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About revenge on my math pedo teacher

You can use Tiwaz rune to bring him to justice.
Hello there , is there any working I can do to "destroy" my pedo math teacher for what he did with girls from my high school ?
you can use this and this or you can create new ritual with runes
Hello there , is there any working I can do to "destroy" my pedo math teacher for what he did with girls from my high school ?
What he did? Is he a real pedo?
Thanks but just that rune ? and what affirmation should I go with and how many times ? it s my 1st time doing a working like this
You can vibrate Tiwaz 85x (which is 17x5, as Tiwaz is at number 17), you can affirm something like (but do use what you feel is good: "The energies of (Tiwaz variation, Tiwaz, Tyr or Tys or Týr) are bringing (math teacher full name) to justice. He can no longer hurt anyone."

Just something like that, use what feels right for you, this is just an example. Good luck!!
Hello there , is there any working I can do to "destroy" my pedo math teacher for what he did with girls from my high school ?

Please tell the school counselor immediately about anything you heard, give them what you heard specifically and you do not have to mention the names of the girls even if you are asked. I’m sure they are undoubtedly harmed by this, there will be or should not be any consequence for anyone speaking up and this is no one else’s responsibility but their own nor is it anyone’s fault.

They do not have to be the ones to say anything specifically, but if they are willing to they can. If the school does not or has not done anything, file a police report. They will need all names but you will also remain anonymous. Good luck to you and I’d commend you all on the bravery for having to face this, it shouldn’t be happening to begin with.

I’m pissed off on behalf of whoever has been hurt, please stay focused and healthy.

If it’s possible I’d consider transferring schools if they’re that negligent. I don’t know the back story, but hopefully someone is competent enough around you. If not, please let someone know how they can help. And I’m sure a destruction ritual won’t be a problem for anyone else as well!

Fuck this school if they are letting anything slide.
Hello there , is there any working I can do to "destroy" my pedo math teacher for what he did with girls from my high school ?
Not to soud harsh, but how cares? There are thousands of pedos in the world, we can't lose time cursing each and every one of them.

Use the energies efficiently.

If he raped you, or someone of your family, is another topic.
Not to soud harsh, but how cares? There are thousands of pedos in the world, we can't lose time cursing each and every one of them.

Use the energies efficiently.

If he raped you, or someone of your family, is another topic.
There are wars and genocides, even if all pedos would die, there will no progress on the war.

The effort to take revenge for a bunch of andropa females, by cursing a random pedo, is just bullshit.

Your energies, if directed in the proper way, can improve the world and save many lives.

Then if your are at school, I presume you are 15-20 years old, but to be good at black magick you probably need 20 years on this path, otherwise you will only cause harm to yourself.
There are wars and genocides, even if all pedos would die, there will no progress on the war.

The effort to take revenge for a bunch of andropa females, by cursing a random pedo, is just bullshit.

Your energies, if directed in the proper way, can improve the world and save many lives.

Then if your are at school, I presume you are 15-20 years old, but to be good at black magick you probably need 20 years on this path, otherwise you will only cause harm to yourself.
In other topic you intervene in personal choices in a dictating manner, and now here you spread falsehoods how these issues can be handled. Please stop this.
it's all supposed to be used for bringing Justice, in the worst case scenarios <

example: putting an end, quickly, to the most wicked individuals out there, which cannot be saved and definitely doesn't deserve to be saved,anyway <

that's the rational and righteous use of said Magick...a Magick which is seemingly being currently slandered with the use of the word "baneful" , when in reality, it is a Practice that can and Shall be used only for Benevolent purposes, such as Restoring Justice <

as i did mention in this comment i made some time ago on a different thread, there are situations where use of Black magick for said Purposes is Acceptable ☥

with that said, it's also true to remember that many Negative manifestations in this world are also Existing because of Enemy influence which affects one way or another, the entire Society and Individuals themselves <

so, the issue is, if you attack a Negative Manifestation either through Black Magick or other direct actions such as Vigilantism(done in a lawful manner), you are still doing something Absolutely Honorable and that deserves to be Respected,and that can give Positive Results, but it's also true that when looking at the Bigger picture, that doesn't necessarily solve the Core issue, which is the Existence of Chaotic Forces which are Indirectly generating said Manifestations, which acts as Proxies, in the first place... basically , you treat the symptom,You attack the Proxy, you still get some positive results, but you are unlikely to actually Fix the Whole Situation, The Bigger Picture, once and for all,which can only be achieved by Shutting down whatever is Generating said Proxies in the First place...therefore, Virael is kind of right on this <
Your energies, if directed in the proper way, can improve the world and save many lives.
Use the energies efficiently.

Overall, because of the Honour and Positive values, involved with that, i would never tell anybody to not engage in Intervention,one way or another, against Negative Manifestations, which is something i do enjoy doing myself aswell, anyway, infact i would actually Promote it, and therefore i do believe the use of the word "BS" here is Seemingly wrong...
The effort to take revenge for a bunch of andropa females, by cursing a random pedo, is just bullshit.

