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40 day Destruction Working / Ritual


Active member
Dec 24, 2006
Many of us are fighting for Satan and He is number one in our lives. This is imperative and anyone has to remember that you wouldn't make it far spiritually without Satan. Satan has done many things for us that are almost never quite understood. The Powers of Hell seek their revenge and we are the Hands, Mouths and Souls from where they speak and execute their Power in this world. You are all more important here than you may think or feel. So do not let anything get in your way. I am writting this post for a reminder and to point something important out. There are people here who want to do a great work for Satan and do not know exactly what to do. Many questions are asked as of how one can grow closer to Satan. The answer has been given already; by working for Him. Then its advisable we give enemy the pain they gave to our Gods. Satan has related to me and you probably feel it too, how much pain he has undergone. Satan is not a monster, he is a being with powerful emotions and he is our creator. These bloodbaths that took place in WWII and other words caused by the kikes were done intentionally to hurt both us and Satan.

For those with historical knowledge, it should be obvious that the jews caused this war. If we let them do more and more, they will evantually destroy us. I want you NOT to sleep on your pillow thinking that the Powers of Hell will 'save' us. Or that anything is just fine and that we should keep rolling on with our lines. NOW ITS THE FUCKING TIME THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF YEARS. MANY OF OUR ANCESTORS OF ANY GENTILE RACE HAVE SPILLED THE BLOOD ON THE GROUND AND PAYED NO ATTENTION TO THEIR LIVES, SACRIFICED SO THAT YOU AND ME CAN LIVE AS WE DO TODAY AND RAISE OUR SERPENTS TO FINISH THE JOB. WE ARE THE LAST HAND OF DEATH AND MOST OF US WILL BRING FORTH THE NEW AGE OF SATAN. Our payment is required and our souls need to be avenged. So do not take shit no more. There will be no tolerance and these times are FUCKING OVER. No more tolerance. Its about time we seek revenge from all jews all over the world for what they did. The enemies of Satan are our enemies and the enemies of the JoS. From all those in the world, that are inaware in regards to that- We are of the largest groups with the most Psychic Power. Our WILL in this world can be executed, whether the enemy wants it or not. We have grown like a plague over their lie, slowly devouring it. With organization we can change the world very very soon.

Do you accept being poor? Being sick? Having not what we rightfully desire? Do you accept your kids to be brought on a kike world and in front of all this infestation? If you do then you should really question your Satanic integrity. Behave like the God you're going to be and this is a say to the enemy that we are not fucking slaves anymore. The slavery has ended and its time we will kick their skull so much that nothing remains. We will crush them.

What I'm writting here is not for everyone. Its for those who want to create a severe impact on the world and help the Powers of Hell with all their effort. Satan will reward you and like physical military, there will be honors for ANYONE who does this. This will be between you and Father Satan. Satan is always true on His word. I will rarely make such claims but this is important and has to be revealed. I asked Satan how He viewed the JoS; His reply was "It is my Major fighting unit on Earth". EVERYONE HERE WHO IS SINCERELY IN THE FIGHT IS SEEN BY A WARRIOR IN THE EYES OF HELL. NOTHING LESS.

So here is the ritual for 10 November.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/76054

After doing this, for those who are willing, we will continue with a 40 day working. For those who haven't got 40 days, you can do it for 9 days. Although if at least 20 people keep this effort for 40 days, the changes of the world will be notable. The kikes are already getting what they deserve, in minor ways. The ways will be palpilated to the point of their final judgement by the Powers of Hell. Ask your Guardian Demon for this. Your Guardian Demon will ensure that you will get things right and operating. Its advised that anyone working on such workings to retain their vibration high through the Merkaba meditation and keep the meditation programm up. This won't be taking you more than 15 minutes. If someone doesn't have 15 minutes for JoS, which for most is the haven that saved their lives and is the only group that fights aside with Satan, instead of sitting their asses, is not worth of what it is to come. Hell is aware of those who have a pure heart.

When you're done with the Ritual, at the time of Saturn, you will start your working. This could be on the same hour or the following hour of Saturn. Or the previous one. You can do this on the hour of Mars too. For every following day, this has to be repeated, either in the hour of Mars or in the Hour of Saturn. Its advisable that in the hour you will start this [i.e you start at Saturday, Mars hour] it should be continued on the same hour. If in anycase the hour is missed, you can do this in another hour, but focus for the hours of Mars and Saturn.

