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About The Name "Satan" & The General Public

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Lord HP HoodedCobra666 🔥🙂 You hit the nail on the head with this Sermon. We have nothing to hide or be ashamed of here. Especially in the hearts and the minds of people. There are those who are looking for the truth and know where to find it? And feel it and know the difference. And there are people who are looking for a Hollywood Adventure. And don't have any clue to where they're going because of fear and because of the enemy programming. And it's sad to know that there are a lot of people out there that are confused still to this very day. Thank you for sharing this information.
Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.
Absobloominlutely!! That's precisely why they tried to smear this work. I can't even imagine someone being ashamed to use Satan name...

Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step
even if everyone else gives up, we will pursue our cause to the very last drop, no matter what the outcome

i am grateful for the clarification you provided on this matter High Priest. Thank you a lot.♥️♥️♥️
Absobloominlutely!! That's precisely why they tried to smear this work. I can't even imagine someone being ashamed to use Satan name...

even if everyone else gives up, we will pursue our cause to the very last drop, no matter what the outcome

i am grateful for the clarification you provided on this matter High Priest. Thank you a lot.♥️♥️♥️

Thank you for your kind words. Well, if someone has a Hindu background, where your neighbor is literally called "Sathyan" or literally Satan or something (you still use it as a name, surname etc), or they are a little familiar with Yoga, the transition will be far easier. But there are many in the West who are fully unfamiliar with these topics, so to them "it can come as a shock".
That's the best thing I've read today
"Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead?
Reminds me of how some people think the Nordic Resistance Movement should tone it down with the "Hitler stuff" etc.


Truth needs to be revealed, not concealed.
Spiritual Satanism is never for the faint of heart.

For people to join and receive the sweet fruits of the Divine, they must conform to Satan, never the other way around.

I know the True God of the All in All. Satan is His name, now and for eternity, the unchanging and ever True Divine.

Even though I cannot openly acclaim to be His follower and Servant, in my heart there is no compromise, and we cannot compromise to the masses about Him for any circumstance. For when we do that, people no longer belief in Satan, nor follow Him, they follow merely the hubris of their worthless minds which comforts their lazy and feeble selves.
The Truth does not conform to the ugly little lies of the snowflakes and the slavish masses!
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Entiendo esto usualmente me pasa con la mayoría de la gente, porque siento que siguen ciegamente a las masas y no se ponen a pensar que tal vez ir por otro camino les haría mejor para su misma vida.
Y aveces no se si la humanidad esta preparada para los dioses, en fin gracias como siempre Hooded Cobra.
I know several people who use other names such as. Enki and others, but as soon as they hear the name Satan they freak out because they are brainwashed. Even if you give them the ready-made truth on a plate they won't accept it, so I stopped dealing with them and trying to convince them. Anyone who is a true seeker of truth will come to Jos on his own. No compromise no compromise no retreat Satan is the eternal truth
From a very young age I have always had an interest in the mythology of the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks. When I was 13 years old I found the site of Joy of Satan. The first time I saw its name, I was frightened because of all the indoctrination I had received (but always rejected in my heart and soul). So I let it go, but I was left with a strong curiosity.

A few days later, doing research on the Internet, I came across the site again. The name this time did not frighten me and I entered. I don't think I have made a better decision in my whole life. I overcame the false fear and my own ignorance by accessing the site, even though the most frequent name was Satan. As I read, despite my young age, I saw that all the pieces fit together perfectly.

All of this is to say that I agree wholeheartedly with HP Hooded Cobra 666 that one should not sweeten the pill by changing the name Satan. Those who have him in their hearts and souls will find a way to overcome all fears and move on.
Breaking through the initial fear, ignoring some kind of thing that said “stay away from this” when I first discovered Joy of Satan more than a decade ago was kind of a “rite of passage” for me.

I think site is good.
The Truth does not conform to the ugly little lies of the snowflakes and the slavish masses!
Thank you for sharing this information HPHC 666.
please don't give up. it is very worthwhile to work on ourselves. !!!
yesterday I met Asmodeus, he touched my head, I asked him to bless me. I asked to work together. to which the answer was yes. it was such a beautiful and wonderful feeling that I am still under its influence. ❤️
What people need to fully understand about coddling the normies is that our enemies do not offer them the same grace. Yes, there are a lot of Pagans and Polytheists in general who will try to disconnect the old faiths from all conceptions of "Satanism". Yes, obviously, it has nothing to do with the "Safe Satanism" that HPS Maxine once defined, which for the most part is nothing but dumb edgy teenagers anyway. But our enemies are completely and utterly aware that Paganism and true Spiritual Satanism are one in the same and call it out as such.

