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A question on Spiritual Death and Meaning in Life


Jun 20, 2018
Is there any meaning to life? If countless people have been erased forever, what is there to be done about it? Are the views of this site on death similar to atheism? Of course, atheists don't believe in even free will, but one core belief would be the same as theirs, that humans are ultimately meaningless and can/will disappear forever into the nothingness from which they supposedly came, as if they never existed, and their existence was the mere product of meaningless matter interactions, with meaning being only a human construct that has no objective basis. The only difference is the Soul is here believed to be a spiritual/energetic body which is generally much harder to destroy than the physical one, which often survives the physical one's death. However the end result of nothingness and non existence is seen as the exact same thing if the spiritual body dies, so in a way it's just one stage removed from atheism, but the same overall concept of 'If the matter/energy producing or facilitating your consciousness vanishes, you are gone forever'. The same seems true of the origin of the soul in atheism and the beliefs of this site as it is simply seen as created by interactions of matter/energy. From nothingness to nothingness basically.

This is not aimed to be critical but I do want to know, what do you all believe about meaning in life? From the articles i read on this site it really seems like the ultimate view here is that life is inherently meaningless and is always ready to disappear forever. The most I read that indicates a belief in meaning in life is the idea promoted here that all energy/matter is consciousness in some way, and consciousness is a result of the basic processes of the universe which are destined to produce higher and higher complexity, and that doesn't sound so unreasonable to me. However, i haven't seen anyone say yet that it was in itself meaningful or that the individual people created are. For example, this would make all humans completely replacable beings that serve no unique purpose in themselves other than being one among many. Please correct me if I am wrong about this, but this was the impression I got from reading the Important Topics articles here and on the site on what the general official view here is on meaning in life and spiritual death.

It really makes me wonder. Even if spiritual death is an absolute truth and those who are dead are gone as if they never existed and never had any true reason to exist, everyone should oppose this truth and see the state of nature as inherently flawed to allow such results, and in need of correction. Of course this idea of correcting nature and the chaos it produces seems to be in line with the beliefs of people here, as the general idea seems to be curing the disease of death in humanity and making humans immortal either spiritually or physically or both, that seems like a good idea to me too. It just seems like the next step after everyone became immortal would be then trying to find some sort of purpose of life in general, or of their individual lives. What do you guys think about this?
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.
Meaning in Life:

Advancement /surviveing ---> taking our place in the universe along the gods to safe/secure our race.

We were createt from the gods through bioengineering with thear own dna.

Spiritual death
Atheist think they can do nothing about vanishing. We know better the soul also needs energy to survive.
Reincarnation needs energy without you vanish.
You registered in March but speak like is the first time you hear about SS.

People have not been erased forever. Their souls remain alive and reincarnate in another physical bodies when the planetary signs are similar with the ones from their former births.

SS is paganism. It has nothing to do with atheism. Is the same religion which ancient pagan nations (greeks, egyptians, hindu, roman, sumerian, akkadian etc.) had. All these nations were following the same spirituality and the same Gods which we are following today. We are meditating and empowering our souls to become like the Gods, using the same methods which the ancients were using and this place is full loaded with sermons and information about the ancient spirituality, mantras, runes, yoga etc.

Read JoS and exposing christianity and you will have a clear view on what we are doing.

ConsistentMeditator said:
(...) It just seems like the next step after everyone became immortal would be then trying to find some sort of purpose of life in general, or of their individual lives. What do you guys think about this?

It seems like you're trying to justify state of being present by looking for some external purposes instead of internal. The purpose of existence is existence itself. You won't find this one correct way of living because It doesn't exist. You’re free to do with your life whatever you want. As long as we are in the cycle of life and death the ultimate goal is Magnum Opus - the great work, the greatest of all of them.

When we were created by our creator - Satan, apparently he had a purpose in doing so and now we're seeking the purpose in everything else but not in us. We've been taught too much in category of "outside-in" instead of "inside-out".

The other key factor in our considerations here is the fact of achieving immortality and how it transform the consciousness. Indisputable it's completely different from what we can perceive today and there's such possibility that you're question might simply does not exist after transformation because we would know that we know (the reason or what to do). It's hard to definitely determine what challenges we'll be facing at that time before actually reaching this state.

Anyway everything above represent my personal view on the given subject and might not reflect the view of others.
Satan says that the reason for existing is to better Yourself and the Universe.

You could say Humans are meaningless. You could say everything is meaningless. What's the point? You can also say that you make yourself have meaning and make things have meaning. You can give meaning to yourself and to things.

You create your own meaningfulness - and that includes your own power, authority, status, title, being, life, world...

I'm going to be religious here -

that doesn't sound so unreasonable to me? :p

The Soul is unique - including in twins/triplets, etc. There may be many, but each is individual.

Nature doesn't care. Nature continues on, and it increases what you are, what you are/have been subjected to - for good or for bad. The decision is yours to promote or relegate. This is 'the eternal struggle', at least in part.

Immortality is not only Physical nor only Mental nor only Spiritual; it is all in one. We need our Physical Body to be able to evolve, advance, empower, grow, increase... It cannot be done without it. It is possible to exist separate from your Physical Body, but it is necessary to be able to be more.

Again - you make your own purpose. You decide what to do in life - go to an uninhabited Planet and inhabit it, or to a Planet inhabited by Animals and love them and pet them (if they are not wild!), etc. Kick the arse of the enemy reptillians and enjoy that. Have Children and teach them how to be happy and have great lives. Whatever.

shinninglight said:
The Soul very much can die, eternally. It is easier to destroy than to create, which, again, is a part of 'the eternal struggle'; we must fight against the easier route if we want to be more. When the enemy consumes the Souls of Gentiles, then do you suppose they could re-eat the same Souls repeatedly? Why harvest more - enslaving Humanity, and inhabitants of other Planets, so much?

The Soul is made up of different parts, including the Astral Body.

The Alchemist7 said:
Their souls remain alive and reincarnate in another physical bodies when the planetary signs are similar with the ones from their former births.
If possible.
ConsistentMeditator said:
Is there any meaning to life? If countless people have been erased forever, what is there to be done about it? Are the views of this site on death similar to atheism? Of course, atheists don't believe in even free will, but one core belief would be the same as theirs, that humans are ultimately meaningless and can/will disappear forever into the nothingness from which they supposedly came, as if they never existed, and their existence was the mere product of meaningless matter interactions, with meaning being only a human construct that has no objective basis. The only difference is the Soul is here believed to be a spiritual/energetic body which is generally much harder to destroy than the physical one, which often survives the physical one's death. However the end result of nothingness and non existence is seen as the exact same thing if the spiritual body dies, so in a way it's just one stage removed from atheism, but the same overall concept of 'If the matter/energy producing or facilitating your consciousness vanishes, you are gone forever'. The same seems true of the origin of the soul in atheism and the beliefs of this site as it is simply seen as created by interactions of matter/energy. From nothingness to nothingness basically.

This is not aimed to be critical but I do want to know, what do you all believe about meaning in life? From the articles i read on this site it really seems like the ultimate view here is that life is inherently meaningless and is always ready to disappear forever. The most I read that indicates a belief in meaning in life is the idea promoted here that all energy/matter is consciousness in some way, and consciousness is a result of the basic processes of the universe which are destined to produce higher and higher complexity, and that doesn't sound so unreasonable to me. However, i haven't seen anyone say yet that it was in itself meaningful or that the individual people created are. For example, this would make all humans completely replacable beings that serve no unique purpose in themselves other than being one among many. Please correct me if I am wrong about this, but this was the impression I got from reading the Important Topics articles here and on the site on what the general official view here is on meaning in life and spiritual death.

