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Meditations #76864 "Junkie hype enjoyer" healing path

This question is related to meditation.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I come seeking wisdom and guidance from those more experienced in the path. For years, I have used substances: mostly alcohol and weed, with the occasional dose of shrooms, as a means of relaxation, connection, power, and more often than I'd want to admit, escape. While these experiences have brought small moments of insight, and helped me at times despite how unhealthy they were, so I do accept my past, I have come to realize that they ultimately cloud my mind, drain energy, and hold me back from clarity.

I want to replace these external crutches with internal practices. I have begun practicing meditation, mostly cleaning and AoP, and some yoga. There are moments of peace, and at times I feel a certain energy stirring, but it is fleeting. What I seek is a genuine "meditation high".

This will sound extremely immature and stupid, and maybe my question doesn't deserve an answer, but what path should I take to the point where I can essentially simulate the things I obtained from my highs via meditation, without any of the side effects?

I want to feel as relaxed, euphoric, unbothered, and "vibrant" as I felt when high on weed, via meditation, with a practice that can trigger this altered state for even a couple hours after practicing the meditation.
I want to feel as powerful, confident and away from stress as I felt when drunk.

I know I should work to integrate these traits into my life and have them 24/7, but after such a long habit (which I'm glad I was able to quit without much trouble in a few weeks), my mind just thinks in terms of temporary altered states, and I honestly want those altered states as well. So much of my routine is built around feeling amazing for a few hours, then leaning back. Being super productive for a few hours, then being low. My mind is used to manic highs and lows, and now life just feels so boring, like nothing is in any way stimulating.

The advice on how to heal from this and not desire it is also welcome, but I posted this question mostly to ask for how I'd create prolonged (2-3 hour long) altered states of consciousness, such as the yin/water bomb that weed is, via meditation.
Your question is understandable given the history of substance abuse.

To answer it: yes you can get all of that in a healthy way not only through meditation but also by building yourself up to be a strong human being that is capable of much more than you could imagine.

Congratulations on quitting the bad habits and rest assured that the need will wane in time. Also, by regaining control of your endocannabinoid system and healing which also takes time depending on how much damage you've inflicted upon yourself, what you call altered states will be available but now as a proper reaction of the body to internal instead of external stimuli.

The "high" of a person learning and growing under the Gods is incomparably greater than that of a lowly junkie. The love and euphoria that awaits you as you advance are indescribable.

So, welcome, walk with us and see how reality is much more vibrant and beautiful than any fantasy.
Meditation and yoga can have the effects you speak of, but I don't think it's necessary to seek these effects out when they may come naturally at the right time, in the right way, for the right amount of time.

However, I don't want to leave you with nothing considering you've been honest. You can work, safely, on your higher chakras and pineal gland for feelings of euphoria, and your lower chakras for feelings of relaxation (especially heart).

Do not spam the mantras. That does not help you.

Also, I highly recommend you do minimum of 20-30 mins of Hatha Yoga a day, and begin a runic working to heal yourself from any damage caused by drugs and alcohol (you can use Wunjo, Berkano, Uruz, among some others).

All the best

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
