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A Story From My Life: A Short Story On Bullying

Yep. I'm the type who always speaks my mind, the type who isn't a doormat.

...and it truly is sad how people simply don't want others standing up for themselves.

I recently did, and my "reward" was... being exiled from a community I had been a part of for 10+ years. Nobody even bothered to ask my side of things either; it was just sudden banishment with a lot of gaslighting and lies about how they tried to prevent everything escalating, and excuses for their bully friend's absolutely shitty behavior.

In a sense it was a blessing in disguise, though... because it made me realize just how harmful (both mentally and spiritually) the community is, and drove me to abandoning said community. To to get back on the spiritual path (for real this time). To improve myself and rise above these downright abusive people.
It's been a difficult path so far because of poor health issues and what my friend calls a "lack of discipline", but it's one worth walking.
Shadowcat said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Seeing we're all sharing stories.. Ill tell a little about myself.

Growing up there were quite a few things that were lacking. There was neglect at home.. And a lot of fighting with my sibling.
At school I had a teacher when I was 4 years old who almost always yelled to the class to stop doing what they were doing and to go do the next thing, which to me, was very upsetting.
Instead of trying to calm me down she set me aside in the storage room. And waited.

Later on, I could at least get along with some of my classmates, but after the school was rebuild (it burnt down in a fire) they left.
There was this one incident, where they started to namecall and I think I stood up for myself back then and then they tried it with another child and I protected them but looking back perhaps I made myself a target or something happened in the meantime, I don't remember but at some points the remarks, the namecalling, the pranks, the "oh Im nice to you today, *NOT*" started. And mind you, I was 7 years old at that time.

At home I remember my parents arguing over a difference of opinion. Which happened quite frequently and it would often end with my dad raising his voice despite that they never called one another names. Followed by ignoring one another.

I don't think that raising your voice is good and I certainly was not the type of person as a child to just lose my cool and start shouting.

When I was 10 one of my teachers understood what was going on, and asked me "have you ever been angry? Its okay to be angry and let yourself hear to them, that its not okay what they're doing".
I don't think I've ever just been angry before. And if I was it probably wasnt for a long time or whatever.

The next year we had some sport thing we could each choose what we wanted to try out and if we wanted to continue that and so I ended up in a kickboxing combi class with fitness elements. After a while I noticed that I could let my frustration out better and one day a couple months later I am pretty sure I lost it and I uppercutted one of the bullies right on his chin.
I don't quite remember what happened after that.

I fought quite a lot as a kid with my sibling. Almost daily. He'd say stupid things, call me names, annoy me to no end and never listen to "stop" which often resulted in us hitting each other.
Mom didn't really do anything except punish. I didn't feel protected growing up.
Her advice to bullies "ignore them". But what she didn't understand was that the things they said were so hurtful it felt like they were stabbing me with daggers.
It wasn't even about clothes or whatever. Just stupid snarky comments.

Secundary ed was horendous.. The first year was a lot to take in, and with the extra stuff that happened I do not even remember some of the things that happened.

A few things that I did notice though in that time..
Kids spoke like they did in soaps. Oh it is this pattern of speech / comment. Especially the "populair" ones that went drinking every weekend.

And that there was one girl that spoke to her little bro about me and that entire classes from the time that that little brother entered the school went by the place I had lunch calling me that one nickname. The stupid thing is, those were 12y old kids that had just entered that school whilst I was already in the year before graduation and this still continued and it wasn't like a small group, it was an entire class of 20-30 kids.

Aside from that, talking behind your back, getting purposefully excluded, having people manipulate you and even somehow ending up talking to controlling psychopaths (the latter was mostly over the internet) ..

I've probably had to deal with about any kind of indirect / non physical kind of bullying and some forms of physical bullying.

I would like to conclude this by saying that I wish that those people from my primary school that made my life hell back then would slowly rot and perish.

