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About the translations

Sol Rei 666

New member
Oct 30, 2024
Can I translate whatever I want? If you need help with translations into Portuguese, I will try to help according to my level.
Can I translate whatever I want? If you need help with translations into Portuguese, I will try to help according to my level.
You can also post in the Portuguese forum - maybe you already know it...

There is a lot of changes currently and an editor may appears.
There is a lot of anarchic work concerning translations sometimes (redundancy, bad format), the better organized, the simpler it is.
translate one of these sites? i'm a new translator, translate the pages and send them where? i don't know how to program..
Greetings. Sorry for the late message. Before I look into what can be translated in Portuguese as of now, I will first quote Egon who has been doing the Portuguese translations for years.
@Egon I know you have been mostly working on the main site over the years. A member has already translated Islamic Evil, is there another site that could be translated in Portuguese as of now?
Greetings. Sorry for the late message. Before I look into what can be translated in Portuguese as of now, I will first quote Egon who has been doing the Portuguese translations for years.
@Egon I know you have been mostly working on the main site over the years. A member has already translated Islamic Evil, is there another site that could be translated in Portuguese as of now?

Anything that aren't the classic websites by Lady Maxine as I did them all. I haven't translated Edward's stuff, and there are some sermon series that could be translated like afterlife series by HP HC.
Also I'm waiting to see how the new domains will work before transposing all existing translations.

Translate this: templeofzeus.org
Or: https://templeofzeus.org/JLinks

Not a chance. Did you ever check the websites that already exist before giving ideas?
As TG The Alchemist said I'm in charge of the main site translation to pt and have been so for years. Don't give instructions you don't know of or you will be misleading people to waste their time.
Hello. @Sol Rei 666 @Egon

@alquimista13 is also interested into doing Portuguese translations.

@Egon have all these sites been translated?

Which would be Black Sun 666, Third Reich and Satanism and Holocaust Exposed (2 sites, a new one and the old one).

If so, the next step would be to translate the Gods rituals in Portuguese. If these haven't been translated Sol Rey and Alquimista can definitely join translating these.
@Egon @Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
Since the sites are mostly translated, Portuguese now is in a good position to start translating from the Thoth's Library as we will start building proper Libraries in all languages especially those that had translated the main site.

True, could there be a priority list of sermons/books to be translated? Also I ask the other translators to pay attention to the sermons page because I already used several existing sermons that are in the library, so you don't repeat them:

I think a good one would be finishing the "Dealing with Astral Entities" series:

The first 3 sermons of the above are already translated here:

You can just post your translations as a reply (or new post, if it is a separate sermons series), then send the links of what you translated to the Guardians/admins.

When translating old sermons I'd also suggest to update following our Temple's updates:

Satan and/or Lucifer = Zeus (unless in the context of explaining "the enemy called our God Satan" or "Devil", explaining etymology etc., use common sense)
Demons = Daemons
Satanist = Zevist
Spiritual Satanism = Zevism
JOS / Joy of Satan = Temple of Zeus

Very old stuff that deals with "Anunnaki" or "gold mining", or gender nonsense could be left off I guess.
True, could there be a priority list of sermons/books to be translated? Also I ask the other translators to pay attention to the sermons page because I already used several existing sermons that are in the library, so you don't repeat them:

I think a good one would be finishing the "Dealing with Astral Entities" series:

The first 3 sermons of the above are already translated here:

You can just post your translations as a reply (or new post, if it is a separate sermons series), then send the links of what you translated to the Guardians/admins.

When translating old sermons I'd also suggest to update following our Temple's updates:

Satan and/or Lucifer = Zeus (unless in the context of explaining "the enemy called our God Satan" or "Devil", explaining etymology etc., use common sense)
Demons = Daemons
Satanist = Zevist
Spiritual Satanism = Zevism
JOS / Joy of Satan = Temple of Zeus

Very old stuff that deals with "Anunnaki" or "gold mining", or gender nonsense could be left off I guess.
Post here (or in the portuguese forum)?
Verdade, poderia haver uma lista prioritária de sermões/livros a serem traduzidos? Também peço aos outros tradutores que prestem atenção à página de sermões porque eu já usei vários sermões existentes que estão na biblioteca, então vocês não os repetem:

Acho que uma boa ideia seria terminar a série "Lidando com Entidades Astrais":

Os 3 primeiros sermões acima já estão traduzidos aqui:

Você pode simplesmente postar suas traduções como uma resposta (ou uma nova postagem, se for uma série de sermões separada) e depois enviar os links do que você traduziu para os Guardiões/administradores.

