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A question about the White Nordic race today


New member
Oct 6, 2017
I've been looking at different peoples all throughout the world and I've noticed a major difference (and weakness) between us and them.

Why are we the only race that doesn't have genetic memory? You would think that with hundreds of years of Islamic conquests and invasions we'd be immunized against the current invasion that is happening in Europe today. But we don't. Why?

The Koreans never forgot what the Japanese did in WWII, the Jews never forgot what happened to them (supposedly) in WWII, the blacks in America never forgot about slavery, the zulus in South Africa never forgot about Apartheid, and so on and so forth. Why haven't we developed this? Could this have something to do with spirituality and the spell the Jews hold us under?
Most people don't want the muslim's there but they are ruled over by a jewish totalitarian EU regime that uses everything from police state laws to propaganda to rigging elections to hold sway over the population by force. Your acting like they live in a society were their say counts. In many places people will just be thrown in jail. Some nations like Poland are refusing to let any of the muslims in. Hungary is working to keep them out and so is Italy, their navy has stopped the migrant invasion coming across the water. And the nationals are coming into more and more power. Britain voted to leave the EU due to the muslims.
HP Mageson666 said:
Britain voted to leave the EU due to the muslims.
Dirty jew bitch kike may is trying to compromise for a soft Brexit. You would think that #BrexitMeansBrexit.

I watched the results. When the vote swung in favour of Remain, they put the GBP£ up; when the vote swung in favour of Leave, they put the GBP£ down. Clearly, it is they who are bullshitting and manipulating it. "Waaah, waaah waaah. Leaving Europe--" we're not leaving Europe. We're leaving the European jewnion. "--will blah, blah, blah, less jobs; blah, blah, blah; worse economy; blah, blah, blah; blah; blah, blah."
In Europe there is no freedom of speech or thought. Or freedom to defend yourself either. You are supposed to believe in all the joo lies including muy holoco$t of the eternal "victims" the joos (pushed since early school). The aryan race either doesn't exist ("we wuz all equals" said the commie bitches) or is completely evil ("dem evil nazis bigots not accepting of race mixing"). Joos control the game here.

Generally people are pissed off but what can they do on an individual level ? Some try and get thrown in jails. Some don't get thrown in jails but inside they are hating all that is going on. Many are very confused because of the joo propaganda. Even the streets are full of joo propaganda aka "anti-racism" picture showing a white female with a black male (talk about "coincidence"). For those without it is a confusing and scary world out there. And the "we wuz crusaders"n shiet larpers get the medal for "defending Europa" since people don't know anything about ancient paganism and their practice of racial separation (courtesy of the joo education system). In the end the joo wins either through his propaganda or through the lack of knowledge of his enemies who rally under joo made programs like xtianity. How can you fight the joos while worshipping joos and feeding them with your energies ?

In small towns/the countryside the population is still white but in the medium to big towns ? You need to go to cities like London or Paris to really realize the depth of the shit-hole. And no you will not discover wonderful romantic european cities.
In germany we are totally fucked, you will go to jail if you say anything about juuz crime, the Verfassungsschutz will arrest you and they “have“ far more rights than police, you really cannot mess with them. When I was in school a few kids (age 10-12) were expelled from school because they did the right arm for fun, ..and further investigationon their parents. Its hilarious.
The problem, like you said, is that all the population here think it's totally okay to punish this(at least most of the ppl). They don't even care for anything which was done to them in the dark ages for example they just witch hunt down everyone who dares(!!!) to say something negative about juuz. Also everyone on youtube talking about the problem you mentioned gets censored usually. Tv makes fun about the “angry people“and most of the ppl swallow it.
Maybe some of you heard about the AfD scoring 13%on last election, but I can tellyou this party is a fkn joke. They do care about germany (at least they pretend) but I can tell you for sure they were infiltrated by juuz like 2 years ago and now being same ruled ass shit like all the other parties.
Only party which cares for the german people is the NPD which had under 1%on last election I think... yeah I think thats proof of the whites self hating self destructing manner.
People cant rent a place without taking 3 jobs + additional income support, while the rich say yeah take all the immigrants we got enough space + money in germany.
Thats why the enemy always promotes social differences between ppl so one side suffers and the other doesnt give a fuck (thats why the same parties reign for ~80 years). I think there is not much difference to that in many european states..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
