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A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

newbie40 said:

She wrote that many years ago. And it was a mistake. Just like it is a mistake that one page that says humans were created to be slaves and mine gold, which comes from a jew called Stichen. This is also completely untrue, but it says it on one page of the website.

These 2 pages are 2 mistakes, and they are not true. The website is being updated and corrected, but it is a lot of work to update everything. The pages being updated first are the descriptions of the gods, so smaller mistakes have not been changed yet because they are lower priority.

The enochian on the website is there because you can use those prayers if you want. But the actual language is worthless. You can just read those prayers in English.

Enochian is a "dead language" just means that there is no country of people who still speak that language. But it is the most powerful language. Many of the most powerful mantras are just words spoken in sanskrit language.
newbie40 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
newbie40 said:

I did read it. I have read every page of the website many times.

Like I said, she was wrong when she wrote that. It was a mistake. This is basically a worthless language that was invented by some guy in the mid 1500s. He basically took some latin words and changed them.

The actual universal language used by the gods would be Sanskrit, or something similar to Sanskrit.

This is creating a confusion bc if what you are saying is true why would hpm will keep that on the webJoS and also she stated that she was assisted by Satan.

What is going on here?
What HPM has to say about it?

I heard Sanskrit it's another dead language but according to HPM Enochian is the language of gods.

VEDIC Sanskrit is dead. MODERN Sanskrit is still spoken by many people. There are two states in India that have adopted it as second language.

Here is what HP Hooded Cobra wrote about Enochian: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=48352#p48352

If you have any issue with it, speak to him, instead of insisting with other people.

This article also answers some of the questions you just asked. So, read it carefully.
Danke stormblood. I will not waste my time on the Enokian keys anymore.
Excuse me, Mr. High Priest, a question, if I may. I would like to know or ask if the IceDrive site is safe to upload PDF files? Is the security adequate? I ask because you have uploaded your writings there, collected in 4 PDF files.

As I noticed, there are free and paid ones. What do you know about the free one? Is it safe to upload PDF files there? I welcome replies from members knowledgeable in this. Thanks in advance.
BrightSpace666 said:
Excuse me, Mr. High Priest, a question, if I may. I would like to know or ask if the IceDrive site is safe to upload PDF files? Is the security adequate? I ask because you have uploaded your writings there, collected in 4 PDF files.

As I noticed, there are free and paid ones. What do you know about the free one? Is it safe to upload PDF files there? I welcome replies from members knowledgeable in this. Thanks in advance.

I see that there is no reply on this, I just want to know if it is safe to upload a PDF file there for certain reasons. But then it is supposed to be safe.
BrightSpace666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
Excuse me, Mr. High Priest, a question, if I may. I would like to know or ask if the IceDrive site is safe to upload PDF files? Is the security adequate? I ask because you have uploaded your writings there, collected in 4 PDF files.

As I noticed, there are free and paid ones. What do you know about the free one? Is it safe to upload PDF files there? I welcome replies from members knowledgeable in this. Thanks in advance.

I see that there is no reply on this, I just want to know if it is safe to upload a PDF file there for certain reasons. But then it is supposed to be safe.
You could try sia.
Decentralized storage for the post-cloud world.
Greetings to all of our SS,

Thanks to the work of an SS sister, all my writings now have been assembled. You will find them in my signature soon too [we are making the banners] but below you can download them in four parts, divided by years.

These writings only represent main posts, not replies or other things written. And possibly a few are missing. I digress.

We Satanists have been strangers to this world. Others more and others less, yet we all remain strangers. Strangely, we have found what is familiar with our soul, but from far away yet closer than most people can even admit in one life - The Joy of Satan has kept us all together.

There are some people who might join now and certain questions may have been answered before. These can be searched in the forum if they are newer, yet some things have been answered in our Yahoo Groups that were purged out of existence, or in the previous forums that we had from which we have been deplatformed.

Unfortunately, both of these have been deleted without a trace, except of e-mails that still people have in the mailboxes they signed up from this time.

