Satan also comes from the mantra Satanama, a mantra of alchemical life, death and rebirth(of the body and soul into an immortal state).
Hebrew while not related to Sanskrit did borrow words from it. The Satanama/Satan mantra is one example. Brahama/Saraswati turned into Abraham/Sarah is another example.
The jews also stole from the ressurection motif of the earlier zorastrian model where people rose after they died and were judged based on their deeds. This was also stolen from the earlier judgement after death from the Egyptian religion.
Satanama was turned from a symbol of eternal life into the enemy of life in the hebrew model into the name of Satan. It’s all inverted. The name for eternal life that replaced Satanama became Joshua/Jesus, aka the OT general who murdered all the Caananite Gentiles. It’s also taught jesus will come back with an army and murder everyone who doesn’t submit. Canaan is the blueprint for the whole Gentile world, and the most orthodox jews openly say in Israel that they want to genocide all Palestinians, taking Canaan as the example. The “promised land” is all of earth.
Gentile xians are unknowingly worshipping their subjacation and death, but since they think they’ll get off because they bent the knee to super-jew, they have no problem telling non-xians with a smile on their face that they will get murdered/tortured for not worshipping the jewish idol, and that’s exactly what xians have been doing to non-xians and the “wrong” kind of xians for the last 2000 years. Since xians think they’re the jews now, they believe they’ll escape the prophecies of mass-murder promised to all Gentiles. The truth is the enemy is coming for all of us, xian or not.
Fortunately the enemy has lost and their defeat will gradually manifest as the earth and humanity matures and gets better in every conceivable way, much to the dismay of the bloodthristy jews and judified jew-worshippers. May they rot in Tartarus.