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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I wanted to briefly explain some things that have been ongoing since last year. Over the last year, it is where issues began in regards to astrology orders. After around 3 years of successful for many people, and even life saving service for many of you. I thank you all.

However the real issues pertaining to these were a bit deeper, which I will explain as much as possible without violating any sensitive details nor mine nor those of anyone.

As many of you here know, I always worked with the higher purpose in mind and with highest integrity. After years I realize why most people choose to do anything but that. It costs a lot to someone.

In 2017, I was told by Satan in the Eve of Beltane, that if I did not act, the JoS would be no more at 2019. Everyone saw what happened during these next years. I took a sacrifice of my own blood [metaphorically] to give blood to the JoS and keep it alive despite all difficulties. This was a means to this. I essentially told HPS Maxine I was going to take the situation on my own hands. immediately got the OK.

This required financing, technical knowledge, time, effort, continuous work and nothing happened on it's own. Then people will be like "Yes a miracle from Satan". Of course it is - but miracles in our side of reality happen from our own hands, and not by the wand.

I was attacked heavily and beyond understanding for these decisions and all these decisions to help this, according to the enemy "accursed multitude" of people. It's all very uphill to walk towards.

Since I am not exactly pro just asking for stuff, I decided to provide services in exchange for things. HPS Maxine instantly gave me the OK to proceed. However she warned me of the dangers and how I would have to face the enemy.

I made an assessment of risk ratio and when it comes to JoS and it's safety or future the risk ratio is something I don't care, so I decided to take all the risk. Despite of her warnings about overworking, the enemy, or what this could cost me, I had to act.

My endeavor and fighting against these tides were great and the set the precedent for the success of the next years, at least that of the JoS. This came at a personal detriment. However the enemy was too late as I already had stirred the foundation of the house by the time they took action.

This doubled my toil, sacrifice, and hard work, but cost nobody else nothing. Now it's tripled so I can't take more than that, because simply these are the human limits.

Except of costing endless time, tiredness, and unending hours of work, to me. Never minded the returns because all of this would take no logic for anyone to follow. I am glad this helped a lot of people and know in turn many of the things exist today because of this.

No logical human would do this and I understand this very well now. Regardless of this, Satan understands and I am a zealot when it comes to Satan's demands. I am no stranger to ultimate personal sacrifice. But this is never good for whomever is doing that. Actually it is a disaster as I look at it now. It is also incompatible with doing what is good sometimes.

As if the above was not enough, and since I managed to pull through regardless, then the enemy decided to pounce on this endeavor and finish off the capacity of the payment processor. Everyone knows why (((these things happen))). There are many "people" who are in for "Satan", few that will put their wealth, name and life into this.

While this may sound insane, there is actually an extreme amount of people who have been destroyed because of this application of "Payment Processor" and related Banking policy. It is also enforced and contains no middle lines. No explanations given, however this was deductible, repetitive, and highly problematic. I knew the enemy would cause financial attacks and I expected this.

I had others but due to legal and other knowledge circumventing this at least for the time spectrum where to stand was needed, was successful.

It only takes a few willing kikes and they can rob places out of business. I know this may sound weird but if you want the details of this just google "Paypal Chargeback" and see how they have destroyed the businesses of many tens and tends of thousands of people by abusing these mechanisms. They do this to musicians, digital goods traders, and many other people.

I was shocked to see that they get away with these things doing these to millions of people. Also, during the "Co-Vid" they literally shut down all their support department, to where nobody could call or get in contact with them.

Another thing they do, is they manipulate people into debt, and do everything in their power to restrain their enemies due to lack of funds. Jews are obsessed over stealing the shekel of the goyim.

The above disallows me to continue providing service through the so called Paypal and acted as a total deterrent that made me disgusted to even want to contemplate continuing on with astrology or online business in general. It felt like this was simply too much wasted time, energy and effort - for nothing personal.

Since everything in the last year got robbed and stolen from me with account closure in an unexplained fashion, followed by a full year of unresponsive support, which case if I was to even appeal would cost tens and tens of thousands.

This also illustrates the pointlessness of what we refer to as "Law" today. You need tens of thousands of shekels to appeal to get back your own stolen shekels which may be way less. You can't appeal goyim and then they steal everything randomly.