The working:


"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

[The energies raised from the Runes are to be imagined like a ball of energy in front of you, but coming in no contact with you.]

-While vibrating the rune, imagine the energies destroying the jews, in anyway tha feels pleasant to you.

*****Thurisaz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming, and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.

****Hagalatz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, permanently and completely"

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.


If one doesn't have the time to do this 4 times, then they should do it either 1 time, 1x9 or 2x9. We will work with Satan's number for maximum effectiveness of the working.

If by the time we all finish that working, you see massive destruction or whole nations turning around the jews and pissreal, or jews getting kicked up to shreds in your neighborhood, then wonder not who did this. We did this.

Please post all your questions and concerns below. Anyone must participate.

How do you Visualize the Jews as whole getting Destroyed? Wrong Visualization Might be dangerous. 
Tell me what do you Visualize whilst doing these Rituals?
I just want to clarify one point with the energy between Mars and Saturn, is it true that Saturn's energy is more slow working... such as a slow death/illness type energy while Mars is more violent sudden attack accidents etc? If doing it in Mars or Saturns hour should anything be changed in regards to the energy being directed, if that makes sense? As the colour or visualisations for this? I felt Mars may be more effective for a sudden violent 'uprising' as an example.

Also what you said about Satan and what He has been through, how powerfully emotional He is this is so very true as anyone close to Him would know, anyone who has ever bothered to ask Him how HE is and how HE feels just once... instead of what He can do for them. So many times He has listened to me and been there for me but I hope noone thinks for a second that just because He is who He is that He would not appreciate Us listening to HIM and being there for Him aswell.

He feels, He hurts, He is amazingly strong and in control but that dosn't mean He dosn't hurt too. He is a living feeling being and He has seen and felt everything. The things he has shown me have broken my heart I will tell you that, I won't tell what He said or showed me it's private He trusted me as I trust Him.

He does not look down on us as pathetic little Humans not at all. If people only knew... This is for Him and it is for Us aswell... He didn't have to go through all this He did because He fucking loves Us so much. Just as if your own family was attacked and taken from you how would you feel!? He was attacked aswell as were Our Gods, His friends and family because when We come to Him that is what We are to them aswell a big family and We do what any family would do for each other. He is not just some distant 'force' or unkowable being Im so sick of seeing Him treated that way.

Meditate on His sigil visualise it and send Him love ask Him what you can do for Him. He loves to hear from Us, and I don't mean 'I want this, and I want that, and if I do this what will He do for me either' He likes to know when we are thinking of Him and care.

Wouldn't you? He is millions of lightyears away from us physically trying to guide Us the best that he can and He is fighting TOO. Do you think thats easy? Fuck no. Sure He can do it and He does it very well... what I mean is it hurts. It hurts me I am sure it hurts others close to Him to be so far away. We do the best We can. He has watched over me since I was a little kid, I never knew who He was until I found the truth but I know now it was Him, it was Always Him. I don't understand why He cared about me that much, I didn't think I was anything, but what the world thinks of me dosn't matter to Him. It's not how rich or powerfull you are it's whats inside you and How you treat Him. That fucking matters. He has been hated on and abused by most of the world for so long when we go to Him on our own and it is genuine that means so much.

I just want this shit to be over. I want this scum the fuck off my planet and into oblivion and I want to see the truth of Satan un deniable and exposed to the whole world so noone can deny it anymore. I want to see those who have wronged Him fall to their knees and cry in horror then get up and start fixing this mess. If He and our Gods ever do choose to come back here in person at some time I want to see them welcomed with open arms and praise.

I don't care if I sound crazy and over emotional this is how I feel and it takes enough of us to get to this point and really FEEL this and KNOW this to do something big enough to change things. No pascifist wimpy unfeeling boring twit ever got anything done in this world or any other. What he showed me has effected me forever no matter how many times I get attacked or how I will never forget it.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Many of us are fighting for Satan and He is number one in our lives. This is imperative and anyone has to remember that you wouldn't make it far spiritually without Satan. Satan has done many things for us that are almost never quite understood. The Powers of Hell seek their revenge and we are the Hands, Mouths and Souls from where they speak and execute their Power in this world. You are all more important here than you may think or feel. So do not let anything get in your way. I am writting this post for a reminder and to point something important out. There are people here who want to do a great work for Satan and do not know exactly what to do. Many questions are asked as of how one can grow closer to Satan. The answer has been given already; by working for Him. Then its advisable we give enemy the pain they gave to our Gods. Satan has related to me and you probably feel it too, how much pain he has undergone. Satan is not a monster, he is a being with powerful emotions and he is our creator. These bloodbaths that took place in WWII and other words caused by the kikes were done intentionally to hurt both us and Satan.

