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A Message To Those Who Give Us Courage: Keep Blossoming!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan!
Beautiful. Thank you high priest Hooded Cobra.

Hail Satan and the Gods!
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.
May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for your kind words, HPHC. We cannot honor you enough for the considerable work you put into both yourself and others.

I cannot express how much beauty resides in spirituality; for me, it is one of the few things that make me feel alive, alongside my engagements in management, administration, and meaningful conversations reminiscent of those among great philosophical minds. The absence of this life-changing factor would render existence meaningless for me.

The sensitivity and emotion I harbor make it challenging for me to relate to others, given the prevailing negativity in certain individuals. I fail to comprehend why someone would yell at others without reason; this is indicative of an exceedingly low level of soul power. Individuals seem inclined to harm others at this level, and people often do not communicate with me as another human being but rather treat me as less and assume I'm "autistic." I wonder what transgression may have prompted such treatment, yet I simultaneously understand that it stems from a low level of consciousness, where cognitive dissonance and other such unfortunate phenomena manifest.

Nevertheless, it is reassuring to acknowledge that this can be remedied through consistent meditation practices. The overwhelming negativity observed in the world often leaves me disheartened, accompanied by a weighty sensation in the heart chakra. I am intrigued by the multifaceted role this chakra plays, likely extending beyond its function as a connector for the upper and lower chakras.

In times of distress, external sources of positivity, such as the insights shared in this post, serve as a beacon of warmth for me. This positivity, when embraced, can be channeled into our interactions with others and our contributions to humanity. Maintaining a positive perspective, especially when one's vibrational state is elevated, becomes crucial to avoiding the manifestation of negative outcomes.
It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

Quite so! Thank you for helping me see the beauty. No pain, no hardship is too much, it all fades away in no time when I remember. First of all I want to thank HPS Maxine for bringing me back to Satan. I don't miss her anymore, it was a silly thing to feel. She's right here.

Truly, thank  you for continuing from where HP Maxine left off, and for giving us all these great blessings in so many different forms (the Gods' power rituals, the JoS Guardians, the new layout of our websites and the numerous side projects, among others).

You are inspiring us to be better, to grow stronger and evolve. You are inspiring us to continue on this path and to feel this bond of unity like never before.

Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words, HPHC. We cannot honor you enough for the considerable work you put into both yourself and others.

I cannot express how much beauty resides in spirituality; for me, it is one of the few things that make me feel alive, alongside my engagements in management, administration, and meaningful conversations reminiscent of those among great philosophical minds. The absence of this life-changing factor would render existence meaningless for me.

The sensitivity and emotion I harbor make it challenging for me to relate to others, given the prevailing negativity in certain individuals. I fail to comprehend why someone would yell at others without reason; this is indicative of an exceedingly low level of soul power. Individuals seem inclined to harm others at this level, and people often do not communicate with me as another human being but rather treat me as less and assume I'm "autistic." I wonder what transgression may have prompted such treatment, yet I simultaneously understand that it stems from a low level of consciousness, where cognitive dissonance and other such unfortunate phenomena manifest.

Nevertheless, it is reassuring to acknowledge that this can be remedied through consistent meditation practices. The overwhelming negativity observed in the world often leaves me disheartened, accompanied by a weighty sensation in the heart chakra. I am intrigued by the multifaceted role this chakra plays, likely extending beyond its function as a connector for the upper and lower chakras.

In times of distress, external sources of positivity, such as the insights shared in this post, serve as a beacon of warmth for me. This positivity, when embraced, can be channeled into our interactions with others and our contributions to humanity. Maintaining a positive perspective, especially when one's vibrational state is elevated, becomes crucial to avoiding the manifestation of negative outcomes.

Sometimes people get stuck on false labeling, including the labeling of "ADHD, Autistic" and other types of issues. If anything you don't sound like this at all. From your posts one can tell you have a clarified thought and intelligence.

The psychiatric cartel is throwing endless titles to everyone nowadays. Gifted people are ruined daily because nobody knows what to "do" with this, instead of drug them.

The most normal issues that were fixed by caring for other humans, by trying to establish learning and communication, or merely good emotional care, are now dismissed as mental illnesses and quickly prescribed copious amounts of meth derivatives and other drugs in order to "fix" them.

Coupled with a never ending social pressure that treats many of these sane people as borderline "retarded", those in charge are creating everyday a more alienated world.

