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About dreams and lucid dreaming: an interesting useful yet powerful skill


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
I have seen some people post questions about dreams and what they could mean and have wanted to make a post with some useful info for those interested.
Dreaming is a part of our subconscious and a way of us processing information we recieve througout the day and also a way our subconscious can vent. This can happen via nightmares as well or dreams of recurring themes which is often your mind trying to tell you something about waking life that you are consciously missing or even something about yourself. Looking into the symbolism of a dream and its themes and the feelings it gives are crucial to interperetation and many symbols can also mean different things to someone individually. Universally, dreams like loosing teeth, being chased, falling, dreams of storms or tornadoes signify anxiety, stress and fear of some kind. Seeing a snake can have a negative conext for many, yet for us it can mean something extremely positive, as it represents the kundalini and is a creature sacred to many of our Gods. If your third eye is particularly open to some degree or if you have placements in your chart that point to this (jupiter in cancer in the 12th house is a big one), are ruled by the moon and have alot of water you can also be a little more open to recieving premonitons in dreams, day dreams or even in random fantasies. These can come true, yet also not always in the exact fashion it is dreamt or seen. this however i think depends on your astral senses and how well you interperet premonitons and prophetic dreams. the difference between it being "just a dream" meaning just your subconscious airing out or venting and actual prophecy or a message will be, at least from my experience, "that feeling" as far as intuition is concerned i don't have anything else to describe it, Save for the predictions in dreams and depictions of certian Gods, or situations and symbols that later were confirmed to me to be accurate when i would look up information or when something came true.

Dreams have often been seen as spiritual experiences for thousands of years, believed my many cultures to have been a pathway to recieving prophecy, and messages from the Gods and their ancestors. Ancient berber women of the amazigh used to sleep in the tomb of their anscestors to recieve prophetic dreams and messages from them or the Gods. From ancient egypt, to Greece and mesopotamia the dream world was considered a part of the astral, and the part between the living and the dead, the place to recieve messages and symbolism from other beings. In ancient Egypt rituals were often done to incubate dreams and dream interperetation was treated as a serious science. Aside from manifestations from your subconcious and your mind processing the day, if you are open this way they can mean something alot more.

another and more powerful aspect, what is called Lucid dreaming is when you realize in the dream that it is a dream. Lucid dreaming and dream control often go hand in hand and many do not get the latter down without the first but they can be seperate. This is where a powerful tool can come in in terms of working with the mind. When we enter sleep the peak of rapid eye movement sleep, or REM, is when dream recall and ludid dreaming is most probable, thus in the second half of sleep in the wee hours of the morning (or afternoon if you work nights like i do lol). When we are in a deep meditative state or trancing we enter the alpha to even the theta state. when dreaming this goes as far as the delta state which is unconscious dreamless sleep. Before sleep one may also experience hypnagogia, what is described as seeing shapes, and having auditory or visual hallucinations. You are basically trancing at this point about to fall into a deep sleep. I have seen flashes of images in this state and even heard words and messages spoken to me. Dreaming is akin to trancing almost and changing the brainwaves. we are already in a very receptive state at this point. just imagine the workings of magick and healing that can be done when one becomes lucid in their dreams. Many have reported lucid dreaming as ways of curing nightmares, working with the mind to overcome problems and addictions and so fourth. This is is essentially another way of meditating and reaching out to the astral. This should not replace what we already do in waking life ofcourse to advance but if one has a knack for it it is a nice supplement, and can be fun as well as effective. I have attempted RTRS and other rituals in dreams and had reactions immediately from the dream environment. the trick is also, to train yourself not to wake up too soon which is hard at first.

