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The Gods #75988 Aren't gods just imaginary

This question pertains to the Gods
I have a hard time believing, how can your beliefs stand against the argument in this video

It can stand at ease. And we are not pushing it on ourselves nor trying to convince ourselves.

We get to know it by experience, by labouring, developing our souls, purifying, building ourselves so we can grasp power of Gods more easily and handle it.

In time when we get rewards for everything we do, and these rewards only starts to accumulate included those which are looking too good to be true, we realize more and more that they are very real,

Until a point where it becomes our basis, and out of gratitude we can't stop working for them and establishing even stronger bonds

And eventually becoming like them.

It's long path, we are on hardcore discipline, we exercising our minds, will, power, souls and growing ourselves in all levels.

Such mentality for striving to control reality is a gift from Gods without any doubts, only creators can show us and teach how we can create ourselves.

These things doesn't come from nowhere, because what comes from nowhere, it is only nothingness and what can it teaches us only to be stagnant, ignorant until people become nothingness,

While our beliefs, makes us stronger, more pure, more powerful, more creative and more responsible for our environment and the world.

This is path towards Godhood, there is nothing that can deny it, only stupid people who has no experience and have never dared to enter the path, only those who follow nothingness can defend nothingness, poor people...

Join us and start dominating your own realities, upgrading, growing and learning,

Or stay in nothingness and continue this promotion of nothingness, stay weak, powerless, alone and in fear.
Because the author likely comes from an abrahamist background were blind faith and fear is used to keep religion going.
"Belief" isn't needed in Spiritual Satanism, we trust the Gods after confirming for ourselves their teachings and presence are true and actually work in real life, after making the first "leap of faith" which is the initiation and applying their teachings with consistency. The JOS takes the scientific approach were one can experience the Gods' Works on their own accord, please read everything at: https://www.joyofsatan.org
Then practice and see for yourself.
I have a hard time believing, how can your beliefs stand against the argument in this video

Note that the argument in the video is about the Christian/Jewish "god". If you have read our material, you'll see that nobody here claims that Satan and the Gods are like the jewish god. Nobody claims that Satan is omnipotent or created the universe or needs you to only believe and have faith.

For example, it's been said that many people communicate directly with the Gods. If you can open your astral senses you can do that too. Nobody said that you have to believe anything you haven't even experienced. That's why Spiritual Satanists practice power meditation every day to empower our souls and awaken ourselves to the astral. One of the reasons is to communicate with the Gods ourselves.

And Satanism is less dependent on other beings that Christianity is, Satan's and the Gods' reason for communicating with us is to guide us to unlock our own powers and become Gods ourselves, not to have any sort of faith and depend on them all the time. The JoS website explains all of this.

Satanism is more occult/esoteric, based on direct experience and practice and knowledge and not faith-based like Christianity.

So these arguments do not apply here at all, as Satan is unlike the jewish god and Satanism is unlike Christianity.

Even atheists who ridiculed the whole idea had had blatant experiences after trying to summon a God/Demon for fun or for halloween. This page explains this:

I have received several personal e-mails from former atheists and other skeptics who believed Satanism and the occult were nothing but fantasy, products of an overactive imagination, and/or unrealistic foolishness. All of these people wrote to me because they realized, to their surprise, that Satan is *very* real.

I have also read public articles from varied sources where secular individuals attempted to experiment with the rituals on this website just for kicks. They got blatant experiences all rightโ€”the wrong ones.

Satanism is unlike mainstream religions. Those who open their minds to Satan *will* experience him. Unfortunately, Christianity and its cohorts have given people the impression that the spirit/astral world is nothing but bunk. Little or nothing ever happens spiritually with these religions. Their anti-life doctrines are all based upon stolen material [Click here to go to Exposing Christianity] from religions that preceded them. This material was hideously corrupted, with all of the spiritual knowledge being removed from it and twisted to conform to their agenda to spiritually enslave the world, keeping spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few.

Satanism is very different. Satanism is in fact, humanity's ORIGINAL RELIGION. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity by hundreds to thousands of years.
Satanism also differs from other modern-day religions in that Satanism is based upon science. Everything of the occult can be explained scientifically. Unfortunately, Judeo/Christianity has held humanity back dangerously in the areas of science, technology, understanding of the occult, and knowledge of the soul. Unbeknownst to many, Christianity has always been and is nothing more than a tool used to remove knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge. Our limited understanding of Quantum Physics has revealed a bit about the human soul.

"Kirlian Photography" reveals the fact that we have an aura. Kirlian photography is a specialized form of photography, along the same lines as x-ray imaging. Though skeptics try to contradict the validity of Kirlian photography, there are photos of auras of individuals before and after performing a hatha yoga session [which amplifies the powers of the soul], and there is a noted difference, as the aura is much stronger after the session, and this is also keenly felt by practitioners; the "energy buzz" after the session engulfing the entire body. The soul glows. Doubt this? Just practice hatha [physical yoga] for a month or more correctly, and just see if you don't begin to feel your soul.