Going back all the way to the very inception of Christianity, the Christians would go around to every last Temple, no matter the God or Goddess it was dedicated to, decry it as an "evil house of Satan" and subsequently burn it to cinders. There were no exceptions. So you can dance around all day and night on Reddit /r/Paganism or whatever and say "we aren't Satanists". The Christians and the Muslims do not care. They will lump you in with us regardless, and if there was anything like the witch burnings again, they would cast you to the pyre just as fast.

The Jews themselves explicitly outlined in their own texts how the Pagan/heathen/gentile/beast of the field/Satanist is all the same. There is no changing it.

Yes, you can go out there any take away the name of Satan from some material, maybe a few weaker Pagans or Wiccan types will open their ears for a moment. But if they can't accept something as simple as a name, they aren't going to be accepting much else of our truth anyway.

If your prospective audience is someone who will hear the name "Satan" and immediately shout at you about child sacrifice or brainwashed faux-conspiracy nonsense peddled by the Jews and their Christian puppets, they aren't going to listen. Spend your time on someone who gives you the time of day.

If you want to understand just how badly the mere mention of the name of Satan spooks some people, look at the "Satanic Panic" of the American 1980s. You know how much proof they had of a "Satanic conspiracy"? Zero. None. This is so well established even mainstream academia confesses it. And yet even with zero proof a wave of hysteria still swept the nation.

Don't bother coddling morons. If one cannot get over the hurdle of simply accepting the fact you're going to be "accused" of being a Satanist by being a Pagan anyway, then this person has a long way to go before they're ready for the truth of things. The Christians can squat in the mud and believe in their superjew and that the "Satanic illuminati" are out to get them. They're powerless. They'll get nowhere. And they aren't worth having among us.

But our doors are always open to any gentile willing to try put aside the conditioning.
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Had thought of flooding the Christ is King movement with Zeus is King since Jesus can literal be translated to hail Zeus , the whole name concept was stolen and twisted from ancient Greece ,but it now seem we will be scuffling for the most deluded of sheep with the enemy,
We don't need numbers,we need thinkers
Excellent timing as always excellent 👌 👍
The goal is a new world,a new system, an order with true Satanism as it's basis
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Even the fools recognise their own failings and where they can improve these days spirtual satanists are merely the go geters among them who truly seek true change amd those who actually change instead of spouting about how bullshit the world or an inconvenient occurance is but never actually doing anything about it the ruling states and status quo requires push back against their ways in order for change to happen.
An important note in this regard is that when some enemy entity approaches and tries to trick you they will always use alternative names such as Lucifer or Enki but never Satan because that is the name the enemy really fears.
And if you still have doubts try to vibrate SATAN or SATANAS and feel its energy.

And as a humorous note I dedicate this video to those who are still suspicious or have hang-ups about it.

Very true words HP.

Before the invention of christianity and islam and their thereafter widespread, the name "Satan" had a most positive meaning and was associated with the Creator of Humanity which all people were very well aware about. This was all perverted and desecrated by the jewish religions and if people cannot understand or accept this then they still have various degrees of influence in their mind and understanding from these "religions" the jews created to turn reality upside-down.
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's sad you gotta elaborate on Truth. Without Truth nothing will exist. They'll be stuck in their own delusions i guess no matter the cost. And without Truth we will be nothing. It doesn't matter they will go back and forth in the Basic Instructions Before Living Evil book. After all that's what i would call it. They can't see pass this and it's truly sad to say the least. Like HPS Maxine quoted when they want to join it will be too late. So the lie has to keep going to control the masses.

Then they'll be laughing at Gentiles when it's too late. They don't have anything to worry about, because they don't give two fucks about us.
There are times where people, even those who know Satan and the Gods, knowing them to be our original Gods and know the whole Truth, are showing signs of doubt about these topics where the public is concerned.

Having to face masses of uninformed, illiterate, or simply emotionally reactive people, can sometimes bring one to think: "Should the site be dark? Should we use Satan's name? Can we go to Enki instead? Can we make everything more cute".

One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.

