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#522 I'm an adult woman


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders, it's just a feeling, because I don't have many curves or breasts this is associated with masculinity and I've seen many phrases like that )
I don't know how I could use my body for anything, tall women can use it for modeling, stronger women can use it for weightlifting. And how can I accept myself, accept my features?
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders, it's just a feeling, because I don't have many curves or breasts this is associated with masculinity and I've seen many phrases like that )
I don't know how I could use my body for anything, tall women can use it for modeling, stronger women can use it for weightlifting. And how can I accept myself, accept my features?
Being small and petite is fine. It is not necessary to look like a fertility idol to be attractive. This build can actually help you by giving a youthful appearance and making you more approachable/endearing than someone built like an amazon.

The beauty business today is fake and does not encompass the full range of beauty in humanity in all of its diverse expressions, you don't need to check any boxes for a modeling agency unless you specifically want to in order to be employed by them. These agencies may be obsolete in the age of influencers anyway.

For lifting, you are always free to pursue athletics and sports, and strength & muscle is something you can build. It could be fulfilling for you to put on muscle and grow your proportions if you're bothered by your build.

Study your natal chart and pay particular attention to the 1st house, your sun and venus and their aspects, along with saturn. This will give you clues as to where these feelings are coming from and how you can fix them with spells.
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders, it's just a feeling, because I don't have many curves or breasts this is associated with masculinity and I've seen many phrases like that )
I don't know how I could use my body for anything, tall women can use it for modeling, stronger women can use it for weightlifting. And how can I accept myself, accept my features?

First of all you have to simply recognize that these are your characteristics before accepting them.

I am particularly short and in every way I tried to tell myself: "come on, I am more or less as tall as the others...", I tried to deny my characteristics and it hurt me to have them.

When I accepted being like this, I understood that it is okay to be as you are in a natural way, I started to love myself and my unique characteristics, because charisma, even physical, is in our individual details that change from person to person.

From the point of view of martial arts, being short could really seem like a disadvantage, but what corresponds to the truth is that you have to learn to enhance your characteristics. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

I am short, so for me the clinch (remaining clinging to the opponent's neck) is more difficult and dangerous to perform, so I avoid it, but I have more control to detach myself from the opponent's clinch and therefore I get the upper hand by avoiding it; this is a small part of the martial arts that I do, but it is a good example.

Taller, stronger and more muscular people, yes, think that if they kick me in the head or simply punch me they will kill me, and it is true, the fact is that they never manage to hit me because my technique is superior to theirs (since I do not have much physical strength being short I have to focus only on technique), it is no coincidence that they praise me by saying that I am "too strong" and things like that.

You are not at fault, you have individual characteristics that others do not have. Everyone has their own, see what advantages you have. Apparently the only advantage in martial arts is having the strength that if you hit, the other person dies in just one of your hits, but in reality no one can hit me because I am faster, more reactive and have a superior technique.

I learned that being short I can hit low, and there are more effective techniques for me, etc. Because I learned to APPRECIATE what I could do and not focus on what I could NOT do, but others could.

I hope this little example has been a guide for you. Start to understand the strengths of who you are, stop seeing your difference as a deficit compared to others, your difference is only making you unique. If you know how to manage it, it will make you special.
I think the people who think in the manner you first said are doing so because of porn or maybe because majority of women in the West are objectively and by the scientific definition of being over weight so the average woman doesn't have their natural fit body. Can't even go for a spontaneous run for 30 seconds without becoming winded and that's not exaggerated. Their diets are horrible.

Many women who don't have "voluptuous " bodies are still very feminine.

I recommend doing Venus squares for beauty or anything related to Venus like cleaning then empowering the throat chakra. You will become in tune with your unique beauty and learn how to work with what you got as the saying goes.
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders, it's just a feeling, because I don't have many curves or breasts this is associated with masculinity and I've seen many phrases like that )
I don't know how I could use my body for anything, tall women can use it for modeling, stronger women can use it for weightlifting. And how can I accept myself, accept my features?

