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#687 Stalker


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am at my wits end, and I think only the gods can really help now. A month ago I caught a man. Older I think? Might have been wearing a mask following me home. Context: I am a 25 year old woman, I live alone. Family is estranged. No significant other, few friends.

I didn't think that much of it until unsolicited letters started showing up at my door step soon after. Each with the theme of kittens, and all asking me if I would adopt and help the lonely kitten. By this point I had already put out a police report. Typically there was no follow up to this. They could prove no harmful intentions, their typical response when they don't want to be bothered. So, I ordered and setup a camera at the front door.

The letters stopped for a few days after that. Or so I thought until I went to the back yard to find them at the back door. Each containing the same contents. All hand written. That isn't the worst bit. While I was out with a friend I got a notification on my phone that the house alarm had went off. I called the police and rushed home as fast as I could to find that the back door had been kicked in. Nothing was stolen. But on investigation, there was a kitten left locked in my room. Unharmed in any way. No evidence of a previous owner. I don't know what the fuck to do now. I am staying at a hotel for the moment, the police still aren't taking this seriously. Refusing to link the incidents together without 'sufficient evidence'. I am terrified out of my mind and am looking for any help or advice or just anything. Please.
What you did with that kitten?

I would not be very concerned if you are dedicated and walking the path, you are safe. In your place I would take that kitten.

Animals is sacred in SS.
Just because someone is an SS doesn't mean we are guaranteed safety without using common sense. Any time a stalker is involved, we must avoid them and NOT fall into their trap of taking an animal or whatever.

A part of staying safe in Spiritual Satanism is using common sense.

And just because animals are sacred, does not mean we should forsake our own safety for a supposed animal in need.
To the OP: there's a chance the kitten was microchipped, EDIT: I meant to say that the kitten was microchipped to keep tabs on your location if you're with it. Or, there's a chance the guy actually did have good intentions but is mentally unstable, because no sane person does that.

Read the page on the JoS for binding spell linked here. Bind the man. Do it as many times as needed until you feel safe, and check the locks on your door to strengthen them. There's also a spell HPS Maxine wrote to draw a line from astral light along the floor of your doors and affirming that nobody unwelcome can enter your home. If needed I will find this and link it.

As for the kitten, ask the Gods for a sign. If you don't want to keep it (nobody should ever be forced to keep an animal), then you can find it a good home. Worst case scenario you might have to take it to the SPCA but you can do a spell so it finds a good home.
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I am at my wits end, and I think only the gods can really help now. A month ago I caught a man. Older I think? Might have been wearing a mask following me home. Context: I am a 25 year old woman, I live alone. Family is estranged. No significant other, few friends.

I didn't think that much of it until unsolicited letters started showing up at my door step soon after. Each with the theme of kittens, and all asking me if I would adopt and help the lonely kitten. By this point I had already put out a police report. Typically there was no follow up to this. They could prove no harmful intentions, their typical response when they don't want to be bothered. So, I ordered and setup a camera at the front door.

The letters stopped for a few days after that. Or so I thought until I went to the back yard to find them at the back door. Each containing the same contents. All hand written. That isn't the worst bit. While I was out with a friend I got a notification on my phone that the house alarm had went off. I called the police and rushed home as fast as I could to find that the back door had been kicked in. Nothing was stolen. But on investigation, there was a kitten left locked in my room. Unharmed in any way. No evidence of a previous owner. I don't know what the fuck to do now. I am staying at a hotel for the moment, the police still aren't taking this seriously. Refusing to link the incidents together without 'sufficient evidence'. I am terrified out of my mind and am looking for any help or advice or just anything. Please.
This sounds like some serial killer type shit, for real. I find this very concerning, it sounds like you're being targeted. Nothing was stolen when your place was broken into, because he wasn't looking for things, he was looking for you. You need to start carrying weapons and be in a mindset where you will be prepared to use them. Get a decent sized dog to be with you and get out of that neighborhood.

