditation not to mention has made me fail workings on more than one occasion including workings that were to stop.

But I never gave up even in the worst(what it seemed like) of situations, where the enemy had a good laugh marvelling at my struggles. Satan never gave up on my also. Which is why I’m still living to tell you, whoever is still stuck in the habit of smoking weed you need to stop. You won’t be able to press the rewind button in life and there are thousands of other things that can be done instead of frying your brain with herb deemed as “harmless”. I’ve had opinions shared with others such as it comes from earth so it’s okay. That’s bullshit and by this logic they should eat deathly poisonous mushrooms cuz muh love earth and earth only gives good tingz ya know.

Anyways, I’ve been at it long enough and know better and am still fighting. You have to hold yourself accountable and really envision how your behaviour and actions make you deserve a risen serpent and godhood. It’s more than just meditation. What actions are you taking to ensure you will attain this rewards let alone ensuring your soul will last. If you are honest with yourself you will see your entire life might need a makeover, which can be overwhelming. But take one step at a time and Satan will be there if you are willing to the enact changes(workings) necessary.

Don’t wait before it’s too late and most importantly don’t lie to yourself because it’s comfortable, take heed of this advice now instead of realizing this later or even worse when it’s way too late.
Another thing I want to add...

The working I’m currently working on and have been for 40+ days(I’ll make it to 90 days). Is the following:

Ganesh Mantra(said to be very powerful in removing obstacles) *this has made me come to my senses and shift my response and reaction to situations where I would have fallen for weed or other substances as well*


Affirmation: “In a positive way, I now always refuse and refrain from smoking marijuana and consuming alcohol. This complete rejection keeps me sober at all times”x9

This is the first thing I do when I wake up. I’ve tried and completed a working before but this one has been the most effective. Even more effective when done first thing in morning while your subconscious mind is still open. The doubts can be normal at first, Void meditation helps with that but after 2 weeks and a while 40+ days you will find that it subsides and gets removed.

And as stated previously this working not only removed the urge to fall into it again but made me come back to my senses, increasing awareness to the point I don’t even eat junk food. But my diet and mentality on food has shifted dramatically. I believe this effect will make smoking weed or drinking alcohol sound like a joke & a severe abomination past a certain point and NOT even a possibility or option in any way or situation in my life and future ones too. Too much respect for my soul and life is what this working is also manifesting.

I’m happy that I finally am dealing with this and I’m going to add something on top to ensure permanent results and a total shift and transition from this old habit.

If you’ve read all three if my posts and are struggling, do the above working or another one. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF OR YOU’LL REGRET IT!

There are other workings that can be done, this one has worked for me and it is so short yet very effective.

You can use the MUNKA(mantra) or the ANSUZ or URUZ runes, I recommend 100+ vibrations for these mantras and a good affirmation that removes the habit and addiction. I intend to do that soon enough(waiting for the right timing), while this working has kept me afloat and really caused A LOT of improvements.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sextilius Lux Ludo said:
Indeed! I used to be a pothead , I literally cannot smoke it anymore as it gives me panic attacks , I am a recovering drug addict as well , and drugs are just the worse , they will destroy your mind body and soul. They shove booze and pot and pharmas down society's throat like tic tacs and tell you to go buy TV dinners and mindlessly watch the news and obey all the subliminal bull shit that the fucking jews no doubt put on there.. I feel for me as I have an addictive personality should refrain from drugs totally .. *** . But I still say zero drugs is best as they impede upon spiritual perfection and if you want to reach the Godhead should be avoided as much as possible! If anyone is having problems with addiction you probably know by now that our Lord Satan and his Demons are trying to help you get clean , do yourself a favor and take the help because they will cause you to be incarcerated sometimes if your getting really bad , just to spare your life , as they did with me , and now I am doing better then I ever thought I could... Very thankful I am!

You know by putting your finger on the stove it's going to burn, you have burned it, but you occasionally like to redo it. The details of which I removed from the post as it's silly.

But thank the Gods for saving your hand right...so you can put your finger and burn it again? Do not re-engage in these destructive loops mate.

Thank you for your reply HP Hooded Cobra ! May Father deliver me from all past error and delusion! I would not have it any other way then clean and sober as all of my gains are permanent and real , and like I read on the main website somewhere I think HP Maxine wrote that "the drugs control you , you don't control the drugs" I will not be partaking in the self destructive behavior of drug abuse anymore ! I have never been this happy since before I first started using drugs 13 years ago (started with weed) The ups and the downs , the damage to my mind and my soul , drugs are not worth it and the more I think about it the more I realize how drugs/booze are being used to control the masses! Extremely grateful that The Gods have given me another chance they believed in me when I did not believe in myself!
Could somebody help me out I have posted a question on "Helping out , Forums , Trolls" about using colors in black majickal workings and need some clarification.
Sextilius Lux Ludo said:
Could somebody help me out I have posted a question on "Helping out , Forums , Trolls" about using colors in black majickal workings and need some clarification.
Try posting questions like this in the "Ask questions here, new members" thread and you'll have a much higher chance to get answers. You can also make a new topic if needed.