We are being fought against, since we say the Truth. The world is unwelcoming to strangers like us, but that is slowly coming to change, as after our collective work, many people are perceiving that we indeed were no strangers, but rather, the bringers of something positive and forgotten now that belonged to humanity. This was not forgotten on it's own, it was brutally removed, by the same enemy that we expose. The enemy is recognized now to be what they always were, a parasite and a threat.

I could not imagine in 2012 or 2013 that it would come down to this, with the enemy literally trying to stranglehold all of the governments in my lifetime, to the point they try to destroy humanity. While we knew it would happen, it looked almost unbelievable given the reality we lived into at this time.

It also looked unbelievable that we were going to rival this spiritually and do all this, especially in 2012-2013. As the Gods saw, the situation escalated to where it is today. We still cannot imagine now the next decade, for example.

Below you will find the links to the writings, from 2011 to 2021. These represent a decade plus of working on a daily basis on the forums and helping other people. I have been always available to help everyone over the years, because I respect, love and revere the Gods. Therefore I see the people of the Gods as the most valuable family of the Gods on earth.

In this retrospective phase, I come back to look at the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in Spiritual Satanism have benefited. I have seen people come and go over the years, others taking stops and starting, while others have walked in a straight line. Anyone who persists, has won tremendously. You will have touched the divine.

A few, I have seen letting go, something that cost them more than they could reasonably understand at the time. What a big mistake, to love the enemy and one's weakness more than one loves the Gods, other people of the Gods, and their own true self.

What a great drum this will be in one's ears to set their priorities straight, and what melodic music will this statement be to the ears of the wise?

What costs even more those who left or did quit, is a cost that has incurred into their own balance: They are only delaying themselves from finding out who they truly are, as a Satanic Soul would never pass this place by a coincidence. Forgetfulness may win the battle, but it can never win the way against the True Satanic Soul.

How unfortunate for many that they can't look back at the previous decade and see that they have embarked in what we have embarked into, those of us that have stayed in the path and received it's benefits, or at least tried and persisted, proving to ourselves that we can, and forming a strong bond to the Gods through thick and thin, rise or fall, setback or forward going.

The situation is also that I have been privately my own worst critic. Over the years, this has helped make progress which in the end I wanted it to reflect to others. Looking back, I hope this has reflected well on others, on most people, and that my work has been received, in return, making everyone more capable to stay in touch with their own destiny and self.

Through thick and thin, we have somehow managed to make everything happen. We are climbing on this mountain and every higher pasture makes the previous look lesser. The glory goes to those who love the mountains, and the seashore, and the air of life, and the higher Truth.

A spiritual family bond has been created, to where none of us are really alone who partake in this. I hope that through my work you have seen this, and you have felt the firm hand of the Gods holding you, even in the darkest times, or that you will see it in your brighter times with happier eyes. The message of all this is to know that: It has always there.

We are a greater family, encompassed within the Gods. We are warriors, we are family, we are a chain that goes all the way up from down here, into this world. As the future comes, our Will will be manifest and will be known by all.

Looking however in the future compared to the past, the aim is to give everyone even more. May the Gods keep us all sustained and powerful.

Below you can download:

2011-2013 - https://icedrive.net/0/f1zHoiiovN
2013-2017 - https://icedrive.net/0/d3omPwP5Fz
2017-2020 - https://icedrive.net/0/6edeA9cr3y
2020-2021 - https://icedrive.net/0/4eyLWCNBui
Thank you HP.
Greetings to all of our SS,

Thanks to the work of an SS sister, all my writings now have been assembled. You will find them in my signature soon too [we are making the banners] but below you can download them in four parts, divided by years.

These writings only represent main posts, not replies or other things written. And possibly a few are missing. I digress.

We Satanists have been strangers to this world. Others more and others less, yet we all remain strangers. Strangely, we have found what is familiar with our soul, but from far away yet closer than most people can even admit in one life - The Joy of Satan has kept us all together.