I’ve been meaning to make an account for awhile now and this post kinda spoke to me. I’m a man, and I’m extremely turned off by overweight or obese women. I don’t hate them as people and get along just fine, but when it comes to physical attraction I have 0. I find normal weight women attractive but when I think of a long term partner who I would want to marry and have kids with, she is always petite so that if she gains weight she is still attractive. Maybe this is a superficial way of thinking.

I’ll give you a real life story and hopefully I’m not doxing myself with this. I shop at my local overpriced grocery store nearly everyday. One day I heard a female voice in my head (GD?) saying “she likes you”. When I looked, I saw one of the cashiers doing a sexy flirty side pose picking up a basket starring at me. I’m 90% sure she is in her early 20’s but she looks very petite and on the younger side. I noticed her flirting a few more times after hearing the voice. She appears to of quit her job recently and I'm not sure I'll ever find out.

Problem is I don’t really know anything about her and more importantly her age or how to approach topic when there has always been other people around in a very public space (store). I really don’t want find out she isn’t an adult and end up being “that guy” for trying to talk to her after shes been flirting. She probably thinks I haven’t noticed or don’t care, its just risky on my behalf. To make things more difficult she went and got braces around around that time plus wears glasses that make her look even younger. Point I’m trying to make, looking young for your age is a good thing, its also is risky for any potential partner. You will have to take the initiative looking for someone but it doesn’t mean you are unattractive it just makes you harder to approach. I hope this helps.
In addition to everyone else's great replies. You can find clothes that flatter your figure, you can hire a stylist to give you tips, and write them down so you will always have them. There are many women with your body who are always listed as the "sexiest woman". Kiera Knightly, as one of the most famous examples.

If you want to feel more feminine, find a better hairstyle that suits you, wear pretty clothes, shape your fingernails differently (almond is flattering without looking fake)... it's all these little things that add up. Thanks to the porn industry people have become rather vulgar and thinking only big breasts means feminine, instead of understanding how it has always been. It's the little touches that makes us feminine. Matching accessories to clothes, adding little details, paying attention to our voice and manner of speech, and so on.
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders

Others here have already given you great and sound advice.

I believe I can offer you some perspective and observations in general, that may prove to be helpful too.

I am thinking that you are somewhat young, as women who are of similar build and older will have probably have resolved and dealt with this issue. This is not me being dismissive of the issue you're currently facing.

I have met many small and petite women over the course of my life and you know the one thing I found in common with the majority of them. It is simply that they more than adequately made up for any physical attributes that were lacking with a great personality, character etc.

So, , I would implore you not to be fixated on your appearance per se as to how you are lacking compared to other women. I am not saying let yourself go, but take pride in your appearance , take care of your diet and exercise and learn to accept yourself. Concentrate on your strengths and your self-development and your self confidence will grow. Within time, I am sure some hopeful person will be knocking on your door.

I sincerely hope this helps.
I find normal weight women attractive but when I think of a long term partner who I would want to marry and have kids with, she is always petite so that if she gains weight she is still attractive. Maybe this is a superficial way of thinking.
This is just my observation, but I have the impression that there have been a lot of similar questions recently, mainly about appearance, breasts size or low self-confidence in women. It's a bit concerning that so many women struggle with low self-esteem nowadays thanks to pornography and social media.

Petite women can also be extremely sensual and feminine, just like any other women with different body type. It all depends on how you express it. Adding to the rest of responses, you can choose to wear appropriate clothes that emphasize your figure. Experiment with your look and do something that will make you feel more feminine - be it a makeup, hairstyle, clothes etc.

People who tell you that you need to have a specific figure and large breasts to be a "real woman" are usually brainwashed through pornography or by looking at the retouched women on Instagram. The opinion of these people is not important and should not affect your value or self-esteem. Of course, there is nothing wrong with having big chest, the point is that being a feminine woman is more than just the size of our chest. There is really not a need for you to have big breasts to feel feminine. Besides, there will be always a person who will appreciate your beauty.