As for colors, just visualize them. No need to try and pull from any specific source just to get a specific color.
Braun666 said:
Another thing I want to add...

The working I’m currently working on and have been for 40+ days(I’ll make it to 90 days). Is the following:

Ganesh Mantra(said to be very powerful in removing obstacles) *this has made me come to my senses and shift my response and reaction to situations where I would have fallen for weed or other substances as well*


Affirmation: “In a positive way, I now always refuse and refrain from smoking marijuana and consuming alcohol. This complete rejection keeps me sober at all times”x9

This is the first thing I do when I wake up. I’ve tried and completed a working before but this one has been the most effective. Even more effective when done first thing in morning while your subconscious mind is still open. The doubts can be normal at first, Void meditation helps with that but after 2 weeks and a while 40+ days you will find that it subsides and gets removed.

And as stated previously this working not only removed the urge to fall into it again but made me come back to my senses, increasing awareness to the point I don’t even eat junk food. But my diet and mentality on food has shifted dramatically. I believe this effect will make smoking weed or drinking alcohol sound like a joke & a severe abomination past a certain point and NOT even a possibility or option in any way or situation in my life and future ones too. Too much respect for my soul and life is what this working is also manifesting.

I’m happy that I finally am dealing with this and I’m going to add something on top to ensure permanent results and a total shift and transition from this old habit.

If you’ve read all three if my posts and are struggling, do the above working or another one. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF OR YOU’LL REGRET IT!

There are other workings that can be done, this one has worked for me and it is so short yet very effective.

You can use the MUNKA(mantra) or the ANSUZ or URUZ runes, I recommend 100+ vibrations for these mantras and a good affirmation that removes the habit and addiction. I intend to do that soon enough(waiting for the right timing), while this working has kept me afloat and really caused A LOT of improvements.

This is good advice but I would also like to add that if the reason someone is using drugs is because of some past issue that is plaguing them, say for example a soldier who uses marijuana because they have ptsd, then they would be wise to free themselves from this issue first. The pot smoking might just disappear altogether from there without them having to do an additional working. The anti-drug organization Above the Influence uses the Tyr rune as its symbol so I would add that rune as well. Drug addicts are just looking to get high and the best way to quit is to find a better high. I have always felt like drug addicts have the potential to make great yogis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
indrasoma said:
So there does exist a higher universal soul beyond individual souls? I thought I read earlier in one of your posts that ether was just a mindless energy with no intelligence. What is the relation between this world soul and Satan? Was it created by Satan for this universe, or is it even higher than Satan, with Satan being one of its creations?

Soul is an interchangeable term for the same type of fine energy that constitutes the soul, based on the Aether. This is a concept, and it just deals with potentiality of creation, of which there is infinite. Soul is also commonly used to show consciousness, which is how I use it here. Yes, there is a mass consciousness at the universe, that permutes everything, but it's not a specific entity. It's as if saying, yet another particle. The Aether is a common name for this and easier to understand. The Atman is another name. Satan is to this what Brahma is to Atman.

It does not have a mind as we presently recognize and understand mind, such as through our own. It takes meaning from within it's own creations, and it's therefore, not "Independent".

What rests above us is nature, and we are it's creatures. Satan is also created from nature, as everything else is and will ever be. The more beings advance in the ladder of creation, the more they embody the nature or universe by itself, as a vessel that draws in an empty vacuum, and expresses it with meaning.

This is why Satan is referred to as the Most High or "The Creator of the Universe". This is because the idle force of the universe requires a force for expression, and Satan has been known in many different cultures by endless different names to embody this at an inconceivably high level.

Thank you, that makes sense. But why does Satan correspond to Shiva then instead of directly corresponding to Brahma? If Satan were Brahma, then we would be on the side of Brahma versus the side of the "A-Brahamic" programs (or "not-Brahma" / "without-Brahma") since according to what I've heard, the "a" in Sanskrit is a negation.

And to the people who have trouble relaxing without weed, I would recommend reading more about how to improve thyroid function. Cellular energy is necessary for relaxation, and thyroid is what produces cellular energy. There are many, many anti-thyroid substances in the world, which is why poor thyroid function is so epidemic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