Then you need more shekels to get back your own shekels, and more debt to get more debt. Get in debt to find your rights, goyim. It's like inception and the jews know these techniques so well.

Then I thought how many I have helped, and how this was a necessary stepping stone to fortify matters for a couple years, and I softened my approach again, decided to continue on and off. So I tried to push and push, and see if it would get me anywhere. Well no it didn't.

The above had reverberations in my life, work, and above all, time and energy consumption to the point I found myself in a lock-down situation where I had to choose between my health and basically self frying with unforeseen consequences with all the responsibilities on my hands.

I decided to not allow frying to happen. I can't say that decisions I had to make were easy, but they were always the best with what was available at the time.

Life is different when you actually have to deal with the enemy everyday and physically. There are many things that we have sacrificed about ourselves that nobody will ever know. Only a couple of us have went all the way in in this. The rest were just making posts and watching on the sidelines. Others made the big sacrifices that risked their life for this. Others just point little worthless fingers not having done anything. This is how life goes. Some people build, others watch.

Unironically, most of those who attempted to oppose this, were shills, agents of the enemy, and traitors from the inside. I was viciously attacked over this and I know I did the right thing. They insisted none of this was "necessary", because this already planned out by the enemy years ago, "The yahoo groups were enough" and "the free forums were enough" according to them. A little while later everything was "Coincidentally" nuked.

One year later as if by "Coincidence", all the JoS got besieged and everything almost disappeared entirely, like a total wipeout. But evil me of course had prepared a few things and this is why I will be universally hated by these people, because they hate it when the goy manages to build out from the ruins.

None of these can however bear fruit because Satan can see it all. None of it succeeded and those involved were removed and eliminated. But the thing is most people don't stick their heads out for Satan, and those that do, do in a kosherized manner, which is without any issues.

As time progressed, and the enemy's attack heightened, they also tried to destroy this place from the inside, while the certainty of censorship and lack of fundamentals, would have us gone forever. An increasing amount of shilling showed itself during this time. As the kingdom was to burn, so did those on the inside suddenly were leaving the town, all of a "sudden".

When I told this to HPS Maxine, she knew it was the case, and I decided to take this personal sacrifice to save Satan's only real place of dwelling on this earth. Eventually, I was fought to no end for this - but I won in the end, and we have emerged so far, intact and grown. High Priests are to make personal sacrifices, not to just write bullshit online. Few to none have done any of this or had the guts to do so.

The good news are, that the enemy is a dollar and a time short of thinking they managed to dissuade me and/or harm anyone's capacity to gain readings. Understandably their motives were fully destructive and to create a situation of ruin and discontinuing to provide help for SS.

I have therefore decided I will be issuing refunds in the closeby future, but not through Paypal, but rather, through Cryptocurrency.

Now given the Trillion Dollar Valuation Banking System in 2008 fucked billions of people, and stole billions of wealth in a banking crash, pensions, homes, and debts - giving people nothing but a single buck, I decided I'll fight my way through to actually refund people instead. I'm that evil of course listen to my enemies over that, they have many lies to tell you.

Anyhow, I kept silent on this as I understood the enemy would be on me like a mad dog as per usual and this would impede me from solving the matter. I was also thankful because the counsel of some Satanists was able to help me considerably through this extremely difficult time.

Now that it's too late for them to stop anything, I decided to write about this.

I know some people may be saddened that I will not deliver more work upon work upon more work, but the thing is I can't die off over this, and it became really clear the enemy wants to cause energetic, financial, and otherwise collapse.

Regardless, I will be doing what is necessary to finish off all remaining owed things. The things returned will be basically what one ordered, and it will be in an equivalent of cryptocurrency. I will relate the details of how this is going to happen in an upcoming post.

I'll also set up a specific e-mail for the refunds when their time is to happen, because my professional one has been spammed to nothingness and finding any e-mails is closely impossible.

E-mails must include:

Title - "Pending Order"
Paypal transaction number -
Date on which the order was made -
Total cost of the actual readings -

These will be cross verified to avoid any inferiors to try to scam as they have done before.