The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.

If we ask them, they will give us a long list of a million "changes" that "must happen", so that robe of Truth will come to "their size". But in the end, they will not even wear these robes: The robes will be torn, smeared in their produce, or ripped apart.

No matter how the cloth is cut, they will find always another problem, and then another problem - Until they reach again their original state which is the state of untruth in which they want to fundamentally exist in.

Caving in to the demands of the "Public" that is outside of our midst, is not going to save nobody. They will become even weaker, and we will lose every element of the Truth. Both sides will be losers.

Do also, these masses, that we have to cave in to their irrational fears, uninformed mind, slanderous accusations, or endless false demands, do anything for us here, besides want to kill us all since the advent of their lies? They do not.

We are kind and caring like the Gods to want to help them out of this miserable state, because the Gods are generous and kind. They can take this or they cannot, but we cannot ridicule and reduce ourselves to their "demands".

The Gods teach us to surpass their current state, and want our information to spread not to keep them on THAT state, but to get them to ANOTHER and higher state. How will state of ignorance be surpassed? Certainly not by caving in, lowering the standard, until there is no standard whatsoever.

Well, there is a baseline one has to climb upward for this, and this cannot change. It's either that or one stays where they are, or get lower all the time.

The more one does try to conform to the standards of the weak, the servile, the foolish, or those who cannot bother to learn any Truth, that will be the degeneration of the Truth of the Gods into an asylum of the slaves. That's what Christianity did, same as Islam. They were programs fit for slave control.

Truth has departed and never existed in these, because they chose to conform to slave morals and foolishness that is characteristic of "the many".

Currently, the enemy has many members (They are on the decline) as many people are both slaves, liars and lazy. This trine combination is the real holy trinity of these "religions", leading the human soul straight into the jaws of ultimate ignorance.

The point of Spiritual Satanism is not to fall into the slave morality, standards, or lesser intelligence levels that would make it "applicable" and "acceptable" by everyone. If people cannot take certain facts about existence, even after proof, verification, or due to lack of courage to think for themselves, they are unfit for become Spiritual Satanists or to experience spiritual power, Truth or revelation of the divine into their lives.

Their "fear" is a simply programmed animal response, based on wrong and errant information. If a human being cannot overcome this, there is no way this same human being is ever going to advance spiritually, no matter how many of their demands are catered by watering down one's self.

If one ever had a "Friend" who was a drug addict and started doing crack with them to "sympathize" with them, you know that never works to save the crackhead, it only serves to destroy you also - the same is the case when one is too "tolerant" and "accepting" to everyone to the point of personal ruin.

The Ancient Initiates of the past were even thrown in crocodile pits or had to experience terrifying events to show internal emotional resolve. This generation of humans is weak, foolish and problematic in many ways. If they cannot accept certain very simple segments such as that "Darkness is the initial origin of the light", or that "Satan comes from Satya which is the Eternal Truth in Sanskrit", they are not fit to become members of our midst.

Let's say hypothetically one starts caving in to the foolish "demands" of the servile ones.

Satan scares them, they cannot control this program of the jew in their minds and deprogram it, "remove Satan".

After this, you also remove the Gods, since they might be too many.

First, they will be too "fearful" and too "lazy" to do meditations. Can't be bothered.

Studying? Who has time for this?

Ethics? That's too much to mind.

Personal evolution? Not necessary.

The question after this is what in the name of the Gods are you left with, the ultimate level of laziness and untruth that you "Believe in this thing on the stick and go to heaven". Nice, lazy, comfy and as retarded as it can get. They call that "religion" too.

The reason humanity is in this state of retardation and is only now building up from it, is exactly because of this "live and let be" mentality it has. Where has that led us?

They seek basic emotional consolation that is based on lies and deception, which would undermine our faith and would jeopardize our way into the future. Spiritual Satanism is only for those who took the brave step to go against the major falsehoods of this era and to return into a previous state of Truth that was once deserving of people during the Golden Age of Humanity, not this fallen age of today.

You need at least a basic level of personal bravery in order to become Initiate of the Gods. You do not need to fight with lions and crocodiles any longer, or to fight in a great war against your life in order to prove your defiance in the face of death (And therefore your faith for the immortal aspect of the soul). But you certainly should be able to take a dark "website" or "Satan". That is a very low baseline, below which, one is unfit to join the Gods or to become a God.