When I was younger I was actually very protective of smaller and younger children who were being victimized. My mom took note of this also and told other people. I remember in middle school standing up for someone and all of a sudden the whole class turned against me. There was this little shit in daycare I even remember his name. He picked on me all the time for no reason and it got to the point where i got violent and started picking fights with him to leave me alone. The little bastard grabbed me by my wrists and kicked me in the stomach real hard. Later on when i was in middle school i encountered him again. This time i was twice his size and he was a head shorter than me and every time he saw me he would menacingly stare. I stared back at him one time and went "WHAT?!" when his response was a sheepish smile with "oh no I'm just playing". :lol:

If we grew up together the little urchins you had to put up with at school probably would have hid. ;)

Haha, I think Id have loved to have you as a friend back then :)
Let me tell you a personal story on this subject as well. When I was a kid, probably around 8 or 9 years old, my parents put me into a xian summer camp.

One day, we were playing outside when an older boy attacked me from behind and knocked me down on the ground. As I was on the ground, he started kicking me until he was stopped. When questioned by the adults, he said that I scraped off a scab on his arm on purpose and it hurt. Except I didn't and I had no idea about the scab whatsoever.

A little bit later, the questioning was over and I was left alone. I was brooding over it outside and planning revenge. I saw a stone on the ground about the size of my fist. I was considering picking up the stone and throwing it into his face or hitting him on the head from behind.

And then I realized what would happen if I did that. I would most likely kill him or hurt him so badly, he would be done for life. The police would be called. I realized that no matter how much I wanted to do it, it would not be worth it. I would probably not be writing this to you now, I would be either in prison or dead. This self-restraint was necessary for me to continue on with my life as a normal person and not as a child murderer.

I imagine life would be much harder if I had chosen that path. There may be no justice in my case, but a very valuable lesson.
One overkill (a way greater counter reaction), then the brainless know there place and one has peace.
promitheusS88 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=391489 time=1664690182 user_id=57]
In a healthy society with spiritual awareness, people would be able to defend themselves without being punished for it.

And boys would be able to fight. Fighting is natural among most boys, it builds character and forms friendships. Many male friendships in the older days were formed from two boys randomly getting into a fight and respecting each other for it after. This doesn't happen anymore, and males become pent-up and repressed with no healthy form of a physical outlet. Boys throwing a few punches makes them healthier and happier.

I remember a story back when i was in school also. There was this boy, a bully, one of the worst of a kind. He had beaten up hard many guys and also girls and the teachers they did not care so this little shit was going unpunished for a long time. One day, i remember, things went a bit too far and we decided that we will take the situation on our hands... so what happened ? We kicked his ass so hard that he was crying like a baby, the guy that most of the school feared. But this rough experience it seemed that he had taught him something important and slowly he actually became a nice guy and stood to some people as a good friend. So yeah Lydia, i totally agree with your post!

I've heard of similar stories, it's almost like men develop respect for those who kick their asses into line, lol.
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]
Karnonnos said:
Much of the time if you push someone with mutable signs far enough they can be very violent and explode. I know this myself and I experienced the 'black out' in a very similar way.

I do not espouse anything here either, but when one is put in a cage with chimpanzees whom every communist teacher or authority figure finds to be a perfect little darling, blood can spill. Unfortunately this is an inevitability of the way society is going. This is why courting the right allies and strength in numbers [divination can be used here] is a good idea for men and is in no way a 'feminine pursuit'. Libra representing justice and these things is a male sign after all.
Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.

My Grandmother had several Virgo placements and showed mostly the positive traits of Virgo, She was always trying to see the good in people, talked about being of help and service to others, and was extremely generous. This depends on the chart as we know, but Cancers can also be very cruel, cold, quite vindictive as well, and especially emotionally selfish. 2 people that I have known in my life had 3 planets in cancer, and were both emotional vampires, vindictive and spiteful and extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim. They could not take criticism from anyone, so they basically made it clear that they did not care to deeply understand the plights of others, but demanded that others do exactly this for them. When it was not they sulked. It was uncanny how both of these were most alike in almost every way, with the first person that I knew before the other being slightly better in some respects but trash none the less.