You are not sick if you cannot connect to many individuals like this. It's your right to not want to connect, especially if that will involve a high amount of harm for you. You are not sick for not wanting this. We love society but sometimes one has to take proper distances, as if you are a natural empathy or get major influx of information, it's best to get social training step by step.

This social training should be another thing that should be given in schools but is not given, rendering many people alone.

The JoS will fix many of these things and way more. Bottom line, most people except of rampant clinical cases are NOT insane, and everyone is welcome here to overcome their problems, without the cast out labels from this robotic society we live in.

Years ago, this "society" we live in, that we so earnestly and despite of it being retarded, we do our best to improve, would have many people in psychiatric institutions for believing in aliens. In the 1980's, you were in for your prescription if you believed in Aliens. Fast forward four decades, the Pentagon itself comes out and says "Oh, turns out there are aliens".

Aliens, for anyone with above 95 IQ, since we live in a literally infinite universe, would make sense to be existing. But don't you dare even say this in 1980's or even 1990's, you were on your way for the mental facility or a social outcast, of course. About 40 years later, now it's a knowledge that exists everywhere. Turns out we were being kiked again.

That is why while we love society and want civilization to advance, we must be aware, when the enemy is in rule, to not fall victims of their vicious and never ending plots. We still live in clown world in more than one ways. We are just trying to open the human minds in order for society to pick up with this into a higher level of consciousness. That will also bring higher compassion and people won't be labelled like this instantly and recklessly.

Psychiatric labels are frequently a joke. And even more of a joke are the people that buy into this.
Psychiatry is essentially only for 10% of the cases they have been repressing right now.

The rest 90% can truly be dealt with regular therapy and inner knowledge, change of habits, and of course above all the healing methods of the JoS which involve the full spectrum of mastery of the human condition.

It's not prozac that will banish the depression it's actually a human being having other people around them, a life, a job, a goal to look for in the future. The administering of drugs should only be for severe cases of pure clinical character.

Now if you just go and complain about a little stress, they write you off the most dangerous and addicting anti-stress medications. That is criminal to do. People need some void meditation they don't need tranquilizers 24/7. And to go take a walk by the beach or in a city park with their partner or a friend.

The JoS has healed exceptional amounts of human beings through application of meditation and cleaning of the soul, but also with the above.

When I was a kid most of these "psychiatric disorders" where generally just normal struggles one had to work on. Only really and actually unhinged severe cases had to be given medication. Nowadays everyone is liable to at least 5 pills to "modulate" themselves.

Thankfully not all psychologists and psychiatrists have capitulated for this madness, but many have been doing this unfortunately.

Anything I mention about psychiatry and the related, reflects solely my own personal opinion and should not be taken as legal or medical advice.
Thanks for that, HP!
Your words remind me that patience is a great virtue in a world full of hurried people.
We all have a time to grow, and none is too long, too short or impossible. It's individual, it's unique, and walking the path with the Gods is the most rewarding part of it.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and all of JoS!

Hail Satan!
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan,
Feel Grateful and Blessed today
Thanks for the sermon for our emotionaal support hehe

Yes i believe we will Blossoming in this Age of Aquarius, and i belive that my coming in this forum is not coincidence, Lord Satan wants Indonesia saved by him, because Indonesian have rich heritage from Sanskrit civilization, because we formerly Majapahit-Nusantara, and but the funny things is as everything said in JoS there is a lot of people confessing their self Satanist, and most MIND-BLOWING FACT, THERE IS CELEBRITY THAT BECOME COMEDIAN THAT CONFESSED HE WAS A SATANIST, HE CONFESSED THAT HE EX-SATANIST, AND HE MAKE YT CHANNEL ABOUT DEMONOLOGY AND SATANISM (They think and believe about Satanism, based on Bibles LIES) and there it lot people confessed as 'Indigo' and i couldnt believe what they said until i proof it myself. I believe my coming and my contribution in invovled in Translation Project for Indonesian Language can bring us some Light that we will Glorious and Victorious, this is the sign of RISES AND REBORN OF MAJAPAHIT

Hail Our Father Lord and God Satan!
Thank you for your kind words and deep understanding High Priest Hooded Cobra. When I was young i was very lost and in deep disarray, the Joy of Satan and you helped me gradually become the man I am today. I'm sure we can all relate and understand just how much we uplift and advance each other by association. The future we have under the gods is truly beautiful.
Well I gotta say, it sure has been, and still is, a pleasure giving courage my fellow Orientals by continually posting on the Oriental subforum about our spiritual history and getting to discover more about Satanism in Ancient Asia.

Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HoodedCobra…

This is best thing In the universe that is happening to us.

Blessed we are!
Very nice, beautiful words of an elevated beautiful soul like yours HP Cobra. Thank you for existing here and for being our leader. I believe in you and i am certain that you will take your place among the spiritually ascended people of our time!

May you be blessed

Hail Satan
Dear HP. HoodedCobra666, who have been a great care taker, teacher, inspiration and more of the Truth. We know of the value of this family. After I read through your sermon, I started reading sought for some sermons that were made in 2021, I thought about them and now and I can say you are really a truthful, loving person who loves Satan and his Family.
You have given and we know and experience the value, you have taught us and given us the truth of giving. I want to give to this family that will always give to me. The burning desire to climb in my tier, cos that is also tied to the abundance of growth I seek.
I'll always ask myself "what more can I give?"
I love this family of the Gods
I burn in my heart to grow!
In Set's name and Amon Ra's name I make my heart known.
For the love of Satan and this Family .

Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am a new member to the forum. I found Jos 7 years ago. I studied it for 1 year and 6 years ago I did the dedication ritual. Since then I have been involved in spiritual warfare and all ritual programs. The reason I wasn't a member of the forum, is that I don't speak the English language, (I write from a translator) but I read the forum every day. I was encouraged by my guardian and joined a few days ago. I want to thank you personally Hp. Hoodedcobra666 for the help and guidance you have given me over the years with your posts. Also thank you to many brothers and sisters. Thank you for being there and giving us your light. I'm thankful.
I am a new member to the forum. I found Jos 7 years ago. I studied it for 1 year and 6 years ago I did the dedication ritual. Since then I have been involved in spiritual warfare and all ritual programs. The reason I wasn't a member of the forum, is that I don't speak the English language, (I write from a translator) but I read the forum every day. I was encouraged by my guardian and joined a few days ago. I want to thank you personally Hp. Hoodedcobra666 for the help and guidance you have given me over the years with your posts. Also thank you to many brothers and sisters. Thank you for being there and giving us your light. I'm thankful.

Thank you for starting the journey for elevating yourself. I appreciate your kind words. It's for certain that as you stay close to the forums, you will also learn better English. So stay around and try to talk with others and you will learn. Best of luck to you.
I miss being able to grow healthy vegetables. And to have clean drinking water in this world!. And to be able to go outside anywhere you want and enjoy yourself. ❤️‍🔥😀✨🍍🙏🔥🦚
În fiecare zi când lucrez pentru Zei, sunteți toți care vă vin în minte.

Voi toți cei care faceți lucruri pentru acest loc, dar și pentru voi, luptând pentru a urca muntele înalt spre Dumnezeire. Zile în care ridicarea devine insuportabilă, observ o altă acțiune, o altă dăruire, un alt efort al altcuiva; instantaneu, are loc o revitalizare peste mine care mă îndeamnă să continui.

În prezent, trăim într-o eră în care oamenii nu au acest scop, mulți nici măcar nu-l știu - chiar și cei care îl știu, nu sunt dispuși să ia calea și chiar cei care o au, știu că este un drum lung. .

Este un drum frumos. Este frumos să te trezești dimineața și să știi despre această cale frumoasă care se află în față. Nu e ușor, e în sus.

Toți cei de aici reprezentați cel mai mare stimulent pentru mine. Zeii înșiși sunt un alt stimulent, dar chiar și ei se reflectă în fiecare dintre voi. Până la urmă, acesta este punctul de înțelegere să le căutăm și să devenim o versiune mai bună a noastră, pentru noi înșine, pentru cei din jurul nostru și pentru societatea noastră. A pune umanitatea în centrul atenției înseamnă a pune și zeii în centrul atenției. Aceste două aspecte, împreună, formează un întreg unit, producând cea mai mare și mai bună operă de artă.

În era în care se face multă artă... prin apăsarea unui buton, încă, problema creării unui om în continuă creștere, bazat pe traiectoria unui suflet în continuă evoluție, este încă o sarcină care este acum și va să fie întotdeauna o cale mistică. Nu există nimic mai prețios pe lumea asta.