Lastly I am aware many of you, despite of affected cases, do love the readings and understand their deep quality. I am glad I helped so many. I am also even more glad and thankful people understood through this whole ordeal and many were so patient.

In this case I promise in the future I will consider providing again, after I finish this cycle of closure with all that has happened. Got to start anew with this endeavor and definitely NOT in the way it was being done before for the aforementioned reasons.

This will also give the ability for re-ordering in the future, but from now on I'll do a limited intake and output, rather than having everything open.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Henu the Great said:
Just wondering. I donated dolla dolla dolla last year, and this year also. Was it lost?

What happened here is about what happened to my personal shop. These things however are mutually exclusive. My case is however my very own.

Nope, it wouldn't be lost. Another topic will be made on donations, because things are becoming rather Orwellian in the processing of these subjects.
DezFranky said:
Very good read.
Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?

I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What happened here is about what happened to my personal shop. These things however are mutually exclusive. My case is however my very own.

Nope, it wouldn't be lost. Another topic will be made on donations, because things are becoming rather Orwellian in the processing of these subjects.
Got it, thanks.

Well, it's time to move forward with other measures, then.
now i see why other shops before got fked in a few months. at least you lasted a while, always admiring you high priest.

you and lydia are my favorites, admire ur fortitude. i trust you will be successful.

its clear AS SKY the enemy is occupied on fuck up and shutdown of this place. theyll NEVER succeed. As Satan said:

I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires.

at your service my brother and friend,

SS Siatris 666
Your readings are life changing and shocking with their accuracy HP, I'm lucky and honored to have had several readings done by you, they came at a critical time in my life and if it wasn't for their astonishing accuracy I don't know if I would have stayed on this path.

Thank you so much for all you have done!
I know that you did not make your personal sacrifice for anyone's sake but Satan, but, I wanted to thank you, what you have done and what you continue to do is surely deserving of praise, you have always been a man I have respected and you have taught me many many things over the years. I know that you are a soul who truly cares for his fellow humans, even when I was a fool, when I was a ignorant person, someone who, I wouldn't have spent time explaining things to, you responded to my posts, you would converse with me in email, you would send me messages that while obvious to you provided me so much insight that I would continue to learn from years later.

I am one of the individuals who has been waiting for a couple of years for the astrology orders, however, it may sadden me to not receive your insight, but, I could not live with myself if my desires, my actions, hurt an innocent individual, let alone someone who has done so much, I am happy to take whatever is best, whether that be a refund, the orders, or nothing. Honestly, money is nothing more than a means to an end for me, a means for survival and nothing more, if it would harm you to refund me(My order was almost $**) then I would rather wait until a time in which it is beneficial to you :) I have changed my accounts on the forums a few times but in my emails I would almost always address you as Commander.

Thank you Commander, you are truly a kind soul, and I am honored to fight along side you. THANK YOU, truly, thank you for everything you have done for me, every one of our brothers and sisters, Satan, and the Gods, and all of humanity. You are truly honorable and one day I hope to be an exemplary individual similar to you :D

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Artisan said:
I know that you did not make your personal sacrifice for anyone's sake but Satan, but, I wanted to thank you, what you have done and what you continue to do is surely deserving of praise, you have always been a man I have respected and you have taught me many many things over the years. I know that you are a soul who truly cares for his fellow humans, even when I was a fool, when I was a ignorant person, someone who, I wouldn't have spent time explaining things to, you responded to my posts, you would converse with me in email, you would send me messages that while obvious to you provided me so much insight that I would continue to learn from years later.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate all the kind words. Thank you.

By the way, as I said, this will be temporary. I just need to restart from the ground up and I see no other way - but basically restart it all. I want to apply the things learned in my first "get go" of this as well.

I am confident the damages done because of this on me will be fixed because I have been fighting to do the right thing.

I don't plan to like never receive orders again. I understand people NEED them over the functional reasons, as money is irrelevant vs what one gets from a proper reading. I just want to make sure I'm on clear ground and then I'll restart properly from the ground up with this. So I'll get this thing done progressively and then examine every individual case who may want to re-order or something.