I know I am usually not compatible with fire-dominant people, and vibe better with water, but 2 or more planets in cancer make me stay far away, depending on the rest of the chart. There is one other exception I know to the rule and I am sure there is others, as these are just the dark sides of this particular sign and what does or doesn't manifest can happen because of some fixed stars influences, degrees, and other things.
I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.
Trying to avoid trouble can be helpful. Last year i almost got arrested due to violence. But thanks to the Gods, they protected me, and this situation was a result of a very negative planetary transit.
However, there are a lot of negative people out there, at home or work place. I have found out that doing an aura of protection and staying up on your mediations, can really put a stop to these.

When you arrive at a new environment, be quick to read people and check for potential idiots. Avoid these people.

For the guy who said to have trouble with his masculinity, i have found weight lifting to be of great help. Its more that just lifting weights.

Also, focus on your life, upgrade your self, do your self good things and enhance your value. Thats when you get respected.

Guys who waste time jerking off to porn, wasting time playing video games and social media, won’t make their dreams come true.

This world requires effort, working hard and working on your self. Its challenging but its worth it.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392848 time=1665308290 user_id=19170]
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]

Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.

My Grandmother had several Virgo placements and showed mostly the positive traits of Virgo, She was always trying to see the good in people, talked about being of help and service to others, and was extremely generous. This depends on the chart as we know, but Cancers can also be very cruel, cold, quite vindictive as well, and especially emotionally selfish. 2 people that I have known in my life had 3 planets in cancer, and were both emotional vampires, vindictive and spiteful and extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim. They could not take criticism from anyone, so they basically made it clear that they did not care to deeply understand the plights of others, but demanded that others do exactly this for them. When it was not they sulked. It was uncanny how both of these were most alike in almost every way, with the first person that I knew before the other being slightly better in some respects but trash none the less.

I know I am usually not compatible with fire-dominant people, and vibe better with water, but 2 or more planets in cancer make me stay far away, depending on the rest of the chart. There is one other exception I know to the rule and I am sure there is others, as these are just the dark sides of this particular sign and what does or doesn't manifest can happen because of some fixed stars influences, degrees, and other things.
I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.

Indeed, very good insight.

One of Michael Jackson's best songs was when he practically named the Jew in they don't really care about us.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]
Karnonnos said:
Much of the time if you push someone with mutable signs far enough they can be very violent and explode. I know this myself and I experienced the 'black out' in a very similar way.

I do not espouse anything here either, but when one is put in a cage with chimpanzees whom every communist teacher or authority figure finds to be a perfect little darling, blood can spill. Unfortunately this is an inevitability of the way society is going. This is why courting the right allies and strength in numbers [divination can be used here] is a good idea for men and is in no way a 'feminine pursuit'. Libra representing justice and these things is a male sign after all.
Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.
I should had seen this earlier, so the ones in Capricon are more... cold and more ''negative'' so to say? Because that would explain some things about my self.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392848 time=1665308290 user_id=19170]
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]

Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.

My Grandmother had several Virgo placements and showed mostly the positive traits of Virgo, She was always trying to see the good in people, talked about being of help and service to others, and was extremely generous. This depends on the chart as we know, but Cancers can also be very cruel, cold, quite vindictive as well, and especially emotionally selfish. 2 people that I have known in my life had 3 planets in cancer, and were both emotional vampires, vindictive and spiteful and extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim. They could not take criticism from anyone, so they basically made it clear that they did not care to deeply understand the plights of others, but demanded that others do exactly this for them. When it was not they sulked. It was uncanny how both of these were most alike in almost every way, with the first person that I knew before the other being slightly better in some respects but trash none the less.

I know I am usually not compatible with fire-dominant people, and vibe better with water, but 2 or more planets in cancer make me stay far away, depending on the rest of the chart. There is one other exception I know to the rule and I am sure there is others, as these are just the dark sides of this particular sign and what does or doesn't manifest can happen because of some fixed stars influences, degrees, and other things.
I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.

