I think the simplest terms for this of all things is reincarnation. Just examine it if you will;
we are slated and born to die, so much so it is a Satanic ethic. The "looming great sword of Death" is there in life for many reasons and Satan discovered the Truth of it with knowledge. He turned that knowledge into wisdom by applying it. By applying it he transformed it and made it more that it once was because transformation is the literal basis of the universe. We are children made of stardust because it is in the stars themselves the elements of the universe are fused together and thusly made.
In understanding it, he himself became free and is our guiding light because He choose in love and kindness by spreading this wisdom and knowledge to others.
First to his Kin, Than his Fellows, and Than Us. (Of course there is much more information involved, and we are blessed to even know this much. In fact I've literally no idea of it and those who know know: it's not mine or your place to do anything but gather the foundations and wait for inspiration/the doors of knowledge to be opened. Don't press and don't demand because you will never be shown. Only the arrogant demand answers from a teacher.) In doing so he opened up the Truth of many things.
One is that Life revolves around Death. IE do not look down upon on the worm for without them in life all life end's without their diligence. We must give our thanks to those in this World who live in Death to help life be created from it: for it is in the cycles that appreciation should be found. One need only browse the list of Meditations on the site to gather such insight. How transfiguration and the manipulation of creation and destruction leads one into more.
The Japanese have a concept in their Mythology that stagnation leads to poison/rot and I believe this to be a Spiritual Metaphor of a profound level.
I was shown the Ethic of bravery (
https://www.joyofsatan.org/beelzebub_virtue_6.html ) when asking a question about family dynamics and with this Ethic in mind it is easy to see ones path way in life, and in fact the pathway for all life.
To Stagnate is to find one's self with a lack of movement. In a sense movement is self-confidence and the ability to rise up because movement requires bravery to trudge ahead: thus to stay still is one not being brave in any means. It is clinging to something that can not last which is cowardice. It is hard, I know... oh how I know; this pain in my being when I think of loss and of moving forward, but if I stay still than I will surely waste away.
Should I, and you, merely wait for oblivion to come because it's easy? Why not than speed it up and throw thyself off a cliff? You know why: because in your soul you know it is not a thing you should do and because of dross it comes out as fear of Death. You should not fear Death but seek to know it, challenge it, and over come it. Is that not why you eat healthy, to stave it off for as long as possible. Is it not why you do what you can to protect yourself? To reject such things is to be asking for Death and that conflict causes insanity. Oh such an insidious thing insanity is. You might think it is some loud screaming thing but all that insanity is might be explained in one simple word: imbalance. Of mind body or soul any and all imbalance is harmful and evil. After doing spiritual work, ground yourself. After anything that takes up energy, rest. After resting get up and do something of value. One role after another to fulfill it's role and purpose.
Knowing that and knowing the sacredness of our body than is it understandable that even if something is sacred does not mean it will not pass away. Look this these forums, or our new Satanic temple: both will one day die/transform because their usefulness will run out. Thing's either die or transform into something new and that is a Truth: and Truth is never to be avoided or ignored.
That does not mean it's not blessed by the very Gods themselves, by the Holy Clergy, by their Guardians/Reverends/Protectors, and by even Our hands and Wills for putting in work on ourselves. This does not take away its purpose, it only means a Truth: all things are "a means to an end."
In life we call these lessons. In our hands we call them tools and to cling to something that no longer of value is a foolish thing: and foolishness is not the way of Satanism because we seek to follow our Lucifer Lord Father Satan's divine Satanas path. For it was he that asked of us too do so. To follow SA=Birth, TA= Life, NA=Death, MA=Rebirth. He literally made us, and of one race he helped bore with his very Seed, for this glorious sacred purpose.
Thus our bodies are sacred but does this holiness keep you from Death's Swing? No, because it is hard work that does that. It is Glory and Honor that staves off Death's grip on their blade and causes them to miss in their Sacred Swing. We seek to dodge Death and out smart it, not because it is evil or without purpose, but because it merely the path ahead that was made for us. Our souls are meant for it and beyond that reasoning I do not know and I shall not know until Thoth and his wife Seshat opens that gate for me. Until Azazel has seen my temperance and permits me ready for Beelzebub's judgement, so that I will not be smitten in his Divine grace: all that I might be ready for Astartes Guidance down the Eight-folded path. A path of Manifold power for we seek to be like our origins. Hence in that we know we should not jump off the cliff but embrace the fall of life for to be Human is enough.