It really makes me wonder. Even if spiritual death is an absolute truth and those who are dead are gone as if they never existed and never had any true reason to exist, everyone should oppose this truth and see the state of nature as inherently flawed to allow such results, and in need of correction. Of course this idea of correcting nature and the chaos it produces seems to be in line with the beliefs of people here, as the general idea seems to be curing the disease of death in humanity and making humans immortal either spiritually or physically or both, that seems like a good idea to me too. It just seems like the next step after everyone became immortal would be then trying to find some sort of purpose of life in general, or of their individual lives. What do you guys think about this?

You have no purpose? Then you havent set one. Set a goal to acheve it. Mine biggest goal is to finish immortality but there are also other goals i wan't to do some little ones and also one here and there. Setting a goal to run first like 500 meters then after maitaining it and adjusting to it i increase the size. So it's always good to start little on goals.
Bro you like sex? i would do it for hours xD but can't do it now but i set the goal to improve and i'm improving

About what is my meaning in life is to set good goals in life and achieve them and get stronge. And enjoying life.

What purpose could be there after immortality? Continuing and advancing and getting stronger and stronger? because that's what i wan't, i think everyone wants that.

one core belief would be the same as theirs, that humans are ultimately meaningless and can/will disappear forever into the nothingness from which they supposedly came
I don't think that humans came from "nothing" it's like saing the universe was created from nothing or had a beginning like in the big bang theory but the universe always was and wasn't created, the universe is infinit it has macrocosm and microcosm.

Get some motivation bro and get rid of the teaching of outsiders.
You can program your subconscious to get motivated in stuff your doing (goals) or doing a working for motivation and or optimism.
Use an afirmation like "I'm always completely and permanently motivated by doing meditations, learning and achieving my goals".
Fuchs said:
Atheist think they can do nothing about vanishing. We know better the soul also needs energy to survive.

The funny thing is atheists don't know nothing about spirituality, yet they question it and also they are the ones who call you stupid and brainwashed when you try to explain to them what spirituality is, because their holy materialistic science refuses to do it. They need a scientific kike to "prove" it, otherwise they won't realize nothing. Ignorants like xians.
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.

As for those people my opinion is nature does not excuse people just because they do what they are told or never hear anything different. People so far as the universe is concerned chose to suffer or dissapate so it's their problem we have ourselves to work on and people that can be educated so I wouldn't waste time on those that don't want truth or even spend a moment worrying about it. Everyone chooses their fate.
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic. Lighten up and take care of yourself and those that are worth it. In the end they will be find.
Photon said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
(...) It just seems like the next step after everyone became immortal would be then trying to find some sort of purpose of life in general, or of their individual lives. What do you guys think about this?

It seems like you're trying to justify state of being present by looking for some external purposes instead of internal. The purpose of existence is existence itself. You won't find this one correct way of living because It doesn't exist. You’re free to do with your life whatever you want. As long as we are in the cycle of life and death the ultimate goal is Magnum Opus - the great work, the greatest of all of them.
It sounds like a great idea to me, but I still cannot escape the conclusion that if existence is only justified by itself, then on an objective level, it is meaningless. Not that this would change that I'd still want to always exist though even if life was meaningless.

Photon said:
When we were created by our creator - Satan, apparently he had a purpose in doing so and now we're seeking the purpose in everything else but not in us. We've been taught too much in category of "outside-in" instead of "inside-out".

The other key factor in our considerations here is the fact of achieving immortality and how it transform the consciousness. Indisputable it's completely different from what we can perceive today and there's such possibility that you're question might simply does not exist after transformation because we would know that we know (the reason or what to do). It's hard to definitely determine what challenges we'll be facing at that time before actually reaching this state.

Anyway everything above represent my personal view on the given subject and might not reflect the view of others.
Alright. Well, I agree that attaining some kind of super conscious state certainly seems like a good thing. In the short term, objective meaning isn't all too important, what matters is that humanity can move past its current state of crisis and existential threats towards a stable future. It still seems like it would eventually be important one way or another, though.
darkmonkey666 said:
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.

As for those people my opinion is nature does not excuse people just because they do what they are told or never hear anything different. People so far as the universe is concerned chose to suffer or dissapate so it's their problem we have ourselves to work on and people that can be educated so I wouldn't waste time on those that don't want truth or even spend a moment worrying about it. Everyone chooses their fate.
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic. Lighten up and take care of yourself and those that are worth it. In the end they will be find.
The too weak to riencanate here is that there are souls who go to the lower part of the astral realm,a very dark place without light,many people have seen this place,souls who go there cant riencanate and they are left to suffer,this is until they may be pulled out by higher dimensional entities who are on the higher part of the astral of higher vibration,the astral have defferent levels from higher of very bright light to lower of very dark place.and their are always good entities there to help these souls out in some way and save them.there is much we don't know
FancyMancy said:
Satan says that the reason for existing is to better Yourself and the Universe.

You could say Humans are meaningless. You could say everything is meaningless. What's the point? You can also say that you make yourself have meaning and make things have meaning. You can give meaning to yourself and to things.

You create your own meaningfulness - and that includes your own power, authority, status, title, being, life, world...

I'm going to be religious here -

that doesn't sound so unreasonable to me? :p

The Soul is unique - including in twins/triplets, etc. There may be many, but each is individual.

Nature doesn't care. Nature continues on, and it increases what you are, what you are/have been subjected to - for good or for bad. The decision is yours to promote or relegate. This is 'the eternal struggle', at least in part.

Immortality is not only Physical nor only Mental nor only Spiritual; it is all in one. We need our Physical Body to be able to evolve, advance, empower, grow, increase... It cannot be done without it. It is possible to exist separate from your Physical Body, but it is necessary to be able to be more.

Again - you make your own purpose. You decide what to do in life - go to an uninhabited Planet and inhabit it, or to a Planet inhabited by Animals and love them and pet them (if they are not wild!), etc. Kick the arse of the enemy reptillians and enjoy that. Have Children and teach them how to be happy and have great lives. Whatever.

shinninglight said:
The Soul very much can die, eternally. It is easier to destroy than to create, which, again, is a part of 'the eternal struggle'; we must fight against the easier route if we want to be more. When the enemy consumes the Souls of Gentiles, then do you suppose they could re-eat the same Souls repeatedly? Why harvest more - enslaving Humanity, and inhabitants of other Planets, so much?

The Soul is made up of different parts, including the Astral Body.

The Alchemist7 said:
Their souls remain alive and reincarnate in another physical bodies when the planetary signs are similar with the ones from their former births.
If possible.

I don't really disagree with the general idea of trying to create meaning, and make things better overall in the world and for individuals. Clearly that must take place and there are many things that need to change, so the route of the future in humans becoming more advanced and getting rid of death all are things I agree with. I just can't help but think that the idea of objective meaning is very important, whether or not that changes the overall end result of what has to get done in the meantime. Everyone will definitely have plenty of time to think about it if humanity becomes immortal at some point. Obviously in the meantime everyone should do their best to survive as it's all pretty much for nothing if they were to disappear forever due to laziness in expectation of a brighter future, but this is still important to think about. At some point, presumably even the war the Gods are supposedly going through could also end, leaving all humanity and other advanced alien races in an immortal state. What then? It seems like that problem of meaning would inevitably come up when survival becomes a non-issue.
darkmonkey666 said:
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic.

nope its about


well metalcore = mi mi mi

"A Grave Mistake
Ice Nine Kills

Here lies the lifeless bride and groom
Till’ death do us part came far too soon
Buildings burn and people die all of the time
But I heard that you reap what you sow
So around and around we go
And when you see my face you’ll know
You can't save yourself
Or save your soul

