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About Weed and Smoking

Without Shiva there is no Brahma, this is an inner correlation not about the being but about beings involved. This is why in most cases Brahma is seen as a child or spawn of Shiva, not the other way around. Because the Atman is a principle of creation, idle and unattainable by itself.

If there is no Shiva, which relates to meditation and the function of the mind, "Brahma" as a state of consciousness is unattainable. Vishnu is required as Vishnu is the state of function between the two. This is why Shiva active, Brahma is more as a concept of the personified Atmic level of consciousness. Without Vishnu there is also no Brahma and no Shiva, as Vishnu corresponds to Jusice and Unity of the two concepts represented by Shiva and Brahma.

Gross representation and shoving in spiritual allegories and trying to grossly literalize them leads nowhere.

indrasoma said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
indrasoma said:
So there does exist a higher universal soul beyond individual souls? I thought I read earlier in one of your posts that ether was just a mindless energy with no intelligence. What is the relation between this world soul and Satan? Was it created by Satan for this universe, or is it even higher than Satan, with Satan being one of its creations?

Soul is an interchangeable term for the same type of fine energy that constitutes the soul, based on the Aether. This is a concept, and it just deals with potentiality of creation, of which there is infinite. Soul is also commonly used to show consciousness, which is how I use it here. Yes, there is a mass consciousness at the universe, that permutes everything, but it's not a specific entity. It's as if saying, yet another particle. The Aether is a common name for this and easier to understand. The Atman is another name. Satan is to this what Brahma is to Atman.

It does not have a mind as we presently recognize and understand mind, such as through our own. It takes meaning from within it's own creations, and it's therefore, not "Independent".

What rests above us is nature, and we are it's creatures. Satan is also created from nature, as everything else is and will ever be. The more beings advance in the ladder of creation, the more they embody the nature or universe by itself, as a vessel that draws in an empty vacuum, and expresses it with meaning.

This is why Satan is referred to as the Most High or "The Creator of the Universe". This is because the idle force of the universe requires a force for expression, and Satan has been known in many different cultures by endless different names to embody this at an inconceivably high level.

Thank you, that makes sense. But why does Satan correspond to Shiva then instead of directly corresponding to Brahma? If Satan were Brahma, then we would be on the side of Brahma versus the side of the "A-Brahamic" programs (or "not-Brahma" / "without-Brahma") since according to what I've heard, the "a" in Sanskrit is a negation.

And to the people who have trouble relaxing without weed, I would recommend reading more about how to improve thyroid function. Cellular energy is necessary for relaxation, and thyroid is what produces cellular energy. There are many, many anti-thyroid substances in the world, which is why poor thyroid function is so epidemic.
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Astralnaut said:
Braun666 said:
Another thing I want to add...

The working I’m currently working on and have been for 40+ days(I’ll make it to 90 days). Is the following:

Ganesh Mantra(said to be very powerful in removing obstacles) *this has made me come to my senses and shift my response and reaction to situations where I would have fallen for weed or other substances as well*


Affirmation: “In a positive way, I now always refuse and refrain from smoking marijuana and consuming alcohol. This complete rejection keeps me sober at all times”x9

This is the first thing I do when I wake up. I’ve tried and completed a working before but this one has been the most effective. Even more effective when done first thing in morning while your subconscious mind is still open. The doubts can be normal at first, Void meditation helps with that but after 2 weeks and a while 40+ days you will find that it subsides and gets removed.

And as stated previously this working not only removed the urge to fall into it again but made me come back to my senses, increasing awareness to the point I don’t even eat junk food. But my diet and mentality on food has shifted dramatically. I believe this effect will make smoking weed or drinking alcohol sound like a joke & a severe abomination past a certain point and NOT even a possibility or option in any way or situation in my life and future ones too. Too much respect for my soul and life is what this working is also manifesting.

I’m happy that I finally am dealing with this and I’m going to add something on top to ensure permanent results and a total shift and transition from this old habit.

If you’ve read all three if my posts and are struggling, do the above working or another one. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF OR YOU’LL REGRET IT!

There are other workings that can be done, this one has worked for me and it is so short yet very effective.

You can use the MUNKA(mantra) or the ANSUZ or URUZ runes, I recommend 100+ vibrations for these mantras and a good affirmation that removes the habit and addiction. I intend to do that soon enough(waiting for the right timing), while this working has kept me afloat and really caused A LOT of improvements.

This is good advice but I would also like to add that if the reason someone is using drugs is because of some past issue that is plaguing them, say for example a soldier who uses marijuana because they have ptsd, then they would be wise to free themselves from this issue first. The pot smoking might just disappear altogether from there without them having to do an additional working. The anti-drug organization Above the Influence uses the Tyr rune as its symbol so I would add that rune as well. Drug addicts are just looking to get high and the best way to quit is to find a better high. I have always felt like drug addicts have the potential to make great yogis.

That's a given and definitely can be the case but many times and I'm speaking from direct experience you actually have to fight weed first.

I had the same mentality before thinking that weed was solely caused by the underlying issue of self-esteem lack, escapism, lack of self worth, fitting in, easy route to achieve a high... the list goes.

In my experience this is a precursor and main cause to easily get in the habit of smoking weed. It's what initiates the habit and that's it. Again this is my own experience. For me weed became its own separate problem and I needed to fight it off as such, SEPARATELY.

