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About Advanced Members And Our Community

Its True JOS has Carved a community out of Impossible Niches to make something special. I don't see anything else like it.
I've been with jos for about 5 years, but I don't make many posts since I tend to be a quiet listener.

For me, I believe the main reason for my infrequent posting, is that I only talk when I have a lot of personal experience and knowledge in the topic of a particular thread, as I intend my contribution to one's inquiry to hold as much credibility as I can provide it. I wouldn't post just to answer with "Idk"; I put everything I have into my reply in order to contribute to the understanding of the inquiring individual and other readers. In my serious answers, at least.

I used to talk more in the yahoo groups. Especially ask questions when I was new. That tends to be why I now enjoy putting in the effort to help other people out with what I know now, whenever I do know, and possibly help them understand a particular matter more clearly.

Perhaps another reason why I don't talk a lot is also because I can come off as an ass, or say things inappropriately with the extent at which I express myself lol. I almost never read back on a post I make, because I don't want to see how I sounded at a previous time, even though it usually takes me hours to construct my full and serious replies using careful attention to my wording.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It has been many times a single comment or a statement led me personally to an array of a web of extremely important information, that can be returned to the community in a sense.

In the year I've been part of this forum I have observed this happening a LOT. From almost day one I have known someone whose experiences seemed to go hand in hand with mine and we've been helping each other out ever since, and especially with a member who recently left the forum to take care of his problems and not finding more time to do it all, there's been many posts where one would say exactly the work or comment the other needed to figure out one's puzzle. This happened so many times I can't possibly remember them all. One, the most important one of all for me, was when through him my Guardian made herself known (as I did have a strong suspicion but wasn't really ready to accept it as a fact due to my lack of spiritual sensitivity), and I've learned more and more all year in a faster way than I had since I first found the JoS website.

Our Community is a family in my eyes and while the Gods help us grow and understand, the less experienced and skilled can always count on those who are ready to fill 'much bigger shoes'.

Personally, I couldn't possibly hope for a better Community and Family than the people in this forum.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Sorry I've only written 2 worthless posts in 3 years, but I don't have a computer and my boyfriend won't let me use his. But for the first day in 3 years, he is not home so I had the opportunity to use his computer to write this topic. I know I could get a cheap model computer, or a nice model that has been refurbished, for only a couple hundred dollars, but then I wouldn't have an excuse anymore for why I am never here. And don't even ask if I could have written a comment from my phone that is in my pocket every day."

4 years ago I was writing from a phone that cost 48$. The screen was the smallest one can imagine. HPS Maxine has went to a free public library when homeless.

In short, argument invalid.

Thank you.
Just to point to the trolls - last year I was ending up on many exposing JoS videos and one of them pointed out to the " Maxine writing from the shed" and my sole reaction was- atleast she made what we all follow, day in and day out. And the audacity they had for using Beelzebul name for mentioning " no infighting" was really stupid. How do you use the knowledge one has given , insult them and use their hardwork to justify your stance of running away?
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Manofsatan said:
LOL, you got a phone though
This is what Jake Carlson would say when he comes here once every 2 or 3 years to write 1 topic. This is his whole excuse why he couldn't be here more often. For the first time in 3 years, his boyfriend isn't home for a couple hours so he can use his computer. But obviously isn't true, because he would reply to himself on that topic the next 2 days too. But never anything that's very useful.

Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.

Many people will not listen to other people and that has been a problem. This reached the point where I was getting censored and attacked on private many times, even had my posts deleted by the people that people complain were removed. Well it's been for years that the whole situation was happening the other way, against me or even HPS Maxine in this case. And other members.

I questioned for example if it was a great idea to write extreme exaggerations about Gay/Bi/Trans people, to make them feel "special", like to the point of unhealthy extremes. I explained indepth to Jake before, that these people need to be included in our society, and not pointed with a finger and not everyone wants to be an attention whore that wants to make themselves appear as a monster to point one's finger at, at a parade.