When you meet the man whose life you stole
With weathered wings and broken bones
A flight for the fallen flies the crow
You can’t save yourself
These vengeful thoughts trapped underneath
Rage, scorn, misery
Payback for what you took from me
Hope, love, sanity
I heard that you reap what you sow
So here's to believing in ghosts
Now when you see my face you’ll know
You can't save yourself
Or save your soul
When you meet the man whose life you stole
With weathered wings and broken bones
A flight…
No forgiveness, just farewell
From the match made in heaven
You sent straight to hell
No forgiveness, no escape
May you rest in pieces
For your grave mistake
For your grave mistake
You can't save yourself
Or save your soul
When you meet the man whose life you stole
With weathered wings and broken bones
A flight for the fallen flies the crow
You can't save yourself
No, you can't save yourself
For your grave mistake
You can't save yourself
Songwriter: Spencer Maxwell Charnas / Justin J D"
The Egyptians stated the ability to reincarnate is based on the level of development of the soul, what reincarnates the BA, the soul. If the soul is too weak then.....

shinninglight said:
Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.
Everything you said is pure materialistic, fully excluding any spiritual/imaterial side of those things. Natural/universal laws existed and will exist forever, nobody tryes to "create" meaning for them. We don't try to create a meaning for the usage of energy since we already know how energy works and how can be used to advance our souls, which are also made of energy. Also we know how the jews used energy to turn the world into the hole full of garbage which is today (the environment is collapsing, the weather is becoming more and more agressive and dangerous, the extreme pollution, the mental slavery of most people etc.), they aknowledged this themselves, we can clearly see this from the history and we have been instructed by our Gods how to fix this by reversing the energy they generated.

ConsistentMeditator said:
so the route of the future in humans becoming more advanced and getting rid of death

I wonder what this means for you since from your point of view we just "try to create" a meaning for things which you can't conceive or understand (like people getting rid of death)? Humanity as a whole can't get rid of the death because this depends of each individual soul. The thing is, the population increased in crazy numbers since last century. There are billions of new souls. It might take thousands of years until these souls will finish the work (Magnum Opus) and become immortal. This are things which probably you do not understand, mainly because humanity was ripped off of their spiritual/occult knowledge. But this changed since JoS appeared and brought back this knowledge (I think a small part of it) to the public.

Is like we are some sort of christians who discovered the magick and try to invent a meaning for it, like a kind of blind faith in some things invented by our own minds. If this is what you think, then you need to read JoS and all the affiliated websites, so you can understand how spirituality and the manipulation of energy works.

shinninglight said:
darkmonkey666 said:
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.

As for those people my opinion is nature does not excuse people just because they do what they are told or never hear anything different. People so far as the universe is concerned chose to suffer or dissapate so it's their problem we have ourselves to work on and people that can be educated so I wouldn't waste time on those that don't want truth or even spend a moment worrying about it. Everyone chooses their fate.
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic. Lighten up and take care of yourself and those that are worth it. In the end they will be find.
They are talking about the astral body here from what I know,soul is already eternal,it has no beginning and no end,you don't immortalize the soul through the magnum opus,you immortalize the physical and the astral body,the second death is the death of the second body(astral body),the Egyptians states that that this body eats and drinks and is even given servants to serve it,now this are not a properties of the soul as soul dosnt need food or servants,this is actually the second body,it still does things as it does on the physical like eating and drinking and even having astral sex.it is not the main soul that the Egyptian were talking about.soul is not immortalized it is eternal,however the physical and astral body is not eternal,they die,so the magnum opus is to immortalize the physical and astral body.
There is no eternal death.the soul must riencanate or else it has no other purpose,I don't think nature will allow that or the universe will allow it,for soul to reach a level it stops reincarnating,it is not the fault of Christians that they came into this world under Christianity,why would they be allowed to die eternally,so these souls were sent here only to die and be gone forever,no' thats not it,there is always salvation,it may take a long time for a soul to riencanate due to being weak and is left in the lower astral to suffer,but they can always be saved from that state,there is no eternal death

Maybe your right. I meditated on this concept awhile ago. I thought energy just changed forms and your left to some higher concept of reincarnation. There is nothing eternal death for anything I don't think that's possible. I am not disputing that even a soul consumed will be reborn again as something else in whatever thousands of years exist. But they cease being human and that is the same as eternal death or losing in this game of Life by me. Cause what is you ceases to be you but becomes something else if I am right.

If there is no eternal death for humans at all at the soul level this makes it way worse if the enemy wins cause they could force us to be slaves and suffer forever without end. Which I am still not sure thankfully is possible.

I still somehow think though if it's energy it can be destroyed in its current form or dissapate and at the very least that's the end of you as you know it. The consciousness stream doesn't end but whatever is you in the future on whatever countless possible planets will never know you existed.

It's more like you lost if that happens and I personally like being human I would never take this chance.

Now yes this is speculation along with intuition too as I really do think there is a concept behind this but neither me nor most people on Earth can understand this at this point. So it's kind of useless let's just focus on live and elevating ourselves and WE have nothing to worry about.

I fail to see why anyone would want to focus on saving people in this state or lower astral or however this works. It's a waste of time. Would we as humans want to bring back people or save them from the lowest state then imagine you have dumb people incarnated on Earth taking hundreds of years to raise from their state and maybe they pull us down again somehow. I don't think it's worth it let them enjoy their fate innocent or not matters not in the universe.
shinninglight said:
darkmonkey666 said:
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.

As for those people my opinion is nature does not excuse people just because they do what they are told or never hear anything different. People so far as the universe is concerned chose to suffer or dissapate so it's their problem we have ourselves to work on and people that can be educated so I wouldn't waste time on those that don't want truth or even spend a moment worrying about it. Everyone chooses their fate.
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic. Lighten up and take care of yourself and those that are worth it. In the end they will be find.
They are talking about the astral body here from what I know,soul is already eternal,it has no beginning and no end,you don't immortalize the soul through the magnum opus,you immortalize the physical and the astral body,the second death is the death of the second body(astral body),the Egyptians states that that this body eats and drinks and is even given servants to serve it,now this are not a properties of the soul as soul dosnt need food or servants,this is actually the second body,it still does things as it does on the physical like eating and drinking and even having astral sex.it is not the main soul that the Egyptian were talking about.soul is not immortalized it is eternal,however the physical and astral body is not eternal,they die,so the magnum opus is to immortalize the physical and astral body.
There is no eternal death.the soul must riencanate or else it has no other purpose,I don't think nature will allow that or the universe will allow it,for soul to reach a level it stops reincarnating,it is not the fault of Christians that they came into this world under Christianity,why would they be allowed to die eternally,so these souls were sent here only to die and be gone forever,no' thats not it,there is always salvation,it may take a long time for a soul to riencanate due to being weak and is left in the lower astral to suffer,but they can always be saved from that state,there is no eternal death
One might argue, from your line of arguing, that the jew soul can be changed to be redeemed and acceptable and/or then there isn't really any point in fighting to save Earth and Her Inhabitants, because after a Human-turned-grey outlives its usefulness, then the Soul would reincarnate somewhere else with Bodies of ours, anyway. Let's become greys for the experience points. We should all be blasé and carry on doing absolutely anything we want - including any and all criminals and immoral, unethical people doing what they do, regardless, forever - because there's always, eventually, the possibility/ability to change and be good, since we will never die. Then all laws and rules and regulations are nothing - let's all just do whatever, whatever and whatever, because it doesn't matter; we'll all reincarnate and be good and holy one day, and then live forever Physically as a God or Goddess.

As such, no-one should meditate and do workings, or not as quickly, because it'll still happen, regardless, one day. Plus - what's the point in the Gods and Goddesses poisoning the souls of the jew? If the jew remains forever, then we'd might as well just create and activate a Spiritual EMP which forces, in very real and actual terms, every non-friendly entity and soul away from us, so that we can be.