I know that the problem that caused it still remains, but can be fought after the removal of desire and passivity towards marijuana. I have gotten screwed over by weed in an extreme way while trying to fight root causes. I stopped leaving it to chance and was able to be honest to myself and know that this was its own problem, and a way to transition to the root. As an analogy you're cutting a tree and you might start with the leaves, then branches and finally the trees trunk.

Root causes can branch out and cause other new "root" causes(that actually become their own problems) and this I have directly experienced. But I agree that sometimes fighting the root of a situation(an array of different problems) can help solve more than one problem, but in my case it wasn't the case and where drugs(weed, other addictions) are concerned it isn't always the case.
I agree that weed can demotivate people, waste resources, and destroy someones true identity. If people are always high they lose their sense of self. Their thoughts are no longer their own and they are very open to manipulation. I've known people that use herbs such Acacia flowers, Ginseng and even Nutmeg to help them open up their psychic centers, and help with spirit communication. What are your opinions on using marijuana for this type of work? If it is used responsibly and not overtaking your life could it be of use?
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

I've made a reply here and if you can just point out what it was that made you decide to hold my post back I'd really appreciate it more than you think. I know I'm not perfect and I am a slow learner. I also need to take more care than your average person concerning alc and weed, it's in my birthchart. I'm just trying to reconcile with these things peacefully and I know deeply that we're better off without them. But do we realy have to be this dull? I love music and art... I'm very pisces. I really do aspire to be pure one day and so many people say they do it to keep anger at bay... we'll what if I like to do it to have anger? I'm very soft in my nature. I've noticed some magical properties in ritual if you don't abuse it ofcourse...it's like it assists the neurons... To give me the still face experiment treatment only makes me more confused. I know abusing it is bad for you. I've been there. But what about once a year, recreationally? Or once a month? I'm confused about what it was I said that you felt was out of line maybe? I don't want any animosity because I really do want to be better.. I don't have any other Satanists I can talk to in my life... and I'm a talker. Please if it's to flamatory to mention here then pm if you don't mind, that's fine. I'm very passionate about Satanism... I know I might have a big mouth sometimes. If you could just set me straight regarding my post it would really mean the world to me!
Aquarius said:
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.

I'd say weed as simply weed over time makes you a retard while alcohol in most cases makes one drunk, and only if one is an actual alcoholic one starts getting serious longterm drawbacks. Alcohol does not change your ideology, and doesn't so often lead to more drugs.

Alcohol is terrible over the fact it can cause rage, outbursts, accidents, and all sorts of other things. Hundreds of thousands die yearly over being drunk.

So if one is asking which bad thing is a better bad thing...

I'd say alcohol in the longterm is less probelmatic than weed. But both of these paths can lead to downfall or misery equally and brutally. It takes to be drunk and drive one time, for example.

On the short term, one time of getting drunk can get someone down with being raped, HIV, or some sort of bad accident.

Alcohol tends to harm more by overuse or silly use, though. Most people do not frequently become alcoholics, as they do become weed slaves. But since the above are just most of the time combined, the question for most people is just absurd. Most people do drink and do blunt together, which is by far worst.
Thanks for the sermon HP HoodedCobra. When our members say the sermons here come in so timely in regards to their own situations that its no mere coincidence, I would smile as its honestly heartwarming to see how we dedicated individuals get the help and knowledge needed to get us past some times. I'll be honest, for the past 5 months I've been regularly smoking marijuana and cigarettes. I felt so ashamed, as I would regularly skip or disregard my meditations/obligations towards Father Satan. My inner being would always tell me that I shouldn't smoke, and when I would listen to my inner senses I would feel great! But my weak resolve, kept putting me back into the same virtual loophole of mental addiction that is smoking. Marijuana in these past 6 months have done ABSOLUTELY nothing in regards to advancing me spiritually or physically. It just weakened me. For the first time too, I actually started to get anxiety, emotional anxiety. This plant screwed with my energies so much that, when I smoke it, I would get so anxious about speculations and doubts, that i would feel physically ill from the stress, like dryheaving and just plain being lethargic. My head would physically hurt because i can literally feel it changing my brains natural chemical balance. Meditation would regularly calm this down and I was so aware of this but I wouldn't stop smoking. It was until your sermon and the night before that It brought me to the conclusion that this plant is absolutely atrocious and has absolutely no benefit to members in our path. I am stopping it now because the sermon made me realize again, once more, that its an emotional addiction that can be easily solved if I just put in the effort to stop and be more aware. I honestly find it bizarre (not really since i doubt there serious in our cause) that some members here "defend" this worthless plant for its bullshit claims of being "spiritual" or "an aid". All my experiences prior to dedication with this plant, and afterwards have done nothing but lead to wasted time and destruction. So I hope our members who are struggling with this plant and/or substances to be strong. I feel like this run in with this garbage might finally be my last since its legitimately done nothing but fuck my life up for the last 8 years.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
For drinking wine, be like the ancient Greeks and dilute it with 50% water. This is the only way I like wine, as the flavor is unpleasant to me in full strength. But diluted, its more like juice which I prefer.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
I’m one of those you mentioned, can’t stand alcohol. Drank a glass of mead one year ago and that + the so much alcohol inside that stuff made me super dizzy.
Aquarius said:
HauptSturm said:
So which is worse, weed or alcohol. I'd say alcohol. I have no motivation to smoke weed at a 30 year old boomer.
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.
I could make the argument that one hit of weed is perfectly fine yet 8 shots mixed with cola and you're totally wasted. Alcohol destroys your body worse than weed. You can't do anything when you're wasted.... I can buy alcohol at practically any store but can't find weed anywhere unless I really tried. I wouldn't want to smoke anyway because I don't like how it feels and I like the ability to pass drug tests... It's illegal too.
SS322 said:
E-cigs are ten times more unhealthy than regular cigarettes. The main component of the evaporate is glycerol and the rest is synthetical fragrance. Both is absorbed by the lungs and can be very harmful. Glycerol is a type of alcohol, it naturally occurs in fat (triglycerides) but it's not very good for you in its pure form. It's also used as a laundry detergent. The fragrance is even worse, containing a myriad of toxins that don't have to be specified by the manufacturer and additionally it fucks with our sense of taste, can irritate nerves and brain areas.

