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About Hebrew Names On Gentiles

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Unfortunately this phenomenon is extremely common anymore due to the fact Gentiles have been enslaved by jewish programs which have taken us over culturally. This tactic is common also in war, removing the native culture of one's enemies.

Names and even surnames of jews like Goldman, Silverman, Greene and so forth are common jewish names and due to extensive, centuries old use from jews, these are now officially stolen.

The same goes for other traditional names like Zimmerman or Stein,both of which are normal Germanic surnames and can be 100% Gentile in many cases, having people who may not be jewish at all having these names.

This case is largely because the xian church prosyletized jews to put them under its political control and further their infiltration into Gentile society, and made them convert. As such many jews from as many as 1000 years earlier have adopted or had their names changed into Gentile Names.

Alternatively this went the other way with many Gentiles also getting jewish names. People can be named Rafael, or David, or Jesus and all these names which are jewish and biblical.

The reality of even these is that these also are even in themselves stolen. My assumption for David is that for example its a gross theft of the Babylonian name Damuzid, which has to do with the Sumarian Tammuz. Tammuz is also a month in the hebrew calendar. In other words even these names are perversions.

Even names like Paul or other said names are said to be names of biblical characters, but these are all ficticious and stolen from local territories. If the ficticious apostles have names, they would be like Moshe Levi or some thing like Jimmy Cohen. Names like Levi and Cohen, such as Greenbaum, tend to 9.9 out of 10 times represent jews.

Certain names have been completely taken over. Hardly ever it is possible you will meet a Gentile named Cohen. But with Stein in Germany, chances are high one may be German.

Jews casually also change to names which are beyond suspicion such as names like Smith. Smith is an English name resulting from the common occupation of being a steel smith or blacksmith. Many of these infiltrators have other secret names and these are also straight from Israel, no different than spies.

Other names like Mary which are extremely common can be understood in the context of the Ancient Greek from things that were stolen, as are all the apostolic names. Mary is a real common name.

Mary's hebrew name Miriam is a normal local levantine name, while her title as the mom of the Rabbi Yeshu is called Panagia which is a corruption to the Greek Pangaia which deals with the planet earth or has a more maternal meaning such as the womb of the earth, related more distantly to the concept of mother earth. A perfectly Pagan concept.

Infiltrator Jewsus's title is Christos which is just a generic title which means "Anoited one", as in initiate in the Mysteries. The real name of this jew historically was merely the hebrew Yeshu or Yeshuah, and later they also washed it our as Emmanuel which is another hebrew title.

The relation here is stolen, those of mortal birth from birth, ascend to Godhead by initiation. Normal Pagan widely understood concepts, turned into jewish worthless rabbinical drivel. Turned to naught and deadly nonsense.

Anne is another common name which the jews have stolen from Astarte, whose name is, Inanna. They put this in the Bible as Hannah. This is only one example. Other blatant Biblical names which are glaring theft are names like Japeth which in Greek is the titan Iapetos.

The modern stage of Georgia in the United States comes from the Greek Georgos which means land caretaker, land cultivator. Then you have Saint George which slays the dragon and the ground, a subliminal to the purpose of the name George linked to cultivation.

The general prefix they jew use in a lot of things is ending in names like El, which was a proto Cannaite generic word for light, and in itself held no negative essence. As time went jews stole it fully and exclusively since the Canaaites were displaced and lost their culture over the years. Jews stole and incorporated this.

How sick this race is, and how theft oriented, is shown in that always after their theft they pretend that things always were their own. After people take them in, they steal their culture, make an alagam of it, and curse them until they are all dead and their symbols end up in hebraic theft culture. For example RA in hebrew means evil, and HaRa in Hebrew means evil and darkness. HaRa is also related to the Evil Eye and misfortune.

In Ancient Greek which was a rivalling culture it means joy and happiness, while in Egyptian the Eye or Ra or Horus Ra is a most sublime and divine symbol of eternal light. Predating jews by thousands and thousands of years.

Other words that experienced the same downfall were words like Demon, meaning God and Beneficiary Spirit, in Ancient Greek. Nowadays Demon during the jewish reign means all the evil things. Angel, stolen from the Greek Angelos, is another theft of the word for the generic messenger.

In Hebrew angels are called "Malachim", which is another direct theft of the Syrian and Middle Eastern word Malach which means again spirit or broadly what we refer to as an being of light. As such Satan was named Melek which is related to the Malach, Melek Taus or Leading Peacock "Angel".

