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Relationships #76245 PAST OF MY GIRLFRIEND


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am in a relationship with a girl we really love each other, we have shared unique and rare moments together, our love is really powerful and we plan to move in together and get married.
However, there are things that bother me about her past, such as the fact that she had an ex-boyfriend, to think that she shared good times with him in the past bothers me a lot. In addition to that it bothers me to think that the way we have sex and her facial nuances, her bedside manner, etc. she may have done it with other people bothers me a lot.
I recently found out that before her ex she had other sexual experiences about 7 years ago, some of those unfortunately I have to tell the truth curiosity was stronger than me and I spied on her cell phone going to see her old chats and saw pictures and messages that really very very bothered me. I had gotten an idea of her as very puritanical and wholesome, instead finding out that she had had experiences in the past made me jealous and it bothered me to think that she let herself go to these people. I will preface this by saying that I was a virgin before this relationship with her, despite my age.
These thoughts of mine on some days are stronger than others, and they make my relationship more placid and I close myself off a little too much, on others I don't think about it at all and go through the day without any thoughts, and on still others I convince myself that the present is what I really need and is the only important and relevant thing in our relationship.
He told me several times that he wished he had known me earlier and avoided fictitious acquaintances, that thanks to me she discovered what true love is. In short she has mentioned to me several times that she regrets her previous relationship and the past (although about the sexual experiences 7 years ago she never told me about it, I found out by spying on her phone ), in fact I think this part also bothers me, the fact that she never told me about it, I tried to broach the subject once but she was offended telling me that she felt dirty talking about it with a pure person like me and that she doesn't want to broach the subject being all a memory for her that she would like to erase.
Despite this I still have a mental discomfort about it, what can I do to move on so that I only think about the present and the future with this girl ? Are there meditations or anything else about it that I can deal with ?
I want a relationship with her that transcends human time limits, we love each other so much that the very concept of love loses meaning, our love is much stronger than the very concept of love.
In fact I really believe that if my love had not been so strong, in any other kind of relationship with another girl I would have given in to my thoughts and would have broken off the relationship immediately thinking about her past.
Instead with her this does not happen precisely because we love each other so much.
Help me please, what can I do ? What meditations and magical work could I go through to improve ?
Working on advancing in general is needed. These xian/muslim thoughts of how nobody should have sex before, is unnatural and anti-life. Clean your chakras, especially your sacral chakra. This also ties in with your spying on her, people tend to obsess like this from lower frequency chakras and mind.

You spying on her now in the present, would be considered by many as worse than her having sex with others in her past. You are disrespecting the privacy of the one you claim to love. How would you feel if you knew she was spying on you?

Know that when two people are together and in love, that's what matters. You likely had sex with others in your past lives, should you be held accountable for that? It is not just the current life that matters. So focus on what you have with her.
See the thing is , my friend , in a real relationship , both sides should be open to each other , and accept the things , look you cannot blame someone or get angry at someone for doing things that they did in the past , cause that time , they werent with you , and for them , that moment felt like it. So i mean sure , you as a man do feel jelous , but its not the womans fault for doing such things in the past , it felt convenient for her , she was in a relationship before as you said.

Her not sharing her past completely , might be one thing. But it dosent mean you Spy on her , i know my girlfriends past very well , and the things that she did. and she knows mine and the things that i did. We have openly talked about it , and accepted the past. And this is a very healthy thing to do , to openly talk about it. Cause if you truly love somebody , one shouldnt feel the need to hide anything from them.

If you want to remove those thoughts , talk it out with her brother , but you def cant blame her , cause she has no control over the past. The past is in the Past its gone. Sure body count does matter , but as i said we all can differentiate between genuine people.

Think about it that way , yes she had a past relationship , where she loved that guy , but did that love last ? NO, was it ment to be for her No ,cause my friend she is with you , and you both are ment to be . Its all a work of destiny.

Try to make more memorable moments with her . Listen , forgetting someones past dosent help , one can never forget their past , accepting the past , leads to growth . Cause everytime you will have fights you will get reminded of those pasts so why do that yes ? . Accept them , grow , move on , and it will lead you to a fruitful relationship.
As HPs Lydia said, the dream of "being the first and unique" partner to your spouse is xian. It is normal a partner experiences other partners before the right one, it is part of personal development for many people. This would cause the person to maybe seeking other partners later in life, because she never experienced anyone else but his unique partner. Some people say the best is to be "the last" partner for your spouse, not the first and only one.

You seem suffering for high insecurity as spying her phone is unfair, and a symptom of excess worry by your side.
i think this can be solved slowly with persistent working on 2nd and 3td chakras. Also, activities and sport to build up self.confidence may help (gym, martial arts, competition sports, pursuing material goals, etc.).

At the end, she chose you after other people. So you are her best now ! Try to think this way and feel proud of being object of her love. And your love for yourself...
She's not yours, it's just your turn.
Just as it was the turn of many other men

Don't project your ideal woman onto anyone.
She doesn't exist, that's even selfish.
No woman is as puritanical as Marianism and Christianity have made society think.
From what I've seen and experienced, the main reason this happen's is specifically because you are/were a virgin upon entering the relationship whereas she is the experienced one, and as the masculine person in this dynamic there is a feeling of insecurity due to the power imbalance.

If you were both experienced this insecurity is a lot less likely to occur as there is a certain "understanding" and maturity regarding sex, and it becomes something "normal".