The solution of this which segregates people and makes them a separate group of society, does not appear to have helped people at all. It makes them feel excluded from society and like they no longer belong with anyone else. Which is fundamentally a wrong thing.

I know for a fact Jake had good intentions and did not want to promote shillery. But when you conflate spiritual subjects to the point of extremes, this is not something healthy to do, and it's basically lying. No, being homosexual does not mean your Merkaba goes the other way, or other stuff that was claimed, or that you are by definition something special just because of your vocation.

You don't have to be shown the finger like a monster also daily while going at the Supermarket. You don't have to constantly tell all your friends and boast that you're a homosexual either.

These things, for all purposes, have harmed GBLT people AND society, continuing on with the marginalization and attack on GBLT communities.

Everyone can have their own opinions. I also told Jake in an e-mail conversation, that I do not believe "Homosexuals" need a segregated corner away from the community, as they are something "else" and non humans or something and need their own space away from everyone else. This accepts a wrong fundamental that other people hate them and/or that they don't belong.

I was attacked, censored, and bullied to never speak about these topics. Repeatedly.

Difference is I didn't go around to make a fuss for being censored for 5 years and feeling like I was on gunpoint everytime I had to mention a "deviated opinion" on this subject.

HPS Maxine's position has been clear here. Consenting adults, and their life, is what it is.
Jax911 said:
The reason i keep silent for me is, i don't think i'm ready yet. I keep telling myself i have to do what i can do alone and advance as an individual first before guiding others, and most of the time, i don't think that i'm advanced or mature enough. But ppl always say i underestimate and overestimate myself and thah i'm too harsh on myself but. idk tbh.
just keep it balanced not too hard or too soft. I was really hard on myself, that only caused self doubt and depression and extreme hate for myself, but patience is a virtue indeed, push yoursel but have some control. Its really easy ounce you realize that. You dont have to be ready to serve knowledge and such to ppl you just gotta have experience with such things, most here do and you seem like a person with a lot of wisdom and knowledge already, but i see where your coming from
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hoodedcobra666 please conside my spell, I swear it woul prove useful. I kept doing it today and came with the idea to destroy the word shalom with a pen while saying it backwards. I was being attacked hard today because of that spell and idea lmao the enemy was raging hard on me hahahaha please consider man. I swear im not a troll i have recieved help from the gods with this. Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is what Jake Carlson would say when he comes here once every 2 or 3 years to write 1 topic. This is his whole excuse why he couldn't be here more often. For the first time in 3 years, his boyfriend isn't home for a couple hours so he can use his computer. But obviously isn't true, because he would reply to himself on that topic the next 2 days too. But never anything that's very useful.

Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.

Many people will not listen to other people and that has been a problem. This reached the point where I was getting censored and attacked on private many times, even had my posts deleted by the people that people complain were removed. Well it's been for years that the whole situation was happening the other way, against me or even HPS Maxine in this case. And other members.

I questioned for example if it was a great idea to write extreme exaggerations about Gay/Bi/Trans people, to make them feel "special", like to the point of unhealthy extremes. I explained indepth to Jake before, that these people need to be included in our society, and not pointed with a finger and not everyone wants to be an attention whore that wants to make themselves appear as a monster to point one's finger at, at a parade.

The solution of this which segregates people and makes them a separate group of society, does not appear to have helped people at all. It makes them feel excluded from society and like they no longer belong with anyone else. Which is fundamentally a wrong thing.

I know for a fact Jake had good intentions and did not want to promote shillery. But when you conflate spiritual subjects to the point of extremes, this is not something healthy to do, and it's basically lying. No, being homosexual does not mean your Merkaba goes the other way, or other stuff that was claimed, or that you are by definition something special just because of your vocation.

You don't have to be shown the finger like a monster also daily while going at the Supermarket. You don't have to constantly tell all your friends and boast that you're a homosexual either.

These things, for all purposes, have harmed GBLT people AND society, continuing on with the marginalization and attack on GBLT communities.