This theft and defamation is never ending and has a lot of dimensions. For infiltration purposes they change their names and ID to create confusion and relative terms to the people they try to subjugate. Then intermingling creates confusion. Religiously they steal and reverse meanings, or still and pervert and keep intact only insofar as to curse them or derail them.

Satan of course is another example of the same theft, from the Hindu and earlier Indo European word for Satya, or Satyan, meaning Truth, Truthful, Honest, and in meditational concepts the very concepts of Truth perception from the enlightenment resulting from meditational practice.

As this emerges from the serpentine practices, Satan also has been given the evil form of the so called "evil serpent". Even in this context the evil Satan only gives insight and knowledge to Mankind. Total straight up slander about the greatest good being portrayed as the greatest evil. As the jews are a conspirator tribe against humanity, they hate and villify this concept of direct knowing and Truth.

Of course after these are stolen, there is a systematic attempt to replace culture completely. What once was high spiritial virtue and power is now called "evil". The jews repay those whom they steal all this with genocide, lies and permanent ethnic replacement.

There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards Gentiles other than this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this sermon, HP Cobra! : )
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards Gentiles other than this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What a wonderful sermon, thank you so much for this post, which helped me so much, I hope this damn Jewish race will disappear.
Something to note,Paul was actually Saul before the Christian's tried to gentilify him. Similar to Yeshua,the jew,


(How Yeshua became Jesus )
My position with regard to jews this is complete distrust and non-acceptance. Absolutely! I removed all such 'friends' from myself long ago.
In America many Germans changed their surnames to something more anglo but the Jews have kept their Yiddish surnames and almost everyone is about shekels somehow. Diamond, Gold, Ruby, Goldberg, Goldjew, Goldwitz, Goldman, Rubystein, Sliver, Silverman, Sliverstein and on.
HP Mageson666 said:
In America many Germans changed their surnames to something more anglo but the Jews have kept their Yiddish surnames and almost everyone is about shekels somehow. Diamond, Gold, Ruby, Goldberg, Goldjew, Goldwitz, Goldman, Rubystein, Sliver, Silverman, Sliverstein and on.
I wonder why there is not a surname like Shitstein and such. The next thing that this aliens like the most is shit...
maybe this belongs in it's own topic, but..since you mention the common names (like Christos) for the enemy's names..what's the deal with taking the names "in vain"? I never really got it. oh I have done so, I just dont get where it stems from. why do we do that, if the names are just corrupted?

yeah I'm derailing a bit. I know.
I'm saddled with a biblical middle name....
Jack said:
Something to note,Paul was actually Saul before the Christian's tried to gentilify him. Similar to Yeshua,the jew,


(How Yeshua became Jesus )

For me…
This false story, It's only an attack, the Rune Sowilo(Sauil)
ArabKnight said:
The name sarah is very common here...

Sarah as it has been stated before it's by Saraswati which is a Hindu Goddess.
I have two beautiful names that I hated in the past.
Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they told me that she is a gentile. I'm now so very confused. I don't know if it's the gods or enemies lying to me.
StyleCoin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards Gentiles other than this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What a wonderful sermon, thank you so much for this post, which helped me so much, I hope this damn Jewish race will disappear.

I agree. HC made a great sermon and I, too, want the Jews gone.
EgyptianStar666 said:
Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they told me that she is a gentile. I'm now so very confused. I don't know if it's the gods or enemies lying to me.

I think chances are she is most probably a Gentile. This is normal in many situations. I have met many Gentiles who are called stuff like Bergman, typical Germans, not jews at all.
EgyptianStar666 said:
Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they told me that she is a gentile. I'm now so very confused. I don't know if it's the gods or enemies lying to me.
I knew a guy who had that surname back in school. He was a bit of a weird fella but I'm 95% sure he was a gentile, so it's definitely possible some gentiles have it.
What do you guys think about Islam in the respects that the prophet Muhammad was a pagan before hand and that the 3 main deities his clan worshipped ( and also these 3 goddesses are named in the koran) there names are Manat , Allat , and this one which is blatantly obvious and if your smart you should do some research it becomes clear , the main goddesses name is Al Lah….. allah….I have done extensive research on this and the more I research it the more Its just fucking obvious that the koran was inspired by these 3 goddesses... for instance the stone that muslims bow to in the kabah is a black obsidian like stone ….and black is goddess mants color (Jet, black tourmaline, and black onyx are perfect stones to represent Manat because they are all sacred to her for being black.)It is an undeniable fact of history that before Muhammed was born, the moon god "al-Ilah" (Allah) had three daughters named al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. heres one of the verses considered "satanic verses" of the koran Near it is the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat?

