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Relationships #75813 Spell to get closer to someone and get to know them


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
How do I cast a spell to get closer to someone and get to know them?

I'm not talking about a love or lust spell, the ultimate goal is that through this closeness, love can be generated. But I want to know how I cast a spell that allows this closeness, so that we can get to know each other, have moments together and, if we really match, I try to get closer.

Which runes are the best? Would they be the same as for love?
Would the best color be green?
And as for the affirmation, I confess that, at the moment, I can't think of any good affirmation for this purpose.
And what about the best time? Should I look at the moon in which sign and should the planet to be observed be Venus?
i wouldn't involve magick thru this.
the way you put it. you seem so uncertain and hesitant!
magick is all about pure desire, sharp mind and commitment to final result,
if not.. you get troubles more than what the situation really worth.
anyhow routinely cleansing your aura and using bright gold on yourself bestows charisma and makes other beings attracted to you.
A waxing Moon in Libra, Taurus, Leo, and/or Cancer is an excellent sign for generating positive relations between people. The hours of Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon is good. The runes mentioned by SeguaceDiSatanas are also excellent to use for this purpose.

A potential affirmation: "I now attract meaningful opportunities to connect with [person's name], allowing us to build trust and understanding. In a very positive and happy way for me".

The affirmation is just an example. You can customize it as you see fit.

While stating the affirmation, you should visualize the two of you engulfed in white-gold light holding hands to signify that the connection is already established.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