To you currently, it is still this "almighty" thing which is the problem, you are giving too much weight to the act of sex itself alongside the insecurity stemming from a lack of experience.

Sex is best not to be treated as something too serious, at least in your mind. Be selective with partners obviously, but treat it as something playful and frivolous.

The only solution at this point I believe is just to become a beast in bed. Learn all the techniques. Knowing your performance is better than all her previous lover's, will perhaps restore some of the power imbalance seeing her uncontrollable pleasure and desire towards you.

If you act like a chump it only make's you look weak and repulsive.
From all the replies here... does it mean one should marry a prostitute or a porn star?
From all the replies here... does it mean one should marry a prostitute or a porn star?
Nobody said that and you know it.
People are people and will have relationships with other people. There's no way everyone can sit back and think '' I'm going to wait for my perfect match'', everyone has different needs.
From all the replies here... does it mean one should marry a prostitute or a porn star?
Satanism believes that a woman who has had numerous partners does not lose her relationship value.
It believes that this is a Xian idea

Meanwhile, it is the man's duty to be a protector and provider
The man only provided and protected when the woman gave him her fertility, this is a practical and functional game of the species.

The more partners, the less fertility and beauty a woman has
The more malice is developed.

That's why I would never enter into a spiritual Satanist marriage, because it's unfair to men.

But I can dictate a few things to you

women lose their virginity in their teens, and it's not with a boyfriend, it's usually at a party or with anyone she finds attractive.

every woman has been a virgin, every boring, annoying, badly bred woman has been a virgin once
Virginity doesn't automatically mean extreme kindness and gentleness.

passion, usually a relationship is initiated through immediate passion. They focus on the present moment, completely ignoring the future because they are weak.
This passion is fleeting, because women and men are hypergamous.

To be content with a woman you have to lower your ruler, or enter into an illusion.
I recommend lowering your standards and starting to think of things in the same way as we do today.

In the old days, people asked for an immaculate 19-year-old girl with a desire for children
And in return she received security, money.

Nowadays you have to lower your standards to something more realistic.
Know what I mean?
Then lower your ruler now!
Because there is such a thing as female inflation.

Fewer and fewer of them are helpful, but that's what's left.
So you settle down and live happily in the present moment

Because that's what men have learned over time: to live with little.
Man isn't fresh, because he's had to go through countless situations of scarcity throughout history.

I think that's it.
Satanism believes that a woman who has had numerous partners does not lose her relationship value.
It believes that this is a Xian idea

Meanwhile, it is the man's duty to be a protector and provider
The man only provided and protected when the woman gave him her fertility, this is a practical and functional game of the species.

The more partners, the less fertility and beauty a woman has
The more malice is developed.

That's why I would never enter into a spiritual Satanist marriage, because it's unfair to men.

But I can dictate a few things to you

women lose their virginity in their teens, and it's not with a boyfriend, it's usually at a party or with anyone she finds attractive.

every woman has been a virgin, every boring, annoying, badly bred woman has been a virgin once
Virginity doesn't automatically mean extreme kindness and gentleness.

passion, usually a relationship is initiated through immediate passion. They focus on the present moment, completely ignoring the future because they are weak.
This passion is fleeting, because women and men are hypergamous.

To be content with a woman you have to lower your ruler, or enter into an illusion.
I recommend lowering your standards and starting to think of things in the same way as we do today.

In the old days, people asked for an immaculate 19-year-old girl with a desire for children
And in return she received security, money.

Nowadays you have to lower your standards to something more realistic.
Know what I mean?
Then lower your ruler now!
Because there is such a thing as female inflation.

Fewer and fewer of them are helpful, but that's what's left.
So you settle down and live happily in the present moment

Because that's what men have learned over time: to live with little.
Man isn't fresh, because he's had to go through countless situations of scarcity throughout history.

I think that's it.
This makes some sense... but what do you mean you'll never enter into a spiritual satanist marriage because it's unfair to men?... also... the idea of marrying a woman who's sex tape is allover the internet or who has been passed around by almost all the men in my neighborhood beats me despite being SS... I just can't bring myself to that
This makes some sense... but what do you mean you'll never enter into a spiritual satanist marriage because it's unfair to men?... also... the idea of marrying a woman who's sex tape is allover the internet or who has been passed around by almost all the men in my neighborhood beats me despite being SS... I just can't bring myself to that
your not wrong , your correct.
This makes some sense... but what do you mean you'll never enter into a
Women can lie about their past.
Can you get someone with few partners? Yes, you can, but it's a bit difficult.

Do a magic job by specifying "few partners"

A spiritual Satanist relationship is a relationship between two Satanist people.
I would never have a relationship with a Satanist woman, that's what I meant.

The same happens in Christianity, the man is induced to marry
And the woman is usually in charge of everything, and has greater freedom.
In Satanism it's almost the same, except that you're not exactly forced to get married but it's recommended, as Priestess Lidia recommended.

Nowadays, women benefit more from relationships than men.

I support polytheistic polygamy
The man had total ownership over his children and wives, he usually had several wives and several children.

While the rest, i.e. more than half of the men, would be virgins.
In this way, Eugenics and the man's authority came naturally.
Women can lie about their past.
Can you get someone with few partners? Yes, you can, but it's a bit difficult.

Do a magic job by specifying "few partners"

A spiritual Satanist relationship is a relationship between two Satanist people.
I would never have a relationship with a Satanist woman, that's what I meant.