There are some people who might join now and certain questions may have been answered before. These can be searched in the forum if they are newer, yet some things have been answered in our Yahoo Groups that were purged out of existence, or in the previous forums that we had from which we have been deplatformed.

Unfortunately, both of these have been deleted without a trace, except of e-mails that still people have in the mailboxes they signed up from this time.

We are being fought against, since we say the Truth. The world is unwelcoming to strangers like us, but that is slowly coming to change, as after our collective work, many people are perceiving that we indeed were no strangers, but rather, the bringers of something positive and forgotten now that belonged to humanity. This was not forgotten on it's own, it was brutally removed, by the same enemy that we expose. The enemy is recognized now to be what they always were, a parasite and a threat.

I could not imagine in 2012 or 2013 that it would come down to this, with the enemy literally trying to stranglehold all of the governments in my lifetime, to the point they try to destroy humanity. While we knew it would happen, it looked almost unbelievable given the reality we lived into at this time.

It also looked unbelievable that we were going to rival this spiritually and do all this, especially in 2012-2013. As the Gods saw, the situation escalated to where it is today. We still cannot imagine now the next decade, for example.

Below you will find the links to the writings, from 2011 to 2021. These represent a decade plus of working on a daily basis on the forums and helping other people. I have been always available to help everyone over the years, because I respect, love and revere the Gods. Therefore I see the people of the Gods as the most valuable family of the Gods on earth.

In this retrospective phase, I come back to look at the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in Spiritual Satanism have benefited. I have seen people come and go over the years, others taking stops and starting, while others have walked in a straight line. Anyone who persists, has won tremendously. You will have touched the divine.

A few, I have seen letting go, something that cost them more than they could reasonably understand at the time. What a big mistake, to love the enemy and one's weakness more than one loves the Gods, other people of the Gods, and their own true self.

What a great drum this will be in one's ears to set their priorities straight, and what melodic music will this statement be to the ears of the wise?

What costs even more those who left or did quit, is a cost that has incurred into their own balance: They are only delaying themselves from finding out who they truly are, as a Satanic Soul would never pass this place by a coincidence. Forgetfulness may win the battle, but it can never win the way against the True Satanic Soul.

How unfortunate for many that they can't look back at the previous decade and see that they have embarked in what we have embarked into, those of us that have stayed in the path and received it's benefits, or at least tried and persisted, proving to ourselves that we can, and forming a strong bond to the Gods through thick and thin, rise or fall, setback or forward going.

The situation is also that I have been privately my own worst critic. Over the years, this has helped make progress which in the end I wanted it to reflect to others. Looking back, I hope this has reflected well on others, on most people, and that my work has been received, in return, making everyone more capable to stay in touch with their own destiny and self.

Through thick and thin, we have somehow managed to make everything happen. We are climbing on this mountain and every higher pasture makes the previous look lesser. The glory goes to those who love the mountains, and the seashore, and the air of life, and the higher Truth.

A spiritual family bond has been created, to where none of us are really alone who partake in this. I hope that through my work you have seen this, and you have felt the firm hand of the Gods holding you, even in the darkest times, or that you will see it in your brighter times with happier eyes. The message of all this is to know that: It has always there.

We are a greater family, encompassed within the Gods. We are warriors, we are family, we are a chain that goes all the way up from down here, into this world. As the future comes, our Will will be manifest and will be known by all.

Looking however in the future compared to the past, the aim is to give everyone even more. May the Gods keep us all sustained and powerful.

Below you can download:

2011-2013 - https://icedrive.net/0/f1zHoiiovN
2013-2017 - https://icedrive.net/0/d3omPwP5Fz
2017-2020 - https://icedrive.net/0/6edeA9cr3y
2020-2021 - https://icedrive.net/0/4eyLWCNBui
Thanks to the Gods and Satanas
and the Joy of Satanas! !! May
We all grow Spiritually and blessed

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