Satan's Name was also, lastly, chosen by the enemy for defamation spree as it was the most important and an extremely holy name. One must wear it proudly in their heart, despite of what one knows. Resolution in one's fact based beliefs will come from that understanding.

Exploitation based programs of the enemy, always seek to adjust because they lie: The church now "accepts GBLT", while they killed them for 15+ centuries, or when they are rife in homosexuality while they were "outlawing these" for the general public. Hypocrisy, lies and adjustments, is their bread and butter for centuries.

They have to lie all the time in order to "keep up", trying to keep everyone's conformity and everyone's exploitation going. They are exploitation focused and they benefit from slaves: Catering to the demands of the slaves and establishing mob rule is how they survive. The more foolish, miserable or deluded you are as a member of these "other faiths", the higher is your "score". It's a race to the bottom rung of existence.

Many people seem to think that the Gods "need" more people - the reality is that even there were only 20 Satanists on the whole earth, based on Truth and Essence, they would advance all the same, even against 9 billions of deceived people.

While it would be a very good thing for this to happen and the numbers to grow, as this is success, for numbers to grow based only on fools, is indicative of decline, not of growth. To cave into these demands is a sign of deterioration, not of advancement.

Satan is not after people to exploit them, the Gods want to instruct the Truth and put humanity on a spiritual growth trajectory. The 9 billion against them would still be the losers in this process, since their lives would be with lies. The Gods want to give the people the Truth, but the people have to do these steps to THEM. Those who don't want to do the two way street, will not get to taste the benefits that are reserved for the wise and the courageous.

The above is important to consider as we grow in number. But the numbers we seek are the numbers of quality beings who want to know the Truth. Not perfect, just better and seeking to advance themselves with something higher, rather than drag the higher things to their level for their own servile comfort.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Quality is always more important than quantity when it comes to people.

It is very important that each member takes his spiritual development seriously and fights everyday to become a God.

Since Spiritual Satanism is an Aristocratic Religion, the bias is always towards quality, not quantity.

In all enemy religions, the opposite happens.
The enemy seeks to turn his followers into weak people, depriving them of the opportunity to develop spiritually and become a God.

Every day you need to pay attention to your spiritual growth and development in order to reach real heights.
Not to be too harsh, but imagine being afraid to use our creator Father's name Satan, cause someone might be scared or offended.🤦‍♂️
We are not going to serve silver plates and cutlery to the pubblic, if one wants to advance, evolve and cleanse oneself, then they better put some efforts and not taken things from granted.
We are not snowflakes we are titanic icebergs, keep that in mind.
This post gave me an answer to a dilemma I've been having. There was a person who said JoS was too difficult and pushed people something else. I did not feel like arguing with him. No matter how much time and effort I put into him, he (and his people) will never understand.
We start with the people who are open to receive, then this increase in Satanic activity spreads and permeates out into society, creating new people who are open to receive, especially as more souls are incarnated into Satanic families and communities.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time, but it can be difficult when we want our families and friends to relate to us. However, with patience and working along the proper lines of reality here, we can efficiently and successfully achieve this. So long as their souls are not literally destroyed, they will be ok.

If the probability of someone converting to Satanism is only 4%, but someone else is at 80%, then spending time on the former is just a dissipation of energy.

Lastly, the world itself will improve as SS get into good positions, just as it deteriorated as the enemy did the same. This will cause a large increase in the public well-being, despite if it is not fully Satanic yet. The bar is so low now that even having access to basic security can benefit many souls.
This post gave me an answer to a dilemma I've been having. There was a person who said JoS was too difficult and pushed people something else. I did not feel like arguing with him. No matter how much time and effort I put into him, he (and his people) will never understand.
Perhaps (((his people))) don't want to understand...
One wants to put some "water in their wine", in order to make a fool drink from that glass. Keep adding water to your wine, and then the "masses" and compliance to their untruths and fears, that you will be only left with water in the end.

So should one make their wine into water, just for the satisfaction, if anything, of outsiders, those who lack knowledge, but also those who have no internal resolve or even decency to study something past their initial emotional reaction to it?

The answer to this is a resolute No.
Oh my,..........dearest High Priest Hooded Cobra 666,

This was one of your best sermons yet! The allegories you used were perfect for the message. The pictures that your words painted, made for inspired content!!!

