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About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramses said:
Dear Hooded Cobra some news for you from Australia

As of today the State of Queensland and the Northern Territory have dropped their filthy jew mandates completely the mandates for police and and defence in new Zealand and South Australia with supreme court challenges being made across the entire country declaring the mandates to be unlawful and the vaccine companies loosing their indemnity so the people can sue for health damages I have felt a lot of pressure against me doing the rtrs but I kept going even though it felt like a lot of weight and heat was being pushed on me my phone even restarted itself when I was using it for the final rtr but I still kept going till the job was done I would like to thank you all for your hard work I'm but a few steps away from removing the dirty mandates completely.

Love your work guys and thank you gods for all your help and showing me how to kick these rat fucks and their policies out of my country.

Most good news for this day, especially considering the inflow of bad news from Ukraine on a daily basis. It appears other things are turning out well. The enemy is coming out at a loss through all this. We will do another schedule soon. Thanks for the news.

A lot of hard work pays off and hey that situation has been boiling for a long time something was bound to happen it would be kind of hilarious if they turned a WW3 major curses for centuries all that sacrificing all that praying all that keventching for centuries to wound up as a 1 year long bit of bullshit between two countries its like missed it by ) ( that much not that I find the poor people fighting as funny just all their effort to cause so little overall damage to all of us I hope the conflict ends soon and the Jews wasted billions more of their money fueling a war that didn't turn into a major conflict.

I try to do the RTR daily but I feel a lot of effort from them trying to suppress me and one time an enemy entity even appeared and quit out of the RTR page on my phone I had to re open it and continue on a lot of heat and pressure put on me for a few days so naturally I did 2x a day instead of one for the next week burned me out quicker but just wanted to show they can't intimidate me. This last month has been hard on me I'm sure on all of us a lot of nasty magic being making me feel like I'm walking around with a backpack of cinder blocks or something barely have the energy to go to work and home every day just starting to feel normal again now.

Vaccine companies going broke and loosing their legal immunities.

People now full of hate for their government.

People now seeing the truth blatantly in the media.

Oh vey jew not looking good is it.
Master said:
lowshi666 said:
I do not want to insult the devil and the gods.
I myself am a devil worshiper.
But what if God and Satan do not exist?
I researched and found that centuries ago, no one cared about the law.
And for people to obey the law, they have to be intimidated.
God and Satan may be a big lie
In order for people to obey the rules, they include a good idiot and a bad idiot in the story.
And he says that if we do not obey the laws, we will be sent to hell and our souls will suffer.
And if we obey the laws, we will go to heaven.
Both God and Satan are selfish.
And it may be real.
Because theologians say that Satan and Satanists torture animals, harm humans, they are monsters.
And the devil worshipers say the opposite.
We have a god and a devil.
Why should there be so many religions in worship? (Judaism, Muslim, Christianity)
And why are there so many sects in satanism?
Or it may be distracting ..
Or anything else.
Meditation is the power of the mind, not the power of the devil.
And wasting church and prayer time.
Why do not God and the devil who created the world give more power ??
I do not seek power, I seek truth.
Because eventually, when lies are revealed, there is chaos.
I adore science, but I do not know why I still visit this site.

How do you not offend the Gods? What does your username mean? Laws existed long before Jewsus, either you don't understand their value or you are just lying.

I use translator.
I translate many times incorrectly.
I am an Iranian.
My username does not make sense
I am not a theist.
My brother is only 15 years old.
I know the old rules,
But we who are unaware of 100 years ago.
Thousands of years that is meaningless.
I myself am a devil worshiper,
But I often lose my faith.
Every minute of my life is wasted for no reason.
But where is God and Satan?
We humans are worthless to Satan and God.
Billions of galaxies and billions of planets, why should God and Satan give us?
I was a child, my mother hated me and left me alone.
I was raped
I was born in a country that is not suitable for living.
I love drama, but I can not.
Where is Satan and God now?

