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About the Books, music and audios.

David Chacón

New member
Jul 4, 2020
Costa Rica
Well, recently the high priest Hooded Cobra post that H. P Maxine give him the work of study enemy and that him have books as the Quran in the bibliotec of him. I'm think that in audios and music I'm not failed because I'm not have Xian music in my smartphone or in my computer, or anything Christian in my laptop, etc..I only have hindu mantras, black metal, binaural audios, etc.. But in books as Cobra yes, most In digital, in paper I think no, I only have secular as Poe, Lovecraft, King, etc... In digital because that we live in the age of information is so easy found anything, is only you visit the Marxist internet you can download all works of Marx & Engel , Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky etc.. I almost dowload the 45 tomes of Lenin in Spanish my language for free so easy, the only cost was of the computer, what my computer cost, but anyway I dowload for free, is well read of all? I really feel my heart so red as the blood, i feel pasion for the Marxism, I think could be satanism too, here say that not. But in the case that Marxism not are satanism and are Christianity thanks that I read a bet of trotsky I know that him is so enemy of Nietzche. I also have books of Joy of Satán, the complete of Hitler, I found for free jews books as the Talmud, the Torah, the Zohar, etc.. I read a bet of Stalin one volume of the 15 of him and here him says that he wanna peace as Hitler and says that the Nazis are barbarian who have the reason? That are my question I hope no disturb anyone.
You should not read those bad things. They are all lies, curses, and bad ideas. There is no reason for you to have any of those books.

The reason High Priest Hooded Cobra has those books is so that he will better understand the enemies, so he will better know how to erase and reverse their works. He can read their curses, so he will know how to make a new ritual to reverse and erase them. You would not be doing that work, so you should not have those books.

Work with the Gods. Do the Power Meditations, Gods' Rituals, RTR rituals. You will be fine.
You should not read those bad things. They are all lies, curses, and bad ideas. There is no reason for you to have any of those books.

The reason High Priest Hooded Cobra has those books is so that he will better understand the enemies, so he will better know how to erase and reverse their works. He can read their curses, so he will know how to make a new ritual to reverse and erase them. You would not be doing that work, so you should not have those books.

Work with the Gods. Do the Power Meditations, Gods' Rituals, RTR rituals. You will be fine.
Yes you have some reason, I think also this that is because may be H. P Cobra have hard mind I don't know how hard I have my mind. Could be good for spy the enemy, because as I say you thanks that I read a bit of trotsky I know that him is so enemy of Nietzche and I like Nietzche. But may be also trotsky have good ideas. Thanks that I read a bit of mormonism I know that the fucking nazarene want that all the American continent be the center of operation of him, is only see Hispanoamerica where I live, are only cows for this fucking nazarene, is sad that where more fucking Xian music are produced are here in Hispanoamerica, literally we leave here in slavery. But the think are that the person that visited the digital library of Scribd are in the same dilemma of me, because there as you found books of satanism, hinduism, as Asenath Mason, Joy of Satán, M. W Ford, etc.. You also could found the book of Mormon, the Quran, the Bible, etc... Scribd are one library of the red normal where you have to pay but sometimes them give you 1 month free and in this month I dowload the bibliotec of Alexandria himself, I dowload many books of satanism, hinduism and also Mormon books, etc.. Could be good read this, but when finish of read delete for not give this to me descendants, only the books of satanism. And in the bibliotecs of the deep web also are in the same dilemma of me, because as you found satanism there, found Christianity. I found there books of Jos as the black sun, but also you found Xian books, the people that navigate in this bibliotecs could be in the same dilemma of me, in what conserve and what deleted. And about the Marxism I'm really think are satanism, something so good have to be satanism, are philosophy.
I'm going to delete the Mormons books and the books of false sects and I only going to conserv the books of joy of Satan, Michael W Ford, Asenath Mason, Lavey and the temple of Seth
I'm going to delete the Mormons books and the books of false sects and I only going to conserv the books of joy of Satan, Michael W Ford, Asenath Mason, Lavey and the temple of Seth
I know many grimories sells you occult knowledge coming from satanism but they present jewish stuff in it and bullshits are introduced in it - from Agrippa to Bardon...

The problem is that if you study this in first place, you start with corrupted material. You are better to learn with good material.
Later, when you'll read them you immediately see the trap and how you're beating around the bush with such books, what they hide.

They are just "controlled opposition" books. You won't finish them because it's stupid.

For example, a sephirotic tree matches again a Caducee. It's his static version hiding the symbolology of the kundalini, polarities... to insist on the structure's fulcrums and secondary connections, assuming they exist.