I hope it's nothing but be prepared for the worst.
I would also be wary of what else he did while he was in your space. There could be recording devices. The cat could be bugged/chipped. This should be taken very seriously. I wouldn't bring the cat with you when you move. Be safe.
To the OP: there's a chance the kitten was microchipped, EDIT: I meant to say that the kitten was microchipped to keep tabs on your location if you're with it.
I edited my post as I had forgotten to make my point about the microchip.
This sounds like some serial killer type shit, for real.
This was my thought too, sounds exactly like some deranged method of operation for a serial killer.
Also, OP, keep your social media private and do rituals to Satan, Beelzebul and Andras, and pray to your guardian Demon. They will help you and guide you, be open to them, but also remember to be proactive here on Earth. Keep your social media private or at least friends only.

This was my thought too, sounds exactly like some deranged method of operation for a serial killer.
They do play bizarre games like this.
Epiphany is absolutely right here, this shouldn't be taken lightly. Unfortunately, the fact is that the police approach such cases in a trivial way.

From now on, carry a weapon with you, it can be pepper spray (if your country allows it), or any other type of weapon you can protect yourself with. Never wear headphones when returning home, observe your surroundings to see if anyone is following you. I'm not saying you should become completely paranoid - but with what's happening you have to focus on your own safety. You don't know what this person's intentions are, and no healthy person does what he did.

Read about self-defence methods just in case. I'm talking about realistic methods for women such as: using the environment to your advantage, using objects and weapons, and hitting sensitive places.

Check your home to see if any cameras, eavesdropping devices or spy gadgets have been installed. Check your own cameras to see if they picked up any suspicious movements - they can be used as possible evidence. With the evidence, the police should be forced to act.

Tell your neighbours about your situation and ask for help. Try not to walk home alone. If you have a male friend, ask him to accompany you. If possible, ask to spend the night at a friend's house - or if someone could stay the night with you. Also, tell your friends not to give out any information about you if a stranger asks them about you - this is common sense, but not everyone thinks straight.

Contact your family and tell them about your situation. Perhaps they will be able to come and pick you up. The most important thing is your safety. If the situation requires it, move to live with your parents back or with any other family member you are close to - ultimately, this is in the worst case scenario. It's not worth risking your life and living in fear if someone may end up hurting you.

Do everything in your power to avoid being alone, because then you become an easy target. Install more cameras, collect evidence.

If you really cannot count on anyone's support, arm yourself just in case something could happen to you. Stay close to the Gods, do rituals, ask for help and guidance on what you can do best in your situation, keep your mind open.

Let's hope it's nothing serious and the person is simply mentally ill, but it's better to protect yourself against a possible threat than to find yourself in a dangerous situation later on. I will pray to Father Satan for your safety.
Also, a bit of advice for women who realize they are being followed - Never go straight home. This way you will show the follower where you live.

- If you think you're paranoid and you're not sure, if someone is actually following you - don't ignore your intuition, your safety is always the most important thing. It is better to intervene immediately when you see something is wrong, than to ignore your suspicions. The Gods are with us, but we must also use common sense and keep ourself safe too.

- If you want to make sure that you are being followed, walk around, for example, the building several times in a circle. If the person continues to walk behind you, it may mean that this person is actually following you. In such a situation, don't let yourself go to an isolated place, where there are no people around. Go to crowded places. The best situation is to go to the police station, if there is one nearby - if not, then a hospital, fire station, or a store where you can go inside and ask for help. Then you can call the police together with the seller. Or approach a group of people and say that you are being followed and if they can pretend to be your friend. Alternatively, shout around people that someone is following you, this may scare the person following you away.

- For women who were followed and found themselves in a place where there are no people around: Immediately go to a place full of people, shops, etc. In a dangerous situation, where the attacker is approaching you with bad intentions - instead of shouting for help, shout to call the police. The reason for this is that not everyone will dare to help out of fear for their own safety, but such a person can always call the police.

- Run away, don't think about fighting the man. Thanks to computer games, anime and idiotic film in which women are shown defeating men, there is a belief that woman can overpower a man, which is a mistake - such way of thinking is a threat to a woman's life. Most women really don't realize how strong a man can be. Therefore, run away, shout to people to call for police, run to crowded places.

- When the attacker catches up with you, you take advantage of the surroundings. If possible, throw sand into the attacker's eyes and run away. Use weapons, pepper spray (if the country allows). Grab your keys and attack him - aim weak spots, eyes, groin etc. This should give you time to escape and then you scream again or do as I mentioned above.

