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About Disease And Healing

Power of Justice [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
Our bodies are in a constant state of death and renewal. Every day, trillions of our cells undergo division to replace old and damaged cells, all without any conscious effort or awareness on our behalf.

In order to sustain life and health, our cells communicate with each other by exchanging different frequencies of light [biophotons]. The stronger the emissions of light, as well as the more intense and coherent the light field, the greater the communication between cells and the healthier the organism. When a cell does not emit enough organized and coherent electromagnetic energy [light], it becomes unhealthy, as it can no longer communicate with other cells very well.

If you put a group of cells together, you form a tissue, and that tissue has a field of unifying coherent frequency and energy that causes all the individual cells to work together in harmony, functioning as a community. If you take that tissue and further develop it into a more specialized function, you form an organ, and that organ also has a field of electromagnetic energy.

When you group organs together, you form a system—such as the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, and immune systems, to name a few. And when you put all the systems together, you form a body that also has a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding it—we call it the aura.

There is an intelligence, or "blueprint”, that governs every process in the body and maintains perfect health and order. Our bodies can replace countless cells without error, but only if all the cells are in coherent communication with each other. Since our cells communicate by exchanging electromagnetic energy, when the energy field of the body [aura] is impure, communication between the cells is impaired.

When the cells of the body receive an incoherent message, they stop functioning correctly, and we describe the condition as “disease.” No organism can thrive if its cells are in disharmony. It’s not even possible for atoms to bond into molecules without sharing information and energy. From an energetic standpoint, all disease is a lowering of vibration and an incoherent message.

Now, it actually takes a lot of time and effort to create disease in the body, and from what I’ve seen, it’s almost always self-inflicted. In other words, most diseases are psychosomatic in origin (from Greek; psyche meaning “mind” and soma meaning “body”). Our minds are so powerful, we can literally make ourselves sick by thought alone.

The body is so objective that it cannot tell the difference between the picture in your mind and reality. You could be in a safe environment, like at home, but actually feel dread and fear just by thinking about an important meeting at work the next day. Even though physically you are not in any danger, your emotions are telling your body that something terrible is happening to you right now, and it responds accordingly by releasing stress hormones to help you survive.

The stress response is completely normal and necessary in all living creatures, as it prepares the body to run, fight, or hide in response to some perceived threat in the external environment. Adrenaline, cortisol, and other similar hormones are released, which heighten our senses and keep us alert until the threat has passed, at which point the body returns to balance.

All organisms can handle short-term stress, but if this state is maintained over a long enough period of time (as with the above example of chronic stress and anxiety), the body starts heading for disease because long-term stress down-regulates the healthy expression of genes.

Our DNA does not have eyes or ears, so it cannot tell what is going on around us. Instead, it determines the environment we are in based on how we feel. This is extremely important to understand. Emotions are chemical feedback; they are the end products of experiences we have in our external environment. So as we react to a situation in our external environment that produces an emotion, the resulting internal chemistry signals our genes to either turn on (upregulating, or producing an increased expression of the gene) or to turn off (down-regulating, or producing a decreased expression of the gene).

Every one of our cells (except red blood cells) makes proteins, which are responsible for the body’s physical structure and physiological function. For example, skin cells make the proteins collagen and elastin, immune cells make antibodies, bone marrow cells make hemoglobin, etc. There isn’t an organ or a system in the body that does not rely on or produce proteins.

In order for a cell to make a protein, a gene must be expressed. That’s the job of the genes—to facilitate making proteins. So when you change your emotions, you change the expression of your genes because you are sending a new chemical signal to your DNA, which then instructs your genes to make new and different proteins. Genes make proteins equal to the chemical signal [emotion] they receive.

So really, it’s not our environment that dictates our genes but how we interpret what is happening to us and what we expect to happen to us in the future. The way that people get sick is by staying in this state of heightened arousal [stress] for months and years on end, never allowing their bodies to return back to balance, until, eventually, disease manifests. This can be due to a toxic home environment, the coworker you hate whose desk is right next to yours, carrying around the pain of a failed relationship, etc.