من دلیلی برای دروغ گفتن ندارم
lowshi666 said:
Master said:
lowshi666 said:
I do not want to insult the devil and the gods.
I myself am a devil worshiper.
But what if God and Satan do not exist?
I researched and found that centuries ago, no one cared about the law.
And for people to obey the law, they have to be intimidated.
God and Satan may be a big lie
In order for people to obey the rules, they include a good idiot and a bad idiot in the story.
And he says that if we do not obey the laws, we will be sent to hell and our souls will suffer.
And if we obey the laws, we will go to heaven.
Both God and Satan are selfish.
And it may be real.
Because theologians say that Satan and Satanists torture animals, harm humans, they are monsters.
And the devil worshipers say the opposite.
We have a god and a devil.
Why should there be so many religions in worship? (Judaism, Muslim, Christianity)
And why are there so many sects in satanism?
Or it may be distracting ..
Or anything else.
Meditation is the power of the mind, not the power of the devil.
And wasting church and prayer time.
Why do not God and the devil who created the world give more power ??
I do not seek power, I seek truth.
Because eventually, when lies are revealed, there is chaos.
I adore science, but I do not know why I still visit this site.

How do you not offend the Gods? What does your username mean? Laws existed long before Jewsus, either you don't understand their value or you are just lying.

I use translator.
I translate many times incorrectly.
I am an Iranian.
My username does not make sense
I am not a theist.
My brother is only 15 years old.
I know the old rules,
But we who are unaware of 100 years ago.
Thousands of years that is meaningless.
I myself am a devil worshiper,
But I often lose my faith.
Every minute of my life is wasted for no reason.
But where is God and Satan?
We humans are worthless to Satan and God.
Billions of galaxies and billions of planets, why should God and Satan give us?
I was a child, my mother hated me and left me alone.
I was raped
I was born in a country that is not suitable for living.
I love drama, but I can not.
Where is Satan and God now?

من دلیلی برای دروغ گفتن ندارم

If you want to interact with the True and Ancient Gods, you must advance spiritually. If you are interested, follow us and study our knowledge.

The christian and muslim gods do not give you any knowledge about spirituality not to mention divinity and immortality, they only deceive and subjugate you and therefore are just a waste of time and resources.
lowshi666 said:
Master said:
lowshi666 said:
I do not want to insult the devil and the gods.
I myself am a devil worshiper.
But what if God and Satan do not exist?
I researched and found that centuries ago, no one cared about the law.
And for people to obey the law, they have to be intimidated.
God and Satan may be a big lie
In order for people to obey the rules, they include a good idiot and a bad idiot in the story.
And he says that if we do not obey the laws, we will be sent to hell and our souls will suffer.
And if we obey the laws, we will go to heaven.
Both God and Satan are selfish.
And it may be real.
Because theologians say that Satan and Satanists torture animals, harm humans, they are monsters.
And the devil worshipers say the opposite.
We have a god and a devil.
Why should there be so many religions in worship? (Judaism, Muslim, Christianity)
And why are there so many sects in satanism?
Or it may be distracting ..
Or anything else.
Meditation is the power of the mind, not the power of the devil.
And wasting church and prayer time.
Why do not God and the devil who created the world give more power ??
I do not seek power, I seek truth.
Because eventually, when lies are revealed, there is chaos.
I adore science, but I do not know why I still visit this site.

How do you not offend the Gods? What does your username mean? Laws existed long before Jewsus, either you don't understand their value or you are just lying.

I use translator.
I translate many times incorrectly.
I am an Iranian.
My username does not make sense
I am not a theist.
My brother is only 15 years old.
I know the old rules,
But we who are unaware of 100 years ago.
Thousands of years that is meaningless.
I myself am a devil worshiper,
But I often lose my faith.
Every minute of my life is wasted for no reason.
But where is God and Satan?
We humans are worthless to Satan and God.
Billions of galaxies and billions of planets, why should God and Satan give us?
I was a child, my mother hated me and left me alone.
I was raped
I was born in a country that is not suitable for living.
I love drama, but I can not.
Where is Satan and God now?

من دلیلی برای دروغ گفتن ندارم

میدونم دلیلی برای دروغ گفتن نداری ولی دو نکته رو در نظر داشته باش :

اول اینکه واقعا از ته دل بخواه خدایان راهنمایی ت کنن. اگه آماده هستی این اتفاق میوفته. من نزدیک چندین ماهه که با خدایان بودم و زندگیم چیزی جز شفا و برکت نداشته. پیشرفت روحی خیلی مهمه باید خودت وقت بذاری نباید انتظار داشته باشی همه چیزو خدایان بهت تحویل بدن همه کارات رو اونا انجام بدن. اسلام رو رها کن. تاریخچه ی واقعی زمین و ادیان ابراهیمی خیلی پیچیده تر و کثیف تر ازین حرفاس. باید با واقعیت روبه رو شد.

