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About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every so often I will receive e-mails that deal with some sort of fake coven, fake organization, yet more idiots assembled to waste each other's time towards nothing fundamental, aimlessly.

Recently I was sent this e-mail that talked about how a "Satanic" group from Turkey was issuing "Predictions" of "Earthquakes" that were supposedly issued by "Azazel" through a pendulum. I received another boastful e-mail about three weeks ago with a lot more than this, claiming how we don't know this and that, and how they have the best communication etc.

What happened is what happens to all of these groups, the dates arrived, and lo and behold, no earthquake. The only earthquake that happened was basically the earthquake in the members of this little group which was to tell them: "COME TO YOUR SENSES!".

After the members were shown all of this to be ultimate bullshit from the people who had the nerve or naivety to make these claims, people were left shocked and the e-mail arrived. Thankfully, people were smart enough to listen. To approach things in this way, is the product of lack of knowledge, stupidity and profanity. The worst part is, that this hurts other people too.

Long e-mail, this guy said this, the other guy said that, all of this was the content of the e-mails. What does that tell us? This has nothing to do with the Gods, more than it has to do with individuals and their works. This concerns either new people or people people who are either seeking to learn [but are not learning and pretend to teach each other], or merely people doing a larping joke.

Jokes in generally done on the back of the Gods are the worst ideas one can have. Satan exists, and is seriously concerned over the wellbeing of His Disciples and followers. The same goes for other Demons. Anyone who has seriously dedicated, has the sight of the Gods upon them.

As one can see, the Gods oftentimes send people here to receive a warning and learn more. That is the reason after all I am even typing this post now, instead of doing something else. The reflected love and advice of the Gods is based on sound information and so on - this is provided by the JoS.

Even if it is clear however, some people might choose to deny this, for reasons that mostly have to with non fruitful reasons.

If one goes through the guise of "Satanism" to stray others from this path, then the Gods will exact further measures. This might not be direct unless in serious cases, but damage arises out of the lies these people make up about themselves and how these later on reflect on them.

Many have no clue where the enemies who claimed negative things on Satan's Name will end up, but I personally do, and it's going to be painful. Much of this pain is however from when these delusions fall apart on themselves.

Except of the punishment, one must have common sense and inner caring to care about others, and shrink the falsehoods of the self when, for example, one wants to pretend they are a big prophet and they have nothing fundamental to say as a prediction, or just keep making garbage up claiming it is from the Gods.

If one does continue doing this nonsense, the chances are, they will never truly meet the Gods or understand them in their life. The goal here is to stay here and where you receive good information to connect yourself with the Gods, and to advance.

Not to connect with BigBoyTimmy21 in Telegram to tell you his bullshit all fucking day, which will eventually not lead you anywhere, and claim it was Azazel saying that nonsense while they were at it.

In 99% of cases, these statements are never from the Gods, and in the best case scenario, these have to do only with psychic inputs these individuals receive. As they are untrained, these can be wrong.

People who can truly communicate with the Gods and that are on a level of seriousness, will understand how important it is and how careful one must be with this information. The JoS for example, we do this carefully, share carefully, advise carefully and truly. Just look at all the past posts in the last years.

Even then, we have told you, Spiritual Communication is not a joke science, it is very serious, has a high percent of astral deception, the list goes and goes. Serious training is required. Many people cannot communicate with other humans verbally, so what about communication with entities from other worlds? Clearly, that is a skill one must learn carefully and diligently.

"Group making", a favorite practice of a lot of people who don't use their time well and therefore misuse other people's time, is not fit for making most of the time. This always ends up in disaster, and reaches nowhere. No planning, no serious advancement, no aims, the list goes.

People who have not sufficiently advanced, bad teams formed without a common goal, or immature people just wasting each other's life and time around.

It's not infrequent either that these groups also boastfully claim to speak to the Gods, understand and interpret Satan's Will, and so on. Nothing of the results shows any of this, let alone the advancement of the group or members. It's all for nothing.

To make this clear, the only reason these groups or whatever these are do exist, is to satisfy certain individuals, or due to their urges, or due to other very lowly factors that cannot really reflect the level of action for the Gods.

The above is a giant waste of your living time. As if this wasn't enough, certain self-picked individuals that have no proven track records of anything, are also busy pretending to be prophets without any common sense, logic, or reality in their speaking, fully absent in wisdom.

The above, can cause damage to other people, and reflect [since these people have no clue about what they are doing] to the Gods and Satan themselves.

Going further, this crap is fundamentally opposed to all that the JoS and Spiritual Satanism is. In the JoS, the path is clear. You don't need to force anything, pretend anything, whatever. You just need to apply what you should apply.

You don't evolve spiritually or anyhow as a person if you merely sit around with certain people in a social club, do no meditations, and listen to one or more idiots who would assemble such without any reason and no ways to prove anything.

I write this primarily for people who might be new or affected in these cults, or even other "Satanic" groups who do nothing but waste people's time and falsely accrediting this to the Gods.

Lastly, for those who do these practices in the Name of the Gods, ie, wasting people's time, ruining their life etc, on claims that this is for the Gods, one must change route and understand that what is for the Gods is to put one's time and energy where things are positive and great, and where one gains from it and others too - not on pointlessly socially gathering just to receive attacks together and exchange curses or stupidity all day long. For those who are as "members" into this, stray as soon as you can, and focus on your advancement.