When it comes to modelling, the main factor in choosing a model in agencies is height. There are smaller models, but this is an exception to the rule and rather rare. The market is changing all the time, but realistically, smaller women have fewer opportunities. Even tall girls have trouble getting into agencies, because of the fierce competition, so the chances for a short women are even lower. A better option for petite women are commercial prints or jewellery shoots. However, I do not see any obstacles for women with a smaller body build not being able to practice sports. You can try in this direction, if it's something you want to do.

In conclusion, do some work on increasing your value and self-esteem. Look at photos of women with your type of body and see how elegant and feminine they look like. You can find out how to choose proper clothes that will suit your figure. There is a lot of good advice written in this thread, so take into account the advice of others.
The ideas you are having about what is attractive about a woman are mostly propaganda that is mostly coming from other women. What you are saying is not the opinion that all men have, and many men are most attracted to a woman with a body type like you have. Model and weight lifter are not examples of good jobs anyway.
In addition to everyone else's great replies. You can find clothes that flatter your figure, you can hire a stylist to give you tips, and write them down so you will always have them. There are many women with your body who are always listed as the "sexiest woman". Kiera Knightly, as one of the most famous examples.

If you want to feel more feminine, find a better hairstyle that suits you, wear pretty clothes, shape your fingernails differently (almond is flattering without looking fake)... it's all these little things that add up. Thanks to the porn industry people have become rather vulgar and thinking only big breasts means feminine, instead of understanding how it has always been. It's the little touches that makes us feminine. Matching accessories to clothes, adding little details, paying attention to our voice and manner of speech, and so on.
What do you think of a man who is the opposite and likes women with a physique similar to Apollonie Sabatier or Mata Hari?
The funny thing is that there is no famous woman or from the Hollywood industry that I find attractive in the least, the current modern standards seem totally artificial to me and I totally abhor them.
Progesterone(Juice) and the gym
I read High Priestess Maxine's thoughts in one of the pdfs.
Positive thought about affirmation.
"I have large breasts in a healthy way." I told myself this for 1 month. I was wondering if it works.
it works! my body started storing fat in my breasts. It went from 80C to 90C in about 3 months. Perfect for me now. if you're not happy with yourself, try a mental affirmation.
for me, my Venus is in a special place. so it has always been important how I look. I am demanding and vain. which I never hide, This is how I love myself. But the fact is that propaganda is unfortunately harmful to women's mental health. fortunately, thin women are loved by men just as much as more feminine plump ladies.
Thin women want to be shapely, and plump women want to be thinner. Where is the truth here?!🙂
What do you think of a man who is the opposite and likes women with a physique similar to Apollonie Sabatier or Mata Hari?
The funny thing is that there is no famous woman or from the Hollywood industry that I find attractive in the least, the current modern standards seem totally artificial to me and I totally abhor them.
It's perfectly fine. There is no one ideal type for everyone.

Hollywood is just stupid, I never pay attention to it. I rarely even watch tv or movies anyway.
Hormone replacement and the gym.
Using synthetic hormones such as steroids and other similar drugs that alter your hormonal production is extremely harmful and can permanently damage your health, avoid it.
Hormone replacement and the gym.
If you need the first thing it's because your diet is close to literal shit. For the majority of people who have hormone imbalances IS because of the food they eat from processed meals/snacks to ANY consumption of processed white sugar.

For rare cases we have Planetary Squares for this or related spiritual workings but people need to consider the diet first.
May I strongly suggest not to put the "oven emoji" on someone's post just because they don't like the unnatural path you mentioned which is hormone therapy.

Exercise is all a must of course, that goes without saying but I probably need to actually say it here because people like to take things out of context. Not saying you personally but anyone with ill intent but I digress lol.
My post was written about changing your body to the one you want.
That's pretty obvious
I think what's obvious is that was shit advice and you're only getting called out for that specific part. No need to be defensive as all I'm doing is giving you a reality check for yourself.
I think what's obvious is that was shit advice and you're only getting called out for that specific part. No need to be defensive as all I'm doing is giving you a reality check for yourself.
🤷‍♂️ Okay, I still think you're wrong.
No one asked you to get on the offensive lil bro, chill.
We do not tolerate harmful advice.

He could of got into his advice instead of giving off an attitude in the first reply towards me and overall it would be better to not pretend like he cares to help as it makes it look like he's just trying to fill up his amounts of replies.