Smoking real plants however is something natural that our ancestors have done. The smoke gives a stimulus to the lungs which encourages them, to build up a protective layer of mucus. That mucus layer protects from a lot of toxins like street dust or whatever they spray on us in their chemtrails. It should make you think that France and Japan, the countries with the biggest percentage of smokers in the populace, are also the countries with the fewest lung cancer deaths. generally these two nations seem to be very healthy and cancer free, especially Japan and in spite of Fukushima or France's bunch of nuclear power plants. Perhaps the radon therapy of old times wasn't just hogwash but our modern hysteria is. Meanwhile in the USA where smokers are generally looked at as subhumans, we see more people biting the dust from "cancer" than anywhere else. Also USA = motherland of chemtrails. Some people like the Khoi-San of southern Africa smoke all their medical herbs because they don't have any water for making tea since they live in a dusty desert. Smoking relieves stress which is the number one killer in our modern society.

Some traditional European smoking plants other than hemp:
- coltsfoot (tussilago); the leafs are collected in late summer and fall, fermented, dried and smoked against diseases of the lungs and throat, has soothing effects on cough
- hawk's herb (hieracium); same procedure as with coltsfoot, only that the leafs are much smaller; improves eyesight and has slight psychoactive properties
- elder (sambucus); leafs can be fermented or smoked like that, calming effect, sacred plant to the great Goddess
- ... there are more but those are the three most important. I think saponaria is smoked for enhancing dreams. At least the Africans use a type of saponaria for that purpose.

What is very popular in Germany are hookahs, we call them Shisha. You know, those middle eastern water pipes. They run on tobacco that is soaked in glycerol and fragrance and is heated by charcoal. The hookahs look kinda cool but I hate this just as much as e-cigs. It's just as poisonous, doesn't have the benefits of real smkoing and it's a foreign takeover of our land and culture. Like we have almost no authentic German food left while every village has a (((döner kebab))), there's also a hookah-bar everywhere for the mudslimes and mudsharks to get their nicotine flash. In the past our ancestors used to have beautiful pipes with creative designs. They had smoking clubs, like todays hookah-bars but without the white genocide.

This is what people should be smoking with:





Ancient pipes from burial mounds in America:
This is indeed intersting, i will search more about the smoke and the mucus lungs that protect it from dust, thank you for posting this, i had problems with weedtards for some time because ''weed is gud man, it relaaaaxxxxx'' while all my friends (they are not my friends anymore) who begin to smoke weed begin to be more stupid, i had a friend who really had potential in soccer and trained very hard for that, but his father died and his retard friend convinced him to begin to smoke weed as i know, now he is a retard.
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
For drinking wine, be like the ancient Greeks and dilute it with 50% water. This is the only way I like wine, as the flavor is unpleasant to me in full strength. But diluted, its more like juice which I prefer.

I never liked it diluted either and the same goes for beer and most spirits. I only like mead, cider, which are unpopular and hard to find here, and a few spirits. But I haven't drunk any alcohol anymore since November 2015.
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Weed is the worst, you can drink a glass of wine and be perfectly conscious, smoke a joint and you will be stoned for hours.
But both are just useless so avoiding them is the best.

With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
I’m one of those you mentioned, can’t stand alcohol. Drank a glass of mead one year ago and that + the so much alcohol inside that stuff made me super dizzy.

It also matters weather or not you ate something. If you eat and then drink the fluids arent instantly (within 30 min) absorbed into your bloodstream.. nor should you down an entire glass in one go.

I too am sensitive to alcohol in that I notice the tiniest amounts (though I must say I dont like beer so the percentage is often higher than 6%) are already having an effect on me.
But it is also abstinance of alcohol that makes one more sensitive.
Now you can kill braincells when youre doing alcohol so just dont get drunk. Simple as that.

I dont get dizzy but once I had to finish a glass quickly and I just could not see straight anymore. Streetlights became beams of light. unfocussed. I didnt have to drive (couldnt either I didnt have my license yet) Went there by public transit.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Aquarius said:
Stormblood said:
With the glass of wine, it depends on people's tolerance which is different for everyone. I've known people who can get dizzy with half a glass. That just goes to show, in my opinion, that alcohol starts affecting the brain immediately but the degree of effectiveness depends on the person. And the damage to the liver of course happens when the wine gets to that point, but to the brain it gets as soon as it touches the tongue, from what I learned in biology class.
I’m one of those you mentioned, can’t stand alcohol. Drank a glass of mead one year ago and that + the so much alcohol inside that stuff made me super dizzy.