Take care of yourselves first, become serious and adhere to the path, and then there is a clear way through which you can work as a team with the Gods [which is clearly here too, or in other projects] with the necessary maturity and cleanness of mind that these require to grow and become precious to the Gods. But until then, make sure to prioritize work and advancement when it comes to Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Am i one of these people? You can be honest please. I made a video for a enemy on here that might fall into this category.

I have been fighting with some others aswell.And stuff you said is almost asif you want me to read between the lines and say its me doing this aswel, but im not sure. If so please tell me and i will know and fix this.

Thank you.

Sorry spelling errors fixed
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
They do this to program people's minds in case they find our sites to immediately dismiss them thinking we are a fake, violent organization and stuff like that.
Those who do this are dumber than the enemy.
I'm adding more RTRs today:
People love to pull the gods into their statements whenever they are discussing their personal beliefs or ideas, in order to validate themselves. I always find it thoroughly repulsive when anybody is discussing views on small matters or sharing their opinion, and then pull the gods into it as if the gods completely align with their views, like they have absolute understanding of things.

It's usually a dead giveaway that it is total bullshit. A lot of people like to make rants about what the gods think, but few actually do formal rituals to contact and ask them what they think. This is pretty much slander and I doubt the gods take kindly to such behavior.

And taken to extreme cases, where the gods are brought into misleading or malicious messages that damage people's lives, this is no longer a mistake, it is treason.

I would also urge everybody to be careful around individuals who constantly bring up the gods into their messages. At best they are, in an immature and somewhat disrespectful fashion trying to validate their views by pulling the gods into it, or at worst they are doing this maliciously in order to deceive you.

If Satan, your GD or the gods wish to communicate something to you, they will do so in a way you can understand and interpret them. The likelyhood that the gods are communicating a message to us through xXxAngelSlayer69xXx is very low.
Siatris Ioholo said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stop being paranoid and simply increase the level of cleaning and protection and you'll be fine. Contact Satan if you're worried. Open up to the gods. :D

One Wire Phenomenon said:
SagittarianMage said:
gaeli said:
God is good and beautiful, i can save you son of the devil, write me on whatsapp: +595 992 217800
"god's" "chosen" "people" suck babydick. Just like your "god"
Im a bit late but here is something for him and his god
Siatris Ioholo said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stop being paranoid and simply increase the level of cleaning and protection and you'll be fine. Contact Satan if you're worried. Open up to the gods. :D

Why did you post this here brother?

Has nothing to do with me being paranoid if i was i would not be posting.

That other post was made for HP Cobra and you could of replied me there. Not here im asking questions to stuff im finding.

And i got paranoid because yesterday made short clip for a enemy that might fall in to category of what he spoke about

As you can here in the clip hahahah it speak Satan's wings to be a Hurricane. And do you see what i am talking about now the hurricane and the thread Hp Cobra made links to this video.

If nobody tells me its wrong i won't know and as people can see i hae good reason to ask.
Siatris Ioholo said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stop being paranoid and simply increase the level of cleaning and protection and you'll be fine. Contact Satan if you're worried. Open up to the gods. :D
2:00 mark
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Indeed this is correct. I used to have a friend who kept believing in the most schizophrenic things. Firstly he believed in this random entity he believed was with him for 15 years, and after much hard work and patience on my part, he finally did kinda manage to open up about the idea of the demons and such... but he completely despised me the moment he found out we were " Nazi's"..... do not reveal my secrets to those who are without, for you do not know what they might do....well said Father Satan... i did try really really hard to show him the reality of things but he never listened. And now he is constantly browsing the reddit thread r/demonolatry .....it truly is painful when you realize that some people are beyond saving....because it is themselves and the blocks and walls they have put up that will make it impossible for them to be truly enlightened... dont worry he's not dangerous he cant do anything...hes just a beta cuck who slapped away my hand of kindness too many times :lol: he and some other fools even went ahead and tried to summon Michael , he said " oh its just a test...." what an absolute buffoon. Its truly frustrating how stupid and BLIND the people are really....oh well .....

Hail satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every so often I will receive e-mails that deal with some sort of fake coven, fake organization, yet more idiots assembled to waste each other's time towards nothing fundamental, aimlessly.

Recently I was sent this e-mail that talked about how a "Satanic" group from Turkey was issuing "Predictions" of "Earthquakes" that were supposedly issued by "Azazel" through a pendulum. I received another boastful e-mail about three weeks ago with a lot more than this, claiming how we don't know this and that, and how they have the best communication etc.

What happened is what happens to all of these groups, the dates arrived, and lo and behold, no earthquake. The only earthquake that happened was basically the earthquake in the members of this little group which was to tell them: "COME TO YOUR SENSES!".

After the members were shown all of this to be ultimate bullshit from the people who had the nerve or naivety to make these claims, people were left shocked and the e-mail arrived. Thankfully, people were smart enough to listen. To approach things in this way, is the product of lack of knowledge, stupidity and profanity. The worst part is, that this hurts other people too.