...with that said,at the same time i do also kind of recognize the importance of focusing on the Bigger Picture, which can potentially lead to a Final Solution in regards to the nefarious manifestations, in the Very Very Long Term, and infact, i do agree overall with this point made by Virael <
Your energies, if directed in the proper way, can improve the world and save many lives.
Use the energies efficiently.
we can't lose time cursing each and every one of them.

i do also believe that we should never Underestimate Beginners which might be Gifted with a Serious amount of willpower and determination... even if they are not inherently experts of black magick, their Efforts can still potentially lead to Unexpected Consequences, for the target... just like they can potentially change the world, through the Magick designed to modify "Bigger Picture", such as the RTR's ☥
Then if your are at school, I presume you are 15-20 years old, but to be good at black magick you probably need 20 years on this path, otherwise you will only cause harm to yourself.

also, Virael might have expressed himself in a relatively harsh manner,and trying to dictate "what to do/what not to do" in this thread, which is Far from being ideal,of course, but i do get the Point he's trying to make, which still does make Sense <
now here you spread falsehoods how these issues can be handled. Please stop this.

and of course, last but not least, it's also worth of mention whether the one sending curses has been victim or not,of the target... having a Direct negative Experience with the Target, would greatly enhance the Willpower needed in regards to Terminating said Specific target...

therefore, it makes sense,for any victim out here,to focus on their own Victimizers,in cases, where Delivering Forgiveness is simply impossible for a variety of reasons, or the manifestation cannot be healed from it's own Nefariousness, and it's gonna keep on dwelling in, Nefariousness... for such cases, a Deliverance of Justice Through Black Magick can be Justified <
If he raped you, or someone of your family, is another topic.

So to conclude: the only True advice i can give on this is: Follow your Heart ☥
May I ask, are you still in high school or is this something that happened in the past? If you are still studying, are you safe or does this problem only affect these girls? It's honourable of you to care about these girls, but your safety is important too. If you still attend to this school and feel that you are in danger, talk to your parents and explain the situation, you may be able to transfer to another school for your own safety. Have these girls tried to report him? They should do it for their own good and to ensure the safety of future students.
In other topic you intervene in personal choices in a dictating manner, and now here you spread falsehoods how these issues can be handled. Please stop this.
I didn't force anyone. I was just saying the certain things are useless or stupid, just think about it.
I wouldn't use affirmations to "bring him to justice" as most justice systems don't deal appropriately with paedos. If he goes to jail, you can only hope inmates carry out justice the right way. There is absolutely zero forgiveness for people like this. Even if he was given a life sentence, he doesn't deserve his room and board to be on taxpayers' money. He deserves to rot eternally, and end up in Tartarus with the rest of his kind.

If he attacked you directly, I would first hold a ritual to Lord Zeus and ask him for justice and support, then proceed with filling his life with the worst kind of treatment through your witchcraft.

Runes are intermediate-level witchcraft. Contrary to popular belief, it is not something you just jump into.

If you don't have experience with withcraft, start by just raising the energy of a specific colour inside the paedo. Both dark grey and blood red work great for this. Then affirm that he's being destroyed as a direct consequence of his behaviour, now and permanently.

If you don't feel confident about doing that, than just print a picture of his face and stick it to a boxing bag. Start punching, kicking, etc all your feelings about him out. You can visualise him taking that beating he deserves. Afterwards, you can sit for a couple of minutes and visualise him having all kind of misfortunes.

No mercy for paedos and rapists! Not now, nor ever. Pre-abrahamic civilisations never tolerated those behaviours, and they would crush them with almighty and public wrath by everyone who knew.
But, is he a real pedo? I remember that in school people tell many lies or other bullshit.

There was a girl, she was upset because of a bad degree (she didn't study), but the teacher looked her ass one time, so he is evil, a pedo.

People can be high delusional or with poor judgment, especially in school at that age. I knew someone, he didn't know a thing about how the school system works, but at the same time he wanted to burn every school, because, muh evil! muh government corruption! or any other lie to not make an effort on something.

Others wanted to kill for bad degrees, for wich they didn't study.

So are you sure about the situation? For me it's not a big deal, it seems like poor emotial beheviour.
But, is he a real pedo? I remember that in school people tell many lies or other bullshit.

There was a girl, she was upset because of a bad degree (she didn't study), but the teacher looked her ass one time, so he is evil, a pedo.

People can be high delusional or with poor judgment, especially in school at that age. I knew someone, he didn't know a thing about how the school system works, but at the same time he wanted to burn every school, because, muh evil! muh government corruption! or any other lie to not make an effort on something.

Others wanted to kill for bad degrees, for wich they didn't study.

So are you sure about the situation? For me it's not a big deal, it seems like poor emotial beheviour.
If one doesn't analyze the situation enough, or with a mind free of emotions, one cannot bring real justice.

