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A Brain Booster Meal


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Tuna is rich with Omega 3 Fatty fish oils. Turmeric is exceptionally powerful for the brain. It alleviates mental illnesses and even heals brain damage. 
The Possible Disease-Fighter in Your Spice Rack: The Many Benefits of Turmeric | The Huffington Post

So I like to get the foot long tuna sandwich from subway. I get all the veggies on it. Then I douse it full of turmeric.
End result? A masterpiece. A glorious masterpiece that makes your taste buds go wow, something other then ramen noodles this week? Then makes your brain go, did I just raise a few points in IQ? Awesome however still need more to work on the mental illness part, as I am still talking to myself in third person. Oh well....

 It goes wonderful with my fruit smoothie mixed with acacia fiber and probiotics. Making a wonderful combination of fruit, vegetables, Fish, Bread, Spice, Prebiotics (Fiber) and Probiotics. 
 Going full blown Health Nut was my innate calling. As before the Health I was just a nut. Which technically was one step to be healthy, I just needed the berries... To take on the rest. 
  *Disclaimer*   This article was in no way shape or form meant to imply, impress or suggest the usefulness of healthy dieting in your lifestyle. If you are content with shoving your chubby cheeks with another greasy burger and washing it down with a diet coke in an awe inspiring plight to live. Then please continue in your binge busting lifestyle with an eased conscious. 
  As for myself however, it just tastes amazing and makes my brain feel good. So I like it. Maybe you will too.


Be careful though, tuna contains a lot of mercury. Don't eat too much of it...You're better off eating salmon for Omega-3. As for turmeric, it's awesome I agree.
Malpirgi Zodinu
rofl aldric. But seriously while we can eat whatever we want as SS, Soda pop is fucking POISON and should be totally outlawed.
That stuff is the number one cause of all the disgusting health problems in America.

Though the more you progress spiritually, the more your body will reject the very idea of eating any toxic junk food until even your aura rejects that shit and makes you want to puke just looking at it.

A burger is fine though as long as it's homemade.
(((restraunt))) burgers might as well be made of plastic.

When we SS finally seize power, soda, sweets and foods full of fake sugars and all these other toxic chemicals in the food will be banned.
All that stuff does is rot your insides.

Especially sweets.

Personally I just eat a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and cook lots of pasta with cheese, vegetables and ground beef mixed in for the most part (I can't afford much else and pasta is $1 a box) and only drink milk, water and ONLY 100% juice and only if I don't see any weird ingredients on the label.
Cooking is truly a passion for me. Spices can do so much, not just for taste, but also for your health. 

I love finding the perfect way to cook and roast veggies, so they keep all the goodness inside. 

So many people just prepare food because they need to and they hate to cook, but when you really get into it and start understanding how each ingredient works and how to prepare them well to make them both delicious and not cook them to shit it becomes so enjoyable. 

Vegetables and fruits can be so incredibly delicious when mixing the right tastes together. 

Food also has energy, just like all other things, when things get cooked the energy changes for better or worse, the energy of the foods mix together and create something new. On the physical it's just chemistry, but cooking is definitly a methaphysical process and being spiritually open will do wonders for your cooking. 

I'm not a great cheff, but it's definitly a hobby of mine and I'll be proud to know that later when I have a family to take care of, I can prepare good healthy and delicious food for them everyday. 
As you Progress, Its amazing how you naturally change. 
I use to smoke a pack a day, Drink everyday and eat whatever. 
I quit smoking as a new years resolution on January 1 2013. I am about to hit my four years. :) 
I hardly ever drink anymore. I am thinking about making that this years resolution actually. And now buying food is a bitch. I didn't set out to be this way. I am going to eat the best! None of that! None of this! ect. 
 Its true what Maxine and Clergy say. It happens naturally. I just cannot eat certain junk anymore. Do I eat perfectly? No. As my advancement progress is not there yet. However, I have to eat at a certain level of decency rather I like it or not.
 Also, Your meal options sound good as well... :0 Going to have to get my eats on. Sauerkraut and Sausage, both Organic.  
  I also wanted to add, when going to subway. I get the cookie! :)

Also, make sure you know where your food actually comes from, sometimes I guess it's disguised to try to make it seem like it's not from China.
From what I understand, all large fish these days are loaded with mercury and other metals due to the poisoning of the oceans. Because of this, it is not considered healthy anymore to eat fish. If you must, eat it only once in a while. Or eat small fish such as sardines which don't pick up as many metals. Just my two cents on this topic.
Unfortunately you are correct. That is why I only get one once a week or every two weeks. The turmeric you can put on everything though. Well just about.... Does not go good on quesadillas...
I am in the exact same situation right now! I quit eating the shitty supermarket bread and butter, and now buy both from a local farmer. It's only beem three weeks but my health has improved tremendously. And it tastes so much better aswell. 
On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 19:50, aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   As you Progress, Its amazing how you naturally change. 
I use to smoke a pack a day, Drink everyday and eat whatever. 
I quit smoking as a new years resolution on January 1 2013. I am about to hit my four years. :) 
I hardly ever drink anymore. I am thinking about making that this years resolution actually. And now buying food is a bitch. I didn't set out to be this way. I am going to eat the best! None of that! None of this! ect. 
 Its true what Maxine and Clergy say. It happens naturally. I just cannot eat certain junk anymore. Do I eat perfectly? No. As my advancement progress is not there yet. However, I have to eat at a certain level of decency rather I like it or not.
 Also, Your meal options sound good as well... :0 Going to have to get my eats on. Sauerkraut and Sausage, both Organic.  
  I also wanted to add, when going to subway. I get the cookie! :)
All the god stuff is way expensive. The average person simply can't afford to eat that good quality produce or fish and meat daily. 

The health difference is significant though and the taste is better too, so if you can afford it, it's certainly worth it. 
OATMEAL. its cheap and if you just boil milk and add oats its damn nutritious and gives you energy to last.Its a poor man's best friend for breakfast.
I also make my own homemade pasta and the leftovers last about a week.
but it sucks not being able to afford variety. Subway is too damn expensive for me even.

On Sunday, November 27, 2016 11:52 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well Yes If I want to spend 20 dollars a piece of Salmon versus 7 dollars on subway.

some plant oils contain the right fats in them, like virgin olive oil and linseed oil. The first one is more in balance with the omega's than the second one, the second one has more omega 3 compared to omega 6 if I remember correctly.

Sunflower oil should be avoided for long time use since it contains much more omega 6 than 3. (or something of this nature) what happened with butter is the promotion of the omega's in butter and all kind of stuff which has given a lot of people problems since this is out of balance. Not to mention the lobbying about 'fat is bad'.

You need the fats for your brain, as they isolate the nerve cells (that send signals to one another) which in turn improves brain fuction and cognitive ability.

Avena sativa (is a wheat) has the ability to assist with revitalizing the fat around the nerve cells.

Also if you have problems like seizures avoid eucalypus (eth oil) as this is a fat dissolvent which could worsen the problems.
Not that you'd use this kind of oil to eat soon, although I can imagine it being added when preparing some foods (there are people that add certain oils to the food for extra flavor, like thyme or rosmary, however be sure its not a synthetic one).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