Long e-mail, this guy said this, the other guy said that, all of this was the content of the e-mails. What does that tell us? This has nothing to do with the Gods, more than it has to do with individuals and their works. This concerns either new people or people people who are either seeking to learn [but are not learning and pretend to teach each other], or merely people doing a larping joke.

Jokes in generally done on the back of the Gods are the worst ideas one can have. Satan exists, and is seriously concerned over the wellbeing of His Disciples and followers. The same goes for other Demons. Anyone who has seriously dedicated, has the sight of the Gods upon them.

As one can see, the Gods oftentimes send people here to receive a warning and learn more. That is the reason after all I am even typing this post now, instead of doing something else. The reflected love and advice of the Gods is based on sound information and so on - this is provided by the JoS.

Even if it is clear however, some people might choose to deny this, for reasons that mostly have to with non fruitful reasons.

If one goes through the guise of "Satanism" to stray others from this path, then the Gods will exact further measures. This might not be direct unless in serious cases, but damage arises out of the lies these people make up about themselves and how these later on reflect on them.

Many have no clue where the enemies who claimed negative things on Satan's Name will end up, but I personally do, and it's going to be painful. Much of this pain is however from when these delusions fall apart on themselves.

Except of the punishment, one must have common sense and inner caring to care about others, and shrink the falsehoods of the self when, for example, one wants to pretend they are a big prophet and they have nothing fundamental to say as a prediction, or just keep making garbage up claiming it is from the Gods.

If one does continue doing this nonsense, the chances are, they will never truly meet the Gods or understand them in their life. The goal here is to stay here and where you receive good information to connect yourself with the Gods, and to advance.

Not to connect with BigBoyTimmy21 in Telegram to tell you his bullshit all fucking day, which will eventually not lead you anywhere, and claim it was Azazel saying that nonsense while they were at it.

In 99% of cases, these statements are never from the Gods, and in the best case scenario, these have to do only with psychic inputs these individuals receive. As they are untrained, these can be wrong.

People who can truly communicate with the Gods and that are on a level of seriousness, will understand how important it is and how careful one must be with this information. The JoS for example, we do this carefully, share carefully, advise carefully and truly. Just look at all the past posts in the last years.

Even then, we have told you, Spiritual Communication is not a joke science, it is very serious, has a high percent of astral deception, the list goes and goes. Serious training is required. Many people cannot communicate with other humans verbally, so what about communication with entities from other worlds? Clearly, that is a skill one must learn carefully and diligently.

"Group making", a favorite practice of a lot of people who don't use their time well and therefore misuse other people's time, is not fit for making most of the time. This always ends up in disaster, and reaches nowhere. No planning, no serious advancement, no aims, the list goes.

People who have not sufficiently advanced, bad teams formed without a common goal, or immature people just wasting each other's life and time around.

It's not infrequent either that these groups also boastfully claim to speak to the Gods, understand and interpret Satan's Will, and so on. Nothing of the results shows any of this, let alone the advancement of the group or members. It's all for nothing.

To make this clear, the only reason these groups or whatever these are do exist, is to satisfy certain individuals, or due to their urges, or due to other very lowly factors that cannot really reflect the level of action for the Gods.

The above is a giant waste of your living time. As if this wasn't enough, certain self-picked individuals that have no proven track records of anything, are also busy pretending to be prophets without any common sense, logic, or reality in their speaking, fully absent in wisdom.

The above, can cause damage to other people, and reflect [since these people have no clue about what they are doing] to the Gods and Satan themselves.

Going further, this crap is fundamentally opposed to all that the JoS and Spiritual Satanism is. In the JoS, the path is clear. You don't need to force anything, pretend anything, whatever. You just need to apply what you should apply.

You don't evolve spiritually or anyhow as a person if you merely sit around with certain people in a social club, do no meditations, and listen to one or more idiots who would assemble such without any reason and no ways to prove anything.

I write this primarily for people who might be new or affected in these cults, or even other "Satanic" groups who do nothing but waste people's time and falsely accrediting this to the Gods.

Lastly, for those who do these practices in the Name of the Gods, ie, wasting people's time, ruining their life etc, on claims that this is for the Gods, one must change route and understand that what is for the Gods is to put one's time and energy where things are positive and great, and where one gains from it and others too - not on pointlessly socially gathering just to receive attacks together and exchange curses or stupidity all day long. For those who are as "members" into this, stray as soon as you can, and focus on your advancement.

Take care of yourselves first, become serious and adhere to the path, and then there is a clear way through which you can work as a team with the Gods [which is clearly here too, or in other projects] with the necessary maturity and cleanness of mind that these require to grow and become precious to the Gods. But until then, make sure to prioritize work and advancement when it comes to Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That's absolutely true, some of our brothers and sisters in the forums believed that dishonest person, but they all found out the truth. I think that's all that matters. When the earthquake did not occur, Bright Truth explained. All of us, especially the new ones, need to be cautious.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Siatris Ioholo said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stop being paranoid and simply increase the level of cleaning and protection and you'll be fine. Contact Satan if you're worried. Open up to the gods. :D

One Wire Phenomenon said:
SagittarianMage said:
"god's" "chosen" "people" suck babydick. Just like your "god"
Im a bit late but here is something for him and his god
Siatris Ioholo said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Stop being paranoid and simply increase the level of cleaning and protection and you'll be fine. Contact Satan if you're worried. Open up to the gods. :D

Why did you post this here brother?