Again, both the enemy AND Satan, have let me know about it. It is really a honor to know I have helped other SS and those chosen souls of our Gods and Demons in such as way. This is always the thing that fills me with the strongest resolve.
Your perseverance is awe inspiring and an example we should all follow. Had the JOS gone down in 2019 I do believe I wouldn't be who I am today in 2021. You are truly paramount to JOS's future and the future of the SS. I have lived by your words in very dark times and without them I feel as if I would of drowned had you not thrown your continuous life rafts. It makes me wonder how many like me you have secured with suggestive reclamation. You have my gratitude and my sword. Never stop leading us, please.

I don't want to watch, I want to win. I will make any sacrifice for our ideals, Satan's ideals.

If there ever is a position where I can take some of the workload off your shoulders it would not only be an honor but a triumph.

I'm doing all I can Spiritually. I haven't missed a day in our Warfare Schedule and I don't plan to.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artisan said:
I know that you did not make your personal sacrifice for anyone's sake but Satan, but, I wanted to thank you, what you have done and what you continue to do is surely deserving of praise, you have always been a man I have respected and you have taught me many many things over the years. I know that you are a soul who truly cares for his fellow humans, even when I was a fool, when I was a ignorant person, someone who, I wouldn't have spent time explaining things to, you responded to my posts, you would converse with me in email, you would send me messages that while obvious to you provided me so much insight that I would continue to learn from years later.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate all the kind words. Thank you.

By the way, as I said, this will be temporary. I just need to restart from the ground up and I see no other way - but basically restart clean. I am confident the damages done because of this on me will be fixed because I have made the decision to do the right thing.

I don't plan to never receive orders again. I understand people NEED them over the functional reasons, as money is irrelevant vs what one gets from a proper reading. I just want to make sure I'm on clear ground and then I'll restart properly from the ground up with this. So I'll get this thing done progressively and then examine every individual case who may want to re-order or something.

Again, both the enemy AND Satan, have let me know about it. It is really a honor to know I have helped other SS and those chosen souls of our Gods and Demons in such as way. This is always the thing that fills me with the strongest resolve.

You are truly a great man, I really do appreciate you, you have helped me personally so many times, it brings me close to tears to think of the insight your words have given me.

Your time is valuable and I will not waste it, I just wanted to say one more thing.

Satan has said that those who suffer for his sake will be rewarded in one of his worlds. I know that you did not suffer out of a desire for reward, nobody who truly loves the Gods would do such a thing. When considering the suffering our Gods have faced at the hands of the enemy, not even taking into consideration the spiritual abuse from grimoires.. To be forced to watch your own children suffer, die, and just..

I could never repay Satan and his Gods for what they have done for us(I also don't want to "repay them" I just can't think of any other way to describe it), there is no greater love than that of Satan and the Gods to humanity, I may not be as close to the Gods as you or many of our other brothers and sisters but I do know what is like to love them. I would happily give my life, my eternity, my everything, for Satan, and I hope that one day I will be in a position where if need be I can make that choice. I do not wish for my other brothers and sisters to suffer, humanity has suffered so much, ugh.

Unlike the enemy, we fight not because we hate what stands before us, but because we love what stands behind us. May we tear down the regime of the enemy with cold, unforgiving hands.

You are our Commander and while in the grand scheme of things you, me, all of us may be small pebbles, to us, you are truly a hero, the same with Maxine, and lord Adolph. And, I know you may not compare yourselves to them, you may not see yourself at their stature, Lord Adolph saved the world from being destroyed the enemy, and Maxine spend years and years building a foundation which will lead to the end of the enemy and the enlightenment of the humanity.

You may not see yourself as as important as them, and objectively you may not be, non of us may ever be, however, be sure not to let the great feats of others diminish your own accomplishments. You are truly a great man, an honorable man, a respectable man, and I do see you as a hero.

Please, never forget that you are TRULY great, I am not saying this because I want to "win brownie points" or any bullshit like that. We all have dark days, and I know that you are likely the most hated of humans right now, I believe in you, all of our brothers and sisters believe in you, and the Gods believe in you.