- When it comes to a situation where the attacker manages to catch you - grab onto something and don't let go, scream as much as you can, kick, bite, but don't let him drag you. Always observe your surrounding, use things that can help you to attack/escape.

These are very general. It is also important not to panic to the point where the body remains frozen in fear, but to act immediately to ensure your safety.
Unfortunately, the fact is that the police approach such cases in a trivial way.
When Jeffery Dahmer was on his spree, the neighbors contacted the police constantly about him but they didn't do anything.
Anything less than a firearm for personal safety for most women is a ridiculous proposal. A very small pistol caliber (.22) is akin to the receiving end having hot screwdrivers stuck in their body. It will not necessarily kill them instantly, but it will stop them (unless they are drugged). A larger pistol caliber such as a 9mm or .357 magnum is almost like a hot piece of metal being hammered in the body with a sledgehammer. This will stop even a drugged person. Pepper spray is a joke, and mace is better, but still not very effective in the grand scheme of things. It's just too risky when the life is on the line. That being said, I would not recommend anything less than the spiritual methods already suggested AND working toward a firearm license (for pistols, not so complicated), getting familiar with the chosen platform, and also staying vigilant every moment of their lives.
Also, a bit of advice for women who realize they are being followed - Never go straight home. This way you will show the follower where you live.

- If you think you're paranoid and you're not sure, if someone is actually following you - don't ignore your intuition, your safety is always the most important thing. It is better to intervene immediately when you see something is wrong, than to ignore your suspicions. The Gods are with us, but we must also use common sense and keep ourself safe too.

- If you want to make sure that you are being followed, walk around, for example, the building several times in a circle. If the person continues to walk behind you, it may mean that this person is actually following you. In such a situation, don't let yourself go to an isolated place, where there are no people around. Go to crowded places. The best situation is to go to the police station, if there is one nearby - if not, then a hospital, fire station, or a store where you can go inside and ask for help. Then you can call the police together with the seller. Or approach a group of people and say that you are being followed and if they can pretend to be your friend. Alternatively, shout around people that someone is following you, this may scare the person following you away.

- For women who were followed and found themselves in a place where there are no people around: Immediately go to a place full of people, shops, etc. In a dangerous situation, where the attacker is approaching you with bad intentions - instead of shouting for help, shout to call the police. The reason for this is that not everyone will dare to help out of fear for their own safety, but such a person can always call the police.

- Run away, don't think about fighting the man. Thanks to computer games, anime and idiotic film in which women are shown defeating men, there is a belief that woman can overpower a man, which is a mistake - such way of thinking is a threat to a woman's life. Most women really don't realize how strong a man can be. Therefore, run away, shout to people to call for police, run to crowded places.

- When the attacker catches up with you, you take advantage of the surroundings. If possible, throw sand into the attacker's eyes and run away. Use weapons, pepper spray (if the country allows). Grab your keys and attack him - aim weak spots, eyes, groin etc. This should give you time to escape and then you scream again or do as I mentioned above.

- When it comes to a situation where the attacker manages to catch you - grab onto something and don't let go, scream as much as you can, kick, bite, but don't let him drag you. Always observe your surrounding, use things that can help you to attack/escape.

These are very general. It is also important not to panic to the point where the body remains frozen in fear, but to act immediately to ensure your safety.
This is extremely good and practical advice, I recommend all women to read this.
Anything less than a firearm for personal safety for most women is a ridiculous proposal. A very small pistol caliber (.22) is akin to the receiving end having hot screwdrivers stuck in their body. It will not necessarily kill them instantly, but it will stop them (unless they are drugged). A larger pistol caliber such as a 9mm or .357 magnum is almost like a hot piece of metal being hammered in the body with a sledgehammer. This will stop even a drugged person. Pepper spray is a joke, and mace is better, but still not very effective in the grand scheme of things. It's just too risky when the life is on the line. That being said, I would not recommend anything less than the spiritual methods already suggested AND working toward a firearm license (for pistols, not so complicated), getting familiar with the chosen platform, and also staying vigilant every moment of their lives.
Unfortunately most countries don't allow firearms.
Just because someone is an SS doesn't mean we are guaranteed safety without using common sense. Any time a stalker is involved, we must avoid them and NOT fall into their trap of taking an animal or whatever.