I am willing to admit that I called our True God by the name of Father Enki for the first 4 weeks after realizing my God's name was Satan. Then a lightbulb went off, and I became very proud to use the beautiful name of Satan. I agree with the statement that it's like a rite of passage. We should not water down what is a beautiful truth. They will understand it, or they won't. This will be the difference between quality of souls and quantity of members. Let's keep our eyes on advancing the souls with the beautiful truth for those who can receive that truth.

I really loved this sermon!!!! And I'm proud to be a part of this enlightened Satanic Family.

Much Love to you brother HPHC666! The hands of the Gods are clearly visible as influence to your writings.

Hail Satan!!!!
Hail All of the Gods!!!
"Can we make everything more cute".
I didn't even like cute stuff when I was a 5 year old girl. I prefer things that are completely natural, as in, made in nature. Which Satanism purely is. Look to nature and the universe, if you want to understand Satanism.

And the more you look to nature and the universe, the more you will understand the Truth that is in Satan. Whole and complete truth, the wisdom in the beauty of the balance and harmony. It's awe inspiring.
People will consciously centre in the Truth within themselves when they ready to do so. Most of life is very fated, even the people who will get their initiation through JOS is fated. In lower mind,body consciousness it may not seem like it but if you center in spirit through meditation, it's not in books,you realize the spirit body which is above mind, body activities ,you will see in your own life. We have a lot of immature souls at this point and they have to create a lot of self created karmic experiences to evolve from. In Guru lineages,sampradaya as they call them in Hinduism. A Sat Guru can even see the next 3,4 or even 5 Guru persons who will come after him, before they are even born, even telling the next Guru after him who that Guru will initiate ,the personality and so on. So life is pretty fated. The advantage a Yogin has is he can mitigate some things in the Natal Chart,if for example you cut off someone's arm in a previous life and that karma coming back to you,in your current life ,finds you in a state of High Consciousness,instead of losing your arm,you just sustain a cut. A mystic should educate his mind on seeing the Atma in all things no matter the individual nature,until the mental ego is thoroughly convinced of the Eternal. This is spirit body consciousness. You don't give meat to babies, people will come when they are ready.
Like a certain Satguru from Sri Lanka once said "Your mother is Divine so is the dog."
The "public opinion" is the opinion of the mind-washed slaves. They always work against their own interests, make the wrong decisions in life, they are oftentimes the masses which are used as cannon fodder by those in power and are gladly misinformed.

Most of the time, many of the members of these "masses", only want the smaller things in life. Their cries for "Wanting the Truth" are in many cases dishonest; they do not want the Truth, and therefore as they come in contact with any Truth, they focus only on what would deter them from knowing more about the actual Truth.
Thanks a great deal dear cobra, this sermon was the second best I have read to help me sort out my motives. I found a great deal of help in these sermons. Another very old sermon about " drug (high) explained " 2017 helped me quit using Marijuana, and also not to be tolerant of it as I began to work on my third eye and experience blissful states. Thanks again
An important note in this regard is that when some enemy entity approaches and tries to trick you they will always use alternative names such as Lucifer or Enki but never Satan because that is the name the enemy really fears.
And if you still have doubts try to vibrate SATAN or SATANAS and feel its energy.

And as a humorous note I dedicate this video to those who are still suspicious or have hang-ups about it.

I noticed moderation (NOT being hooked or obsessive in any-thing) is also something they fear, from religions they tell people to be dirtbag poor beggars and from a entertainmemt industrial perspective they say satan offers endless riches and show . . . holding excessive wealth!! With claims they sold their souls to satan.

I connected with something and noticed this is not from satan at all, It's to defame the name and they just sold their souls to the jews and their overlords.

Industries many of them say dash sold their souls satan and use pentagrams on album covers all over music and say dash got sacrificed, in efforts to defame the truth!! Using entertainment to breed lies and control both sides from extreme perspectives rather than actual fucking common sense!!

Here's the secret the name satan Satya Satan means truth and also read it means to conjoin together to unite (from the root). I noticed by working on my third eye is having a unity of energy with the greater whole. There is Some entity indeed that doesn't want this and rather wants extreme behaviors in everything!! this is how the veil works and it hides from being discovered.

Like from the movie "They live" that tells people to consume endlessly, it is a big problem unless viewing things from a black and white or colorless perspective which is what most of us struggle with.
Haha it feels like the twilight zone

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