The same happens in Christianity, the man is induced to marry
And the woman is usually in charge of everything, and has greater freedom.
In Satanism it's almost the same, except that you're not exactly forced to get married but it's recommended, as Priestess Lidia recommended.

Nowadays, women benefit more from relationships than men.

I support polytheistic polygamy
The man had total ownership over his children and wives, he usually had several wives and several children.

While the rest, i.e. more than half of the men, would be virgins.
In this way, Eugenics and the man's authority came naturally.
I never said it's recommended to get married. If it's right for the couple, then ok. But if it's not right, then they shouldn't.

As for women benefitting more than men in a marriage, this is ignorance. Women usually do far more housework than the man while often working just as much.

As for "And the woman is usually in charge of everything, and has greater freedom." It always varies from couple to couple. In many relationships it's the man who has more control and more freedom.
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Women can lie about their past.
Can you get someone with few partners? Yes, you can, but it's a bit difficult.

Do a magic job by specifying "few partners"

A spiritual Satanist relationship is a relationship between two Satanist people.
I would never have a relationship with a Satanist woman, that's what I meant.

The same happens in Christianity, the man is induced to marry
And the woman is usually in charge of everything, and has greater freedom.
In Satanism it's almost the same, except that you're not exactly forced to get married but it's recommended, as Priestess Lidia recommended.

Nowadays, women benefit more from relationships than men.

I support polytheistic polygamy
The man had total ownership over his children and wives, he usually had several wives and several children.

While the rest, i.e. more than half of the men, would be virgins.
In this way, Eugenics and the man's authority came naturally.
You're being both incredibly ignorant when it comes to the nature of women and also highly disrespectful towards your SS sisters.

Women aren't objects. As a self-respecting woman, I too wouldn't want a man whore - it makes sense that a lot of people wouldn't enjoy having a promiscuous partner.

But supporting "men having total ownership over his children and wives" and stating that women benefit more from marriage while, in most cases, still doing most of the child rearing, chores, and household management is, with all due respect, delusional.

Why is it that most men are, statistically speaking, living longer and happier lives while married?

The SS view of seeing women as actual human beings and not objects with limited worth isn't xian or corrupted.

You're entitled to your own views, but you're not helping anyone get into meaningful relationships with your advice.
I never said it's recommended to get married. If it's right for the couple, then ok. But if it's not .
So I retract my statement that you recommended it.
It must have been a misinterpretation.
You're being both incredibly ignorant when it comes to the nature of women a
I find it very sad that Christianity created monogamous marriage.
Things have only deteriorated.
You're inexperienced and are going through disillusionment after idolizing your partner and falling in love with not only them but your idea of them.

Mate guarding and monogamy and jealousy is a natural instinct, especially for men. It's also natural to value purity and innocence. The insecurity and everything you're experiencing is normal and expected.

But don't let the basic instincts override your conscience and get in the way of you having a good thing by causing you to doubt and self sabotage. Invading her privacy was not necessarily a good idea, and stresses the relationship, but what's done is done and hopefully your concerns are satisfied and trust can regrow stronger after this.

The fact that she didn't say much about her exes is not a bad thing either. It suggests she's not stuck on them. It's generally not good to date people who keep exes around and talk about them alot, but you have to judge it case by case.

Almost nobody is really "pure", the vast majority of people fool around and have flings, sometimes several concurrent ones, everybody's seeing somebody, often people they will forget about in a few week's time. It's not "clean" but it's not the '40s anymore, life is different and society is different and you have to play the game according to the rules of the times.

Don't let the feelings of insecurity and etc control you. Center yourself on yourself and use the thoughts and feelings as fuel to improve yourself and free yourself from seeking the validation and assurance of others.
I thank everyone for the responses, I am much better currently I can think much more about the present than the past.
I agree with some of the users, the fact that I may feel so annoyed may be due to my nonexistent sexual experience in the past, although she states that with me she has received the best sex she has experienced so far, and indeed it seems that way to me as well.

I also wanted to communicate an argument, in these days, meditating, I realized that the issue that bothers me most is not the fact that she had an ex-boyfriend, it is instead the fact that she had sex before her ex with how many ? other 1/2/3 idk guys and that with these guys she let herself be tempted, writing with these guys that she wanted to have sex that she felt like doing it and things like that. .. i really think it was the way she acted that made me so sad, maybe also because at the time i met her, she was a different person i never had such an un ''pure'' image of her past and her. To think that she, she went miles out of her way to get fucked by a guy, or to call that guy at her house makes me fall into the abyss ... to think that she let herself go to these futile people makes my hatred against them rise very very high.
And this is happening to me at this very moment as I write. I will preface this, however, by saying that these days although I have been thinking about it, I haven't given it any thought, trying to follow your advice I have really felt much better and have experienced a healthy relationship.
I thank everyone for the responses, I am much better currently I can think much more about the present than the past.
I agree with some of the users, the fact that I may feel so annoyed may be due to my nonexistent sexual experience in the past, although she states that with me she has received the best sex she has experienced so far, and indeed it seems that way to me as well.