And what is knowing at my mind right now is the fact that the goddess Al lah (al-uzza) is considered to be associated with Ishtar(Inanna) which would make sense considering there both pagan goddesses of death , love , fate, destruction, doom, and death", and from “menata” meaning “part and portion”.....

Does anybody else bothered by this? Am I the only one who sees that the koran and islam were fabricated by these pagan deities to fool people into thinking they are worshipping the "most high god" , its just obvious too me please prove me wrong someone hit me with some knowledge that disproves this because its not making sense to me other then I am being lied to in some way or another. I just want to know more about these pagan goddesses behind islam..
IS our goddess INANNA (aka) ISIS in cohoots with these 3 goddesses ?
Please enlighten me anybody with any knowledge on this subject as It is fascinating.

What you say is correct on from where they STOLE things, but this has really nothing "Pagan" in it any more. It only wears this cloak for infiltration reasons. The locals were Pagan and they would never accept any of this weren't it for infiltration, murder and brutality involved. Symbols of theirs had to be used and then blotted out after a time.

Mohammed was fictitious but his so called "tribe" is a well known one, it's called a Jewish tribe. He even probably was put in another one to make it sound even more weird and natural for the people who consumed the text.

This is in reality a lie, it only means what it always means with this jewish garbage, the jews steal things from Gentiles and then they make it look like jewish and normal that they did theft.

Xianity and Islam followed the same pattern of stealing everything from Pagan religions. Also, "Muhammed" was not a real person at all, but rather yet another allegory.

Unfortunately all these programs followed the same pattern of perverting Paganism and turning it into jewish feces. Islam did this strongly also. These even contain directly stolen allegories like The Garden of Creation and other teachings which are stolen from Sumeria and other local stories.

All of it is stolen and perverted from Paganism. Look into "Exposing the Lie of Islam" which was written by HPS Zilarr a long time ago, and you will see more and more info.
Shael said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they told me that she is a gentile. I'm now so very confused. I don't know if it's the gods or enemies lying to me.
I knew a guy who had that surname back in school. He was a bit of a weird fella but I'm 95% sure he was a gentile, so it's definitely possible some gentiles have it.
I know a 100% gentile named Leaventhal, 50% Irish and 50% Italian. Because when he was a baby, he got adopted into a jewish family. So there are some strange things that can happen and a gentile ends up with a crazy name. Can't always judge someone based only on their name.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know a 100% gentile named Leaventhal, 50% Irish and 50% Italian. Because when he was a baby, he got adopted into a jewish family. So there are some strange things that can happen and a gentile ends up with a crazy name. Can't always judge someone based only on their name.
The "Thal" part is also not completely jew-exclusive either. I knew one person who had the surname "Thalhofer", basically in english it means smth like "one who lives in the valley". I think surnames should never be used as some 100% argument for jewishness unless they're "Roth, Levi, Cohen", or similar.
Behavior and physical features are a much bigger indicator.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they told me that she is a gentile. I'm now so very confused. I don't know if it's the gods or enemies lying to me.
I knew a guy who had that surname back in school. He was a bit of a weird fella but I'm 95% sure he was a gentile, so it's definitely possible some gentiles have it.
I know a 100% gentile named Leaventhal, 50% Irish and 50% Italian. Because when he was a baby, he got adopted into a jewish family. So there are some strange things that can happen and a gentile ends up with a crazy name. Can't always judge someone based only on their name.
Imagine being adopetd in a jewish family *puke emoji*
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
I knew a guy who had that surname back in school. He was a bit of a weird fella but I'm 95% sure he was a gentile, so it's definitely possible some gentiles have it.
I know a 100% gentile named Leaventhal, 50% Irish and 50% Italian. Because when he was a baby, he got adopted into a jewish family. So there are some strange things that can happen and a gentile ends up with a crazy name. Can't always judge someone based only on their name.
Imagine being adopetd in a jewish family *puke emoji*

It makes me wonder if jews will just purposefully adopt Gentiles to muddle waters, or for even worse reasons. What is for certain is that the blood of all races literally didn't end up in the jewish reptile tribe of a coincidence. They have clearly done a lot of ugly things.