You're obviously still a child and looks like you'll have a childish mindset for a while from seeing all your posts so this post will seem like an attack on you from only your perspective and the few of others here like you as at this level many as yourself don't take the chance to understand criticism as you're obviously displaying.

Feel blessed you are here because that means you actually have a chance to mentally grow up.

I think all was said and done with the advice to the OP.

The bad advice in question is harmful which we would gladly share why we know it's a bad route what he adviced, and again, I am not reffeeing to the gym part.

Don't be predictable and try to get the last word in, or do, whatever, won't be diverting with you. If you actually have something of merit to share then maybe I'll reply back to you.

For now, you made yourself look more childish with that reply. Congrats.
🤷‍♂️ Okay, I still think you're wrong.
In this case, it does not matter what you think because objectively your 'advice' is very harmful to health. There are numerous studies about this along with endless user accounts of personal usage. At the end of the day, the numerous associated health risks are not worth getting a supranormal amount of testosterone in the body. Instead, a rigorous Kundalini Yoga practice, Pranayama, and Sanskrit mantras provide the same in a healthy manner.
In this case, it does not matter what you think because objectively your 'advice' is very harmful to health. There are numerous studies about this along with endless user accounts of personal usage. At the end of the day, the numerous associated health risks are not worth getting a supranormal amount of testosterone in the body. Instead, a rigorous Kundalini Yoga practice, Pranayama, and Sanskrit mantras provide the same in a healthy manner.
I didn't say anything about testosterone, or about injecting giant doses of testosterone into the body.
You're just being ridiculous, reading p
My message to fit in with your criticism.
Simply stupid
In this case, it does not matter what you think.
Hormone replacement with progesterone, estrogen and GH with the support of an endocrinologist and regular exercise would solve the OP's insecurity about his childlike body or masculine appearance.
It's only natural and obvious, it was the most honest suggestion I could make.

Most here like to see things in an absurd way in order to simply criticize, to grow any suggestion to the harmful level by a million times.

Hormone replacement is done infrequently until a set time has elapsed.
Normally, after the change you never go back.

I'm not telling the OP to live a life focused on bodybuilding.
What do you think of a man who is the opposite and likes women with a physique similar to Apollonie Sabatier or Mata Hari?
The funny thing is that there is no famous woman or from the Hollywood industry that I find attractive in the least, the current modern standards seem totally artificial to me and I totally abhor them.
It is not obligatory to find Hollywood actresses attractive. Hollywood women are videogenic (at least they used to be, I certainly wouldn't call Hollywood nepos now attractive), that's one aspect of attractiveness. There are many others and these are cycling in and out of fashion.

The Victorian or Edwardian aesthetic is more appealing to some people precisely because it used minimal makeup and focused on the robustness of forward features. But that's to do with Pluto in Aries, Taurus and that side of the chart, among other things.
Hormone replacement with progesterone, estrogen and GH with the support of an endocrinologist and regular exercise would solve the OP's insecurity about his childlike body or masculine appearance.
It's only natural and obvious, it was the most honest suggestion I could make.

Most here like to see things in an absurd way in order to simply criticize, to grow any suggestion to the harmful level by a million times.

Hormone replacement is done infrequently until a set time has elapsed.
Normally, after the change you never go back.

I'm not telling the OP to live a life focused on bodybuilding.
Randomly telling people to become roidtrannies isn't fixing any underlying issues. Telling OP to do roids and go gym is missing the point completely and could lead to long term consequences. Body dysmorphia can exist in anyone, even body builders, doing roids and working out doesn't fix the issue. It is psychological/spiritual in nature.
Randomly telling people to become roidtrannies isn't fixing any underlying issues. Telling OP to do roids and go gym is missing the point completely and could lead to long term consequences. Body dysmorphia can exist in anyone, even body builders, doing roids and working out doesn't fix the issue. It is psychological/spiritual in nature.
You completely ignored the reality that these things would lead to the desired development and the desired joy.
I've already rebutted the point about it being harmful, now they say the problem is mental and not physical, and now I disprove it.

