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A Guide On Feeling Offended

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I think we actually need a guide on how to feel offended to clear matters a little bit.

It’s not unlikely in the forums or in any other social setting when people who are not clones, come together, to disagee on some things, or feel offended by specific things.

Nowdays we are told to cut any conversation that creates the feeling of someone being offended. This is the same thing as severing the cord of logic and understanding. Through what and how we are offended we can understand things about our own natural thinking process.

Have you ever met anyone who gets offended by anything and literally believes what people say randomly is always directed at them? This very disease has also happened in groups of people or even races. One example is how every proud or at least accepting White person is considered a natural offence by others.

But feeling offended is only the first thing. The second aspect if this is people perceive the source of an offense as necessarily an enemy. This creates a second situation where all ways to communicate in any way are closed.

This is how people who hold “Nazi” beliefs are taken in as evil by the world. Any reasonable advice to maintain any form of social or racial (biological) cohesion, is seen as a threat.

Notice though this is only for White people, and a Mexican Gang who openly says they are a MEXICAN ONLY GANG desiring to loot, sell drugs, rape and kill, this is an accepted form of racial cohesion.

Have you heard many people say shit about Mexican gangs because of the above? No because they are wimps and they are gonna wind up dead in that case.

However if people made a “White only” book club, this would be Nazi of a thing.

Clearly also one must think, the existence of a MEXICAN ONLY GANG, does that villify all Mexicans? Not really. Unless one somehow feels inside that the definition or a strong part of being Mexican is to run a gang. Or that gang members should be appeased because they are Mexican or something.

The death of the culture of conversation and debate is the only final end of the democratic civilization which is filled with 6 gorrilion opposing groups and opinions. Logic loses its appeal simply because all the subjects of the vast jewish empire have their own interests, and one has to be very decent of a being to move on top of this.

Some things to ask one’s self about feeling offended is to pay attention to logic.

For example, when we speak of the degeneracy taking place in some countries on the planet, do we mean that all residents there are degenerate, let alone, that people being here from these countries are also in this? No we do not.

Even if his thing was meant, still, a person taking an uphill spiritual road does not fit part of this categorization. Anymore a healthy cell belongs to the midst of cancer cells fighting to make a whole great again. Who can really blame such a person?

In this case one must ask themselves, do I belong to the group of people that are being blamed? Do I represent them in anyway?

There are many African Americans who work and are successful yet when people say mean things about them, well, naturally to an extent, the feelings of offence come flowing in. However does one need to be offended if they do not represent in anyway the things an African American thug, or BLM terrorist, stands for?

No. However the jew turns this argument into a racial one directly at this point. And says how people hate them unrightfully and such.

Let’s turn the argument in reverse. If you let’s say lived in Asia and there were whole turfs of White people, armed to the teeth, killing each other, and constantly fucking up, and also, being against and hating on the naitve Asians, how do you think the Asians would respond?

I think they would simply go Genghis Khan Mode and just clean these individuals up. Duterte is one example here. Can I say I would blame them? Well, not much to be honest. However if they also sunk the innocents in that would be a crime. But if they cleansed the crap, they would be doing everyone a favor.

The white civilization understands the above as thus it was invented, innocent until proven guilty, and legal things and rights. And the jew has used this as an excuse to allow overflowing criminality going rampant. It reaches a point where Blacks have to defend Blackness (as created by jews) even if this “Blackness” aka Gangsterism puts all their sons in coffin after coffin. To even say this as a Black person now is equal to attacking all other Black people.

“They will feel offended” from you.

The same thing goes for Muslims. In general it is bizarre how many people can assume one is hating on Arab people if they say Muslims must get out of Europe, stop raping kids in swimming pools, and stop demographically eradicating native populations on jewish eulogies.

Nobody is hating on Arabs in anyway by stating this. However as with anything else the jew has done is condition people to feel offended about anything like that. And not feel offended by the phase two of their plan which is to return everyone to the Middle Ages. That’s unimportant goyim...Focus on the real problems.