Although most jews would never really think of doing it, a very marginal few such as a too liberal minority or very secular minority may actually do that type of stuff. But it is really rare.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know a 100% gentile named Leaventhal, 50% Irish and 50% Italian. Because when he was a baby, he got adopted into a jewish family. So there are some strange things that can happen and a gentile ends up with a crazy name. Can't always judge someone based only on their name.
Imagine being adopetd in a jewish family *puke emoji*

It makes me wonder if jews will just purposefully adopt Gentiles to muddle waters, or for even worse reasons. What is for certain is that the blood of all races literally didn't end up in the jewish reptile tribe of a coincidence. They have clearly done a lot of ugly things.

Although most jews would never really think of doing it, a very marginal few such as a too liberal minority or very secular minority may actually do that type of stuff. But it is really rare.
I don't think any gentile from ancient times would have mate with them but at the same time, they have the blood from all races... I think the answer is obvious. Or at least this is what I always thought. We know what ugly things they are capable to do.
luis said:
I don't think any gentile from ancient times would have mate with them
Back then, information was much harder to really spread everywhere, so some deception likely occured.

Aside from just flat-out kidnapping and rape of gentile women, I could totally imagine some jewish hag doing seduction spells on powerful gentiles, and then some very few of those cases working out and leading to successful infiltration. Reminds me of that story of cinderella where the jewish "sisters" literally cut parts of their feet off just to try and fit in the shoe and steal it away. The jew will stop at nothing when trying to infiltrate and "slip in".
The Reptilians


Originating from various locations to include a region of space called Alpha Draconis, these include reptiles which reside outside our vibrational frequency (the 4th dimension) as well as evolved Earth reptiles which escaped the cataclysm which destroyed the dinosaurs.
Extraterrestrial Reptilians
The Draconians are an extraterrestrial race of reptile which come from the Alpha Draconis star system. In general the draconians are intergalactic invaders, seeking out and infiltrating into the societies of other life forms. They prefer to manipulate society from behind the scenes and will openly invade and conquer only when they become threatened by the technological advancement of their prey. It is highly likely that some of the Draconians work alongside of the Interdimensional Reptilians as allies. Both types of alien entities are able to utilize the psychic energies emitted from the brains of humans during intensely emotional experiences. The reptilians of both this dimension and the 4th dimension feed off of fear and panic from humans. They also possess the ability to confuse humans by projecting a mental image, making themselves appear human (as Men In Black) or clouding the memory of any who encounter them.

When the Draconians predict that the civilization they have infiltrated is approaching the state of evolution where their technological ability makes the reptiles' covert operations subject to compromise, they launch an overt invasion fleet in the form of a Planetoid/Asteroids base station or mother ship. (Note: Some people theorize that the reptilian mother ship locates and follows closely behind comets heading in the same general direction, using the gravitational field to pull the planetoid along through space. The comet's body also acts as a stellar debris impact shield and prevents any approaching civilization from observing their mother ship's advance. The Heaven's Gate cult misinterpreted channeled alien propoganda and believed that the comet Hale Bopp was this invasion fleet. For more details see Jesus of Borg)

Reptilian/Grey HybridIn between invasions, the majority of the reptilian population on the mother ship live in a state of hibernation. A contingency of reptilians manage the daily operations of the craft and maintain hibernation chambers while awaiting the invasion order. The reptilians on the planet's surface ensure the continued secrecy of their presence, carry out abductions of various life forms on the surface of the planet, and monitor the technological advances of the surface inhabitants. They also introduce their reptilian genetic code into whatever species displays traits they want to manipulate, and initiates a program of genetic crossbreeding. Some of the species of Greysand humanoid Nordics have been invaded and assimilated in this manner.

From their underground bases, they set the stage for the mother's ship invasion by establishing a network of human-reptilian crossbred infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture's military industrial complexes, government bodies, religions, UFO/paranormal groups, and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic "mind-control" instructions, act out their subversive roles as "reptilian agents", setting the stage for an reptilian led alien invasion. Just prior to planetary approach, the large reptilian population aboard the planetoid awakens from their hibernation and prepares for battle. When the invasion takes place, it is from above and below the planets surface. Strange craft, piloted by reptilians, greys and human-reptilian agents, descend from the clouds while others ascend to the skies from the underworld of caverns and sub-cities, overwhelming the surface cultures in a totally unsuspecting manner.

