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Relationships #76499 Jewish girlfriend identification


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I've been dating this girl for a month or so, and she has a slight overbite (tooth issues as a kid, not common in her family) and a Roman nose (with that small ridge, which is apparently a medical issue she had).
Her name doesn't point to jewish ancestry, and neither does her immediate family. She never felt bad from me meditating or doing rituals, or anything like that, and I even did the FRTR extensively in her house with no negative effects.
Her personality also doesn't seem jewish.

But obviously, because of those small signs in appearance, I am worried.

After a month of living with her, should I already have felt a negative influence? I asked Satan about this in prayer as well, and I'm a beginner so I didn't really receive a message back, but I had good experiences with her after asking.

The lack of certainty is what is hurting me, and I'm not sure if asking here is going to give me that certainty, but I thought it would be worth it.
hurting me

One thing I have noticed is that relying on the structure of one's soul is a good bet. Maybe it doesn't always work, but I noticed when I was using this that it worked.

Some time ago, the girl I love had invited a guy to the gym, because they were both osteopaths and this guy was doing pre-pugilistic training next door. So she told him to try our martial art sometime. When he did the trial class, I noticed him, he had a strange eye shape and I felt spiritual revulsion as I looked at him and stood next to him, so I concluded that he was Jewish, and at the end of the class I went to inquire about him to confirm or disprove some theories I had about the Jewish soul.

So I went to him and asked him his name pretending I wanted to know him, he told me his name, I said, "hmm nice name! I don't really remember what it meant," and he told me something that confirmed my theory: "yes, the name comes from Judaism. My father is Jewish." So I explained to him how much I "was a fan of Judaism" and wanted to find out if it is true what they say about Sephirot, etc.

Without making it too long, I asked him, "For example, is it true that you don't have throat Sephirot? I am referring to when you feel a strong emotion and have a knot in your throat. You know?" Again, without belaboring the point, I spent half an hour giving him practical examples of specific situations, explaining to him what it feels like when the frontal extension of the throat is activated by an emotion forms, bringing to his mind creative situations in which to imagine the thing well (there I was stupid since Jews have no creativity in their souls). I swear for half an hour the guy had no idea what I was talking about. The girl I love had to "kick me out" because I was polluting him too much.

Obviously every scientific demonstration needs a refutation of antithesis to be given as an effective model to explain a phenomenon. So I went up to another guy at my gym who I knew to be a white and said, "hey, you know when you have a strong emotion and you get a knot in your throat?" He replied, "of course I'm aware of it, why?" And it didn't take him half an hour of explanation to understand what I was talking about.

Effective ways to tell if an individual close to you is Jewish: 1) Genealogy (family) 2) Attitudes (a Jew will tend to behave like a Jew. A martial arts teacher of mine is Jewish. You can explain certain concepts to her all you want with evidence, etc., but she will not be able to understand them). 3) Spontaneous reasoning 4) Tendency to the Gods (sounds silly, but sometimes Jews seem to be open to the Gods, study Hinduism, etc., but every once in a while you talk to them in more depth and they experience an adversarial antithesis in their soul) 5) Structure of their soul (where do they feel things? How do they understand certain dynamics?) 6) Their way of demonstrating things.

I have noticed that a Jew when he feels romantic love is often a possessive thing. Even when they take care of a dog, it is always a taking care of a slave so that it is in perfect shape to own it. I once saw a Jew have a dog. He started to dress it up like a rabbi, the dog was visibly uncomfortable, and the Jew loved this dog so much that he laughed with amusement. Yes, sorry for the anecdote, I know it sucks). Generally speaking, a Jew is not interested in supporting you, valuing you and being happy with your progress. I have seen these things.

Also at very advanced levels you will notice a contrast with Jews. For example, all the girls are sexually attracted to me (there are examples where after two or three sentences I say they start making very sexually driven overtures to me). The only girls who start taunting and ridiculing me without my having spoken to them are the Jewish girls. There is no point of agreement with them. I once had a Jewish girl's number, I didn't know her, and we would just text each other. It was a very forced thing on my part, I wasn't happy to text her, it was just a pretext for me to be able to go deeper into it. And she would answer me superficially as if I was bothering her. When I saw some pictures of her on instagram, she was literally Jewish lol. This happens at advanced levels though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