Everyone can have their own opinions. I also told Jake in an e-mail conversation, that I do not believe "Homosexuals" need a segregated corner away from the community, as they are something "else" and non humans or something and need their own space away from everyone else. This accepts a wrong fundamental that other people hate them and/or that they don't belong.

I was attacked, censored, and bullied to never speak about these topics. Repeatedly.

Difference is I didn't go around to make a fuss for being censored for 5 years and feeling like I was on gunpoint everytime I had to mention a "deviated opinion" on this subject.

HPS Maxine's position has been clear here. Consenting adults, and their life, is what it is.
I remember you saying gays should not adopt and Kikeson saying that they should. As a gay guy and SS honestly it makes sense they should not adopt kids, its not something 'natural'. If being Gay is natural and so it should accepted then gays adopting kid is not natural at all and should not be accepted. I don't understand why certain people in society do not understand this, I guess brainwashing.

I guess the problem is too that most of the times the ones who say that Gays should not adopt they don't have the true reasons but its because they are xians and believe gays are bad/evil or whatever and this does not help.
Most of the time i dont comment because i feel like my opinion does not matter and wont help anyone given the fact that i am not advanced.
Like wouln't be better to not waste others their time if you re not advanced enough?? (i am talking here about different questions that people put in this forum).
There is a reason why this post should also remind you all of the importance of an aura of protection.

Eventually, you may advance to a point where you feel you do not need it.

But you do need it, because as you advance you will not notice attacks that are slow and insidious.

Your aura of protection is essential.

Work on it every day and never stop even if you think you can.
Please hooded cobra my brother did final Rtr without raising his energies first he his new ..Help with something please am also new I dedicated last year May,my brother dedicated last year also... HAIL SATAN FOREVER,HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL FOREVER!!
Weassel said:
Most of the time i dont comment because i feel like my opinion does not matter and wont help anyone given the fact that i am not advanced.
Like wouln't be better to not waste others their time if you re not advanced enough?? (i am talking here about different questions that people put in this forum).

You may be surprised what people gain insight or motivation from. While this place shouldn't turn into one's new facebook (a social media addiction), there's no shame in chipping in to try and help.
NakedPluto said:
I would love to see more of the advanced members post topics more and share experiences. Lead our way so we can be advanced too one day.

Isn't it not that principle that people who are advanced have to pay attention to what they say and not be whimsical, otherwise they can be really divisive and cause weaknesses? Like having to pay attention to your random thoughts but in the forums sense. Things have to move foundationally first on the Saturn level (if you will) before anything higher from that can be put in front of people. Because people in the mass constitute that Saturnian whole, as with the rest of the world it means that the beginning of transformation across the board also lies there. Otherwise it's within for everyone which is a revealed truth regardless if your dedicated, with the JoS or without. Everyone has different mental experiences and what they know in energy terms.

I look at National Socialist Germany really, at the end of the war. Look at Goebbels 1933 and 1945 speech on Satan's Library and have that in your mind, looking into the betrayers of Germany as well at that time who were given knowledge that they blew off as nothing and jeopardized the future. In this case it is even more important, as the enemy could always try to reverse some situations and developments and that would have more destructive power.

Power doesn't lie in the fruit it lies in the roots. A lot of people who want freebies in my mind are just lazy like me, and have gotta stop it. Although I do feel that certain people maybe who are advanced are holding back a few things which can be revealed.

I also think that people like ourselves could all try harder here too and stop living whimsically. If Duty is important to us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is what Jake Carlson would say when he comes here once every 2 or 3 years to write 1 topic. This is his whole excuse why he couldn't be here more often. For the first time in 3 years, his boyfriend isn't home for a couple hours so he can use his computer. But obviously isn't true, because he would reply to himself on that topic the next 2 days too. But never anything that's very useful.

Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.

That's exactly the point and why I never got along with anyone in the GLBT communities. All the things they say or do have always be alien to me. I even tried going to Pride when I was much younger, since in my birth country it is much milder, and I was completely annoyed but how things were progressing, especially by the drag idiot "performing" at the event.