It also matters weather or not you ate something. If you eat and then drink the fluids arent instantly (within 30 min) absorbed into your bloodstream.. nor should you down an entire glass in one go.

I too am sensitive to alcohol in that I notice the tiniest amounts (though I must say I dont like beer so the percentage is often higher than 6%) are already having an effect on me.
But it is also abstinance of alcohol that makes one more sensitive.
Now you can kill braincells when youre doing alcohol so just dont get drunk. Simple as that.

I dont get dizzy but once I had to finish a glass quickly and I just could not see straight anymore. Streetlights became beams of light. unfocussed. I didnt have to drive (couldnt either I didnt have my license yet) Went there by public transit.

I think drug tests should be added among the medicals everyone has to submit too to get a driver's licence. This way drugtards wouldn't be allowed to get the license and become a public danger.

Similarly, both drug tests and alcohol tests should be administered very often to military personnel: this way we'd rid ourselves of people who doesn't deserve to serve their country and that is too immature to be allowed to handle any kind of firearms and other responsibilities. These tests should be surprise tests so people would have to stay sober all the time or show their true colours of addicts. The unfortunate reality is there many people in the military who indulge in both these forms of self-destruction and it's more alarming they are present in more specialised units that have elite reputations in their country. It's self-explanatory that someone who considers themselves elite would put their health first and not even use tobacco (let alone alcohol or drugs) , but the reality of a jewish-controlled world is another. When you hear people between 18 and 23 getting back from the weekend on Sunday night, you ask them how their weekend was and they brag about how they almost hit an alcoholic coma, you seriously start wondering how they even passed interviews with psychologists and psychiatrists to be where they are. It's really cringy. Thankfully, not everyone is like that but most are and that's probably one of the reasons why they don't enforce health and safety measures.
Stormblood said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Aquarius said:
I’m one of those you mentioned, can’t stand alcohol. Drank a glass of mead one year ago and that + the so much alcohol inside that stuff made me super dizzy.

It also matters weather or not you ate something. If you eat and then drink the fluids arent instantly (within 30 min) absorbed into your bloodstream.. nor should you down an entire glass in one go.

I too am sensitive to alcohol in that I notice the tiniest amounts (though I must say I dont like beer so the percentage is often higher than 6%) are already having an effect on me.
But it is also abstinance of alcohol that makes one more sensitive.
Now you can kill braincells when youre doing alcohol so just dont get drunk. Simple as that.

I dont get dizzy but once I had to finish a glass quickly and I just could not see straight anymore. Streetlights became beams of light. unfocussed. I didnt have to drive (couldnt either I didnt have my license yet) Went there by public transit.

I think drug tests should be added among the medicals everyone has to submit too to get a driver's licence. This way drugtards wouldn't be allowed to get the license and become a public danger.

Similarly, both drug tests and alcohol tests should be administered very often to military personnel: this way we'd rid ourselves of people who doesn't deserve to serve their country and that is too immature to be allowed to handle any kind of firearms and other responsibilities. These tests should be surprise tests so people would have to stay sober all the time or show their true colours of addicts. The unfortunate reality is there many people in the military who indulge in both these forms of self-destruction and it's more alarming they are present in more specialised units that have elite reputations in their country. It's self-explanatory that someone who considers themselves elite would put their health first and not even use tobacco (let alone alcohol or drugs) , but the reality of a jewish-controlled world is another. When you hear people between 18 and 23 getting back from the weekend on Sunday night, you ask them how their weekend was and they brag about how they almost hit an alcoholic coma, you seriously start wondering how they even passed interviews with psychologists and psychiatrists to be where they are. It's really cringy. Thankfully, not everyone is like that but most are and that's probably one of the reasons why they don't enforce health and safety measures.

Well apparently that is the norm today.. but yourw right.
Athletes cant do that stuff either. cant even use doping - which is right too.
Vaping weed, shatter, butane hash and THC solutions/e-juice is proven to be the source of the new worries around vaping and causes lung issues.
Arogon616 said:
was weed purposefully designed to create slaves spiritually and physically

Nobody can say if it was "purposely designed", but of course there are bound to be natural substances that promote for more unconscious behavior. When you start taking these natural substances daily, of course it will start to fuck with you, spiritually.
I just want to emphasis that alcohol is not a safe alternative to smoking weed. Just because it is legal does not mean it is okay. Alcohol will ruin your life more than weed and weed will ruin your life just as much.
Oh mai :O Weassel, those pipe are amazing. Honestly i used to love smoke cigs but not for the nicotine as much as the action. The performance that goes into it. The fact you can meet new people for no reason what so ever other then something you share doing, but I stopped because of the asthma and the fact I was coughing up green phlegm from it nonstop. So I'm like "fuck this scam ass bs this is horrible ugh why would they do this to people" and the rant just goes on from there. However I would love to try a normal natural method like my german ancestors. I means those pipes are sexy looking. They just show care and details from a real artist to cared about their craft. OH OH also anywhere you can buy these herbs at Weassel in america per chance? I'd love to try the one for the lung desisaes