Then there are new Souls and old Souls; they don't all just exist forever already. Some or all new Souls are created (if I remember correctly) from both parents' Souls partly, then the Soul/Child/Person grows into themself.
I say let's focus on us and elevating ourselves that is the meaning right now. What happens to the people who are stuck in the lower astral is their own doing. Even if they didn't know better the universe doesn't care why should we bother with it right now. It seems if anyone would help them it would be the Gods job If they are eternally alive in some way they will still be there in 100 or so years. We can deal with it when we as a planet are secure and evolved. We can't save everyone nor should we risk making humanity even less evolved and letting the enemy win just to save someone or a group of people. I know it's sad and we shouldn't wish suffering on anyone but Satan did say himself and this is often quoted that in the end it would be too late for some people to come to the truth. So let's focus on the good people. We don't need to save the degenerates. Just my thoughts

PS that song was just to try to lighten people up.
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

No you are just too scared of this and too in denial of reality about it as the original poster.

Souls do actually die. This is why death spells have a meaning.

You are too new age. Immortality of the soul is a figurative term. If what makes you "you" dissipates, then this is the end. As for the general fart of energy one leaves behind, that is that, it has no meaning to it.

If a plant that dies leaving behind some soil is considered "immortality" of a plant, this is only energy recyling. It is not any immortality within this concept.

You base your opinion based on childish pressumptions that "oh, you have to exist". Why? Because you said so?

Death is a very real thing and this does not make anyone an atheist for believing that, it is part of existence. Emotional denial does not change this fact.

And yes, people who have been "deceived" do die and some will also dissipate.
Creating pseudophilosophy without being a Philos-Opher aka A friend of the Serpent aka spiritually advanced is like crapping on a canvas and pretending you do fine art.

Your argument is just easily refutable in that if death exists, life only gets MORE meaning. Immortality increases this meaning of life exponentially, as it is a permanent distance from death, and not the other way around.
Thank you HP Cobra I guess I was right in that the soul actually can die. I never denied that but I would take that means forever and nothing more consciousness wise for the person at least. I'll admit I cannot even concieve of the idea of not existing forever but I also admit I do guess it can happen so I guess there is nothing more that is kind of what I suspect. What I was referring to above was a new soul of somekind being born. I guess that has nothing to do with us right now and no relation to energy as it existed before. This stuff is so far beyond complicated it could explode my brain. I am confused but I'll just leave it at that. No need to waste time worrying about this as I am not going to die eternally as long as I meditate and I have no intention of not being a spiritual person so this doesn't concern me.

The new age idea of Saving everyone isn't going to help anyone. With some people if you try to save them it will pull you down to their level. You might end up dead along with them it's not worth it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

No you are just too scared of this and too in denial of reality about it as the original poster.

Souls do actually die. This is why death spells have a meaning.

You are too new age. Immortality of the soul is a figurative term. If what makes you "you" dissipates, then this is the end. As for the general fart of energy one leaves behind, that is that, it has no meaning to it.

If a plant that dies leaving behind some soil is considered "immortality" of a plant, this is only energy recyling. It is not any immortality within this concept.

You base your opinion based on childish pressumptions that "oh, you have to exist". Why? Because you said so?

Death is a very real thing and this does not make anyone an atheist for believing that, it is part of existence. Emotional denial does not change this fact.

And yes, people who have been "deceived" do die and some will also dissipate.
my stance on this did not come from new age,death spell has a meaning because it kills the person those it kill the soul,so your saying if you perform death spell on someone the persons soul will dissipate or maybe the person will only die a physical death,their are defferent bodies of existance with soul being the real person,and soul is said to be above these bodies in conciousness,you are confusing the soul with this energy bodies which holds our life force,mind and emotions.this bodies are not the soul but are housing the soul.if soul will dissipate then the jews will be driven out and would not exist,tell me someoone born in a very christian home with no knowledge of satanism or spiritual advancement and then this leads him into spritual degeneration and then the soul dissipates,your saying this soul only came to dissipate and thats it,bye bye,you came to suffer and then your gone thats it.no way.
from what i have seen here is that many people are confused regarding the concept of the soul.i have seen people call the astral body soul,some call the casual body soul,but this are just misinformation.all this bodies are not soul and soul does not die.it is not energy and it is not matter.only matter can die,energy disipates but it still goes somewhere,it dosnt vanish from existance,so is the soul,soul out creates the mind,it is higher than the mind,but the mind can control the soul if one is weak,so the soul has to learn how to take control.
by the way i am not talking of immortal,soul is eternal,timeless,it out creates the mind so nothing within the mind can kill it.
now am off
shinninglight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
shinninglight said:
This is something I have been trying to explain is that soul does not die,soul is eternal,it is the eternal life force,it can not be destroyed.
Weak people suffer but their soul dosnt get destroyed,that's absurd.because soul is higher than time,if someone does not meditate and advance they are prone to suffering both in the physical world and the astral,this is because the strong always rules the weak.so if your weak you will just become a slave race without personal power and means to advancement,this dosnt mean you can't be saved,weak people will always go through a dark void of suffering while the strong advance.
But the saying that soul dissipates from my understanding is the astral body,from what I know many people call astral body soul,so the astral body dissipates in time of riencanation and a new astral body forms,that is it.there is no eternal doom for anyone.

No you are just too scared of this and too in denial of reality about it as the original poster.

Souls do actually die. This is why death spells have a meaning.

You are too new age. Immortality of the soul is a figurative term. If what makes you "you" dissipates, then this is the end. As for the general fart of energy one leaves behind, that is that, it has no meaning to it.

If a plant that dies leaving behind some soil is considered "immortality" of a plant, this is only energy recyling. It is not any immortality within this concept.

You base your opinion based on childish pressumptions that "oh, you have to exist". Why? Because you said so?

Death is a very real thing and this does not make anyone an atheist for believing that, it is part of existence. Emotional denial does not change this fact.

And yes, people who have been "deceived" do die and some will also dissipate.
my stance on this did not come from new age,death spell has a meaning because it kills the person those it kill the soul,so your saying if you perform death spell on someone the persons soul will dissipate or maybe the person will only die a physical death,their are defferent bodies of existance with soul being the real person,and soul is said to be above these bodies in conciousness,you are confusing the soul with this energy bodies which holds our life force,mind and emotions.this bodies are not the soul but are housing the soul.if soul will dissipate then the jews will be driven out and would not exist,tell me someoone born in a very christian home with no knowledge of satanism or spiritual advancement and then this leads him into spritual degeneration and then the soul dissipates,your saying this soul only came to dissipate and thats it,bye bye,you came to suffer and then your gone thats it.no way.
from what i have seen here is that many people are confused regarding the concept of the soul.i have seen people call the astral body soul,some call the casual body soul,but this are just misinformation.all this bodies are not soul and soul does not die.it is not energy and it is not matter.only matter can die,energy disipates but it still goes somewhere,it dosnt vanish from existance,so is the soul,soul out creates the mind,it is higher than the mind,but the mind can control the soul if one is weak,so the soul has to learn how to take control.
by the way i am not talking of immortal,soul is eternal,timeless,it out creates the mind so nothing within the mind can kill it.
now am off

Wow, thanks for telling me in an incoherent fashion what I have repeated a thousand times since like 2013, I will keep that in mind. Not only you repeat, but you disinform on repetition, and you are at a level to not even understand that your sentimentality does not decide nature.

Yes, the very "SOUL" of people does dissipate. You are talking of something you seldom understand and this is why you cannot even explain this, not even to yourself. What you repeat essentially is a centuries old hear-say about the so called "Immortality of the soul" which is the same atheistic meme as "When you die, your energy remains".

Well it does not remain in any coherent sense, and if you do not maintain its form, form is what gives things meaning, and not arbitary energy.

After you are done telling me what I was the first to show on people and clean a mess of thousands of years of dis-info which you repeat, please also let me inform you that yes, you can erase anything that has to do with a person, and nature also does this. Nothing can survive without a form in the universe. Form is necessary creation, what you call "Energy bodies". Energy means activity, and without said activity, something is latent, ie, non existent.