Extraterrestrial ReptilianThe reptilian species, like other races which share a collective consciousness, communicate telepathically. Their advanced telepathic ability allows them to be able to utilitze energies emitted by the brains of other species.

At least one of the Draconian races possess leathery wings which have been mistaken for hoods or cloaks by abductees. This race stands around 8 feet tall, dwells underground and comes out at night. They have been labeled "mothmen," and is the source for mythologies concerning angels, demons, vampires, gargoyles, valkyries and other winged beings.

Different extraterrestrial reptilian species have different agendas but the majority of them focus on domination and exploitation of alien races and their planetary resources. Their viscious hostility and blatant disregard for the individual rights of others makes them a mortal enemy to mankind.

Interdimensional reptilians entering an abductee's bedroomInterdimensional Reptilians
Interdimensional reptilians reside outside of our physical plane or dimension. They are composed of matter which vibrates at a frequency which is out of synch with the world our senses can perceive. It is theorized that this altered vibrational frequency (sometimes called "sub-space") is an astral plane where energy demons dwell or is where the energy from our soul matrix goes after our physical bodies die. In the absence of further evidence we will merely report these theories and not speculate on their validity.

The interdimensional reptilians are able to alter the vibrational frequency which seperates our dimension and theirs (also called the 4th dimension) in areas where nuclear testing has taken place due to alterations in the fabric of time-space. Some groups of interdimensional reptilians are able to freely enter and leave our dimension through portals that they create. Some of these portals have been torn by the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which accompany nuclear weapons testing. The appearance of interdimensional reptilians and their vehicles around nuclear test sites supports this premise. It is also possible that extraterrestrial reptilians are using the 4th dimensional vibrational flux as a means of transportation. Other groups of interdimensional beings are unable to enter our world as easily and must rely on 3rd dimensional agents to affect change in this dimension.

The greatest threat from the interdimensional beings centers on their need for the energies provided from emotional responses and their ability to manipulate the suggestive human consciousness. Through tools such as religion, nationalism, racism, and other emotionally charged conditions, they are able to provoke humans through stress, anger, guilt, and most of all FEAR, to engage in warfare against their fellow man, creating a vicious cycle of even more intense human emotions through the tragic results of these conflicts. The increasing number of senseless shootings at schools, day care centers and postal facilities is a direct result of the hunger of the reptilians. The emotional responses to reptilian orchestrated religious worship, global conflict, genocide, drug usage, sexual perversions and violence in general all provide these "psychic vampires" or "energy leeches" with a veritable cornicopia of energy to feast on. It's time we closed the buffet line.

Reptile ManTerrestrial Reptilians
65 million years ago the Earth was struck by an asteroid which brought about the extinction of the majority of the world's living dinosaurs. There were, however, some species which escaped extinction by dwelling underground in caverns and labyrinths beneath the earth's surface. The image on the left is what modern science theorized one of these evolved reptiles might look like today. This creature is strikingly similar to ones which have been identified as living in underground bases in New Mexico and across the world.

The velociraptor received global attention with the success of the "Jurrasic Park" movies. This dinosaur was able to communicate via ultrasonic means and may have possessed a form of "telepathic" capability. If the cunning velociraptor has been evolving underground for the last 65 million years, it is only reasonable that man's legends would contain references to dragonmen or serpentmen. The role and agenda of the terran reptilians in the cosmic conspiracy is currently the subject of much debate.
likman666 said:
If you want to upload pictures here, you need to host the image file on some kind of website (I use imgbb.com) and then paste the direct image link between "
" brackets.
I’ve been trying to do research on the name Sara for this reason, it’s supposedly Jewish but I believe it appeared prior to the Jews. “Sa” and “ra”... questionable.
lex said:
I’ve been trying to do research on the name Sara for this reason, it’s supposedly Jewish but I believe it appeared prior to the Jews. “Sa” and “ra”... questionable.

Sara comes from Saraswati. As the wife of Brahman, we have the stolen story of the Abraham and Sarah.

Did the Jews have anything to do with naming America ? Putting hebrew names in America's name ?
jerUSAlem USA.? Probably not. Just wondering
Muhammad was a Jew and his mother was from a Jewish clan. Muhammad claimed originally to be the Jewish messiah and his whole goal was to force the religion of his Jewish race on the world.