The worst part of all of this is that our bodies become so conditioned to these chemicals that they become addicted to them. The chemicals of stress wake the brain and body up and give us a rush of energy, so like an addict, our bodies actually crave them. That’s why people keep coming back to the same abusive relationships, constantly keep looking for people to argue with, etc.

There is also the case of the “self-fulfilling prophecy.” For example, a person is diagnosed with a certain condition and/or is told they only have X months left to live. The moment they hear those words, most people will instantly fall into a state of extreme fear, hopelessness, and pain. And because long-term memories are formed based on the emotional intensity of an experience, they will remember that moment vividly for the rest of their lives. A person who is stuck in the above-mentioned mindset can think positively all they want, they can do all the healing magic in the world; as long as they are gripped by fear and hopelessness, nothing will change. That is because you can only accept and believe the thoughts that are equal to your emotional state. In other words, you’re desperately screaming, “I’m healthy, I’m healthy, I’m healthy!” but your body is screaming back, “bullshit!” because the desperation, fear, and hopelessness you feel prove that you don't really believe what you’re saying. Thoughts are the language of the mind, feelings are the language of the body. That’s how disease stays in the body. By remaining in the same emotional state, you keep instructing the same genes in the same way, thereby continuing to create more of what you already have. For this reason, I believe that the hardest part of any healing working is not the healing itself but overcoming the self-limiting beliefs that keep reinforcing one’s condition.

And by the way, it’s not your job to do the healing. Your body knows how to repair itself infinitely better than you do. You don’t have to visualize anything or program energy for your wounds to heal; your body does it all on its own automatically. The problems arise when the body can’t repair itself correctly because the cells are receiving incoherent instructions and either make mistakes when regenerating (impaired function, tumors, and other abnormalities) or don’t regenerate at all.

Magic is used to restore coherence and raise the vibration of an afflicted body part, but that’s all. Leave the rest for your body to take care of, and don’t interfere by constantly visualizing the afflicted body part healing. In these cases, the visualization is more so just to direct the energy and convey your intention, not to instruct your cells on a molecular level. I cannot stress this enough; you cannot possibly take conscious control of your body’s functions, nor do you want to. Imagine having to manually beat your heart, digest your meals, or repair your cells. Constant visualizations don’t help here; they just interfere with what your body innately knows how to do.

Speaking of magic, it is energy that instructs matter, meaning that the cells are only following the instructions that they receive, which doesn’t always mean the instructions are correct. For example, a person who has a debilitated Sun placement in their natal chart physically manifests that as a heart condition, either congenitally or later in life. In this case, the solar chakra [ruled by the Sun] is emitting electromagnetic energy [light/instructions] that manifests as disease in the heart. So this is a different type of problem that needs to be addressed differently, in this case, by strengthening one’s natal Sun and/or solar chakra, which will raise its vibration and cause it to emit a different kind of electromagnetic energy that carries a different set of instructions for the cells.

Cleaning your energetic field (aura) goes a long way in preventing and treating disease. Remember, energy instructs matter; therefore, whatever is in the aura will manifest physically in the body, so you must keep it clean. A common mistake that I often see is people only cleaning the energy field around their body, but as I explained earlier in the article, the aura is the collective manifestation of everything: atoms, cells, tissues, organs, etc. Therefore, as the aura cleaning page states, you must saturate your whole being with light and focus the vibrations into your entire soul.

It’s also possible to restore coherence to a body part/organ by applying the meditation found here, but instead of sensing the space around your body, only do it around the afflicted body part/organ. This works because by focusing your attention on nothing, you actually tune into the unified field—the very embodiment of order and coherence—which entrains the lower disorganized frequency back into coherence and orderliness.

Knowing and intellectually understanding this information is fine, actually applying it is the hard part. As I have written before, 95% of who we are is a set of subconscious programs, meaning that in order to change, you have to become consciously aware of your subconscious behaviors and actively work to change the ones that are detrimental. And you must change yourself in order to heal because if how you think and how you feel determines the frequency and information you are emitting, then knowing all this doesn’t help you if you stay the same person who thinks and acts the same way. You must work for this, constantly and every day.