For those with historical knowledge, it should be obvious that the jews caused this war. If we let them do more and more, they will evantually destroy us. I want you NOT to sleep on your pillow thinking that the Powers of Hell will 'save' us. Or that anything is just fine and that we should keep rolling on with our lines. NOW ITS THE FUCKING TIME THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF YEARS. MANY OF OUR ANCESTORS OF ANY GENTILE RACE HAVE SPILLED THE BLOOD ON THE GROUND AND PAYED NO ATTENTION TO THEIR LIVES, SACRIFICED SO THAT YOU AND ME CAN LIVE AS WE DO TODAY AND RAISE OUR SERPENTS TO FINISH THE JOB. WE ARE THE LAST HAND OF DEATH AND MOST OF US WILL BRING FORTH THE NEW AGE OF SATAN. Our payment is required and our souls need to be avenged. So do not take shit no more. There will be no tolerance and these times are FUCKING OVER. No more tolerance. Its about time we seek revenge from all jews all over the world for what they did. The enemies of Satan are our enemies and the enemies of the JoS. From all those in the world, that are inaware in regards to that- We are of the largest groups with the most Psychic Power. Our WILL in this world can be executed, whether the enemy wants it or not. We have grown like a plague over their lie, slowly devouring it. With organization we can change the world very very soon.

Do you accept being poor? Being sick? Having not what we rightfully desire? Do you accept your kids to be brought on a kike world and in front of all this infestation? If you do then you should really question your Satanic integrity. Behave like the God you're going to be and this is a say to the enemy that we are not fucking slaves anymore. The slavery has ended and its time we will kick their skull so much that nothing remains. We will crush them.

What I'm writting here is not for everyone. Its for those who want to create a severe impact on the world and help the Powers of Hell with all their effort. Satan will reward you and like physical military, there will be honors for ANYONE who does this. This will be between you and Father Satan. Satan is always true on His word. I will rarely make such claims but this is important and has to be revealed. I asked Satan how He viewed the JoS; His reply was "It is my Major fighting unit on Earth". EVERYONE HERE WHO IS SINCERELY IN THE FIGHT IS SEEN BY A WARRIOR IN THE EYES OF HELL. NOTHING LESS.

So here is the ritual for 10 November.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/76054

After doing this, for those who are willing, we will continue with a 40 day working. For those who haven't got 40 days, you can do it for 9 days. Although if at least 20 people keep this effort for 40 days, the changes of the world will be notable. The kikes are already getting what they deserve, in minor ways. The ways will be palpilated to the point of their final judgement by the Powers of Hell. Ask your Guardian Demon for this. Your Guardian Demon will ensure that you will get things right and operating. Its advised that anyone working on such workings to retain their vibration high through the Merkaba meditation and keep the meditation programm up. This won't be taking you more than 15 minutes. If someone doesn't have 15 minutes for JoS, which for most is the haven that saved their lives and is the only group that fights aside with Satan, instead of sitting their asses, is not worth of what it is to come. Hell is aware of those who have a pure heart.

When you're done with the Ritual, at the time of Saturn, you will start your working. This could be on the same hour or the following hour of Saturn. Or the previous one. You can do this on the hour of Mars too. For every following day, this has to be repeated, either in the hour of Mars or in the Hour of Saturn. Its advisable that in the hour you will start this [i.e you start at Saturday, Mars hour] it should be continued on the same hour. If in anycase the hour is missed, you can do this in another hour, but focus for the hours of Mars and Saturn.

The working:


"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

[The energies raised from the Runes are to be imagined like a ball of energy in front of you, but coming in no contact with you.]

-While vibrating the rune, imagine the energies destroying the jews, in anyway tha feels pleasant to you.

*****Thurisaz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming, and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.

****Hagalatz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, permanently and completely"

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.


If one doesn't have the time to do this 4 times, then they should do it either 1 time, 1x9 or 2x9. We will work with Satan's number for maximum effectiveness of the working.

If by the time we all finish that working, you see massive destruction or whole nations turning around the jews and pissreal, or jews getting kicked up to shreds in your neighborhood, then wonder not who did this. We did this.

Please post all your questions and concerns below. Anyone must participate.