Has nothing to do with me being paranoid if i was i would not be posting.

That other post was made for HP Cobra and you could of replied me there. Not here im asking questions to stuff im finding.

And i got paranoid because yesterday made short clip for a enemy that might fall in to category of what he spoke about

As you can here in the clip hahahah it speak Satan's wings to be a Hurricane. And do you see what i am talking about now the hurricane and the thread Hp Cobra made links to this video.

If nobody tells me its wrong i won't know and as people can see i hae good reason to ask.
I dont understand you bro!?
I post here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70312
I refereed at a enemy attack..

“Let no one persuade you by word or deed to do or say whatever is not best for you.”
― Pythagoras

Whatever group you associate with, if the above statement is true do not associate with them.

Geez brother try to relax, you are not doing yourself just by the way that you are acting.

If you are under attack spiritually a couple of well placed blue flames can help you out a lot, this helped me when i was attacked.
There are all kinds of offshoot groups like this and oftentimes run by jews or simply people who are utterly delusional. The crack head kike recently exposed here that was going around saying the HP was a jew and bashing JOS went on to make his own minds account to continue such in attempt to amass a following. The circus continues with these nutjob groups.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It was obvious that that man was a troll. The date he gave was a prophecy of someone called "El Serhendi Efendi" (click here). it was very understandable and I noticed it and posted it on Turkish forums but no one paid attention to me and they believed that man then it turned out not to be true and they were shocked and this happened.
It might have been a April Fools joke.
Yeah i see it now. Maybe not meant directly for me but a clear message is in there that is like the universe's way of telling me get your shit together. I need to translate more, meditate and not do silly things. I really wonder why i do it anyway. The video was not meant to portray Satan in a negative light. I know how christians who are dumb see him and fear him so it was just way of expressing how i feel towards him for telling me his stupid god is beautiful and can save me. I clearly don't want saving from him. I can only be saved if i am not against Satan which i sometimes am because i am without meaning that what He wants for me to have,like a life with joy and be knowing of things as nature cannot be ignored.
It will be easier if my questions get awnsered to things i need to know.
When I re-discovered JOS, it was through a discord server, and that was the only value that came from it whatsoever, besides the clergy's sermons that were occasionally reposted there(and claimed to be the server owner's own writing - such a despicable insult). Once in a while there may have been an interesting conversation on astrology, tarot or other things, but 99.99% of the time it was a time waster and full of idiotic drama, edgy memes, LARPers, attention whoring and people shilling their own views as if they were fact or endorsed by the Gods. People advocating for energy ripping on innocent gentiles, strange attempts at breaching boundaries & privacy by roaches like PeppermintTaco that were very reminiscent of a pedophile grooming its next victim, etc. Also shilling distorted views like how you should never attempt to contact the gods because it's a bother to them and other such retardation on the level of cursing someone to death who called you a fag in a counterstrike lobby 5 years ago. Or cursing random kabbalists and new agers on discord.

It was basically an energy sink that drained into the owners' and "high status" members' egos. A few of the people there were legit but they hardly participated, which is what they would do if they had any sense. Hopefully they've since moved on from it. Whether the server was intended to be a good thing or it was always a matter of vanity & infiltration, I do not know, but I do not believe that there are many people capable of running a "coven" and keeping it clean and under Satan's direction, online or otherwise. The clergy here accounts for the majority of those who are, I'm sure.
A lot of people build up an air of fake confidence and charisma by learning to not care and not be self conscious of what they say, so they can essentially say anything while sounding cool and like an authority or whatever. The ability to say whatever comes to your dumb mind with conviction is possessed by almost all successful cult leaders, and also salesmen and advertisers. Basically, cult leaders and merchants know they will always be successful as long as there is an abundance of ignorant people in the world - which unfortunately there is. P.T. Barnum's quote is always apt for this and is given to the "Barnum Effect" in psychology: "There's a sucker born every minute." Essentially what this implies is that there are always new naive people to scam because they haven't gained life experience (or been scammed a few times yet, in other words). People usually have to be fooled a few times in their life first before they know better. This didn't last as long in past decades, but these days so many kids are severely sheltered and don't gain much life experience. We see people in their 20's getting conned by low ball retarded crap that wouldn't fool most teenagers in the past. People were more skeptical back then. Even some of the dumbass xians were at least a little skeptical when it didn't come to their precious book "gifted" to them by jews.

But yeah my point is that people need to be wary of people who sound a little too confident when talking out of their ass. Jews are notorious for this, and they can convince you of anything if you let them. And if you buy even 1 lie then you begin to buy them all until one day you swear the Earth is flat.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even then, we have told you, Spiritual Communication is not a joke science, it is very serious, has a high percent of astral deception, the list goes and goes. Serious training is required. Many people cannot communicate with other humans verbally, so what about communication with entities from other worlds? Clearly, that is a skill one must learn carefully and diligently.