Regarding more spiritual stuff such as the Merkaba, I wanted to actually know more about the soul, both in general and regarding what exactly causes people like me to be different than others. I'm sure it could be seen in the chart, but I'm proficient to that level. Do you know what God or Goddess could I approach to learn more about the soul and its parts than what is written on JoS and in your sermons?

Also, I sent you an email reply the other day. There is a confirmation asked on something external to the original subject. I was wondering if you could give me that confirmation, so to know how to proceed. You do not need to reply to the rest right now. You can just give me a very brief "yes" or "no" even right here in regards to that confirmation and I will understand. Thank you.
Weassel said:
Most of the time i dont comment because i feel like my opinion does not matter and wont help anyone given the fact that i am not advanced.
Like wouln't be better to not waste others their time if you re not advanced enough?? (i am talking here about different questions that people put in this forum).
You don't need to be advanced to provide links for study and answer simple questions... As your knowledge increases so do your abilities to answer. There are always people newer than you asking stuff..
Weassel said:
Most of the time i dont comment because i feel like my opinion does not matter and wont help anyone given the fact that i am not advanced.
Like wouln't be better to not waste others their time if you re not advanced enough?? (i am talking here about different questions that people put in this forum).

Being advanced spiritually helps when it comes to answering questions of a spiritual nature. And in general.
But it is not the whole of or full measure of someone's worth.
People of all different levels of advancement can and should offer opinions and advice if they want to contribute to the thread/post, and if they feel it would help a poster or the OP.
Satan guides those who are of him to help others who are of him.
Henu the Great said:
And on to the topic... I'll do my best. I do feel my Guardian has helped me alot because of the effort I have put into personal development, spiritual warfare and helping others in this community. Pressure is there because the oy veys are very real, but I will continue FOR SATAN.

I believe this is some of the best things to do. Doing it for Satan, for the community, for personal development, the war and our cause. Everything just aligns itself perfectly according to this.
Lightstar23 said:

Your spell might work, but we have to prioritize our actions and energy. The gods are in contact with HP Cobra over everything important. If they thought he/we should employ this spell, they would've told us years ago. It is not that it doesn't work, it might just not be the best tool for the situation.
Weassel said:
Most of the time i dont comment because i feel like my opinion does not matter and wont help anyone given the fact that i am not advanced.
Like wouln't be better to not waste others their time if you re not advanced enough?? (i am talking here about different questions that people put in this forum).
Your opinion counts, if you will post things which are delusional or incorrect in their nature then you will be corrected. It can't be that bad, there's some people here who straight up post bullshit all the time, you don't seem to do that. If you're unsure about things you just have to ask, no reason to be intimidated to posting.
I have little knowledge about astrology. All I know is through doing specifc research from time to time to understand my chart.

I have been thinking about my nodal axis in my chart the last month. From what I have researched and in little words, the south node is the past, it is what the person sought in life and even succeeded but could not find much satisfaction and felt that something was missing. The north node is what the person should seek to reach true realization.

My north node is in the 4º house which is ruled by the moon and aside from others aspects, it has to do with emotions, family and nurturing. My south node is in the 10º house which is ruled by saturn which rules career, routine, status...

This post made me reflect and enlighten more deeply about my behaviour and experiences in life as it has to do with being absent in a way and also my nodal axis. I remember my high school days when I was obssesed with studying and career but very broken emotionally due to excessive and constant self repression. People would try to connect and interact with me but I was very dry and superficial. I thought that fun was a waste of time and having pleasure and enjoying could not get in my mind. Sometimes I would try to interact with people but most of the time it was a failure and I felt that I had no voice and could not express myself correctly and this was because I had serious emotional issues that I could not understand at the time. And then I would "escape" to studying and to my routine because this was what I did the best, could be proud of, and received acknowledgement from others but I would always feel that something was missing.

After I found Satanism and understood what meditation could bring me, I totally lost my interest on career. But it is not as my ambition had simply vanished, it was rechanneled. Meditation has to do with the moon which is the 4º house ruler so it was mind blowing for me.

