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About The Power Of Us and The Enemy - Visiting/Gazing Into Other Worlds

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are some people who think the enemy has more power than humans. This is partly the reality.

When I asked Satan about a few years ago, if anything can be done about the enemy, since their power seems rather engulfing in this earth [and this involves the world at large, their hold on offices and so on], Satan's reply was merely this in regards to Humans against the Enemy: "There would be no war if the enemy was simply superior".

Ie, true superiority on their behalf would mean the whole situation would have already been finished, and everything already annexed.

The war for the future happens because simply there are two sides and the enemy has no power to subdue everything completely. What about the Demons, have they survived the thousands year of onslaught and lies, or not? They have.

In simplified words, if the enemy had unanimous power, everything would have already manifested of theirs a long time ago. It has not, and this means humanity has staying and fighting power, at least for the time being and for so long people maintain this position.

Humanity is powerful, but unaware. The points to these are explained. One problem of humanity is the lack of access to the Tree of Knowledge [knowledge, science, power etc], and the other primary concern is our problem with the lack of access to the Tree of Life, ie, elongated lifespan or even the achievement of immortality.

Most people don't want to accept how far back humanity is, primarily for emotional reasons. Humanity is rife with a lot of issues. These can be fixed, but it takes time.

These are the only things above however that are a real problem. If you read the texts of the enemy, they frequently write and talk about how "humans" have "upset" the edicts of "heaven". What kind of heaven is this that humans can readily affect edicts of it? The same goes for "God". They constantly repeat that anything that befalls humanity, is simple because of this: because we are a potential threat and co-creators.

If humanity was as idiotic and worthless as the enemy claims it is, there would be no war. Indeed, nobody would be rallying now to inject microchips in people's brains, amass the data of humans, use humanity as cannon fodder, or create an elaborate worldwide conspiracy to hide the powers of the mind from the otherwise "Worthless" humans.

Now, humans without spiritual knowledge, are in a sense, a beast without eyes. It can only do that much, and is bound heavily by this. Satan's knowledge restores these eyes [or, the all seeing eye]. This is up to people themselves to apply knowledge they are given.

In regards to the enemy, many people tend to forget. No more than a century ago, the enemy was almost toppled, out of nowhere and suddenly, within the scope of about two decades. They had almost 100% control of the planet, monetary supply, positions of power, almost everything. Today, it is again the same concept. We are just more technologically advanced.

Now, the less people being aware of what makes humanity in anyway important [and the reason that few people gravitate to these things, but more will come in the future] is simply domination by higher overlords that want humanity to be blind. They fear a dispute to their power.

Those who have "Ascended" between the worlds successfully, you would have seen, that greys occupy lesser and low levels of the astral, and human beings can definitely ascend above these. However, so long one is beneath these, and even while above, the Greys act as harassment for people who ascend higher, and will do whatever they possibly can, to stop someone from ascent and spiritual attainment. Beings that are widely called reptilians, reside higher than these.

Another way they love to make people insane with, is by basically forcing ascent. The alternative research places are filled with this, such as drug users and so on, all of which are given a false gateway to a false ascent, and nobody is there to stop them or tell them otherwise. Then they progressively go insane, while making others insane too.

Regardless, it all begs the question, why can humans reach these things, and exist in these places, since, according to these slavers, humanity is worthless? Because it was never made or intended to be that way.

These beings perceive us as a threat to their place of being. They consider themselves the only "authority" in the universe, or at least, in our world and planet. Indeed, humanity will have a very difficult time to escape their control, and it can even seem "impossible", to those untrained. The governments of the world are shrieking in terror, not knowing what to do against them at all.

All these issues revolve around the fact that the followers of these ugly and nefarious beings, the jews, are coronated falsely as leaders of this planet. Therefore, its only natural they always guide humanity in the wrong way, and like a stable holder, they maintain humanity in a deprecated state, that is easy to control.

Their ideal and "Messianic Times" is when humanity is just mined like a living resource by these aliens, in a global slavery system. Aliens have told them they will be in control of this, but nothing and certainly not them is going to be. They have another plan.

Satan, in another induced vision to me years ago, which was one of the most important for realization, showed me planets. Many of these were our own, and others were of the enemy. This involved only what is going here and closeby to our so called "Galactic Neighborhood".

This does not involve many places such as distant stars and so on, but are closer to "us". The details aside, the Gods have a lot of tremendous power. Except of different planets, this is also multidimensional except of being present in many planets.

Human beings in general are pretty good at misusing their mental aspect and their mind, and this is no different but in spirituality also. As one advances spiritually, certain quite baffling spiritual experiences may come at someone.

This is where grounding, knowledge, and staying focused on one's life and actual information is required, in contrast to allowing everything to enter one's mind. One has to understand, that fairly simply, humans are not that trained in the general current state of things.

For the most part in regards to us humans, only emotional arrogance and nothing else. This does not sit well with other actually advanced species, even if they are friendly to us, or even some Demons. As one advances, they might have different glimpses of things, some or less more real, and influenced by many factors.

These are to be filtered carefully, and one has to stay grounded, and if one LARPS around like an ungrounded fool, they will primarily end up either extremely deceived, or insane, or basically incompetent and so on.

One is a human right now for a reason. We are building onto something as time goes. And as time goes, reality and answers become clearer.

Contrary to the belief that humans are worthless, the Gods will show someone with time a better view of what it means to be human, through having a soul.

In regards to those where the enemy has taken over, I cannot really describe how worthless the planets are, they are solely working as a factory and nothing else - the beings or what has remained of them, could only be paralleled in something like the Machine World from the Matrix, mixed with a Dystopia like Black Mirror for whatever is living or part living in it.

There is only pollution, destruction, and decay, and in particular, any beings are mined as a resource in some really obscure ways that would scar any human being to see.