On a personal note from a former drug fiend. Even weed isn't worth it. No , 'possible', benefits out weight the serious risks. Even here and now I crave. Like a degenerate. If I try I can smell it. Do you want that? Honestly ask yourself. Worth it? Sure give up your valuable hard earned restitution to some troglodyte who by spreading misery is making more money then you. A wonderful hard working Sataninst who has to work like a dog to some higher up kike or at the very least pay the kike its 'dues' just cause goyim for something that doesnt do you anything. Wanna relax? Meditate! Wanna get high? Meditate! No shit. If you want just a relaxing 'high' https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Blue_Light_Meditation.html
There. If you want a more deeper 'high' there is this meditation Hp-Maxine posted on the jos site that is
You breath in white gold energy of the sun through your 3rd eye into your Pineal Gland making a little ball of light holding it for a moment making it more intense then breath out to it going to your whole brain. I believe it was from Prince Azazel. However all in all what one must do is simple. Find that everything that is external is either bringing out something you already can do yourself or mimicking what you can do yourself all with its own prices.
I relapsed on weed I realized it is bad.all the bad shit happens from weed.it also is of Saturn and brings out negative energy. I had one last time with it. I realized I had more power without it .I'm just lazy and could have meditated and got the same high. But as I said I have issues to deal with. Mother inanna is helping me she litterely slapped the sence into me when I relapsed. Told me to chose satanism or weed . my choice is Satanism. Stay away from weed . get help with me if u are addicted.I need you all for support . Lilith told me to open up about this issue .on here and let our people help . hail Lilith!!! Hail inanna !!!!!!!!
swordofastaroth said:
I relapsed on weed I realized it is bad.all the bad shit happens from weed.it also is of Saturn and brings out negative energy. I had one last time with it. I realized I had more power without it .I'm just lazy and could have meditated and got the same high. But as I said I have issues to deal with. Mother inanna is helping me she litterely slapped the sence into me when I relapsed. Told me to chose satanism or weed . my choice is Satanism. Stay away from weed . get help with me if u are addicted.I need you all for support . Lilith told me to open up about this issue .on here and let our people help . hail Lilith!!! Hail inanna !!!!!!!!

Relapse is the perfect opportunity to solidify your intentions and steel your resolve. I highly suggest destroying all weed and associated paraphernalia and blocking the numbers of those who sell to you. As far as the impulse associated with smoking, know that you will feel an urge to indulge over the next few days due to your recent exposure, but like all things, the body will quickly adapt and you will soon find days going by without even thinking of marijuana. Good luck to you.
Well i dont smoke weed but i do smoke cigarettes and it something Im working on.

I have improved on it because i used to smoke 10 cigs a day but now i smoke 4.
I dont buy a pack anymore because thats where i start smoking more than usual. So i only get singles lose ones.

It also helps to drink water when you have a craving because it wears down and then you start not feeling like smoking.

A friend of mine smokes weed and she lectured me on it saying that it is not bad and that it helped her depression and anxiety become less and cope more. She claims it as medicine. She keep saying smoking cigs is worse than smoking weed and weed doesnt cause any health problems.

I started smoking because i tried everything to cope with my dad. He is very abusive. Things just didnt get better but way worse that i just grabbed something outside to help me. It started to become a habit but now a craving.
RoseWolf said:
Well i dont smoke weed but i do smoke cigarettes and it something Im working on.

I have improved on it because i used to smoke 10 cigs a day but now i smoke 4.
I dont buy a pack anymore because thats where i start smoking more than usual. So i only get singles lose ones.

It also helps to drink water when you have a craving because it wears down and then you start not feeling like smoking.

A friend of mine smokes weed and she lectured me on it saying that it is not bad and that it helped her depression and anxiety become less and cope more. She claims it as medicine. She keep saying smoking cigs is worse than smoking weed and weed doesnt cause any health problems.

I started smoking because i tried everything to cope with my dad. He is very abusive. Things just didnt get better but way worse that i just grabbed something outside to help me. It started to become a habit but now a craving.
You're friend thinks weed helps with depression and anxiety, but take her weed away for a couple days and see how anxious she gets! Also makes depression worse too. It is a distraction that covers up the problem instead of fixing it, and the whole time the problem is just getting worse and worse because it's being ignored.
I do think it's important to point out that there is a difference between a heavy potsmoking unemployed couch-potato and someone who use cannabis as medicine prescribed by a doctor, who live a healthy life; exercising, working, studying etc. Not all cannabis users are the same.

Does HP. Hoodedcobra666 think there is no medicinal benefits at all with cannabis use even if it's on a prescription? Are those doctors who prescribe it as medicine just plain deluded?
I have mild autism myself and have used tiny amounts of cannabis as a medicine and a way of calming myself down. I don't like the effects of heavy usage though (promoted in Hollywood movies).
Dosage is an important aspect of all drugs and the main reason why so many drugs are illegal is simply because people in general tend to misuse them by overdosing etc. People in general are simply not that clever imo.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
RoseWolf said:
Well i dont smoke weed but i do smoke cigarettes and it something Im working on.

I have improved on it because i used to smoke 10 cigs a day but now i smoke 4.
I dont buy a pack anymore because thats where i start smoking more than usual. So i only get singles lose ones.

It also helps to drink water when you have a craving because it wears down and then you start not feeling like smoking.

A friend of mine smokes weed and she lectured me on it saying that it is not bad and that it helped her depression and anxiety become less and cope more. She claims it as medicine. She keep saying smoking cigs is worse than smoking weed and weed doesnt cause any health problems.