I also wanted to communicate an argument, in these days, meditating, I realized that the issue that bothers me most is not the fact that she had an ex-boyfriend, it is instead the fact that she had sex before her ex with how many ? other 1/2/3 idk guys and that with these guys she let herself be tempted, writing with these guys that she wanted to have sex that she felt like doing it and things like that. .. i really think it was the way she acted that made me so sad, maybe also because at the time i met her, she was a different person i never had such an un ''pure'' image of her past and her. To think that she, she went miles out of her way to get fucked by a guy, or to call that guy at her house makes me fall into the abyss ... to think that she let herself go to these futile people makes my hatred against them rise very very high.
And this is happening to me at this very moment as I write. I will preface this, however, by saying that these days although I have been thinking about it, I haven't given it any thought, trying to follow your advice I have really felt much better and have experienced a healthy relationship.
It's okay, you're normal. Perhaps you understand the nature of men & women better now. Don't forget that they are part of the animal kingdom and have a lower nature. You might find it interesting to study the parts of your natal chart that have to do with relationships. Good luck.
You're being both incredibly ignorant when it comes to the nature of women and also highly disrespectful towards your SS sisters
I've been analyzing your text and now I'm well equipped to write about it.
Well, let's get started.

Well, first there's a statement or two

Women aren't objects. As a self-respecting woman, I too wouldn't want a man whore - it makes sense that a lot of people wouldn't enjoy having a promiscuous partner.
Here you make a classic claim that women are not objects, even though I don't claim that.

In the second part it's not just an empty statement, it's an explanation of why you wouldn't stay with men who have relationships with several people, and that according to you you're a woman of respect.

I find it hard to find a woman who doesn't say that to herself and to others, but anyway.
Maybe they're all respectful.

But supporting "men having total ownership over his children and wives" and stating that women benefit more from marriage while, in most cases, still doing most of the child rearing, chores, and household management is, with all due respect, delusional.
Here you are telling me that I'm wrong to say that men don't benefit as much from relationships.
And that a man's authority over his wife and children is a mistake.

1 If you think that claiming a man's natural authority is wrong, it means that you don't really think that the man currently has it, it means that in fact, the woman is quite free and not trapped in the relationship.

2 you talk about a duty to take care of the children and the house, as if it were something bad, because given the context we are talking about benefits and harms in the relationship.
So based on the woman's "duty" you say that assuming the woman's advantage is a lie because she has certain duties, which then for you are like a non-benefit.

But I want you to tell me
Is the woman obliged to do this?
Simply no, she doesn't have these obligations, and nowadays housework and childcare are shared when both are careerists.

If the woman isn't a careerist, she still does the housework
Which is infinitely better than working 7 hours straight at something risky, or work.
Since in this environment the woman can choose her rest time, she can eat better and she can still be in the company of her children.
Something that I think should be seen as a benefit.
But you seem to see it as a kind of harm to the relationship.

Why is it that most men are, statistically speaking, living longer and happier lives while married?
These statistics aren't everything.
It's important to look at the overall gender statistics.

It's quite clear that due to the care given to women, and their strong support from the state and close family members
women have a relatively better quality of life than the average man.

The quality of life and longevity of the wife is much higher than that of the husband, when the marriage is really conservative (woman at home, man at work).

The statistics show this clearly

The man doesn't live a longer life in the relationship exactly because of the woman.
He lives a longer and "better" life because, having the responsibility of looking after his wife and children, he tends to work more.
Creating more resources and security for himself.

Marriage creates a sense of duty in men, making them work harder at things.
This is a mental thing, and the woman shouldn't be "taking care of him".

The SS view of seeing women as actual human beings and not objects with limited worth isn't xian or corrupted.

You're entitled to your own views, but you're not helping anyone get into meaningful relationships with your advice.
I didn't say that was Xian, please read it properly.
I said that Satanism thinks that the desire for a virgin woman is Xian.

You say I'm not helping anyone.
But my goal really wasn't to give happy relationship tips, that was never my message.

I just cited a polytheistic model of relationships that has been around for a long time.
That was the rich man with good genetics adopting several women.

While 80% of poor men would be virgins.

Research shows that women are willing to share the same man when he's very attractive.

Women are more attracted to experienced men,
And who knows how to teach them how to have sex, not the other way around.

Men prefer women with little experience

A man's insult to a woman is to call her a whore

A woman's insult to a man is to call him a virgin or sexually defective.

Note that things are reversed

Your comment is simply pure sentimentality.
And I don't judge, women tend to write out of sentimentality, not logic.

In a way, there are many contradictions in your text.

Regarding the polytheistic relationship model, note that it is anti-male, men suffer and women benefit more.

Whereas Christianity founded monogamy and marriage to benefit poor men without genetics.

Just to clarify, I'm anti-marriage.
Whether you're conservative or libertine.
Conservative marriage is a mistake
Libertarian marriage is garbage all the same

For me, the ideal is to be completely single
And I support women being single, when they say so.

But I also support it when a woman wants to get married

I support everything

Because I have no control over anything, and nor should I.
The important thing is individual life.
I think it's about living well, peacefully, with resources to spare.

I've been analyzing your text and now I'm well equipped to write about it.
Well, let's get started.

Well, first there's a statement or two

Here you make a classic claim that women are not objects, even though I don't claim that.

In the second part it's not just an empty statement, it's an explanation of why you wouldn't stay with men who have relationships with several people, and that according to you you're a woman of respect.

I find it hard to find a woman who doesn't say that to herself and to others, but anyway.
Maybe they're all respectful.

Here you are telling me that I'm wrong to say that men don't benefit as much from relationships.
And that a man's authority over his wife and children is a mistake.

1 If you think that claiming a man's natural authority is wrong, it means that you don't really think that the man currently has it, it means that in fact, the woman is quite free and not trapped in the relationship.