Some Whites have to feel offended by their own self and race everytime someone says we must not become extinct. Here this brainwashing can be seen in the clearest fashion.

Imagine if you went to the fridge to get food to live another day, and you had something or someone tell you how much guilty you need to be for eating and planning out for your survival. And how it would be more moral to stop eating and die by the fridge. The same thing is done on Whites by jews for decades now. Conditioning of self extinction.

The enemy preaches for people to be individuals but in practice all they do is put everyone in the same basket all the time, and set the basket on fire. Individuality means nothing more today than taking in any sort of self destructive identity and not hearing a word about it. One example is drug users, they always know what they do is wrong, but they feel more danger in you telling them than actually removing the toxins from their body.

Because of too much offensiveness, we also have had a death of hoenst in society. And a death of politeness too. If a feminist whale asks a 5 year old if they are fat, the 5 year old will more than likely reply that she looks fat. And it will mean no harm it will just say what it sees. If the feminist goes to the feminist congregation, they will be told it doesn’t matter, and so forth.

What remains out of this is safe feelings, and above all, a safe faring towards destruction of the individual. Actually if you want to kill the above feminist sll you have to do is not insult her and keep telling her that it doesn’t matter how she looks etc, and that this is a social construct. You send this person straight into a heart attack.

So when someone is exposed to things that cause the feeling of offense. It great to ask one’s self the following.

Am I really part of the group that is being described as offensive or do I just share superficial commonalities with them?
Am I really thinking the person saying it intends to harm me personally?
Am I feeling offended because I am fucking up? For example, do I feel offended when people talk shit against Muslims terrorists because I silently enjoy these things and I’m a fucking mentally disabled criminal myself?

And so forth.

The jew is the master of filling the coffins of mankind by mass deception and not offending everybody. A famoust artist like Drake who promoted gangster culture all rhe time is not offending snyone when he promotes “Blackness”. He just ensures the same culture that kills people all the time keeps living. And that’s the objective. If you press an oxen too much and it understands it’s gonna die, it will resist. But if you deceive it, it will not resist.

“Another kid died in he ghetto today, but at least, I won’t speak up on jewtube about “blackness” and offend anyones muh feels about this. A dead kid a day is not as offensive as staying the truth”

At least the Goy is not being a truth criminal. Good goy!

And remember goy, if anything doesn’t agree with the mainstream jewish agenda, get OFFENDED by it. Stupid Whitey made the mistake of caring about your feelings, punish them for it.

Being Offended is the new Free Speech.
How to feel offended? Just ask me to visit you with offensive intentions! (https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=837)

"Political correctness" (doesn't make sense, according to someone in their 50s or 60s) is just refraining from huwting someone's muh feelz, because "society" is still xianised, and just like xians, most Goyim don't know how to choose to do, and not do, things. It's all relying on someone/something, real or fake, else - that includes the jew's social army AKA police and "authorities", to enact so-called "justice" for you, instead of you doing it yourself. It's to make you powerless, which offends you because the jew's social army is shit (they just follow the protocols of their job position, rather than doing things which help in actuality), but these particular offences are not "PC" because they are not "defined" that way. What is "defined" is not you making someone else cwy, but them choosing to be offended and crying - that is the muh-feelz "political correctness", not your feelings of betrayal, injustice, and lack of help and support by the police and "authorities".

"Cyber bullying" is emotional connectedness - i.e. the powerful and repeated energies - with technology, bursting forward towards a chip in your arse (or hand/head...). These clever idiots, R-tards don't know how to press a button to turn it off, and do something fun and healthy. In the Physical world, do they sit or stand next to a person bullying them and cwy, or do they move away? Press the stupid button and turn the stupid thing off. Stupid idiots.

See also

It's not just kikebook. I have realised, umpteen times, that microshit (and others I have used) has made technology to be shit, to piss you off, etc., which is extra emotional connection. Of course, if the technology was made to work all the time, the jew would get less shekels, because time would be wasted making superior products instead of getting money for shit inferior products. How many times have people "updated" or "upgraded" apps, for example, which caused them to stop working? crApple is overly-expensive (and according to some, out-of-date because it doesn't keep up to date with things)...