I started smoking because i tried everything to cope with my dad. He is very abusive. Things just didnt get better but way worse that i just grabbed something outside to help me. It started to become a habit but now a craving.
You're friend thinks weed helps with depression and anxiety, but take her weed away for a couple days and see how anxious she gets! Also makes depression worse too. It is a distraction that covers up the problem instead of fixing it, and the whole time the problem is just getting worse and worse because it's being ignored.

Wouldnt it help to calm yourself down and reduce depression and anxiety so you can solve them effectively?

Thats why psychiatrists give meds so that it can help you cope and solve in the process. But some people think since it solves the symptoms, they dont have to do anything and start becoming co-dependant.

I mean i may have very bad anxiety relapses and i do go get meds to help me cope and calm me down. Which helped me alot because it cleared my mind and help easily solve.

It is so hard to solve depression when you're depression gets worse and interferes with your problem solving and decision making.

Even anxiety was so worse for me that i couldnt do Meditations anymore. And because of meds or using something else if you cant access meds, it helps to do reduce and do Meditations until it calms down. Some people dont have access to other things, so they take what is there.
RoseWolf said:
Wouldnt it help to calm yourself down and reduce depression and anxiety so you can solve them effectively?

Thats why psychiatrists give meds so that it can help you cope and solve in the process.
NEVER take pharmaceutical medication for addressing mental or emotional issues. These things are pure poison. Let me repeat, pure. poison. They are not worth taking, ever.

If you want to take something to help with your anxiety, always look into natural methods like herbs and the like. You can make a tea with those for example, to help bring your body into a calming mood. Post on the Health forums about this and I'm sure you will get some awesome recommendations.

Regarding depression-


All they do is make the issue worse. They give you small, temporary relief, and afterwards you crash down harder than ever before. Nothing you can do in the time they "buy" you, will ever be worth the side-effects.
If you want to get rid of depression, use Wunjo. It works fucking wonders. Start a working during a good time with an affirmation to heal all depression and make you happy. This will do more for you than any pill ever could, and it doesn't have side-effects either. :)
Weassel said:
SS322 said:
E-cigs are ten times more unhealthy than regular cigarettes. The main component of the evaporate is glycerol and the rest is synthetical fragrance. Both is absorbed by the lungs and can be very harmful. Glycerol is a type of alcohol, it naturally occurs in fat (triglycerides) but it's not very good for you in its pure form. It's also used as a laundry detergent. The fragrance is even worse, containing a myriad of toxins that don't have to be specified by the manufacturer and additionally it fucks with our sense of taste, can irritate nerves and brain areas.

Smoking real plants however is something natural that our ancestors have done. The smoke gives a stimulus to the lungs which encourages them, to build up a protective layer of mucus. That mucus layer protects from a lot of toxins like street dust or whatever they spray on us in their chemtrails. It should make you think that France and Japan, the countries with the biggest percentage of smokers in the populace, are also the countries with the fewest lung cancer deaths. generally these two nations seem to be very healthy and cancer free, especially Japan and in spite of Fukushima or France's bunch of nuclear power plants. Perhaps the radon therapy of old times wasn't just hogwash but our modern hysteria is. Meanwhile in the USA where smokers are generally looked at as subhumans, we see more people biting the dust from "cancer" than anywhere else. Also USA = motherland of chemtrails. Some people like the Khoi-San of southern Africa smoke all their medical herbs because they don't have any water for making tea since they live in a dusty desert. Smoking relieves stress which is the number one killer in our modern society.

Some traditional European smoking plants other than hemp:
- coltsfoot (tussilago); the leafs are collected in late summer and fall, fermented, dried and smoked against diseases of the lungs and throat, has soothing effects on cough
- hawk's herb (hieracium); same procedure as with coltsfoot, only that the leafs are much smaller; improves eyesight and has slight psychoactive properties
- elder (sambucus); leafs can be fermented or smoked like that, calming effect, sacred plant to the great Goddess
- ... there are more but those are the three most important. I think saponaria is smoked for enhancing dreams. At least the Africans use a type of saponaria for that purpose.

What is very popular in Germany are hookahs, we call them Shisha. You know, those middle eastern water pipes. They run on tobacco that is soaked in glycerol and fragrance and is heated by charcoal. The hookahs look kinda cool but I hate this just as much as e-cigs. It's just as poisonous, doesn't have the benefits of real smkoing and it's a foreign takeover of our land and culture. Like we have almost no authentic German food left while every village has a (((döner kebab))), there's also a hookah-bar everywhere for the mudslimes and mudsharks to get their nicotine flash. In the past our ancestors used to have beautiful pipes with creative designs. They had smoking clubs, like todays hookah-bars but without the white genocide.

This is what people should be smoking with:





Ancient pipes from burial mounds in America:
This is indeed intersting, i will search more about the smoke and the mucus lungs that protect it from dust, thank you for posting this, i had problems with weedtards for some time because ''weed is gud man, it relaaaaxxxxx'' while all my friends (they are not my friends anymore) who begin to smoke weed begin to be more stupid, i had a friend who really had potential in soccer and trained very hard for that, but his father died and his retard friend convinced him to begin to smoke weed as i know, now he is a retard.

Think about wildfires. Stuff like that happens in nature and animals and people need to be able to run away. So nature must have given us some kind of defense mechanism that we can still run away. I think smoke of any plant or fire triggers genetic memories of this. It does so with all animals. You see a lot of profi soccer players actually smoke cigarettes, even during the half time of important matches. It still triggers the little dwarf in your head that screams "run for your life!". Probably due to humans taming fire and using it frequently the emotions, instincts and genetic memories have shifted a bit, so that it makes us feel cozy and warm. Smoking in human culture might inseparately connected to taming the fire. Sounds also kind of spiritual. The inner fire or so.