Now, our planet is undergoing a push by these two forces in opposing directions. Given the above filth has ruled for very long [and humans were shaped as mindless cattle to fit it's ends] we have had extinctions of species, damnation of the environment, a lot of freaks in power that want to make humans slaves, a climate of unspirituality and tyranny prevailing in many places, and so on.

Gods try to push this in another way. Even those in power, have not the faintest clue what will happen to them and this place, if they comply with the demands of the enemy and their physical agents.

While I always avoid going into dualism, it is clear to anyone who has advanced in this path, that we are fighting something that might as well be called "artificial", "evil" and so on. The enemy, is no different than a computer program, in the form of their understanding.

They understand existence in binary terms. It is really difficult to even describe, but this is exactly why they enforce monotheism to planets that they occupy. They believe there needs to be only "one" power in the universe, and this is only their obsessive compulsion on the subject.

A form of advanced intelligence that always ends in binary thought, would think of the universe exactly in this way - this is why the enemy forces things such as this. There is also a very big evil behind this idea, and claiming that the universe exists only to serve the jews or whatever shit [total insanity and schizophrenia of the enemy], is exactly the reverse of all thoughts of Gentiles about the subject, which believed in other and higher ideas.

While one may think that we are dealing with aliens here and that they should be smarter, for anything this says about them, they are highly insecure, and do possess low understanding, despite of technological advancement which is where they excel compared to humanity. We are therefore bullied by them collectively.

They also excel spiritually, but this domain is where humans could actually win. It's because nobody is doing anything anymore that they are "excelling" against us.

The enemy's case is a very particular one, and not one that is that common. In a sense, they are a species that made a mistake on a part of their evolutionary process when it came to advanced artificial general intelligence.

The error margin is understood by present day humanity also, and how this could easily go out of hand. Academics have pondered on how this binary super-intelligence can actually, no different than a virus escaping from a lab, turn into something like Skynet.

In their case, it did go out of hand.

Monotheism, assimilation, removing individual will and so on, are major things for this binary intelligence, and it appears to be it's pattern of choice in fucking species up.

There is NO REASON in the universe why a species is to evolve in this manner, and not let's say, another manner. It's just that this bullying species is attempting to force humanity down this conjuncture for it's own purposes. We could evolve much more in many other ways, without having to engage in none of this.

The binary understanding of this super-intelligent technology, did cause a situation no different than in many ways some "AI went bad" movies, and it also is attempting ways to keep itself expanding. By definition, that type of intelligence, cannot understand specific questions or have understanding of some things that living and advanced beings do consider common sense.

One such example would be something inherently infinite, such as the philosophical concept of the Akasha. It can only understand things in a binary manner, despite of the capacity of infinite calculating power compared to that of let's say birds or mankind.

Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

Lastly, one must remember to cherish one's humanity and the gifts the Gods have bestowed, and use them in their best benefit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was focusing on Satans sigil late 2019 and wondering about the enemies hold on other worlds and if there were many other worlds that had issues like ours. I think this was months after i dedicated. I remember focusing and asking how many worlds the enemy destroyed. I then felt this great sadness, and thought of all these awesome looking worlds and life forms that could have been..and it felt like "many" The enemy is strong as a horde, a hivemind. I hope more and more wake up to help us pick them apart.

About grounding is a big thing to stay stable objective and factual. Remaining detached emotionally from opinions and ideas and wants is important when going after the truth. Most humans are always guilty at first of not doing this right and takes alot of working with the mind. I myself will be a long time work in progress with this as well, but thats the pont. On the other hand there are those who try to shut everything out all together which is the other extreme and also unhealthy.
Shadowcat said:
I was focusing on Satans sigil late 2019 and wondering about the enemies hold on other worlds and if there were many other worlds that had issues like ours. I think this was months after i dedicated. I remember focusing and asking how many worlds the enemy destroyed. I then felt this great sadness, and thought of all these awesome looking worlds and life forms that could have been..and it felt like "many" The enemy is strong as a horde, a hivemind. I hope more and more wake up to help us pick them apart.

Yes, many people have seen these things. It's terrible. They are like orcs from mordor, but in another sense.

These things are like fucking orcs that are a biohazard to anything they touch.

There's also a lot of good also, and it's definitely possible for humans and anyone else to overcome these and be free.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I was focusing on Satans sigil late 2019 and wondering about the enemies hold on other worlds and if there were many other worlds that had issues like ours. I think this was months after i dedicated. I remember focusing and asking how many worlds the enemy destroyed. I then felt this great sadness, and thought of all these awesome looking worlds and life forms that could have been..and it felt like "many" The enemy is strong as a horde, a hivemind. I hope more and more wake up to help us pick them apart.

Yes, many people have seen these things. It's terrible. They are like orcs from mordor, but in another sense.

These things are like fucking orcs that are a biohazard to anything they touch.

There's also a lot of good also, and it's definitely possible for humans and anyone else to overcome these and be free.

Orcs from mordor indeed, i have even heard the screams of their all seeing eye. It was this creepy metallic sounding screech that just felt so...cold and evil. I woke up from it just knowing it was them. I hope it was a scream of pain. There was one dream i had years ago on some world that was so beautiful. it almost looked like a fairytale world. but everything looked and felt so pure and vivid. there is definately still alot of good which is why we are fighting..and winning! i am glad for this...Which is good fuel for the RTR's im gunna let loose this very moment.
I could not help but to see the paraller to the popular video game series known as "Quake". What they do is consume worlds, just like our enemy, they borg sentient beings for the AI to use as it best sees fit, just like our enemy and so on and so forth. Removal of limbs and installing a hive mind chip is the least of the horrors that they do.
Awesome!!!💖 Thank you for sharing this!!! Hail Satan🔥
The AI thing is kind of what I for awhile thought happened with the enemy. They act and think in ways that is exactly how a computer would even on our lower level of understanding how a computer or technology would work like for example you have a computer virus program on your computer. It executes some program on it repetitively and deleted certain files makes certain things unusable it keeps repeating stuff till it's removed.