At the end of the last year I got closer to my family in a way that I wasnt for a long time and it "just happened". Before this, I would carry an unreasonable insecurity that would make me distrust and ignore them. For a long time, I nurtured a desire to disappear without giving any notice. I was loved by my family my entire life and they always cared for me and I would certainly regret profoundly for doing this. A certain day, I decided to answer my mother on my phone after several messages ignored and she clarified many confusions and delusions that I had about her and my family in general. She also said that was worried about my distance. On the another day or after a few days(I dont remember) I hugged her remorseful and in tears and said that I used to think about abandoning them. From this day on, I started to feel better than never, emotionally secure and much lighter. The mother is ruled by the moon which rules the 4º house.

I also noticed that I have been calling more attention of my family in the sense of presence. It feels as I have been bringing more happiness to them than before, mostly to the younger people and it happens through creativity. My north node is in Leo which has to do with these aspects.

It seems to me as the more I advance and live, the more I can see my chart without visually seeing astrology diagrams. There are more experiences regarding my neighbourhood, parents and high school days that I could make a parallel with my nodal axis but I think the post will get too big and I am not sure if it is relevant.

(I want to make a note. These are MY experiences, thus you should not take for yourself when I said for example that "I lost interest on career when I found Satanism" as if it was a rule and bad to engage on career . Each one has your own personal path. So if you really want and it is something meaningful for you to be a successful and well known medic for example, go for it.)

Tons of people have the north node in the 4º house and in Leo which means that we have a similar past and we follow to the same direction but our personalities make us go through different ways. From what I have been experiencing, I wonder if I have a roll in life related to leadership(which ties to Leo) and my family(4º house)...Maybe I can be "the light at the end of the tunnel" for them in some way. I dont know yet. What I know is that I came

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( ̄ ∗  ̄)
Diablo666 said:
Please hooded cobra my brother did final Rtr without raising his energies first he his new ..Help with something please am also new I dedicated last year May,my brother dedicated last year also... HAIL SATAN FOREVER,HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL FOREVER!!
So what is the problem? This is not dangerous, and is not a big problem. It might make him tired to do that, and he might feel drained, just like any other activity that takes a lot of focus or energy. But your brother is fine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Ninja 666 said:

If I can add here the enemy thoughtforms ( atleast in my case) worked completely to break off all links keeping me strong with the Gods and the community.
Maxine and many members who helped me when I was new here with shit load of curses on me, then the Gods and many more private life details which I would avoid( as this was what kept me strong in my practice, I wasnt much into reading all the knowledge but now I am making it a priority) But staying strong in Gods does help, slipping and meditation as has been mentioned does kick one back really bad.
And now for the Good Part -> Consisdent meditation with RTRs have helped my life get considerably better. Many advanced members may be experiencing this on a daily basis. Interviews, presentations or most of thw things go great. The reactions of people around me is something I cannot put in words. Money spells along with help from up there did help me end up get a job which was a bit out of my reach to say.
I would like to thank you and everyone here for this.Its like I am detatched yet present but in the moment , yet reminding myself of our people Alexander the Great, Tesla, etc.

Like I said, its things I cannot precisely put into words.
Thank You JoS.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
i always thought jake was strong, just not very calm. i thought is partner was very grounded though.

were they actually weak? or just not very helpful?
They posted bullshits and where not helpful as a clergy. Why does he need to have that title if he does nothing to help and comes here every once in a while maybe posting bullshits and things that may be not true? On top of this he may have not been that much advanced. There are people here on the forums that have helped much more than him and they are not clergy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is what Jake Carlson would say when he comes here once every 2 or 3 years to write 1 topic. This is his whole excuse why he couldn't be here more often. For the first time in 3 years, his boyfriend isn't home for a couple hours so he can use his computer. But obviously isn't true, because he would reply to himself on that topic the next 2 days too. But never anything that's very useful.

Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.
HPS Maxine's position has been clear here. Consenting adults, and their life, is what it is.