2 you talk about a duty to take care of the children and the house, as if it were something bad, because given the context we are talking about benefits and harms in the relationship.
So based on the woman's "duty" you say that assuming the woman's advantage is a lie because she has certain duties, which then for you are like a non-benefit.

But I want you to tell me
Is the woman obliged to do this?
Simply no, she doesn't have these obligations, and nowadays housework and childcare are shared when both are careerists.

If the woman isn't a careerist, she still does the housework
Which is infinitely better than working 7 hours straight at something risky, or work.
Since in this environment the woman can choose her rest time, she can eat better and she can still be in the company of her children.
Something that I think should be seen as a benefit.
But you seem to see it as a kind of harm to the relationship.

These statistics aren't everything.
It's important to look at the overall gender statistics.

It's quite clear that due to the care given to women, and their strong support from the state and close family members
women have a relatively better quality of life than the average man.

The quality of life and longevity of the wife is much higher than that of the husband, when the marriage is really conservative (woman at home, man at work).

The statistics show this clearly

The man doesn't live a longer life in the relationship exactly because of the woman.
He lives a longer and "better" life because, having the responsibility of looking after his wife and children, he tends to work more.
Creating more resources and security for himself.

Marriage creates a sense of duty in men, making them work harder at things.
This is a mental thing, and the woman shouldn't be "taking care of him".

I didn't say that was Xian, please read it properly.
I said that Satanism thinks that the desire for a virgin woman is Xian.

You say I'm not helping anyone.
But my goal really wasn't to give happy relationship tips, that was never my message.

I just cited a polytheistic model of relationships that has been around for a long time.
That was the rich man with good genetics adopting several women.

While 80% of poor men would be virgins.

Research shows that women are willing to share the same man when he's very attractive.

Women are more attracted to experienced men,
And who knows how to teach them how to have sex, not the other way around.

Men prefer women with little experience

A man's insult to a woman is to call her a whore

A woman's insult to a man is to call him a virgin or sexually defective.

Note that things are reversed

Your comment is simply pure sentimentality.
And I don't judge, women tend to write out of sentimentality, not logic.

In a way, there are many contradictions in your text.

Regarding the polytheistic relationship model, note that it is anti-male, men suffer and women benefit more.

Whereas Christianity founded monogamy and marriage to benefit poor men without genetics.

I thank everyone for the responses, I am much better currently I can think much more about the present than the past.
I agree with some of the users, the fact that I may feel so annoyed may be due to my nonexistent sexual experience in the past, although she states that with me she has received the best sex she has experienced so far, and indeed it seems that way to me as well.

I also wanted to communicate an argument, in these days, meditating, I realized that the issue that bothers me most is not the fact that she had an ex-boyfriend, it is instead the fact that she had sex before her ex with how many ? other 1/2/3 idk guys and that with these guys she let herself be tempted, writing with these guys that she wanted to have sex that she felt like doing it and things like that. .. i really think it was the way she acted that made me so sad, maybe also because at the time i met her, she was a different person i never had such an un ''pure'' image of her past and her. To think that she, she went miles out of her way to get fucked by a guy, or to call that guy at her house makes me fall into the abyss ... to think that she let herself go to these futile people makes my hatred against them rise very very high.
And this is happening to me at this very moment as I write. I will preface this, however, by saying that these days although I have been thinking about it, I haven't given it any thought, trying to follow your advice I have really felt much better and have experienced a healthy relationship.
i completely understand how your feeling , but as i said , dwelling on her past will do you no good. Even tho her past might not be that great , but you see in this era , if not all , but most of the woman would almost be having the same pasts.

Look bro every girl will be attracted to the best man , even if there in a loyal relationship or not. This is the Truth , because , woman think emotionally , sexual emotion is stronger in them. What you as a man should do , is keep improving yourself , and become a better version of yourself. I know as men we find woman with less sexual experience more attractive , and nothings wrong with that honestly. So it depends on you brother , how your current relationship is going , if she has forgotten her past life , and wants to live at bests with the current relation. If she is completely in love with you.

Cause again you should see the present scenario , if you both are in a loving genuine relationship , then its alright , accept the past , and move on , think about the future.

As long she is not a hoe ( in present tense ) you will be fine.

Being a hoe as in it isnt something bad , its just less attractive to guys , so im talking in that pretext. Id say every woman is a hoe , but some of them control their desires , and remain loyal , and some of them let is flow.
I've been analyzing your text and now I'm well equipped to write about it.
Well, let's get started.

Well, first there's a statement or two

Here you make a classic claim that women are not objects, even though I don't claim that.

In the second part it's not just an empty statement, it's an explanation of why you wouldn't stay with men who have relationships with several people, and that according to you you're a woman of respect.

I find it hard to find a woman who doesn't say that to herself and to others, but anyway.
Maybe they're all respectful.

Here you are telling me that I'm wrong to say that men don't benefit as much from relationships.
And that a man's authority over his wife and children is a mistake.

1 If you think that claiming a man's natural authority is wrong, it means that you don't really think that the man currently has it, it means that in fact, the woman is quite free and not trapped in the relationship.

2 you talk about a duty to take care of the children and the house, as if it were something bad, because given the context we are talking about benefits and harms in the relationship.
So based on the woman's "duty" you say that assuming the woman's advantage is a lie because she has certain duties, which then for you are like a non-benefit.

But I want you to tell me
Is the woman obliged to do this?
Simply no, she doesn't have these obligations, and nowadays housework and childcare are shared when both are careerists.