Once again, thank you for everything you have done Commander. And please, never forget that we love you here, that the Gods love you, and that, you are truly extraordinary :D
I will curse individually everyone who openly is against JoS and the Clergy. Also, I will take on projects from now on to create justice where I feel its needed. Truly feel like this is what our enemy needs now. A little demonstration of targeted power, not only warfare. The second wave of power will be individual appliances to the problems that destroy our planet and great people, in this case like you are a great man of value. No more bullshit and hiding in the bush, I will unleash my wrath of eternal chanting.

I'm tired alone only by the psychic attacks that are becoming more and more absurd and degrading, without any work done openly. Don't these parasites fear when we'll peak our knife in their central cube of nothingness? I wonder, as every day, every month and year, despite the obstacles and destruction avoided or pierced by, we still have our sanity, body, and power to become Gods eventually.

The jews that read these forums now, how can you all be so stupid. You cannot win against us. You cannot outperform your limited reptilian brain to do something meaningful to us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We are to understand that no new orders can be taken but also that all orders already paid for will be refunded? I submitted a dream analysis in june2020. If this is the case please keep the funds :). Whenever you do have time though I would like to resubmit perhaps in an email or some other time if the market opens under cryptocurrency. Sorry you had to endure all that. Alot is here because of you and Maxine. Thanks!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You are one of the very few and selected people I actually care about and who I would do anything for.
I will always help you if you let me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
Very good read.
Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?

I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.

If you need some security advice about cryptocurrencies, I'd be happy to give it to you.

Thanks for everything Hp
Thank you for everything you’ve done in keeping JoS alive and going further to provide readings at the same time. Even though my fights have been offline, I definitely understand the debt cycle in fighting for something pure and holy and how relentless the system the jews have put in place is. A person can and usually does risk losing everything if they’re fighting for something of sacred value. My own personal battles on not caving and fighting for a satanic life worth living for myself and family haven’t been without major sacrifices that are at times damning. Not knowing when to cave is another thing, I’ve never understood any situation as worth caving on until recently. Some things do have to be set down for a future battle. It’s impossible to manage everything at once and you’re one person with two hands. Others might be a light in the dark sometimes but at the end of the day a person needs time to rebuild. Thankfully we have the forums. I am glad I got a reading when I did from you and maxine. Unfortunately my physical copy of maxines order was lost during a move that wasn’t in my hands. They were both really helpful though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nope, it wouldn't be lost. Another topic will be made on donations, because things are becoming rather Orwellian in the processing of these subjects.

If you can manage to have donations done some way OTHER than bitcoin (you know how I've had the worst experience, only things they didn't ask for were face recognition and vax passport), like plain visa payment, I'm willing to help of course. I lost my old job (unfair dismissal as I questioned the use of masks of course) but I'm positive I'll get something else in the next months and I'll have something to give gladly to the advancement of Satanism (and your peace of mind, Commander.. I truly appreciate you more than words can say).

HPHoodedCobra, you are legendary for your work and perseverance, setting the bar for anyone who wants to follow in your footsteps, and inspiring all SS to look higher, work harder and live better just by the way you live and act.

It is almost unthinkable to live so honorably in this day and age.

I’m extremely glad I was able to receive a reading from you. It is life changing and something that sticks with you forever. It is also invaluable.

Thank you sincerely for providing this service, even at extreme cost to yourself, and thank you for giving life to the Joy of Satan when it was about to be done in by the enemy.

The sacrifices you have made are never to be forgotten. I know I will always remember them and always look up to you for it, and always am eternally grateful for your work.

Hail Satan!
I am sad because I've been waiting years for the reading but I am happy the JoS is still alive. You don't owe me anything Cobra as you've given so much to all of us already.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yeah HPHC without you it would perhaps crumble but you wouldnt abandon or defect so to speak.

yeah I tried an order not so long I go maybe need to re do with these instructions.

Werent far wrong with the predictions that came to fruition eh ;)

Talk soon thanks for all help.

Hail Satan
hail Jos
Henu the Great said:
Just wondering. I donated dolla dolla dolla last year, and this year also. Was it lost?

Henu I liked this post not for the donating bit just the phrase used i liked it see you are obvious a good person and a quality SSR i liked the lingo.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The struggle you go through everyday to keep this community alive and thriving is unfathomable and deeply appreciated. It's unreal how vast the attacks and suppression done by the kikes are towards those who make Satanism an incessant top priority.
The daily hours of effort you HPs put in this should be a great inspiration to all of us.