Your learn by experimenting, not by reading crap.
I want to do one canon of books and of everything because I think it's better not have Christian things of anything. What people recommend me here about Rousseau and Pascal? Nietzsche attack this 2 in the Antichrist and I have the collected Works of the 3 of Nietzsche, Pascal and Rousseau. As I say I want to do one canon because I have many books the Bibliothek of Alexandria him self I'm sure going to eliminate the Mormons books and any Christian book for example I have the collected Works of Abraham Lincoln that I know is satanist but eliminate the collected Works of Thomas Jefferson because I see is completely a Christian, but I have my dudes about Pascal and Rousseau? I don't know if conserve them I pray to Satan guide me to do my canon of books and everything in music I have my dudes with one men called Camilo Sesto their music no is Christian but one song made me dude.
I think in the libraries and virtual libraries have many books about everything including Christianity and Satanism but I as satanist have to Discern what buy and what not. I better conserve only Satanism. The Marxismus of course I'm going to conserv the Marxismus other that I have my dudes if eliminated or not is the books of Islam that I have many, I have Listened one time is Satanism but here attacking the Islam I don't know if including the Islam I'm my Canon as I have my dudes with Pascal and Rousseau.
As I say is better I not listen and read of all because I don't know how hard I have my mind for example this of the Islam I have listen of 2 ex satanist that the Islam is satanism and since today I believe the Islam is satanism but for what I have study here I know the Islam not is Satanism and also here attacking communism and Crowley and Eliphas Levi. I'm consider my self as Sikh satanist hindu hare Krishna, before the High Priest Hooded Cobra shared one sermon talking about Yogui Bhajan and I investigate him is a Sikh for this I consider my self as a Sikh satanist we Sikhs chant "Satanama Satanama Waheguru" for this I'm sure Sikhismus is satanism for this I consider my self as a sikh satanist, for this I think is better I dedicated my life to learn my religion and deepen in Sikhismus, I think is better I conserve only the books of the ideologys and religions I'm interested and the others as the mormons books going to the sheet because sure many religions and ideologys going to come to the future for example I have in my laptop books of news religions as the Bahais or the Raelian Movement. The Bahais are from the 1800 as the Mormons and the Raelian movement are more recently but if the Islam is satanism and Muhammad is bad called false prophet because if the Islam is satanism him is the prophet of the true god him is the seal of the prophets that end in the age 600, Guru nanak the guru of the Sikhismus also come after Muhammad but him not is a prophet is a Guru. For this I'm going to delete books of Deviant sects as the Mormons, Bahais Raelian movement, and I better going to deepen in what concerns me as satanist study books of Joy of Satanas, Sikhismus, true Buddhism, I'm going to conserv to books that I have of the cult of Cthulhu, Marxismus, Nazismus as my political ideologys I don't know if including Facism because I read two books of Mussolini that shared Cobra and him talking about the nazarene and christianity in their writings only in one moment mentioned Palas Athenea. Now is so easy found any book in internet for this I collected the Bibliothek that I collected but I'm going to do better one cleaning and going to conserv the books of the ideologys and religions that concern me as satanist. I'm going better deepen in Sikhismus and also going to deepen in the books of his divine grace Srila Prabhupada.
Satanama Satanama Wahe Guru
And of course I'm going to conserv the books of Asenath Mason 😍❤️🤤 and the almost 50 books of Michael W Ford that I have all in my laptop
I not practice more the Islam, because I'm more interested as I say in Sikhismus and hinduism, now what I do more is chant mantras to our God's as Om Namah shivaya, Om Kring Kalikayai Namah etc.. But one thing i chant this with one Islamic rosary that I have before when I'm Muslim, I'm going to the mosque of my country almost 3 times and including fasting the month of Ramadan, I remember when the God's enter in my life, where when I'm going to one course in the college I'm finding mantras hindus and since this time the Indian God's are my God's, I now as I say not practice any more Islam, I'm more interested in Sikhismus and hinduism i don't know if I have throw this Islamic rosary to the garbage and find one japa Hindú and I don't know if in the Sikhismus also are rosaries. Other thing in my country Costa Rica not are temple sikh yes temples ISKON of their divine grace Srila prabhupada. But if the Islam yes is satanism I don't know if conserv the Islamic rosary and also found one jaap, and one mala Buddhist for have rosaries of all satanic religions.
I said Satan guide through this ocean of varieties. For example if Marxism not is Satanism and is Christianity is better I not lost my time that is so finite in study this, but I real feel attraction to this ideology. And I have read one 20% of the correspondence between Marx and Engel and in the beginning says Engel that the grandfather of him tell him history's of our Greek gods but in the other hand more later in the correspondence Engel also says that he cry for the nazarene. And for Marx him not talk much about the nazarene I exactly now finish of read the Cambridge companion of Socrates and start to study the collected Works of Marx, but if Marxism not is Satanism, I don't know if I not have to lost my valuable time in this and better start to study the 3000 pages of Hitler that I also have.
The false book of the enemy are very dangerous especially if you are a non initiate SS.
It can lead to connection of various curses and energies and lead to summoning even bad entities in your life , the only and the most occult knowledge is here , under the guidance of the God's , everyone will have it's own mission and been given 'stuff' , continue meditating and if the time will call for any to rise above then that's when one should receive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