What's next?

"Sometimes you just need to make yourself look the way you want."
Problems and more problems, I destroy one lie and then another.
No argument was fixed, several changes were necessary to fulfill the desire for retaliation with excellence.
But unfortunately it's all very ridiculous and absurd

I don't think it's difficult to forget your pride and simply say that "given the context, your suggestion isn't bad, it really has nothing to do with the schizophrenia I've created in my head".
You completely ignored the reality that these things would lead to the desired development and the desired joy.
I've already rebutted the point about it being harmful, now they say the problem is mental and not physical, and now I disprove it.

What's next?

"Sometimes you just need to make yourself look the way you want."
You disproved nothing, you did not read nor comprehend OP's post, because she identified that the issue is psychological. Read how many times she talks about feelings and acceptance.

It is not biological, if there were a diagnosed phyisiological dysfunction then medication could be appropriate, but this is not your place to determine and not your place to advise injecting hormones, especially when you don't have the facts and you clearly do not understand neither the person nor problem you are advising on.

Problems and more problems, I destroy one lie and then another.
No argument was fixed, several changes were necessary to fulfill the desire for retaliation with excellence.
But unfortunately it's all very ridiculous and absurd

I don't think it's difficult to forget your pride and simply say that "given the context, your suggestion isn't bad, it really has nothing to do with the schizophrenia I've created in my head".
What is ridiculous and absurd is how you either didn't read or didn't comprehend the OP yet you are advising on it anyway without even understanding or elaborating the risks of introducing exogenous hormones into your body.

What is more ridiculous and absurd is your attitude when faced with disagreement.
You disproved nothing, you did not read nor comprehend OP's post
She feels less like a woman and claims she looks like a teenager going through puberty.
And she hasn't identified any possibility of what to do with herself.

There's certainly no one asking her to accept herself, it's simply an outburst.
The feeling was caused by a situation that makes her uncomfortable.

The bad feeling about herself seems to be the result of her own perception of her body.
But she also claimed in a non-direct way that a more developed body with more curves is the desired one and one with possibilities that are possible for her to see.

This can be solved by changing the body

Or with self-acceptance
Self-acceptance happens because it's impossible to change, so the way to deal with something you feel uncomfortable about is simply by accepting it so as not to suffer (by lying to yourself) and creating happiness through it.

I support both, but I believe that modification is more efficient and better depending on the financial situation and desire for it.

But, you see, if someone had the opportunity to change their body to the one they wanted quickly, easily and painlessly, they would certainly do it.
In other words, self-acceptance is a useful lie.

As I said, you and other people want to distort what I've said to mean: "Put yourself on huge doses of hormones without a doctor's prescription and die from it".
But obviously that's not exactly what I said.
I'm a person who supports everything that's useful.
The tips on self-acceptance are good for me, they serve a purpose.

Change your perception

Or do things from your perception

Changing your perception is easier, but no fun at all

Doing things from your own perception requires courage to challenge yourself and get to where you want to go. Here it was necessary to confront your ideas
A strange question for you.
If it sounds crazy, it's because I "misjudged" you

When you're meditating, do you focus on what's spacious? Free and unnameable?

Ignore me if you don't have an answer
Just give me a like to show that you read the message.
In addition to what Nova666 wrote about affirmation, I am including Shannon's post about breast growth and health below, as it may help some women:
Hi, sorry for the late response.

If one just so happens to have an interest in increasing their breast growth and keeping them healthy, you can do a couple things.

Breast massages using the energy from the palm chakras, especially. You massage your breast in a circular motion while directing the energy and focusing on them at a nice and proportionate size. Depending on your desired size, it can take a little. The breast massaging will also help the lymph circulation. Rub the palms together first to increase energy flow.

The sanskrit mantra Vriddhi helps a lot as it has to do with growth and augmentation.

I also find that collagen helps the breast maintain bounce, perk and suppleness. It can slightly enlarge because of its "plumping" effect.