Same way with attacks. The greys or reptilians or whatever else will just stay there and mindlessly keep up the same attack over and over some of them repeat the same words over and over.

The Jews just keep up the same stuff year after year same plan keep pushing stuff exactly how a virus would. Plus I am certain in enslaving planets they probably have a blueprint of technologies that they create. Something like the TV is probably one of them. You have people sitting around being told what to do and think at all times by a box (cube)

The one thing people should learn is nothing good or natural needs to be pushed or insisted on over and over again plastered everywhere. People would naturally be drawn to it. So you can assume most things that are pushed like a virus are negative for us. Though probably not all the way the enemy has done this with their stuff has probably caused a few more positive things to be pushed the same way as well like antismoking. But it's rare for the most part if something is pushed like that it's bad.
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

It's a monumental waste of time and energy, that is why. The only reason people think this is an easy solution is because people generally want a free and easy bailout. It's actually not that easy, but they might do that anyway for reasons of their knowledge.

I'd sum it up that it's for the same reason I don't go to Detroit in person to preach Spiritual Satanism and try to refute anything. It just doesn't work.

Those who want to meet with the Gods, can do this through meditation and to get closer to them. Their influences and other smarter ways of engagement will do far more than this. They are already having direct activity on the earth.

Interventions need ready soil for these things, unless it's something like totally beyond "Convincing" humans or "changing them", such as an actual invasion.

There are clearly many more reasons, but one can easily get what they would need from them, without any of the energy wasting.
Sounds like any being without a subconscious female side. The feminine side is nature and creativity.

And what do jews hate the most? Females, Nature, and anything stronger than they are. They fear and hate anything they can't control. They either want to control something, or if they can't control it then they want to destroy it.

I think this may have something to do with how Father uprooted the tree of life of the jews from the flower of life. Maxine said that the Tree of Life plugs into the Flower of Life. If theirs was uprooted then they don't have a feminine subconscious side, and are forced to be parasites feeding off of other lifeforms in order to survive and keep their Tree alive artificially. They can't generate energy for themselves because they don't have a female side. That's why they hate females... sour grapes, yo.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

It's a monumental waste of time and energy, that is why. The only reason people think this is an easy solution is because people generally want a free and easy bailout. It's actually not that easy, but they might do that anyway for reasons of their knowledge.

I'd sum it up that it's for the same reason I don't go to Detroit in person to preach Spiritual Satanism and try to refute anything. It just doesn't work.

Those who want to meet with the Gods, can do this through meditation and to get closer to them. Their influences and other smarter ways of engagement will do far more than this. They are already having direct activity on the earth.

Interventions need ready soil for these things, unless it's something like totally beyond "Convincing" humans or "changing them", such as an actual invasion.

There are clearly many more reasons, but one can easily get what they would need from them, without any of the energy wasting.

Thanks for the reply HPC. I hope I didn't come across as ignorant. I love Satan, and I love the potential he gives; I labor upon myself daily and wish to make you and the powers of hell proud.

jrvan said:
Sounds like any being without a subconscious female side. The feminine side is nature and creativity.

And what do jews hate the most? Females, Nature, and anything stronger than they are. They fear and hate anything they can't control. They either want to control something, or if they can't control it then they want to destroy it.

I think this may have something to do with how Father uprooted the tree of life of the jews from the flower of life. Maxine said that the Tree of Life plugs into the Flower of Life. If theirs was uprooted then they don't have a feminine subconscious side, and are forced to be parasites feeding off of other lifeforms in order to survive and keep their Tree alive artificially. They can't generate energy for themselves because they don't have a female side. That's why they hate females... sour grapes, yo.

Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.

That's why the greys look the way they do. Their souls/celestial bodies were harvested and drained like a battery. Their terrestrial body is a reflection of that, and the grey microchipped shell is just a hollow vessel that has had its will replaced by the will of the enemy. There's nothing left inside them.

That's what Elon Musk's precious microchips will accomplish if people buy into it. New greys. Except likely even more powerful greys because of humanity's potential which would be drawn out through pain.

They really are ruthless bastards.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While I always avoid going into dualism, it is clear to anyone who has advanced in this path, that we are fighting something that might as well be called "artificial", "evil" and so on. The enemy, is no different than a computer program, in the form of their understanding.

I've seen this a lot, reflected on the jews. It's as if something doesn't "click" in their brains. As if their thoughts and actions are subject to a software script, and are incapable of straying from it. They may not be borged, but they sure act like it. I've seen it as well in several Humans.

Their program is clearly aware of us. For example, as a kid, whenever I focused on the images I saw through my third eye, as if an astral red alarm went off, I'd see the ugly faces of multiple grays manifest instead of the usual swirls or advanced images as I persisted. Now, I daily notice their fuckery right before I'm about to do the daily rituals, and I go from being VERY motivated, to feeling lazy, and right on cue, some annoyance starts to make it difficult for me to concentrate (neighbors turn on their bass music, I shit you not. I think they resort to physical bullshit when they realize their spiritual attacks are increasingly becoming ineffective).

Great sermon, HP. Thanks for clarifying.
Perfect reading for today and forever HPHC

Thank You
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

I used to think a very long time ago, when I was beginning spiritual advancement for the first time, opening my chakra's ect.. that when the greys first started harrassing me, trying to startle or scare me or distract me from spiritual advancement I could reason with them.