Toți sunteți ca florile înflorite. Unii dintre voi sunteți încă semințe care au fost puse în marele câmp al JoS pentru a crește. În prezent vă aflați în întuneric, găsindu-vă puterea interioară pentru a înflori în cele din urmă. Când va avea loc reparația, vei crește și tu.

Alții dintre voi sunt deasupra pământului, tocmai au țâșnit în viață, din apa pe care v-am dat-o, care este a zeilor.

Alții cresc deja în copaci mari și frumoși care devin gata să-și mărească dimensiunea și să dea naștere la atât de multe semințe.

Toată lumea crește; acea creștere este stimulentul major care mă menține în continuare. Toate acestea sunt procesul vieții.

În timp ce viața nu este întotdeauna un proces ușor, secretele sale se prezintă de multe ori într-o simplitate totală: Satanismul spiritual este alegerea de a crește și de a nu se ofili. Mai mult decât să se ofilească, satanismul spiritual este porunca zeilor să înflorească!

Cu cât crești mai mult, cu atât crești mai mult pe alții și câmpul din jurul tău. Acest proces este linia cu care suntem toți obligați să ajungem în cele din urmă la eternitate, ca suflete care există într-un vas care se mișcă în infinit, în Dumnezeire.

Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru existența, pentru că ați ajutat acest loc și pentru că faceți lucruri frumoase pentru voi și pentru lume. Nu mulți au ales încă această cale către Zei - dar mulți o vor face în viitor. Pământul trebuie să fie transformat dintr-un câmp pustiu de sclavi, într-un câmp în care spiritul uman va înflori din nou și din nou. Toți trăim să vedem aceeași zi sosind, toți sub același vis, ca părți ale marii familii a lui Satan.

Fie ca toți să fiți binecuvântați și să vă mulțumesc pentru că sunteți cel mai frumos stimulent din viața mea.

-Marele Preot Cobra cu glugă 666
Mulțumim HP pentru că sunteți cu noi făcând Lumea un loc mai bun. Mulțumesc fratelui prin care am ajuns sa cunosc adevărul și Salutări tuturor fraților și surorilor!!! Salut Satana!!
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Great are those who create their own destiny. It is my utmost pleasure to be a part of this family. As we become stronger, as one and as a whole, we remove limitations set on us, and set examples for others. I am so greatfull to be born and live in this period when truth reveals itself, as it is. No one can stop us, anymore. Yes, we shall prevail. Hail Satan!!!
Sometimes people get stuck on false labeling, including the labeling of "ADHD, Autistic" and other types of issues. If anything you don't sound like this at all. From your posts one can tell you have a clarified thought and intelligence.

The psychiatric cartel is throwing endless titles to everyone nowadays. Gifted people are ruined daily because nobody knows what to "do" with this, instead of drug them.

The most normal issues that were fixed by caring for other humans, by trying to establish learning and communication, or merely good emotional care, are now dismissed as mental illnesses and quickly prescribed copious amounts of meth derivatives and other drugs in order to "fix" them.

Psychiatry is essentially only for 10% of the cases they have been repressing right now.

The rest 90% can truly be dealt with regular therapy and inner knowledge, change of habits, and of course above all the healing methods of the JoS which involve the full spectrum of mastery of the human condition.

It's not prozac that will banish the depression it's actually a human being having other people around them, a life, a job, a goal to look for in the future. The administering of drugs should only be for severe cases of pure clinical character.

Now if you just go and complain about a little stress, they write you off the most dangerous and addicting anti-stress medications. That is criminal to do. People need some void meditation they don't need tranquilizers 24/7. And to go take a walk by the beach or in a city park with their partner or a friend.

The JoS has healed exceptional amounts of human beings through application of meditation and cleaning of the soul, but also with the above.

When I was a kid most of these "psychiatric disorders" where generally just normal struggles one had to work on. Only really and actually unhinged severe cases had to be given medication. Nowadays everyone is liable to at least 5 pills to "modulate" themselves.

Thankfully not all psychologists and psychiatrists have capitulated for this madness, but many have been doing this unfortunately.

Anything I mention about psychiatry and the related, reflects solely my own personal opinion and should not be taken as legal or medical advice.
There also seems to be less and less tolerance of any kind of different behaviour compared to ones own; when people need a break from being overwhelmed by external stimuli (i.e. those on the autism spectre) - there is not enough understanding or some people behave excessively and think that one can barely do anything, whilst it might not even be so.
It creates a stereotype and it is extremely judgemental.