Satanism is a religion of the mind and the soul. The U.S. Government and other world powers are well aware of this ability within humans and the reality of psychic warfare, though they keep much of this from the public. (References are at the bottom of this page.)
In addition to the e-mails I have gotten from former skeptics, my purpose for writing this article is because a group of professional people who were skeptics attempted to summon a Demon as a joke, and were brought to my attention after the fact. They found out the hard way that Satanic rituals are not something to take lightly or toy around with. In conclusion, Satanists respect free thought and staunchly support the separation of church and state. We do not proselytize, nor do we push our religion on anyone.
I have a hard time believing, how can your beliefs stand against the argument in this video

You are not obliged to believe them. All of us here have been called by Father Satan himself.
Also, I will not watch your video, the mere sight of the enemy made me nauseous and I am not going to listen to words probably dictated by the enemy.
If you are interested, read the sermons of the High Priests here on the forum or directly on the site of the Joy of Satanas that my brothers have linked to you here in the answers.
Good luck
I have a hard time believing, how can your beliefs stand against the argument in this video

We believe because we have seen tangible results with the Gods.

I was an orthodox for most of my life. Once I reached 7 and asked where exactly does god exist in the sky, given that there's only space and the cosmos there, I was told to not ask these questions because it's not for me or for humanity to understand. That we should believe.

And that's when I stopped believing in that.

While I'm not too advanced, I have gone through experiences that have made me very much believe in our Gods.

No one can force you to believe, and it's normal to feel some skepticism, but no one is going to sit here and try to prove anything to you. Not when you have all the resources available to educate yourself on JoS and definitely not when your SS journey is your own to start and nurture.
I have a hard time believing, how can your beliefs stand against the argument in this video

The video has four main points, I will be curious to explain better why the video could be good for mainstream religions, but not for Satanism.

1) Just because you don't see the Gods because you've never done any psychic work on your soul to see them with your own eyes, doesn't mean the Gods are "invisible dragons." There are people here who have decided to spend years working on this thing, and they didn't pretend to have it in their soul by default like the guy in the video pretends. And their efforts have paid off and they see the Gods.

2) If this guy in the video had any understanding of what the allegory of "Zeus shooting lightning" really means, i.e. Zeus ruling the bioelectricity power of the soul: a way of explaining the importance of the state of "energetic buzz" (that intense "tingling" after yoga) that empowers the natural energies of our souls, he would understand that concept. But as long as the guy in the video says "uh the Greeks said Zeus shoots lightning because they were too stupid to understand anything, their societies functioned 30,000 times better than ours, but yeah, they were very stupid" then he will NEVER understand anything higher than the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.

3) No one here said "the Gods created the universe" lol. I don't know why the guy in the video loves to speculate based on what a Christian told him and then "it has to be like that for EVERY KIND OF RELIGION". Yes, there is Egyptian, Greek, etc. cosmology which as I explained before, represents STAGES OF THE SOUL (this is why in Greece they were against teaching mythology to those who didn't understand the spiritual meaning behind it, because they would risk taking things literally like this pseudo-intellectual in the video); but the truth is that no one actually said "Zeus created the world". In fact, the Gods have always been defined as COMING from the universe (Orion, etc.) and not as CREATORS of the universe.

4) The fourth point about Gods without precise characteristics. Each of our Gods is unique and special. He is not an absolute ball of luminous energy that "does not know how to manifest itself" (that is the typical divine conception of Catholic Christians, I don't know if also of other types of Christians, but certainly that is how the Catholic Church teaches in its official Catechism). This guy who made a video of 8 minutes in which he slandered things he did not know, does not even have an idea of how a God is even just "made". Not even in appearance (the proof is the whole story about the strange blob of energy), let alone in what the God is! He will NEVER know lol...
AskSatanOperator, I'm going to share with you a true story about my life that took me from believing in our Gods to Knowing that our Gods are Real and Father Satan specifically, is actively watching over us. This will be short and without embellishment. Nearly a decade ago I was in an extraordinarily dark place mentally and emotionally. I drank every night and got high any chance I could to cover it all, sleeping around and being an all around disgrace to myself. One particular night I went out with friends and drank double Jack and Cokes for a few hours and decided on the genius idea to drive home. I was seeing double and didn't realize how dark it really was inside my soul until all that alcohol sank in. I made a conscious decision that I didn't want to live anymore and that that night was the night to end it all. I looked at my speedometer, and pressed the pedal until my car wouldn't accelerate any faster. Around 120 miles an hour. There were trees to the left and the right of the road and it was pitch black. Then I closed my eyes, slightly turned and let go of the wheel. This continued for a while and I mentally checked out resigning myself to death. The next thing I remember is a loud noise, then flashing lights behind me. I grabbed the wheel and pulled over. I'm piss drunk and I know I'm at least going to jail, I think driving drunk at that speed is a felony. Thank Father that I hit no innocent's that night. The State Trooper pulls me over, immediately handcuffs me and puts me in the back of the squad car. This is one of those ruin your life moments. And I know that. But for some reason the trooper opens the door to come and talk to me. I tell him a little bit about that night, where I attended college. For the situation, it was a pleasant conversation. Then without a breathalyzer, after searching my car thoroughly. He lets me go. He let me drive home, without even issuing a ticket. I think I drove home at 30 miles an hour the whole way. Thanking Father Satan for not only my freedom, but my life. This is one of several times in my life this kind of Intervention has occurred. This was my moment of Clarity. If you have questions, dedicate, do the work, and as these enlightened others have said. See For Yourself. But, you will find no sympathetic ears here questioning the validity and existence of our Gods.
Hail Satan Forever!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