Most of what you see in this article comes from the many great works and research of Dr. Joe Dispenza. This article is a distillation of the books Becoming Supernatural and Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself. For anyone interested in doing this kind of work, I highly suggest studying them.
The worst part of all of this is that our bodies become so conditioned to these chemicals that they become addicted to them. The chemicals of stress wake the brain and body up and give us rush of energy, so like an addict, our bodies actually crave them. That’s why people keep coming back to the same abusive relationships, constantly keep looking for people to argue with, etc.
everybody needs to pay Extra Attention to this part!
and remember that our path is all about being free
Unfortunately, it's true, not in every case but in most cases...
Very interesting and useful writing, we need to know more about these things.
in a scientific article that i read, they tell a group of people (with the same disease) are mentioning about their disease. they tell the other group that they are healthy (even though they are sick). the disease progresses much more slowly in people who think they are healthy, even recovery is observed.

in addition, our body and soul are parallel to each other. so a situation that is negative in one cannot be expected to be positive in the other.

it has been a very useful content. thank you
Thank you, JG Power of Justice, a very good sermon!!

I have a question, you say the body can repair itself if nothing interferes with it, that doesn't work for teeth, does it? After milk teeth you get permanent teeth and that's it, so what then? I'm curious!
I cannot stress this enough; you cannot possibly take conscious control of your body’s functions, nor do you want to. Imagine having to manually beat your heart, digest your meals, or repair your cells.
There is a superpower revolving around this. But for the vast majority of people, this is true.
Magic is used to restore coherence and raise the vibration of an afflicted body part, but that’s all. Leave the rest for your body to take care of, and don’t interfere by constantly visualizing the afflicted body part healing. In these cases, the visualization is more so just to direct the energy and convey your intention, not to instruct your cells on a molecular level. I cannot stress this enough; you cannot possibly take conscious control of your body’s functions, nor do you want to. Imagine having to manually beat your heart, digest your meals, or repair your cells. Constant visualizations don’t help here; they just interfere with what your body innately knows how to do.

I am glad you had written this. Instead of trying to visualize something specific that may not be useful for healing, one can instead focus on their body glowing and raising in health, as a whole.

As you described, our body works as a whole. Someone may try to put fire energy here, or water energy there, and this is over-complicating it. Instead, let the body distribute this according, in process with all the organs, rather than flooding a local part of the body.

I know of a person who said they put fire in each of their chakras, in an attempt to raise their fire element. Sure, this raised it, but it also put fire into chakras that were not accustomed or ruled by that element, unbalancing them. If this was instead done just to the body and affirmed to be fully healthy and positive, none of that would have happened.
This is a well written post, and a significant part of it is very much true and tested, but the premise of biophotonics seems way out there, at least in my opinion. Now I know, I will have to download the books and read them myself and decide whether the information is good enough, but biophotonics don't paint much of a picture here, at least in my understanding. It is true that cells communicate, but they use chemical signals like the ones described (cortisol, adrenaline, etc), I am really not sure how light fits the picture here. Is it the medium through which the chemicals travel? Bioluminiscence exists because cells do use energy, namely calories, and so they technically do "burn", giving off a very small light. To suggest said light is purposefully directed and has tangible effects seems a bit far stretched, the cells would have to possess a form of intelligence to know not only that they are receuving and producing light, but to know where the light needs to go and when. However, they don't have any of those. An organism such as ours may truly be a result of intelligent design, but a cell by itself is just a cell, and it doesn't do much of thinking, let alone of communicating with purpose, they just react to the chemicals sent by other cells, or create chemicals based on other chemicals received as part of processing a feeling, that part of the post I think hits the mark well. All in all, though, it reads as though the post is half true, with a lot of good stuff, used to "bend" the science in favor of our view of meditations and light, while I think we should be objective with it, I personally think we may be stretching it.