I wanted to ask, is there a way to help fix negative fixed stars conjuct the Ascendant? I know one can do squares for planets, but what about the Rising Sign, if for example, your Rising sign conjucts a malevolent star?
Weassel said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]
Karnonnos said:
Much of the time if you push someone with mutable signs far enough they can be very violent and explode. I know this myself and I experienced the 'black out' in a very similar way.

I do not espouse anything here either, but when one is put in a cage with chimpanzees whom every communist teacher or authority figure finds to be a perfect little darling, blood can spill. Unfortunately this is an inevitability of the way society is going. This is why courting the right allies and strength in numbers [divination can be used here] is a good idea for men and is in no way a 'feminine pursuit'. Libra representing justice and these things is a male sign after all.
Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.
I should had seen this earlier, so the ones in Capricon are more... cold and more ''negative'' so to say? Because that would explain some things about my self.
Negative is a bit too simple in how it defines Capricorn. This sign has to do with repression and obstacles. Inhibited emotions. These are strong themes with Capricorn especially in the early life. I've met very kind Capricorns.

In fact I would say that the coldness only comes when it is rightfully brought out by others.

But yes Capricorn can be cold. Some can be emotionally detached, some can be even cruel and ruthless depending on what exactly is shown.

That aside, Capricorn is one of the best signs when it comes to getting around life. Their endurance, discipline and diligence is second to no other sign.

Watch out for Mars in Capricorn in particular. Mars shows how our anger is like. Mars in signs like Capricorn and Scorpio, even Aries, can be deadly.
Kavya Shukra said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392848 time=1665308290 user_id=19170]
Shadowcat said:
My Grandmother had several Virgo placements and showed mostly the positive traits of Virgo, She was always trying to see the good in people, talked about being of help and service to others, and was extremely generous. This depends on the chart as we know, but Cancers can also be very cruel, cold, quite vindictive as well, and especially emotionally selfish. 2 people that I have known in my life had 3 planets in cancer, and were both emotional vampires, vindictive and spiteful and extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim. They could not take criticism from anyone, so they basically made it clear that they did not care to deeply understand the plights of others, but demanded that others do exactly this for them. When it was not they sulked. It was uncanny how both of these were most alike in almost every way, with the first person that I knew before the other being slightly better in some respects but trash none the less.

I know I am usually not compatible with fire-dominant people, and vibe better with water, but 2 or more planets in cancer make me stay far away, depending on the rest of the chart. There is one other exception I know to the rule and I am sure there is others, as these are just the dark sides of this particular sign and what does or doesn't manifest can happen because of some fixed stars influences, degrees, and other things.
I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.

I wanted to ask, is there a way to help fix negative fixed stars conjuct the Ascendant? I know one can do squares for planets, but what about the Rising Sign, if for example, your Rising sign conjucts a malevolent star?
Yes there is and it's just like other placements. Depending on the star you do a working that corresponds to the problem. Is it health issues with a star like Zosma? Work with Sowilo, the Mars mantra, solar mantras etc. Poverty? Free your soul from it. Abuse? Cut off ties with toxic people and put a powerful AoP, as well as remove the tendency to attract it from your soul.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=393479 time=1665612827 user_id=19170]
Kavya Shukra said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392848 time=1665308290 user_id=19170]

I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.

I wanted to ask, is there a way to help fix negative fixed stars conjuct the Ascendant? I know one can do squares for planets, but what about the Rising Sign, if for example, your Rising sign conjucts a malevolent star?
Yes there is and it's just like other placements. Depending on the star you do a working that corresponds to the problem. Is it health issues with a star like Zosma? Work with Sowilo, the Mars mantra, solar mantras etc. Poverty? Free your soul from it. Abuse? Cut off ties with toxic people and put a powerful AoP, as well as remove the tendency to attract it from your soul.

For me it's Unulkalhai. That star has been really affecting me in so many different ways, and especially constantly losing friends or something always happening that ends up sabotaging a great relationship with people. (Though it can't be entirely the stars at fault, as self -accountability has to be taken here) but its influence is so annoying.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392848 time=1665308290 user_id=19170]
Shadowcat said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391557 time=1664719245 user_id=19170]

Virgos can be very cruel. This is the sign opposite Pisces. Just like Capricorn is cold and ruthless being the opposite sign of the soft motherly sign Cancer.