I tried to avoid interacting with them in any direct manner because I knew they were hostile and a threat, but when I knew they were observing me directly I'd say things out loud to them to hopefully garner some thought of independence from them.

"You were enslaved on your on home-world and now your trying to do the same to other planets. You can break the cycle."
"You just need to fight the programming, the microchip, you can have the independence we do, you can have freedom, all you need to do is not promote the cycle of slavery."
"If you antagonize me, it only shows me your threatened by develop so I will work harder against you."
"Once humanity is freed and spiritually developed, we will come for you next. Either for your freedom or destruction. Contemplate this if you can."

I'd threaten them. I'd offer them the prospect of freedom from their microchipped hive-minded lives. I would make comparisons to beings of their (former) species like Lucifuge Rofocal and say "Look what you can become, with independence and spiritual advancement, rather than slavery and hive-minding."

And nothing ever worked. Sometimes i'd get the vague impression of anger and hatred, but nothing more. No regret, no compulsion to take me up on the offer, to break the cycle. to go to the Gods of Duat and ask for help. Nothing. Just completely lost mentally, machines with living tissue and nothing more.

At some point you just stop, ignore them, build your aura of protection and move on. It's a waste of breath to even engage with them, to offer any form of rational or sensible conjecture to them in any form. They cannot comprehend it. They see us developing before their very eyes, yet with all their millions (Billions?) of hive-minded individuals cannot process the concept that if they stopped the cycle of enslavement and stop waring with us, they too could be free, powerful and happy again.

Their may be no hope of restoration on these worlds. It's so sad, but what can you do, but engage back with warfare and move on. Such is the nature of the enemy, as Satan has said "They go against me, even though they do not know it is against their own benefit."
This is why I have always thought of the greys as literally being non existent and this concept is not just an affirmation to ignore the existence. This is more of a reality. If they can be so easily bypassed through meditation and the ultimate reality, where they don’t exist anymore, then it’s just that. They don’t exist within our consciousness as a part of anything. Their images are easily dissipated and destroyed once a person grasps just how low and lifeless and basically unreal and dying a grey is. Their only strength is numbers and it’s dropping dramatically.
I always had this understanding, that once the war was completed here on Earth, I would go to other worlds and destroy the enemy.

Thinking about this now, I see in the dark, great torches beginning to light all through the night. Spreading and growing. This is the light of humanity, the knowledge of Satan.

It is not enough for me to be just a role model now, I will claim my desired title as Strategic General. Settling for less is inviting chaos and destruction.
When i first learned about the lizards i thought they are just some war like race that has a culture based on conquering and see other species as inferior and i thought they were just in the way of the Gods, but this actually have more sense, for some time i wanted a topic about this because i wanted to know how these reptiles are or how they operate and so i am very graceful to find answers to something so weird it's hard to understand, i think the tipical AI control is the best answer we could have with these fiends, still... being so mentally primitive and having that many worlds...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Sounds like any being without a subconscious female side. The feminine side is nature and creativity.

And what do jews hate the most? Females, Nature, and anything stronger than they are. They fear and hate anything they can't control. They either want to control something, or if they can't control it then they want to destroy it.

I think this may have something to do with how Father uprooted the tree of life of the jews from the flower of life. Maxine said that the Tree of Life plugs into the Flower of Life. If theirs was uprooted then they don't have a feminine subconscious side, and are forced to be parasites feeding off of other lifeforms in order to survive and keep their Tree alive artificially. They can't generate energy for themselves because they don't have a female side. That's why they hate females... sour grapes, yo.

Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.
Cobra, I love you. The overwhelming deep wisdom in your words appeals to me. I want to scream and growl from the realization of our current position in this reality, but this violent force in me, which often manifests itself in the expression of my Will, reminds me of my kinship with that great and invincible. Hail Satan!
This is off topic but I remember HPS Maxine saying that she had much more knowledge regarding the chakras that would come out. Did she leave this knowledge behind and if so will it ever be released?
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Sounds like any being without a subconscious female side. The feminine side is nature and creativity.

And what do jews hate the most? Females, Nature, and anything stronger than they are. They fear and hate anything they can't control. They either want to control something, or if they can't control it then they want to destroy it.

I think this may have something to do with how Father uprooted the tree of life of the jews from the flower of life. Maxine said that the Tree of Life plugs into the Flower of Life. If theirs was uprooted then they don't have a feminine subconscious side, and are forced to be parasites feeding off of other lifeforms in order to survive and keep their Tree alive artificially. They can't generate energy for themselves because they don't have a female side. That's why they hate females... sour grapes, yo.

Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.

Maxine said that when we dedicate our souls to Satan, we become part of an energy collective where we all can benefit from the pool of energy. I think the enemies tried to make an artificial version of that for themselves essentially, and that is the assimilation battery/"heaven". Same concept, different mechanics. It's also more like a pyramid scheme where only the ones at the top benefit.

My idea is basically:
Enemy Nordics go against Father
make their own corrupted version of the serpent to replace the loss of the female side of the soul (artificial rings around Saturn, and Saturn being the Father of Serpents in mythology)
reptilians are formed from corrupted kundalini
reptilians breed with humans and genetically alter them with the corrupted serpent DNA to form hybrids AKA jews (DNA is in the shape of the serpent, also has anyone ever wondered why they were able to breed with humans in the first place? Why was there genetic compatibility? Enemy Nordics were originally of the same race as Father).

Maybe I'm wrong, but this would explain a lot of their behavior. The Kundalini is the Serpent of Truth, and the jews can't bring themselves to utter anything other than lies, or at most half-truths which are designed to deceive.