If the woman isn't a careerist, she still does the housework
Which is infinitely better than working 7 hours straight at something risky, or work.
Since in this environment the woman can choose her rest time, she can eat better and she can still be in the company of her children.
Something that I think should be seen as a benefit.
But you seem to see it as a kind of harm to the relationship.

These statistics aren't everything.
It's important to look at the overall gender statistics.

It's quite clear that due to the care given to women, and their strong support from the state and close family members
women have a relatively better quality of life than the average man.

The quality of life and longevity of the wife is much higher than that of the husband, when the marriage is really conservative (woman at home, man at work).

The statistics show this clearly

The man doesn't live a longer life in the relationship exactly because of the woman.
He lives a longer and "better" life because, having the responsibility of looking after his wife and children, he tends to work more.
Creating more resources and security for himself.

Marriage creates a sense of duty in men, making them work harder at things.
This is a mental thing, and the woman shouldn't be "taking care of him".

I didn't say that was Xian, please read it properly.
I said that Satanism thinks that the desire for a virgin woman is Xian.

You say I'm not helping anyone.
But my goal really wasn't to give happy relationship tips, that was never my message.

I just cited a polytheistic model of relationships that has been around for a long time.
That was the rich man with good genetics adopting several women.

While 80% of poor men would be virgins.

Research shows that women are willing to share the same man when he's very attractive.

Women are more attracted to experienced men,
And who knows how to teach them how to have sex, not the other way around.

Men prefer women with little experience

A man's insult to a woman is to call her a whore

A woman's insult to a man is to call him a virgin or sexually defective.

Note that things are reversed

Your comment is simply pure sentimentality.
And I don't judge, women tend to write out of sentimentality, not logic.

In a way, there are many contradictions in your text.

Regarding the polytheistic relationship model, note that it is anti-male, men suffer and women benefit more.

Whereas Christianity founded monogamy and marriage to benefit poor men without genetics.


You're reinforcing the polytheistic relationship model without any regard to the fact that a lot of people are NOT, in fact, into polygamy. I don't care how attractive a man is, I'm not sharing my partner with another woman. That applies to many other women and quite a lot of other SS members.

You're saying I'm speaking out of sentimentality, while you're speaking out of a place of ego and too much logic.

There are too many factors to consider besides just the idea of putting a bunch of women into a harem for men. There is the idea of love, jealousy, resource-guarding even for women.

You're trying to make monogamy the villain. You said monogamy is a xian thing when it's clearly not. We're made in the image of the Gods and our sexuality and romance potential is based on Their own complexity.

By your logic, all Gods should be polygamous. When that's clearly NOT the case.

Eugenics can happen even without polygamy by ensuring that the least desirable members of society do not reproduce, and it certainly would have enough success in a normal, SS world where two members of the society can come together and raise their children.

Unlike you, shitting on monogamy just because it doesn't fit your worldview and morals, I don't have any issues with polygamy. If all parties are consenting to it and being fine with the partnership, I couldn't care less.

The issue is that you're coming here and saying that monogamy is something wrong and something that should not exist, even if it defines the sexuality of many people.

Father Satanas and the Gods allow us to follow our own sexuality and nature — and yet we have people like you trying to undermine a relatively large amount of other SS who might be monogamous.

And I wouldn't care about it nearly as much if I didn't know that there are many lurkers and potential members dabbling into Satanism to see whether it fits them who might be monogamous and see your post, get scared because you are, in fact, attacking the sexual part of them (which is highly important, as discussed several times on the forums) and turn around because they don't want to deal with this sort of bullshit.
You're reinforcing the polytheistic relationship model without any regard to the fact that a lot of people are NOT, in fact, into polygamy. I don't care how attractive a man is, I'm not sharing my partner with another woman. That applies to many other women and quite a lot of other SS members.
You make a great point here.
I'm glad the conversation is moving beyond moral statements.

Indeed, people don't like polygamy because they've gotten used to monogamy.
And there's no way I can force that model, but the poly-sexual model occurs naturally in society.
It's not exactly the idealized model, but it's that natural thing of free sex.

1 point I agree with you on

You're saying I'm speaking out of sentimentality, while you're speaking out of a place of ego and too much logic.
Based Max Scheler 🔥

There are too many factors to consider besides just the idea of putting a bunch of women into a harem for men. There is the idea of love, jealousy, resource-guarding even for women.
You have a point here too.
You see, women do feel jealous of each other.
But they can't claim that kind of man for themselves.
They'll have to make do or leave.

You're also right, there are the factors of sentimentality and passion.
These are fleeting, but practicality is substantial.

You're trying to make monogamy the villain. You said monogamy is a xian thing when it's clearly not. We're made in the image of the Gods and our sexuality and romance potential is based on Their own complexity.

By your logic, all Gods should be polygamous. When that's clearly NOT the case.
The question of the Gods is more complex.
The relationship level of the Gods is much more complex and divine than that of humans.
The Gods are completely free physically and spiritually, so they don't need to play practical birth games.

Not to mention that their level of ethics is far more advanced than that of the average human.

That's why monogamy works well, because there's no betrayal, and there's certainly no state benefit for one or the other.

Everyone looks after themselves and their own family

Eugenics can happen even without polygamy by ensuring that the least desirable members of society do not reproduce, and it certainly would have enough success in a normal, SS world where two members of the society can come together and raise their children.
More or less, it's much easier in the model I mentioned.
But I also don't mind when people want to complicate the situation by putting up barriers and still trying.
My analysis is very objective and focuses on the easiest, quickest and most accurate path.