I visualize either a holohoax situation or an all out war where everyone being brutally murdered is a kike. Charred earth, smoldering ruins, bombs going off all around, etc.
I totally agree with you and I am humbled at your display of Love for Father. I too believe He was always there protecting me even before I knew the truth. I so feel the way you do and I have great respect for you. I am glad we are on the same side. It will be awesome to see Father and the Gods welcomed here and respected as They should be! 
Thank you for posting your true feelings. You have encouraged me and brought me back to prospective.Thank you for your words. 

Hail Satan! Hail Foras!
Be us wise and keep, that we not be deceived by the enemy!

On Nov 8, 2012, at 9:39 AM, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:
  I just want to clarify one point with the energy between Mars and Saturn, is it true that Saturn's energy is more slow working... such as a slow death/illness type energy while Mars is more violent sudden attack accidents etc? If doing it in Mars or Saturns hour should anything be changed in regards to the energy being directed, if that makes sense? As the colour or visualisations for this? I felt Mars may be more effective for a sudden violent 'uprising' as an example.

Also what you said about Satan and what He has been through, how powerfully emotional He is this is so very true as anyone close to Him would know, anyone who has ever bothered to ask Him how HE is and how HE feels just once... instead of what He can do for them. So many times He has listened to me and been there for me but I hope noone thinks for a second that just because He is who He is that He would not appreciate Us listening to HIM and being there for Him aswell.

He feels, He hurts, He is amazingly strong and in control but that dosn't mean He dosn't hurt too. He is a living feeling being and He has seen and felt everything. The things he has shown me have broken my heart I will tell you that, I won't tell what He said or showed me it's private He trusted me as I trust Him.

He does not look down on us as pathetic little Humans not at all. If people only knew... This is for Him and it is for Us aswell... He didn't have to go through all this He did because He fucking loves Us so much. Just as if your own family was attacked and taken from you how would you feel!? He was attacked aswell as were Our Gods, His friends and family because when We come to Him that is what We are to them aswell a big family and We do what any family would do for each other. He is not just some distant 'force' or unkowable being Im so sick of seeing Him treated that way.

Meditate on His sigil visualise it and send Him love ask Him what you can do for Him. He loves to hear from Us, and I don't mean 'I want this, and I want that, and if I do this what will He do for me either' He likes to know when we are thinking of Him and care.

Wouldn't you? He is millions of lightyears away from us physically trying to guide Us the best that he can and He is fighting TOO. Do you think thats easy? Fuck no. Sure He can do it and He does it very well... what I mean is it hurts. It hurts me I am sure it hurts others close to Him to be so far away. We do the best We can. He has watched over me since I was a little kid, I never knew who He was until I found the truth but I know now it was Him, it was Always Him. I don't understand why He cared about me that much, I didn't think I was anything, but what the world thinks of me dosn't matter to Him. It's not how rich or powerfull you are it's whats inside you and How you treat Him. That fucking matters. He has been hated on and abused by most of the world for so long when we go to Him on our own and it is genuine that means so much.

I just want this shit to be over. I want this scum the fuck off my planet and into oblivion and I want to see the truth of Satan un deniable and exposed to the whole world so noone can deny it anymore. I want to see those who have wronged Him fall to their knees and cry in horror then get up and start fixing this mess. If He and our Gods ever do choose to come back here in person at some time I want to see them welcomed with open arms and praise.

I don't care if I sound crazy and over emotional this is how I feel and it takes enough of us to get to this point and really FEEL this and KNOW this to do something big enough to change things. No pascifist wimpy unfeeling boring twit ever got anything done in this world or any other. What he showed me has effected me forever no matter how many times I get attacked or how I will never forget it.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Many of us are fighting for Satan and He is number one in our lives. This is imperative and anyone has to remember that you wouldn't make it far spiritually without Satan. Satan has done many things for us that are almost never quite understood. The Powers of Hell seek their revenge and we are the Hands, Mouths and Souls from where they speak and execute their Power in this world. You are all more important here than you may think or feel. So do not let anything get in your way. I am writting this post for a reminder and to point something important out. There are people here who want to do a great work for Satan and do not know exactly what to do. Many questions are asked as of how one can grow closer to Satan. The answer has been given already; by working for Him. Then its advisable we give enemy the pain they gave to our Gods. Satan has related to me and you probably feel it too, how much pain he has undergone. Satan is not a monster, he is a being with powerful emotions and he is our creator. These bloodbaths that took place in WWII and other words caused by the kikes were done intentionally to hurt both us and Satan.