I just want to know why the enemy Nordics went against Father in the first place, and why they hated us so much. Was it really only out of envy and jealousy? All of this... everything they have done - just for that? It's too hard for me to accept that. I want to discover the exact reasons for why they went against the Creator. There has to be more to this.
Woden said:
There is NO REASON in the universe why a species is to evolve in this manner, and not let's say, another manner. It's just that this bullying species is attempting to force humanity down this conjuncture for its own purposes. We could evolve much more in many other ways, without having to engage in none of this.

The binary understanding of this super-intelligent technology did cause a situation no different than in many ways some "AI went bad" movies, and it also is attempting ways to keep itself expanding. By definition, that type of intelligence, cannot understand specific questions or have an understanding of some things that living and advanced beings do consider common sense.


The Reptilians obviously didn't put in any safeguards regarding AI and made the terrible mistake of believing that it must be developed to its "ultimate limits" to benefit from it.

The late Stephen Hawking was a major voice in the debate about how humanity can benefit from artificial intelligence. Hawking made no secret of his fears that thinking machines could one day take charge. He went as far as predicting that future developments in AI “could spell the end of the human race.”


Was this meant by what HP saw in his testimonies on the enemy about the "golden vortex" that had reptilians guarding it?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This makes me wonder. If total war against such the enemy race is justified (as it obviously is from even a human-race self defense stand-point), why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2? I understand the idea that individuals should only bear punishment for their own crimes, like saying you shouldn't kill the father and his son both for the father's crime. With that being said, Jews are a hive-mind, with fucked up parasitic genes, who are trying to enslave our entire race. I do feel that this would warrant a genocide, of course being done concurrently with psychic war efforts. Obviously today you can't just go killing people and I wouldn't endorse that because it would just ruin your life in prison, but back when Hitler held so much power, what was the reasoning behind not gassing the Jews? I know the Jews love pushing that gas chambers narrative to gain victim-hood status, but I can't see why they didn't actually do it in self defense of our race.

I thank anybody ahead of time for a response as this is was typed with good intentions. Praise Satan for evolving us to be closer to him and to walk the path towards godhood.
Tengen Toppa T said:
Why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2?

I think it is because he was too good of person to do that and was optimistic that he could reform jews and could make them atleast part human with some re-education.

The conditions of the camps (swimming pools, tennis courts, music programs, etc.) shows to me that it was a rehabilitation program more than anything. But now we know and he certainly knows that the enemy cannot be changed.
Tengen Toppa T said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This makes me wonder. If total war against such the enemy race is justified (as it obviously is from even a human-race self defense stand-point), why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2? I understand the idea that individuals should only bear punishment for their own crimes, like saying you shouldn't kill the father and his son both for the father's crime. With that being said, Jews are a hive-mind, with fucked up parasitic genes, who are trying to enslave our entire race. I do feel that this would warrant a genocide, of course being done concurrently with psychic war efforts. Obviously today you can't just go killing people and I wouldn't endorse that because it would just ruin your life in prison, but back when Hitler held so much power, what was the reasoning behind not gassing the Jews? I know the Jews love pushing that gas chambers narrative to gain victim-hood status, but I can't see why they didn't actually do it in self defense of our race.

I thank anybody ahead of time for a response as this is was typed with good intentions. Praise Satan for evolving us to be closer to him and to walk the path towards godhood.
You see... Hitler is known here to be a leader. To understand this, let's just take a look of what being a leader means, part of which is having the guts to stand out for what you believe is right and gain followers in your way up. Which is exactly what he did.

A leader, by simple definition, leads people, he doesn't take decisions all by himself but by what he sees his followers want and need.

For that part of the history, as far as I know, just as it is nowadays, people weren't that conscious about the jewish problem, so imagine if he did that, he could eventually have lost all respect of his own people, and of the rest of the world, and even be attacked for this exact reason. He had to ethically adapt the choices he made for his own country in concordance with people's views on what's right and what they needed from a leader to do.

And also, considering this is a war, genocide on them wasn't, isn't and is not going to be possible as far as I know. Leading people, again, but now let's imagine people that are conscious about this problem, will naturally drive them to act themselves for the annihilation of jews, case in which you just wouldn't need genocide.

Rtrs will make people conscious, removing the curses and blockages in the human soul, and people will eventually act physically in order to get rid of jewish domination, which already started manifesting.
This is the way I see it all, but I hope it makes sense.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.

Maxine said that when we dedicate our souls to Satan, we become part of an energy collective where we all can benefit from the pool of energy. I think the enemies tried to make an artificial version of that for themselves essentially, and that is the assimilation battery/"heaven". Same concept, different mechanics. It's also more like a pyramid scheme where only the ones at the top benefit.

My idea is basically:
Enemy Nordics go against Father
make their own corrupted version of the serpent to replace the loss of the female side of the soul (artificial rings around Saturn, and Saturn being the Father of Serpents in mythology)
reptilians are formed from corrupted kundalini
reptilians breed with humans and genetically alter them with the corrupted serpent DNA to form hybrids AKA jews (DNA is in the shape of the serpent, also has anyone ever wondered why they were able to breed with humans in the first place? Why was there genetic compatibility? Enemy Nordics were originally of the same race as Father).

Maybe I'm wrong, but this would explain a lot of their behavior. The Kundalini is the Serpent of Truth, and the jews can't bring themselves to utter anything other than lies, or at most half-truths which are designed to deceive.

I just want to know why the enemy Nordics went against Father in the first place, and why they hated us so much. Was it really only out of envy and jealousy? All of this... everything they have done - just for that? It's too hard for me to accept that. I want to discover the exact reasons for why they went against the Creator. There has to be more to this.
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
As you also said,

The binary understanding of this super-intelligent technology, did cause a situation no different than in many ways some "AI went bad" movies, and it also is attempting ways to keep itself expanding. By definition, that type of intelligence, cannot understand specific questions or have understanding of some things that living and advanced beings do consider common sense.