Sorry for your friend. That's a sad story. Starting a drug when something bad happens doesn't help for sure. It most likely only makes things worse. Maybe you can try to redpill that guy on spiritual life and our mission here on earth to cure his retardation. Best wishes!
SS322 said:
Weassel said:
SS322 said:
E-cigs are ten times more unhealthy than regular cigarettes. The main component of the evaporate is glycerol and the rest is synthetical fragrance. Both is absorbed by the lungs and can be very harmful. Glycerol is a type of alcohol, it naturally occurs in fat (triglycerides) but it's not very good for you in its pure form. It's also used as a laundry detergent. The fragrance is even worse, containing a myriad of toxins that don't have to be specified by the manufacturer and additionally it fucks with our sense of taste, can irritate nerves and brain areas.

Smoking real plants however is something natural that our ancestors have done. The smoke gives a stimulus to the lungs which encourages them, to build up a protective layer of mucus. That mucus layer protects from a lot of toxins like street dust or whatever they spray on us in their chemtrails. It should make you think that France and Japan, the countries with the biggest percentage of smokers in the populace, are also the countries with the fewest lung cancer deaths. generally these two nations seem to be very healthy and cancer free, especially Japan and in spite of Fukushima or France's bunch of nuclear power plants. Perhaps the radon therapy of old times wasn't just hogwash but our modern hysteria is. Meanwhile in the USA where smokers are generally looked at as subhumans, we see more people biting the dust from "cancer" than anywhere else. Also USA = motherland of chemtrails. Some people like the Khoi-San of southern Africa smoke all their medical herbs because they don't have any water for making tea since they live in a dusty desert. Smoking relieves stress which is the number one killer in our modern society.

Some traditional European smoking plants other than hemp:
- coltsfoot (tussilago); the leafs are collected in late summer and fall, fermented, dried and smoked against diseases of the lungs and throat, has soothing effects on cough
- hawk's herb (hieracium); same procedure as with coltsfoot, only that the leafs are much smaller; improves eyesight and has slight psychoactive properties
- elder (sambucus); leafs can be fermented or smoked like that, calming effect, sacred plant to the great Goddess
- ... there are more but those are the three most important. I think saponaria is smoked for enhancing dreams. At least the Africans use a type of saponaria for that purpose.

What is very popular in Germany are hookahs, we call them Shisha. You know, those middle eastern water pipes. They run on tobacco that is soaked in glycerol and fragrance and is heated by charcoal. The hookahs look kinda cool but I hate this just as much as e-cigs. It's just as poisonous, doesn't have the benefits of real smkoing and it's a foreign takeover of our land and culture. Like we have almost no authentic German food left while every village has a (((döner kebab))), there's also a hookah-bar everywhere for the mudslimes and mudsharks to get their nicotine flash. In the past our ancestors used to have beautiful pipes with creative designs. They had smoking clubs, like todays hookah-bars but without the white genocide.

This is what people should be smoking with:





Ancient pipes from burial mounds in America:
This is indeed intersting, i will search more about the smoke and the mucus lungs that protect it from dust, thank you for posting this, i had problems with weedtards for some time because ''weed is gud man, it relaaaaxxxxx'' while all my friends (they are not my friends anymore) who begin to smoke weed begin to be more stupid, i had a friend who really had potential in soccer and trained very hard for that, but his father died and his retard friend convinced him to begin to smoke weed as i know, now he is a retard.

Think about wildfires. Stuff like that happens in nature and animals and people need to be able to run away. So nature must have given us some kind of defense mechanism that we can still run away. I think smoke of any plant or fire triggers genetic memories of this. It does so with all animals. You see a lot of profi soccer players actually smoke cigarettes, even during the half time of important matches. It still triggers the little dwarf in your head that screams "run for your life!". Probably due to humans taming fire and using it frequently the emotions, instincts and genetic memories have shifted a bit, so that it makes us feel cozy and warm. Smoking in human culture might inseparately connected to taming the fire. Sounds also kind of spiritual. The inner fire or so.

Sorry for your friend. That's a sad story. Starting a drug when something bad happens doesn't help for sure. It most likely only makes things worse. Maybe you can try to redpill that guy on spiritual life and our mission here on earth to cure his retardation. Best wishes!
Promoting smoking and simpatizing cigarettes with your degenerate ideas. Nice.
I've been practically a daily weed smoker for about 8 years. With small breaks now and then.

I'd just like to point out not all weed is equal. Some strains affect you in some ways, and other strains affect you in other ways.

However I still agree with the anti-weed people here that there is a clear pattern of laziness and stupidity with MOST weed smokers. I've witnessed it with my peers. I would also agree with many of my friends here that it is being used as a tool by the enemy to dumb down the masses. Evidence: George Soros has been and is funding referendums on legalizing marijuana in many states, and supporting attorney generals who are pro-weed.

I can also say with high certainty (no pun intended) that going to sleep high makes it harder to remember your dreams.

Regardless, I will say that weed does something to you that does indeed boost your creativity. It doesn't boost your creativity per se, but it makes you think differently than you normally do (can be a good or bad thing) and so naturally you will think more creativity since you are outside of your usual box of thought.

