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A Beginner's Guide (Split Post)


Active member
Apr 29, 2020
This post is old and outdated. Began February 2023, abandoned in October. Reformatted for the new forum.
Split into two posts (one after the other) as it exceeded the character limit. A handful of dead links have been removed.

The Joy of Satan Ministries: The purpose of Its existence, and what It aims to achieve.
Its Will Made Manifest In This World!
The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

9. The Joy of Satan and it's knowledge is to become immortalized, extremely distributed, existing in an ever increasing amount of places, physical or virtual.

The knowledge in it being crystal clear, will serve as a guide for the future of humanity. As humanity will expand throughout the stars, the correct knowledge and spiritual inspiration of Joy Of Satan must become adopted thought and principle for human beings.
Read the responses within a topic, you may find something useful.
Before asking a question, search for an answer.
Keep a personal diary. Without, much will be forgotten.
And when we forget, we cannot learn. Put pen to paper.

A Beginner's Guide

In order of importance,
What IS Spiritual Satanism?

Please note* [December 2019 Update] The former Yahoo Groups are no longer functional. There are other groups out there that claim to be 'Joy of Satan' Groups; Those range from Facebook to Yahoo Groups and others. These are *not* legitimate! Just be aware of this.
Ancient Forums is now the only legitimate Joy of Satan Forum (E-Group).

Kids and Teens for Satan
Select articles from "Exposing Christianity"
To see the full exposé on Christianity, click here: Exposing Christianity
More information,
It is vital you completely deprogram yourself from Abrahamism as a whole: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Being Jewish is not a Religion, it is a Race. And they are NOT HUMAN, like you and I.
A different species, in fact. Our souls are NOT alike! We hail from separate spheres of existence.
Born parasites. An affront against Mother Nature.
A "people" without LAND to call HOME, a "people" without CULTURE and HISTORY. Not even a LANGUAGE!
rather than claim a little patch of land nobody cares about and settle down, they decided the whole Earth will do.
That's fair, right? Where's THEIR mythology? THEIR spiritual allegories? THEIR "gods"? THEY HAVE NONE!

For clarification on "where" they came from, see below.
The Beginning Of The Joy of Satan & Demystifying Jews [PART 1] - Hp. Hoodedcobra666
Demystifying The Jews - Why Gentiles Are Down? Getting Responsibility [PART 2] - Hp. Hoodedcobra666

See also,
The True Origins of Satanism
Demons, the Gods of Hell
This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the Gods of the Gentiles are Demons. - Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship
Gentile(s) = Non-Jew(s).

Enemy Lies About The Demons / Gods Of Hell
Important Information In Regards To The Gods Of Hell
Demonology Section: How To Summon Demons / Gods Of Hell
Communication With The Gods: How To Communicate With The Gods Of Hell
A Word of Caution about Ouija Boards, Pendulums and Communication with the Gods, [...]
Voice of Enki [JG] said:
Props like a pendulum are very finicky to use, same with an Ouija board. People advising new members to use these in order to establish early communications in lieu of developed astral senses are to be ignored. Using these as a beginner will lead one to endless miscommunication, which leads to delusion. Probably what happened to you.

A beginner cannot even discern whether they are speaking with a demon, some random spirit or an enemy parading as one of our own. Using a sigil of the Gods doesn't prevent enemy interference either. It is ridiculously naive to think so. A beginner can't even shut off their own mind to prevent it interfering when using these tools. It is a fact most answers from a pendulum or a similar tool come from your own mind and are generally useless.

Many beginner SS have lost themselves to delusion because they believed they had been speaking to Demons, when in reality they had just been answering their own questions stupidly and reinforcing delusions they sought answer to.

Real back and forth communication with the Gods is not something easy to develop, it's at least an intermediate skill. True communication with a reasonable level of accuracy is far more advanced, and not many can reliably demonstrate this. Though this is becoming much, much easier now that we are destroying the enemy veil with the new Final-RTR addition.

Mastering Void meditation and trance is required to experience any significant communication and this too requires time and patience to develop, so seeking communication with the Gods is not a beginner goal, but a long term thing to look forward to when one finally achieves some spiritual progress after putting in the work.