This also happens because of universal laws, and decay is not limited to the physical domain. It exists universally. Energy has to be put in maintaining the form of structure of the faint "something" you call a soul, and without this "Form", there is no content. The form is what gives the content any existence in the first place. It does not exist on it's own.

Energy that arbitrarily remains "From" a person, is of no value after death or dissipation, anymore than a fart is a memory of the ass that once produced it. Call this soul if this floats your boat to feel better about it. This is the level of profanity I have to explain this so that you understand it.

Your fart technically will remain on the air and atmosphere, some molecules of it. But it doesn't have divine meaning because of your sentimentality of being farted out of some ass, innocent or otherwise. And the energy of a soul that has dissipated, likewise, does not.

You are the one who is misinformed and misinforming as a result, as you equate any form of idle energy as an arbitary "soul", because you truly do not understand any of your own preaching on the subject, and do not have any experience.

You're just larping unnatural stuff out of your ass like pseudoplatonism and just meme's from the East about some sort of "Eternal soul".

There is no "Eternal soul", and what is left behind from it, without formation, is just arbitary energy just like anything else in the cosmos, useless and latent, like recycling natural material. This is why souls can be enslaved and they can be consumed by the enemy. Because souls in reality are not some immortal nothing, they are a form of energy.

What you call "Soul" as a "whatever nothing into something" is basically aether. The soul is a pairing of many different and existing things, and not the random aether that exists in them.
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
darkmonkey666 said:
Then what is the "second death" they talked about in Ancient Egypt and probably other places dealing with non spiritual people. I don't think that xtians and others who don't do anything spiritual reincarnate over and over. Sure a few times it was stated one of the goals is to make the soul eternal (probably raising the kundalini) it's true no one who meditates even a little bit like doing yoga a few times a week or something will dissapate. You are correct in that these people go on to suffer if they lack spirituality and progressively go into worse situations BUT I don't think everyone lives forever.

As for those people my opinion is nature does not excuse people just because they do what they are told or never hear anything different. People so far as the universe is concerned chose to suffer or dissapate so it's their problem we have ourselves to work on and people that can be educated so I wouldn't waste time on those that don't want truth or even spend a moment worrying about it. Everyone chooses their fate.
https://youtu.be/srlSAxxvfXE love that song I think it's about this topic. Lighten up and take care of yourself and those that are worth it. In the end they will be find.
They are talking about the astral body here from what I know,soul is already eternal,it has no beginning and no end,you don't immortalize the soul through the magnum opus,you immortalize the physical and the astral body,the second death is the death of the second body(astral body),the Egyptians states that that this body eats and drinks and is even given servants to serve it,now this are not a properties of the soul as soul dosnt need food or servants,this is actually the second body,it still does things as it does on the physical like eating and drinking and even having astral sex.it is not the main soul that the Egyptian were talking about.soul is not immortalized it is eternal,however the physical and astral body is not eternal,they die,so the magnum opus is to immortalize the physical and astral body.
There is no eternal death.the soul must riencanate or else it has no other purpose,I don't think nature will allow that or the universe will allow it,for soul to reach a level it stops reincarnating,it is not the fault of Christians that they came into this world under Christianity,why would they be allowed to die eternally,so these souls were sent here only to die and be gone forever,no' thats not it,there is always salvation,it may take a long time for a soul to riencanate due to being weak and is left in the lower astral to suffer,but they can always be saved from that state,there is no eternal death
One might argue, from your line of arguing, that the jew soul can be changed to be redeemed and acceptable and/or then there isn't really any point in fighting to save Earth and Her Inhabitants, because after a Human-turned-grey outlives its usefulness, then the Soul would reincarnate somewhere else with Bodies of ours, anyway. Let's become greys for the experience points. We should all be blasé and carry on doing absolutely anything we want - including any and all criminals and immoral, unethical people doing what they do, regardless, forever - because there's always, eventually, the possibility/ability to change and be good, since we will never die. Then all laws and rules and regulations are nothing - let's all just do whatever, whatever and whatever, because it doesn't matter; we'll all reincarnate and be good and holy one day, and then live forever Physically as a God or Goddess.

As such, no-one should meditate and do workings, or not as quickly, because it'll still happen, regardless, one day. Plus - what's the point in the Gods and Goddesses poisoning the souls of the jew? If the jew remains forever, then we'd might as well just create and activate a Spiritual EMP which forces, in very real and actual terms, every non-friendly entity and soul away from us, so that we can be.

Then there are new Souls and old Souls; they don't all just exist forever already. Some or all new Souls are created (if I remember correctly) from both parents' Souls partly, then the Soul/Child/Person grows into themself.
no you cant do what you want thats why their is something they call karma,if by your definition people can do what they want then there is no natural law at all,musquitoes which give millions of people maleria are not evil,are they.that is how they are,it is their nature to bite and infect people you cant change that,but let musquitoes soul if they have any die and dissipate because they are evil.it wouldnt happen.evil does not equal death or sizing to exist,it is just the other side of good.so by definition no soul is evil.because evil must exist for their to be good.so no' soul does not die because it is evil,infact that is absurd.and if one only came to this world only to dissipate then one will not come at all,what has one acheived,what did one learn,soul must go through circles of death and rebirth because that is the only way soul can evolve and become perfect.so sorry there is no eternal death or dissipation.you guys keep confusing the magnum opus as to immortalize the soul,the magnum opus is not to immortalize the soul it is to immortalize the physical self.soul has always existed and will always exist.
I wonder why you just ad-nauseum repeat things already known and or even tried to be explained by others to you because you mis-communicate yourself, as if you attempt to cause them a seizure or something...
shinninglight said:
no you cant do what you want thats why their is something they call karma,if by your definition people can do what they want then there is no natural law at all
This is not my definition. I started my reply with "from your line of arguing", saying all these things based on what you said.

Mosquitoes do have souls.

In one sense, good and evil are arbitrary opinions, depending on the in-group to which you belong, which you subscribe to.

if one only came to this world only to dissipate then one will not come at all
? "I am going to choose to exist in this world for the only reason to dissipate, but not; I won't choose to exist in this world at all"? o_O

soul must go through circles of death and rebirth because that is the only way soul can evolve and become perfect
You're either ignorant in the sense that you have not learned enough things, or you are ignorant in the sense that you are choosing to oppose the things you have learned, or both. There shouldn't be endless reincarnation (which would not happen, because the Soul would atrophy and then die/dissipate); we should be able to be immortal in Mind, Body and Spirit (Soul) and live eternally. There does not need to be any reincarnation and having to re-learn everything again after we forgot it due to rebirth amnaesia, to be able to become more.

so sorry there is no eternal death or dissipation.you guys keep confusing the magnum opus as to immortalize the soul
There is the very real possibility - and for a lot, probability/'definitality' - of death and dissipation; the Magnum Opus is to empower the Mind, Soul and Body into immortality. The Mind and the Body and the Soul all affect each other, and all three are necessarily-healthy to be able to achieve the Great Work. This knowledge, revelation, understanding comes from Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, who learned these facts many millennia ago.

the magnum opus is not to immortalize the soul it is to immortalize the physical self.soul has always existed and will always exist
You are being deliberate in opposing things. Enjoy your trip.