I'd like to breifly ask for clarification on what these attacks involved. (I'm not very bright and could be missing some context).
You mentioned your account had problems. Did they lock you out of your own account to prevent you from acquiring funds that were sent?
As well, the payment device they use. Was there an issue with sending/recieving funds properly?

It infuriates me to learn that these scams they use on people are so common. Companies like Paypal should have no business going after small content creators for things like convoluded 'fine print' details. Their empire is built upon the backs of ordinary people, yet they screw over honest hard workers and suck money from them that they often don't have. If people want to see what the purist of evils is they should look at these Jewish/rabbi scum. That is the face of true evil in our world.

Thanks HPHC and congrats on your continuted success in this war! Hail Satan! :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
miracles in our side of reality happen from our own hands, and not by the wand
I don't know where to begin since I don't exactly consider myself being good with words nor voluble.

After placing my order for a full reading in 2019, I had high hopes. After a year or so, I was advised that this reading may not be meant to happen at all.

You are a genuine, powerful player in our community. Without you, obviously the JoS would be no more. Most of regular members haven't got the slightest idea what it takes to do what you are doing. Considering the abovesaid and since I've been contemplating starting regular donations to JoS, I would like to leave my prepayment for the advancement of our cause. I'm not sorry. We will settle this in private correspondence once you have the e-mail up, of course.

Hereby I would like to call on all the other members in the waiting lounge to do the same. Of course, it all depends on individual situation and whether one can afford it. I know I can. In my eyes, supporting our cause financially should be considered a noble duty. From the comfort of our homes, we all have enjoyed and used countless pages of information and the forum service but somewhere someone has to actually work to keep this going, secure, up and running plus incur all the costs of infrastructure and services involved, not to mention legal issues, threats and endless curses. After all, this here is currently maybe the last online place on Earth where we can discuss important matters without any kosher censorship or peer review.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
Very good read.
Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?

I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

Please let us know soon about donations. There are those amongst our ranks who more or less have everything we want materially speaking. These people can help in this regard. They just need to know the best way to proceed.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My dear brother I don,t want a refund keep the money i send you.you have done enough. for i understand this completely
I could feel the roughness of keeping this up.you have saved our websites so thank you very much.
and keep going because we are one under Satan and i feel that they are losing power over us everyday more.

We must keep the RTR,S up on to victory.

Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
Very good read.
Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?

I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.

Great shame indeed. Paypal rewards theft. They can claim losses through their million page user's agreement and transfer it to themselves basically, and yet I've seen Nigerians on paxful with 50k+ sitting in their paypal account no problem.

I hope you can open again soon with a chance to breathe. I really enjoyed my readings 📚 🐐
Azoun said:
I am sad because I've been waiting years for the reading but I am happy the JoS is still alive. You don't owe me anything Cobra as you've given so much to all of us already.

Thank you, but definitely no this cannot happen. I will issue as stated the money back, and then if anyone decides that they want to re-order in the future I will be glad to receive orders in an orderly fashion of no more than a months.
DezFranky said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
Very good read.
Can you use a bitcoin wallet or eth going forward?

I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.

Great shame indeed. Paypal rewards theft. They can claim losses through their million page user's agreement and transfer it to themselves basically, and yet I've seen Nigerians on paxful with 50k+ sitting in their paypal account no problem.

I hope you can open again soon with a chance to breathe. I really enjoyed my readings 📚 🐐

I am almost entirely certain this was a purposeful deplatforming. And purposeful theft. Yes, I am aware of major thieves on the platform. They actually use these accounts to do things such as those I encountered. They rob places out of business.

During the Covid they managed to not have ongoing support, so they could go around the topic and let things go to shit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest Hooded Cobra, your work, and sacrifices for us and the Joy Of Satan Ministries I have found greatly inspirational over the years, we all appreciate and thank you greatly for what you have done and continue to do.

When things in my life are more stable, my health, ect. I hope to be able to contribute somehow to our community, and to Satan and our Gods.

Thank you Cobra, I find what you, Maxine, Shannon, and other members who contribute, help, assist, greatly inspirational and it means alot, I hope to one day carry and do my part, when circumstances allow.