The herb Vitex (chaste tree), which was already mentioned, helps to balance progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for the fat deposits in the breasts. There are other herbs that have a reported effect on increasing breast growth but I wont list them here as any of them have phyto-estrogens and because most women are estrogen dominant, that wouldn't be a good idea. There are enough xeno-estrogens in our environment. The Vitex is the safest and works on balancing the hormones by working with the pituitary.

Overall increasing the amount of healthy fats can add additional fat on the body, giving a more voluptuous form. The healthy fats wont disrupt the hormones and give an undesirable kind of weight gain. But as with all fats though, too much will make you gain weight disproportionately.
even though I'm an adult, I still have a body that seems to be less developed, when we think of adult women we usually think of everything voluptuous, but I'm quite the opposite, I look like a teenager entering puberty...The problem is, I feel less of a woman or I feel like someone underdeveloped or a boy (I don't want to change genders, it's just a feeling, because I don't have many curves or breasts this is associated with masculinity and I've seen many phrases like that )
I don't know how I could use my body for anything, tall women can use it for modeling, stronger women can use it for weightlifting. And how can I accept myself, accept my features?
Highlight your best features. You have to accept what you have. Also, genetics plays a part and the nutrition we received or lack thereof.

What is your diet like? The best thing you can do is increase the healthy fats that you consume. No margarine or hydrogenated gmo vegetable oils.

Just physically speaking, I can tell you now that eating healthy fats, milk (from healthy, pastured animals) grass fed meat, butter, eggs and tallow will make your body curvier and fill in— hips, breasts and buttocks. There is a limit to this though.

Our cells are made of saturated fats and so are our hormones. This solves and or helps with infertility too. Don’t listen to the low-fat BS fad.

Healthy fats and good animal protein is missing in needed in our diets. Start with nutrition.

Don’t lose your mind trying to alter your body, just stay balanced and give your body what it needs naturally and let the rest happen.

Femininity is not just body size and shape, as everyone has pretty much highlighted here. Like HPS Lydia mentioned, dressing up, doing your hair, jewelry, light make up helps. You are feminine, you are a woman, keep that in mind. You embody the feminine principle, your body shape doesn’t change that.
Have you high Mercury or Gemini/Virgo influence in your Natal Chart?
Mercurial people may tend to look younger than they are.
Hi, how are you? I don't have any Gemini or Virgo in my chart, my Mercury is in Leo...and it's not my ascendant.It's on the Jos page that you have more knowledge or you study and realize that generally X person has a Y appearance based on the map...?
Hi, how are you? I don't have any Gemini or Virgo in my chart, my Mercury is in Leo...and it's not my ascendant.It's on the Jos page that you have more knowledge or you study and realize that generally X person has a Y appearance based on the map...?
I somehow study Astrology and I have noticed how people body aspect is partially reflected by the planets. For example people with Jupiter as chart ruler, in 1st house or with strong influence may have a large body (this can be fat or muscles, according to how you live your life, and also Mars energies). I am not that expert but I trained my mind to analyze facts under the Astrological point of view, and also energetic; while I observe general facts I try to explain to myself why this happens.
Saturn is also responsible for "smaller" body parts. Many years ago I had a partner whose Saturn was aspecting my chart ruler. On the long run, I ended up loosing weight (I am not a small person for my nature, so this was external effect).
Being voluptuous is of Jupiter, being small is of Saturn, looking young and teenager-like is of Mercury, so on.
What I was trying to say is, you are not "wrong" for how you are and look. This simply may be your nature according to your planets.

I also know a person whose body is rather small and light, low-height and few muscles around. I do not remember her placement of Mars but she has strong legs (possibly in Sagittarius?); this person is very good in cycling sport, as small and light cyclists may be stronger in climbing hills, she says.
Running is also good for small people, martial arts for small and quick people, why not?, gymnastic. You can use your body in multiple good ways for you.
Each person is somehow strong, each of us has strengths. Big, voluptous, grown is not always equal to better.
Also, smaller and leaner people tend to have less problems in old age (my personal opinion), due to lower stress on back, joints, and organs. While may be weaker where strength is required.

Don't blame how you are. Otherwise all the "small" people like Asians would be blamed... but I see they can be very strong and valuable in multiple ways.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