What do you guys think about Islam in the respects that the prophet Muhammad was a pagan before hand.
HP Mageson666 said:
Muhammad was a Jew and his mother was from a Jewish clan. Muhammad claimed originally to be the Jewish messiah and his whole goal was to force the religion of his Jewish race on the world.

What do you guys think about Islam in the respects that the prophet Muhammad was a pagan before hand.

Thank you for the reply. I deff recently faced a couple very rough stages of confusion and self doubt. But I overcame. Islam/Xianity have revealed to me there true nature and after much meditation and studying its evident and very obvious that those religions really are a weapon and snare against the general population (Gentiles)… To anyone who believes it just cant be , no matter what happens and what doubts you have or whatever doubts/confusion/obstacles you come across , just realize Satan is on our side , and think...have you ever trusted society? really? in your whole life? now realize , so why would anyone trust the religions that society forces upon the populace with a church on nearly every fucking street and so on and so on
Shael said:
likman666 said:
If you want to upload pictures here, you need to host the image file on some kind of website (I use imgbb.com) and then paste the direct image link between "
" brackets.

likman666 said:
This is the link you would need: https://i.ibb.co/ZLzWytL/reptile.jpg
You get it by right-clicking on the picture in your link (PC), or pressing and holding on the picture in your link (phone), and then clicking "open image in new tab".

Then when you paste that new link between the img brackets, it will look like this:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unfortunately this phenomenon is extremely common anymore due to the fact Gentiles have been enslaved by jewish programs which have taken us over culturally. This tactic is common also in war, removing the native culture of one's enemies.

Names and even surnames of jews like Goldman, Silverman, Greene and so forth are common jewish names and due to extensive, centuries old use from jews, these are now officially stolen.

The same goes for other traditional names like Zimmerman or Stein,both of which are normal Germanic surnames and can be 100% Gentile in many cases, having people who may not be jewish at all having these names.

This case is largely because the xian church prosyletized jews to put them under its political control and further their infiltration into Gentile society, and made them convert. As such many jews from as many as 1000 years earlier have adopted or had their names changed into Gentile Names.

Alternatively this went the other way with many Gentiles also getting jewish names. People can be named Rafael, or David, or Jesus and all these names which are jewish and biblical.

The reality of even these is that these also are even in themselves stolen. My assumption for David is that for example its a gross theft of the Babylonian name Damuzid, which has to do with the Sumarian Tammuz. Tammuz is also a month in the hebrew calendar. In other words even these names are perversions.

Even names like Paul or other said names are said to be names of biblical characters, but these are all ficticious and stolen from local territories. If the ficticious apostles have names, they would be like Moshe Levi or some thing like Jimmy Cohen. Names like Levi and Cohen, such as Greenbaum, tend to 9.9 out of 10 times represent jews.

Certain names have been completely taken over. Hardly ever it is possible you will meet a Gentile named Cohen. But with Stein in Germany, chances are high one may be German.

Jews casually also change to names which are beyond suspicion such as names like Smith. Smith is an English name resulting from the common occupation of being a steel smith or blacksmith. Many of these infiltrators have other secret names and these are also straight from Israel, no different than spies.

Other names like Mary which are extremely common can be understood in the context of the Ancient Greek from things that were stolen, as are all the apostolic names. Mary is a real common name.

Mary's hebrew name Miriam is a normal local levantine name, while her title as the mom of the Rabbi Yeshu is called Panagia which is a corruption to the Greek Pangaia which deals with the planet earth or has a more maternal meaning such as the womb of the earth, related more distantly to the concept of mother earth. A perfectly Pagan concept.

Infiltrator Jewsus's title is Christos which is just a generic title which means "Anoited one", as in initiate in the Mysteries. The real name of this jew historically was merely the hebrew Yeshu or Yeshuah, and later they also washed it our as Emmanuel which is another hebrew title.

The relation here is stolen, those of mortal birth from birth, ascend to Godhead by initiation. Normal Pagan widely understood concepts, turned into jewish worthless rabbinical drivel. Turned to naught and deadly nonsense.

Anne is another common name which the jews have stolen from Astarte, whose name is, Inanna. They put this in the Bible as Hannah. This is only one example. Other blatant Biblical names which are glaring theft are names like Japeth which in Greek is the titan Iapetos.