For those with historical knowledge, it should be obvious that the jews caused this war. If we let them do more and more, they will evantually destroy us. I want you NOT to sleep on your pillow thinking that the Powers of Hell will 'save' us. Or that anything is just fine and that we should keep rolling on with our lines. NOW ITS THE FUCKING TIME THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF YEARS. MANY OF OUR ANCESTORS OF ANY GENTILE RACE HAVE SPILLED THE BLOOD ON THE GROUND AND PAYED NO ATTENTION TO THEIR LIVES, SACRIFICED SO THAT YOU AND ME CAN LIVE AS WE DO TODAY AND RAISE OUR SERPENTS TO FINISH THE JOB. WE ARE THE LAST HAND OF DEATH AND MOST OF US WILL BRING FORTH THE NEW AGE OF SATAN. Our payment is required and our souls need to be avenged. So do not take shit no more. There will be no tolerance and these times are FUCKING OVER. No more tolerance. Its about time we seek revenge from all jews all over the world for what they did. The enemies of Satan are our enemies and the enemies of the JoS. From all those in the world, that are inaware in regards to that- We are of the largest groups with the most Psychic Power. Our WILL in this world can be executed, whether the enemy wants it or not. We have grown like a plague over their lie, slowly devouring it. With organization we can change the world very very soon.

Do you accept being poor? Being sick? Having not what we rightfully desire? Do you accept your kids to be brought on a kike world and in front of all this infestation? If you do then you should really question your Satanic integrity. Behave like the God you're going to be and this is a say to the enemy that we are not fucking slaves anymore. The slavery has ended and its time we will kick their skull so much that nothing remains. We will crush them.

What I'm writting here is not for everyone. Its for those who want to create a severe impact on the world and help the Powers of Hell with all their effort. Satan will reward you and like physical military, there will be honors for ANYONE who does this. This will be between you and Father Satan. Satan is always true on His word. I will rarely make such claims but this is important and has to be revealed. I asked Satan how He viewed the JoS; His reply was "It is my Major fighting unit on Earth". EVERYONE HERE WHO IS SINCERELY IN THE FIGHT IS SEEN BY A WARRIOR IN THE EYES OF HELL. NOTHING LESS.

So here is the ritual for 10 November.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/76054

After doing this, for those who are willing, we will continue with a 40 day working. For those who haven't got 40 days, you can do it for 9 days. Although if at least 20 people keep this effort for 40 days, the changes of the world will be notable. The kikes are already getting what they deserve, in minor ways. The ways will be palpilated to the point of their final judgement by the Powers of Hell. Ask your Guardian Demon for this. Your Guardian Demon will ensure that you will get things right and operating. Its advised that anyone working on such workings to retain their vibration high through the Merkaba meditation and keep the meditation programm up. This won't be taking you more than 15 minutes. If someone doesn't have 15 minutes for JoS, which for most is the haven that saved their lives and is the only group that fights aside with Satan, instead of sitting their asses, is not worth of what it is to come. Hell is aware of those who have a pure heart.

When you're done with the Ritual, at the time of Saturn, you will start your working. This could be on the same hour or the following hour of Saturn. Or the previous one. You can do this on the hour of Mars too. For every following day, this has to be repeated, either in the hour of Mars or in the Hour of Saturn. Its advisable that in the hour you will start this [i.e you start at Saturday, Mars hour] it should be continued on the same hour. If in anycase the hour is missed, you can do this in another hour, but focus for the hours of Mars and Saturn.

The working:


"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

[The energies raised from the Runes are to be imagined like a ball of energy in front of you, but coming in no contact with you.]

-While vibrating the rune, imagine the energies destroying the jews, in anyway tha feels pleasant to you.

*****Thurisaz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming, and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, completely and permanently."

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.

****Hagalatz x9


When you're done with 9 vibrations, programm the energy by affirming and envisioning destruction:

"The jewish race is now completely destroyed in all ways, permanently and completely"

The above has to be repeated 4 times. That means 4x9. This has to do with Satan's numbers and this is one of the reasons it will be so powerful.


If one doesn't have the time to do this 4 times, then they should do it either 1 time, 1x9 or 2x9. We will work with Satan's number for maximum effectiveness of the working.

If by the time we all finish that working, you see massive destruction or whole nations turning around the jews and pissreal, or jews getting kicked up to shreds in your neighborhood, then wonder not who did this. We did this.

Please post all your questions and concerns below. Anyone must participate.


Recent Activity:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