See also,
More Information About The Demons / Gods Of Hell
See also,
The Doctrines of Satan
More information,
Select sermons from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
To see the full list, click here: Sermons
The Eternal Oath
The "Making a Commitment to Satan", and "Prayer to Satan for Protection" are NOT the same thing.
To dedicate means to align Your Soul with His, to be His disciple into Eternity. To abide by and follow His Will and Dictates.
That we are safe under His wings to advance without fear. And to dedicate does NOT mean to sell one's soul!
Your soul is YOURS, and YOURS ALONE. Nobody owns it but you. One's soul is priceless, don't sell yourself short.
It is not like buying an item at a convenience store. Nor does it mean you will be showered in riches thereafter.

Nothing good in life is freely given, except the boundless wealth of knowledge contained herein the JoSM Ministries.
And that is a fact beyond dispute. You will always be expected to work through this yourself. But you won't be alone, either.
The Gods will always be there for you, helping through seen and unseen means every step of the way.
We obtain our desires through the powers of the mind and soul, which are nurtured and cultivated through The Practice itself.

In the beginning, the newly dedicated receive all the help in the world, and then some. Though one may fail to appreciate it. This is the time the Gods are most invested in your advancement, except of when one is seriously dedicated. They want you to advance not later, but right away! Signs will be sent, in any and all ways that're best suited to your level of discernment. Thoughts, images, sounds, urges, what you see and hear while awake, the dreams you have while you sleep. But it falls on you to see it for what it is.
Do not waste this opportunity. Try your best, but don't expect to hike the next morning without readying yourself first.
There is a necessary balance to be achieved here, as with all good things. Nor be crumbled by the weight of it.

Do not burn out.

There is a line.

Do nothing - Do little - Do what you need - Do more than you "need" - Overcompensate - Overcompensate too much - Burnout - Total Fried Burnout

You want to avoid the last two territories at all times and stay in "do more than you need" and "do what you need". When one feels extra, they can overcompensate a bit, and then go back to the regular work.

Otherwise, burnout will arrive eventually. - Hp. Hoodedcobra666

As for fear about the dedication itself, what is holding you back?
So long you are a Gentile, are sincere and truthful with Him and habour no malintent, one has nothing to fear.
If this is you, yet still hesitation washes over, the fear shrouding your heart; Know this!
Father Satan wants you!
You are in the right place! Here, in The House of Satan! With Father Satan, Again.

Creating an Astral Temple
Also those who are underage can perform their dedication to Satan there. Satan understands this and it is just as valid as the formal dedication ceremony. When you are of age as an adult, you can complete this by performing the actual full ceremony.
An Introduction to Satanic Meditation and Witchcraft
Information Concerning the Mind
For soundness of mind, and clear thought. That one's feet are like roots, buried deep within the earth.
As the Great Oak is impervious to any storm, so too will be the mind, free of intrusion.

See also,
Visualisation Training
Visualization exercises improve focus.
Days Ten through Twenty-Four - Visualization Exercises
If you have access to a printer, print these images out:
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
The above image of Satan's Sigil was used extensively in many 1920's - 30's European Satanic Lodges.
Image 5
If you print these out, keep them safe!
OR, just focus on them as is. Printing is optional.
Days 10, 11 and 12
Sit comfortably and place the Image 1 in front of you. Relax and fix your gaze upon this image for 3-4 minutes.

Concentrate on the image and do not let your mind wander. If your mind wanders, just bring it back to the image.
Close your eyes and visualize the image. The image may fade in and out or move around, just keep bringing it back.
Do this for 3-4 minutes.
Days 13, 14 and 15
Repeat the above with Image 2
Days 16, 17 and 18
Repeat the above with Image 3
Days 19, 20 and 21
Repeat the above with Image 4
Days 22, 23 and 24
Repeat the above with Image 5
What these exercises do:
Visualization exercises build and empower our astral vision. Visualization is necessary in nearly all spellworking. With intense visualization, we direct energy into specific action in the material world. Nearly invention in the material world is preceeded by an idea. The idea is then focused upon and then put into concrete action. It is the same with energy. During a ritual or mind working, energy is raised. This energy must then be focused and applied or it just remains energy. Focused clear and intense visualization directs the energy. When one can focus uninterrupted and hold the vision of an object of choice in the mind for five minutes, one is adept at visualization.
Higher Quality Versions
Before beginning the Power Meditations, one should familiarize themselves with the instruments.
Our Chakras, the Planets that rule them, and their Rulerships.