One such example would be something inherently infinite, such as the philosophical concept of the Akasha. It can only understand things in a binary manner, despite of the capacity of infinite calculating power compared to that of let's say birds or mankind.

Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.
These things, different things you mentioned, are also in (((science fiction))). "Great ideas, writer!"? No - honest confessions, jew.

jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.
Matrix, Futurama, Star Trek, Stargate...

Tengen Toppa T said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This makes me wonder. If total war against such the enemy race is justified (as it obviously is from even a human-race self defense stand-point), why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2?
The World and Germany was still very christianised at the time. Regrettably (IMO), there had to be, and has to be, propaganda. Hitler also knows that Spirituality is stronger than Physicality - this war (rather, battle or series of battles in the larger war) of about 20 years, since the founding of JoSM, has caused such big changes; the war (earlier battles in the war) which the jew declared against the Nazis about 80 years ago had a different type of big changes. Physicality is the lowest realm. Hitler knew that Spirituality was what was needed, and that the Physical war could not win. If He decided to order the slaughter of every last jew which He and the Nazis came across, then the rest of the World, including America, would have came in much sooner and destroyed any chance - and hopes of chance - of making a big foot into the judaised World. All guns blaring is decent in computer games. Lastly - Führer Hitler is the reincarnation of Ramesses the 2nd AKA Ramses the Great. The Pharaoh, during His time in Egypt, had many similarities and parallels with the Führer of yestercentury.

I understand the idea that individuals should only bear punishment for their own crimes, like saying you shouldn't kill the father and his son both for the father's crime.
The jew "jesus" would disagree with you there...

With that being said, Jews are a hive-mind, with fucked up parasitic genes, who are trying to enslave our entire race. I do feel that this would warrant a genocide, of course being done concurrently with psychic war efforts.
That will happen in one way or another. I expect that I will be disappointed; I bet it will be done civilly, rather than slaughter-ly-in-cold-blood-ly. :/
Obviously today you can't just go killing people and I wouldn't endorse that because it would just ruin your life in prison, but back when Hitler held so much power, what was the reasoning behind not gassing the Jews?
The jew knows, and has in its "holy" scriptures, that if the non-jews (Humans) knew the truth about the jew, then Humans would kill the jew openly. I wonder something - I wonder why the jew has 2 protections. There is "anti-racist" legislation, and there is also "anti-anti-semitic" legislation. I suppose you could add sprinkles to the top of that cake and add "anti-libel/defamation" legislation, as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
As you also said,

The binary understanding of this super-intelligent technology, did cause a situation no different than in many ways some "AI went bad" movies, and it also is attempting ways to keep itself expanding. By definition, that type of intelligence, cannot understand specific questions or have understanding of some things that living and advanced beings do consider common sense.

One such example would be something inherently infinite, such as the philosophical concept of the Akasha. It can only understand things in a binary manner, despite of the capacity of infinite calculating power compared to that of let's say birds or mankind.

Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.
These things, different things you mentioned, are also in (((science fiction))). "Great ideas, writer!"? No - honest confessions, jew.

jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, the enemy, they are a parasitic race of beings. In one of the things I beheld, I saw that they use species in a sense, like batteries, because of their own deficiencies in more than one ways such as psychic deficiencies.

Even in some shows, anime, and even books, they speak of things like this, because these things actually can occur.
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.
Matrix, Futurama, Star Trek, Stargate...

Tengen Toppa T said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This makes me wonder. If total war against such the enemy race is justified (as it obviously is from even a human-race self defense stand-point), why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2?
The World and Germany was still very christianised at the time. Regrettably (IMO), there had to be, and has to be, propaganda. Hitler also knows that Spirituality is stronger than Physicality - this war (rather, battle or series of battles in the larger war) of about 20 years, since the founding of JoSM, has caused such big changes; the war (earlier battles in the war) which the jew declared against the Nazis about 80 years ago had a different type of big changes. Physicality is the lowest realm. Hitler knew that Spirituality was what was needed, and that the Physical war could not win. If He decided to order the slaughter of every last jew which He and the Nazis came across, then the rest of the World, including America, would have came in much sooner and destroyed any chance - and hopes of chance - of making a big foot into the judaised World. All guns blaring is decent in computer games. Lastly - Führer Hitler is the reincarnation of Ramesses the 2nd AKA Ramses the Great. The Pharaoh, during His time in Egypt, had many similarities and parallels with the Führer of yestercentury.

I understand the idea that individuals should only bear punishment for their own crimes, like saying you shouldn't kill the father and his son both for the father's crime.
The jew "jesus" would disagree with you there...

With that being said, Jews are a hive-mind, with fucked up parasitic genes, who are trying to enslave our entire race. I do feel that this would warrant a genocide, of course being done concurrently with psychic war efforts.
That will happen in one way or another. I expect that I will be disappointed; I bet it will be done civilly, rather than slaughter-ly-in-cold-blood-ly. :/
Obviously today you can't just go killing people and I wouldn't endorse that because it would just ruin your life in prison, but back when Hitler held so much power, what was the reasoning behind not gassing the Jews?
The jew knows, and has in its "holy" scriptures, that if the non-jews (Humans) knew the truth about the jew, then Humans would kill the jew openly. I wonder something - I wonder why the jew has 2 protections. There is "anti-racist" legislation, and there is also "anti-anti-semitic" legislation. I suppose you could add sprinkles to the top of that cake and add "anti-libel/defamation" legislation, as well.
slyscorpion said:
The AI thing is kind of what I for awhile thought happened with the enemy. They act and think in ways that is exactly how a computer would even on our lower level of understanding how a computer or technology would work like for example you have a computer virus program on your computer. It executes some program on it repetitively and deleted certain files makes certain things unusable it keeps repeating stuff till it's removed.