I've also looked up Joe Dispenza, he seems okay, doesn't look like a jew at least at first glance, but anything outside of his books doesn't talk about biophotonica at all. His studies were made on the effects of meditation and there can be interesting stuff in there, but the fact that this info has not been the subject of any formal study combined with his $300 course on his website it makes me doubt his legitimacy. I hate to be the one in this discussion that questions it, but I think this is also part of looking for the truth. I hope this isn't taken as a personal attack or anything of that sort. I'd like to ask for testimonies or any other infornation anyone may know about this. It can prove interesting to all of us.
Thank you for this. I've struggled from the time I was very young with the way my health has always been precarious. I will keep this information in mind moving forward, and make sure to be very conscious of it.
Thanks! I liked reading your article relating science, spirituality and our body. :)
Thank you!

I have noticed that people with negative mindsets seem to get sick very often, and a lot of them with more severe problems turn out to be christians, too. I myself have gone through at least two periods of feeling extremely stressed and angry in the past (like, for days on end), which have both resulted in me getting a cold afterwards. I always try to keep a positive mentality and mood nowadays.

Regarding manual operation of body organs: I have read in the past that ventilators in hospitals are apparently very bad for people, so this makes sense. Of course, a quick search also yields tons of media propaganda, trying to promote the use of them.
Thank you, JG Power of Justice, a very good sermon!!

I have a question, you say the body can repair itself if nothing interferes with it, that doesn't work for teeth, does it? After milk teeth you get permanent teeth and that's it, so what then? I'm curious!
I don't know. Bone is living tissue, so it should be possible.
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Our bodies are in a constant state of death and renewal. Every day, trillions of our cells undergo division to replace old and damaged cells, all without any conscious effort or awareness on our behalf.

In order to sustain life and health, our cells communicate with each other by exchanging different frequencies of light [biophotons]. The stronger the emissions of light, as well as the more intense and coherent the light field, the greater the communication between cells and the healthier the organism. When a cell does not emit enough organized and coherent electromagnetic energy [light], it becomes unhealthy, as it can no longer communicate with other cells very well.

If you put a group of cells together, you form a tissue, and that tissue has a field of unifying coherent frequency and energy that causes all the individual cells to work together in harmony, functioning as a community. If you take that tissue and further develop it into a more specialized function, you form an organ, and that organ also has a field of electromagnetic energy.

When you group organs together, you form a system—such as the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, and immune systems, to name a few. And when you put all the systems together, you form a body that also has a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding it—we call it the aura.

There is an intelligence, or "blueprint”, that governs every process in the body and maintains perfect health and order. Our bodies can replace countless cells without error, but only if all the cells are in coherent communication with each other. Since our cells communicate by exchanging electromagnetic energy, when the energy field of the body [aura] is impure, communication between the cells is impaired.

When the cells of the body receive an incoherent message, they stop functioning correctly, and we describe the condition as “disease.” No organism can thrive if its cells are in disharmony. It’s not even possible for atoms to bond into molecules without sharing information and energy. From an energetic standpoint, all disease is a lowering of vibration and an incoherent message.

Now, it actually takes a lot of time and effort to create disease in the body, and from what I’ve seen, it’s almost always self-inflicted. In other words, most diseases are psychosomatic in origin (from Greek; psyche meaning “mind” and soma meaning “body”). Our minds are so powerful, we can literally make ourselves sick by thought alone.

The body is so objective that it cannot tell the difference between the picture in your mind and reality. You could be in a safe environment, like at home, but actually feel dread and fear just by thinking about an important meeting at work the next day. Even though physically you are not in any danger, your emotions are telling your body that something terrible is happening to you right now, and it responds accordingly by releasing stress hormones to help you survive.

The stress response is completely normal and necessary in all living creatures, as it prepares the body to run, fight, or hide in response to some perceived threat in the external environment. Adrenaline, cortisol, and other similar hormones are released, which heighten our senses and keep us alert until the threat has passed, at which point the body returns to balance.

All organisms can handle short-term stress, but if this state is maintained over a long enough period of time (as with the above example of chronic stress and anxiety), the body starts heading for disease because long-term stress down-regulates the healthy expression of genes.

