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I mean if a woman is seriously trying to abort a child every other month because she doesn't like the feeling of condoms, then maybe she should just be "fixed" or something, I don't know. You don't want someone so irresponsible to have kids. But you don't want to just give this person what they want especially if they're waiting too long just to stir the pot. I doubt its very common at all. So abortion should be commonplace really.

Maybe abortion posed more serious health risks in the Middle Ages (and the risk of every woman having abortions since birth control in general was less common). But I don't know maybe not. The reason for the anti-abortion debate these days though is almost entirely baseless though. I would not agree with the statement, "Abortion is always OK", but we have ways to make it so it is. As long as we have rules in place around not abortion babies in like the 8th month and shit then it's ok
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Abortion is simply not about the right or this or that. Its about practical reality if a women needs to have one there are reasons and the consequences of those reasons effect individuals and society.

The people who talk about adoption don't understand how dangerous and messed up this can be for the child in this system. Unwanted children are a burden to society and fill the prisons when they become adults and there are health reasons as well. Children born retarded are going to never have a life and cost millions of dollars to keep them alive in the living prison of their own life.

The argument of women having abortions as birth control if a woman is that not responsible do you want her having a child anyway.

If you ban abortion you will still have abortion and it will become costly and dangerous and cause all kinds of problems to individuals and society.

Abortion is a public health issue.

The best we can do is create a society in which people can have larger and healthier families. And the social and economic stressors are not on them for giving life to the next generation of our Peoples.
The christards always say that they want to 'save' the soul of the kid but when he/she is born then they don't care anymore? They only care that he doesn't die becuse muh saving his soul. I honestly think a women should abort if she isn't ready to take care of the kid, it's better to abort than let the kid live in a bad situation.

We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.

I just really hate the xian that they only care if he/she doesn't die but not care about how he is going to live...

Really? Is the baby given a soul only at birth? This sounds strange. Do you have more information about it?
Osiris Silvio said:
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Abortion is simply not about the right or this or that. Its about practical reality if a women needs to have one there are reasons and the consequences of those reasons effect individuals and society.

The people who talk about adoption don't understand how dangerous and messed up this can be for the child in this system. Unwanted children are a burden to society and fill the prisons when they become adults and there are health reasons as well. Children born retarded are going to never have a life and cost millions of dollars to keep them alive in the living prison of their own life.

The argument of women having abortions as birth control if a woman is that not responsible do you want her having a child anyway.

If you ban abortion you will still have abortion and it will become costly and dangerous and cause all kinds of problems to individuals and society.

Abortion is a public health issue.

The best we can do is create a society in which people can have larger and healthier families. And the social and economic stressors are not on them for giving life to the next generation of our Peoples.
The christards always say that they want to 'save' the soul of the kid but when he/she is born then they don't care anymore? They only care that he doesn't die becuse muh saving his soul. I honestly think a women should abort if she isn't ready to take care of the kid, it's better to abort than let the kid live in a bad situation.

We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.

I just really hate the xian that they only care if he/she doesn't die but not care about how he is going to live...

Really? Is the baby given a soul only at birth? This sounds strange. Do you have more information about it?
I remember Hoodedcobra666 or Maxine said it. Unfortunately I don't remember the post but it makes sense, at birth is when your Naral chart is created, not before, so it makes sense that the soul enter when your born.
Osiris Silvio said:
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Abortion is simply not about the right or this or that. Its about practical reality if a women needs to have one there are reasons and the consequences of those reasons effect individuals and society.

The people who talk about adoption don't understand how dangerous and messed up this can be for the child in this system. Unwanted children are a burden to society and fill the prisons when they become adults and there are health reasons as well. Children born retarded are going to never have a life and cost millions of dollars to keep them alive in the living prison of their own life.

The argument of women having abortions as birth control if a woman is that not responsible do you want her having a child anyway.

If you ban abortion you will still have abortion and it will become costly and dangerous and cause all kinds of problems to individuals and society.

Abortion is a public health issue.

The best we can do is create a society in which people can have larger and healthier families. And the social and economic stressors are not on them for giving life to the next generation of our Peoples.
The christards always say that they want to 'save' the soul of the kid but when he/she is born then they don't care anymore? They only care that he doesn't die becuse muh saving his soul. I honestly think a women should abort if she isn't ready to take care of the kid, it's better to abort than let the kid live in a bad situation.

We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.

I just really hate the xian that they only care if he/she doesn't die but not care about how he is going to live...

Really? Is the baby given a soul only at birth? This sounds strange. Do you have more information about it?
The body is given the soul after 2-3 months in the womb.
Abortion is not ideal for contraceptive purposes because it is somewhat dangerous to your health. When we are more advanced, abortion will be safer but preventing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies with other modes of contraception will always be a better and more correct thing to do.

Unfortunately, until now we have not discovered and implemented a 100% safe and effective contraceptive mode with the option to switch from reproductive to infertile mode and vice versa in a reversible way and by choice. So that we are not limited to exploiting sex only for procreation but also for the pure and exclusive pleasure and enjoyment it offers.

We are working on it and with time we will get there but the enemy is a great obstacle and danger to the freedoms of humanity and with the enemy in power we cannot expect to advance freely and much.
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
luis said:
The christards always say that they want to 'save' the soul of the kid but when he/she is born then they don't care anymore? They only care that he doesn't die becuse muh saving his soul. I honestly think a women should abort if she isn't ready to take care of the kid, it's better to abort than let the kid live in a bad situation.

We actualy know how spirituality works and we know that a body get the soul only when it's out of the womb, so there is really nothing to 'save' and he/she will be reincarnated anyway so it doesn't matter.

I just really hate the xian that they only care if he/she doesn't die but not care about how he is going to live...

Really? Is the baby given a soul only at birth? This sounds strange. Do you have more information about it?
The body is given the soul after 2-3 months in the womb.

And the new soul?
Master said:
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Really? Is the baby given a soul only at birth? This sounds strange. Do you have more information about it?
The body is given the soul after 2-3 months in the womb.

And the new soul?
You mean the act of creation of a soul?
I don't think it varies much. But I may be wrong.
I will honestly share an experience I had that I swear too. I don't think abortion really harms the soul for this reason. When I was a small kid. What I assume is The Gods said I could turn back if I want that I would not enjoy it here (this planet) and I remember several times I was asked are you sure you want to do this you don't absolutely have too? Things like that.

I know what they mean now I mean the main thing I talk about sometimes with people is how this planet sucks and the modern age sucks and whatever but I could not have made an informed decision at that point cause I was a kid I was mostly enjoying stuff. I kept saying no I want to be alive.

The Good news in all this is I actually made it mostly through the time that would suck for me and I am ok. I am actually starting to be relatively happy. So I am glad I chose to stay here. But the level of me not being able to relate to the world for a long time I admit did end up kind of warranting the warning I got as a kid and concern. I still am not out of the woods yet fully on that.

So if that wouldn't have harmed my soul abortion would not either harm people's souls.
In a “melting pot” society like the JUSSA abortion is a very positive thing because it keeps the non-white births at a lower level. Just look at the numbers by race. I think there have been 60 million black fetuses aborted since the 60’s. If it weren’t for this procedure the lesser races would have already overtaken us demographically. Yeah there’s some white casualties from abortion but it’s very low compared to other races and it is a sacrifice that I am willing to make. This is a miracle. There should be free abortion vouchers given to all women in “low income” communities to maximize its benefits.

Now in the ideal society abortion should be for eugenics only such as deleting a disabled fetus that would be entirely useless to the world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