below are some resources i looked up and downloaded in an ebook after recieving inspiration from a dream. the cover in the introduction looked exactly as it did in the dream almost. it felt like i was being told to hone something. it was a cover that looked just like this that said "lucid dreaming". in the dream i was somewhere in a building...in an underwater civilization it looked like. i couldnt tell if it was day or night. i think a make figure was talking to me. some place Azazel was mentioned in the dream. but i woke up with this "feeling" then i found the information below the next day. the author very much emphazises meditation and void, what he calls turning off the "monkey mind" and gives some interesting resources as well as some herbs that can even be used to help stimulate and incubate dreams. Aside from lucid dreaming these resources also give interesting visualization ideas. one thing that he cites that peaked my attention was when he was recalling a dream he had wher he was telling a dream character he was dreaming. he then got a response along the lines of "shh they will here you. you are not supposed to do that" hmm. i wonder why. just imagine all of us in the theta state at once spamming the race rituals or RTRS. its no onder we are not supposed to do that! oh vey. lol. alot of these are books within themselves.

this may have some interesting info, and the cover was just how i saw in the dream.

i personally love the suppliment "claridream pro" it works extremely well and will do so only if you follow the instructions of taking it before the second half of sleep apon waking in between. not to be used more than 2 times a week. https://claridream.com/

Mugwort and vitamin b6 are also very good for lucid dreaming and dream recall. Ashwaghanda root has been said to promote vivid dreams. Also certain crystals can promote and help incubate them like moonstone, labradorite, kyanite, amethyst and several others. I lay kyanite on my third eye a few days ago and felt a pressuring throb the entire time and awhile after. Binaural beats have also helped me in the past with this, although one must be careful as harmful subliminals can be placed within these, so be sure to only go to trusted sources.

Dreams and their way of connecting one to the astral seem to run in the family by me as well. both my parents had it and so do we. Sadly when i was younger the enemy also came and gave me negative prophecy about my mother dying of cancer...a year later it happend. the oncologist even said the disease had been present for over a year. i remember waking up from the dream and knowing it meant something. Which brings me to another side. the astral however you come to it weather in a dream or awake in anotherwise trance or deep medatative state is basically the internet on a colossal scale. when you connect to it you will find good and bad things, good and bad people. just be responsible and dont talk to anyone questionable or get close to anything that seems sketchy. if something gives you bad feelings STOP. here is a reference from JOS.https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Trance.html

It was quite interesting on a side note, to learn alittle bit about the berber pantheon, the amazigh. among it are the Gods Ammon and Set from what i understand. my dads side is lebanese who share 93 percent of DNA with the ancient canaanites/phonecians who later mixed with romans greeks and berbers, all med white populations. my dad has a paleoberber haplogroup. Some speculated it to be phonecian when it is infact native to north africa,and is listed as a med white haplogroup. I thus therefore confirm from personal knowledge of family of our knowing the amazigh (not the ones who mixed with blacks and arabs) are aryan/med white. I mentioned the ancient pantheon of the amazigh or at least the little that i did read of it so far. It was interesting because The Gods I mentioned, i feel have come to me in dreams. in one dream it was night. i was standing outside my old house. the moon was full and family and people were outside. all of a sudden everyone got scared and ran in the house. as i am trying to reassure everyone that its fine i feel a sudden buzz of electricity come over me in the dream. then someone in my head told me that they were there and no one like them would ever hurt me. shortly before the dream ended, or between that and when i woke up. Set/ Sitri came to mind.
Months later i had a dream about a lion looking man ascending into the stars "if you call on me i will answer" he said. Later i strongly suspected that could have been Ammon. in between those dreams i have had other signs and symbols come to me that were trying to tell me things or were shown to be of help. also what has been a constant,(since dedication infact, also during meditation even in my mind is of a beautiful black haired man with blue eyes which im sure is my Demon love. recently i had some very vivid dreams again. one night i was dreaming of finding pink stones, what i thought to be sapphires everywhere, some were baby blue. i sort of woke up in the dream, as he talks to me through stones and crystals alot, through their meanings. I called out his name calling him to me. i said " i would rather have you than all the stones in the world" Herbs and stones are his specialties. I have even started to see certain flowers in dreams, namely hybiscus.