Do you wear shin pads? Of course you're not a shining light. :roll:
maybe its because i feel what am saying is not getting through,take for example when people were talking about transgender,i tried my best to explain trans people are not this male soul in female body thing but the had more of the energy of opposite sex,no body believed,they quoted me many times and even even called me new age.but actually what i was saying was right.i have an illness that dosnt allow me to explain things well due to lack of feelings,this is why when you said the same thing as an answer to a member i told you if you could raise it up to anouncement so people will know and stop confusing,i felt relive because i was fustrated that people were not hearing me,this is my problem.i find it hard to explain things even when i know them very well.so i feel the need to keep repeating and repeating so it will become understandable.
now my quote on this soul thing comes from articles of soul travel where they state about soul traveling to higher planes past the etheric plane to a plane they call the soul plane and they state that this plane has no time,matter or space,it is pure spirit,so what i learnt is that soul comes from this plane into the physical plane to have experiences and evolve and souls mission is to go back home to this plane,this means that if soul came from somewhere then it has always existed,so how can soul die and just dissipate into nothing.soul is not just energy that dissipates,soul is the real being with personality,not just energy that just dissipates.we are not energy and we come from a place that is higher than time,that is what i have found out.
note when i said etheric plane which is the component of ether,so soul do not come from ether,it actually goes beyond ether
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
no you cant do what you want thats why their is something they call karma,if by your definition people can do what they want then there is no natural law at all
This is not my definition. I started my reply with "from your line of arguing", saying all these things based on what you said.

Mosquitoes do have souls.

In one sense, good and evil are arbitrary opinions, depending on the in-group to which you belong, which you subscribe to.

if one only came to this world only to dissipate then one will not come at all
? "I am going to choose to exist in this world for the only reason to dissipate, but not; I won't choose to exist in this world at all"? o_O

soul must go through circles of death and rebirth because that is the only way soul can evolve and become perfect
You're either ignorant in the sense that you have not learned enough things, or you are ignorant in the sense that you are choosing to oppose the things you have learned, or both. There shouldn't be endless reincarnation (which would not happen, because the Soul would atrophy and then die/dissipate); we should be able to be immortal in Mind, Body and Spirit (Soul) and live eternally. There does not need to be any reincarnation and having to re-learn everything again after we forgot it due to rebirth amnaesia, to be able to become more.

so sorry there is no eternal death or dissipation.you guys keep confusing the magnum opus as to immortalize the soul
There is the very real possibility - and for a lot, probability/'definitality' - of death and dissipation; the Magnum Opus is to empower the Mind, Soul and Body into immortality. The Mind and the Body and the Soul all affect each other, and all three are necessarily-healthy to be able to achieve the Great Work. This knowledge, revelation, understanding comes from Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, who learned these facts many millennia ago.

the magnum opus is not to immortalize the soul it is to immortalize the physical self.soul has always existed and will always exist
You are being deliberate in opposing things. Enjoy your trip.

Do you wear shin pads? Of course you're not a shining light. :roll:
well whatever,let me reframe from this topic ,i dont want this.when i say soul must go through riencantion i mean can one reach godhead without riencanating into the physical,i am trying to quote you based on your soul is eternal so lets just do anything,thats not how it is.you cant do anything because then you will only create more karma for youself,
i do not wear whatever that means and wether or not i am a shinninglight it dosnt dismiss the fact that i may have some point.
so fancy lets just call it a hult should we,because we are going over the same thing and also for lack of insultive words which you have already used,so thank you
The Alchemist7 said:
Everything you said is pure materialistic, fully excluding any spiritual/imaterial side of those things. Natural/universal laws existed and will exist forever, nobody tryes to "create" meaning for them. We don't try to create a meaning for the usage of energy since we already know how energy works and how can be used to advance our souls, which are also made of energy. Also we know how the jews used energy to turn the world into the hole full of garbage which is today (the environment is collapsing, the weather is becoming more and more agressive and dangerous, the extreme pollution, the mental slavery of most people etc.), they aknowledged this themselves, we can clearly see this from the history and we have been instructed by our Gods how to fix this by reversing the energy they generated.

ConsistentMeditator said:
so the route of the future in humans becoming more advanced and getting rid of death

I wonder what this means for you since from your point of view we just "try to create" a meaning for things which you can't conceive or understand (like people getting rid of death)? Humanity as a whole can't get rid of the death because this depends of each individual soul. The thing is, the population increased in crazy numbers since last century. There are billions of new souls. It might take thousands of years until these souls will finish the work (Magnum Opus) and become immortal. This are things which probably you do not understand, mainly because humanity was ripped off of their spiritual/occult knowledge. But this changed since JoS appeared and brought back this knowledge (I think a small part of it) to the public.

Is like we are some sort of christians who discovered the magick and try to invent a meaning for it, like a kind of blind faith in some things invented by our own minds. If this is what you think, then you need to read JoS and all the affiliated websites, so you can understand how spirituality and the manipulation of energy works.


I think you misinterpreted everything I said. I did not say that everyone here thinks spiritual advancement and so on is just some chaotic activity with no inherent order to it. Of course not, it is clear enough that everyone here thinks there are specific scientifically discoverable ways to become more advanced and eventually become immortal. And let's just be perfectly clear here, meditation has profoundly helpful effects which can be physically felt as electrical impulses in the nervous system in an undeniable way, I know this from experience, I am not arguing one bit about how spiritual advancement in achieving a greater state of health is a fact. So I agree 100% that advancement exists and everyone should become more advanced just due to practical survival and health reasons.

Why would it take thousands of years for everyone on earth to become immortal? That seems excessive in my opinion, if we lived in a rational society it should be far easier to get that done than taking thousands of years. Eventually it would just become far easier to do as the biological and spiritual mechanics of it are understood more scientifically. Either way, it shouldn't take thousands of years in a better society to make it so either zero people or very few go through spiritual death. Point is, it would eventually happen if things go right, so my question is, if this is achieved, what next? Especially if all wars in space also ended at some point and there were no threats any longer for the predictable future. Once again I am not saying people should become lax in anticipation of some great future, after all this could cause them to suffer, die, or at worst possibly go extinct or become a borg slave. But I think it is still worth thinking about as the inevitable future that would emerge if the enemy was completely defeated in every way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Creating pseudophilosophy without being a Philos-Opher aka A friend of the Serpent aka spiritually advanced is like crapping on a canvas and pretending you do fine art.

Your argument is just easily refutable in that if death exists, life only gets MORE meaning. Immortality increases this meaning of life exponentially, as it is a permanent distance from death, and not the other way around.

Am I right to assume this is aimed at me, since it's not quoting other posts? Anyway, let's ignore your meaningless toxicity in saying I am 'shitting on a canvas' with what I'm saying, as I certainly am not, and move on to your ideas. If that was not aimed at me but instead at shininglight then I apologize for the misunderstanding as I relate somewhat more to the toxicity if it is aimed at him, however since you did not include it in your reply to him and posted another one right after I am assuming it's aimed at me.

How does life become more meaningful because of death? I agree with you that one way or another we should all try to become immortal and evade death. However, that doesn't make life inherently meaningful. Certainly the existence of death gives living beings a threat to focus on negating. But once that task is complete, what remains? All death does is give a constant threat to life, and the potential for it to collapse into nothingness, it does not create anything meaningful in it. If life is meaningful it should have meaning beyond simply making sure it continues to exist, as that's a type of meaning that will likely exhaust itself, either in the death of the individual, or the individual becoming immortal and ensuring a future where the possibility of death is near zero or zero, and will never become relevant again.

Meanwhile, on a general basis, if even 5% of people disappear forever on death, then at some point or another you're going to have lots of people who had someone close to them disappear forever in this way. Clearly this is something meaningless, when you have people die for nothing. The very fact that you're advocating immortality should mean you are against death and see it as utterly meaningless. However, it's not like there's anything we can do for those who are already gone forever even if everyone who's left becomes immortal. So, at that point you have two options for all these individuals in the future spiritual civilization(if we get that far) who've had someone close to them entirely confirmed scientifically to have disappeared from existence forever.