The modern stage of Georgia in the United States comes from the Greek Georgos which means land caretaker, land cultivator. Then you have Saint George which slays the dragon and the ground, a subliminal to the purpose of the name George linked to cultivation.

The general prefix they jew use in a lot of things is ending in names like El, which was a proto Cannaite generic word for light, and in itself held no negative essence. As time went jews stole it fully and exclusively since the Canaaites were displaced and lost their culture over the years. Jews stole and incorporated this.

How sick this race is, and how theft oriented, is shown in that always after their theft they pretend that things always were their own. After people take them in, they steal their culture, make an alagam of it, and curse them until they are all dead and their symbols end up in hebraic theft culture. For example RA in hebrew means evil, and HaRa in Hebrew means evil and darkness. HaRa is also related to the Evil Eye and misfortune.

In Ancient Greek which was a rivalling culture it means joy and happiness, while in Egyptian the Eye or Ra or Horus Ra is a most sublime and divine symbol of eternal light. Predating jews by thousands and thousands of years.

Other words that experienced the same downfall were words like Demon, meaning God and Beneficiary Spirit, in Ancient Greek. Nowadays Demon during the jewish reign means all the evil things. Angel, stolen from the Greek Angelos, is another theft of the word for the generic messenger.

In Hebrew angels are called "Malachim", which is another direct theft of the Syrian and Middle Eastern word Malach which means again spirit or broadly what we refer to as an being of light. As such Satan was named Melek which is related to the Malach, Melek Taus or Leading Peacock "Angel".

This theft and defamation is never ending and has a lot of dimensions. For infiltration purposes they change their names and ID to create confusion and relative terms to the people they try to subjugate. Then intermingling creates confusion. Religiously they steal and reverse meanings, or still and pervert and keep intact only insofar as to curse them or derail them.

Satan of course is another example of the same theft, from the Hindu and earlier Indo European word for Satya, or Satyan, meaning Truth, Truthful, Honest, and in meditational concepts the very concepts of Truth perception from the enlightenment resulting from meditational practice.

As this emerges from the serpentine practices, Satan also has been given the evil form of the so called "evil serpent". Even in this context the evil Satan only gives insight and knowledge to Mankind. Total straight up slander about the greatest good being portrayed as the greatest evil. As the jews are a conspirator tribe against humanity, they hate and villify this concept of direct knowing and Truth.

Of course after these are stolen, there is a systematic attempt to replace culture completely. What once was high spiritial virtue and power is now called "evil". The jews repay those whom they steal all this with genocide, lies and permanent ethnic replacement.

There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards Gentiles other than this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest, i have the name Michael which is a rhetorical question ( who is like god) to which the answer according to goggle is there is none like god, correct me if im wrong but this is insulting to non christians? is this name jewish or was it also stollen. im wanting to change it because when i naturalized in usa i gave up my viet name for a English name, i don't have problem with english names as long as it does not tie me in with the enemy. what do you think, thank you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Michael is a perfectly fine name, there is nothing wrong with it.

There aren't any christian names. The christians just copied names from other people. If someone is a christian or is a Satanist, that has nothing to do with their name.

Michael is the name of an Angel from Christianity, the jews stole that name too?
cobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Michael is a perfectly fine name, there is nothing wrong with it.

There aren't any christian names. The christians just copied names from other people. If someone is a christian or is a Satanist, that has nothing to do with their name.

Michael is the name of an Angel from Christianity, the jews stole that name too?

I read a article long ago and Maxine used the word Jewsus to say jesus thats why i use the word in my video's to describe and say jesus so christians see that jesus was a jew,because i have had comments that tell me Jesus was not a jew which makes me angry because when i was growing up they made me believe Jesus was a jew,now some say he wasnt and others say he was
One Wire Phenomenon said:
cobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Michael is a perfectly fine name, there is nothing wrong with it.

There aren't any christian names. The christians just copied names from other people. If someone is a christian or is a Satanist, that has nothing to do with their name.

Michael is the name of an Angel from Christianity, the jews stole that name too?

I read a article long ago and Maxine used the word Jewsus to say jesus thats why i use the word in my video's to describe and say jesus so christians see that jesus was a jew,because i have had comments that tell me Jesus was not a jew which makes me angry because when i was growing up they made me believe Jesus was a jew,now some say he wasnt and others say he was
There never was any jesus. It is a fictional character that has never existed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