Uranus rules the Aura. Neptune and Pluto rule the Pineal Gland.
Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury.
Neptune is the higher octave of Venus.
And Pluto is the higher octave of Mars.

The Planets are named after Living Gods!
More information,
Something you should know.
Astrological Generations are based upon the sign Pluto is transiting.
Presently, Pluto is in Aquarius. But it will retrograde to Capriorn a few times.
Anyone born at this time belongs to the Aquarius Generation.
And soon, Pluto will stay within Aquarius.
Aquarius is the Water-Bearer, and is one of Father Satan's many names.
It is His sign, along with Capricorn the Goat.

When exactly is Pluto in Aquarius? Let's see,
Pluto is 0° Aquarius on Thursday 23rd March 2023
Monday 1st May 2023, when Pluto is 0°21 degrees Aquarius, Retrogrades.
Tuesday 11th October 2023, Pluto is Direct, 27°53 Capricorn.
Sunday 21st January 2024, Pluto returns to Aquarius.
Thursday 22nd February 2024, Pluto is 1° Aquarius.
Thursday 2nd May 2024, Pluto is 2°06 Aquarius and goes Retrograde.
Saturday 12th October 2024, Pluto is Direct, 29°38 Capricorn.
On Tuesday 19th November, 2024, Pluto returns to Aquarius, and will remain there until Monday 9th March 2043, when Pluto enters Pisces. Pluto's last transit in Aquarius, during the Age of Pisces.

More Information,
The Chakras, and what they look like.
Below is a rough two-dimensional visual for educational purposes only.

Click to view a larger image.

1st Base Chakra is Red.
2nd Sacral Chakra is Orange.
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra is Yellow.
4th Center Chakra is Green.
5th Throat Chakra is Sky Blue.
6th Sixth Chakra is Indigo.
The Third Eye is White, Sixth's Front Extension.
The Third Eye points inwards.
7th Crown Chakra is Purple.
Gold Chakra outside the body, above the Crown.
8th and 9th Shoulder Chakras, Side Extensions of the Center Chakra.
10th and 11th Temple Chakras, Side Extensions of the Sixth Chakra.
12th and 13th Hip Chakras, Side Extensions of the Base Chakra.
Twin Serpents Ida (Black, Female) and Pingala (Red, Male).
6th Knot forms the "Heart".
Sushumna is White.

The Wings of the Soul are seen on the Caduceus of Hermes, as are the Twin Serpents.
..."the shoulder chakras contain the wings of the soul."

Click to view a larger image.

In practice, you should visualize the Chakras in three-dimensional space.
As said here, Re: Visualiazing The Chakras With A Black/White Line
NakedPluto said:
No, let the chakras glow and flow with energy and not have limitations expressively projected onto them.
Here is an example, Chakras 3D Visualized - Unknown source

Shape of the Chakras

Click to view a larger image.

The Seven Major Chakras, including the Front, Back and Side Extensions are in the shape of a Square Pyramid.

Click to view a larger image.

The 4th Center Chakra is an Octahedron.

It equalizes the energies between the Higher (7th, 6th and 5th) and Lower (3rd, 2nd and 1st) Chakras.
The 7th, 6th and 5th Chakras rule the Astral, and are Feminine (Yin).
The 3rd, 2nd and 1st Chakras rule the Physical, and are Masculine (Yang).