May the Joy of Satan Ministries be in existence, in one form or another, for eternity to come.

Hail Father Satan!
Congratulations on your victory and success, High Priest.
May great fortune come your way.
I wanted to reply to this last night but was way too sleepy lol.

You are an inspiration and it is a honor to have someone like you leading us in the forums. I couldn't think of anyone else to do so now that HPS Maxine had to understandably step away from the forums. I don't think I've ever met a more competent person in my life than you and that's saying a lot coming from someone who hates incompetence. I've had trainers who served years in the military no where near as respectable as you.

I hope Father Satan gives you all the blessings you deserve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think it will be one of these things, yes, because there's no other foreseeable alternative.

We're going straight into Orwell as a society.

Great shame indeed. Paypal rewards theft. They can claim losses through their million page user's agreement and transfer it to themselves basically, and yet I've seen Nigerians on paxful with 50k+ sitting in their paypal account no problem.

I hope you can open again soon with a chance to breathe. I really enjoyed my readings 📚 🐐

I am almost entirely certain this was a purposeful deplatforming. And purposeful theft. Yes, I am aware of major thieves on the platform. They actually use these accounts to do things such as those I encountered. They rob places out of business.

During the Covid they managed to not have ongoing support, so they could go around the topic and let things go to shit.

Worlpay was one who used to rob my own business nearly every month you would notice iregularities.

Got it fixed and re paid but not the point.
Thank you for a broad explanation. It is clear that my email in September and the one at the beginning of March, asking for queue position, were also lost in the mess.

As I told you, I do not need the money back. It is not much but it can be kept as a token of appreciation for your hard work and commitment to the community. Say, like a donation to JoS. You're the best we got, especially with Maxine's leave of absence.

Stay strong and I hope we all keep benefit from your deeper insight and grounding from time to time.
Stormblood said:
As I told you, I do not need the money back. It is not much but it can be kept as a token of appreciation for your hard work and commitment to the community. Say, like a donation to JoS. ..

The thing is when Paypal nuked the thing, a lot of this potential money went on into Paypal's pockets with it, which has happened to many creators. I have however over the months worked over a backup plan to reassure that people get their funds back, especially because some number of orders [not anywhere close to the amount I did deliver successfully over the 3 first years], is refunded.

My services were never a form of a donation. In anyway, I'll provide an e-mail too to discuss each individual case.

The refund is part of my moral outlook of the subject, and because I don't want to ever wrong nobody. I cannot find right with Judeopal at this point, since they refused to communicate for over 1-2 years and finding them is virtually impossible. This disallows me to instantly refund people directly, as I could theoretically be doing.

However this situation has been rather problematic, and this is why I wanted to share.

It was really difficult to put this in context but I want people to come out of this done right and not done wrong. I asked Azazel on the subject to advise me citing that I simply no longer have the required time and cannot put more force into this because of limitations. He said he will help me deal with the subject.

His counsel was for me to do the right thing eventhough, Paypal should be fucking issuing refunds and not me, for the amount of money arbitrarily sucked in the ether. Since getting these jews to pay will be rather impossible, I decided it can't be that other SS need to be given back their due. I've done my best to prepare for said scenario.

For this reason I will make it a point to:

1. Issue refunds - I have issued a few already (This may take a while)

THEN, if time and demands permit, after I have done this:

2. Restart the services (With another payment processor so that the Jew doesn't just steal the money over nothing) , possibly Crypto this time around.

The matters are exclusive and as explained above, I will communicate the details for the refunds. I want to refund everyone and then anyone can make their own decisions about re-ordering.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
miracles in our side of reality happen from our own hands, and not by the wand
I don't know where to begin since I don't exactly consider myself being good with words nor voluble.

After placing my order for a full reading in 2019, I had high hopes. After a year or so, I was advised that this reading may not be meant to happen at all.


I have explained the situation on the reply above. I thank you for your understanding. Things have been more complex and difficult than initially shared, anticipated, or even believed. I tried until the end.

However, with the current state of affairs, I cannot delay nobody anymore, and therefore will proceed with refunding. I've helped MANY people in a prompt manner for like three years, so this was really an unpleasant experience for me also.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