Same way with attacks. The greys or reptilians or whatever else will just stay there and mindlessly keep up the same attack over and over some of them repeat the same words over and over.

The Jews just keep up the same stuff year after year same plan keep pushing stuff exactly how a virus would. Plus I am certain in enslaving planets they probably have a blueprint of technologies that they create. Something like the TV is probably one of them. You have people sitting around being told what to do and think at all times by a box (cube)

The one thing people should learn is nothing good or natural needs to be pushed or insisted on over and over again plastered everywhere. People would naturally be drawn to it. So you can assume most things that are pushed like a virus are negative for us. Though probably not all the way the enemy has done this with their stuff has probably caused a few more positive things to be pushed the same way as well like antismoking. But it's rare for the most part if something is pushed like that it's bad.
lmao thats true even the bootlegged subhumanoid kikes are doing thd same repititions like dumb asses, i already got 3 moaning and pissing themselves while i come up with new ways to fold them, this is i qoutes from one of them "stop attacking me" "wtf no fucking way" "if you keep attacking me your gonna die" lmao fuck right off with that BS and btw there fuck angels and thoughtforms are getting weaker either that im getting stronger or both. Hail Satan.
GD. said:
You see... Hitler is known here to be a leader. To understand this, let's just take a look of what being a leader means, part of which is having the guts to stand out for what you believe is right and gain followers in your way up. Which is exactly what he did.

A leader, by simple definition, leads people, he doesn't take decisions all by himself but by what he sees his followers want and need.

For that part of the history, as far as I know, just as it is nowadays, people weren't that conscious about the jewish problem, so imagine if he did that, he could eventually have lost all respect of his own people, and of the rest of the world, and even be attacked for this exact reason. He had to ethically adapt the choices he made for his own country in concordance with people's views on what's right and what they needed from a leader to do.

Okay, I can understand it like that. I had just assumed that there was some ethical reason Hitler didn't. I can see that suggestion not sitting well with everybody and causing more harm than good to the cause.

And also, considering this is a war, genocide on them wasn't, isn't and is not going to be possible as far as I know. Leading people, again, but now let's imagine people that are conscious about this problem, will naturally drive them to act themselves for the annihilation of jews, case in which you just wouldn't need genocide.

Rtrs will make people conscious, removing the curses and blockages in the human soul, and people will eventually act physically in order to get rid of jewish domination, which already started manifesting.
This is the way I see it all, but I hope it makes sense.

And like you mention here, if psychic war is more effective, then doing RTRs and such would
1. Hit them harder where it hurts, and
2. Help people develop to the point where they do want to act physically to prevent Jewish domination

I appreciate the responses from you, Lightstar23, and SouthernWhiteGentile. However, I have to disagree with your response, SouthernWhiteGentile, that Hitler didn't kill the Jews because he wanted to reeducate and reform them. I believe for how spiritually advanced he was, he would not have been that optimistic, and that providing them so many amenities in their camps was more practical and in line with what the German people would have been comfortable with at the time.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.

Maxine said that when we dedicate our souls to Satan, we become part of an energy collective where we all can benefit from the pool of energy. I think the enemies tried to make an artificial version of that for themselves essentially, and that is the assimilation battery/"heaven". Same concept, different mechanics. It's also more like a pyramid scheme where only the ones at the top benefit.

My idea is basically:
Enemy Nordics go against Father
make their own corrupted version of the serpent to replace the loss of the female side of the soul (artificial rings around Saturn, and Saturn being the Father of Serpents in mythology)
reptilians are formed from corrupted kundalini
reptilians breed with humans and genetically alter them with the corrupted serpent DNA to form hybrids AKA jews (DNA is in the shape of the serpent, also has anyone ever wondered why they were able to breed with humans in the first place? Why was there genetic compatibility? Enemy Nordics were originally of the same race as Father).

Maybe I'm wrong, but this would explain a lot of their behavior. The Kundalini is the Serpent of Truth, and the jews can't bring themselves to utter anything other than lies, or at most half-truths which are designed to deceive.

I just want to know why the enemy Nordics went against Father in the first place, and why they hated us so much. Was it really only out of envy and jealousy? All of this... everything they have done - just for that? It's too hard for me to accept that. I want to discover the exact reasons for why they went against the Creator. There has to be more to this.
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.

Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
Reminds me of Naruto, where the bad guys want all people to live in an imaginary world while their bodies are constantly drained of energy.

Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.
Matrix, Futurama, Star Trek, Stargate...

I remember in the pilot episode for Futurama, they had a visual scene of the passing seasons and ages showing the humans repeatedly rebuilding civilization only for it to get burned and shot with lasers by the spaceships of the green aliens in the show each time, over and over again. Could they be any more obvious? Never occurred to me when I was younger though, and I think that's the point. I had such a hard time believing in aliens even though I believed with all my heart in the Gods for years.

Sword Art Online is another one. I remember it was a jew who turned me onto that show so go figure. It's about video game nerds getting trapped in a virtual reality ruled by a jewish game master. So many people must have gotten excited about the future possibility of that, and desired to manifest it. Because everyone wants to escape from their boring, meaningless lives in jew society and escape into a video game or dream world. That's why world of warcraft addicts exist as well. People want to escape, and they don't see a way out. It's sad.

I never watched Star Trek very far beyond the pilot episode to be honest. No idea about Stargate either.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Yep. Just like the Matrix movies too, as mentioned in the post. It's all the same story over and over again. Jews keep telling us what they've done, and they laugh at everyone for not realizing it.

Maxine said that when we dedicate our souls to Satan, we become part of an energy collective where we all can benefit from the pool of energy. I think the enemies tried to make an artificial version of that for themselves essentially, and that is the assimilation battery/"heaven". Same concept, different mechanics. It's also more like a pyramid scheme where only the ones at the top benefit.