Does this mean that one needs to have a strong fifth chakra to communicate astrally? Or are only strong sixth and seventh chakras enough? I've seen somewhere that the fifth chakra can help with astral hearing, but I am not sure.
I'll just leave my opinion here,

From the past 2 years, some or maybe many here have done things that possibly comprises them to the enemy, when the enemy such as Jews come to know about these people, for now they most likely take spiritual actions[they are waiting for their dystopian dreams to come true for physical actions on compromised SS because for now its not easy and doesn't really work due to the Gods, HPS Maxine is a proof, just my opinion you don't have to panic or fear, you are protected.], so if an SS who suddenly observes that they have become weak, lazy or starts straying away from their meditation, it is a possibility they are being cursed directly by the enemy. For example if an SS who uses expressVpn, doesn't matter if he is aware or not that expressvpn was bought by jews, then he is simply exposing himself and has possibly let the enemy note down his name to a list to be given to some 20 year old talmudic jews in ijrael, who would curse the names of the gentiles on that list, every night.

Now if you are gonna counter me with a question like 'what about the first-timers, most visit without any mask', Yes they do, but that's ok for the first time and the first day. This is a trusted end, only the host can sell us out or your internet provider, or another third party such as a search engine, like joogle.

What's not okay is, continuous visit and usage of the website after the first visit or after the first day without anything to mask or delay your real location or your internet provider. There is a fix for this, a simple text to notify the new comers. If HP cobra is reading this, do take this in consideration.

The JoS can simply add a highlighted text on the top or bottom of the front page/main page/first page of all JoS websites.
Example text: "Before continuing, we recommend you to use a non-jewish vpn, or Tor to visit and continue using our website. Before using the vpn you choose, please consider researching it's background, e.g. who owns it and whats the owner's background, country of origin and their laws regarding VPN services, their history of cases in the court and compliance to the court."

Many examples of compromises and shooting yourself in the foot are present here in the forums.

Social media groups on apps like whatsapp, telegram, signal, messages. Online warfare on premium apps where you have linked your transaction to them. Letting your 'friends' know you are an SS or a Nazi on gaming platforms like Steam. Using your real signature on your Artworks. Not using tor or vpn for all SS activity, visiting pro jewish websites without vpn/tor or javascript enabled.

Then an example of shooting yourself in the foot, individuals telling literally everything about their way of Online warfare. Remember, one never reveals their own tactics or plans/strategy to their enemies. Since this forum is open to everyone, even the enemy. It's pretty dumb imo, to address on what platform you are gonna do the online warfare, how and in what way you are gonna post the JoS links to avoid shadow ban.

It's a miracle that the jews couldn't takeover the internet. I thank the Gods for this, for if this was not the case, Joy of Satan wouldn't exist, or some enemy trap would exist instead, to lure in SS souls and destroy them... Oh wait, that bit is already happening, "mUh Satanic gRuOp" "wUs ur dIsCoRd" "wuS ur wUsaPp nOmbAr".

Stupidity has no boundaries, nor does mistakes, it can takeover or happen with just anyone without them knowing. So as an SS and for all SS activities always observe your thoughts and actions, before taking an action assess the situation and the possible consequences/reactions/results and prepare accordingly if you can or have the time, this bit will always help you as an SS and to keep much of the stupidity of the mortal side in a cage.

Hail Satan!
there’s never going to be just 1 answer. Even if you manage to find out the answer to something. It’s just going to cause you to have more Questions and it’s an endless Cycle of trying to find answers.
Well said!! HP HoodedCobra666 🔥 I have been in many of these groups myself. Back in the early 2000s And neither one of them were worth shit!! I got bullied and harrassed by some BIG-IT!# group on Facebook Who called themselves,. ( THE BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN ) A fameous group! Of individuals! Who put themselves out there.. and convince! People that they are THE TRUE PEOPLE OF SATAN...and clam to work for the government. And clam to be the top of the pyramid. And say that they are the ILLUMINATI!! And support Hollywood celebrities and so on...and they have pictures of themselves with celebrities even. And they are always posting their rituals dressed in Harry potter crap!! Complete with Jewish and xtain symbols all over. And people by the hundreds have joined because of the fancy dress and apparel..and the bullshit that they post. And of corse people like so called ( MASTER DREWDRIAN PENDRAGON ) And his pornstar wife who goes by the name ( LEANON SEKHMET SIDHIDI) And the names of the others in there inner circle. I will not mention. And they have there outer circle too. And I will not mention there silly names...lol.. But I was a member of this silly Hollywood jew worshiping group for over 5 months and I got kicked out for Making a joke. And it wasn't even that big of a deal. The joke was supposed to intellectual and funny, but they didn't see it. They used it as an excuse to beat me down and call me names and harass me. They kicked me out and wouldn't let me explain. And treated me like a complete ass!!! For no reason other than to be cruel. And they sent people from other groups after me too. And I never heard the end of it. intel the year 2006. And I was still being bullied buy some individuals from a lot of the Facebook Satan groups. And I am still getting threats from some of these fools. To this very day!! Just for being myself. So I know what your saying !!! Lol I have been their and I have seen how these groups are. And the crazy shit they post. And how they maneuver people and play there childish mind games. And I Fully understand. I agree with what you are saying! Well said !! Hail Satan !!💖🙏🔥
Yes i have also been approached by these morons proclaiming to be gods or sons of gods sent here in human bodies.

I was like look man you can have sexual and even romantic relations with gods and you may have higher then average skill or talent then most satanists you can have even have ascended to a point where you can spend time with them directly as a ghost like entity on their planet and live among their people but you are not a god if you were you would have conquered this planet by now and you would be leading the JOS instead of bagging out cobra every chance you get simply because he doesn't indulge your delusion.