It might be a skill which needs learning, and for some some hard work, but you an choose to not be offended. Void Meditation can help with that.

Similar to what you said, HC, people using objective arguments can, and often do, offend subjective individuals. They believe its an attack on them. It's uncomfortable and different. Maybe they fear change and the unknown, or maybe they are too lazy to grow, so they might attack to keep what they (think they) know "safe" (as far as they are concerned). Note that the jew is very clever, and I that, it manipulates your emotions, so you are subjective while the jew is objective and keeps the power and control and comfort for itself. The subjective individual's comfort is in tatters, with tempestuous, fluctuating emotions; whereas the jew's rationale is solid and sturdy (the jew "jesus" being the solid rock foundations which the Goyim were to build their house upon - the jew's "authority" and "regulations" for housing and buildings).

Speaking about the death of debate - the lefty-left-left enjoys not giving others a voice. You can see that all the time. Speaking about 6 gorillion opposing (or "opposing") views - I recall the many non-main parties in the General Election in the UK.

Yeah, and if you jump out of that burning basket, they try to make you feel guilty for saving yourself, while others choose to remain burning.
Some people here need to read this. I would also like to say that emotions are energy and they need to be controlled by you, not them controlling you. And when I say control, I don't mean one has to restrain them. I mean they have to acknowledge them and ponder why this emotions came up. And then direct them to the proper goal, not letting them control you and bitch against anyone just because one "feels so", especially when there are people who are trying to make you more self-aware.
Stormblood said:
Some people here need to read this. I would also like to say that emotions are energy and they need to be controlled by you, not them controlling you. And when I say control, I don't mean one has to restrain them. I mean they have to acknowledge them and ponder why this emotions came up. And then direct them to the proper goal, not letting them control you and bitch against anyone just because one "feels so", especially when there are people who are trying to make you more self-aware.
Some people here don't need a guide on getting offended. They could write one of their own. :lol:
Stormblood said:
Some people here need to read this. I would also like to say that emotions are energy and they need to be controlled by you, not them controlling you. And when I say control, I don't mean one has to restrain them. I mean they have to acknowledge them and ponder why this emotions came up. And then direct them to the proper goal, not letting them control you and bitch against anyone just because one "feels so", especially when there are people who are trying to make you more self-aware.

That's pretty in-depth, I can see you've been working hard at this. Thanks for the reminder :)
Thank you for the post HP Hoodedcobra :)

There is something I was very offended over in the past that was to the point that it made me unable to do anything and I had no way of expressing it. It was horrible.

At the time I was not even able to say what was wrong clearly, but now looking back on it.. I was aware of everyone. At any moment.
And those same people said things to me, felt like they were picking on me, and then I felt like I was met with a wall, no warmth, just 'youre the newbie you cant do anything'.
In the end I think there may have been some outside influence that had a hand in this, but that is aside the point that, if one is family, one should not be afraid to express himself or feel like he or she has to hide what is truly going on in fear of being attacked.

Later on I heard that they never wanted me back.
I've felt like utter shit for an entire year and I was so so sooo mad that I had a VERY VERY hard time to focus on anything else than being mad.

I do not wish to be underestimated anymore, nor to be given the other cheek and not hear anything positive towards me.
I have worked very hard in the past just to get a little bit of approval that others seemed to get so easily.

But I have to take into consideration my own capabilities and need to be more confident in taking my own decisions in regards to what I make and do, rather than let others step in front of me and tell me what to do all the time.

This is just what I wanted to say at this point in time and honestly I don't give a crap about what anyone else thinks about what I just said. You can tell me all kinds of stuff but to me you can just stick it up your ass and get the fuck out of my life.
Thank you for this sermon, HP Hooded Cobra.