Our DNA does not have eyes or ears, so it cannot tell what is going on around us. Instead, it determines the environment we are in based on how we feel. This is extremely important to understand. Emotions are chemical feedback; they are the end products of experiences we have in our external environment. So as we react to a situation in our external environment that produces an emotion, the resulting internal chemistry signals our genes to either turn on (upregulating, or producing an increased expression of the gene) or to turn off (down-regulating, or producing a decreased expression of the gene).

Every one of our cells (except red blood cells) makes proteins, which are responsible for the body’s physical structure and physiological function. For example, skin cells make the proteins collagen and elastin, immune cells make antibodies, bone marrow cells make hemoglobin, etc. There isn’t an organ or a system in the body that does not rely on or produce proteins.

In order for a cell to make a protein, a gene must be expressed. That’s the job of the genes—to facilitate making proteins. So when you change your emotions, you change the expression of your genes because you are sending a new chemical signal to your DNA, which then instructs your genes to make new and different proteins. Genes make proteins equal to the chemical signal [emotion] they receive.

So really, it’s not our environment that dictates our genes but how we interpret what is happening to us and what we expect to happen to us in the future. The way that people get sick is by staying in this state of heightened arousal [stress] for months and years on end, never allowing their bodies to return back to balance, until, eventually, disease manifests. This can be due to a toxic home environment, the coworker you hate whose desk is right next to yours, carrying around the pain of a failed relationship, etc.

The worst part of all of this is that our bodies become so conditioned to these chemicals that they become addicted to them. The chemicals of stress wake the brain and body up and give us a rush of energy, so like an addict, our bodies actually crave them. That’s why people keep coming back to the same abusive relationships, constantly keep looking for people to argue with, etc.

There is also the case of the “self-fulfilling prophecy.” For example, a person is diagnosed with a certain condition and/or is told they only have X months left to live. The moment they hear those words, most people will instantly fall into a state of extreme fear, hopelessness, and pain. And because long-term memories are formed based on the emotional intensity of an experience, they will remember that moment vividly for the rest of their lives. A person who is stuck in the above-mentioned mindset can think positively all they want, they can do all the healing magic in the world; as long as they are gripped by fear and hopelessness, nothing will change. That is because you can only accept and believe the thoughts that are equal to your emotional state. In other words, you’re desperately screaming, “I’m healthy, I’m healthy, I’m healthy!” but your body is screaming back, “bullshit!” because the desperation, fear, and hopelessness you feel prove that you don't really believe what you’re saying. Thoughts are the language of the mind, feelings are the language of the body. That’s how disease stays in the body. By remaining in the same emotional state, you keep instructing the same genes in the same way, thereby continuing to create more of what you already have. For this reason, I believe that the hardest part of any healing working is not the healing itself but overcoming the self-limiting beliefs that keep reinforcing one’s condition.

And by the way, it’s not your job to do the healing. Your body knows how to repair itself infinitely better than you do. You don’t have to visualize anything or program energy for your wounds to heal; your body does it all on its own automatically. The problems arise when the body can’t repair itself correctly because the cells are receiving incoherent instructions and either make mistakes when regenerating (impaired function, tumors, and other abnormalities) or don’t regenerate at all.

Magic is used to restore coherence and raise the vibration of an afflicted body part, but that’s all. Leave the rest for your body to take care of, and don’t interfere by constantly visualizing the afflicted body part healing. In these cases, the visualization is more so just to direct the energy and convey your intention, not to instruct your cells on a molecular level. I cannot stress this enough; you cannot possibly take conscious control of your body’s functions, nor do you want to. Imagine having to manually beat your heart, digest your meals, or repair your cells. Constant visualizations don’t help here; they just interfere with what your body innately knows how to do.

Speaking of magic, it is energy that instructs matter, meaning that the cells are only following the instructions that they receive, which doesn’t always mean the instructions are correct. For example, a person who has a debilitated Sun placement in their natal chart physically manifests that as a heart condition, either congenitally or later in life. In this case, the solar chakra [ruled by the Sun] is emitting electromagnetic energy [light/instructions] that manifests as disease in the heart. So this is a different type of problem that needs to be addressed differently, in this case, by strengthening one’s natal Sun and/or solar chakra, which will raise its vibration and cause it to emit a different kind of electromagnetic energy that carries a different set of instructions for the cells.