While i do believe you need to have that self belief that you are becoming a god or that you have reached a higher level and that you are continuing to raise your level of power you are not a god the gods can pretty much click their fingers and have most things happen very quickly.

Even if you manage to do a magnum opus and become effectively immortal you are not invincible no one is invincible if you bleed you can die all living things have blood and their for all living things immortal or otherwise can die get over yourselves you have a long way to go before someone gets down on their hands and knees before you.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Indeed this is correct. I used to have a friend who kept believing in the most schizophrenic things. Firstly he believed in this random entity he believed was with him for 15 years, and after much hard work and patience on my part, he finally did kinda manage to open up about the idea of the demons and such... but he completely despised me the moment he found out we were " Nazi's"..... do not reveal my secrets to those who are without, for you do not know what they might do....well said Father Satan... i did try really really hard to show him the reality of things but he never listened. And now he is constantly browsing the reddit thread r/demonolatry .....it truly is painful when you realize that some people are beyond saving....because it is themselves and the blocks and walls they have put up that will make it impossible for them to be truly enlightened... dont worry he's not dangerous he cant do anything...hes just a beta cuck who slapped away my hand of kindness too many times :lol: he and some other fools even went ahead and tried to summon Michael , he said " oh its just a test...." what an absolute buffoon. Its truly frustrating how stupid and BLIND the people are really....oh well .....

Hail satan

And this is why my heart grew bitter with outsiders. I have on friend who did accept that xtianity is evil but can't get anything about national socialism, an ideology mistaken to be dictatorship but upholds society through merit and a balanced order based on what's scientifically true, is an evil thing. There are times I'm close to killing people out of this, sorry but this is just like times when soldiers finally lose their shit with enemy civilians in a riot and begin shooting at the loud crowd.

Sometimes, I question if some of humanity can still be seen as Satan's kids too, or are just psychotic neanderthals that have been warped by reptilian experiments that don't deserve to live.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Indeed this is correct. I used to have a friend who kept believing in the most schizophrenic things. Firstly he believed in this random entity he believed was with him for 15 years, and after much hard work and patience on my part, he finally did kinda manage to open up about the idea of the demons and such... but he completely despised me the moment he found out we were " Nazi's"..... do not reveal my secrets to those who are without, for you do not know what they might do....well said Father Satan... i did try really really hard to show him the reality of things but he never listened.

I had a similar incident at school. For the past month I was talking with this guy who was completely against Xianity and we openly discussed all the errors and malicious content in the Bible.

It was only when race came into the conversation that a very important problem arose. He was ranting about how uncompelling the white race is and how we would be better off without it. I argued against this, of course. It was about midway through my reply to him when I came to the revelation that it was a complete wast of time and there are things people just will not understand.

In that moment I completely understood what Thoth meant by keeping silent. I used to think it was a burden, seeing all the blank faces of everyone around me, just drifting through life with no real knowledge, while I knew more about the Universe than more science teacher. Now, I know better.

Ignorance is only a veil that anyone can uncover. It is through their own will that that they are blind. I was as well at one point. And now I'm a dedicated Satanist of two years and I know more now than I ever have before. I have people who understand to ask for guidance and education. I'm learning more everyday and it's all thanks to this forum.
Most of these people if not always have a fake persona in front of their groups but irl are entirely different. I used to think it should of been easy for others to spot a fake personality but it seems it's just something a few people can do. That's why I just stick to the "real people" which is pretty much everyone who's been here for a long time and have a decent reputation. It's hard to explain and I have to work on explaining how I see things better for others because I'm saying it too simplistic.

Sticking around the forums and doing your daily advancement will get rid of these nonsensical ways of wanting to be in a circle jerk with delusional people.
i ask you a simple question.
i have found a infiltrator
please ban
his username is:


i ask you a simple question.
i have found a infiltrator
please ban
his username is:


OMG, everybody listen. My four-year research about earth is over. The earth is not flat. Earth is a sphere. Flat Earth was a failed Christian tradition (of course we all know about NASA Photoshop and Judaism's domination of NASA)
Jack said:
It might have been a April Fools joke.

Doesn't look like it were, nor a troll. That is in fact one of the quite "normal" things I have heard before. Wasn't on April 1st either.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Indeed this is correct. I used to have a friend who kept believing in the most schizophrenic things. Firstly he believed in this random entity he believed was with him for 15 years, and after much hard work and patience on my part, he finally did kinda manage to open up about the idea of the demons and such... but he completely despised me the moment he found out we were " Nazi's"..... do not reveal my secrets to those who are without, for you do not know what they might do....well said Father Satan... i did try really really hard to show him the reality of things but he never listened. And now he is constantly browsing the reddit thread r/demonolatry .....it truly is painful when you realize that some people are beyond saving....because it is themselves and the blocks and walls they have put up that will make it impossible for them to be truly enlightened... dont worry he's not dangerous he cant do anything...hes just a beta cuck who slapped away my hand of kindness too many times :lol: he and some other fools even went ahead and tried to summon Michael , he said " oh its just a test...." what an absolute buffoon. Its truly frustrating how stupid and BLIND the people are really....oh well .....