تمامی مطالب و محتوای سایت فرح الشیطان رو بخون. و همزمان از شیطان بخواه که راه رو برات روشن کنه . منم همینکارو کردم و الان هر روز داره هم زندگی روحی م و روانیم و بلکه زندگی فیزیکی م و دنیایی م هم بهتر میشه.
ممکنه یه چیزایی ببینی که خوشت نیاد این داخل. بدون که این واکنش رو دشمن داخل ذهنت گنجونده. خدایان تنها و تنها صلاح انسانیت رو میخوان.

سعی هم کن که انگلیسی ت رو قوی کنی. متاسفا اسلام و یهودی های لعنتی ریدن به ایران. وضع ایران اسفناکه. بیچارگی و مرگ و پلیدی از هر سوراخش موج میزنه. فکر کنم من تنها ایرانی ای باشم که فعلا عضو فرح الشیطان باشه.
ولی در کل امیدت رو از دست نده.

Hail Satan.💙♥️🖤
I myself used to be in a fake satanist group years ago upon a certain artwork website that claimed and pretended to be (and still claims and pretends to be) 100% devout followers of Satan and the Demons all the while believing and wanting the “hooman” species to go extinct, claiming that they are animals stuck inside “hooman” bodies, amongst many other dumbass things.

Let’s just say, while I’m nowhere near as happy as I once was when I was with them, I have realized that I’m a whole lot better off without them because only until I was kicked out of their little group over something extremely trivial, did I begin to truly wake up and see the truth. Took me a couple of years in order to do this no thanks to them terrorizing me in such a way that I was forced to become a “born again christian” for a couple of years right after me and them split up but I did it and I am pleased to say that Satan Himself never once left my side (even after that group told me many times that he never wanted anything to do with me ever again for “betraying” them) in helping me out after I was kicked out of that group and all in which I am truly proud of him doing.

1. Not to mention my dreams have become so much less terrifying after I left that group (I hope that it isn’t because I was forced to side with the enemy for some time) 2. the ability to ward off the enemy has become so much easier for me (I hope that it isn’t a trick of the enemy making me believe this) 3. I think (I’m not 100% sure on this one you’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong) I’m even able to predict the future regarding various things because it’s like I have these crazy dreams and when I wake up they actually happen in real life 4. I have gained around 100 memories of a few of my past lives that I didn’t even know I had (unless, once again, it is the enemy deceiving me about them) and 5. I even re-met with some of the soulmates that I had in my past lives (unless, once again, the enemy is deceiving me)!
Balvraz said:
I myself used to be in a fake satanist group years ago upon a certain artwork website that claimed and pretended to be (and still claims and pretends to be) 100% devout followers of Satan and the Demons all the while believing and wanting the “hooman” species to go extinct, claiming that they are animals stuck inside “hooman” bodies, amongst many other dumbass things.

Let’s just say, while I’m nowhere near as happy as I once was when I was with them, I have realized that I’m a whole lot better off without them because only until I was kicked out of their little group over something extremely trivial, did I begin to truly wake up and see the truth. Took me a couple of years in order to do this no thanks to them terrorizing me in such a way that I was forced to become a “born again christian” for a couple of years right after me and them split up but I did it and I am pleased to say that Satan Himself never once left my side (even after that group told me many times that he never wanted anything to do with me ever again for “betraying” them) in helping me out after I was kicked out of that group and all in which I am truly proud of him doing.

1. Not to mention my dreams have become so much less terrifying after I left that group (I hope that it isn’t because I was forced to side with the enemy for some time) 2. the ability to ward off the enemy has become so much easier for me (I hope that it isn’t a trick of the enemy making me believe this) 3. I think (I’m not 100% sure on this one you’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong) I’m even able to predict the future regarding various things because it’s like I have these crazy dreams and when I wake up they actually happen in real life 4. I have gained around 100 memories of a few of my past lives that I didn’t even know I had (unless, once again, it is the enemy deceiving me about them) and 5. I even re-met with some of the soulmates that I had in my past lives (unless, once again, the enemy is deceiving me)!