When you hurt yourself do you scream and cry pointlessly? Are you there waiting to focus in on that pain instead of knowing why it happened and learning from it? Or do you seek too gain knowledge and apply it so that it shall become wisdom that might be used?
Go ahead and next time you smack your hand or burn yourself, instead of rushed emotion, seek clarity.
To know something is to grow from it and to apply it is wisdom.
So than apply the knowledge and see the wisdom in Death. Yes I shall kill of the cattle for that is it's purpose: and to deny a purpose is to curse it's very essence. I kill of it so I might eat it's bounty but do so with reverence: with passion and love. The same love Father Satan first showed to the universe unlike any other before him or after. For He was the first, and because He has No End is this act more Powerful, Holy, and Sacred, than any other that might ever be done or will ever be done: thus he is the Greatest Of All and stands time Immemorial without equal.
After all is it any wonder why to kneel and prostrate thyself before Him with respect (not groveling but respect, because groveling is to not know something and only in knowing something can one have respect) is not an act of anything but self-love? Even the many Gods, their Servants, Demons, and Heros of all Races and Origins do so because they understand that what He did made Him without equal forevermore. He stands alone but is not alone because He said he doesn't want to be.
Is that not the Act of one more Loving, Kind, and Noble than any other? No one can match this because it was the first and this is singular. To do it again is merely following his example. Do you not feel a movement even in coldness over it? When I am fully open I feel a quake in my very being over it. It is this very reason why xianism is able to capture so many. This act was plagiarized: this very act that can cause any to feel it's power; and thus does it ensnare.
He choose the collective for once more was He Wiser than all. Truly a Truth Unaltered, Unabated, and more Divine than any other. This is His purpose, to greater than all things, and like all things purpose matters.
So why should I deny the cattle it's purpose than? I wish to give it a life of peace and love because unlike Humanity, who's purpose is to master Death because Satan has told us so, the cattle is to ensure we might one day do it. That we have the health and fortitude to live a long life as a Human so that maybe one day the Serpent can rise along the Tree of Life: the ultimate goal in Sacred Spiritual Alchemy. They are there to build us up and aid in raising Us up. That does not mean they do not have value or are not loved. It is the exactly opposite BECAUSE they are doing that they are thusly sacred and so deeply special. They help use transform into our 'final form' if you will.
It is why we hate the jew for they tried to make Us cattle, when that is not our purpose. We are not born to raise anything but ourselves up. IE you do not teach a dog to drive because it's amusing due to the fallout this can cause: because in all things Cause and Effect. They seek to take away our purpose which is to forsake Father Satan. Hence that is why Satan means enemy to them because it is so obvious that Satan is their enemy. That Truth is their enemy.
If the Cause of one's purpose is to die for a Noble Effect than how is this evil? Are the many plants that live their lives taking in literal waste (carbon) evil or meaningless? Is it evil even though that without said waste they would literally die? Hence it is no where more obvious that Life and Death are but one: like the Masculine and the Feminine. 'Two sides of the same coin.'
You know the answer so long as you follow Knowledge and apply it so that it might become Wisdom.
There are those that do not know of these matters and thus they have no knowledge to apply so that it might become Wisdom. Without knowledge one is adrift. Hence it is why to study is an expression of loving life. It shows you love life enough that you seek to hold onto it forever because a Truth of Life is: that it never is without purpose. It is the only thing that can always be clung to for there is purpose in it. That is why the enemy fights so hard even though they know they are wrong. Thoth has told them they are wrong and they know it but still they fight because they have our Sacred knowledge that life is precocious and always with meaning. A Truth that grants us succor who's origin is that which is greater than all things.
In my Holy Original Ancestor's name, Father to us all, Praise Be: HAIL SATAN!!!