Cleaning your energetic field (aura) goes a long way in preventing and treating disease. Remember, energy instructs matter; therefore, whatever is in the aura will manifest physically in the body, so you must keep it clean. A common mistake that I often see is people only cleaning the energy field around their body, but as I explained earlier in the article, the aura is the collective manifestation of everything: atoms, cells, tissues, organs, etc. Therefore, as the aura cleaning page states, you must saturate your whole being with light and focus the vibrations into your entire soul.

It’s also possible to restore coherence to a body part/organ by applying the meditation found here, but instead of sensing the space around your body, only do it around the afflicted body part/organ. This works because by focusing your attention on nothing, you actually tune into the unified field—the very embodiment of order and coherence—which entrains the lower disorganized frequency back into coherence and orderliness.

Knowing and intellectually understanding this information is fine, actually applying it is the hard part. As I have written before, 95% of who we are is a set of subconscious programs, meaning that in order to change, you have to become consciously aware of your subconscious behaviors and actively work to change the ones that are detrimental. And you must change yourself in order to heal because if how you think and how you feel determines the frequency and information you are emitting, then knowing all this doesn’t help you if you stay the same person who thinks and acts the same way. You must work for this, constantly and every day.


Most of what you see in this article comes from the many great works and research of Dr. Joe Dispenza. This article is a distillation of the books Becoming Supernatural and Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself. For anyone interested in doing this kind of work, I highly suggest studying them.
I’m going to re read this a couple times and invest in thoes books as I love biology and what you talked about.
I have also found whenever my energy levels drop such as if I get lazy with my meditations all my wrestling injuries plague me very badly but when I have high energy I dont feel any pain or loss of mobility, maintaining a proper spiritual energy budget by not overdoing it or underdoing it is absoloutely vital to faster healing IMO.

I had both my knees have all their ligaments and both the mensicus completely tear while sparring, the doctors said I would need surgery or I wouldnt be able to walk in a few months but I healed with no loss of function by the time of the surgery so i cancelled and I didnt even really do anything to heal them, they just kinda got better its been a few years now with no sign they ever got hurt at all, the surgeon was basically like "what the fuck" when he had me do a mobility test and he couldnt even pick up on any damage with the ultrasound, he had never seen anything like it, if there is a blood supply to the afflicted area a Satanist can heal the injury in my experience.

Now congenital disease and inborn diseases are so much harder to fix and require tremendous effort at least in my experience I have had broken ribs heal in less than a week without trying but healing some things I was born with took literally years of effort with multiyear workings.

I wonder what if anything distinguishes temporary and acute disease/injury versus inborn and chronic disease when it comes to the spiritual side of things.
I wonder what if anything distinguishes temporary and acute disease/injury versus inborn and chronic disease when it comes to the spiritual side of things.
I would say time and the cause. It's one thing to tear a ligament or whatever, and another to carry a curse or a karmic pattern, especially for a longer period of time. Thus, time to correct varies as well.
Our bodies are in a constant state of death and renewal. Every day, trillions of our cells undergo division to replace old and damaged cells, all without any conscious effort or awareness on our behalf.

In order to sustain life and health, our cells communicate with each other by exchanging different frequencies of light [biophotons]. The stronger the emissions of light, as well as the more intense and coherent the light field, the greater the communication between cells and the healthier the organism. When a cell does not emit enough organized and coherent electromagnetic energy [light], it becomes unhealthy, as it can no longer communicate with other cells very well.

If you put a group of cells together, you form a tissue, and that tissue has a field of unifying coherent frequency and energy that causes all the individual cells to work together in harmony, functioning as a community. If you take that tissue and further develop it into a more specialized function, you form an organ, and that organ also has a field of electromagnetic energy.