Unlike you, shitting on monogamy just because it doesn't fit your worldview and morals, I don't have any issues with polygamy. If all parties are consenting to it and being fine with the partnership, I couldn't care less.
I'll explain what happened in ancient times.
Monogamous couples did exist.
But this was not an obligation or an imposed social norm.
People could have children with whomever they wanted, in the polygamous libertine model, and things flowed naturally.

Christianity forced people to adopt a kind of thing that made female submission forced, rather than genuine.
Not to mention that less desirable men also had this opportunity.

That's why genetics have degraded so much, and the number of people has only grown.

Christianity was the first step towards feminism, I'd say.
Responsible for the complete degeneration of the old values.

I don't shit on monogamy, you're wrong.

I think that's just it.

I'm glad you've actually spoken truths here.
Instead of just claiming that I don't know things and blah-blah-blah.

Of course, in the end there's that sentimental bit
That I'm attacking people's sexuality and stuff.
But those who can look at the text in the right way understand that I was talking more about massive Christianity than pure, genuine monogamy

Of course, that was also, in the end, a more moralistic word (in the last texts)
You make a great point he)
Hypergamy still happens.
Female hypergamy for precision.
There's no stopping something that's already happening and will continue to happen.

It's just fate.
And I don't have to raise flags or force people to be polygamous.
Because the vast majority already are.
Even in serious relationships.

It's inevitable and I don't have to do anything about it.

And as spiritual Satanism becomes more widely known
hypergamy will explode dramatically.
Unless they start making programs that support monogamy.
You make a great point here.
I'm glad the conversation is moving beyond moral statements.

Indeed, people don't like polygamy because they've gotten used to monogamy.
And there's no way I can force that model, but the poly-sexual model occurs naturally in society.
It's not exactly the idealized model, but it's that natural thing of free sex.

1 point I agree with you on

Based Max Scheler 🔥

You have a point here too.
You see, women do feel jealous of each other.
But they can't claim that kind of man for themselves.
They'll have to make do or leave.

You're also right, there are the factors of sentimentality and passion.
These are fleeting, but practicality is substantial.

The question of the Gods is more complex.
The relationship level of the Gods is much more complex and divine than that of humans.
The Gods are completely free physically and spiritually, so they don't need to play practical birth games.

Not to mention that their level of ethics is far more advanced than that of the average human.

That's why monogamy works well, because there's no betrayal, and there's certainly no state benefit for one or the other.

Everyone looks after themselves and their own family

More or less, it's much easier in the model I mentioned.
But I also don't mind when people want to complicate the situation by putting up barriers and still trying.
My analysis is very objective and focuses on the easiest, quickest and most accurate path.

I'll explain what happened in ancient times.
Monogamous couples did exist.
But this was not an obligation or an imposed social norm.
People could have children with whomever they wanted, in the polygamous libertine model, and things flowed naturally.

Christianity forced people to adopt a kind of thing that made female submission forced, rather than genuine.
Not to mention that less desirable men also had this opportunity.

That's why genetics have degraded so much, and the number of people has only grown.

Christianity was the first step towards feminism, I'd say.
Responsible for the complete degeneration of the old values.

I don't shit on monogamy, you're wrong.

I think that's just it.

I'm glad you've actually spoken truths here.
Instead of just claiming that I don't know things and blah-blah-blah.

Of course, in the end there's that sentimental bit
That I'm attacking people's sexuality and stuff.
But those who can look at the text in the right way understand that I was talking more about massive Christianity than pure, genuine monogamy

Of course, that was also, in the end, a more moralistic word (in the last texts)

"I find it very sad that Christianity created monogamous marriage.
Things have only deteriorated."

You're the one who stated this. This can be seen as a direct attack by implying that monogamy is, fundamentally, wrong.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I literally don't care whether a person or a group of people follow polygamy or monogamy. In a better world, everyone would be free to accept their own sexuality, regardless of whether they want one or more partners. I'm well aware that a lot of people aren't monogamous. I don't judge anyone for that.

If people are happy and fulfilled in their relationship without doing immoral things, then I don't see where I'd find any issue. Our SS Ethics also state this quite well.

I hope you understand that I'm not trying to attack you, just to emphasize that humans — especially SS — have the freedom to follow their sexuality. Because through the way you did word some of your statements, it can very easily appear as you thinking that monogamy is unnatural and everyone should practice polygamy. I don't expect a lot as an SS, especially in the world we currently live in, but I do at least expect people and fellow SS to respect my sexual nature and to not get involved by dictating what is wrong or right on something so simple.
Hypergamy still happens.
Female hypergamy for precision.
There's no stopping something that's already happening and will continue to happen.

It's just fate.
And I don't have to raise flags or force people to be polygamous.
Because the vast majority already are.
Even in serious relationships.

It's inevitable and I don't have to do anything about it.

And as spiritual Satanism becomes more widely known
hypergamy will explode dramatically.
Unless they start making programs that support monogamy.

I think you're once again speaking here out of a spot of ego. Human sexuality is complex. Why do we need to argue on how many people will be monogamous or polygamous when nothing will change anytime soon in terms of societal norms and knowing that, when we do build an SS society, people will have full freedom to decide what type of relationship they want?