My Grandmother had several Virgo placements and showed mostly the positive traits of Virgo, She was always trying to see the good in people, talked about being of help and service to others, and was extremely generous. This depends on the chart as we know, but Cancers can also be very cruel, cold, quite vindictive as well, and especially emotionally selfish. 2 people that I have known in my life had 3 planets in cancer, and were both emotional vampires, vindictive and spiteful and extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim. They could not take criticism from anyone, so they basically made it clear that they did not care to deeply understand the plights of others, but demanded that others do exactly this for them. When it was not they sulked. It was uncanny how both of these were most alike in almost every way, with the first person that I knew before the other being slightly better in some respects but trash none the less.

I know I am usually not compatible with fire-dominant people, and vibe better with water, but 2 or more planets in cancer make me stay far away, depending on the rest of the chart. There is one other exception I know to the rule and I am sure there is others, as these are just the dark sides of this particular sign and what does or doesn't manifest can happen because of some fixed stars influences, degrees, and other things.
I agree with you. One of my good friends has 4 planets in Virgo in her chart. Very kind and easy to get along with. As always, one should look at everything.

Cancers can definitely be vindictive as they hold grudges.

It also depends on the planets in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is different say from Venus in Cancer.

An emphasis on water signs can also be detrimental. The person can be extremely emotional, a professional victim, and other related things.

I would say it largely has to do with how someone handles their placements. And sometimes, one thing can mean something different for different people. So while one Cancer can manifest the positive aspects, the other can be emotionally manipulative, childish etc.

Pisces is another example. A good case was Michael Jackson. Artistic, sensitive, compassionate and caring as you could see in his songs and life. 'Man in the Mirror' remains one of my favorite songs from him (I'm actually listening to it on Spotify right now). He really cared about the world.

He had Pisces rising with the Moon in Pisces in his first house.

I've also seen Pisces manifest its lower traits. Professional victims, manipulative people, people who refuse to help themselves and so on.

I will say yes, I am a virgin and this is how I have positive qualities of a virgin, I am generous, I like to help people, I accept every human as he is, but if someone abuses my goodness, and even tries with all his might to become my enemy, I have no mercy, for such a person I can be cruel and I have no remorse for crushing the enemy. However, it is very hard to become my enemy. :) I think that everyone has both positive and negative features of their sign. ;)

Now let me ask you; how to define the chart lord, where can i see it? One more thing, my partner nothing at home 1, I don't know what that means. As you can see, I'm just starting to learn about astrology. ;)
A666 said:
Now let me ask you; how to define the chart lord, where can i see it? One more thing, my partner nothing at home 1, I don't know what that means. As you can see, I'm just starting to learn about astrology. ;)

The planet that rules the rising sign. Also any planets in the first house. Or on the ascendant from the 12th house.
What has the world come to nowadays, that the only solution for "problem people" is that they fuck up and go on a fit with principles. Even worse, they then have the audacity to say it was in everyone's best interest.

These people are truly selfish and corrupt.
In short, I had a classmate who was of the jewish race and I bet he knew it. It must be a family secret. He used to make fun and annoy everyone, although he was small and ugly...

Years later, we happened to be working at the same place. Being a spy by nature, he peeked at my phone constantly and once saw the name Joy of Satan and began cursing the name of Satan regularly when he was around me. I was supposed to keep a low profile, so I couldn't explicitly curse all of his Abrahamic pedophile figures. I told Satan what this kike was doing and how he was insulting his name and I asked him to punish him as he saw convenient.

The next day this kike came to work looking terrified and helpless and I was smirking an evil smile at him. He only unintentionally cursed Satan's name once after weeks, but he immediately looked at me with fear and went silent, having learnt his lesson very well. He cannot even stand a chance against me.

That was close enough to black magik. It required taking action and putting an end to one's debased character. Many other times I used black magik on other people who deserved it.
Black magik? How do you do that... Sorry I'm new-

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