A part of staying safe in Spiritual Satanism is using common sense.

And just because animals are sacred, does not mean we should forsake our own safety for a supposed animal in need.
I am not speaking about forsaking safety, but I had in mind that she should be calmer, in order to get more clarity in solving this, because all threat looks like she is very scared, and I know this state doesn't help much in dealing.
Read the page on the JoS for binding spell linked here. Bind the man. Do it as many times as needed until you feel safe, and check the locks on your door to strengthen them. There's also a spell HPS Maxine wrote to draw a line from astral light along the floor of your doors and affirming that nobody unwelcome can enter your home. If needed I will find this and link it.
High Priestess, sorry to butt in, but could you please link this ritual by HPS Maxine?


As to the OP, I've had a similar thing happen to me. Not to this extent, but close. Just pray to the Gods and your GD and ask for their help while you bind the man and whatnot. Keep up your aura of protection too.
Just because someone is an SS doesn't mean we are guaranteed safety without using common sense. Any time a stalker is involved, we must avoid them and NOT fall into their trap of taking an animal or whatever.

A part of staying safe in Spiritual Satanism is using common sense.

And just because animals are sacred, does not mean we should forsake our own safety for a supposed animal in need.
My intention was not to forsake safety. But just to make her calmer. Who the hell would like to give such advice in this way? This is crazy. I definitely didn't mean that. My advice was oriented to remind about protection, give some positivity, and so that her can get to solutions more easily this way.
Just because someone is an SS doesn't mean we are guaranteed safety without using common sense. Any time a stalker is involved, we must avoid them and NOT fall into their trap of taking an animal or whatever.

A part of staying safe in Spiritual Satanism is using common sense.

And just because animals are sacred, does not mean we should forsake our own safety for a supposed animal in need.
When I had problem with group of stalkers, I contacted HPHC personally, and one part of advice was, that they can't do much for us because of Gods, this definitely doesn't put us in ultra safety elite mode where we don't do anything about it, and another part was that if this happening, what we can do is clear phone and pc of anything antisemite, Satanic and etc,. Watch ourselves more what we speak to outsiders, don't reveal things and etc, pretend to be goyim, and observe if they will be still on us for few weeks, that they should be gone, I did this and it helped.

My apologies for misunderstandings, I had to go straight in first reply.
High Priestess, sorry to butt in, but could you please link this ritual by HPS Maxine?
I've tried, but unfortunately her posts are not easily searchable through her username.

Essentially, breathe in white energy from the Sun. Make sure it's white, not white-gold. Then, standing in front of your door, breathe the energy out through your finger (probably left index, but perhaps it can be right index) and draw a line along the floor, where the door is. I think you can do this kneeling in front of your door.

Do that multiple times (I don't remember how many times she suggested), and then affirm that the line is keeping out any and all unwanted visitors or intruders.

It's been about 10 years since she posted that, if anyone was willing to spend the time searching for it. It might have been lost in the previous forums. I've done this in the past, but can't remember all of the affirmation.
When I had problem with group of stalkers, I contacted HPHC personally, and one part of advice was, that they can't do much for us because of Gods, this definitely doesn't put us in ultra safety elite mode where we don't do anything about it, and another part was that if this happening, what we can do is clear phone and pc of anything antisemite, Satanic and etc,. Watch ourselves more what we speak to outsiders, don't reveal things and etc, pretend to be goyim, and observe if they will be still on us for few weeks, that they should be gone, I did this and it helped.

My apologies for misunderstandings, I had to go straight in first reply.
I understand, thanks for writing this piece of advice.
Firstly for spiritual advice I would suggest doing Lord Altasor's, Lord Andras's Ritual and the Ritual of Lord Orboas, these are the rituals that provide the most protective energies and these are all the Demons who are most appropriate to contact for help, after finishing the ritual while staring at the Sigil explain your situation and entreat their aid, perhaps the ritual of Lillith could also help as she is very sympathetic to female matters.