When you group organs together, you form a system—such as the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, and immune systems, to name a few. And when you put all the systems together, you form a body that also has a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding it—we call it the aura.

There is an intelligence, or "blueprint”, that governs every process in the body and maintains perfect health and order. Our bodies can replace countless cells without error, but only if all the cells are in coherent communication with each other. Since our cells communicate by exchanging electromagnetic energy, when the energy field of the body [aura] is impure, communication between the cells is impaired.

When the cells of the body receive an incoherent message, they stop functioning correctly, and we describe the condition as “disease.” No organism can thrive if its cells are in disharmony. It’s not even possible for atoms to bond into molecules without sharing information and energy. From an energetic standpoint, all disease is a lowering of vibration and an incoherent message.

Now, it actually takes a lot of time and effort to create disease in the body, and from what I’ve seen, it’s almost always self-inflicted. In other words, most diseases are psychosomatic in origin (from Greek; psyche meaning “mind” and soma meaning “body”). Our minds are so powerful, we can literally make ourselves sick by thought alone.

The body is so objective that it cannot tell the difference between the picture in your mind and reality. You could be in a safe environment, like at home, but actually feel dread and fear just by thinking about an important meeting at work the next day. Even though physically you are not in any danger, your emotions are telling your body that something terrible is happening to you right now, and it responds accordingly by releasing stress hormones to help you survive.

The stress response is completely normal and necessary in all living creatures, as it prepares the body to run, fight, or hide in response to some perceived threat in the external environment. Adrenaline, cortisol, and other similar hormones are released, which heighten our senses and keep us alert until the threat has passed, at which point the body returns to balance.

All organisms can handle short-term stress, but if this state is maintained over a long enough period of time (as with the above example of chronic stress and anxiety), the body starts heading for disease because long-term stress down-regulates the healthy expression of genes.

Our DNA does not have eyes or ears, so it cannot tell what is going on around us. Instead, it determines the environment we are in based on how we feel. This is extremely important to understand. Emotions are chemical feedback; they are the end products of experiences we have in our external environment. So as we react to a situation in our external environment that produces an emotion, the resulting internal chemistry signals our genes to either turn on (upregulating, or producing an increased expression of the gene) or to turn off (down-regulating, or producing a decreased expression of the gene).

Every one of our cells (except red blood cells) makes proteins, which are responsible for the body’s physical structure and physiological function. For example, skin cells make the proteins collagen and elastin, immune cells make antibodies, bone marrow cells make hemoglobin, etc. There isn’t an organ or a system in the body that does not rely on or produce proteins.

In order for a cell to make a protein, a gene must be expressed. That’s the job of the genes—to facilitate making proteins. So when you change your emotions, you change the expression of your genes because you are sending a new chemical signal to your DNA, which then instructs your genes to make new and different proteins. Genes make proteins equal to the chemical signal [emotion] they receive.

So really, it’s not our environment that dictates our genes but how we interpret what is happening to us and what we expect to happen to us in the future. The way that people get sick is by staying in this state of heightened arousal [stress] for months and years on end, never allowing their bodies to return back to balance, until, eventually, disease manifests. This can be due to a toxic home environment, the coworker you hate whose desk is right next to yours, carrying around the pain of a failed relationship, etc.

The worst part of all of this is that our bodies become so conditioned to these chemicals that they become addicted to them. The chemicals of stress wake the brain and body up and give us a rush of energy, so like an addict, our bodies actually crave them. That’s why people keep coming back to the same abusive relationships, constantly keep looking for people to argue with, etc.

There is also the case of the “self-fulfilling prophecy.” For example, a person is diagnosed with a certain condition and/or is told they only have X months left to live. The moment they hear those words, most people will instantly fall into a state of extreme fear, hopelessness, and pain. And because long-term memories are formed based on the emotional intensity of an experience, they will remember that moment vividly for the rest of their lives. A person who is stuck in the above-mentioned mindset can think positively all they want, they can do all the healing magic in the world; as long as they are gripped by fear and hopelessness, nothing will change. That is because you can only accept and believe the thoughts that are equal to your emotional state. In other words, you’re desperately screaming, “I’m healthy, I’m healthy, I’m healthy!” but your body is screaming back, “bullshit!” because the desperation, fear, and hopelessness you feel prove that you don't really believe what you’re saying. Thoughts are the language of the mind, feelings are the language of the body. That’s how disease stays in the body. By remaining in the same emotional state, you keep instructing the same genes in the same way, thereby continuing to create more of what you already have. For this reason, I believe that the hardest part of any healing working is not the healing itself but overcoming the self-limiting beliefs that keep reinforcing one’s condition.