In this way, there will be middle ages again, you seem like a witch, I don't know anything about witches, but I don't like you, and my fellings tell me that you are a witch. So after spreding misinformations, she will eventually be burn. Is this justice?
For the other post, I can understand that it sounds bad to say so, but the reality is how SS our time and energy are very important.

Ok if we have a chance to save a life without risking our own, so be it.

But otherwise as noble as it may be, it is actually a stupid choice.
If we are analytical, risking losing a SS to save an andrapod that will not contribute to the war is a stupid choice that brings disadvantages.

We have to take a broader view, a state doesn't care if Joe the crack addict, dies or is ruining his life. The state thinks of bigger goals.

I remember that in Palestine children are being blown up every day, so it makes no sense for us to avenge or save a single person.

If the wrong is done to you, or to people you really love then you must act.

If I were the enemy, I would keep sending cannon fodder against you to curse to keep you occupied, because that benefits me and not you.

Moreover, we are not here to save everyone, only the worthy ones, that then take the choice to save themselves.

That is my oppinion, and if you reason in terms of war, it makes sense.
I'm not constraining anyone, I don't have that power in your lives, I'm just leaving an imput of critical thinking.
Would you make all Drugs Legal, since nobody seems to care about drug addicts,potentially classified as "andrapods" , dying or at least, Harming themselves in the process?
We have to take a broader view, a state doesn't care if Joe the crack addict, dies or is ruining his life. The state thinks of bigger goals.
Would you make all Drugs Legal, since nobody seems to care about drug addicts,potentially classified as "andrapods" , dying or at least, Harming themselves in the process?
What I said, is that the state won't sit down and start planning how to save Joe and how to improve his life alone.

The state's plans are about defeating this problem on a larger scale, to largely destroy the source of the problem and to give options to everyone to save themselves from a problem.

Then if Joe choses to kill himself with drugs, in the end, who cares? He is not the president or someone really gamechanging, we can't cry for every idiot who destroys him self by thinking how great they would be if...

Destroy the source of the problem, and provide a plan of solution for those who want to follow it. This is the point.
Would you make all Drugs Legal, since nobody seems to care about drug addicts,potentially classified as "andrapods" , dying or at least, Harming themselves in the process?
Legal drugs? Why not?
We don't have to waste time and money trying to stop every idiot from taking poisons, or creating poisons for personal consumption, if one is idiot enough to do so, he will pay the consequences of his actions.

Then if one sells poisons/drugs, promotes them in any way, or does certain things while intoxicanted, then one will be severely punished.

Do cannabis is not a big deal, and you can't stop everyone, just like you can't prevent or stop someone from drink poison or jump from a building. Punishment is applied if you do other things while intoxicated or if you promotes or sell drugs/poison.

The problem today, is that many people are weak, and that drugs and other destructive thoughs are largely promoted and available everywhere.

If this was not the case, 99,9% wouldn't be so stupid to try poison.
Then if one sells poisons/drugs, promotes them in any way, or does certain things while intoxicanted, then one will be severely punished.
Fair Enough <

No mercy for the ones who sells and produces Trash, Of course <

The problem today, is that many people are weak, and that drugs and other destructive thoughs are largely promoted and available everywhere.
fully agreed... the Exact opposite of what they are promoting right now, needs to be injected into Mass-Consciousness, in order to prevent all those issues from Manifesting Themselves, in the first place, Of course <
Legal drugs? Why not?
We don't have to waste time and money trying to stop every idiot from taking poisons, or creating poisons for personal consumption, if one is idiot enough to do so, he will pay the consequences of his actions.

Then if one sells poisons/drugs, promotes them in any way, or does certain things while intoxicanted, then one will be severely punished.

Do cannabis is not a big deal, and you can't stop everyone, just like you can't prevent or stop someone from drink poison or jump from a building. Punishment is applied if you do other things while intoxicated or if you promotes or sell drugs/poison.

The problem today, is that many people are weak, and that drugs and other destructive thoughs are largely promoted and available everywhere.

If this was not the case, 99,9% wouldn't be so stupid to try poison.
They can be made legal. Then we can also have laws that prevent drug users from gaining employment. Same should be done for alcohol users and smokers/vapers to be fair. They're not as efficient as people at the same level who don't use drugs. Let them cook.

My solution for alcohol is to make taxes on production, sale, and buying so high people will be paying like £50 just to make a pint of beer, and 100 to buy it from a supermarket, so even more to get it in a pub/restaurant. If it's so expensive to buy, most people won't buy it legally. If it's so expensive to produce, most people also won't produce it or buy it illegally. Products with more alcohol than beer/cider, will obviously be proportionally more expensive.

This is how you deal with andrapoda in my opinion. They don't have the mental capacity or soul knowledge to make the decisions for themselves, so you make it for them while giving the illusion of free will (which they don't have). Alcohol-producing companies need to be run into the ground as they're harming population at large.

If drugs other than alcohol and smoking are legalised, you can start the process directly from the beginning so it's inconvenient to even have startups.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
