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Other #960 My story with Reptilians.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
In August when I was walking with the dog, I met an older man. He shouted at me and asked me questions about the dog. After talking one minute he came to me and looked into my eyes and I noticed that he had a reptile-shaped pupil. When I noticed I started to see blurry and be dizzy. I left there but as I walked my body was vibrating and I did not have the strength to stand. I went fast to be away from that reptilian. When I got close to home I put myself down because I had no power, while my body was vibrating and I was a little dizzy. I got home, I calmed down, but then my pineal gland started to vibrate. The evening came and I went to sleep. I've had some very strange dreams so I'll say the strangest one. I went to a table with a man and a woman, I look at them and I see that they have a reptile-shaped pupil. I don't remember the conversation I had with them. In the end, they gave me blood to drink. I want to add that 4-5 days my pineal gland has been vibrating continuously. Over 2 weeks I met with 2 reptilians, a man and a woman, I looked directly into his eyes and saw the same reptile-shaped pupil. This time I did not show weakness and went well, in the end I shook hands with him to show that I do not fear him. After I left there, I remembered the dream I had 2 weeks go and wondered if it was the people in my dream? I still see them in the city but I don't pay attention to them. The question is this: Why do these advanced beings have interest in me? Why me?
Are you sure you're not on drugs?
I do think there is truth to this phenomenon. A lot of people have reported seeing “shapeshifting”, but what exactly is going on could be the reptilians causing hallucinations to increase paranoia, which may or may not involve drugs.
It is essential not to dwell on unnecessary thoughts, experiences and negative entities like these, as doing so invites them into your life. You are what you think. The mind is a tricky place, and our minds can sometimes interpret strange or unsettling events in ways that feel vivid and real, especially when we are in a heightened state of awareness or emotion.

What we choose to focus on, especially for us who meditate daily, can significantly impact us - for better or worse. When we meditate and raise our vibrations, we become more amplified, and this makes it easier for us to attract certain things. This is why practices like Void Meditation are so crucial; they help us maintain clarity and protect us from unnecessary disturbances or harmful influences that might hinder our growth. Through Void Meditation, you can turn off unwanted thoughts and emotions, you remain in control.

It is far better to focus on positive, uplifting thoughts that nurture your well-being and spiritual development. Free yourself from negative preoccupations that bring no value to your life. Instead, concentrate on our Gods, Satan, your GD, the things that truly matter, and your own spiritual journey. Avoid fixating on notions like reptilians or greys; these ideas may feel intriguing but ultimately serve as distractions. Let go of these false notions and center your energy on what fosters your growth and fulfillment.
In August when I was walking with the dog, I met an older man. He shouted at me and asked me questions about the dog. After talking one minute he came to me and looked into my eyes and I noticed that he had a reptile-shaped pupil. When I noticed I started to see blurry and be dizzy. I left there but as I walked my body was vibrating and I did not have the strength to stand. I went fast to be away from that reptilian. When I got close to home I put myself down because I had no power, while my body was vibrating and I was a little dizzy. I got home, I calmed down, but then my pineal gland started to vibrate. The evening came and I went to sleep. I've had some very strange dreams so I'll say the strangest one. I went to a table with a man and a woman, I look at them and I see that they have a reptile-shaped pupil. I don't remember the conversation I had with them. In the end, they gave me blood to drink. I want to add that 4-5 days my pineal gland has been vibrating continuously. Over 2 weeks I met with 2 reptilians, a man and a woman, I looked directly into his eyes and saw the same reptile-shaped pupil. This time I did not show weakness and went well, in the end I shook hands with him to show that I do not fear him. After I left there, I remembered the dream I had 2 weeks go and wondered if it was the people in my dream? I still see them in the city but I don't pay attention to them. The question is this: Why do these advanced beings have interest in me? Why me?
It is more likely for this to be internally created, like a problem of perception, rather than true influence of reptiles. Have you been evaluated for schizophrenia?
It is more likely for this to be internally created, like a problem of perception, rather than true influence of reptiles. Have you been evaluated for schizophrenia?
I have no health or mental problems, I am healthier than all my doctors. The situation was very real, I felt it energetically and physically. I have never taken drugs in my life, I am very healthy physically and mentally. I know that many will think that it is not true, but I assure you that it is very true. I would ask people who think it's a health problem or similar things not to comment on this post because it doesn't help anything. Thank you!
In August when I was walking with the dog, I met an older man. He shouted at me and asked me questions about the dog. After talking one minute he came to me and looked into my eyes and I noticed that he had a reptile-shaped pupil. When I noticed I started to see blurry and be dizzy. I left there but as I walked my body was vibrating and I did not have the strength to stand. I went fast to be away from that reptilian. When I got close to home I put myself down because I had no power, while my body was vibrating and I was a little dizzy. I got home, I calmed down, but then my pineal gland started to vibrate. The evening came and I went to sleep. I've had some very strange dreams so I'll say the strangest one. I went to a table with a man and a woman, I look at them and I see that they have a reptile-shaped pupil. I don't remember the conversation I had with them. In the end, they gave me blood to drink. I want to add that 4-5 days my pineal gland has been vibrating continuously. Over 2 weeks I met with 2 reptilians, a man and a woman, I looked directly into his eyes and saw the same reptile-shaped pupil. This time I did not show weakness and went well, in the end I shook hands with him to show that I do not fear him. After I left there, I remembered the dream I had 2 weeks go and wondered if it was the people in my dream? I still see them in the city but I don't pay attention to them. The question is this: Why do these advanced beings have interest in me? Why me?
what color are his eyes?
It is essential not to dwell on unnecessary thoughts, experiences and negative entities like these, as doing so invites them into your life. You are what you think. The mind is a tricky place, and our minds can sometimes interpret strange or unsettling events in ways that feel vivid and real, especially when we are in a heightened state of awareness or emotion.