I also think that those that are given those labels, probably have a lot of issues on the social level to begin with. But there could also be an inclination to addiction of some kind.
People with the combination ADHD/Autism they describe it as a need for stimulation (understimulation), but also being overstimulated at the same time.
I am pretty sure this comes from what the digital age and programs have brought, namely videogames, excessive exposure to youtube, tiktok, etc. Anything that gets the dopamine pumping.

Its really sad to see that they are pumping so much drugs into everyone that they think have an issue, while maybe those people should just have or be allowed to have a different way of living their lives compared to what is considered the norm.

Also I do want to note here, that is is not so much a "ficticous disease", as that there are placements in astrology that can make one show/exhibit said behaviour. They've just given it a label.
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, thank you very much for all the work you are doing (y)😻
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Beginning of a great empire cant wait till we stretch across the stars and join with our gods.
I am glad to be part of this community. I feel lucky to have found it years ago.
Every year I manage to comprehend more and more the concepts of self growth and community growth and I understand how both are correlated. May the Gods bless the clergy and the JoS members!
Everyday when I work for the Gods, there are all of you that come to mind.

All of you who do things for this place but also for yourselves, fighting to climb the high mountain towards the Godhead. Days when the lifting becomes unbearable, I observe another action, another giving, another effort by someone else; instantly, there is a revitalization going on over me that prompts me to keep going.

Currently, we are living in an era where people don't have this purpose, many do not even know it - even those who know it, are not willing to take the path and even those who do, know that it is a long path.

It's a beautiful path. It's beautiful to wake up in the morning and know of the this beautiful path that lies ahead. It's not easy, it's upwards.

All of you here represent the greatest incentive for me. The Gods themselves are another incentive, yet even they are reflected in each and everyone of you. That after all, is the point of understanding to seek them and to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves, those around us and our society. To put humanity at the center of attention, means to also put the Gods at the center of attention. These two aspects together, form into a unified whole, producing the greatest and finest work of art.

In the era where a lot of art is done...via the press of a button, still, the question of creating an ever-growing human based on the trajectory of an eternally evolving soul, is still a task that is now and will always be a mystical path. There is nothing more precious in this world.

All of you are like blossoming flowers. Some of you are still seeds who have been put in the great field of the JoS to grow. You are currently in darkness, finding your inner power to eventually blossom. When the mending will happen, you will grow too.

Others of you are above the ground, having just spurted into life, from the water that we have given you that is of the Gods.

Others are already growing into big and beautiful trees that are becoming ready to increase their size and give rise to so many more seeds.

Everyone is growing; that growth is the major incentive that keeps me going. All of this, is the process of life.

While life is not always an easy process, it's secrets many times present themselves in utter simplicity: Spiritual Satanism is the choice to grow and to not wither away. More so than not withering away, Spiritual Satanism is the command of the Gods to blossom out!

The more you grow, the more you grow others and the field around you. That process is the line with which we are all bound to eventually reach eternity, as souls existing in a vessel that moves into infinity, into the Godhead.

Thank you all for existing, for helping this place and for doing beautiful things for yourselves and the world. Not many out there have chosen this path to the Gods just yet - but many will in the future. The earth must be turned from a desolate field of slaves, to a field where the human spirit will blossom out and outwards again. We all live to see the same day arrive, all under the same dream, as parts of the great family of Satan.

May all of you be blessed and thank you for being the most beautiful incentive of my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for being the glue of this beautiful reality that is the Joy of Satan! We are all going to grow together. ♥️
Awe Ramses..💐❤️‍🔥🔥 That was Beautiful! The way you worded that.
You are SO right on with EVERY word. And I loved the way you described
Us all on here. Because each of us are all unique, and special.
And we all have our talents and abilities, and We do! Express it here.
And just like flowers and a garden! We have our Beauty and we have our purpose, and each and every one of us have our unique gifts to share.
What you shared right there! Perfectly describes us here. 🙂🌎💗💐
Well I gotta say, it sure has been, and still is, a pleasure giving courage my fellow Orientals by continually posting on the Oriental subforum about our spiritual history and getting to discover more about Satanism in Ancient Asia.