It is not your job or mine to dictate what people will desire from sexual or romantic relationships. In fact, when it comes to unique and sensitive situations such as sexuality, everyone should mind their own damn business — unless something is done in an immoral or unnatural way, such as pedophilia, or issues with asexuality, or bestiality. In fact, I do wish that healthy polygamy would be more encouraged and practiced among those interested in it. It is not for me, but it's just as important as monogamy.

I just hope to see the day when these aspects of human life will be healed and balanced for everyone.
I am in a relationship with a girl we really love each other, we have shared unique and rare moments together, our love is really powerful and we plan to move in together and get married.
However, there are things that bother me about her past, such as the fact that she had an ex-boyfriend, to think that she shared good times with him in the past bothers me a lot. In addition to that it bothers me to think that the way we have sex and her facial nuances, her bedside manner, etc. she may have done it with other people bothers me a lot.
I recently found out that before her ex she had other sexual experiences about 7 years ago, some of those unfortunately I have to tell the truth curiosity was stronger than me and I spied on her cell phone going to see her old chats and saw pictures and messages that really very very bothered me. I had gotten an idea of her as very puritanical and wholesome, instead finding out that she had had experiences in the past made me jealous and it bothered me to think that she let herself go to these people. I will preface this by saying that I was a virgin before this relationship with her, despite my age.
These thoughts of mine on some days are stronger than others, and they make my relationship more placid and I close myself off a little too much, on others I don't think about it at all and go through the day without any thoughts, and on still others I convince myself that the present is what I really need and is the only important and relevant thing in our relationship.
He told me several times that he wished he had known me earlier and avoided fictitious acquaintances, that thanks to me she discovered what true love is. In short she has mentioned to me several times that she regrets her previous relationship and the past (although about the sexual experiences 7 years ago she never told me about it, I found out by spying on her phone ), in fact I think this part also bothers me, the fact that she never told me about it, I tried to broach the subject once but she was offended telling me that she felt dirty talking about it with a pure person like me and that she doesn't want to broach the subject being all a memory for her that she would like to erase.
Despite this I still have a mental discomfort about it, what can I do to move on so that I only think about the present and the future with this girl ? Are there meditations or anything else about it that I can deal with ?
I want a relationship with her that transcends human time limits, we love each other so much that the very concept of love loses meaning, our love is much stronger than the very concept of love.
In fact I really believe that if my love had not been so strong, in any other kind of relationship with another girl I would have given in to my thoughts and would have broken off the relationship immediately thinking about her past.
Instead with her this does not happen precisely because we love each other so much.
Help me please, what can I do ? What meditations and magical work could I go through to improve ?
You said you've never had sex before, so have sex with other characters as much or more than she has. That's because you said you love her and that's a tie and if you're a man you'll have sex more than her.
"I find it very sad that Christianity created monogamous marriage.
Things have only deteriorated."
I didn't say that people shouldn't have monogamous relationships.
I just explained why such a model is good, but there's no way to force it.
This is a question of pragmatism, of pure bias.
It's a cold analysis of things

But hypergamy naturally happens when monogamous marriage is not forced.
That's a fact

Hypergamy will keep growing and growing until things become the way they once were.

And Christianity actually created monogamous marriage en masse.
That was responsible for people getting used to that kind of interaction.
Before it was diverse, there were rarely serious relationships.
And hypergamy was real

Yes, I don't say what people should do, and I haven't done it.
But I know what causes problems and what would solve them.

Just a few facts.
I didn't say that people shouldn't have monogamous relationships.
I just explained why such a model is good, but there's no way to force it.
This is a question of pragmatism, of pure bias.
It's a cold analysis of things

But hypergamy naturally happens when monogamous marriage is not forced.
That's a fact

Hypergamy will keep growing and growing until things become the way they once were.

And Christianity actually created monogamous marriage en masse.
That was responsible for people getting used to that kind of interaction.
Before it was diverse, there were rarely serious relationships.
And hypergamy was real

Yes, I don't say what people should do, and I haven't done it.
But I know what causes problems and what would solve them.

Just a few facts.
"Monogamy is christian, polygamy is the way, serious relationships aren't normal"... so you say.

What say you, then, about mormonism(which considers itself christianity) and islam, both of which are vile creations of jews just like christianity, and in which polygamy is specially sanctioned? Or judaism itself(of which we know xianity and islam is a branch of), in which jewish figures practiced polygamy?

Are people then not supposed to have relationships of any sort, because now jews have pushed both monogamy and polygamy? Just screw indiscriminately like dogs, living for nihilistic pleasure and never bonding and creating families?
I didn't say that people shouldn't have monogamous relationships.
I just explained why such a model is good, but there's no way to force it.
This is a question of pragmatism, of pure bias.
It's a cold analysis of things

But hypergamy naturally happens when monogamous marriage is not forced.
That's a fact

Hypergamy will keep growing and growing until things become the way they once were.

And Christianity actually created monogamous marriage en masse.
That was responsible for people getting used to that kind of interaction.
Before it was diverse, there were rarely serious relationships.
And hypergamy was real

Yes, I don't say what people should do, and I haven't done it.
But I know what causes problems and what would solve them.

Just a few facts.
Regardless of whether the majority of people will be polygamous or not, there will still be monogamous individuals.

All I ask is for you to stop discrediting its existence and to let individuals follow their sexuality as they wish. I don't even understand why this discussion must happen in the first place, given that THESE are our ethics:

Or are you going to preach against the ethics given to us by the Gods and the Clergy?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