What we choose to focus on, especially for us who meditate daily, can significantly impact us - for better or worse. When we meditate and raise our vibrations, we become more amplified, and this makes it easier for us to attract certain things. This is why practices like Void Meditation are so crucial; they help us maintain clarity and protect us from unnecessary disturbances or harmful influences that might hinder our growth. Through Void Meditation, you can turn off unwanted thoughts and emotions, you remain in control.

It is far better to focus on positive, uplifting thoughts that nurture your well-being and spiritual development. Free yourself from negative preoccupations that bring no value to your life. Instead, concentrate on our Gods, Satan, your GD, the things that truly matter, and your own spiritual journey. Avoid fixating on notions like reptilians or greys; these ideas may feel intriguing but ultimately serve as distractions. Let go of these false notions and center your energy on what fosters your growth and fulfillment.
Я люблю тебя Брат .Спасибо что ты есть!
As real as this experience was to you I honestly think the best way forward is ensuring it doesn't happen again,
Negative beings M.O mostly follows the same patterns,
The experience are ambiguous to you, you can't really tell if its a negative or a positive experience,
And that mostly what their want,Have your mind occupied by an insignificant thing,
From what I have learned from a more experienced member no one aligned to the Gods does this,
This things are real,We do understand we are in a spiritual warfare so really do your part to tune them out,
If you're dedicated to Satan most of this experience would cease but you can also do something for yourself,

You can do Orobas Rituals and Marbas rituals and you can request them to bring an end to those experiences,
Orobas ritual https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/orobas-power-ritual.html
Marbas ritual

I hope this path bears Glory for you brother
I do think there is truth to this phenomenon. A lot of people have reported seeing “shapeshifting”, but what exactly is going on could be the reptilians causing hallucinations to increase paranoia, which may or may not involve drugs.
I think it’s a conspiracy theory, like an actual conspiracy theory. Shapeshifting reptilians theory was made popular by David Icke in order to make us think our western world leaders, who are mostly white, are the reptilians in disguise, when in fact it’s the reptilian hybrid jews who are the actual reptilians (besides their “god,” YHVH, obviously). They don’t need to shape shift as they’re already part reptile anyways, yet look “human enough.”

Excellent read:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