My upcoming project suggested y you that i will post on Oriental forum is :
•Original and Ancient 'Satanic' Religion of Indonesia in Java, North Sumatra, Kalimantan (Borneo), and Bali
•Indonesian Original Version of Hinduism and Sincretization of Hindu-Budha

May Satan Bless my project and yhe whole JoS Ministries, Hail Satan
Sometimes people get stuck on false labeling, including the labeling of "ADHD, Autistic" and other types of issues. If anything you don't sound like this at all. From your posts one can tell you have a clarified thought and intelligence.

The psychiatric cartel is throwing endless titles to everyone nowadays. Gifted people are ruined daily because nobody knows what to "do" with this, instead of drug them.

The most normal issues that were fixed by caring for other humans, by trying to establish learning and communication, or merely good emotional care, are now dismissed as mental illnesses and quickly prescribed copious amounts of meth derivatives and other drugs in order to "fix" them.

Coupled with a never ending social pressure that treats many of these sane people as borderline "retarded", those in charge are creating everyday a more alienated world.

You are not sick if you cannot connect to many individuals like this. It's your right to not want to connect, especially if that will involve a high amount of harm for you. You are not sick for not wanting this. We love society but sometimes one has to take proper distances, as if you are a natural empathy or get major influx of information, it's best to get social training step by step.

This social training should be another thing that should be given in schools but is not given, rendering many people alone.

The JoS will fix many of these things and way more. Bottom line, most people except of rampant clinical cases are NOT insane, and everyone is welcome here to overcome their problems, without the cast out labels from this robotic society we live in.

Years ago, this "society" we live in, that we so earnestly and despite of it being retarded, we do our best to improve, would have many people in psychiatric institutions for believing in aliens. In the 1980's, you were in for your prescription if you believed in Aliens. Fast forward four decades, the Pentagon itself comes out and says "Oh, turns out there are aliens".

Aliens, for anyone with above 95 IQ, since we live in a literally infinite universe, would make sense to be existing. But don't you dare even say this in 1980's or even 1990's, you were on your way for the mental facility or a social outcast, of course. About 40 years later, now it's a knowledge that exists everywhere. Turns out we were being kiked again.

That is why while we love society and want civilization to advance, we must be aware, when the enemy is in rule, to not fall victims of their vicious and never ending plots. We still live in clown world in more than one ways. We are just trying to open the human minds in order for society to pick up with this into a higher level of consciousness. That will also bring higher compassion and people won't be labelled like this instantly and recklessly.

Psychiatry is essentially only for 10% of the cases they have been repressing right now.

The rest 90% can truly be dealt with regular therapy and inner knowledge, change of habits, and of course above all the healing methods of the JoS which involve the full spectrum of mastery of the human condition.

It's not prozac that will banish the depression it's actually a human being having other people around them, a life, a job, a goal to look for in the future. The administering of drugs should only be for severe cases of pure clinical character.

Now if you just go and complain about a little stress, they write you off the most dangerous and addicting anti-stress medications. That is criminal to do. People need some void meditation they don't need tranquilizers 24/7. And to go take a walk by the beach or in a city park with their partner or a friend.

The JoS has healed exceptional amounts of human beings through application of meditation and cleaning of the soul, but also with the above.

When I was a kid most of these "psychiatric disorders" where generally just normal struggles one had to work on. Only really and actually unhinged severe cases had to be given medication. Nowadays everyone is liable to at least 5 pills to "modulate" themselves.

Thankfully not all psychologists and psychiatrists have capitulated for this madness, but many have been doing this unfortunately.

Anything I mention about psychiatry and the related, reflects solely my own personal opinion and should not be taken as legal or medical advice.
I cannot agree with your opinion more on this. Personally, I'd been diagnosed with Asperger's and OCD early on and I was basically 'disabled' until grade 12. During high school I had severe depression, pushing me to exhibit mild suicidal ideations on occasion.

My high school life was for a time riddled with prescriptions that gave me stomach cramps and made me feel nothing; no joy or sadness. I was unmotivated and I honestly didn't feel any less 'suicidal' so to speak because those ideations arose from feeling trapped in an environmental situation rather than an emotional one.

After 'completing' highschool I started working full-time, acquired a GED with some upgrading and took a 2-year college program. I say to hell with these labels as I'm 99% sure they are related to the gut-brain axis in most cases. The crap everywhere slowly killing everyone gets some people far worse than others. I feel fortunate, yet to this day I have to walk a sort-of 'holistic tightrope', whereas most people seem to eat anything without experiencing gut-disbiosis, bloating, etc.