One, they have to bear the pain of those people's non-existence for the rest of eternity. Two, they ultimately try to forget those they've lost and treat them as if they never existed. I think quite a large number of people would fall under option 1, as to choose option 2 would be to reject the meaninglessness of their deaths and stop trying to find any meaning in their lost lives. In the most extreme case, option 2 would be to see those lives as worthless now that they've vanished. This is why I have a problem with defining things in life as meaningful only if they advance someone's individual survival, it is essentially to look back on many people who've disappeared and say they are now meaningless to remember anymore other than perhaps as a mere statistic. And should the future spiritual civilization defeat all relevant enemies and ensure its survival for the rest of the foreseeable future, then even that could become irrelevant as survival would be guaranteed from that point onwards. So as I said, if you define meaning only in terms of survival then that meaning can easily vanish once survival is either lost or made essentially certain.

To repeat once again, I do not disagree with your appraisal of immortality being valuable and incredibly important. Trying to contemplate the meaning of life isn't exactly possible if you cease to exist or become a borg slave, that much we both agree on. However, there should be a clear line drawn between something being 'useful' and it being 'objectively meaningful'. For me, the summary of your position would seem to be that nothing is objectively meaningful, and that regardless of that we should attempt to become immortal and negate the things we see as meaningless in the world around us, simply due to the desire to survive and become more advanced.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
shinninglight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No you are just too scared of this and too in denial of reality about it as the original poster.

Souls do actually die. This is why death spells have a meaning.

You are too new age. Immortality of the soul is a figurative term. If what makes you "you" dissipates, then this is the end. As for the general fart of energy one leaves behind, that is that, it has no meaning to it.

If a plant that dies leaving behind some soil is considered "immortality" of a plant, this is only energy recyling. It is not any immortality within this concept.

You base your opinion based on childish pressumptions that "oh, you have to exist". Why? Because you said so?

Death is a very real thing and this does not make anyone an atheist for believing that, it is part of existence. Emotional denial does not change this fact.

And yes, people who have been "deceived" do die and some will also dissipate.
my stance on this did not come from new age,death spell has a meaning because it kills the person those it kill the soul,so your saying if you perform death spell on someone the persons soul will dissipate or maybe the person will only die a physical death,their are defferent bodies of existance with soul being the real person,and soul is said to be above these bodies in conciousness,you are confusing the soul with this energy bodies which holds our life force,mind and emotions.this bodies are not the soul but are housing the soul.if soul will dissipate then the jews will be driven out and would not exist,tell me someoone born in a very christian home with no knowledge of satanism or spiritual advancement and then this leads him into spritual degeneration and then the soul dissipates,your saying this soul only came to dissipate and thats it,bye bye,you came to suffer and then your gone thats it.no way.
from what i have seen here is that many people are confused regarding the concept of the soul.i have seen people call the astral body soul,some call the casual body soul,but this are just misinformation.all this bodies are not soul and soul does not die.it is not energy and it is not matter.only matter can die,energy disipates but it still goes somewhere,it dosnt vanish from existance,so is the soul,soul out creates the mind,it is higher than the mind,but the mind can control the soul if one is weak,so the soul has to learn how to take control.
by the way i am not talking of immortal,soul is eternal,timeless,it out creates the mind so nothing within the mind can kill it.
now am off

Wow, thanks for telling me in an incoherent fashion what I have repeated a thousand times since like 2013, I will keep that in mind. Not only you repeat, but you disinform on repetition, and you are at a level to not even understand that your sentimentality does not decide nature.

Yes, the very "SOUL" of people does dissipate. You are talking of something you seldom understand and this is why you cannot even explain this, not even to yourself. What you repeat essentially is a centuries old hear-say about the so called "Immortality of the soul" which is the same atheistic meme as "When you die, your energy remains".

Well it does not remain in any coherent sense, and if you do not maintain its form, form is what gives things meaning, and not arbitary energy.

After you are done telling me what I was the first to show on people and clean a mess of thousands of years of dis-info which you repeat, please also let me inform you that yes, you can erase anything that has to do with a person, and nature also does this. Nothing can survive without a form in the universe. Form is necessary creation, what you call "Energy bodies". Energy means activity, and without said activity, something is latent, ie, non existent.

This also happens because of universal laws, and decay is not limited to the physical domain. It exists universally. Energy has to be put in maintaining the form of structure of the faint "something" you call a soul, and without this "Form", there is no content. The form is what gives the content any existence in the first place. It does not exist on it's own.

Energy that arbitrarily remains "From" a person, is of no value after death or dissipation, anymore than a fart is a memory of the ass that once produced it. Call this soul if this floats your boat to feel better about it. This is the level of profanity I have to explain this so that you understand it.

Your fart technically will remain on the air and atmosphere, some molecules of it. But it doesn't have divine meaning because of your sentimentality of being farted out of some ass, innocent or otherwise. And the energy of a soul that has dissipated, likewise, does not.

You are the one who is misinformed and misinforming as a result, as you equate any form of idle energy as an arbitary "soul", because you truly do not understand any of your own preaching on the subject, and do not have any experience.

You're just larping unnatural stuff out of your ass like pseudoplatonism and just meme's from the East about some sort of "Eternal soul".

There is no "Eternal soul", and what is left behind from it, without formation, is just arbitary energy just like anything else in the cosmos, useless and latent, like recycling natural material. This is why souls can be enslaved and they can be consumed by the enemy. Because souls in reality are not some immortal nothing, they are a form of energy.

What you call "Soul" as a "whatever nothing into something" is basically aether. The soul is a pairing of many different and existing things, and not the random aether that exists in them.
So basically this will be my last agurnment and I am just saying this because I am having fun with agurment,you description of soul just being the memory of a person and those not have meaning unless it takes a form is wrong,soul is the real individual,the body is just a house for it,their are other bodies like mental body which houses the mind,casual body which is the body of our akashic record,the record of our past life and future,then the astral body which is the body of emotions.at last we have the etheric body which is the body of intuition.these are all components of the soul and all these bodies are laid before each other housed by the physical body.soul it self has meaning because it is individual and it has a personality,it is not just formless energy floating in space.this is why saying my soul is wrong,we are souls,you don't own soul because soul is free,you are a soul having physical experience,so soul is not meaningless without a form.it still has individuality even of it has no physical body.
And everything about a person can't be earased,the body can be erased,the astral body can also be erased during the time of reincarnation but the soul remains the same,indestructable.you can't kill soul.
I respect your views but am passing on this one and I don't care if anyone see it as new age,this is the truth.at least for me
ConsistentMeditator said:
I think you misinterpreted everything I said. I did not say that everyone here thinks spiritual advancement and so on is just some chaotic activity with no inherent order to it.

Then let me ask, what actually are people trying to find a meaning for?

ConsistentMeditator said:
Of course not, it is clear enough that everyone here thinks there are specific scientifically discoverable ways to become more advanced and eventually become immortal.

Not really scientifically discoverable. The spiritual knowledge which you can find on this website is thousands of years old. There are endless sermons written by the HPs where they quote and provide as source for study books which are also hundreds or thousands of years old. Even the jewish source Wikipedia tells us that the runes which we are using are at least 2000 years old (one example). This knowledge comes from the Gods and they are guiding us on our advancement. This knowledge was heavily destroyed by the jews, using christianity and islam. I think you are aware of the burning of entire libraries and throwing in the oceans ancient artefacts. That what science which was destroyed, stolen, corrupted and used by the jews to advance their own plans. The modern science overall is all about materialism and ignorance.

ConsistentMeditator said:
Why would it take thousands of years for everyone on earth to become immortal?

It's not a general rule, which is why I said it *might* take thousands of years as happened and is happening to certain souls. In a satanic society, maybe even one lifetime or maybe two is enough to make one's soul immortal.
shinninglight said:
note when i said etheric plane which is the component of ether,so soul do not come from ether,it actually goes beyond ether
The Soul is made up of the Elements, and the Elements come from the Aether; the Aether contains all of the Elements, and the Universe is a vibrational Aether field.
The meaning of existence is existence itself is very true. If one exists then one can do things that they were made for. We all have talents, thought processes, ideals, and desires unique to ourselves. Other people may share the similar wishes to your own and you may have similar wishes that another has but ultimately the form of the wish is unique to ones own self. This uniqueness is what makes you, you. If you cease to exist then there will never be another "you". That has meaning on its own. By existing you can pursue these paths and if one becomes immortal one can pursue it for eternity. One is alive and one exists for their own sake and then possibly for the sake of their community and then eventually for the sake of their whole race. Does this seem boring to you? Does this seem meaningless? Then why don't you just die if living is meaningless? Why not just surrender yourself to the enemy? After all they are the ones who preach this pointless degenerating drivel into us.