Not that it matters since most universities are corrupted by the enemy, but I went to undergraduate and graduate school, I smoked almost every day weed before and after class, and my GPA was a 3.4 and a 3.2 respectively. No I did not take easy courses like gender studies

Some of you may ask, "Well, couldn't you have even more successful if you just didn't smoke at all?"
And my answer is, Idk. Weed helped and hurt in many areas of my life. Right now its an effective painkiller for my herniated disc and sciatica. Nowadays I mostly use concentrated weed through a oil rig or I also vaporize the flower. I've come to realize burning it in joints is too detrimental to my lungs and its not worth it. Vape is the way to go if you do it.

I was going to talk about alcohol and maybe other psychedelics here, but I think for the OP's sake, I will just stick to only weed in this thread.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I've been practically a daily weed smoker for about 8 years. With small breaks now and then.

I'd just like to point out not all weed is equal. Some strains affect you in some ways, and other strains affect you in other ways.

However I still agree with the anti-weed people here that there is a clear pattern of laziness and stupidity with MOST weed smokers. I've witnessed it with my peers. I would also agree with many of my friends here that it is being used as a tool by the enemy to dumb down the masses. Evidence: George Soros has been and is funding referendums on legalizing marijuana in many states, and supporting attorney generals who are pro-weed.

I can also say with high certainty (no pun intended) that going to sleep high makes it harder to remember your dreams.

Regardless, I will say that weed does something to you that does indeed boost your creativity. It doesn't boost your creativity per se, but it makes you think differently than you normally do (can be a good or bad thing) and so naturally you will think more creativity since you are outside of your usual box of thought.

Not that it matters since most universities are corrupted by the enemy, but I went to undergraduate and graduate school, I smoked almost every day weed before and after class, and my GPA was a 3.4 and a 3.2 respectively. No I did not take easy courses like gender studies

Some of you may ask, "Well, couldn't you have even more successful if you just didn't smoke at all?"
And my answer is, Idk. Weed helped and hurt in many areas of my life. Right now its an effective painkiller for my herniated disc and sciatica. Nowadays I mostly use concentrated weed through a oil rig or I also vaporize the flower. I've come to realize burning it in joints is too detrimental to my lungs and its not worth it. Vape is the way to go if you do it.

I was going to talk about alcohol and maybe other psychedelics here, but I think for the OP's sake, I will just stick to only weed in this thread.
Don’t shill for drugs, just because “you think” they are beneficial it doesen’t mean that escapism is good. Physical problems can be cured with physical therapy/yoga instead of just being lazy and not feel the pain with a drug that makes you an idiot.
Aquarius said:
Don’t shill for drugs, just because “you think” they are beneficial it doesen’t mean that escapism is good. Physical problems can be cured with physical therapy/yoga instead of just being lazy and not feel the pain with a drug that makes you an idiot.
I'm glad I saw this message from the guy, actually. He struck me as very weird energy-wise but I had nothing at all to pin-point why.
Now I know where it came from. Dude's been smoking weed for 8 years :lol:
Aquarius said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I've been practically a daily weed smoker for about 8 years. With small breaks now and then.

I'd just like to point out not all weed is equal. Some strains affect you in some ways, and other strains affect you in other ways.

However I still agree with the anti-weed people here that there is a clear pattern of laziness and stupidity with MOST weed smokers. I've witnessed it with my peers. I would also agree with many of my friends here that it is being used as a tool by the enemy to dumb down the masses. Evidence: George Soros has been and is funding referendums on legalizing marijuana in many states, and supporting attorney generals who are pro-weed.

I can also say with high certainty (no pun intended) that going to sleep high makes it harder to remember your dreams.

Regardless, I will say that weed does something to you that does indeed boost your creativity. It doesn't boost your creativity per se, but it makes you think differently than you normally do (can be a good or bad thing) and so naturally you will think more creativity since you are outside of your usual box of thought.

Not that it matters since most universities are corrupted by the enemy, but I went to undergraduate and graduate school, I smoked almost every day weed before and after class, and my GPA was a 3.4 and a 3.2 respectively. No I did not take easy courses like gender studies

Some of you may ask, "Well, couldn't you have even more successful if you just didn't smoke at all?"
And my answer is, Idk. Weed helped and hurt in many areas of my life. Right now its an effective painkiller for my herniated disc and sciatica. Nowadays I mostly use concentrated weed through a oil rig or I also vaporize the flower. I've come to realize burning it in joints is too detrimental to my lungs and its not worth it. Vape is the way to go if you do it.

I was going to talk about alcohol and maybe other psychedelics here, but I think for the OP's sake, I will just stick to only weed in this thread.
Don’t shill for drugs, just because “you think” they are beneficial it doesen’t mean that escapism is good. Physical problems can be cured with physical therapy/yoga instead of just being lazy and not feel the pain with a drug that makes you an idiot.

Just giving my perspective and anecdotal experiences to add to the discussion. I was going to put a disclaimer at the bottom of my previous post saying that this doesn't mean I don't endorse the use of marijuana but I couldn't edit my post. Not a shill.....but I understand where you are coming from

I agree Physical problems can be cured with physical therapy/yoga. I do PT 3x a week. I smoke weed at the end of my sessions and I think it reduces my inflammation. You do you, I do me. Thank you for looking out for me though
Hailthepowers666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But if you smoke two times a year or sometimes is it still a no no??
It is, there's no need to smoke at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