What amazes me the most in my experience during my life is that Satan loves us unbiasedly and without restraint. I remember seeing him one morning when I randomly woke up in the middle of the night at 3:00 AM. He stood there for a few moments smiling at me with a radiant white glow that you could literally feel. His energy is honestly the most comforting and beautiful thing I'd ever experienced and I can't help but wonder if this experience was meant to be an important message, which I'm sure it was.

I hate to say it but almost my entire life I've felt inadequate and alienated. I lack a lot in terms of physical health (my birth was not a pretty scene with an emergency operation for a hernia that covered a lot of area), yet somehow I've come through the other side relatively functional, albeit it still does impact my quality of life quite a lot and I've been just lately seeking a medical evaluation via an x-ray. That IBS can be terrible; lack of appetite, fatty stool, malabsorption syndrome and what appear to be symptoms of diverticulitus (a trapped stool and gas kind-of feeling). This often puts pressure on my bladder as well making me have to urinate more frequently.

Sorry to go on about these very unpleasant things. I simply mean to say that even though I have all these life-deblitating problems I can't give up because Satan clearly believes in me, even though I sometimes hardly believe in myself based on the above struggles, traumas and so on.

With the above being said however, I'm wondering. Can any physical damage/tauma impact one's ability to mediate? By this I mean anything outside the CNS (brain, etc)? Say for example, a paraplegic?

Anyway, thanks so much HPHC for being such an inspiration and for being the best leader one could ever be. I love how synergized people are here, building off from each other and growing from each other. If that's not what true family is I don't know what is.
I cannot agree with your opinion more on this. Personally, I'd been diagnosed with Asperger's and OCD early on and I was basically 'disabled' until grade 12. During high school I had severe depression, pushing me to exhibit mild suicidal ideations on occasion.

My high school life was for a time riddled with prescriptions that gave me stomach cramps and made me feel nothing; no joy or sadness. I was unmotivated and I honestly didn't feel any less 'suicidal' so to speak because those ideations arose from feeling trapped in an environmental situation rather than an emotional one.

After 'completing' highschool I started working full-time, acquired a GED with some upgrading and took a 2-year college program. I say to hell with these labels as I'm 99% sure they are related to the gut-brain axis in most cases. The crap everywhere slowly killing everyone gets some people far worse than others. I feel fortunate, yet to this day I have to walk a sort-of 'holistic tightrope', whereas most people seem to eat anything without experiencing gut-disbiosis, bloating, etc.

What amazes me the most in my experience during my life is that Satan loves us unbiasedly and without restraint. I remember seeing him one morning when I randomly woke up in the middle of the night at 3:00 AM. He stood there for a few moments smiling at me with a radiant white glow that you could literally feel. His energy is honestly the most comforting and beautiful thing I'd ever experienced and I can't help but wonder if this experience was meant to be an important message, which I'm sure it was.

I hate to say it but almost my entire life I've felt inadequate and alienated. I lack a lot in terms of physical health (my birth was not a pretty scene with an emergency operation for a hernia that covered a lot of area), yet somehow I've come through the other side relatively functional, albeit it still does impact my quality of life quite a lot and I've been just lately seeking a medical evaluation via an x-ray. That IBS can be terrible; lack of appetite, fatty stool, malabsorption syndrome and what appear to be symptoms of diverticulitus (a trapped stool and gas kind-of feeling). This often puts pressure on my bladder as well making me have to urinate more frequently.

Sorry to go on about these very unpleasant things. I simply mean to say that even though I have all these life-deblitating problems I can't give up because Satan clearly believes in me, even though I sometimes hardly believe in myself based on the above struggles, traumas and so on.

With the above being said however, I'm wondering. Can any physical damage/tauma impact one's ability to mediate? By this I mean anything outside the CNS (brain, etc)? Say for example, a paraplegic?

Anyway, thanks so much HPHC for being such an inspiration and for being the best leader one could ever be. I love how synergized people are here, building off from each other and growing from each other. If that's not what true family is I don't know what is.
OOPS, silly me... paraplegia's root cause is centered in the spine (i.e part of the CNS). I should've replaced 'CNS' with 'brain trauma'.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