The point of death is that it can breed new life or sustain another but other than that I see no other use of it. Animals, insects, and micro organisms feed on decaying flesh or corpses. Death serves meaning for them as its how they sustain themselves, to keep themselves alive. We kill plants and animals and use their death in order to sustain our lives. Our cells die, like white blood cells, in order to sustain our lives. I don't know how becoming immortal or advancing tech will be able to bring us to a point where such death will be unnecessary but for now death in this form is a necessity.

Spiritual Death is the ultimate end. It cause the "you" to disappear forever. There will never be another "you" ever again. Thus anything "you" could have done will never come to fruition, and any paths eternally closed off. To the person in question, this is something very undesirable. This is something one strives to avoid. This is something one shouldn't wish upon themselves or their loved ones but its something that the enemy constantly shoves in your face to wish for. After all "life is meaningless" right?

Even if one reaches immortality, the struggle of life doesn't disappear. Immortality isn't the same as being invincible. It simply means that the body and soul are perfected to the point of being endlessly self sustainable. Thus one will never reach old age and die. That being said we have enemies, the jews and their cosmic allies. They are the enemies of us and Satan. Lets say hypothetically speaking that Our Gods didn't win. Well they would probably be destroyed by the enemy, their lives lost and existence terminated. Immortality and Godhood is just another checkpoint in advancement. Advancement is never ending and once one is immortal, neither is the struggle of life. Just as "death" gives meaning to life, life gives meaning to life as life is a constant struggle. There will always be something to do because stagnation is an affront to life. And if that bothers you, then don't bother being alive.

You speak of objective meaning to things but that in of itself is a paradox. There is meaning in things for us because we give it meaning. We place a value on it. This is subjective. Life among other things gives itself meaning but the meaning we give it is what we value. If let's say you decide that anything I wrote is worthless, that would mean to you my post was meaningless. But lets say someone else reads it and decides to take it to heart. To you its meaningless, to that person there's meaning. The same goes for life. You search for objective meaning but is that really the case? You are looking for value to living behind the excuse of "objective meaning" but would something objective hold any meaning to you? It wont because an objective meaning holds no personal value and in the end you would continue to make excuses about how living is meaningless. Want an objective meaning on life? Here's one: The meaning of existence is existence itself. Does it move your heart?
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
note when i said etheric plane which is the component of ether,so soul do not come from ether,it actually goes beyond ether
The Soul is made up of the Elements, and the Elements come from the Aether; the Aether contains all of the Elements, and the Universe is a vibrational Aether field.
Soul has ether,but it is not ether,soul is beyond ether because ether is also found in space,ether is an element,it has no personality or individuality.if soul comes from ether then ether has life
Some casual people know better than the Hps obviously......... lol (sarcasm)
shinninglight said:
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
note when i said etheric plane which is the component of ether,so soul do not come from ether,it actually goes beyond ether
The Soul is made up of the Elements, and the Elements come from the Aether; the Aether contains all of the Elements, and the Universe is a vibrational Aether field.
Soul has ether,but it is not ether,soul is beyond ether because ether is also found in space,ether is an element,it has no personality or individuality.if soul comes from ether then ether has life
The Soul is made up of things which come from the Aether, and this Aether is what the Universe is, which also has conscience. (I haven't yet understood that about it having conscience 100% yet, though, so you (and I) will have to read/re-read about it in other posts.)
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
FancyMancy said:
The Soul is made up of the Elements, and the Elements come from the Aether; the Aether contains all of the Elements, and the Universe is a vibrational Aether field.
Soul has ether,but it is not ether,soul is beyond ether because ether is also found in space,ether is an element,it has no personality or individuality.if soul comes from ether then ether has life
The Soul is made up of things which come from the Aether, and this Aether is what the Universe is, which also has conscience. (I haven't yet understood that about it having conscience 100% yet, though, so you (and I) will have to read/re-read about it in other posts.)
Ether does not have consciousness where did you hear that?
Does fire water and air have consciousness?
The universe is ran by a natural law,it does not have any consciousness of its own nor free will.souls that comes into this world is what gives the universe meaning,the universe can not exist without a soul,so saying that a soul will dissipate while the universe remains is completely wrong,this is why you must exist,because without you the universe can not exist.
Soul does not come from ether,ether is a universal element,it does not have a consciousness of its own.soul comes from somewhere beyond what you call ether
shinninglight said:
FancyMancy said:
shinninglight said:
Soul has ether,but it is not ether,soul is beyond ether because ether is also found in space,ether is an element,it has no personality or individuality.if soul comes from ether then ether has life
The Soul is made up of things which come from the Aether, and this Aether is what the Universe is, which also has conscience. (I haven't yet understood that about it having conscience 100% yet, though, so you (and I) will have to read/re-read about it in other posts.)
Ether does not have consciousness where did you hear that?
Does fire water and air have consciousness?
The universe is ran by a natural law,it does not have any consciousness of its own nor free will.souls that comes into this world is what gives the universe meaning,the universe can not exist without a soul,so saying that a soul will dissipate while the universe remains is completely wrong,this is why you must exist,because without you the universe can not exist.
Soul does not come from ether,ether is a universal element,it does not have a consciousness of its own.soul comes from somewhere beyond what you call ether
As I said I'm not 100% certain about it, so I might be misremembering, but it has been in sermons/posts.

What is beyond Aether? The Universe has existed forever since before I came into being. The Aether manifests the Universe. You should go read the sermons and materials - unless there are some I have missed which says "the Soul cannot be destroyed", which, of course, is what "eternal punishment of torment and torture in Hell" is about, because "god" loves you so much.
The Alchemist7 said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
I think you misinterpreted everything I said. I did not say that everyone here thinks spiritual advancement and so on is just some chaotic activity with no inherent order to it.

Then let me ask, what actually are people trying to find a meaning for?

ConsistentMeditator said:
Of course not, it is clear enough that everyone here thinks there are specific scientifically discoverable ways to become more advanced and eventually become immortal.

Not really scientifically discoverable. The spiritual knowledge which you can find on this website is thousands of years old. There are endless sermons written by the HPs where they quote and provide as source for study books which are also hundreds or thousands of years old. Even the jewish source Wikipedia tells us that the runes which we are using are at least 2000 years old (one example). This knowledge comes from the Gods and they are guiding us on our advancement. This knowledge was heavily destroyed by the jews, using christianity and islam. I think you are aware of the burning of entire libraries and throwing in the oceans ancient artefacts. That what science which was destroyed, stolen, corrupted and used by the jews to advance their own plans. The modern science overall is all about materialism and ignorance.

ConsistentMeditator said:
Why would it take thousands of years for everyone on earth to become immortal?

It's not a general rule, which is why I said it *might* take thousands of years as happened and is happening to certain souls. In a satanic society, maybe even one lifetime or maybe two is enough to make one's soul immortal.

First, the meaning question is on broader purpose than just gaining a better state of health, or being less likely to die.

I never said modern science isn't about materialism, but the scientific method is still a good one, and the point is that the scientific method can and eventually will ultimately verify that the occult is a fact. I think you would agree with that.

Alright, so you think it could happen semi quickly. Then we think pretty similarly there. The reason I brought it up originally though was to point out that if this eventually occurs, survival could then become a moot point, bringing the purpose question back into importance as survival concerns are no longer pressing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