The Chakras are always spinning, whether you spin them or not.
Spinning the Chakras increases our level of vibration, but that is not the only way it can be done.
Presently, Mankind is at low level of vibration. To most, the Soul does not exist.
Most believe "consciousness" is stored solely in the brain.
One sees and experiences only the physical reality of things.
That is why "Opening the 3rd eye is a major step in consciousness."
The Body has 2 Physical Eyes, whereas The Soul has 6 Spiritual Eyes.
The Third Eye and its Five Extensions.
Most are what we call "spiritually blind" (and deaf), both figuratively and literally speaking.
They cannot "see" (nor hear) the Astral, the 4th Dimension. The Soul exists within the Fourth Dimension.

See also,
The Elements

As said in The Chakras, there are 5 Elements.
Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Akasha.

Each of the Seven Major Chakras is ruled by an Element.
Base (Muladhara), Earth.
Sacral (Svadisthana), Water.
Solar (Manipura), Fire.
Center (Anahata), Fire & Air.
Throat (Visuddha), Air.
Sixth (Ajna), Akasha.
Crown (Sahasrara), Water.

Fire and Air are Masculine (Yang).
Earth and Water are Feminine (Yin).
Fire and Air are Electric.
Earth and Water are Magnetic.
Akasha is Electromagnetic.

The Chakras are also Electromagnetic.
Chakras can Direct Energy (Masculine/Electric) and Absorb Energy (Feminine/Magnetic).
See here, The Chakras
  • The Left Side of the Body is the Negative Pole. Through the Left Hand, we take in energy. The Left Side is ruled over by the Element of Water and is the Direction West.
  • The Right Side is the Positive Pole and is ruled over by the Element of Air. We direct energy through our Right Hand.
However, each Chakra has a Dominant Element.

Traits & Characteristics of The Elements
Do not attempt these meditations, read only! Dangerous for Beginners.
More information,
Proceeding any further without having Dedicated to Father Satan is dangerous.
Those who are without, are at the mercy of the enemy. We need His protection to advance safely.
All souls that advance shine brighter than others on the Astral. You have been warned.

36 Virtues & Ethical Values of Spiritual Satanism (Under Construction)
Joy of Satan Updates: Ethics & Virtues Section - Hp. Hoodedcobra666

The Eight-Fold Path, from which all Truth stems.
Beginner's Pranayama
Beginner's Meditations
More information,
Opening the Soul is one's first order of business.
The removal of seals, and unlocking one's infinite potential.

Raising energy?
It is important to always keep your energy levels high at all times. Be careful not to raise more than you can handle.
Always affirm (program) the energy afterwards, as energy takes the path of least resistance.
It must be told what to do, in the present tense.
I.e, "In a positive and healthy manner for me, my entire being is now completely energized." x3.
This mantra is of Serpent Yoga and not only releases energy from and spins the chakras, but also praises Satan as our True Creator God. This is excellent for raising energies:
Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru
How to vibrate Satanas (Multiples of 10 work well):
S Breath in, and then partially close your glottis making a hissing sound like a cat or a serpent, extending the exhale.
A Then breath in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.
T Breath in, then put your tongue on your hard palate right above your front teeth, and vibrate between a ZZZZ and THTHTH on the exhale.
A Then breath in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.
A Then breath in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.
S Breath in, and then partially close your glottis making a hissing sound like a cat or a serpent, extending the exhale.
666 Meditation:
  1. Vibrate VUUUUU into your solar chakra 6 times.
  2. Vibrate VAAAHHHH into your heart chakra 6 times.
  3. Vibrate VOOOHHHHH into your 6th chakra 6 times.
The RAUM Meditation can also be used to raise energy, but it is not for beginners.

More information,
Magickal Workings and their Applications
Dealing with Hostile Entities
Numerology & Symbology
Men and Women, Masculinity and Femininity
See also,
Sex Magick, Sexuality and Love
See also,
Rune Magick, The Elder Futhark
The Runic Kabalah
More information,
Planetary Squares
More information,
Satanic Rituals
Black Magick, the best form of retaliation and revenge.
We are not, never act like, nor choose to remain as victims.
We take back what is ours, ALWAYS.

Spiritual Warfare, War in its Higher form.
Not of bombs, guns and ammunition. Digging trenches and ducking for cover.
Nor as meatshields for the "Elite", but as Soldiers of Satan.
To battle as Higher Beings do, using the Powers of the Mind and Soul.