Ao traduzir sermões antigos, também sugiro atualizá-los seguindo as atualizações do nosso Templo:

Satanás e/ou Lúcifer = Zeus (a menos que no contexto de explicar "o inimigo chamou nosso Deus de Satanás" ou "Diabo", explicando etimologia etc., use o bom senso)
Demônios = Demônios
Satanista = Zevista
Satanismo espiritual = Zevismo
JOS / Alegria de Satanás = Templo de Zeus

Coisas muito antigas que tratam de "Anunnaki" ou "mineração de ouro", ou bobagens de gênero, poderiam ser deixadas de fora, eu acho.
Saudações, aguardando instruções!
True, could there be a priority list of sermons/books to be translated? Also I ask the other translators to pay attention to the sermons page because I already used several existing sermons that are in the library, so you don't repeat them:

I think a good one would be finishing the "Dealing with Astral Entities" series:

The first 3 sermons of the above are already translated here:

You can just post your translations as a reply (or new post, if it is a separate sermons series), then send the links of what you translated to the Guardians/admins.

When translating old sermons I'd also suggest to update following our Temple's updates:

Satan and/or Lucifer = Zeus (unless in the context of explaining "the enemy called our God Satan" or "Devil", explaining etymology etc., use common sense)
Demons = Daemons
Satanist = Zevist
Spiritual Satanism = Zevism
JOS / Joy of Satan = Temple of Zeus

Very old stuff that deals with "Anunnaki" or "gold mining", or gender nonsense could be left off I guess.
Can i traduce one of this and send here? (or in the portuguese forum if its better)
@Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
Egon has posted the page from the main site with HPS Maxine's sermons, most of which needs translated.

If I remember correctly there are around 45-50 sermons there. You can start translating them and send them over either to me directly, or in the Portuguese subforum or in the Portuguese translation thread

You can discuss together which ones who will translate or I will divide them for you if needed.
@Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
Egon postou a página do site principal com os sermões de HPS Maxine, a maioria dos quais precisa ser traduzida.

Se bem me lembro, há cerca de 45-50 sermões lá. Você pode começar a traduzi-los e enviá-los para mim diretamente, ou no subfórum português ou no tópico de tradução em português

Vocês podem discutir juntos quem irá traduzir ou eu os dividirei para vocês, se necessário.
os links que funcionaram para mim foram do Sumô Sacerdote Micama (website)
e Biblioteca de Thot , podemos comçar por onde?
@Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
Egon has posted the page from the main site with HPS Maxine's sermons, most of which needs translated.

If I remember correctly there are around 45-50 sermons there. You can start translating them and send them over either to me directly, or in the Portuguese subforum or in the Portuguese translation thread

You can discuss together which ones who will translate or I will divide them for you if needed.

Also only the other pdfs are not translated, the 2005 sermons in web pages are but I forgot to upload them. I will do so as soon as I finish moving. @Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
Also only the other pdfs are not translated, the 2005 sermons in web pages are but I forgot to upload them. I will do so as soon as I finish moving. @Sol Rei 666 @alquimista13
The PDFs are quite large, I would say to prioritize some articles from the Library to get it started and then someone can gradually do the PDFs. but yes the webpage with the sermons can be translated first before anything.
Os PDFs são bem grandes, eu diria para priorizar alguns artigos da Biblioteca para começar e então alguém pode gradualmente fazer os PDFs. Mas sim, a página da web com os sermões pode ser traduzida antes de qualquer coisa.
Saudações, traduções da Biblioteca em andamento, pdfs traduzidos estão sendo enviados no seu e-mail

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