Such groups should be avoided as far as possible, as they teach nonsense that can affect one's later life, especially if one has found True Satanism. Such groups only think they know something, in reality they are drawing from forged Knowledge, or are just nonsense spouted from their own minds.

Those who question anything that happened there are immediately thrown out, saying "on what basis dare you question this?" and so on. Such groups can stand up for themselves, but their ignorance is dangerous.
BrightSpace666 said:
Balvraz said:
I myself used to be in a fake satanist group years ago upon a certain artwork website that claimed and pretended to be (and still claims and pretends to be) 100% devout followers of Satan and the Demons all the while believing and wanting the “hooman” species to go extinct, claiming that they are animals stuck inside “hooman” bodies, amongst many other dumbass things.

Let’s just say, while I’m nowhere near as happy as I once was when I was with them, I have realized that I’m a whole lot better off without them because only until I was kicked out of their little group over something extremely trivial, did I begin to truly wake up and see the truth. Took me a couple of years in order to do this no thanks to them terrorizing me in such a way that I was forced to become a “born again christian” for a couple of years right after me and them split up but I did it and I am pleased to say that Satan Himself never once left my side (even after that group told me many times that he never wanted anything to do with me ever again for “betraying” them) in helping me out after I was kicked out of that group and all in which I am truly proud of him doing.

1. Not to mention my dreams have become so much less terrifying after I left that group (I hope that it isn’t because I was forced to side with the enemy for some time) 2. the ability to ward off the enemy has become so much easier for me (I hope that it isn’t a trick of the enemy making me believe this) 3. I think (I’m not 100% sure on this one you’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong) I’m even able to predict the future regarding various things because it’s like I have these crazy dreams and when I wake up they actually happen in real life 4. I have gained around 100 memories of a few of my past lives that I didn’t even know I had (unless, once again, it is the enemy deceiving me about them) and 5. I even re-met with some of the soulmates that I had in my past lives (unless, once again, the enemy is deceiving me)!

Such groups should be avoided as far as possible, as they teach nonsense that can affect one's later life, especially if one has found True Satanism. Such groups only think they know something, in reality they are drawing from forged Knowledge, or are just nonsense spouted from their own minds.

Those who question anything that happened there are immediately thrown out, saying "on what basis dare you question this?" and so on. Such groups can stand up for themselves, but their ignorance is dangerous.

Exactly! Very well said!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every so often I will receive e-mails that deal with some sort of fake coven, fake organization, yet more idiots assembled to waste each other's time towards nothing fundamental, aimlessly.

Recently I was sent this e-mail that talked about how a "Satanic" group from Turkey was issuing "Predictions" of "Earthquakes" that were supposedly issued by "Azazel" through a pendulum. I received another boastful e-mail about three weeks ago with a lot more than this, claiming how we don't know this and that, and how they have the best communication etc.
I translated this Sermon one year ago, a great one, containing a lot of truth, but this part really makes me wonder, maybe they were right about the Earthquake thing? Maybe they were wrong only about the date? Just a coincidence? Would be hard to believe, but possible.
WiseDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every so often I will receive e-mails that deal with some sort of fake coven, fake organization, yet more idiots assembled to waste each other's time towards nothing fundamental, aimlessly.

Recently I was sent this e-mail that talked about how a "Satanic" group from Turkey was issuing "Predictions" of "Earthquakes" that were supposedly issued by "Azazel" through a pendulum. I received another boastful e-mail about three weeks ago with a lot more than this, claiming how we don't know this and that, and how they have the best communication etc.
I translated this Sermon one year ago, a great one, containing a lot of truth, but this part really makes me wonder, maybe they were right about the Earthquake thing? Maybe they were wrong only about the date? Just a coincidence? Would be hard to believe, but possible.

They were entirely wrong on the date [they said this was happening last year], then the prediction is wrong. And Turkey gets earthquakes very very often, so that is not really a "prediction".

If one says something for the indefinite future, like "earthquakes will happen", that is not a prediction. It's just shooting in the dark to all directions.

Most people write things like that and 99% of things never happen. That means one is not really into that.
WiseDragon said:
I translated this Sermon one year ago, a great one, containing a lot of truth, but this part really makes me wonder, maybe they were right about the Earthquake thing? Maybe they were wrong only about the date? Just a coincidence? Would be hard to believe, but possible.

No, I disclosed that they lied in a post they posted on the forums, So I suggest you read that post. Click Here

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