Hail satan

same here with my friend, i thought i would be able to persuade him that the holocaust was a jewish lie, by showing him david cole in auchewitz,an he literally foamed at the mouth, its a sad case but if they don't want to listen they will get what they deserve in the end, they brought this damnation on themselves,but on the bright side christadation is making its way out an soon it will be a thing of the past,maybe not in this lifetime but the next they will grow a brain an see reason
Wildfire said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Indeed this is correct. I used to have a friend who kept believing in the most schizophrenic things. Firstly he believed in this random entity he believed was with him for 15 years, and after much hard work and patience on my part, he finally did kinda manage to open up about the idea of the demons and such... but he completely despised me the moment he found out we were " Nazi's"..... do not reveal my secrets to those who are without, for you do not know what they might do....well said Father Satan... i did try really really hard to show him the reality of things but he never listened. And now he is constantly browsing the reddit thread r/demonolatry .....it truly is painful when you realize that some people are beyond saving....because it is themselves and the blocks and walls they have put up that will make it impossible for them to be truly enlightened... dont worry he's not dangerous he cant do anything...hes just a beta cuck who slapped away my hand of kindness too many times :lol: he and some other fools even went ahead and tried to summon Michael , he said " oh its just a test...." what an absolute buffoon. Its truly frustrating how stupid and BLIND the people are really....oh well .....

Hail satan

And this is why my heart grew bitter with outsiders. I have on friend who did accept that xtianity is evil but can't get anything about national socialism, an ideology mistaken to be dictatorship but upholds society through merit and a balanced order based on what's scientifically true, is an evil thing. There are times I'm close to killing people out of this, sorry but this is just like times when soldiers finally lose their shit with enemy civilians in a riot and begin shooting at the loud crowd.

Sometimes, I question if some of humanity can still be seen as Satan's kids too, or are just psychotic neanderthals that have been warped by reptilian experiments that don't deserve to live.

In one of hooded cobras posts he mentioned that Satan will have no mercy. This was in regards to the goyim that has gone too far and has become a total slave on all levels. Satan declared this specifically for the time that the slaves of the jews turn into literal greys. And begin harming the universe. That is when they will TRULY be beyond saving. Even my " friend " still has about a 20 to 10 percent chance of redeeming himself. If he embraces it good for him. If he doesnt then, well....we wont hesitate either. We shouldnt focus on Those Who are Without. We should focus more on ourselves, our own inner world and our cause and advancement. Because going out there and exposing yourself to the retardation of the idiotic, arrogant and toxic gentiles and possible jews will have no benefit for your soul. We should get more and more powerful and advanced to make up and compensate for the, for example, 10 or 20 people in this world who will never join us
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even then, we have told you, Spiritual Communication is not a joke science, it is very serious, has a high percent of astral deception, the list goes and goes. Serious training is required. Many people cannot communicate with other humans verbally, so what about communication with entities from other worlds? Clearly, that is a skill one must learn carefully and diligently.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Most of my communication with the gods have been instinct/intuition based, I'm not at the level to receive verbal communication but have found they do have excellent ways of compensating for this regardless of ones capability as long as they keep an open mind.

It's also easy to interpret visions/trance RV for ones own thoughts, especially accordingly to how they want it to be but it involves a little more "reception" than "projection", if that's an appropriate way to put it, but when it actually happens is out of my control, especially when I actually want it to. But I've seen all sorts of things, but also some things that don't seam to make sense, like giant bugs or a black hooded man whose face looks like similar to Zahir?

Anyways, endeavors with the gods should be positive, however, the enemy is watching and actively monitoring the Earth and definitely do not turn a blind eye to these sort of things as to them it's like a beacon or a lighthouse even for the littlest things as they detest humanity even having a mere thought of our gods. There is an ongoing conflict of a higher ground physically and spiritually and those who remain oblivious to this don't last long.
I used to have an Indian online friend who was supposedly a buddhist... biggest lazy whiny bitch on the planet and biggest hypocrite I have met, he had even surpassed many xtians I know in hypocricy and that's hard to do. He shamed whoever wasn't vegan like him and pretended he is this morally superior person. He was late 30s, never worked a day in his life and diagnosed with heavy depression. He used that as an excuse to force his old mother to do his laundry, cooking, everything while he and his alcoholic father just squatted around. Oh and he also paid over $1k to online sex videochat all well knowing that many women in these places are human trafficking victims or exploited in some other way. He was the only person I brought up SS to once (not the forum of course, just that the idea the Gods are real) and it was like his brain had error 404 for a min, he couldn't comprehend it. Then he became very blasphemous and told me that I am an idiot because ''angels and Demons don't exist, they are ideas for good and evil''.
I cut that person off permanently and I would not be surprised if he ended up a gray, he was a breathing waste of resources in every way possible. Some people cannot be saved, simple. Ever since, I learned to keep my mouth shut.
Dear Hooded Cobra some news for you from Australia

As of today the State of Queensland and the Northern Territory have dropped their filthy jew mandates completely the mandates for police and and defence in new Zealand and South Australia with supreme court challenges being made across the entire country declaring the mandates to be unlawful and the vaccine companies loosing their indemnity so the people can sue for health damages I have felt a lot of pressure against me doing the rtrs but I kept going even though it felt like a lot of weight and heat was being pushed on me my phone even restarted itself when I was using it for the final rtr but I still kept going till the job was done I would like to thank you all for your hard work I'm but a few steps away from removing the dirty mandates completely.