Timed Spiritual Offensive
You can amplify the power of a ritual by coordinating it with other Satanists using the War Room timer.
Start the Final RTR when the timer says 00:00:00. Other rituals can be done at 01:00:00.

All people looking at the timer will see the same time, and every 2 hours, we will have the ability to co-ordinate an attack against the enemy. This way, you know that always, when you do an RTR, other people from all over the world, are doing it with you.

Don't obsess over this timer, just follow it when you can. Every 24 hours, there are 12 intervals on which the RTR can be done. So no matter your timezone, you can participate and do an RTR.

Demon Rituals
FRTR Alternative,
Further reading,
See also,
When The Joy Of Satan Is Always Right, Maybe It's Time To Listen... - Hp. Hoodedcobra666
Wonderful, this should be pinned somewhere visible for newcomers, maybe a header for people with less than 10 post and guests?
This is amazingly done well. And you did an awesome job. I can see that you have read and studied the whole format and you know what you're doing ? Or understand what you read. And are finding out for yourself what to do. And that is good! And thank you for sharing this information. 🙂
Proceeding any further without having Dedicated to Father Satan is dangerous.
Those who are without, are at the mercy of the enemy. We need His protection to advance safely.
All souls that advance shine brighter than others on the Astral. You have been warned.

36 Virtues & Ethical Values of Spiritual Satanism (Under Construction)
Joy of Satan Updates: Ethics & Virtues Section - Hp. Hoodedcobra666

The Eight-Fold Path, from which all Truth stems.
Beginner's Pranayama
Beginner's Meditations
More information,
Opening the Soul is one's first order of business.
The removal of seals, and unlocking one's infinite potential.

Raising energy?
It is important to always keep your energy levels high at all times. Be careful not to raise more than you can handle.
Always affirm (program) the energy afterwards, as energy takes the path of least resistance.
It must be told what to do, in the present tense.
I.e, "In a positive and healthy manner for me, my entire being is now completely energized." x3.

The RAUM Meditation can also be used to raise energy, but it is not for beginners.

More information,
Magickal Workings and their Applications
Dealing with Hostile Entities
Numerology & Symbology
Men and Women, Masculinity and Femininity
See also,
Sex Magick, Sexuality and Love
See also,
Rune Magick, The Elder Futhark
The Runic Kabalah
More information,
Planetary Squares
More information,
Satanic Rituals
Black Magick, the best form of retaliation and revenge.
We are not, never act like, nor choose to remain as victims.
We take back what is ours, ALWAYS.

Spiritual Warfare, War in its Higher form.
Not of bombs, guns and ammunition. Digging trenches and ducking for cover.
Nor as meatshields for the "Elite", but as Soldiers of Satan.
To battle as Higher Beings do, using the Powers of the Mind and Soul.

Timed Spiritual Offensive

Demon Rituals
FRTR Alternative,
Further reading,
See also,
When The Joy Of Satan Is Always Right, Maybe It's Time To Listen... - Hp. Hoodedcobra666

This is great brother and I foresee myself returning here when looking for specific articles.
this is a very useful post, it would be great to keep it pinned on top of the forums , and it's also great to spread around, outside of the forums, it contains everything a beginner needs, indeed <

Thank you for the great work <
Czy planujesz aktualizować ten post gdy będą opublikowane treści które dobrze byłoby tu zamieścić?
Do you plan to update this post when there is published content that would be good to post here?
Do you plan to update this post when there is published content that would be good to post here?

It's almost perfect as how it is now. Sermons are always made so we would need to update this constantly. You can read these articles and you will be up to date.
absolutely phenomenal work, will be regularly going through this.
I noticed I never left a comment here even though I keep returning to this thread every so often to find something.

So just have to say thank you for your hard work in putting this together, it has helped many of us, including me, countless of times.
I agree with comments people left here, this should be pinned somewhere where everyone can see it, and possibly even used in online outreach as sort of introduction to Spiritual Satanism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