My idea is basically:
Enemy Nordics go against Father
make their own corrupted version of the serpent to replace the loss of the female side of the soul (artificial rings around Saturn, and Saturn being the Father of Serpents in mythology)
reptilians are formed from corrupted kundalini
reptilians breed with humans and genetically alter them with the corrupted serpent DNA to form hybrids AKA jews (DNA is in the shape of the serpent, also has anyone ever wondered why they were able to breed with humans in the first place? Why was there genetic compatibility? Enemy Nordics were originally of the same race as Father).

Maybe I'm wrong, but this would explain a lot of their behavior. The Kundalini is the Serpent of Truth, and the jews can't bring themselves to utter anything other than lies, or at most half-truths which are designed to deceive.

I just want to know why the enemy Nordics went against Father in the first place, and why they hated us so much. Was it really only out of envy and jealousy? All of this... everything they have done - just for that? It's too hard for me to accept that. I want to discover the exact reasons for why they went against the Creator. There has to be more to this.
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.

Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.
GD. said:
Tengen Toppa T said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, attempting to explain to this why it needs for example to stop assimilating planets, would be impossible. The only solution left here would be total war against such a thing, or limiting this within it's own confinement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This makes me wonder. If total war against such the enemy race is justified (as it obviously is from even a human-race self defense stand-point), why didn't Hitler actually kill Jews during WW2? I understand the idea that individuals should only bear punishment for their own crimes, like saying you shouldn't kill the father and his son both for the father's crime. With that being said, Jews are a hive-mind, with fucked up parasitic genes, who are trying to enslave our entire race. I do feel that this would warrant a genocide, of course being done concurrently with psychic war efforts. Obviously today you can't just go killing people and I wouldn't endorse that because it would just ruin your life in prison, but back when Hitler held so much power, what was the reasoning behind not gassing the Jews? I know the Jews love pushing that gas chambers narrative to gain victim-hood status, but I can't see why they didn't actually do it in self defense of our race.

I thank anybody ahead of time for a response as this is was typed with good intentions. Praise Satan for evolving us to be closer to him and to walk the path towards godhood.
You see... Hitler is known here to be a leader. To understand this, let's just take a look of what being a leader means, part of which is having the guts to stand out for what you believe is right and gain followers in your way up. Which is exactly what he did.

A leader, by simple definition, leads people, he doesn't take decisions all by himself but by what he sees his followers want and need.

For that part of the history, as far as I know, just as it is nowadays, people weren't that conscious about the jewish problem, so imagine if he did that, he could eventually have lost all respect of his own people, and of the rest of the world, and even be attacked for this exact reason. He had to ethically adapt the choices he made for his own country in concordance with people's views on what's right and what they needed from a leader to do.

And also, considering this is a war, genocide on them wasn't, isn't and is not going to be possible as far as I know. Leading people, again, but now let's imagine people that are conscious about this problem, will naturally drive them to act themselves for the annihilation of jews, case in which you just wouldn't need genocide.

Rtrs will make people conscious, removing the curses and blockages in the human soul, and people will eventually act physically in order to get rid of jewish domination, which already started manifesting.
This is the way I see it all, but I hope it makes sense.

We can't just let them be around somewhere even if they are fully exposed their existence is a biological and spiritual hazard to earth and anything or anyone they come in contact with even if in an isolated quarantined area. Plus if you let them sit around you never know that the war is over for sure until they are gone.
Very true! Hail Satan and His children and all of our Gods! We will smash the soul of Judea and walk hand on hand through eternity with the Gods!
Hail Satan Eternal!
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
This story of nordics going against Satan doesn't ring right to me, it feels like one of those mainstream stories like "the Gods came here to mine gold".
In the whole universe the Nordics probably doesn't just mean Father Satan's side, and those you speak about weren't allied with him from the start.

Perhaps you're right. That would mean going back to square one in my understanding. What a shame.

Although there is probably an element of truth to that story. The jews refer to themselves as gods and to us as slaves, and apparently gold has been found on the Moon just like on Earth. And the jews are obsessed with both gold and slaves. It's like their two favorite things.

If we follow Phaeton theory as written in the JoS sermons, and this Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth to form Earth's Moon, then maybe we could assume that Phaeton had a lot of gold? And also, crashing the planet associated with the psychic chakra seems like a microchip attempt, but on a planet level. So there's the slaves element and the gold element.

What do you think?
I know that Phaeton was destroyed with advanced technology, but I had no idea it crashed on earth, so can't help you with an opinion there.

Well, the official narrative that they use is that a planet the size of Mars crashed into the Earth to form Earth's Moon. I read someone's comment on the forums here saying that this is to dissuade Phaeton theory. Crashed, destroyed by lasers, whatever the case, it apparently caused the flood on the Earth and damaged the axis or something like that. That's what I have understood by reading the sermons so far. Mars size makes sense considering this ancient planet was right between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. I've felt that there is a sort of hand of Divinity when it comes to the ordered Solar system with the planets and everything. It was right next to Mars, and right before Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn form a sort of pair, and for some odd reason, they specifically say that this crashing planet was the size of Mars. Specifically. If it's to dissuade Phaeton theory, then I feel they are admitting something at the same time, and simply trusting that the goyim won't put it together.

Back to my main points about gold and slaves though... I'm just thinking that if we assume that the Moon was part of the asteroid belt remains of Phaeton, and was somehow reformed to replace the 6th chakra (or however it happened), and there's gold on both the Moon and on Earth - then perhaps there was a lot of gold on Phaeton, and has a connection with the so-called mining trip narrative that they talk about.

I don't know. This is mostly conjecture of mine, but it makes sense to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