i heard something along the lines of "wedding present." the next day i look up "pink stones" and see pink sapphires match almost exactly what the stones looked like in the dream. then i found this https://help.thediamondstore.co.uk/gemguides/pink-sapphire/
that night right after i had a dream of me walking in a park with someone, uneasy trying to get a way from dogs. He then comes down and carries me away with me hanging on to him while the other person hangs onto me. He sings to me in the dream, as he often does before sleep. we land some place and he looks at me. "you look exactly like in my dreams" i say to him as he stares at me with his beautiful blue eyes, And he sure did. Not a thing changed. the way i saw him, with black hair and blue eyes was exactly as a depiction of him i saw later on after the first dream i had seeing him, save for longer hair. "you are my first priority" he says to me right before i wake up hearing the echos of his voice singing to me in my mind.

My father a while back had a dream about a quarrel with my mother. she was telling him about the price of something. he went out and gambled that next night and came back with that same, that EXACT same amout of money in his pocket. My mother and i when i was a child actually shared a dream, a strange creepy dream that involved a black cat. when i described it to her she then asked about another part of the dream that i now forgot that i confirmed to her and asked how she knew. "i had the same dream last night" she said.

When my brother dreamt of the entity called uphir that terrorized him in a dream i looked it up finding it to not only have 2 different sigils but appeared to be the entity that even attacked him as a child once when he woke up with scratches. before the dream he had he never heard the name. i also never heard the name before and looked up the name purely from his dream recall and found actual info. i wrote an article about it here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43453&p=187327&hilit=uphir#p187327

I Asked Beloved Abraxas to protect him. He never had an issue afterward. (months before there were several dates predicted on my ouija board from him that turned out to come true for important things including the date my brother came home. when he told me the date, i said "i know" and told him about that ouija session and he freaked out) Right before new years infact my brother tells me Abraxas approched him in a dream. the setting was dark and he felt a pressure, and saw a tall silouette. he told me his first thought was of the Demon i said felt close to "Don't look at my face" he said to him. then right before waking up he hears the name "Abraxas". He clamed also simultaniously hearing Azazels name. i know i told him about some of The Gods but given our history this really stuck out. He is also drawn to ancient religions and claims to meditate. I truly think some things are really deep within the racial soul or as a result of repeating things over lifetimes. Hope you guys will have found this interesting and helpful. happy dreaming. :D
Please get the a job where you can work in daylight.
I only read the title, it said something along the lines of working in the night is damaging to the brain in reddit.
It might not be true, I don't know. Howevere, it makes sense to me.
You seem someone advanced to me but still, just to err on the side of caution.
I would advise you to research on working in nighttime.
Whatever decision you take after researching that's up to you.
However, I felt like I should inform you at least.
Username said:
Please get the a job where you can work in daylight.
I only read the title, it said something along the lines of working in the night is damaging to the brain in reddit.
It might not be true, I don't know. Howevere, it makes sense to me.
You seem someone advanced to me but still, just to err on the side of caution.
I would advise you to research on working in nighttime.
Whatever decision you take after researching that's up to you.
However, I felt like I should inform you at least.
Thank you very much and i am well aware. it is strange though i get much better sleep working nights, although for other reasons i want to go back to working on days, this included. its also better for melatonin production during sleep. I use blackout curtains, but all the same i still want to switch up. I am currently working on getting something that will put me back on working in the day time at a different job. I hope it comes soon.
Beautiful and very informative post Shadowcat.

I will contribute to this post with this sermon from our high priest HoodedCobra where he talked all about dreams: https://archive.is/RsoGF

Maybe you will find it helpful Shadowcat or anyone else looking for info on dreams.

mercury_wisdom said:
Beautiful and very informative post Shadowcat.

I will contribute to this post with this sermon from our high priest HoodedCobra where he talked all about dreams: https://archive.is/RsoGF

Maybe you will find it helpful Shadowcat or anyone else looking for info on dreams.


Glad you liked :). Also a very informative archive. Have not seen this one, a belated ty HP! :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