Love your work guys and thank you gods for all your help and showing me how to kick these rat fucks and their policies out of my country.
Ramses said:
Dear Hooded Cobra some news for you from Australia

As of today the State of Queensland and the Northern Territory have dropped their filthy jew mandates completely the mandates for police and and defence in new Zealand and South Australia with supreme court challenges being made across the entire country declaring the mandates to be unlawful and the vaccine companies loosing their indemnity so the people can sue for health damages I have felt a lot of pressure against me doing the rtrs but I kept going even though it felt like a lot of weight and heat was being pushed on me my phone even restarted itself when I was using it for the final rtr but I still kept going till the job was done I would like to thank you all for your hard work I'm but a few steps away from removing the dirty mandates completely.

Love your work guys and thank you gods for all your help and showing me how to kick these rat fucks and their policies out of my country.

Most good news for this day, especially considering the inflow of bad news from Ukraine on a daily basis. It appears other things are turning out well. The enemy is coming out at a loss through all this. We will do another schedule soon. Thanks for the news.
Specter said:
a black hooded man whose face looks like similar to Zahir?
Similar to Zaheer from Avatar*. Also, any spooked African goddess with pig tail hair? XD
I am new to this. But I think that they may be trying to purposely fail and bring attention to it so that people will think Satanism is bullshit.
Speaking of fake Satanists and false Satanic groups, I decided to spy on some of them. Zolaluckystar who calls herself a high priestess has a forum, which looks like a ripoff copy of the JoS forum, I'm sure everyone is already aware. The thing that concerns me is the misinformation regarding the RTRs that's being pushed. Don Stanko seems to have found his voice in this jewish infested shithole of a forum, basically saying that the RTRs are not doing anything because the hebrew letters have meaning even if they are reversed and that we're all cursing ourselves chanting hebrew mantras. Since I knew Stanko was a kike infiltrator back in 2013, I'm not surprised to see him resurface in a forum that reeks of jewish energy created by other jewish infiltrators for the sole purpose of badmouthing the Joy of Satan ministries. Some of them go as far to say HP Hoodedcobra is a jew. One thing I notice about jews is they always use projection and call everyone else around them a jew, etc.
My experience doing the RTRs, my life has improved, obviously because I'm removing the curses of the enemy. If I go for awhile without doing them I fall into misfortune, or some other negativity. I lost my voice for several weeks recently because I got sick, wasn't able to cast or do rituals. BTW, water with lemon and honey is awesome 👌 Earlier today I felt that sensation in my throat right before I get sick, no no motherfucker, not again and not today! I did the FRTR and it went away instantly. I have no proof of this, but try it, you'll see, experience is the only proof that you need. Don't listen to misinformation from obvious jews who are just trying to save their own worthless ass!
I do not want to insult the devil and the gods.
I myself am a devil worshiper.
But what if God and Satan do not exist?
I researched and found that centuries ago, no one cared about the law.
And for people to obey the law, they have to be intimidated.
God and Satan may be a big lie
In order for people to obey the rules, they include a good idiot and a bad idiot in the story.
And he says that if we do not obey the laws, we will be sent to hell and our souls will suffer.
And if we obey the laws, we will go to heaven.
Both God and Satan are selfish.
And it may be real.
Because theologians say that Satan and Satanists torture animals, harm humans, they are monsters.
And the devil worshipers say the opposite.
We have a god and a devil.
Why should there be so many religions in worship? (Judaism, Muslim, Christianity)
And why are there so many sects in satanism?
Or it may be distracting ..
Or anything else.
Meditation is the power of the mind, not the power of the devil.
And wasting church and prayer time.
Why do not God and the devil who created the world give more power ??
I do not seek power, I seek truth.
Because eventually, when lies are revealed, there is chaos.
I adore science, but I do not know why I still visit this site.
lowshi666 said:
I do not want to insult the devil and the gods.
I myself am a devil worshiper.
But what if God and Satan do not exist?
I researched and found that centuries ago, no one cared about the law.
And for people to obey the law, they have to be intimidated.
God and Satan may be a big lie
In order for people to obey the rules, they include a good idiot and a bad idiot in the story.
And he says that if we do not obey the laws, we will be sent to hell and our souls will suffer.
And if we obey the laws, we will go to heaven.
Both God and Satan are selfish.
And it may be real.
Because theologians say that Satan and Satanists torture animals, harm humans, they are monsters.
And the devil worshipers say the opposite.
We have a god and a devil.
Why should there be so many religions in worship? (Judaism, Muslim, Christianity)
And why are there so many sects in satanism?
Or it may be distracting ..
Or anything else.
Meditation is the power of the mind, not the power of the devil.
And wasting church and prayer time.
Why do not God and the devil who created the world give more power ??
I do not seek power, I seek truth.
Because eventually, when lies are revealed, there is chaos.
I adore science, but I do not know why I still visit this site.

How do you not offend the Gods? What does your username mean? Laws existed long before Jewsus, either you don't understand their value or you are just lying.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