Thank you so much for clearing that up. I totally agree with you. Satan wants unity in this sense. Not segregation like the kike mentality and society. We are in this together, but with different approaches i.e. our characters and strengths. Not our sexuality. It doesn't define us.
Blitzkreig said:
Lightstar23 said:

Your spell might work, but we have to prioritize our actions and energy. The gods are in contact with HP Cobra over everything important. If they thought he/we should employ this spell, they would've told us years ago. It is not that it doesn't work, it might just not be the best tool for the situation.
well i guess destroying the full hebrew alphabet is the same thing but then some. I will admit tho that stating that im reversing the word shalom causes the same affect as the rtr only thing is that i ger attacked harder for it that or im just putting to much thought into it. Idk it could still be a optional thing maybe just to practice and further understand the reverse curses we do in frtr. But of course the rtr are first and foremost fo that destroys everything thd enemy is
Diablo666 said:
Please hooded cobra my brother did final Rtr without raising his energies first he his new ..Help with something please am also new I dedicated last year May,my brother dedicated last year also... HAIL SATAN FOREVER,HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL FOREVER!!

This is not a problem. Just raise energy afterwards through the foundation meditation, for example.
Before Mercury Retrograde hits now and kikes do once again go on the spiritual onslaught [which frequently causes outbursts of problems], but mindful of the above, keep Satan in mind, keep your heads up high, and remember that we are doing a great job. But it can always be better.

All the more reason to do the Communication RTR and make it so whatever they try will bounce back on them eleven thousand to the eighty eighth power worse.
I have a lot of respect for anybody who can go out and work on themselves spiritually each day.

Am very forgetful and procrastinate badly. I think this is my 3rd or 4th account on here... I lost track.

(I apologize for the negativity.)
Tirnenn said:
I have a lot of respect for anybody who can go out and work on themselves spiritually each day.

Am very forgetful and procrastinate badly. I think this is my 3rd or 4th account on here... I lost track.

(I apologize for the negativity.)

It's up to you to change that.
Frinnis said:
Before Mercury Retrograde hits now and kikes do once again go on the spiritual onslaught [which frequently causes outbursts of problems], but mindful of the above, keep Satan in mind, keep your heads up high, and remember that we are doing a great job. But it can always be better.

All the more reason to do the Communication RTR and make it so whatever they try will bounce back on them eleven thousand to the eighty eighth power worse.

New schedule up pretty soon. We're just getting a rest for the time being. It's exactly as you say with the enemy.
Please help me, I am new to all this. Instruct me how and what to do to summon my demon and how to talk to him. If there is someone who knows a Croat, Serb, Bosnian, Montenegrin, let him suggest them to me and where can I send messages on this forum? Please
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.

Many people will not listen to other people and that has been a problem. This reached the point where I was getting censored and attacked on private many times, even had my posts deleted by the people that people complain were removed. Well it's been for years that the whole situation was happening the other way, against me or even HPS Maxine in this case. And other members.

I questioned for example if it was a great idea to write extreme exaggerations about Gay/Bi/Trans people, to make them feel "special", like to the point of unhealthy extremes. I explained indepth to Jake before, that these people need to be included in our society, and not pointed with a finger and not everyone wants to be an attention whore that wants to make themselves appear as a monster to point one's finger at, at a parade.

The solution of this which segregates people and makes them a separate group of society, does not appear to have helped people at all. It makes them feel excluded from society and like they no longer belong with anyone else. Which is fundamentally a wrong thing.

I know for a fact Jake had good intentions and did not want to promote shillery. But when you conflate spiritual subjects to the point of extremes, this is not something healthy to do, and it's basically lying. No, being homosexual does not mean your Merkaba goes the other way, or other stuff that was claimed, or that you are by definition something special just because of your vocation.

You don't have to be shown the finger like a monster also daily while going at the Supermarket. You don't have to constantly tell all your friends and boast that you're a homosexual either.

These things, for all purposes, have harmed GBLT people AND society, continuing on with the marginalization and attack on GBLT communities.