Secondly on the spiritual side of things, use Isa to completely bind whomever is targeting you, breathe energy into a pale icy white ball in front of you (dont connect with the energy breathe the energy from around the ball into it) and on each exhale vibrate Isa into the ball and try and feel it vibrate, each repetition make it stronger and more powerful, do this for 44 reps and then affirm it to have completely bound whoever is targeting you to leave you alone forever and completely and then just direct it away, this will need to be repeated daily for at least 40 days, but I have found Isa to be extremely powerful.

For practical advice, as Henu said get a gun if its legal in your country, if not consider taking this further by contacting any sort of supervising body that affects your local police especially if theres anything specific regarding women's issues like a domestics department or a an organization outside of the police as there are quite a few organizations dedicated to kicking up a storm on behalf of victims to force the police to act in situations like this, though if you do that leave some details out as unfortunately you have posted a few very specific details on this forum and you dont want to risk your anonymity being compromised as a Satanist, so be vague dont mention the kitten ect.

Predators always aim to isolate their victim, so dont let him isolate you, all their behaviour is intended to cause you to retreat so they can get you alone, so try and surround yourself with friends keep your support network strong and active, chances are if your being stalked somebody has seen something weird.

Also he got the kitten from somewhere so maybe contact a few local shelters to find out who this guy is? At the bare minimum if you know who it is you can do a lot more with that information, you can contact his family, you can contact his work, you can get the police more directly involved if you have a name, most stalkers are actually fairly low iq and not exactly masterminds.
I am at my wits end, and I think only the gods can really help now. A month ago I caught a man. Older I think? Might have been wearing a mask following me home. Context: I am a 25 year old woman, I live alone. Family is estranged. No significant other, few friends.

I didn't think that much of it until unsolicited letters started showing up at my door step soon after. Each with the theme of kittens, and all asking me if I would adopt and help the lonely kitten. By this point I had already put out a police report. Typically there was no follow up to this. They could prove no harmful intentions, their typical response when they don't want to be bothered. So, I ordered and setup a camera at the front door.

The letters stopped for a few days after that. Or so I thought until I went to the back yard to find them at the back door. Each containing the same contents. All hand written. That isn't the worst bit. While I was out with a friend I got a notification on my phone that the house alarm had went off. I called the police and rushed home as fast as I could to find that the back door had been kicked in. Nothing was stolen. But on investigation, there was a kitten left locked in my room. Unharmed in any way. No evidence of a previous owner. I don't know what the fuck to do now. I am staying at a hotel for the moment, the police still aren't taking this seriously. Refusing to link the incidents together without 'sufficient evidence'. I am terrified out of my mind and am looking for any help or advice or just anything. Please.

It's quite a peculiar mix of circumstances you find yourself in and I'm sorry to hear about it but in addition to all the great advice you already have I'd like to add two more.

First, try to use whichever of our methods of aura strengthening and protection you feel most comfortable with and get your self-confidence up, evict fear as much as possible. With that you're already in a much better position and the likelihood of anything happening has decreased drastically.

Second, a small folding knife (find out which length is legal where you live) and a thorough knowledge of anatomy could go a long way. Hopefully it won't come to you ever needing it as a weapon and only using it as a tool for everyday situations.

PS: even if you don't know the identity of your Guardian (providing you're dedicated) or have developed astral senses it's always a good idea to ask for their help.

Also, do check your house for bugs and/or cameras.

All the best
I've tried, but unfortunately her posts are not easily searchable through her username.

Essentially, breathe in white energy from the Sun. Make sure it's white, not white-gold. Then, standing in front of your door, breathe the energy out through your finger (probably left index, but perhaps it can be right index) and draw a line along the floor, where the door is. I think you can do this kneeling in front of your door.

Do that multiple times (I don't remember how many times she suggested), and then affirm that the line is keeping out any and all unwanted visitors or intruders.

It's been about 10 years since she posted that, if anyone was willing to spend the time searching for it. It might have been lost in the previous forums. I've done this in the past, but can't remember all of the affirmation.
I started looking for it today and found this post. I think this is what you meant. If not, I'll keep looking when I find more time. :)
I started looking for it today and found this post. I think this is what you meant. If not, I'll keep looking when I find more time. :)
Yes, that's it! Thank you.
I started looking for it today and found this post. I think this is what you meant. If not, I'll keep looking when I find more time. :)
Thank you so much!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