I think we all can find ourselves in this situation every now and then, to a greater or lesser extent.
HP Hooded Cobra be like :

EasternFireLion666 said:
This is just a general thought but I feel like the internet sometimes does more damage than good :( in regards to any kind of manipulation...
Because you gotta stop binge clicking anything that is useless for you to click on, just do what is necessary to do on the web, jos, the forums, advices, some anime when you’ve done your rtrs and whatever you need that isnt bad for you :)
Aquarius said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is just a general thought but I feel like the internet sometimes does more damage than good :( in regards to any kind of manipulation...
Because you gotta stop binge clicking anything that is useless for you to click on, just do what is necessary to do on the web, jos, the forums, advices, some anime when you’ve done your rtrs and whatever you need that isnt bad for you :)

Very true. Wish more people had discernment
Aquarius said:
Because you gotta stop binge clicking anything that is useless for you to click on, just do what is necessary to do on the web, jos, the forums, advices, some anime when you’ve done your rtrs and whatever you need that isnt bad for you :)

I've actually started doing this lately, and you are right. I can't believe how much extra time I have now :mrgreen:
The Jews are attempting to control and define the debate on race and society for White Europeans so they can destroy them with mass waves of invaders from the third world. Thus fulfilling what their Torah orders them to do, destroy the White Goyim. If they don't have these blocks down to allow them to create laws to silence dissenters they will not be able to get away with this for long.

However all they are doing is enraging everyone and by stepping on their rights in the process they are trying to stick a cork in a boiling kettle. These screaming SJW ninnies are really only a small minority of people who are organized in screaming lobbies to be used as weapons against society and freedoms. The majority of Whites are fucking fed up with this shit. Trump's election in America was the total destruction of the PC ideology of the Jews.

I fucking laughed big time, when the leftist shitlib presstitutes were singing and dancing over this pointless DC rally. Thinking they won something...… They don't even see the writing on the wall. They actually think they are the majority opinion. They are the establishments opinion and that's a small number.
On the topic of offensiveness: Recently I've started to notice now that almost 10% of the people I see on a regular basis are Jewish, and I find this quite offensive. Especially when they try and talk about spirituality, or popular culture.

Another thing I find quite offensive in my daily life is how people around me treat the environment. Leaving garbage wherever they please, throwing cigarette butts all over the place, and throwing empty cans to the wind.
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of offensiveness: Recently I've started to notice now that almost 10% of the people I see on a regular basis are Jewish, and I find this quite offensive. Especially when they try and talk about spirituality, or popular culture.

Another thing I find quite offensive in my daily life is how people around me treat the environment. Leaving garbage wherever they please, throwing cigarette butts all over the place, and throwing empty cans to the wind.
I hate how people leave their shits on the street too! And i'm noticing this more now. It's disgusting!
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of offensiveness: Recently I've started to notice now that almost 10% of the people I see on a regular basis are Jewish, and I find this quite offensive. Especially when they try and talk about spirituality, or popular culture.

Another thing I find quite offensive in my daily life is how people around me treat the environment. Leaving garbage wherever they please, throwing cigarette butts all over the place, and throwing empty cans to the wind.

I have a luck to live in a country where there are basically few of them.

Which figures, jews are choosing the countries with plentiful of wealth, not such shitholes, there is nothing to parasite on. Before the WW2, most of the jews were living in the Europe. Now, most of them are in the USA.
Larissa666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of offensiveness: Recently I've started to notice now that almost 10% of the people I see on a regular basis are Jewish, and I find this quite offensive. Especially when they try and talk about spirituality, or popular culture.

Another thing I find quite offensive in my daily life is how people around me treat the environment. Leaving garbage wherever they please, throwing cigarette butts all over the place, and throwing empty cans to the wind.

I have a luck to live in a country where there are basically few of them.

Which figures, jews are choosing the countries with plentiful of wealth, not such shitholes, there is nothing to parasite on. Before the WW2, most of the jews were living in the Europe. Now, most of them are in the USA.
Dont be so sure of that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