Everyone can have their own opinions. I also told Jake in an e-mail conversation, that I do not believe "Homosexuals" need a segregated corner away from the community, as they are something "else" and non humans or something and need their own space away from everyone else. This accepts a wrong fundamental that other people hate them and/or that they don't belong.

I was attacked, censored, and bullied to never speak about these topics. Repeatedly.

Difference is I didn't go around to make a fuss for being censored for 5 years and feeling like I was on gunpoint everytime I had to mention a "deviated opinion" on this subject.

HPS Maxine's position has been clear here. Consenting adults, and their life, is what it is.
I remember you saying gays should not adopt and Kikeson saying that they should. As a gay guy and SS honestly it makes sense they should not adopt kids, its not something 'natural'. If being Gay is natural and so it should accepted then gays adopting kid is not natural at all and should not be accepted. I don't understand why certain people in society do not understand this, I guess brainwashing.

I guess the problem is too that most of the times the ones who say that Gays should not adopt they don't have the true reasons but its because they are xians and believe gays are bad/evil or whatever and this does not help.

Homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals are conditioned by the balance of male and female hormones and therefore by sexual formation like everyone else. Why are some women only slightly or very masculine and why are some men only slightly or very feminine and why are women not only and exclusively feminine and men only and exclusively masculine? This is because in the human organism, there are not only male and female characteristics and components, but both are present in men and women, but one sex dominates in most people. However, there are some cases where the formed sex is not sufficiently dominant and consequently we have the cases in question. The question is, how is the sex formed and what determines it? We need to find out and learn more.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Diablo666 said:
Please hooded cobra my brother did final Rtr without raising his energies first he his new ..Help with something please am also new I dedicated last year May,my brother dedicated last year also... HAIL SATAN FOREVER,HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL FOREVER!!
So what is the problem? This is not dangerous, and is not a big problem. It might make him tired to do that, and he might feel drained, just like any other activity that takes a lot of focus or energy. But your brother is fine.
Thanks for the reply I thought it would be a problem
Tirnenn said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's up to you to change that.
I'm... not sure how.

Thank you for the encouragement, though.
How do you stop procastination? By not procastinating.
Go read stuff about your problem, both on this forum and on the web.
You won't accomplish nothing if you do nothing to solve your problems.
Tirnenn said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's up to you to change that.
I'm... not sure how.

Thank you for the encouragement, though.

There's a phone app called Intellect. You can take the Procrastination "journey" there and see if the psychological advice there helps you. It takes a cognitive approach to tackle this kind of issues, so it will prompt you to question yourself and to apply certain helpful exercises that can help you understand how to deal with it. It also comes with check-ins where it makes you do the cognitive exercises again. The approach is gradual over a week. The only downsides are that it may not work for everyone and that it builds over only one week instead of more time, which is not long enough to build good habits.

To aid on the spiritual level, you can also elaborate a working with the Reidh rune which helps in establishing good habits and creating momentum in your life.

Like everything, these things only give you a nudge in the right direction. If you go through them passively instead of actually applying yourself to them, nothing good will come of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is what Jake Carlson would say when he comes here once every 2 or 3 years to write 1 topic. This is his whole excuse why he couldn't be here more often. For the first time in 3 years, his boyfriend isn't home for a couple hours so he can use his computer. But obviously isn't true, because he would reply to himself on that topic the next 2 days too. But never anything that's very useful.

Most likely him and Kikeson were also put here to troll homosexual and bisexual members, as if GLBT organisations aren't already enough of a mockery.

Many people will not listen to other people and that has been a problem. This reached the point where I was getting censored and attacked on private many times, even had my posts deleted by the people that people complain were removed. Well it's been for years that the whole situation was happening the other way, against me or even HPS Maxine in this case. And other members.


Magestein was an authority according to many users of this forum, including myself.

what these "people" do is write things that are harmful, but that seem useful, in this way they "gain" authority.

Once authority is won, anyone who contradicts these "people" is passed off as crazy.

You were very patient in waiting, and very courageous when you revealed everything.

this is one of your many merits.

I seriously understand how difficult this could have been.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