And by the way, it’s not your job to do the healing. Your body knows how to repair itself infinitely better than you do. You don’t have to visualize anything or program energy for your wounds to heal; your body does it all on its own automatically. The problems arise when the body can’t repair itself correctly because the cells are receiving incoherent instructions and either make mistakes when regenerating (impaired function, tumors, and other abnormalities) or don’t regenerate at all.

Magic is used to restore coherence and raise the vibration of an afflicted body part, but that’s all. Leave the rest for your body to take care of, and don’t interfere by constantly visualizing the afflicted body part healing. In these cases, the visualization is more so just to direct the energy and convey your intention, not to instruct your cells on a molecular level. I cannot stress this enough; you cannot possibly take conscious control of your body’s functions, nor do you want to. Imagine having to manually beat your heart, digest your meals, or repair your cells. Constant visualizations don’t help here; they just interfere with what your body innately knows how to do.

Speaking of magic, it is energy that instructs matter, meaning that the cells are only following the instructions that they receive, which doesn’t always mean the instructions are correct. For example, a person who has a debilitated Sun placement in their natal chart physically manifests that as a heart condition, either congenitally or later in life. In this case, the solar chakra [ruled by the Sun] is emitting electromagnetic energy [light/instructions] that manifests as disease in the heart. So this is a different type of problem that needs to be addressed differently, in this case, by strengthening one’s natal Sun and/or solar chakra, which will raise its vibration and cause it to emit a different kind of electromagnetic energy that carries a different set of instructions for the cells.

Cleaning your energetic field (aura) goes a long way in preventing and treating disease. Remember, energy instructs matter; therefore, whatever is in the aura will manifest physically in the body, so you must keep it clean. A common mistake that I often see is people only cleaning the energy field around their body, but as I explained earlier in the article, the aura is the collective manifestation of everything: atoms, cells, tissues, organs, etc. Therefore, as the aura cleaning page states, you must saturate your whole being with light and focus the vibrations into your entire soul.

It’s also possible to restore coherence to a body part/organ by applying the meditation found here, but instead of sensing the space around your body, only do it around the afflicted body part/organ. This works because by focusing your attention on nothing, you actually tune into the unified field—the very embodiment of order and coherence—which entrains the lower disorganized frequency back into coherence and orderliness.

Knowing and intellectually understanding this information is fine, actually applying it is the hard part. As I have written before, 95% of who we are is a set of subconscious programs, meaning that in order to change, you have to become consciously aware of your subconscious behaviors and actively work to change the ones that are detrimental. And you must change yourself in order to heal because if how you think and how you feel determines the frequency and information you are emitting, then knowing all this doesn’t help you if you stay the same person who thinks and acts the same way. You must work for this, constantly and every day.


Most of what you see in this article comes from the many great works and research of Dr. Joe Dispenza. This article is a distillation of the books Becoming Supernatural and Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself. For anyone interested in doing this kind of work, I highly suggest studying them.

Interestingly enough when I was studying herbalism some listed mental patterns associated with the herbs. Herbs contain information, it's like ingesting a message.
I am not sure but this might be part of antroposophic studies (tough to read and I haven't read it yet), they are also listed in homeopathy (note: the function of a diluted mix is different than when taken as a tincture or a tea), and bach flower remedies, wherein blossoms are soaked into spring water.. of the which the description of use is also purely listed as mental patterns.

Thank you for posting this information. I think I'll take up the bach rescue remedy drops for a few days. I forgot I had this option. I probably should organize that cabinet I store such things in, more effectively.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
